HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-09, Page 5ArtttI, 9T11 i906—THE BLYTH STANDARD. -PAGE Flue'. SIEVE1135113rign 130 pr THE RIGHT HOUSE H A RELIABLE STOI1E WITII WORTHY GOODS ON SALE AT MODI➢ItATI( ('111Om9 ('0a 0Aa11 AND FARM PRODI OW, VA„••, VA �.1 Lataska Voiles 1�1 We have some of these seivk'able goods in goad dark shades, ;fust t IA he thing for a summer dress. Some of our leading shades are �r Mite with white dash, blue with white stripe mica spot, brown with white (lash, brown with stripe, black with white check, black with white spot, ole, r These goods are good vclue at regular price of l:1 cents per yard, but during the next week only they will be yours at per yard, only da Liv,ii White Waists ,r r..1 . r 1 KA rt' . 113 We are showing a large assortment of benutilul walste, trim - mod with either ince or ouibroldely, short, medium nr long sleeves. No matter what you want we have 1t. Pr:ees ftonl tiO3 up. LAsr Friday the damaged safe of J. McMurehie was Moved out and as new one put in the Bank on Satur- day mornings We understand that 1 vault will be built for extra security. AT the Clinton Spring Show hist week Jus. .1leffron took 21111 prize for carriage horse ; John Barr, 2nd rAprize for aged 1)urham Bull ; tad E. BENDER, BLYTH T1 1 �, IaiicCenneil Bell, 2m1 Shire P„ stallion. The prize winners of the hor a good drefs buy Priestley's Dress Goods, BUILDING operations are commenc- ing. 1lousm cleaning is the order of the day. A uuuber Iron town attended the auction sale of Little Bros'. & 13rneo 'u Mullett on Tuesday, IF ,you are going away for Easter, or if you'expeot your friends to visit you, don't furget to let us have their flames. AN Assembly will be held 111 In- dustry 111111 on Wednesday, April 22nd. The London Orchestra will supply the music. Du11tNo the past week Isaac and Mrs, Marwood have moved from East Wawanosh to tawls and have taken up their residence hero. Tum auction sale of hardware etc., of N. 13. Gerry,'9 on Saturday drew a large crowd to town. Auctioneer Gundry certainly earns his money. YES'T'ERDAY 11wedd1ng took pine at the bride's home, 6th line, Morris, when 11iss Maggie Craig was mos- sier! to Albert Jackson, who has a farm on the filth of Mullett. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. :1 f I �"tI'� S •aY : z :.Stu ' ? S ? ,: 4 e;,s..2.(...1t 0 NEWS AROUND TOWN =� �1 4tiSa:4j�St3�i�Si4?Si��::4?��i;e�id�4?�Ei;6'SI�4?Sir?2y,?isF?��:iSi=,?S;�?3i;?f�iSe3'i��tY�r-{c4:' DIVISION Court 011 lily 14111 next. AN ad. 111 Tum STANDARD is a THE C. P. R. commenced Monday to run tile two extra passenger trains again. REA] the advertisements. They wilt giro you ideas and save you 1o010y. ARE you gong west this spring Free copies of "Settler's' Guide," "Western Canada,” "Tourist Sleep- er" and other booklets, Ticketsaud frill information as 00 rates, etc., 0t C. P. I:. Town Ofbcc, J, McMur. chic, Agent, Blyth, S. L. '1'Auns, eyesight specialist of Toronto, will be at die Commercial Hotel, Blyth, on Monday, April 1 3th. If your eyes bother, you in any way, or the glasses you now wear, are not satisfactory, male it a point to consult this tellable specialist. Make oppdntnents now at 1lannil ton's drug store. Fee SALE.—/Mr Win, Ross, about two miles north of this village is of. Tering his property fop sale. 'There is an acre of gl•ouud with eomfo'tahle house and suable with a number of first class fruit trees, This property will he sold cheap as Mr. Ross wishes to go west this spring, Apply to '(Vo, Campbell, real estate agent, Blyth, or 13ox 96, Blyth, THE Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church purposes giving na social evening on Friday, April 100 commencing at eight o'clock. A good program is being prepared consisting of vocal and i instrumental solos, duetts, quartettos readings, recitations and an interest- ing exercise by the Mission Band, An orchestra will raid to the interest of the occosion, Admission 10 and 15 cents, Refreshments at the 01o5e. Tits undersigned is offering for sale to wind up the late lionunh Dick Estate, port of Park Lot No, 8, reseda shaded ostrich plumes droop lirst•cl' ' salesman ass allvmau ]or a few cents. Now that the snow is gone the Spring clean-up on the streets should commence. Fon another month N. 13. Gerry will have a stook of hardware etc., in 1110 store, It is understood that John Wilford will continue the, coal business alter air. Gerry leaves, Tum old flame house, formerly owned by Chas, Hamilton, is torn down and the lumber will be used in the building of the new double house of Allan Bainton, which will be commenced as soon as the weather is favorable. Miss JOHN MtLLs has disposed of her valuable farm property on the boundary line of Mullett to Mr. Murray for 87000. Possession to be given immediately. An auction sale will be held in the neat' future. Mrs. Mills has not decided where she will live but her friends hope she will move to Blyth. SPRING MILLINERY OPENINGS.— The Millinery rooms of 0. 31, Cham- bers & Co, were tastefully decorated with flowers and ferns ; the drap- ings, which were most exquisite, added greatly to 111e appearance, One of the most notable features amo:g the decorations were the flower baskets, Miss Colvin, mil- liner, showed a large display of very pretty lints. One which cre- ated much :Mutilation was a large black picture bat, trimmed with black ostrich spray, drooping over the left side a bund made of black pleated marine and caught with small bulch(s of moss roses around the crown, tilted on the left side. Another very pretty hat was a re - sada green and tusclln yedda braid trimmed high on the right side, two situate 011 Queen street in the VII. lage of Blyth. The property cod - sista of a quarter of an acre of land, on which there is a frame house with a quantity of fruit trees. This property must be sold. For full particulars apply to 13'm. Campbell, reed estate agent, Blyth. THE annual meeting of the Metho- dist Sunday School was held at the home of 11. Slate's en Monday even - Ing over the crown and fastened with a large bow of duchess ribbon, and a drape of lunliue, to match was put around the crown and a large steel button 111 front which added greatly to the style of this hat. Last but not least was the Merry Widow sailor in block trimmed with as high wreath of white 11n11 black Marguerites and a cluster of purple violets on the left side of the crews. log. The au111101s report was The variety 01shapes are bewilder - presented and accepted, The fol- Ing but turbans and (emotions of • lowing officers where elected for'the ensuing year :—Superintendent, C. 11. Beene ; Assistant, E. Bender ; Secretary, Robt. Slater ; Treasurer, A. H. Wilford ; Organist, Miss E. Moser ; Leader, Miss S. Bentley. A fait staff of teachers were Appointed, At the close a vote of thanks was moved to hit N. B. Gerry, who has been superintendent of the school for the past few yens and all wished hint prosperity in his new home. Teachers and officers decided to get their photo taken and present Mr. Gerry with one as a remembrance, plainer hats, the sailor still retain their popular. ity. Leghorns are still in evidence, Yedda, llorps and Milan bands are used In the pressed shapes, and conical and large squire c'owr5 are exceedingly good with lace and flowers put high around them Among the flower's are forge white pnnd lilies, American beauties„jack of roses and the sinall flowers such ns blossoms, forget-me•nots, etc , are (lofna features for the sense% Rib- bons and ribbon velvets ore an ad- vantage to the construction of the show alsontmea's in this issue, A baseball sleeting was called for lost friday evening but only four at' live people showed up and tete meet - mg was called oil'. The boys should organize as soon as possible to he in shape for It game on the 24tH of May. The season eon open just 115 well then as wait till the 1st of July, CLEAN. 11P.—T'11(0 fs the custom- ary spring advice and 10 /00111 as wholesome 116 can be given. The ash pile, the garbage damp and the alley—they con all stand thorough over hauling at this time to the hest interests of ail, both as regards finance and sanitation, A Paoomssiv61 130010399 Solon. —The Easter 'Term of one of Canada's most modern and progressive Busi. ness Colleges opens April 21st. As the Wingha.m Business College re. 10 .tins open all year, now should be a good time to enter. Those who cannot attend may study at home through mail courses. To Oua RhiADElts —Many hove not renewed for 'THE STANDARD while others are owing us for job work etc. We would ask our friends to settle before the 15111 as a number of our bills eoune due en that date and roust be paid. We hope our readers will kindly look up their label and attend to the matter as soon 115 possible. Owing to the tightness of the money markets the paper mills and wholesale houses need all the money they can get slid the purchaser has to be ready for them.—The Editor, LiiEUA1, EXECUTIVE --Presidents Young, of the former West Riding of Huron, and Sinclair, of the East Riding, have issued a joint circular calling meetings of the Liberal Ex- ecutives of the anew ridings to dis- cuss present day situations relative to formation ol'-new Associations, de- ciding upon dates for Nominating, conventions, &C. The meeting' for North Huron will he held in Wing. ham on 'Tuesday, 14th inst., at 11.30 o'clock and for the Centro Riding at Blyth on Thursday, 16111 lust,' at it il. 111. Private Bank BMW, On Thursday morning of lost weer( the private bank of J. Mc - Murchie was broken into by pro. fessi01al- burglars and the safe blown open and all the cash taken. The crooks broke into the bloc l(• smith shop of 'Phos. Kelly and took 0(0 1V hill'S and sledge hammer. They gained entrance to the bank by f Ong open the front door, and for safety took the iron boa' off the back door so that in case of dang01' they could take their flight out that way. The night was an ideal one for them, a strong wind blowing an'd vary dark. It is thought they gave two char- ges to the safe, the first one 00 open the doors of the Taylor safe and when the charge was laid at the door of the money department they closed the big ones again and "let her go” and it certainly went. The charges twisted the doors and iron bars as if they were made of the softest metal, After they secured the money they went out the front Valuable Samples Free "I have used your Coltsfoote Expec- torant and find it satisfactory in eases of croup, colds or coughs. 1 have 00ed it ever since I got a trial bottle, and have reeorilnlendcl it to everyone in need of it. You may use my Malls and address for testimonials If you 101811. (loping it will benefit others as it has done nay children, I remain, Mitt. AGNF(S ((031151ER." 1009 Frances St., London, Ont. Coltsfoote Expectorant is the great- est cough and throat cure in the world, it is the prescription of a renowned specialist. In order that every family may prove its unparalleled 110011s we will send a sample bottle free to every- one who sends us their name and ad- dress :ld mentions this paper. Can bo had at all druggists at 25e. Send your name today to De. T. A. SIoeom, Ltd., Toronto. Send for Froo Sample Today, door and locked it, one leek on the door being a spring one, The burglary was discovered by 150 owner, Mr. Me3lurchie himself, on 'Thursday morning ns be was {,ming to the C, 1'. R. station. Ile at once notified the police and in a short time word was sent to all the cities, towns and villages to loot: out for these gientletnen, Prvvinciai Detective Phelan, of Goderich, arrived on the C. P. 1i. freight train and at nose took tip the work. They visited the home of Nit's, McDonald, about three miles from Blyth on ,the boundary of Mul- 10tt and Morris, where it was re- ported two strangers had breakfast Wednesday morning, Miss Ant ie McDonald, intight� er, gave the fol- lowing information (—Between 8 and 9 o'clock Wednesday horning, April 1st, two strange men come in for breakfast ; said they were from Owen Sound and asked road to Sea - forth ; both wore stiff hats, were clean shaven ; one abotlt 40 years and other between 20 and 25 years old ; youneo'1 had brown eyes, older nue between a grey and blue; the young man wore white 0011ar and black necktie, while other had black neeksearf ; both dark, shoes black, clothes and ove'c011(5 black ; 9000111 not taut and the young lady would know them if she ever slaw then! again ; both medium height, dark and 100'0 no rubbers ; their voices were a little odd. The next place the detective vis. ited was the hone of R, J. Brown, 2?- miles from town on the 9th line. Ile stated that between 11 and 12 a, m. Wednesday he went in the hay mow to throw down hay for his cattle when he /taw tIvO stiff hats and two pair of shoes lying on the hay, and the hay raised ftp ; he stuck the fork in and said "Get out of this, what are you doing here," One of the party said "Excuse me sir, we Lave been alp all night, will yet let us have a sleep." !lir, Brown told them to go to sleep and after feeding the stock went in for dinner ; he catme out in about an hour but they were gone ; she one who did the talking had a blue and white pocket handkerchief over his face, No doubt these are the gentlemen who did the work, A party 1005 A. held la town that evening and be - 12 and 1 the young people passed 00000000'000000000000000C)) y-- 00>-' ry v{0r-rY'<0 �Ol Wall Paper Stock BETTER THAN EVER Bordering, Wall and Ceiling sold at the same price. Bordering sold by the roll, not by the yard, Wall Papers at 5c. Showing neat patterns of floral, block and fancy designs, double or single borders. Wall Papers at 6c and 70. Beautiful glimmer and gilt papers In a beg assortment of colorings and patterns, double or single borders. Wall Papers at 8c and 90. Lovely gilt, silver and glimmer papers of floral set figures, fancy stripes, blocks and conventional designs, double or single borders. Wall Papers at 10c, 12',c and 15c. Heavy embossed gilt papers, also silver tinted and heavy plain 51111 finny ingrains, popular for libraries, dining rooms, halls, parlors, etc, Wall Papers at 15c, 20c and 25c. Tapestry, embossed gilts, orlsntals, varnished, Ingrains, silver papers, the beet we have yet shown. �.i l�< 00 Y'` � Ol 0 !0 (Q) jQ1 • Panama Dress Goods, black and col- �Q� 7Q' ored at 50c and 750 per yard. � Boveou seen our stock of navys, browns and greens 1 y 0 0 f0) rot E31_,'SrIOC la(01 0 01 �ocio>--� > `�, Y i " V � 0 ' Yet TO SEE IS TO BUY Linoleums in 2, 3 and 4 yards wide. Bast 004011 goods, Nairn's. Those we can recommend, 'They ore extra (wavy, uniform In quality and stand hard wear, floral and bloek patterns. Lace Curtains 293 pairs from 050 to hO.0( per pall• CASA 10011 BUTTER AND 7:(100. TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! Try "LIPTON'S" packed only in Ono, the flavor Is kept In. "SALADA" in lead packages. "JAPAN" the best _'.i0 Tea on the market. Loose Teas, block and green, mixed to suit the taste. strangers on the sidewalk, Mr, iileMnrchfe makes no state• meat as to the taunt -Mt that was taken, but if the burglars got no money at all he will he at con- siderable expense to replace the safe, Two windows in the from. wore broken by the concussion while tae office was sdattered over with debris. They did not touch! any C. P. R. tickets or any private paper's or notes that were in Mr. McMnrchfe's possession. On Saturday word was received that some strangers, were arrested at Milton nn suspicin, and on Mon slaty evening Constable Westlake re. cclved as photo Of Alfred 11ahnley, from the 'Toronto Detective Depart- ment, who picture 90(15 identified by :Miss McDonald, and at the home o1' Win, 110,}', 011 the boundary, where the two hod supper. On the back ,11.111. (.;1191 it states tint the prisoner was holm in 'Toronto, gross blower he tirade ; was nrresled nu lloy 20).11, 1898, by Acting Detective Porte' for theft, age 2l years. The wish of the, people in the community is that those (nested are the guilty Forties, which nn doubt they are, owl (hat', they vertu ho olds to cat their (enls in Kingston for the next 20 years. Since the robbery here no less than live different towns have been robbed, or a try made, by these professional crooks, Nethio0 has been heart: Its wt' go 10;9055, when the pri,:innerS will be br,mght up hero on trial. GIVE us Potatoes wanted. TAYLOR - fl CALL Highest prices paid. Corner Store BLYTH Result Advertising When the wise manufacturer or merchant wishes to pinee his W0I'08 before the public he generally wishes 0, advertise in the newspaper w111011 rashes the homes in rite community. For the widely read paper, and that which cavern Myth ala the townships of Hullett, East \Vaw'0(osh and Morris is undoubtedly The Blyth Standard The paper which goes direct to the 90011104(10 homes, and therefore, reaches the class possess- ing the greatest purchasing power. It will ellectively' carry 00111' !message to an intelligent discriminating people, who eon afford to buy the best. Its rotes +u'e low enough to enable every judicious advertiser to make money out ul a prudent in Vestmenvi n its Splaee. Advertising rates, sample copies and full information obtainable at the office. In ,job wort( we guarantee to 1111 the bill in first class style, whether it he large or small, 1