HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-02, Page 7ryi
. fur•
Fitted by an Expert Optioian
Cul Prices
At the
Hub Grocery,
For 3 Das Only
Friday awEWILLLemon.. at 15o a dozen
, Oranges at 20o er dozen
Saturda3 Lb. BoxSodate for 20o
3 Lbs Dates for 20o
5 Bars Soap for 20o
1 BottleCetnp for 90 -
2 Qts Mixed Pickles for 25o
3 Lb. Syrup for looThe artices above mentioned oan only be
obtained at the above prices on. the above
specified das—March 2, 3 and 5
F. Melville,
Successor to
Gteorge Swallow
ByKeepingaFresh and'-SeasonableStock
We have Booth Celebrated
•Oysters arriving fresh daily. Also
Fresh Orange and Lemon, Confeo-
tienery and OigarsRAKERS' AND :
Fancy CakesPastry --- -
And Wedding OakeOur. Specialtiee
Any kind of FanoyCake not onhand made when ordered.
as. Mc-Clacherty,
Novelty Bakery
And Restaurant.
Telephone No. 1.
Oats Wanted
pate wanted in exchange for Oat=meal and the beat Flour in the market
as follows:-11lbs Oatmeal for 1 bushel Oats
15 1bs Flour (Manitoba Mixed)
for 1 Bushel Oats. '
Silverware Given Away.
Evey purohsser, anything that we sell,
be the amount email orlarge, gets a conpon
and when a curtain number is received the
holder will bii entitled to a piec@ of Silver-
ware of their own choosing. .Come and
eethe Silverware.
Goed Batter and Eggs waned:
- 'or the next Two WeekI will make big - reductions on
all lines in stock, as I want to
make room for a very large
spring stock.
,, 0 0 C) O.O:O,Op p.r, r•
Across the Street
3 Doors
Southof Town Hall
._i�. Z. tori .Suocaaor to jos. Biddlecombe
n. n n rr r, OO
Bargain Days.
wets the stars gn the forward line and seven enoretban wasniarked on the package ;
Thos. Jackson was an adept in catch- then the question arose as to what should bo
ing the peck on t he -fly and landing tt done with them. Mr Elford said wo ltacl bet-
in the ici.nit of Dr Shaw, The 14 air ter keep sheen till the el.oao of the pall, so that
Y Y if there is any spoiled during the day wo can
br othors.-•••Norran'and Frank—are old burn them, end what more may bo needed to
hands on skates, and made many a leave the package as marked, 150, This was
rush, M, McTaggart had things his agreed to. During the day one ballot was
own way at tunes, the opponents spotted, end this, with balance or extra ballots;
PP 1 saw Air Elford burn after all had voted.
Big Spring,Bargein Sale in 11n.relwa 1'e, r] it ti• ? rr, Crntuittware did not like his looks fol' Ulm; Tiantteee.
Lamps, Etc, , fear of a rebound. Doan pray. I (Sworn andsubseribedto before
ed -that he did not allow every, mor at liolmesville, in Countyof
$uron,this 23rdday of L`eb. 11x10,)
Friday, Saturday & Mondaygist b proved f d bl Indf Co.of
APRIL shot to go through, while Drub- J. W. YEo„r. P.,
G 'r and 9 Combe as of ori d e an all or o..Unroll.
oppt.ne.nt. as any. The score stood 6 to Now, Mr blditor, se 1 have made no false
A, full lint will be published before days of sale. 6 when time was called, but it was de atatementp, I have none to withdraw,
tided which ever side scored an extra ' muchas I would like to oblige Mr Stanley.
And in order to give no more room'- or above sale we have selected goal were the victorsrand it fell to the BEBSERT Emcee.
i ot of the benedicte.. However the
Friday atu day.MARC”II 2 & 3 married men claimed the score wasee C�.'hut'eh �',b1rne•
to 4 in their favor when the half lit ii ~-^
was up. The .spectators enjoyed the. The pulpits of the churches in town
t will ptty to buy eyen if not Fora big Bargain Sale in Wood Cooking Stoves and all kinds of Heating , Stovers, game more than the• contestants, and were all occupied by their respective
needed ` •' ',n, many were the sore and aching limbs pastors, but the congregations in all 1
next day. It was moat laughable to were small, owing to the severe storm,
see the evolutions in the air, and when Rev F, E, Roy, who has been ap-
theret urn • match comes off no persoiy pointed by the Synod of Huron to col•
should miss seeing the sport. • lect.for the Diocesan debt, will preach
in the. several appointments of Rev Mr
A great ieturn game was played by Smith's pariah on Sunday next,
the junior teams of Clinton and Sea -
forth on Thursday evening last, when Lenten services were held in all Ari
glican churches on Wednesday, it be -
$32.000 Stoves for $28, '6 800 Cash
11 026 00 " " 22 00 i4
7 00 " .' . R. 5 90 "
20 00 " 17 00 "
950 " " 775 "
23 00 '' " 20 00 4` botksevens seemed to be pretty evenly -
Not necessary to have stoves taken `away day of sale bypaying a deposit it can watched, although the home team had
be kept until galled for. the best of the game throughout, but
Three ;;ood second hand cookin g stoves for sale at a great bargain, were"unable to put it through ,the posts
- as the•goal•keeper evidently knew his
Stoves,Titrware business. Seaforth was the first to
����score. arnd then aftei bard work Clinton
Hai'laiiti • Hardware,&r. n s r put the puck through, thescore
Experts in Hot Air, and Hot Water Heating and Plumbing,ing 1 to 1. at the end of the game. Hol-
Wire several times, but we
think his opponent should have deco-
rated the fence also. The Seaforth
boys were verygentlemanly, and the
rearing trade. -on home team reciprocated the courtesy.
are preparing for Harold Broadfoot, of Seaforth, acted
not boy a better article for the money equal sly as referee
than we are welling to sell you. The
tet .,...e., -r -i and ....,..L....,..ship goes
into all our bnggiesj
F R,uinball
Clinton Re,� West Huron Bye -Election
• :
tforreoted every Thursday afternoon.
• ' Thursday, March 1, 1900. '
Fall Wheat 0 64 a 0 64
Oats .. 0 26 a 0 27.
Rye.., 040 a 045
Barley ..... 0 57 "a 0 60
congregational Meeting.
The annual meeting of Willis church prove that which Is -NOT THE DISPUTED POINT.
At what hoar of the day the ballots were
To the Editor of the New Era: -
DEAR SIR,—In your last week's issue Mr
Stanley goes to a &Hetet trouble trying to
congregation was held on Thursday even. burned,. is of little importance compared
ing of Feb, 15th. All the reports were. with the implication that they were , funnel
very encouraging, and showed that marked in the ballot; box at the close of the poll, art
Peas 0 38 a 0 40 per success bad been made.in all the depart anextraot from Ottawa Journal infers. A
Flourcwt • 1 7good many in this neighborhood read, or
5 a 2 00 menta of the work during the year. The
, financial statement is worthy • of notice, heard thie, and believed it -a number bas
Butter, loose 16-17,p'k'd 0 19 a 0 20 and the congregation deserve credit for told.me so. Theywere.not aware that the
Eggs per dos 7 00 • a 7 00 0 14 their liberality. The societies and Sunday ballots destroyed ere blank ones, and had
Hay, •• • school finances were up to. the usual stand- never been used, but were:under the ins. Shaw will_give an address, and Messrs
Sheepskins 0 50 a 0 75
and,' as'a r
we1 l b sten from the reports Ross pre- r.
'Hu h�•ies 'R s a d •L to eel will
P m n r
P a
a b 1 t 'ha e
i that good los be e
rasa on d d n d P ,
p g
ing Ash Wednesday; Rector Parke, of
St. Partl's church here, observed the
occasion by holding service at 10 a. m.
The King's Daughters were : "At
Home" at the home of the Misses
Mountcastle on Thursday evening of
last week, The evening was pleasantly
spent, witL an arranged program.
The Philadelphia Record of Feb. 12
announced the opening in that city 'on
the Sunday preceding of evangelistic.
services conducted by Revs Crossley
and Hunter, who. held meetings in
Stratford last fall and were fol' -a
month's time in Clinton.
There are a good many people io all.
parts of Canada who will regret to
know that Alfred Day, the able Secre•
tarysof the Ontario Sabbath School As-
sociation, has accepted the position of
Manager of the Michigan State Assts. _,u
dation. He is too good a man to lose, -
The Bishop of Huron made an appeal
to all the churebes in tbe Diocese of
H - • k li t' f th
uron.: o ma e a co ec eon or e
Canadian Patriotic Fund on Sunday;
Feb. 11. and the amount so far received
is $1,172,41. St, Paul's church, Clinton, -
contrihuted $10; St. George's, G•�deri:h,
$6325; St. Peter's, Luckncw, $13.58; St. -
Paul's, Ripley; $7, •
At the Patriotic, social this Friday
evening in Ontario. S. church, Dr.
No. 1 Green trim i es o a 0
x d 8
� >j
Bente& _Mr J. Ma ars a
• � e G v acted as chair -
Potatoes, Potatoes, new ........ 0 25 a .. 0.25 man, and Wm. Coats as secretary, them dyed, and thwer esur surprised when on owed sing
ng and Master Fred' Thotnpson,who> e
phenomenal talent delighted the audi-
Chickens, .per pair .... 0 30 a 0.40 em a e ane m• qn
e eeeston,, stating t at 110 families are- there most always is when they tee not 80 sing. The nroceed are in aid of the
connected wrtb the church, 10 to 20 notnin- numbered. Tee ••-mallo O' OF THE EALLOTs'- National Patriotic Flt ad. - ,
ally'rembyterlan. ; Oommnrnoante. on roll, DID NOT.EFFECT: THE ELECTION IN ANY WAY. RATTENBURY ST,—Rev Mr Howson
830 added in the year, •by certificate 9, by The die uted point between Mr Stanle will speak next Sunday morning about
profession 12 ; removed by death 7 cora-
1 and my self is, he said no one but ,me had The people who walk .lame. Even-
a 14' 00. &gate 26 ; baptisms, 3 adults and 7 infante; ever scan sail article printed, and he very ing subject, ' A than who always went
0 a 16' CO' deaths, 4 members, and, 6. adherents ; 3 much questioned • if I had, so'I had to .re- to church. The . public are`' cordially
comttiztanions were held 'during the year, produce the statement the Journal, to invited. Miss Williams,°evangelist: -•
and the attendance at each, as at 'the convince. him that it actually had been in closed her •labors here on Friday. and
Rev Mr Stewart presented the report of, beenueed, bat were extra ones, as sauce at arecent entertainment, will al -
Ducks, per pair........ 0 25 a• 0 40 h
Geese, per :lb : 0 05 a 0 06
Tnrkeye, perlb 0 08 a 0 09
Pork, live 4 9 a 4-00
Pork, dressed...: 5 a 5 25
apples 5 05
Dried. s per lb.. .� 0 a 0
Branper ton ... •14
Shorts, per :ton .. 16
Montreal Hattie'
Montreal; Feb. 26.=•]her
of butchers' cattle, a dozen
rket. regular Sunday services, was as usual the a ere I saw it in the Toronto went to Gd et ick she is a bar
papers. d. d
�11U11►1� 1�#v!-N.1b11�
iVicKinnon � " CO.,
, Let us Illustrate our Busines3 by Yours. •'
No matter what your business or galling is, you know the power of
gash in buying. Yon know how manufacturers bunt for it, how
prises. go down before ns. You know what -an advantage gash , gives
in the matter of discounts;" You know the tremendous adveptage of
the bis buyer, the man who if he buys at all, buys largely.. You know
there is et great difference between the prides quoted to kiw and those
quoted to the small buyer, New apply these well known business
condition's to our business.
We buy for cash We sell for cash 'always
We buy large quantities We sell large. quantities
Anyone oan see tbet by the crowds we handle, Now isn't it perfectly
plain that we oan, and do, save money for those who buy their geode
•at this store,' Don't be satisfied to atay away and doubt, Dome in and
get tbe benefits your neighbora are getting.
-Ladies' Cloth Jackets, regular pride $5 for 52.50.
--Ladies"Fpr Lined Capes, worth 520 for $15. -
-Men's Wallaby Fur Coats, worth $18.50 for $13.95. •
—Artxaohan Jackets, worth $25 for 520. 9
-Astrachan. Capes, worth $18 for $14.95.
- -Men's Fine Beaver Overcoats, .velvet collar, $10 for $8.50.
Sborey's fine Tweed knits, worth $8 for $5.95.
The above goods will be oleared out regardless of cost, se we will -carry
no goods over till another season, .
McKinnon & Co., Blyth
The steady inorease in our trade is good proof of the fact that our goods !are righ
our prices lower than those of other dealers in the .trade. • •
We manrifaotere furniture on a large. soale and oan afford to 'eel] cheap. 11 eon bay.
from ns, we save for you the profit; which, in other cases, has to be added in for
the retail dealer. -
This week we have passed into stook some of our new' demote. Space will not perm
ns to quote prices, but come.and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer.
Remember—we are determined. that our prices shall be tbe lowest in the trade
In.thia departmentour atockis complete, d w • have p an e v undoubtedly the hest tuners
outfit in the county. ' Our prima are as low as the loweet.i
ROADF{CD, BOX & .Manager
8. --Night tSundaycalls attendedt •
N h anda 1 ocalling
S1J. •
at W. gby gChidley e, (Fdhera
Director) residence
aF K K K�J• ,,?fVVVYV IY K4KefFYV Y*
• an
i were 35,0 head The W. 5' M. S. -has a membership of 36, Evening Star, and it was seen by others in faithful worker, but the task of follow. y ki
calves and g different Had he noted. Hansard ing closely of eI such evangelists as )614' )
terdance2 e papers. �� �.,.
the East 6. Th Y. P. S. C. E has a ,:
ale at 's and denied b Hunter and Crossley le made her wok -„
l 1;
Instant'. ` Cou h : Cure �� � :
est g C e n
n 48 25' auxiliary and 11 general ; 'averae, at-., .
sheep and lambs offered forpublicly enie the newspaper reports y r
End Abattoir to -day.
wit fierce winds .membership of 55 active, associate, and MONTES AOo, there would have been no need doubly difficult,. On Sunday Rev Mr
blowing away down below ro the butchers 5 honorary. Mr. J. Scott presented the of my calling attention it after so MANY - Howson resumed his pulpit work, and
-were slow in turning out nd trade was report for"the Sunday school -32 teachers MONTxs. It was his place to •correct the gave two excellent- sermons, notwith•
rather dull, with the prices of � pretty good and cfficere ; moholara on the roll, 250 ; missstatement, which 1 believe he did, at standing the small congregations, ow
oattle lower then on last weeks market, as average, 193.; number committing verses Ottawa, by asking our.member, Mrc ing to the starlit. On Monday evening
there were a larger proportion of those. than to memory, 88 ; Catechism, 86 , .5 scholars Holmes, to assist him; but denied all George Rourke gave a good address
joined the church durin the year. `. Mr J.
has been the ease lately. Realty prime.J g y knowledge -of it hero, as good as saying before the. Epworth League. Next,
beeves were scarce and sold at from 4eo.to McTavish reported for Baird's school. .that it was a.:fabrication of mine, made Sunday morning the usual monthly
5o, per lb, and a choice pair of steers were, e—opens on April 9th ` and `closed out of whole cloth. fellowship meeting will be held, at 10
held at 51•o per ib; pretty good cattle sold at Nov. ; teachers 7 ; number on roll37, . . o'clock.
3o to 4to and the commoner stook at from average 25. ,,. Extract from Ottawa Evening .Journal, -of SALVATION ARMY.—Ensign Hoddin-
2uo to ijc per !b. The good calves were The three retiring trustees, Messrs J. July 18th,
tigatioh report
first witness was oft, who is travelling in connection
all. bought up before reaching this market,,.MoGsrva, D. A. Forrester` and 3, W. Ir- William Stanley, of Holniesville, who was. a ,'teeth the G. B. M. vent of the Salva -
leaving: only young veale, .which sold`at win were re-elected for three years; Conservative scrutineer at apoliwhcre;157bal. tion Arun, willvisit(Tinton next SO -
from $2:50 to 55 eaoh. Sheep sold at from Messrs M. D. McTaggart and Dr Agnew lotswerefoundin the box, though only lig urda and Sund. and conduct spe-
were re•a ointparsons had voted, Hee stifiedtha l when at y y+
3jo to 4o per lb and lambs at from 4 oto 5o pp ed auditors. The question tentionwas called to this severe ballots were vial nu.el legs in the at my barracks.
per lb. Fat hogs sold at from 50 to no per of debt on manse, and -re ventilation of: taken out anddestroyed.l' On Sal nrday night ire will give a spe-
lt' , weighed off the oars. • auditorium were left over, with steps to be gal 1 t d h h
taken later on. The reports as read were
- as follows :— -
- Stanley. nEOErrTs.
FARM SorD.--Mr Donald Smith has
sold his farm, lot 24,on. 2c Stanley,. to Collections for schemes - 888 01
London Road Anniversar collection. 201 10
Beat rents
Ordfnnry collection
$ 937 00
710 16 -
Mr Albert Nott, of the L ,
at agood figure.
NoTFs.•—Mr Franks, wife and child,
of Moose Jaw, left last 'Saturday for
Georgetown after spending two weeks
in this part ; Mrs Doran, also of Moose
Jaw left on• Saturday last to visit
friends in St. Catharines. Mr William
McEwen and Miss Isabella McEwan
returned home at the first of the week
after a two weeks' visit among friends - Contribution to ohuroh schemes
in Kent county. Expense SccOnnt.... • 856 31_;__
Contribution reduction of dolls.. 500 00
41 manse improve't 92 50
Collections per. envelopes 124 20
Bills payable 812 00
Balance from last, year 16 18
Total . - $2901 16
Salaries ' $1499.1•:
Reduction debt on ,church 500 00
Manse improvement.. ....,., 404 60
Interest on chufoh debt.. . 175 00 '
Wanted.—Choioeroll butter 22o.
of produce handled. Few as large an
stooks to select from.
tf G. E. KING, Wi
Total.. $2978 20 -
- Balance on hand
$17 96
M. necere47 ax»'Da This corrected version, so far as I ' know.
Treses Pres: Society ....
This statement, appearing as it did just
-after the drat day's investigation, would
quioklp be copied into other papers, and,
considering the inference that might be
drawn from it, 1 ash in all airings ought
not Mr Stanley to bays done all he could
to rectify it, instead of denying that it,
ever appeared in print, thereby letting the
impression of wrong -doing' and miarepre•
sensation rest on me. The following
the corrected version •— .-
Extract from Ottawa Evening Journal,' of
July 19th 1899, in its report of West Huron
Election trial :—"The privileges and elections
committee' resumed consideration • of West
Huron case today. Mr Holmes pointed out
that some of the newspapers had misrepresent-
ed what the first witness yesterday-, Mr Stan-
ley, had. said. What he did day, was that the
number of ballots received at this poll before
voting was. 157, which was 7 more than was
necessary, and seven were burned." ,
All kinds W.F, S
d Varied
159 00
Local expenses • 1$ 47
Ingham Mission =and 34 47
• Treas. Pres..Society- 83 00
Expenses . 1 47
Sunday school, bal. '98 43 78
" reeeived in '99, 119 90. -
%env .Raver fgemen1o.
.A. horse, cutter, harness and buggy for sale"
°heap. Apply to 31118 HALL, Nile, buggy,
Auction Sale of Stock.
Cl'nroaeryed stiction Bale of 50 heap of cattle
at Commercial hotel, Blyth, on . Saturday.
March 10 at '.0 o'clock, Cattle all in good con-
dition. fi. E. WALKER, prop. : C. HAMIL-
TON, Anat. March 2-1
Furniture for Sale.
The undereigned having decided to:sell her
cottage on Rattenbury street will sell be
private, sale all her household furniture,
oon.isting o:t'a new parlor set an Axminster
carpet,linoIuems,Extension Table Square bed-
room sets and toilet set, sprenge andmattress
nearly all the furniture is new some not being
used. a parlor cook and kitchen cook stove,
good rag carpets and other articles to numer-
ous to mention can be viewed between 10 atm.
and 9 p• m. Terms to suit the pn�rchaser,
lm MRS CAR.LINE, Clinton.
House and Lot for Sale,.y
Agood ptorey and a half frame house, on
Maple St. The lot oontaine one quarter acre;
and there Is a good stable on the premise*•
Apply to THOS.ROBERTSON. 2 in.
At alt
Aeohool that offers advantages not found
elsewhere in Caned&. Large otter of expert
instructors; inorea*edattondeno.;'np-t0-date
business training; .goree of students laced
in good paying otations;'students In *Attend.
anee who 001116 !tern Plan.. in- wbloh are lo-
eated other business colleges They 'want the
belt. It pay*{in the end. New term now Open
Enter as soon as po.aibl. Write today for
our handpoms proipeetn..r
. 'W. 3. ,Elliott, l:'rinelpal,
Oook'il Cotton not Compontkl,
IS sueoesafullr need monthly byogee
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual.. Ladish ask
your' druggist for C..k'a Ceitea Rest Coe
• Take no odor, es ell' Mixtures, Dille and
mitations are dangerous, Prise 1[o.1, Stet
lion; No.11,10 degrees stranger, tis per bolt. Ilaa
1 or 2,1114110d en receipt of price and two Leen'
et�ampe', The Cook CoiitteaaV Windsor One
res�ponaible DraggidtI in CAbwdina ended r a3t
Non,1 and 2 gold in Clinton by Sydney Smite
son Druggist.
Co. Huron 8. S. Ass'n.-
Sickpchildren's hospital
Baird'sxidenSsos .,..... , • 82 26
For evangelization
Century fund.. ...
Huron S. S. Ass'n....,.
Higher rel inetruotion
never appeared in any western paper.
Neither in my letter, nor anywhere else,
have I said that Mr Stanley took a false
oath. I offered to apologize to him if he
could prove that I had. But when I read
that statement in my paper I said, and .I -
was justified in saying it, that if that was
5 00 his Evidence, it was false, and I must see
67 0055 him about it, But before I bad a chance
to speak to him, he cattle to my plane iii a
22 004` state of mind far from reasonable, and said'
that I was scandalizing hie eharaoter by
1 0d00 saying that he bad taken a blue oath; He
would not listen. to a word of reason or ex-
planation, nor hits be ever since. Hansard
is not read by: common folks every day, but
the newspaper is, and as he knew the eon -
tents of both it would not have been much
tl'ogllie ler him to have giyen others the
benefit. If he itad frankly admitted that it
20 00 . appeared it the paper as I have shown, and
io 0000 have consented to give the corrected ' ver -
116 06 ' sion, the matter need never have been.
05 II000 - made public. Bet after WeNY moNTns
. waiting, and finding that the rumors aris-
5 75
CJ. E. BociQ .... .,...•.. 83 85
Heine missions ., 10 00
Knox C. 8. Miss Soo.... 8 00
'For evangelization 7 00
Local disbursements 5 00
Session sub semrente, . •' 76 00Iiii82 00
Session ace't., sehemes:2135 40
Knox Col. S. Miss. Soc
Knox College., .t
Manitoba College
• Homo missions
Augmentation ..
Expenses of draft
Total - 13744 83 $3004 89 ing from said report were more generally
• Balances Trustee—Board...... $ 17 98 - believed, insteadof dying oat, in pietism to
Sunday school 74 08 . myself and the Dense Iso cox nrints serve,
" C. E. Society` - -
" Session account
- -- 385 there was no other way but .to republish it.
4400 If it were a personal matter, I would say
$140 944 nothing about it. For years Mr Stanley
and I have sat together at the polls, and
he rays that he never knew me to do any-
HoCxuy. ' thing wrong in my capacity as deputyre-
a It was on Moeda avenin the turning Meer. On receiving the ballot
y g papere,•160 was marked on the package
B and B of the curling club— that is in. counting them I found there were 157 ;
the bachelors and married men—were one was loose in the package, and ;burned
it before going to the poll, leaving six extra
ones in the package. This I mentioned in
the morning to those preterit at the poll.
Mr Stanley wanted to burn. them. there and
then. (This may to where Mr 1'. Church.
bet 1 Albeit.) I "d w had
tier them till o ose Abe poll,
eo that .if any were spoiled during the dap
We could barn them and have the extra
MUM in their.plaoe. This was attired to.
During the day one ballot. was apeiied.
That was burned with' five others, Ansa
ALr. '1U ♦teas *sea rumen. I inn Noir
Mate in ray letter that they were burned
Arran the dote of the poll, and if Mr Stan•
ley and those who certify had read 'that
letter °irefully, they would have seen that
I did not ase the word ,►rtes. It hi they
who make nes. of that word. The ballets
were burned a• few minutes before the hour
of oleekig, which I consider is at the oloae
of the poll. I have not rushed around the
country hunting up men to certify'. The
following is the only one I have seen, and
he gives his evidenoe+nnder oath;
omit or OATIL
1, the undersigned Levnie Tebbutt, 'eolemn-
lv swear that I was at polling Sub. Div, 1�o. 5,
t oderieh Tp., in the eapaeity of constable at
the late bye -election, end that in the early part
of the day I heard Mr Elford state that lig lead ,
found in Counting over the h4llots there were
Total balance
the stars in a game advertised as hock-
ey but which in certain caaes could be
idealized as shinney. However it was
a sight to see compared with other for.
mer •games.• The people . were there.
at least at many as could be induced
to go. Men of business—they were on
both' sides—generally have a natural
fund of knowledge but this game
le not found in their curriculum
yet they infused enough enthuaia;m
to makeithe game one of the mos n
teresting.of the season, The band was
there to enliven the game Referee For.
rester rangthe bell and the game
commencefast and furious. It was
easily" wets that the old timers and not
lost their style of shinny playing. At;
times it was very interesting. W.
Jackson proved to be A speeder in try-
ing to rush a goal, Rev. E. 11. Smith
showed whereby he is an old stick
handler having learntithetrrcke of the
trade in the open in younger days. 11.
Glibbings felt the ice after hie oppotlete
watched 111m eo close and Dr. Agnew
and Inc. Fair tried to work the eorn•
bination, and it went, *o01 Spaulding
and S erkan, with Dr. Shaw in the
flags, were 'a stone fence and kept nut
many a shot from penetrating. For
the single then Forrester and (toss
ill got his impreesicn that they Were burned`
owe eleven raid e
be keeph •11 the a el of h ll
c a.n ern an ;,.r+.p •p ane service
combined; the subject w ill° he "Aline
McL.,.id, or set free to set ye:" the ad -
The best remedy for coughs, 'colds, and bronchitis. Curs: where
other remedies fail. 'Large size bottle, 25a •
Hovey's. Enlulsion is Prepared from the finest Norwegian God Liver'
Oil and pure Glycerine, with ilye grains of
>r Hypopho'phites'in ea^.h tablespoonful. Agreeable to take. Easilydi +tst.d,
y Pronounced by the many who have used it es the best preparation of 'odLiver
,- Oil on the market. 50o per 16 oz. bottle -
. E. H +(]. Dispensing .
tJ � V .til .L .
Dlspensln,� Cllelljlst<Cllnlotl
ioppf f*• * It i it Y; V4 Y 44•liicaF i44-** li44.4 4,4,4-)P1(
mission will he, adult';, 10c; children, 5c. e. r Hm 'Iwo .A-,. J7s' - -
The Salvation - Arnie . throughout
started.a live weeks' siege on the king•
darn of Sttan on Sunday last, sed dur- A B.
ing the: eeritel they airn. at 2500 con -
1000 of these to . be eexerolled into -- •
full membership, to increase their Sun
day schn,,l attendance by 1000.- and For Big. Mem
forte 100 new classes. The plan is. no
follows: �•R-oonciltation week, Feb. 25
to March 3rd: desperate soul saving ef-
forts, March 4 to 17; children's week,
March 18 to 21; enlistment week, .March
25 to 31; enrolment of soldiers, April 1
We have a lot of 44 inolt Un-
dershirts which are ell first -
clam' goods,.. but larger den
moat people require, We will
and 2. clear them out at prices as
ONTARIO ST. —TheLeague hid a very followe
interesting meeting last Mon ay even-
ing, Miss Mina Turnbull presiding. A $1.50Ones ,per suit,tor $1.15
Wray. on "The Parable of the Pharisee 2,00 ii
and the Publican," and a litter from
Mr Stone, missionary. in British Col
umbia. was read- by Mise A. Brleken-
den.--Rev3. Clement's subjects next
Sunday will be: morning,~"The rest
of faith"; evening, "Absalom," a study
specially for young men.—At an ad-
journed meeting of the board on Wed-
nesday evening of last week, a. resolu-
tion was unanimously carried inviting
its popular pastor, Rev B. Clement, to
remain afourthyear. Mr Clement has
the happy faculty of making warm
friends among all classes and the cit-
izens txeneraliy will be pleased should
the Conference decide, to send him
back. --George Wray, assistant secre-
tary of the Sunday School, and who
resides with W. Tiplady, on the base
line deserve§ credit for his pluck in
walking 'to school during the storm
last Sunday; .he came in on snowshoe".
ELFORD—In Holmesville, on Feb, 15, the
wife of Fred Elford, of a daughter. •
CAIRRICK—In Bullets, on Feb, 10, the 'rife
of Robert Carrick, of aeon.
MoLA'UGHLIN—In.Gerrie, on Feb. 12, the
wife of N. McLaughlin, of a daughter.
BAKER—In Grey, on Pile 11, the wife of J.
K. Baker, of a eon.
HOWPfV—le East Wawano*h, on Feb. l0,
the wife of James Howitt, of a.en. •
,TRCTT la Seafortli, on Feb.12, the wife of
Win. Trott, of a: son.
SCOTT—At 1MoKillop, alt Feb.15, the wife of
A. Scott, of a eon, -
WIELAND--In Eginondville, on Fob.' 22, the
ifHenryWieland, f
i►edf He yW d eros len.
well prepared essay was given by Geo.
Before buying your . spring overesat of
suit see our stook. We can give anything
in ordered clothing at reasonable prices and
eatiefaotion guaranteed. Men's and boy's
stook of , reads -mites suits in next week.
Men's from $4 tie. Call • and see them —
before deciding to go elsewhere.
, Every business
transaction i s weigh
ed by the standard
dSzxotheairyman ftathis rmerqu.a-
tion must often ar'*r.
Will it pay me to buy
• a Cream Separator
undoubtedly it will
if you have fon* or
mors oowe there is
• not a machine on
hh that
invwilestl (jean a Shayon torp•
les Cream. Separator.
make more and bet-
etter butter. To raise
bettor calves than can be done with ordinary
skim milk. It will save you ice time and labor.
A machine that makes money for your
neighbor ought to mako money foryou.
Mr Adam Weir,of Mullett. nays—We,got 25!
more oreamlthan we did by the old prices and
the quality is superior.
Dir W N. Cunningham, says Wo tested tho
Separator against the getting system. and
found a gain in favor of the Separator of tali
Messrs Snowden Brat+; df-Dolleld, says -The
Sher)es Crean Separator is easily operat
ed. shims clean end saves time and labor. We
now nuke more butter and of a superior qual-
it to that produced by the setting System.
Jacob Wagner. Saye The Sharpies is so Sfm-
ple in ronatruat,}on and fro easy to clean and
PALMERR—ln Detroit, on Feb. 4, the Wife operate tied enl+ ane ecu menage. it. It is a
of Joseph W,Palmer,•11,D.,776Jefferson Ave., ocean skimmer and lfindthesweetwarm milk
O 1 & son, excellent for oslvee andpigs
." 14oBRIEN—IBCIO=•1n Mullett, et the rads �E CLAIM
donut of 1trAadrew.Iieid con. 7, Int the Rev. Yet-Th&t the Sharpies Separator* aroduoe a
E. B. Smith, Wm. Mol3rren. to Piss Afatti. cream unegneilied in quality.
geld. 2nde-That they will get more butter out of the.
MoICENZIEv-CLELLANP—At the reeidenoe milk than can otherwise be obtained,
of the bride's parent*, Marone tp.on Feb. 21 ard---That in durability midnight toot of re.
by Rev. Wm. Freed John (1. l['cKsntle, to Detre theyhavenoMoe competHer.
Was Jessie ()Lifland,. both of Carlo*s. 4th --That in oasts of management, •eimplieitY
POLfr4114)=-1 1tOWN- A.t the residence of - 5t 1randditiheyihnvA eyeb excel, capacity
the bride's Parente Blyth, onFeb t. byy; in p;proportion to first coat than any other.
to M• itek of I3 yth, J'. J. Po11drd, of MoHillop, stir---Th&t their record in actual tie has prow.
to Mite kettle Drown, of Blyth, en them the safest of all exerted. separators
BA1t11AYlits+•TCE•i'E--At the residence • of FItEE ,x,$Ilkr
the brides father; Thos. Keyes, of v rna, on
b 1 t J hn rbaur
Fe b v A4t And ewe o Ba
5 Re .
y Any farmer in limon Couniy tan arrange
of Mount sorest, to Mime Harriett Heyes. for et free trial of tiny of tier Dalry Sispat3 6,6,4
TAYI,O1i--•"W`AT N=On Fele. 14, by Rev, tors. The Machin will be loaned free of cost
Panhall of Myth, Ere Robert Watton, of Hnl- for the purpose of a trial, and there .will be no
lett, to Win, W. Saylor, of Agorris. obligation whatever to bey or keep it. if it is
net satisfactory in,ev.ryParticular, or fails to
prove ite su eriority in every essential over
1 -In Huron on Feb.19 Mrs Donald any_conipetipnlgt naa° Ina,
iteeLeod,laged7Syeere. W.11. N. Call fordesariptivecatalogue.
W, utt kis Hand k3eparator J00 pounds per
STORY—In Tuokeramitb Pet 21, Andrew hour eapaeity 70.
Story, aged 71 **erg 7 Months al 119 data. No. 1 Safety Rend Separator .30 4 pounde per
WAL11;Fit—At Hann -tot, on Toeless Feb. hour. 2 Sa Safety
27, W. E'red Welker. No, 2 Saf icy Rend Separator o06 palled* per
JONF'S- in Oleridehaye, on '1-ob. 2'3, Jane haat (14 ao ty, t.1s
,tont',felrotofthe late damuelJenea,! tephen ' "tv"• t'• btlf •}
tp., and aunt of Aire l). Stevenson, aged 63 x endesboro, Oltty
.A„little early perhaps to
talk about them, but a good
many people who like to keep
well up with their work buy
early d have their sewing
done by the time the spring
work commences.
It will
pay you
Iearl3this ear. Goods now
instock were bought atold
prices later purchases will -cost
more money,
Prints—Heavy weights, dark
colors, good patterns 10e.
Shirting—Heavy goods, fas"
colors, lOc, 12ic, t4c.
Cottonades—Manftoba tweed
mole skins, 121e to 25e., -
Dress .goods --Special value,in
plain and fancy blacks;
Overcoats—Still a few of the
heav ulsters, the $7 50 sort
fol 5.00.
5 /
Hare you had a pail of our Ito Brand
Syrup.. We have now,ree ived oar third
'shipment einem the- let of Febrn&ry.
Your neighbors say it is the beet they
ever used. You'll fiay the acme. Prior
111.26 for pail of 26 monde,
We arepaying a little mote than you hairs
get elsewhere for choice Roll Batter. If
you Make Si good article tog may all well
highest price. Sri it t0 tie.
date the g p i ng
W. L.Oui Pette,
The Cash Dealer