HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-09, Page 4JAS.McMURCH{E BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, BLYTII, on. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a apeetalty, Advances made to farmers on their own notes. No Additional security required, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We offer every accommodation son. *Went with safe and couservative *king principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of Interest, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sate. Rents oolleuted. CONVEYANCING Of all kande promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Lite Assurance companies, and respect. fully soliolt your account. 0 FICE HOURS: 10 A,lt. to 3 P.M.. Business Cards. A. B. MACDONALD, Barrister Solicitor, Notary, Eta. Sue. eeesor to G. F. Blair. Ontoe over Stan. decd Bank, Brussels. Salluttor for Metro. politan Bank. FROUDFOO'P, FLAYS & I3LAIR. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Eto, Ottloes—Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Gyodertott. W. Proudtoot, K,C, ; 11, C. Hays, G. F. Blair. 0. E. LONG, I, D,S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal Oullegerot Canal Surgeons. An honor graduate' of 'lbronto University. Office over James Cotte store, Pretoria block, Bl tb• At Auburn every Monday 0 a.m.to 5, pan, W. J. MILNE,'ALD.C.M. Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M„ Unl- terelty of Trinity College; M.D., atuecu'a University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Phyefolans and Surgeons of Ontario. Oar. otter ter the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale Stables • oat oa➢ gni Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. o onceoee First -cess Horses and Rigs for biro at reasonable rates, Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring riga. Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, RLYTR. F. S. SCOTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the otti,o of Tan S'rANAARn, Blyth, Spring Term Opens April 1st Thoroughness Is the keynote of tblr Institution. Our school stands for what i• highest and best in business ed notion. We hcvo atter depersntents•-Commer• cial, Shorthand and Telegraphic. Our graduates always succeed. It interested got our tree catalogue. ELLIOTT d MCLACNLAN, Principals. •- PAGE Fo'3R--TFIE BLVTI-I STANDARD-.-APk1L 9TH, gCS. (�IJC iii th gtanba t. J. L, KERR, PUBLISHER, THURSDAY, APR, 9, 1905 VPeople We Kno Master Harvey Willis, of Seaforth, was a visitor 111 town this week. Mr, S. A. Poplestone was a.vlsltor it St. Marrs, on Tuesday, attending a I. 0. 0. F. mooting, Mr. J, A. Chisholm, of Wingham, wns a visitor in town on Friday of last week. Misses Margaret and Lyl :Brown, of Brussels, are visiting their sister, Mrs, J. Leslie Kerr. Mr. Jos. Brophey, accompanied by a gentlemen trlend, were calling on old friends in town on Tuesday, Mrs, Manns, of Hensen, was n visitor over Sundny with her grand- daughter, Miss Myrtle Bengpugh. Mrs, A. M, Babb and Miss Jean, of Teeswatet', are visiting with the l'ormer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh McQuarrle. Messrs. 13. Gerry, N. F. Gerry and son ]Frank, of Brussels, were in town last Saturday attending the sale of Mr. N. B. Gerry. Mr. John McLaughlin ,and wife, of McGregor, spent a few days last week with his another, Mrs. ]Tarry James, of Blyth. Miss Lizzie Brown returned home hast Wednesday evening From Vaughn, Louisiana, taster a visit of four months. It is expected that Mrs. Harry Kelly willleave the South shortly and make a visit at her home here. Mr. ,Tames Leith, who wns fore- man ol'the steel laying gong on the G. & G. line, left last week with his family for Smith's Fall, 'where he will be employed as foreman for the construction of the double trucking on the 0, P. R. to Montreal, CHURCH NOM. A reception was tendered to Rev. J. H. and Mrs, Oliver at. the Sarnia Central Methodist 0100' on their return from a visit to the Bride)] Isles. Mr. Oliver in making a hap. py response to the greetings tender- ed, spoke et length as to his recent trip to Europe, and more particu• lady as to his relation to the tem. peri nee movement in England and to the temperance legislation intro• ducted into the British House of Commons by the Government, **a. Last Sabbath morning Rev. J. L. Sntnli took as his subject "The signs acconrpaning the death of Christ" continuing the series he has been taking up every Sundify morningon "The shadow of the Cress." In the evening his topic was "What is truth ?" *y On Sunday evening Rev. W. Ii, Hartley, will take as his subject "Christ before Pilate'II. atm Rev, Dr, McLean is expected to conduct services in St, Andrew's Church on Sabbath . Mr, Small will preach at Auburn and Smith's Hill, M*Y We understand that an effort will be nlade at the County Terupernnce, Convention to be held in Ont,trto St, church, Clinton, April 16th, eotn• n)encing at 10 o'clock, , to organize every municipality of the County where local option is not in force, with n view to haying, the law come Into effect at the some time in all the towns, villages and townships. Single fare for the return trip on the railroad i'or this date, s ,, * Mrs. Nancy Hunter, another of Rev. J. E. Hunter, tate evangelist, passed even), on Saturday night in St. Thomas, after a lingering illness. She was born In Ireland 78 years ago and came to Canada when three years old, She is survived by two r , '' "Life in Every Dose" 2sv�raari,t�/ 7i,177i,naG+t� itd�tttf upwards "I cannot speaktoo highly of Pay. chine, for it is the greatest modisiae I ever used. I was luta about 'all in' rhea I began the 'treatment, tied is 3 months I was as wekt.As;a't(gr.'',:It is a great tonic for weak end raw down pec. plc. There is new life le' d9' ry dose." JAS. STOLIKER. Ridgetowa, Opt., Dee, 19, 1908. It ie a sin nut to tell your slot friends about this wonderful prescription. Throat, lung and stomach troubles, aad all run down conditions quiekly eared by its use. A.t all druggists, 60c and $1.00, or Dr. T, A. Slocum, Ltd., Torouts Less Lice More Eggs And the poultry will not be worried with nay Hoe It Empire Poultry Duster • Is used as dlreoteoted. Lice canrct exist where this instantaneous Ilse exterutlnetor is used. More eggs in the nage Is the result Endorsad by lsrgeet poultry fanciers ss "b, at yet." Large package 25c. For role at Dr. W. J. Milne's White City Drug Store McMILLAN & CO. WANTED Any quantity of Eggs and Butter at the highest cash prices. Barley and Oats for sale. McNILLAN & CO. sons and three daughters. The Choir of the Methodist church under their very capable learner, .Miss Emma Moser, are preparing the following beautiful service of sung fur Easter Sunday April Ieth :— Morning, 'Easter Praise' by E. S. Lorenz ; evening, 'Christ is Risen' by Carrie It Adams ; 'Ilosannu ha the Highest' b3 Ira 13. Wilson, Rev. A. II, Brown, 13, A. 13. D , of Varna, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church next Sunday morning and evening. T A Last Sabbath at both services Rev. S. Anderson took as his subject "Resurrection'''; in the morning from Matt, 28:9.10;; and in the evening Acts 1:21.22. Mirth Council,. Regular meeting of C nonan was held in Industry Hall on Monday evening. Thu Reeve in the chair, and Councillors Bahaton, Carter, Chellew and Hill present. Minutes of last regular' meeting was read and on motion of L. Hili seconded by J. H. Chellew, the minutes as rend were confirmed. !Sieved by Jus Carter seconded by A 13ainton that accounts as follows be paid :— G. White, ploughing snow 9 2 00 T. E. Taman " 8 20 E, Livingston, electric lights96 80 S. Westlake, salary for March40 60 " postage no Collector2 00 Carried 984 00 Moved by Jos, Carter seconded by L, Hill that we do now adjourn, lendesbore. R. Morrell is all stulies this week on account of a little baby girl ar- riving in his (tome. Miss Pipe, of Brussels, Is the guest of her sister here. Several frotn here attended Clin- ton fair last Thursday. The Misses Curry, of Toronto, re• turned on Saturday after spending the past f'ew weeke at the parsonage, Mrs, Thomas Crisp died very sud- denly at her home here on Tuesday hist, as the result of a stroke.of pari• iysie. Deceased was a highly re. spected resident, having lived here for Inuny years. She is survived by a daughter fwd a son. She was faithful member of the Methodist church. The funeral took plate on 'Thursday to the Londesboro came. terry. Some of the farmers were busy this week improving the roads. Wood bees are now the order of the day. The Altar. JENKINS—WAIIMINO1'ON,—At Erie, North Dskoha, an April 7th, at the home of the hiide'a parents, Mt'. and Mrs. James Jenkins, Minnie Maud, to George W Warutingtot . The Tomb. it000ycturot:,--In Morris, nn April Harnett, daughter of the late John MeCutcheon, in iter 64th year, Spring Show at Clinton. The third Huron County Stock Show at Clinton on Thursday of hast week was a decided success, and again proved the fact that nowhere n America can be found better stock of all kinds than there 18 10 be 'u these western counties. Splen• did inducements in the way er prizes were offered for competition In all classes, and the owners of stuck were oe hand bit large num• bees, each class being wi II tilled. There were over 160 entries. The crowd was good, and had it not been for the chilly weather would have been much larger. 'There were two Government judges, D, H. G. Reed, of Georgetown, who judged the light horsed, and fatties Rennie, of Toronto, the grain, Mr, Rennie also gave an instructive ad• dress on seed growing. Alex. Mc. McTavish, of Stratford, judged the heavy horses and Capt. Robson, of Ildertun, the cattle. The prizes awarded were : Clydesdale stallion, 3 years—Jas. Leiper, Chas. McGregor, Fred Davis, Shires: 3 years —J, Jacobs, R. McConnell, Two years—J. S. Clark. Pcrehea'on stallion—Fred Day heavy draughts, 3 years and ov —A.'limes, J. C. Dale, Jos, Blake. Mai'e, 2 years and under—Jose Blake, Golding, rising 2—Charles Love 3rd. Heavy draught teats—Thum biellilhtn, James Forster. Family of colts—D, Reynolds. General ptu'pnae team—Jose Reynolds, J. II, bear, 11, 11111. Agricultural brood stare, 8 yea and :over—A, Innes 1st and 3rd, 11. F2nd, Moisouear's Bank cup sweepstakes A. Innes, gelding, 3 years and over—T. Mair, N, Catt'ter, J, Decker, .Gelding, 2 years and over—T. Mills, George Dale. Agricultural team—Morton Buck, J. Sparrow, C. J. Wallace. Hackney stallion—T. Shipley. Roadster stallion, 111 hands a elds.r--R, King, J. Miller, '1'. Re ovho 'Carriage horse in harness—D, Doi.ovan, J. McNaughton, Joseph Reynolds, .Carriage team—Charles Walker, Gundry Bros. Roadster team—,John Decker, G, Lindsay. Saddle horse—James Nairn, W Elliott, Gundry Bros. Hereford bull, 2 years and over— S. Ihtle, P.tHeed•Angus lull—J. Ransford. Polled -Angus, 2 years and over— J, McIntosh, Polled -Angus cow, 3 year's and over—J. Ransford 1 and 2. Shorthorn hull. 3 year's and over -E. Wise., John Baur, .1. Cowan. 13u11, 2 years and under—J. Broad foot 1 and 2. Bull, 1 year and under—H. Smith, J. Cowan, J, Snell Heifer, years—H. Stuth, James Snell, J. Cowan. Heifer, 1 year old—II, Smith 1 and 2, J. Cowan. I3est male, any age—E. Wise, Best female, any age—II, Smith. Herd, any age—fI. Smith. Fat heifer, any age—J. Snell, J. Ransford, Fall wheat—J, Selkirk, J. Tay• tor. Michigan amber—A. Elcoat, J. Wise. Black oats—J. H. Fear, White oats—J, Ford, J. Ransford. Barley, two•rowed—J. Wise, J. E. Taylor. ` Peas—J. Wise 1 and 2. Timothy—G. Middleton, J. Chap - ma n, Clever—L. Tyndall, W Fisher, Potatoes, late—J, Roes, W. Tay• lbs', Potatoes, early—W, Hill, th'. Rennie said it was the best collection of seeds he hod Been this year, is. er ph tt as ph rs J. 1C. K. ltd y. J. Itexew your subscription and help the palter al,ng. Mouras Council sleets in the 'township Hall on Saturday of this wt ek at 1 o'clock. A meeting of the Executive of the Conservatives "f the North riding met in Wingbam to-dny for the purppnse of.esillii ' a convention for the election of officers and selecting a candidate• Here's to our wives t They 1111 our lives, Likebttsy bees, with honey ; They ease our shocks, They darn our socks— And spend most all our mons A Bargain for Saturday We picked up a lot of Ladies' Lawn Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 13 inches square, good value at 5 cts. each. ATURDAY we will give you the benefit of our buying and run then off at 10 for 25 cents J. A. ANDERSON • This brand—on a bag or barrel—is the mark of a BLENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall Wheat and Manitoba Spring Wheat, milled by the best millers in Ontario. Mk your grocer for a Blended Flour—and look for the above brand wherever you buy. rRir";';' "Made in Ontario' FINE FURNITURE Our stock is complete with the very latest styles and rev est drrigns cf Ester. Ston Tables, Sideboards, Kitchen Cabinets, Chairs, Bedrorm Set., Mattresses, Wire Springs, Etc. CARPETS, RUGS and LINOLEUMS In this department we show a large stock of up-lo.dote gorge. A= oar cods are all imported direct from the mills we are In a position to sell at the vmy lot est prices, quality considered. Repairing and Ploture Framing promptly attended to. J. H. CHELLEW, BLYTH Wire - ire We are now offering to the purchasing public COIL SPRIN tt 1 E at $3.00 per hundred or $2.90 for cash. 'phase having intentions of building fences this siring should see our stock before going elsewhere. McPHERSON y Hardware and Tinware - *' ROS. - BLYTH