HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-23, Page 1tetetWehatetefeith-144WeePPPPeePPPeetert" 111100111.11010101 th* NOW Hrie to. yehar Wand" ****.ttetetrehaufeeeth*Vref-V-Y*11440 Votaarasmio_30%. StOltialrr Publisher, her a COMPlete dock •ot woos*, Clothe, Jewelry, llverwarte Cutlery, Chins, SPeotaelee, sod all kinde of small noveltiel in Ebony and Sterling Silver, Cut Steel, Elide 00tabs, Parsee, Fano, Eta., in feet you will find eveeything here that is to be toned in a liretailase jewelry °tore. ngrave all oracles bought here free of drove, and es we expect • a lobof this kind of work to do, we would pals you to admit your • *Molea. and let us know the en. " graving you would like on them as loon ae poesible, ao it will eave ne a lot of trouble, and we will beable to do a nicer job for you. • • 41110 REMEMBER Alesatieleabonight here engraved free of oherge: When will 'Yoh be In? B. 'CREW Jeweler ExpertWatehRepairer nd Opti‘diall ' limberly Wannme 13nras.-Angtis McLellan, One of the pioneer eettlere of this place, M last havrng arrived at the conclusion that it was not good for man to live alone, on Wediseielay lest took to hint, self a 'wife, in the person a Mies Mo. Leod, of Ripley. The lumpy couple Were given a reception by the bort, PnEssieraterotes,.... David Cathcart left ba" Thurtide with HU wife:. OlisTTON, ONTARIO, IVIAROPI .31 19004 News of the Nei 'Oesylbild • . *••• NOTTS.-lee. McKenzie, brother g hborh oodi Denahl gicKent Goderich townehi le honie from oliennesburg, Soot Attlee. Mies II riet Frazer attend • * the wedding of her brother last wee 11' and returned home Friday. aceonipa led by her brother and hie bride. A. * ter the concert last Friday night, se eral stayed to trip the fatitaetic an SlinItillad by the New iirePs 'teldMateake and reliable eorriesPeridelite 14114-10104104 Boderiels Tewnsbip. ExOnarteina-jainee Laithwaite has Purchased froth Robert Ferris. Of liar. lock, a line ehorthorn bull all months,. for $90. He has also rented lots 47 and 48 to Wm Lobb, of Porter's for *400. of Which, posseere* n will ,,bp and brolly, for N1eon, B. 0„ whereC011etange. they purpose making their future 'Ortionaore-e-A lime light Stere0P- home. A number of neighboragath. Wan entertainment, Illustrating ;the ered at their home the evening before Low Lands of Scotland. win, be given their. departure, and presented them. bY Rev. T. B. Cloopland, In the Meth. with a• ;mese, accompanied bY an ad. odist church, at Constance, on Tues. dress; Mr Cathcart and fanilly home day, March 27th at 7.80 *M. The the beet wishes of this community, above will be accompanied Withanune Jaime Duun and family were also pre. •ber of Optigraph, or moving pictures, seated with a handeome couch Prior and, if time permits, a few South to their leaving for Manitoba. African war pictures may , be shown., • DIED. -Oa' Sunday. March 18th, nGood local music gloom was cast over this placeoo hear. arnetneeze-A. pretty wedding took ittg of the death of Allan McLean, af- plate at theetesidence of, the bride's ter a severe illness of a few dayi with parents on Monday, March 10th, when Inflammation of the bowelo.. Mrs Me- MOO Alice, daughter of John H. Medd, Lean died about four years ago, and was Married to ()has, Reid, Rey, lir he wart left -with an aged mother and - 0ouplandl. of Londesboro, officiating. five small children, to whom he was The aileAr was a quiet one. and the vet/ much attathed. Deceased vraaa happy coupht. left .next dAy for theit. in father and neighbor, and lus such future owe arn u N.W. T., fol - den demise will be severely felt in the lowed by well wishes from their friend community., -Efis remains were in.. for a joyous, and happy turneY west, terred In Kincardine cemeterir on and that their lifeshould eepe"of bliss, whoee church lie was a member, con- who were residents of our village and Tuesday; Rev K. Miller, Ashfie d. of IstoTES.-Shice June last fiVe ladies -ducted the ,eervices, The bereard alt living within a stone throw fnarom a concert was • held in the Methodist more are to follow, and yet some say church here on the. Oth inst. The marriage is failure. Y°88gP8°Ple in little ones haveour heartfelteympat y. each other have chanrd their nnte rumor (rays PATnicatio' CONCERT.-Apatrio.thfrom Miss to Mrs and weather being Vera' 11nfarorahie, there the village are rather scarce owinfite -, excellent, and those who . were not respondent. When we read of our sis- was not the crow there would have those chaeges. We were naistt a en been under more fa,vorable circum. last week In calling stances. However, the program was the tavern; -it was tg Mistakthe corner store, e of a cor- Ex t there Wised -the treat of the seasona tertowns andvillayes-holding.celebra- Lase Ortaten.-The law office of Col ilus ee Stimbury will not be dceed on account of .)11ins' death. M -•,teribury, who carne here about a yea Atto, has succee in holdina a large practice and is .g adually adding to his •Iriencis here. This fano doubt due to his valua,ble legal experience in Toron to, combined with the •fact that the name is well and favorably known throughout the district north of Exet -er. r Stanburar will be welcomed a permanent citizen o the Village. , NOTES. -Iteys. Min rd• and Martin - he - NOTES. -Mr and Mrs lames Bradley, comingly attired. he wedding dinner of Toronto, are spending a few weeks was excellent and would satisfy the with friends here. Wm. L. Blair has most fastidious. The presents were rented his farm for a term of Years to numerous and costly and showed the Joseph Smeltzer. Robt. J. and Mrs esteem in which they are held. Mr Bradley spent a few days last week in and Mrs McGregor intend making the vicinity of .F3elgrave. Mrs Entry their homes near Woodstock, where • Courtney added another to the popu. McGregor has secured a cheese fac- lation OUr• burr by presenting Fier tory. We extend to Mr andiMrs Mc - husband with a bouncing boy. Dre. Gregor our very beet wiehei for their MeCtimmon and Secord performed a future prosperity. • - . , • successful surgical operation on Airs . . . Donald Blue on Thursday last; we are Gederscb. . • • THE TURF. -At a o Rev O. Heine, pastor a the church, tione over the retie of Ladysmith we ably filled the Chair. Rev, Dr Murray, feel sorry we were not a more limner. Kincardine, delighted the audience for ous people inConstaece, so that are too r over an hour with his lecture, "What could make joyousover such an iMport- r; I saw in Italy." Rev Miller; Ash. ant event, but We all felt. cheered over field, gave a splendid patriotic address; the good news. he showed how Great Britain was jus- Wurinneet.--.A: happy -event which Trifled indroing to ;war in South Africa. always cause a Owe of receitement UL Kincardine, gave short addresses.' °any ore Wednesday, ffist inst., when - lea L. rant and Jas. Northe B. A., took place at the residence of Mrs Mc. Patriotic songs and' quartettes were her dautrhter, Atary.,..Wati, united in - given by members of tho choir. Pro- marriage to john Meat* r th coeds amounted to $1 which will be. presence of &number of invited guests, forwarded to the , National Patriotic the Rev. Mr Coupland officiating. The Fund. . bride looked very pretty and was be. -exchanged Pulpits' le.se Sabbath morn big. Richard Yellow a d Miss Jessie ,ItIorthccitt, of Exeter North, were wedded at the bride's bome on Thurs- day of this week. • R. Lem the apple king, is in Manitoba at . resent on business: Metiers W. and . Hill, sons .ot Geo. Hill, left last week fo Buffalo, where they have secured pos hies. •- llartyCantelort, wire has been host of -the Metropolitan, hotel' for th .ptiet three roontyaves on April 1 t, an other teoant " ing his place. . e e Inas bola ' spending starers' days iendesin London. The Scotch concertvele b Gav'rr d Miss l*Laing under the auspices of the Masons on Friday night, was largely attended and much appreeleeed. Amy Johns are visitrog friends in St. Mary's this week, A .drop letter box has been placed at the north end of the village and will be un. locked before eyery train by the mail venter; the Latirist Government is surely alive to the. needs of the people. S.'attartin has moved into the store lately occupied by J, lar e, and will Continue the musicand bicycle business there, Rev. Mr Russell, Of Ideaforth,Occupied the pulpit of James -St. Methodist church on Sunday last. Mr and Mes T. Hell° way, of Clinton, are visiting their daughter, Mrs Rewe, ' West Watiranosh. . Coutican. 0 - I met according to -Cjiipitit16 adaenrnixient, es all presentanin. uteri Of last meet 4 d andapproved. Treasurer's statement 'showed a bal- ance On hand of *480,85 , received and fled to report that she is doing nidely. Tu tmeetingf th ise Stowe, of Goclerich, returned last who are)85 lovers. of the turf it was de - pe ng ew wee a wi eided to hold . a Thee Meettin Gioderich_ - triencle here. las. Dickson has sold his farm to Dan. Campbell. WM. MC- on July 24th and 25th, for which nurses Tayish is moving on to his farm this ,ranthiosuninteientgwitioi r$301;800 awrtillthetboffecred, an - week; we welcome him as a citizen.' adian circuit,. being preceded by the Sanwa Grey, Ripley, 18418° in8Yiug to Seaforthraces, and followed by the hie farm nearhere this week. 04-11/40$ Whigham meet. Fifteen gentlemen McLellan fell from a 'adder in his barn . on Saturday night, and broke his col. have guaranteed $100 each towardethe lar -bone; we hope for his speedy rie purses and have entered into a legal partnership for the conductinof the covety. • - meet. They have able joined the Am- - • • St. Helens erican Trotting Association of Chicago. , A Busizeicss CHANGE. -A. change has Socaaz,t-A soda1 meeting at the VV. „been effected in R. W. McKenzie's F. M. a was held in Calvin church on hardware businesi. • Melvin W. Row Wednesday, March1.4th, when a pleas- ell, who has been with Mr McKenzie ant and profitable time was spent, re" for six yews, has been admitted into freshments were served and a good- partnership, and the establishment program esented, but -the roost in- will hereafter be conducted under the elaborate address by Miss M. . Ruth- McKenzie is one of the oldest and teresting item was the reading of an f K m erford, and the,presentation of a certi- etumt trusted merchants of the town,' ficate of life • membership teaks San- and Me Howell, although a .young dere by Mrs A. McDonald, in the name man, has establiehed himself- in the of the Auxiliary, as a slight token of confidence of the community by his their appreciation of the efficient ear. sound hueiness principles, his fair deal - Bled, ,Th rt lerk was inetructed to vice she had rendered; 6fra sanders Inge and his knowledge of hardvrare, *' drain. The following checks 'were highly appreciates the honor conferre rone,ge.i "mired :-Ed. McLean. •gravel, $2.8t ; upon her, ere she left for her neer home ,Jae. Lyon,gravel, $1,25;. D. ./Cetinecila- in the far west.e.ancl.:Inake-fam_atrorda. - - tedar011;76 ; Municipal warm, $1, feelingly thanked the Auxiliary for irtraacn xst THE Bustn,-A very Bail ,:ltus•f0:Prouct sot as• flays re Young's' was take ti Wholly by autpriee, and and the new firm is desetving.Of.net.7. 'new Todd.gravel, .78 Fence vie• w, their gift. sieeiderth happened in S. Viraldron's woe' Appolle as follows e-Pebce the guest of Mr and MA D. a Murray Men from the villarre-John osteith- veiwere-G. Routledge, McGuire, Kee Rate'', en, Stanley, vieited her sits- waite and D. Itotvat-'were engaged in John McLeani Thos. White, M. Me. tem, Mrs Robb and Mrs John Woods, cutting wood; and while felling a tree- . Donald. W. IS• Oprcionj _pound, keel! this week. Mrs Erratt, Auburn, is at it split, and new back, striking John erittl'hoo• tdoliomoni Atc00170. W. present Welting her daughter, Mrs Postelthwaite • and pinning hira to the 'Zack:nen, Thoe. Alexander, W. HUM. Murdoch, of this place. • Mies: Mar., ground, Kt Rowat, having to ,saw a &ray, A. Anderson r. ; the, prithmata Cameron was called home last week block off the tree to free him. He waa *era were doly. aPPOInted for the (M. oeringto the sudden death of her fath. brought to his home in the village and ening Year. 001112011 adjourned er.• Johnson,. Stanley, visitedbts medical aid summoned, but it was of latee_k On .Monday', May 28thaie a Court slater, Woods:, this week. S. Mur • no avail, and he died about 8 o'clock in of novirstott for general business doch, LueknoW, was around here hat the afternoon. He leaves' a Wife and at10 teclaiike" j.MoOntiallis, clerk. week selling "The Life of /goody, one child, . • Mrs McDonald and Mr* McPherson. of Counsel ANn Gionso.--Angus Beattie, .ers, pound -ceders . and pathmalRers NOTES, -Miss Brown Of Seaforth, bush north of here on Monde,. Two mind Crieff, and as. McDonald, of Guelph, Jamieson wo in ender. attended the funeral of the late Air ich this Week en friary ddauty. Carte Yrairnedsr° OndMeiricItSiatihpereeldeniet. 44°A.Inthlugs near oft Cameron, of Lucknow, and hie mother 1r, alttniesork and .called on friends itt this vicinity te- r and Miss Wise And Mr costly. C. WWard, of Auburn, was Wheel were gueite at the recently the guest of Conrad Decher. It`idlovr, of EXeteti m h ' and AMC bore On his and Mr. * e /MS* oi death of Airs (Rielv) °Ohne. Ruth:fog! thek bele still very posigly. quite a rjee lareek; her brother eta sister ;DA 11.0b0rtOd Will be 8017 ta bAarn of Spiingfield. NOW York, which took dumber from here attend themle of r ead les MoPherson end 0.- Ruth: D. ObegUer tut Weak Moue E00200 erforil attended the fu;teral.' end, wni baa. it flint **are emit -to lose *nether rarugh& short time; much sympethy 4d Jet fattilt daughters,- is extended to We sorrowing relatives: • In- their bereavement. Mrs Lane of Kiniough, it At present thetraot inber the her deter Miss Tentillutherfts TMeksrsmlth . sweep. 800114. GAMMItene.-- A 'bilk. R Sale' gliiiFivelift:S11121:0U empva (lathy. Xise Carrie johns enter - tensed a number of Mr friends ott „ Thins:day evening, le NOtrIbie.4irs It* Mina in mini* relatives' in WitstOn. Mrs jog. Orion sAnsoly soda* s. test as_rs ot Asir home in Michele*, MIN mend ato °natl. ei`mgh sgbu eoentiille few days vrith ands in !41$A this 'Weird . Mina Hattie Dodd spent Sunday With friends here. Airs attek16.1 17 tad satietioit in CrOokao,0 GIaosiraro. edit, mann co. TIN Mae Grow s„, thaw* nesh:foelainew and Nee Thos. O'Brien spout * week with friends its Blythe Xte Sydney johns visited friend* In Goderida Isieb Week, MissItel Mantra:7i of the • tondon road ted friends here last week Mr . La_kton wmt Sunday last Clinton. Miateacher,snentkmdaytr nantr rearaleof the and Co "tit Iktrliewaso; Orich spent Sunday Jier Leyton is having hM Mated ; look* a trifle sisepicione, Weetnlineter, is tide Week the guest of his sisters, Mrs Wm. Stotb andlifre 3. Swan. R. McCartney, Goderich. spent Sabbath with his uncle, WM. Scott. E. swore was last Monday called to Westmliaster to attend the funeral of a MeMber of hie late congregation there. -dames Thompson, who has been spending the winter hare, returned to the West this week, taking With him a carload of hOrtest Robt. Foote Moon* paged hint, . A number of 'young ' people from Clinton were entertained at the Inane of B. R. Illegine on Ttles- .40 evening last, • • - Bonallitor* None, -We understand that Will 'YOung. has: rented the Wise feral ou the Maitland at a yearly tented of MI what dose this mean, Will. Le En y. der ha* engaged' Prank•Durst tgt• oik for hint for the sunstner. Wee. Allin is preparing to erect a born, and le busy draWing the neeeMary Materiel; Mr Riley his the contract. . Mire schenski intends building a barn on his Piopertyb thIs wilt greatly add 5. the good *opt:name of the Maitland, and 15 oferteinly Oalt eon:mare with any ooticeleion in Colborne, IL Mitchell took a trip last week to St, Marro, for She purpose of purchming & eriaM Sep, orator; he succeeded in getting one, - and has taken an agency for the same, A.. Allen took charge of tele aortas at - Bethel Sabbatitme ah - returned ftein lin _wihtt tSr ths person of se Mary understand Mr Fisher has the farm lately °Coupled by ob.onb we to d t I one. Norman Zernighan has an eye to beautzl_he has 8X -changed hie black deoritavelrfo, Roblin's matched team of Akehtppard,iif given in NO:ember-neit AUCTION SAES. -,-13. Switzer, lot 86; con. 0, Telephone road, has instructed Thore.Btown, auctioneer, to WI by auction, on Friday, March. 8Qth. at 1 O'clock, p. m., his farm, farm stock and implements. The farm contains SO acres., is in 'arab-class condition and has,on It a good bank barn ; the stock includes horses„ cows and the imple- ments are in large yariety. For par Oculars, see bills. • . NOTEs.-Miis Ida Miller Oth con entertained a number of her associates ‘ontreveningsof last week. A goodly number from this tocality fook in the patriotic coiner in Bayfleld laite Fri- day evening. A. eleigh load of young people from the town of Clinton drove out to P. Cole's lastl'hursday evening and all speak highli the. evening's enjoyment. Mr J'.;DeeVes,jr.,Ilth con, moved last week into the house lately occupied be Mrs Henry Cook who has moved to Clinton to try town life. Mr Robert poclough has purchased a farm containing 50 acme for his .SQU near Constance. Mr J. Switzer, of Paisley, was visiting at his brother Be -nee. 9th, con., - Mr Elford,of Holmes. ville. took charge of the League at Cole'son Sunday evening takinglor his .eubject "A good Christian Citizen" of whicb he handled heitutifully. Mr J. Archer's. portly form Was noticable on the Bayfield r line on Sunday last. M Carterandeister,of Stapleton Sundayed W. Bell's Hayfield Line. Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Minnie lizard and W. .i. R. Fowler, V. S., of Clinton. Mr and Airs S. G. Hedging,. of Lucan Crossing, were visiting at the latter's home, Beside's' Line, Mrs Flick, Colborne, has been visitingat her home on con. 14. • . elm essvil le Losr.--The man who lost a bag of shorts between here and Goderich, Monday, canhavalhasaniteby,calling at Elford's, providing hen:lakes. hie a13- pearance before it is all fed. , LEAGUE. -There was a good attend- ance at the League Monday night. The program was given by the Ontario St. League, Clinton, and consisted of a missionary address by President Holland; which was excellent, and worthy of an old Etcemesville boy, solos by Mrs (Dr) Thompson,Mlis E. Turnbull; duett,„.Misses Turnbull and ?lurch, and reading by Miss Brickent den. After the program -a -light -lunch, an co ee was served, and. a very pleasant evening was spent. NOTES. -ML' Mill, of Bruiseels,18 Visit- ing at his daughter's Mrs E. Levis'. The Methodist choir and a number of friends enjoyed an . oyster supper at, She residence of E. Acheson last Teri - day night: Ezra Washington has en- gaged with Mr Elford for the summer. um niche has moved to the llth con„ into J. C. Pickard's house, where be expects to remain until he can secure one In the village. II. Elford is laid up with an attack of pleurisy. Mrs Whittinghans is visiting in the village. Audry Osbaldeston, who has been con- fined to the bowie recently, is able to be around again. Miss S. Acheson spent Sunday in Goderich. Peter Bedard, wife and sister Annie, from 0ourtrigist, spent last week visiting their uncle, Alex. .Bedard. Bela rave WEEDED,- Geo. Irwin and Wiz* Vancanip were joined in the mystic union by Rev Mr Oaten on Wedneedav of last week, at the ,residence of the bride's mother, Oth line, East Wawa. nosh. The immediate relatives of the contracting parties witnessed the cere- mony. A very pleasant evening was spent, and hearty rood wiehtie extended to Mr and Mrs Irwin. The bride Wore a cream coetuine and was unaccom- panied at the altar. The presents were many. Congratulations are ex- tended. NOrae.-But 'haw Could any aorta- pondent write, with ink frozen solid and fingers cramped with the cold; though one would think that nothing could Wittman during such cold weather but the bursting 01 water pirs and abust time for our plumbers, t IX did happen. Rev Mr Hall had two w into g one day and a severe attack of grip the next day; he was away from U. pulpit one day, but preached, last Sunday; he ear* to bring on the wedding:4 and he Will run MI personal. risks. The mill - was 'hut down for about three weeks: with *disabled 'cylinder and buckled saw. R. Robinson and family have moVed to Binh.. Macorguindale Is atilt in the Clinton hospital, seriously ill. The Presbyterial:le held ri success- t fal "birthday party" lately., I /PPPARJPPIPIPPPPiti°0— Tits beet adVertleisig laselinee In thla )14-114**************V4•1444404 VTTTVYYYYYytYYY!VtyYYY. alamser,:_elre 0.430. mimes and three Boma! vielting friends in Winton Bast Waite:nosh, L. Thonleon has purchased fr°131 M the way home, about 2 a. ni. Mrs Ja were treated to a genuine blizzar:d o ehildrell here Wiwi:red ;home after fertreonttettar couple o, meeuon.thes ouwitiiehe siTtcliwieiht, hZujerthw, itnhrpeesetleostssiootin of fotillor has returned from Dakota, Where he Morgan, for the , earn of4190. Joh hititthenti for a few raonthe; he looirs ae Scotehmer hen sold his tworrlY here 0 . , t s. r ' s " n . ; 01 0 -c0tintrI" had agreed with him and is leavingtor Dakota. rjowetr: and elaYs the dust was flPInftliiik'•Vill Is run by a full gang. and irdcln when he left. *Lee at. Haiti fry has .ga-as*'41411Alt-alwElb-- tti-qhard BaileT" commenced teaching again in No 13 proprietor in the Lromihercial hotel sta. purchased the tarn:p of Robert both she and the pupils having recov. Blair, ered from the measles. Mr and Mrs P. law, at *2000. Mrs liedie has lef 'Robinson, reograve, have moved to .here to spend a few weeks in London Blyth, where Mr liebinson hap secured ClONOERT.-Tbasonpert in aid of th work. John Black4 con, 0 had his eale Patriotic Fund on 'Ojeda last was th of farm stock and implements Thera- metattniceeesfut-event oritatind eve day last; Air Black Is giving rip taea, held in the town. Long before the ap life, and having bouaht a house and pointed' hour the hail was literal' 1 Si per Year hi *tram% (11.0u when not so paid. • • 410 Our Own Preparations • It is pleaging to us that our men remedies are preferred by meet of my ',tenement, to those of the highly advertised • el:Patents," While we alwaye keep * full line of the latter, the eales of theme we put aip our. selves are in the majority. ,We con bight!" recommend' them as avidly pure knowing valet they Gentian. ' We name * few of the mare popular ones this week :--- Our 50% Emulsion of clo,a Llier _ Oil, 50a Per Pifit4 Oar Dr Deek's Balsam of Wild Oherry Bark, 25e. Oar Little /aver Piths 26a. Vtreellasepthe Powder's 60. Package - and 26o* Our fleefiron ond 70e per 16 oz bottle. Onr"Consp. Ext. of Ilantehhrillile158 Y Our Burin' Juniper Kidney Pills 260 of Poteeeitun and Iron. per bottle contsininglInaoMOR 8 b r Our Conipound Extract Bathe 600 per bottle,' . • Our Worrairowdere. OurBlocel Blinding IronPille 25a box. 6 And a whole string more all of which • Mies Florence Lawrence has returned lot in Myth; will move there soon. Packed with an erithusiaritie audienc avho had come, together to shoat the, from Bthnuffea.lom.rwhaenrde suhreshall/esenctiftotri ainsreoirition of our gallant Volunteers, and to put in their mite towards th who were married on the 7th of this fund. he halt was beautifully_ and _Jo: guarantee .minsfaction. , with or weekthere month, had a large 'reception parte' a tasteful rdecorated with bunting an awgeoreTairottudta 2y0 0 egvueensit sn , at wh, soh Union positions to Jacks, . which had been place I g * your money back. - , • ". . • i SYDNEY JACKSON'S Y. Prescription, . Phone 2 Drug Store • . e444444:4444 -•••44444.,4144 -e -e -s, last week a very pretty wedding took, which aler Majesty a _.'. effects. The back of • the stage Was prettily decorated, from the Centre o MATRIMONIAL. -CU Wednesday us place at the home of Mrs Vancezp.- looked smiling! Oth line, when her flarter Ellie" as the right the Prince. of Wales looked down 011 her patriotic wept% while to George Irwin, of the 10th con. of East note the devotion to his royal mother the 'Wide and groom came forward, ti.e tirt acuitted thetneelves well. Mib united in the holy bon s of Wedlock to on the scene and ermined pleased to Wawanosh. As the wedding march The program consisted of songs, solo with being played by Miss Clara Oonlies and addresses Jae, end all who took a " Statile% • s DEATH -We are eery? to have to re - cream cashmere bride -being- handsomely dressed • id . aude - McNaughton was thennly'Ottba" ribbon and fringe, triTnahine ceecireWmiothhy 8Wilake. side u ittaul el netff• ecatndtheehteworefanvdoerriett solos, performed by Rev Mr Oaten. of Bel- The A.beent Atinded Beggar. and Loch gaive, in the presence of about thirty invited guests. After the ceremony Lomond. Dr. Pallieter and A. E. Er win also did well in solos and songs, the company sat down to a sumptuous repast. " and the -evening was Vent in Dr. Pallister, Alf. Erwin, A. Q. b ergo - while the Male cruartette,, composed of music endgame% After. which all re-. eon and. R. Peck, brought down the turned to their homes wishing the ! Red, house. The school boys sang bi ide oral groom a happy voyage. The : bride received a • large number of use- White es Blue, and British to the Clore, he and beautiful presents. ---Jas.' An. to perfection, and the boys in red Per- formed excellent military drill under demon, ' of Manitoba, and Mrs John .the guidance of Unit. Jackson, who Stackhouse, of the 5th con. of East Wawanosh, were united. in marriage, also gave an exhibition of cavalry sword" exercise. The a,ddresimo of Revs .cora, the death of Dr. ell Cameron, , March 10th. at the sanitarium. ' Chicago. The deceased was a native .of this township but moved with his f• ather in early life to. Greenock town- ship, county of -Bruce. He there stud. led inedicineand after graduating Prac. 11:asedkiliti.8 PBr°efceoseingiuwtheeeketaneted ofdoNwis- with work , hecamelo the sanitarium in Chicago to recruit, but- saccenabed....-ee' to his disease. .1Ie !OEMs a wr rthil one child to mourn his loss y are etill,in Chicago. Dr. Cameron. was a cousin of Mr Neil Meliteger.,, of: the .thilsTror4 of Stanley. O. Brnwnette,, ;bit - has been visiting at her home,- haa re. , turne.d. Miss Ray CU Reid , at pree... ene vretting her eister..who is teaching school near Zurich. Mrs W. Rathwea returned horne • on Monday!, atter spending a short time, visiting her sisters Wawanoeh. "Miss .Maireha Taylor bee returned' to a bee hobje in Sarnia, after having sped a number of ws eks with her friends in this WM. Beatty, of Ethel, is visiting at his home in Varna. We are sorry to hear that Archibald Galbraith had three valuable sheep worried recently.' R. J. Richardson, B. At left Wednes- day morning for-Wyonung, - where, he - intends spending a few days with his brother, Rev W. G., before starting forElerlin, GerMaily, to pursue philo- sophical studies; a short time ago Mr Richardson was awarded a prize of. • $325 by TorontolThivefeity to be spent in study in a foreign university. Mr Jae. Thomson, of Moose Saw, who has • spent the winter in Ontario, left Bruce- uses,--fieldno-Tiiesday with a load of horses . ,for the Northwest markets ; Air Robt. Foote accompanied him as asseistant Mr Wm. Logan and family also left on , Tuesday for • the Northwest, Miss! Mary Dunbar, of Ashfield, who has 'Just returned from her trip to Crow- - stand Miesion, Man., spent a few days here ant lett on Monday for her home. Miss Mary Gilmour spent a few days in Bayileld last week. Mr Hugh Gil- mour and his brotherAndrew aravieita ' ing friends in Turnberry this week. Mr Thos. Gilanour and wife, of Turn - berry, spent eweek among friends in this townshl 7' Mr Thoe Cam bell at the- Auburn parsonage by Rae Mr- B. Kennedy. The happy.couple went to . A. Shaw and E. O. Jenninges 'on the London on a Win. Mr Anderson has bravery. of the British eoldier, and the Union Jack, its formation and signifi- returned to Manitoba to attend to b property there, and Mrs Anderson willcance, respectively, were . timely. in. ollow in's, few months. Their mans; . struetive, •an d brimful of patriotism. friends join in wishing thnin happines . Several of the school4lioye-and girls gave excellent petriotic recitations and hriseperitY. • . . ' . - Ontaton.-Rey .d. B. Smith preached G. W. neleiso who acted as chairman , which were well received. Mise 'Rath- , * Well and Mrs Jas. Ferguson ably pre- Summerball. sided at the organ. On the whole Mr ... an excellent sermon' here on Sunday and who was chiefly. responsible foe ap. getting up the affair, Is to be congratir- evenieg last; it was particularly ated on the dUCCe88 of -the undertak- propnate for those.of the confirmet km . ! , and his able committee, composed class his subject, beingthat • of "Bear- In about our Christian Endeavor beim; (ur Stanbury, Dr Wood,- Dr Palbster, rally of Rev E. E. Senninge,. Mrs ng the Cross of hrist," - What P -F - i tatted again ? -Bishop Baldwin Visit" A. • Erwin' Mrs G. Vir`•ft8118a8s Mrs al Jas. Pollock. Mr and Mrs Jae. Fergn- ed this parish on Wednesdav last and son, Capt. Jackson, Misses M. and L. adininietered the rite of confirmation Ferguson.- also *deserve great credit to seventeen candidates. His Lordship for the result of the concert. The gave a very interesting and impulsive address to the young people. The ser. proceeds of the concert amounted to the was read by Rev. Mr Parke and gg.5.15, by Mrs Holman and Mrs Polleck were while the subscriptions received he rector. Mr Smith. This is the first $18.55, giving the neat sum of $118.70, service which His Lordship has taken. since his illness some moans ago. . which, less a small sum for eepe will be Bayfield's contribution to the Noras.-Mrs Lovett,. 'sr., wh° was Patriotic and Red Cross Punds. stricken with paralysis a couple • of • weeks ago, is sonievvhat better ; we hheoldpethribeA.man y.w.sh000n_hhe Ire ef restoredusllayfferedtro two. 00N0ERTP.....ortAenrIaexcitit t p r 0 g ra m measles are improving uicely. Miss was rendered in Bethelchurch on Moil M. Watkin, who has been sick with day night by the Doherty Male Quar- ts grippe, is improving. Ephraim tette, Clinton, Owing to the bad state Butt had the misfortune to bave a of the weather and roads the crowd bone in his hand -broken last, week, was rather smell, but those Who did while working in his mill. A large get there were highly pleased with the number from this vicinity attended s entertainment. The Quartette will IL Lowery's examination in S. 5, leo not soon be forgotten in this twirghbor. 5, Hullett, on Friday of last week, and 'hood, and we hope at an early date to enjoyedenvie yes id measure; have the privilege of hearing thera we understand Mr Lowery intends to again, and bespeak for them a crowded Mese to his farm, on the nth cone house. before long, but will not give his at- tention to his farm this year ; mr .NOTai3.-Mr Russell. of Glamis, who Lowery tun had a period of success in haies,theen visiting hip, sister, Aldrs hie life as a teacher, and the gain to 8,..trilelnilltereetuarendedwighlbrete°°rned°13ndaemYe' gricuiture will be a loss to pedagog- " ;les; we wish him every success in his on Monday. The Chosen Friends hav� ew work. W. smith visited his appointed O. W. Potter representative mein, Mrs Brownlee, this week. Mrs to the grand council which will meet O. Beacom,. who has been spending a in Toronto next Tuesday and Wednes ew days ID Goderieb, returned on dale* Alfred Potter has taken the Monday evening iast. Mari -Baler agency for 'rhe Life of Moody," and has alrerdy taken a number of orders. Jordan was the guest of Mrs C. Bea- Wm. ?iodate has had considerable ona this week. A. E. Wetheral Watt on Friday ease:trouble with his sawing machine sante, a caller in the village ' is now running Henry and Albert Wallace, Eli Me. moving It, butg it ful Laughlin and others, lefb for Manitoba bled. W. HE Lobb has placed several •n Tuesday of last Week. J. ficLeugh- cream separator. with (3F8derich and of Winthrop, moved most of his ittiht9 trhit,,,Ifarriefaa mplements from here On Friday last. 888 w 11 -ea he claim were the are a proilta le investment Bethe G. Farquhar and family note of Mrs Brownlee one day hut a • c and Mr Duncan' McCowan are away to Goderich this week on the grand. jury. IWILL REMaIN.-it was reported that. J. G. Metier would remove to Sets. ringville svithin a month. Since then the gentleman at Sebringville declin- ed to sell and Mr Moser his decided , tar remain in Blyth. He heat repur- chased his interest in the new - union block from Me T. W. Scott and Will. - build with the others. 1 1 “red, 0,121ts and blue social at Bayfteld week, on Thursday nighb. • choir will asielet in the propt.sin at the notate. • - Londaaboto. Aisooroontano;tr.-Thoe.Vir. Moue-. PAThrovid FUND, -The net proceede tain; at theage"of 81. years, 4 months, of the patriotie Meeting were ;52. Th Posed away on Monday last at hisiate committee hairs) decided tit leer) the Borne on lot 08, Con. 11, Hullett, Ile Het With the postmaster for a few clove Waft AU old settler in this part of the in order that Any pergon wishing to dietrict, in fact he and hie %vire were conttibute to the fund may have an OP. he first to settle between the Base portanity of deluge°. lee and Londeeboto. Having lived Barnini-On Saturday Morning UM Looburn. _Autorr.A.OntrantAntals:-Eintaireth - Pugh Wife of the late John Helly, passed away from our midst at the age I heitrotwnt°rAtlervasGsvil,41411alittet.,,Antibitirt44 Witiehe.17 ChM. OUlningt after abbot three *41.-.1-0h-a--wh-0-'''ram-elitl b''''''`" --bb acci—usbi-6, menthe visiting amongst hi* friend*, hug% me was an Engsbnun by remeisturtirsed&itawohodismanhent,ewin, am.wenhitaitelybee birth, andmerrled Marynow n the old land in 104711 and 411awitlih°41 iannicir0V`vigarnntotT Irt albs erbte t 6161111:411 dent hetes, Ore coltd r•O settle y ttuti . a Of ninety -Istvan years, .having spent thirty-one ygg of her life as a reel- 0 linfoartectlitittir Ottt h r_1 vad ily, Inc comin. froai rs which eurtive. them --three . eons Mine to Clark towns in, in esetern t4 heir now occupations. 1 mama uteri°. where thet lived for tete etre atid then removed to Hulks*, Is laid 110 " Pr.'s."' Bo A40114 of . , the Braporhiro• Pida 25 oinitirjeLli3, for "fee that tookuna _place, titi with* butter imo, wmk and ambe or Imik they nave resided to the preeent UM.. ,5.711,-0--e-,i,iiii; Ili if,ti.-6-ei '..trriiiiii-a and feols1 Ord the bush lends they With work at prises ; h to Orme& in 18k t fall of r , go, they eitrise tO NATO here, that *gas t P. and T., havi taken up igeo their son-irliteet 001,43r, sett- - ling near theni. 1574 her Basta t=sliett Jae" heartyan advanesd ra sent labia till the litetdsitying only' about a t week's illness. The funeral took pitoa front the residenoe • tfr eon Patriclr, i bed L nt 'it is Mud t Sarid, a plealabb hOMO for the testa the deems win patronise b3 , Airs Morris, St, Thomism David. 012 th41 'ton ig °tau gok wo sissughters- teriareitert Toront0; erevvlAsitin, hero tiltker436. .,c, II . ,Ined/t1Wkdi 34040g Id WIllOWS. 10 tlrooketinen. snip. 1 "a 1" h° 14"ise, prick eir preeent. better. klei Itountain predeceased h a andberitinyf !bit ung' ends harsh and re ' ""'"' un Brunidon, of Plehford, at- hree Years r„N„WitSrle6tuittenb haTtlikr- needairry, alter Inv a , L444101*(1. "otg, aasoolt. was .. nterewailinfraottir itecinceuoafinilta.yttestrsoei., is hers rei. tLamImil lieW • we t e . Rev. Air o Hamilton conducted the funeral tor- w ?lee* A prettyWreath of flowers o cam m Goderlch from Uri Jas. w Strong!), former nelehbor. Two daughters, Airs Fotey and Mary. ear - viva her bead* her two 00121, P« and T. 'Kelly, tother.in. estreatte012, The funeral which was 7 a O Thursday teetided to e reepect n Auburn. hich hs was held, Rev Mr 0oupliutd, liAnItIAGN,-The marriage nuptials t Londesboro, ollaciatingi tits rftsine a ness Sarah Jane Soviet, of Hallett, :are in it: Ebel:mist oemetery, to Wm. B Robinson, of Beverley, was 1 Oth 0013., 0140. The pall- solesonisik. Tuesday, the 20th, by More all old of. dso*nd m. he Rev. idendenon at the Matlie. and laugh flbfl, John 4:10fattliiiir, M. I many friends extend oongratulse Waite, John Govler an B. Townemd. Ilona, 44041.116404111141Jt eOlb011111 tTOOIC.-John Jamison, of Laurier" P. O., has just delivered an extra Aria short horn bull to txeo. F. Clark, ot Claremont Farm, Colborne township, for the Improving of stock during that corning demon. He is a fine animal and should profs s good. stock getter. ; The Question .,„. Of the Hour, • Where Wilt 1 pt _its Oat Inestranoe st the 10,11110.0lblerela f ' P;' Why from the . ,_ • * Canadl Ordet . k • • Or V ros• gessonsi par* cirtacuon. 2nd-Peid protium, no ,death all•Sfisgs11tati1e411- Brau-,Gives • • , gitsee or WI! ineuranoe. , tils.-Hee 4 lever :entItrie testa tor oath Illwo risk • thin any tithe mid* of its kind iitt Canada« • Ith-Over $4,000,000 paid to' • " membsts atal Bier pendee° Minos tensniao tion.Ath-NoretelOeliit edi low • 4 ol 1010241008 110 Mara• bore, prom*** in psy- runt of charm: • filik•-inveinict • in. •Sommisent • • Bonds $100,000, • Surplus 1, Fand* geitiOtAtionsee. bentift over 86,Midiatit ' refs only 4.46 per 11,000 in the 1st year ' 'or fait information riardIng the Cod of jetinitn; Court Msple Lest, No lit &poly to • 4/rittatl,2g.trard.111414 J. .1. Itiateashelf.liers. iteakehiStel...