HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-09, Page 3Anil 'lumina," trying hard to main- tain an expression 'whiting her mourn- ing dress, while there slime in her eyes kern satisfaction at meeting on equal terms, as for as raiment was concerned, n 1(11100 before whose furs and laces her 1/11•11 alpacas and cottons had afore. time figuratively quailed, obediently. gage Doris a less lugubrious kiss than seal, and sailed with chastened step out of the room, 1,1/110 idea of the truth ovao heginuilig to dawn on Doris's mind. She tutted suddenly (1.0111 watching. Airs. Melton', exit to face the young nmol who had so oaf' elj' secured at tete-a-tete with her. '•1fussie, you have been playing me a t1' a k," she said, bewildered. "And what if 1 have? 1 laid a right to tell you my news in my own way. Fit down -011 dorm lucre, 01111'1'11 telt you u ';Th 1(e. .1 ala Hind to tell you." •11,, has indeed see much excited that, toca!ut lam, she obeyed at once, and sat down in the loo' chair he had brought brought to the hearth -rug for her, ready to liens the news she !tad /heady pertly guessed. Ile flung. himself down on the floor in front of her, and, putting his hands lip to her throat very gently be- fore she could prevent hi10, unfastened her cloak and threw it open; •You will catch cold if you sit in that," 10 said, with his flushed face close to hers, and his eyes drinking in the fair- ness of hor face. L. diad lack a lithe, and Bushed ifs lee vols away coldly, ":No, no, you must not be unkind; you 1011,1 listen to mm (kindly. Son wilt se'I' now you were wrong to think 1 wonted your fortiine,wh0n .t lvotebippcd you so 1l' Ambleside; 1 boliovod nmy;etf to be then what 1 am really now, the hair to cousin was not married at alt -the wom- an's money. Doris, Doris, it is true. -lay, cul;i1 was not married at all the wow, no was not his wife Everything is mine, mina! Oh, Dai, Doris, if it 1011 oahy.come a year-ago!" .Ile was kneeling at her feet, rubbing hi, head in his hands, in utter abandon - name to mut oxeitement which .infected Di» is, She tried to calla him with cold and ;;evert words, uttered in a trembling yoke which took away their sting. like touted to rise; but he would not let her gal. "So, no!" lie c•ied,pasionatciy. "You (i(((,t ,ay something kind to me first; you must tell me pm are sorry )'011 ever • thought me interested -----L." "1 nm sorry,(,ussie-1 ant torr'., 1 have believed in you, .you know. 1 as Del, very glad you are well off; 1 feel i1.rtuin you will make 0 good and noble me of your money, better than I have a chunc0 of making of nine," she added, sadly, 'Now you must let 100 go; 1 11111 Irate already." "Wait, wait; you L 1 en't had nay Christmas present. David '11)111 f might 1(e you 0 Christmas present, didn't he:?" '\(ell. 101118 it 10811 with you to ].air- leigh, Cassie, where we 0011 see it till to. 41,11100, and ,you can make me 0 beau- tiful speech about it,' said she, nervun0 h'. lint be staining: n: (('ht11 clildi,11 inipa- tienceat the idea of deferring his own promised pleasure, sprung to the chair, where he lad thrown his overcoat, and dna ed out of ore of the lockets a large, l, flat morocco case. Doris gave 0 little cry of fear. Ile pulled it open and placed it in her lap. It was a set of diamonds and sapphires, the stores of ] ante size, the setting (Meet, the value ob1101(0ly alarming. She made a movement to thrust it aside, u,, 1)0110," he said, imperiously, sett i g her hands and 1001 hig up with fiash- in,t oyes into 1100 face 1: uceepted from your hands help in money, 0 pretty good proof that you know me well enough to file as present from 11(0. Tool have no jewels worthy of your position I have heard .Airs, i:dgcomle say 80, Since jew- els bre of so little (911110 in your eyes, they are just as lvorthless in 1111110, You 1111111 ]keep these -you shall! Let lac Ina them round your neck, just ,is 1 would put flowers on the 111100 of it god- dess." But l)orissepnlsed him quickly, rising as she did so, Sic spoke in a low, treinl• loos. voice. ''1 will keep then(, (lassie, on condition that you let me leave at once," Ile stepped batik, doubtful, hesitating. With one glance at hes excited face, she left the 10001, with the jewels ag.t,inst her breast, • CFIAPTER XIV, :1s she (hove ell, 0111' 011.W (ussie Atclton rush out of the doorway -on to the pave- ment ; arvo-nmett; but elle drew back and would not let him .see. 111(1. She was so much agi- tated by thc emotion, which the young noun', im1petm.1us outburst of gratitude and afteetion had awoken -ad hr 1(1' that, slit, felt .she could not now expose herself to the kecu scrutiny of her grandmoth- er's eyes;. She must go back to Fair- 1e(g1, where she would stiIl have two 01' (11100 hours alone to compose herself los tore her lar;band's rettirn. She wished with all. her heart that. she had not gone 11p t0 town. Uustie's boy- tob devotion, coining 00 quickly altar 11011(111/1 of misery at her husbands nog - Wel, hail excited her, so strangely 111111: he. had ,rue 1y been able to control 1(0')' 1011 while listening to 11111--111.11 been on the point innocent 115. 0101 01 (1, of b1111kuIg 11110 (:11,110 at the dangerous touch r of xyfupathy, Until those lust tui moments at the hotel, when his 1111 petuu,iy, hail suddenly irigliteued her, he had cit tm(mly beet happier with Gu, - 1(0 than i he had lleedl for weeks; for the pleasure she had enjoyed. sed. it: her hus- bands' sec el.l ,110 that 0112 when he had denoted himself to tmyidg to please her hod been feverish, 1110asy, fraught with fear lest he should not find her so fascinotingns ,110 found him. •.111 the time-t,onoed jests and gih1s at tie iul'elieity of the ;named state, which she had foraerlyt110)14ht so Coarse, had then a terrible fmmdstion of truth! Doris rebelled against, this (pnelutfor1, A means 01 testing David's feeling ,for net c3(1'' batt her mind 11w:emit the jew- els she carried iu her Intuit If lira could submit coolly, to his wife'', mcmfring such a present from another lout, then indeed she felt that lussbands must be made of differ- ent clay from other men. \\'hither 110 action would be quite fair to G'usoie s10 00110 100 typical a woman to' cU1sider. Lt is a very exceptional W011(1111 11'110 1111, 000111 in her lend or halt for more than one inn at a 11,1101 the feelings, interests, of tike inn sigh's cout:t for nothing, 'flat lam eon tieing night 1'e (vee from the reproach o1 taking more 11111110 for nuotlmr Hurn than for her 1118101)01, rather than with any •thought that these pails would 111(111 11111011 effect upon Day Dorisn and ms rut n that evening (n; tl new tea - gown of 1'n al tolorcd liberty sill; 1.1111- meal 1110mea with coffoo'tinted net embroidered lvith gold. 110 00i1411111'b0111(1.y'efcr1oe11- ed lovelier than rho, as, with a11 unus- ual flush in her cheeks. aiud light in lues eyes giving lustre to her dark beauty, (she sat inthe drawing -loon(, it 1110 pole dnod varying light of fire and lamp and shaded candles, playing with the, sp il:l- ing stones whose only v1tlue in he eves lay in the use to which she (0101 going to put them, Eleven (('clock,dmlf past 0100011, twelve strucl1 before tau+ bell rang and she heard tlic faint sound of a door shutting u a savant went to let the master in, Doris had left her seat by the fire"twenty times to walk 000081 the room, unfasten the shutters, open time window, and 11 -ren 111 11)0 stillness, Now, whit the longed- for 1v,ucne so nein, eke sot 410 t1' _till, feeling the loud quiet 1ea1in4 of her heart wad a heavy weight at her test' pies. She no tenger felt the 0110e 111 Ler hands; it fell to 1110 ground 110 st10 rote, trembling, on hearing her husband's 1,,tep outside the door. The slight noise it made in falling .frightened hem; but she did not stoop to pick it up. 'rhe duct' op(red and 1180111 came in. 110 .started tit night of her, and, s he did :o slit not hied that he woe the 11,lnal lbstmaetcd ecus' look. after a long day devoted 10 "bnsi• 0(000" -it even seemed to her that he tens more absorbed, more nbe:ent than sunt, "Yon up still, 1/or, 1 110104111 yon would have been im bed balms ago!" "1 waited to see you, to speak to y'ou,' he answered, in a very low and subdued -cobs ''Po speak to mut Anything wrong thea A quiilk glanee et her not the 'lane0 0( Down iutitcst, but of 01apieto00 cur- n.situ-'(lppnen:tly satisfied' him that: f (vans nothing 6er1011s-t0 hit, "\o, David, nothing is w1o,;--at least, phot Will drink not," "Won't it ke0 t tillr,tho morning. I ami very tired. Ile looked very ,white and 11.011"1, (1nd Doris twisted of nrm-0101ir roiled I() the fire, and 0(1111 very -lender hands, led hint to it and 01axcd'liimm to sit down. "I would rather speak to you now, if I may. I .have been waiting three hours to sec you, and I-Isenn speak better Donis left the hotel hurriedly, got into 110w than in the 111orn,fig" 1'l,', and drove to 11 utarlue 101 ltiou. Slee felt that( this,terrible ostrai11 of ex- 0000 6"*'11' `1SJ°YP"tIF' .400$61090060011000 0 Consumption is Jess deadly than it used to be. 3 Certain re9i'f and 'usually complete recovery ei will result from the following treatment: Hope, rest, resh air, and -Score's Emulsion. ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND $1.00. 9a' 40004.04,0000000000401041410 eitetr e-nt which she diad been shf ferfng 1111 all the evening w0)4(1 1,400' her utterly incapable of producing an), effect by hes elocittem . ill the ('old hours al' the morn- ing. "I will b0 very 11011,4 10,1 1 11'11 11:11 keep you lin" she emltinued, in low luasured (10111', 111 011111 0110 e,n'ttill!y uppn ofd 111'01'y sign (1 excitement es- ,0pt a 0)iglit tremor; and she (bopped gently oil to her knees beside. 11(10: pat one hand on his and looked steadily el 1108, so 111111, 0110 nuglut .not ;ee, the d 111111 (i c w his 5.01 •shut her nit from hint 1(r s.lu spoke, "1)71 have lame married six months 'noir, David, 111)1 en't we? And all that time, we have ',seer bad one ,plarrel 11!111 die:1111 c 111.111, '.n, Yon have always been kind and 0,11,1:.Crt 111 1111', an11 1 wise al0nys done wind you told ate to. Anil. indeed 1 love nrd 1c(0r 10111 e*1 I 0ug!hlt to do, vied timid do 0uyl11ing to please you and male you happy. And yet T inn afraid - sometimes l think -Chub I don't try quite in the right way, that there Is something I fail in, something tIlal would be 411;)4' sight if 1 were a little, wiser, if T knew a little more.. And I want you, if you cert --yon,- 11'110 taro so good end so Milli!. geld with 111e even as I and -to help me hi find oat what it is that T miss, You )1011 sway butt y011 Dur 0111,18111111 with Inc 115 1 ani -1 130011. that. 114 i wad yon to In, 010re than satisfied; I want you 1,1 -to melte 1110 111010 to yen, if you only inn; to confide in 11e, and see if 1 don't deserve 11 -not for yams sake -- you aro a. mon, and eon( i0± sufficient to yourself; hot T nim it yenuml, and 1 11:11 t. David, please forgive rue for Maj' - in, this; but to see yen so dlo4tmt, so slut up from me, is terrible; 101111 not 1/03 V itl" She paused a moment, not yot daring to limit up, hoping fur some word' of tenderness, of kindness, She had kept I her voice so low, so gentle; the thrill of heartfelt earnestness that rang in her wards only made theta softer, sweeter. Now, 110 slu United, 0115 felt his left hand, on 1111101 her fingers were e a1), slip gradually from tinder hers dotril (111 to his knee. She felt a chill of great fear. Ile had been cold, passive, colder her timid caresses before; but 00000 before had he absolutely repulsed Mr. ;;he 111iS011 her 0:1'00 to his face 101111 the ,Laub ngoey oI ,t mortally minded anmml. David was asleep. • :tier soft voice imd acted 110 11 1u11aby to the 41.04 man, whose faculties had 1(t once relaxed on finding that her seri- ous eonrnsation did not canteen) time subjects just then of (mist vital interest to him, ' As cold and statuesque as David in Ids most reserved moods, Doris quietly role, picked tip the despised ease of ,jewels to whi011 her .titration had been called by her accidentally treading mann them, and without another look 1(t the, slumhortng lord, swept from the room like another ILO next Morning she returned the jewels to Cussie. sending them by the groom, with a rather formal note, saying that ,she hoped he would not think her unkind, but that she could not accept i present of so much value; if she were to keep theta, it would be ungracious not, to wear them; and, ifife. 0'01'0 11(001, 11100 1(18411 (1X111 10 remark. :I'o her husband that morning she Was very cold; belt the'cl0ulge in het' escaped his attention, She told him of Gussic's accession to fortune, and that 11e, in a fanatically' generous mood, had offered Ler a Christmas present so handsome that she was obliged to return it. At this Davids face 01onded, and lois wife watched the 1liteal1y look m his eyes with some hope that she diad awakened bv occident the faint ,jealousy which she had given 111) the thought of exciting by '('ou refused it!" Le L,^a'n 001 Lent looking at her; then, after n moment's nf-1' ''1 think you ore too particular, Doris; it was scarcely kind to snub poor (tussle for such n very natural inmuis0 toward a lady wbD hod been kind to 111(1), Men a 10,111, ao old friend, too, has been hospitably entertained it great many times nt the' same house, he welcomes Christmas 110 au opportunity of relieving run self grocer 1lly-from an obligation," Doris sail nothing, For the moment. F111,frit nglin the sane sharp sting of diloglist and rebellion against this 110110. pressionable King Ing vOdell she hod felt the night before, She 00(1111 not know that, their thoughts running its 110111(1 in cepnrutte grooves, her lms- hand's words were airily an apology to himself for his action of the day before 111 taking down to the Lawns a pair of diamond solitaire ear -rims 110 ,t peaee- offeria4 to lits. Dodson, who was of- fended by it conscience-stricken 0x03(50 110 11011 nadc W110(1 5110 1'011011011 iia 01• 10ndauee on two 00nsrentive evening's, So boom :Doris and her husband remained mute -need uneasy after this inaritol snob, hind, (e Christmas -eve was a holi- day- at his office in Somerset house, David loafed about the 1101100 by1411(00lf for a little while after breakfast, and- then ndthen sneaker( off to the Lawn-, trusting to hick 111111 his wife's overrated indiffer- owe for her to believe that he 111(; spending the day (10 usual b1 town llrs, llodson's society had 10en,ne 15 necessity to him 110. The 00111114 infiueuco of marriage laud in his 0111.1, n1011110d 1(1 10(1- Iniuug him in domesticity indeed, but by the wrong fireside Where lie 11101 been. tolerated before, 1e, wits now wel- comed; and David, though he 11710 begin. mug to feel yery (10(5(.0 tortures of re- morse now tliat the tide of speenl8tm)1 seemed to have set in unfortunately for found that the feeble efforts 1;o made to escape were quite insufficient 111 break the chains which the stock bri e - e ingenuity and his wife's matronly fascinations had bound securely root 111111, 11y7 the last post flat nig1t Doris receiv- ed e, tiff rote from AB's. Melton, evi- dently inspired if not (Belated by Gnssie, regretting. that her recent bereavement rendered it impossible for them to pass C.hiistinas atFoirleigh as Alr,-awtl AL's.' Glyn had. ,so kindly invited them to Ido. So the putt; was in omplet.e, luul• Clic festivities iwere damped, and the -only neighs who enjoyed thelmelv(s with a0' unalloyed joy were Clnll10 I'afpillon :tial Hilda Warren, who gave sonie of their. lime' to a; vary seldom; disulssien of than "som0lhfi14 wrong' in the hnn;;elold,and 1 mouse. disagreed violently u;; to Ileo rinse ,,1 11, Il neglect. her" 1111(1 afraid sigh, et tilde, sorrowfully. • ,1e bores him, Iden sune''said Char- lie, promptly, I le shouldn't hove 700014ed he, if+lia \000 tl.0 sort of man to be bored by a ed woa,111." "Seven inns ,' blinds t and n yens 1 18d" ono to, 1lum', possibilities, Don't you think it w uiil blind you f„ "}'e,,," answered llildn, frakly, • "I r1,pe;', it y''1111d." "Now, if I had seven 11101/0111 it (';car, you would overlook any faults" • Poor Vida! 10110 10110 only too ready to overlook them now, . B11 Charlie, with flint 1110(0ti111 which was not Duly nn empty boast, had sought her soulety 1, 0s of ante, having no intention of burdening his easy life by the rare of a wife. If he, were' in Gussie's place, it wenlil be different; and Charlie felt it very bard that 11', of the three onee•-impecntti)us friends, nLould'be the only one: left in 080,0.10', ale now 01001011 the pnssio(ale o ,stas! which was in Ihhhl's heart -and on Mr lips b!: reminding 1100 that they coned: both "marry moos";"tinct the girl, lvm :1 a pang or !caloasy, wondered whe- ther the n!00e,y wee slrafdy dazzling hos bk'lt' and isontewhat mercenary ayes. (.Im ist.1u0•s wee, passed very gnicl l0, and soon afterward Doris, finding the loneli- ness of her lie in the loge house b}' 111' river ouste insnpl,ertald,, expressed wish to lav in town, to be near her grendnut1er. David, who (ym D00', 11111100 the 1)10001(10 of business e-ccite- mneat, losing his 11011,01 calmness and growing irritable and almost morose, tared at, once, and they took a 5101)11 furnished louse m'm' Cllonceat01' road Motion, a situation which Devin found very convenient for Richmond. rind Denis pleasantly mar to olio lits. Edgcomlic's lunm0. The old lady lens 01)011(0 well' in- formed gel:Truing the movements of the society around her, and it was she who put !Tinos 110 possession of n p00e of information concerning the hol(scbul11 at the 1,,N•n: • llich the latter imported to her 11110)r,:nd in the evening, with stdrt- hn • effect. • "Do yon know. David," she said sol- emnly at dinner time, "1 have heard such a strange thing about Mrs. Ilcnls0n! I should scarcely like to repeat it, except that grandmother told it ane as n fart; -and you know how particular she. is about 01001101!'' "'Whet is it'"" asked David, with cold blue eyes that might hove been of glans. "W'h,y, it seems that, although her hus- band is known to be in difficulties, lb's, e010 dresses S b[. 1 Iever,wears ihidso;m d (tet than 'mu jewelry, and hos just orbited a new 4010)041' it 0p -mars that )ti's. Thum - well, who told g(; 101010mme this, Wad who is very vulgarly inquisitive, 110 you know, was haling her brougham repaired - 'i r' eel herein 1(l the Some aitch btu Ido », m g this pretty new victoria lynx, 'for Airs, Reason, she said 0110 0.1)1111(00)1 112 10,10 001 11fniid of 'i ipplying goods to stic1 an extravagant household, And the. 000011 - builder said i\b'. Ilods0n was not the Oen, tlenan to whom the hill w110 sent in" Some strange change, shoring interest, if not curiosity, which cause over David's face at her first mention of this gossip caused her to repent it ninth more at length than she had intended to do. When she had finished, he asked dryly( "And who is the 4011110511 mai" "1 am 0hwd to think" There was a pause before he saw, tin 0 01:0 (Odell would have soundell unite tasted and stony If 110 hod eve:' shown vivid interest in his talks With his wife: "Well,' you have 1(11(10 some guesses, of maw 1" I amu afraid it must be Cassie" She 10ns watching rum fearful lest he' should think her unduly censorious, At this, 1•cr answer, he made a movement with his ripht'ellluw, so slight, 80 very A MED'CINE FOR SPRING NEVER CATCH COLD. Rrench-Canadian Habitants Not, Af- fected by Below Zero Weather. S1.101 10 tllfgg 110 a'hl is absolutely I 'unknown to the French-Canadian halt•: (taint-ivhlcll goes for to prove that Ben - ,j1111/111 1''rtudklbi was right when he Do Not Jose With Purgatives--- !'` A4faitic.is All k eople Need. Not exactly sick -baits not feeling Mite well, That's the wily most 1100- p1e loci hi Dui spring..'Easily tired, appetite vvntth, sometimes head- aches and at feeling of di,pression, Per, haps pimples or eruptlp!15 appear, or thee- may, be Hying,s of rheumatism •orneuralgia. alum• of these indicate that the blood is out of order; that the, indoor life of winter hots left its Mark upon yo(1 and may ensiiy d'velep lute more serious trouble. Don't close ('Ourself as 1111in' ,people foolii4hly do ,with purgativesin%the hope that yolt can put your blood right Purgatives gal- lop through, the, system and weaken in- stead of giving, strength, (Vhat you need' in' sprits„ is a tonic medicine that will make new, ricin blood, build 1111 the weakened nerves, and -thus give your new' health, One slrengtiI, Dr. 1Yiliiams' pink ('Ills • is the one medicine that eau du slight that, as iw Ives turning away (tom her to feed the dog, she might al- most have thought it insignificant. But, for some reason or other, that scarcely perceptible motion woke in the ('oun,a wife's mind the first faint breath of vague impalpable suspicion. It fright- ened her -for the moment, seemed to stop her 11rca11. 'The next mointot Davfd 1111( 0111ty scolding het for 1)0100(10 to gossip, asserting his belief tint tussis 100(1 nothing to do with Air:. Tludson and 101 c Il'19,1g00. 'lYby, my de,n• ('111(1, look holy 0111( l 011 btesiness with ant obliged to he there yG1, 1bodson! And 1 tell you 1 tau sure G0ssie is nut et the lawns once 11 week,» David hated himself for this speech; tut he was ton deep in the 10110 1111• to draw btu 1: front an ou l,fmnal 1i,1, im- .1)11011 u1' spo ti meet its wife was in rt. mood that must be satnlcl,Le thought. But It was 0 1,11 sign that she seemed satisfied so easily, said nu mono 011 the snbj001, 1801, iF David led understood ('01000bet.tmr, rte would have been alarmed. (To he ectitinuod,( 0 English Needle -Making. The origin Of the establishment, of 1110 110111110 i111111 -l) in 101111 11, whieli town I is ilio0 1'111/10110 101' ito 1100(110 418111011011," it 18 (001011, but recent resean•ehcs seem 10 51/OW (hal tine ark of needle m0l(1ng was probably first taught to the inhabi- tants by the monks of the Cistercian .1Lbey of l;odesley, which was n large religious louse existing on the outskirts of the present '100011. Of Itodditch, and which was dissolved he, 1518. The growth of the trade, horrs'er, sass En- gineering, nest have been very slow. and it was not until toward 1 h end of the eighteenth century that the bulk of the English needle -molting inhistry was concentrated in fend about Redditch. , tlus'speedily, imiely and 011001y, 0 Even' dose of this ulellheine makes new, rich, red • blood,' strengthens the a petite II , clean( the skin, •and Makes tired, de- pressed men need women bright, ac- tive imd strong, 111', Thiry Ituggins, , Oshawa, 0111,, says: "1 don't think 1 thee is anything equal to Dr, 413)1. tia ii':Phil: fills as a cure for nor- I vonsness, indigestion and a run down I condltiou of the blood. For some time 1 wale n grout sufferer front these trine Ides," I tried several remedies, but nothing g Lel ;ed tie 110th 1 be 011 tak- ing ing. Dr, Williams' Pick fill:;, Before taking them 1 felt like on old man, but by the time 'I had taken four boxes any strength had returned, fay- ulipctite (0(410ved, my nerves were steady and I W110 feeling a renewed' man." • If you steed a. 11105E01ne this spring --and most people do -try Dr. Wil - Nuns' Pink il•li n '`Pink ]sills told see how speedily they will nuke you feel like a now 110111011, 8011 by nil the medicine deal• its or by marl at :,0 emits a box or six bo:;_es fir 4250 titan the D', (1111imms' ''.,clLyue C'o., Brockville, Out, Quaint "How D'ye Do's:" A French .journal has been. looking into the question of how .different races e0pteea 'How obi' you 'do?" and gives some' curious examples, The Cornus, for inetnnee greet each other- with the renlik, "You lo Ic0k old,," and no ef- fence is. given or implied. Persians soy "1111y Allah preserve your beard and eover it with benedictions." Among a tribe of Fiji Islanders the correct forte of salutation is to pill 000:0 ear. A Car- oline islander kneels before, Ids. friend, whose Riot, : 1mR slapss nt himself Vigorously in the) face with rt:. In the ,Son,lnn a traveller was ;uldtes4d by a nattve.chief 1s "Mighty Sum," the said chief finishing ((p with "Glory to thee, C) jilemlid m qp ' d1 -s remark being aecertitah',1 b(:Titling In the travelle'r's right hand, - DRUGGING CHILDREN A SOURCE OF DANGER When you give you' child a so-mll- ed "soothing" medicine you are not cur- ing its sickness. You am u1e'el))' dot aging it into temporary bmsensibil• 1 . .Soothing nwiliclncs 01(11111 opi- ates and. 11)1,0(1111100 . may 0,11 the child, When you give your little one 11 J y's Own 'Tablets you have the 0)153;1)01 of t g .l er(1mlt analyst 1 fink this n: Lu 1, is safe. And you hove the word 1'f 11105ands of grate- ful mothers that. this medieing will promptly cure all the minor tihnctnts of childhood Airs. 1, AV. Smith St, (HM, Qn0., says, "1 h,vc used Baby's 0 n Tablets .f 1 ;1(v' little girl for con- stipation, ons ipati00 ,1(111 other tr,nb+es and have found. theme ?the iest medicine I Imre over red,"- Sold by medicine dealers or by mail int 23 rents a box from The Dr. Williams'Medicine Co„ Brookville, Ont. YOU SET. "loihcr-Why Don't you get up and give that seat to your father, Bobby? Don't it Pain y01.1 to see loins reaching for a strap? (lobby -Not on n trolley, but it paints 1110 to see hint reaching for a strap at hone. TO CURE A COLO 6D ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE 9110010 Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if It tails to euro. E. IV. ROVE'S signature is on each box.• we. A Lay of Ancient Rome. (N. V, Sun), "Macaulay ]tall jtIst taken• his pen in hand. "lint," they 0(1011, ''the Wellesley pro- fessor of rlteto'ie condemns by'idgoP Herewith he doubted )thelher 10 let IIorittilts hold it or 1mt:, announced a century and a hail ago that colds have n01Lui 1(lfntever to do with cold t hese 10011 doss 110 more heavily than we do in the latitude of New Yolk, writes 13irgc 1t ti'rinon in 1$eribner'sp often go bareheaded, and perform their alilutiono in .lee' 01)11'3, w111011 freezes on 0/10 surfaoo w11111'. 11 is molting o1 another. Personal cleanliness is 1151 their strong point, however, ih1)• atilt Washed so 010110 i11s0le by the esloi'1o1a101th of oxygen in which they live thatthey have a tine scorn for the condition of the ex- ternal man, Mao)' of them do not 1111- dr086 (1110104 the entire winter, Person- ally, .1 was 1111111110 to atl:aill to thin happy disregard for personal cleanliness - again, perhaps, becmis0 1 did not re- main long enough in e:unp, After sleep- ing in tee)' clothes for a week T began to p 110 1.001411modly for a bath. I asked lite Power il' Ilii' tan.' desire ever trou- idol hint daring his long trips of inspec- tion. "\m;" 110 said. "1 suppose' 1' amu in- ured to it, 'I bathe 1101(011 (5* 1511 101011 takes food -when he ('aim got it, How- ever, if yon feat like a bath,'why not have ((1e.1" Under the eireu10slance5 1 confess that the ,joke seemed in ine a poor one. However, in replying n maintained a telae: iti serious 00 bis uw11. "Dotighhn.'d!" I said. "Show me the hath -moo" "Anywhere. Take a snow bath. It is not at illi n bad substitute." Finding thn1 he was quite serious, I decided to make, the experiment, and after as roll in a sfx,foot snow bank (somewhat hurriedly, 1. rdmit.), followed by a'brisk rnbdoyn by I110 fire, I dressed -la new man for the' 'day, Then I went and exan)iucd the thermometer outside: 11 registered 115 degrees below zero! H4 - Sign, of Rain. (Irronn mho 'Second heading Book," printed In Dublin, Ireland, apparently about 184e.) The hollow winds begin to blow, ' The clouds look black, the glass Is low; T'he soot falls -dawn, the spamlele sleep, And spiders from their cobwebs.0000p, Lett night the s)1m,we01 ,pale to bed, '('1011 1110011: 111 halos lid hor Lead. The bodlog. shepherd heaves a sigh, For, see, rainbow spino the sky; 'rhe Walls are daft, the ditches smell, Closed In the pink eyed pimpernel, Hark! Dow the chairs and tablet crack; Old Betty's joints aro on the tock; Loud quack the dunks, the peacocks Dry; distant hills are looking nigh. 0 restless are the snorting erflnol' 'rue busy 'flies disturb mho kine', "y Low o'er mho grass the small001 avks88, TI,c cricket, too, how sharp he styi.n,�g's. Puss on the hearth, with velvet' 3, Sits wiping o'er her whiskered Through the clear stream tb ,1"C'1elite x110 And nimbly catch the tam '"roS, Iltos. '1'(10 glowworms 11010 ro05 a tl blight Blunted the flew dell 1 ht; t 'Y .°ta Al dusk the squalid Maud` ,seen, Bopping and crawling 050, the gr000; The whirling wind the dust ,obeys,: And in the rapid eddy The frog has changed its'yellow vest, A101 to a russet coat Is dressed; Though June the air is cold and ebIll, The mellow blackbird's voice is shrill. . My dog, is altered In his taste, Quits mutton bones, on grass to feast. . And see yen rooks, bow odd their flight, They imitate the flying kite, And headlong downward seen( to fall As 11 they fort the piercing ba11, ain; with Twill surely r Lsee w t1' sorrow Our jaunt roust be put- off tomorrow. -M+1' Manchy'ria's Chaotic Currency. The. eu'recy of Manchuria is in as state of chaos, according to the acting British commercial attache at Perkin. Int the south and at the northern terminus of the South Manchurian Railway solo' side a y, silver coins known os "3101(11 'none, ", constitute the currency. All tr0ilsnetiols, great and small, are based en this currency', which is at a discount of nearly 20 per cent, on its Rice value: Stivev dollars, whether Mexican Ilnt ,; ish or Chinese, 000 starve, while Yoleb• ha ma specie and Russo -Chinese Bank - donor rotes (the former issued by tit' Newdnyang branch of the hank) are cont. nun, but at a discount of sono 4 pep, emits 01511'10 the silver dollar.' To ad' 1' to the ('0ilfusan the Soutar 1Gnnchurinrl •, Railway l0101mty has issued an onde 0 that only gold yen will be aecepted b}, the railway, the dollar notes issued l3,' , the Chinese 1111 Po (or Government) flank are now being put into circulation. In n0011)0rn Alanehurio rubies (silver and paler) and silver and bronze copeck picves are the currency, and no other coins are necopted by the railway or the Chinese Pastern lluibray, -Pall 11x11 Gazette, Smiles. If there were smiles for sale At some market, where The rich, the poor, the low, the high, Alien burry10with their change to buy, What crowds would gather there! ('et there are smiles enough, And each might have his share, 11' every pian world do or say Ono --Inst one -kind word every' day To 11(1 some otbor'o'iuue, Talks About It. 1:' your wife of the same opinion still 1" "She is of the same opinion, but not Mill." Discouraging. • It ,l001111 cheer the man who is on his way to the butcher's to learn that steel roils are going down in price: Toledo Blade. Summoned at a Dublin Police Court for driving a brill without securing it with a rope and a ring passed through its nose, !a cattle drover monde a defence which obsolutely floored ttie prosecu- tion. The bull had no noel