HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-02, Page 6NO BOER POSITION
Lroutan iltlatoMet was lead into. the
•Rf Mr. Parelder, the corres-
eondent iato 1)04 01V:walla who,
Wets suaitiesed hare, luta been aquae
dentaily etaot. Inquest, evIdah woe
'Mad On Nov. 2, result verdlet ot
ward euirder agtuetee Lteat. Murat --
eon, or the, wao arae centnItie
'tea Pere •
it same tied Mr. Parslows and
• 1:01etat. Murohition hed dined together,
. Ana that when thoy were strolling
gercee square, Mural:won was seen
tb ,draw A revolver toed to kill hes
teMpanten. Laeue. artireleiegrawilalia,
flitd' by adertainiaiTieil.
The Queen Talks to it Canadian.
" .1,04.11don, Feb. 27.--Iinluense crowds
teeratted the Queen at Netley end
elheered themselves hoarse. alie vLItag�
'wen Maly deserated with flage, and
Dar ainieetyai reception on tile hos-
Platel grounds presented a scene of en-
-01(044one the brilliant ana bright
uniform* adding color to the surround -
Olga The bevereign was visibly affeet-
rA and she made a tour of the wercla
vied spoke in the most 'linear terms
to numbers' of the wounded.
There is no prouder person. in Eng-..
la.U�ta-aight, than ate. A. E. Cole, of
the eloyal Canadian Itegt., who is the
'gala wounded Canadian so far known
.111,• England, and who was specially,
h011ored by the Queen and other mem-
•' bete of 'the Royal' famtly who visited
leetley, to -day. Noticing his regimate
tal name; the Queen asked to see idoi
Cele, who le a bright fellow, 25 years
oat was ushered into Her Malestyar
pestilence, and she tenderly inquired as
,to ,the eircemstances under which be
• wait wounded: Cole saluted, and re-
plied: "It was on the occasion of Cot
. Plieherie march to Sunnyside, Your
Majesty. Our regiment advanced to
tile attack, and while crossing the
()Oen ground I Was shot tarough_ the
The Queen expreesed sympathY. with
Cole's !sufferings, and showed a keen
• appreciation of the loyalty displayed
by .his comrades and himself in volune
•teerIng for active service. ,
• The Peincese Beatrice also spoke in
kindly manner to the young Cana-
• Olon. who arrived •in England a week
age, and is progressing favorably. A
netereleapei representative who asked
•fro' Cole's opetion• of the Boers, re-
estived the following reply: " gues •
.ftasey're sticking to it all right; but of
the -42 prisoners we captured at Sun-
• eyelet° alt were English."
_E. Cote is given on the list as
longing to B Co., London.
• Leysts Will Not Talk,
Brussels, Feb. 27. -Dr. Leyds, tbe
Transvaal agent, declnes to be inter-
• viesved on Gen. Cronje's ,surrender. His
asoiciates in the legation say thet
Oroajea overthrow' Will not stop :the
etaitogle. They hope. for final .suc-
eine-and say' tame it will be a war to
, the knife.
brought (IOWA great number •of dead -
Boer bores% t -.-----
27 . •
ailLE3 IN 24 HOURS.
When the history of Lord Roherto'
Movemeht writteit it will he foetid
that the Marchillg power and magnifi-
cent 'entitleallee of the British coldier
ite great as ever. Tile march iteelf,
age seen ee the map, would be tothing
very ensile:year:eta .1Set it Must he re-
membered thot •the veliole original
plan •of laterels ' was changed wheu
(len. Ciente made atagnificent
teglit trek op Tihe whole
-army •ftwollg -to the left- in butspure"
mat. Omee of the regiment's marele
• ed 27 miles in 24 hour% Metstripping
the transport suppliee and living' for
dims en almeee quarter rations. Yet
the fatigue* and lAcesseant hardship
were borne with wonderful cheerful,:
nese. There has rbeen 'a dreneking
• rain for tile litet -three days, the men
lying telly expoeed t� tire rain and
the subsequent cold winds; •ail or
which proved the ea treble pluck
• and endurance of the en. ,
.Every dee', awing ay; the epormous
essatent of ' the British lines, news. is
brought of stem little action whIcit.
'bad passed utmoticed ill . the excite -
Meet of Gen. Cronjese inveeement, Last
tfOlotay night a brililatetpiackpf work
was performed by the Piceinesterle
- During the Afternoon they i aPareached.
▪ koale coutabling a body of Boers,'
They waited till nightfediS when 120
• men ebarged the kopje With the bay-
onet arid drove off the Mienly 'teeth
los% bayoneting -several or them. The
positions taken were eviatiated.' bow -
'ever, during the night. Laat night the
rattle of musketry , shoseed th, et the
Boers and discovered or nightly rush
forward In the river bad, Watch they's
• have been unable to atop. Yesterday
they were aliened enterirattently.
The- Boers - possess 'two . Vickers -
Maxim guits, two fifteen -pounders and
are supposed to posses• a big gun, all
of which Appear to be (sedulously
The war balloon Is doing good work.
• -
1 .
Loudon Thinks Buller , is. This Time
Going. t� Reaelt Ladysteltia.
London, Felasa287--2.15 le, neeeGen-
eral Buller's 'account • of the tremen-
dous resietanee he is eneountering
hie ifferts• to reach Ladeandelt -Ints
brought mtblic interest withae diem
• turn from complacent coetemplation,
of Lard Roberts', victory to real.
ization of . the setionisabonditione still
existing ie Natal. Though • Gen. Bel.'
Ier's length ele despatch is construed
as a victorjO brievely. 'woe, tile ceme
mender 'Of the forces. In .Natla .has
so often reported ealiatier sectaries
without achieving:OW mail athlete
J ive that tlic apis, leerneti to
contain its , flOilation until :Utdy.
mtthhall freettally have- been
!level walle tist of casualties
varitiblyefatiowing any gain ay. O
Butler is eletoye awaited ;Wtth
and anilety. ' • ..
However: it is the generalles
cepted belief. that Gen. Beller is
termined te reach General White. tale
time, and the nation confide/ley
awaits the news. of the relief of ehe
besieged troops. With the additibeal
600 Boera reported to. be prismiere
at Kim'berley, It eeeme that the ni;.in-
ber' of men captured by -Lora . Pole
erts nearly reaches 5,000.
The afternoon newenapers coallius
to comment on the hero of • Kay da
liar's groat achievement, laying sec.
MI stress on the gallantry of the
Comedians, who, according to a
Paardeberg Owlet were actuelly
fighting hand to hand in the Loser
trenches when General' . Croats. ur.
rendered. . •
London. Feb. 28. -The War (Igloo,
has recelied siespaech, from Genarittar
Beller Announcing thatepteaaree Sopa
the•enemyas main position, wee maghi-
fitly captured yesterday and 60
eiristieters taken.
ellur_leadie Work.
Paardeberg, Tuesday, Feb. 27.-
e (Moreing)-eeneral Creaa's surrender
was chiefly due to the gallant night
attack upon Itis trerfches by the Can.
and the Gordons.
The Queen's Sympathy.
London, Feb 28. -The Queen has
• telegraphed (ieneral Buller as fol-
- • "'I have heard with the deepest con-
e, earn the heayy lasses sustained by my
ea briefs Irish soldiers, and I desire to
- &pees& my syntpathy and admiration
e the splendid lighting qualities they -
Sleeve exhibited throughout these try-
Thg operations."
' —
• • •
- Coralled Prisoners.
etape Town, Feb. 241, -There are now
eaefilt !Modred prizoners at Modder River,.
Saturdria. They are kept under gdard
'most Of whom surrendered Friday and
between wire fences. • • '
5ttitar of the British Walt to Get
latardeberg; . Feb. "„26 (delayeil in
transtelesionee-Oh-thisothe eighth day
elexteCronjeareiastanee. Gen. Smith.
Berrien has 'Worked up the elver bed
In within two huriared yards of the
Boer latiger, squeezing the 'enemy
iiltd a more and more confined space.
The stay ed the Biatish here has not
been In any way dare to Gen. Crank,
but In order to get supplies, and rest
-dor the troops, which' had beeome ab-
solutey neceesary. Now, there • are
daily arrivals of large convoys', allow-
ing full rations to the men, which had
at beet been IntermIttent clueing the
last three ilaye. A Iteavy rain has -
**Oiled greet dascenifort to the Brit -
telt, Mit greater te the Boma, and the
cold win& halt- killed nuilly islek ant -
Mats. LasIt night the river rose and
Story of Buller's Latest Achievement
. -
• ' on the Tugela.
London, Feb. " War Office
has -received the following despatch
from Gen. Buller "Headqualtere,
HlandWani, Feb. 28, 5 a. m.-Find,ne
that the. passage • of Langewachte.
Sprat was _commanded' by strong en •
trencionents, I reconnoitred for an-
other passage of the Tugela. One was _
!mind for me below the Cataract by
cob.Sandbach, Royal Engineers, on
Fib. 25th. We commenced making an
approach thereto, and on Feb. 2ath,
*finding that '1 meld make the paSeage
practicable, I crossed Otte guns and
baggage back to the south side of the
Tugela, took up .the pontoon .bridge
on Monday night, and relaid it at the
new site, whiell Is just below' trie pont
marked Cataract. During all this time
the Metope had been scattered, drench -
Ing under etatitlay eonstructed mall
etone shelters and exposed to a
and carried the top of rieteras 11111.
This hill, to a tallithz extent,
turned the ellentyie left.. and the ,ith
brad, nattier Co. Norcott, elld
the 11.th briga41es-11110r N.
chener, eeetantualing, the whole un-
der cornOMnsa or Gen. lit rren, •
soiled the enemy% posit op, veil (1
was magnificently carried by
South Leneatelare regiment about
eaneet. We
and eeattered tile enemf in all di-
rections. There teems to be istill a
. ..
• of Cornwall's' _Light Infantry,. bee
lOneclug to another brfgade of the
ninth disit:4,ton, drove the liocr4 front
;mover around the drift and bayerlet.
- ed emearal eof thew whe lifill been -
abooting from, troes. Thou they
ivit,iehoerr,14.81,Att.ftedeicti„tyiwroixteititihee Lot;
. were held in iv:serve, e ' auad arlt1
It was at this point, while Aharglag
fetirles4y,, that tlto Commune suffered
!severely. They lost their colonel and
, adjutant, and had ninety -4x canal-
Ponsiderable body of them left, on
and under Bulwana, Mountain. Our
loaes, I hope, are not large. They
certaenly are neuelt less than titey
would beveteele were it not for' the
admirable manner In which the ar-
tillery vvoba, served, especially the
guns manned by the Royal Naval
force 'and the Natal Naval whin
Gallantry of the ii•ish. Troops at
Runway Hill.
London, Feb. 28,-.111cliard Harding
Dates sends the font/wing deepatelt
to the Daily Mali drool Pieter% de-
scribing the desperate light at • Rail-
way MIL It .14s dated leeb. tit.. "
"Last the OInniskilling ' Fusilier%
mixed tvitit smite of the DOHA Fulda
Jere and the ponnauglit Rangers, at-.
tempted to carry BallwaY: Hill from
Pieter's, They Were mel
'ee a continu-
ouo fire the,bugh which :.tiley passed
ea the heavy broken groend to the
first Beer eeenele- Half *ay up the.
hill the BO ne retreated to theeeeet,
and thenseame baeic on eitaer flat*
of the Irks? t.troops, entiladlnethe eau -
tured tie eli with a savage erose as
well ao direeteire. • . ,
" All laglit solit until 9 otleeiresin
the. mor ung our men held the posi-
Cott un ra ceaseless fire and atter-
rible c •t. At roll eall 'may five . of.
(leers and bee hundred men answer-
ed to elr Pantos. . .
" Col Thackeray, andULU* Satidekp
of th Inniskillings ; .Col. aiturell, . of
the ban- Fuelliera ; Capt, riatithoei,
of th '2nd Gel:dons, and COI. Therold
cif th Welsh Fusilier:I, ware kille.i. Tw
hed -and fifty-two, of the reek
anti file were killed. oe woanded,
• a thi. Lyttletones . brigade 'eelieYed
tee at 10 o!Olook the morning; when
the, Boer. artillery pounded • ehe troops!mining• the seentee kepis • without
'oft Ise, „btle with little effect,"
- . __....
Again in.Rensburg. -m - 'a
ondon, Feb. 28, 4,58 pa. -A &-
tell fiasm Arundel says that .the
ritiele troops letere egain °coupled
•Itensistirg. -• ,
, • , ---, - - a ......a
eOrtfoJE,8 §V,HHEIODEIte -
a - . ' • e • .. .
Otifnadleed Enfiladed" the Beers, and
- • , . • .
• • '..- the White Flag Went Up.
_, . •
Pattad, eberg, Fees 27; a a.m.„-The
Tho litounted Infantry suffered se-
' Y 3e ng the Boar luager
from the north, where it wile supposed
to be least protected. e
-• Tito eixth 1011., aoldIng the posi-
tion on the east, got tato, an engage-
ment before noon witir it +strong force
of 13oersi whieb. was traleg to escape
to the fiftieth bank of the river. The
_Whet lading Reale-tent (the Duke of
Wellington's) 1.•cpelW this attempt
-at the point isf the bayonet, but Suf-
fered comiderably,
tleenwhile the British artIllery kept
on ebelling the Boer laager, which wags
soon on fire in many places,
Oen. Freuelds cavalry dashed in
rapidly from a northern kople tho
afternoon and began sendin.g in. deadly
volleya Croetas ofelteers were drifert
from tile river banters, and when. tiara -
tees male on 'Gene arena> was stir•
rounded, Boer prisonere declare. that
tie lost 900 mettle toy'a lighting.
The eeventle divisions under Oen.
Tucker. and a naval brietide arrived
adondaY, and 'shelling of the Boer
Jaeger was resumed. There wersra few
nfantry engagements, and the Boor('
were driven into the dengaa and bushes
tround theix• tenger. Sono iadomitable
Boer enipers on the river banks taught
io the very last.
The endeeances of tihe Boers, consid-
ering ehe 'week's harrying el their
teat guard, and their reraarkab.o
trek, realowed the fierce attack
on all estates on Sunday, is regarded
• as aimply maa•veillous. Hundreds of
ssidtifes..1 oolintgai.etelethwigeerr,iyer trank kin
What the Correspondents Say.
'London Feb. ..20, -The- speolial. cox-
kresPondesit'i it the front unite toalee
• In &hang the general praise of the
Canadians at Palerdebseg by their
•,Ottended bearing unaer the 'hottest
• The Daily News"' corres,poisleut says
they were heaviLy engaged in San-
- day's • fight:, when. they gallantly
bytemapst4diuntto. take the enamy's position
7 •, • •
• The Deity Ctremecaees speeial sears.:
I e H Land Brigada. was expesed
- toan amtut flee. Canadione and;
e.otesesete„lieset, CornAvallo _Crossed ever
• wiefh tae objset oe tairim.g the enema
tfhe rear, but found these occupying
ridges • at leg •. engeee to he, liver,
and iterbsiVeas to the ,tatacking forees
Ceux al-Zit:erg then went to work
• shrapnel, the enemy's titre sleeke
• wed, and the Corn 'Lohman and Canad
Pans tthen cha,rged the ridges, which
ehey took in gailtent , style, .
, .
— 4
sitvEn Tout :MILD..
• .
arielsit camp wee awakened by ths
eontiatted rattle of rifle fire at day-
neak, and the newa arrived that the
Canadians, While betiding a . trench_
ptito. elose tile meetly, had been
tesilladee • at a range of fifty yards,
Tle Caliadians gallantly worked for.
ward and °coupled the edge or:trenches
e long the river, entirely enfilading . •
A Galt Hotel Nan Has a Word to
Say About Dodd's ICEtney
.. ...,........-
II. Hancock of the trot -peeks Grateful
-Cured, of aloe in the Beek of Long
Standing -Says Thanke are Due
to Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Galt, Feb, 19.-41e, IL Hancock,( of
this lively town, IS known by the
teerelling frateralty ° all over the
eountry 46/ the joint proprleter with
Mr. Wirt. Sadler, of one or the finest
dollar -a -day hotelebe the Dominion of
Canada, and ha Is Unitive further as
one of ties moet genial and go-ahead
hotel men in the country, ' 1118 hawse
, being the equal in comfort and 114)-
1 pointneente of the average hotel of
I double 'the rate% It will interest
tree -tiling Men to IgneW that Mr. Han -
nock thoroughly endorees Loddes Kid -
it ROY Pille. • • '
Some time' ago guests of the Le:t-
raee Might have nothied tbat Mr.
: ncook seemed to be troubled with
backache. 'Indeed that gentleman of-
: n .cene lalneal with great vigor
1, labontthe filtIn and inconvenience it
alleged es.e . all that Ie. now
if the Pant. Mr. 11•Ineockis happy to
anreettetenueeredtbatiarat, DOddas Kidney Pills
It cannot he too often imprissed On
!the mind's of thoele sintering with
!backache that it is the -kidneys that
re affected. , The Wove are tu-
muli, and external treatment NM -
not do any geed. Liniments and ' oils
an olllY Settee .the muscles, they do
tidet reach the kidneys. Dodd' s 'Kid
' laey P111/3 hey° cured: more cases of,
, backache than any other medicine Ite
the' world, simply because .they ace.
pn the iddney8.
' Dir. Hancock, 'of the Iroquolis Ho'
`tea Galt. writes : '
! "I have been troubled for one year
1•411 severe pains ocross my back.
Nothing I- tried • would relieve the
„credit of Dodd's! .Iaidney pills. I have
auntil I ueled •two boxes or Dodd's
idnoy Pills. Tim pains have now
1 left me, and all thamIcs• ate tathe
lee oleactiond to Okaying thleettste-
rent to be tublished for the bene•
,ckached ' ' e
It of many thers. who suffer with
iumgoracsiN THE TRANSVAAL-
Pie Boers:114d No late for , Believers
in Religtons Freedom. .
Since the .wYtrt 'broke out itt South
Africa there* hes been more or. less
discussion in the English press • re
Speoting the etatua of Catbolles i
he Trenton, 1,1 On one' band, Dr
yds, has s out to eounteract th
eeling in. En pe tliat Kruger Is hos
he to Cat lice • to ;the point o
ipersecutiona while on the ' other
there • has been a great steel of tea-
eimony addeped in • ccmfirination of
the view which generally obtains
The Tablet,. the Ca,tholie organ ' of
laialand, .bee taken a decided stand
on the question, and quotes . frem
the statues of . the South African
Republic to :Above that Catholics
'are. eXciuded from Government posi
tone, Law Noc. 2, of 1899, in re-
lation to the civil service, enacts
as follows: '••
" Article 15 -Applications must be
'written ia the language ot the coun-
try, and must, be written In the,a,ppli-
cant's ow -n handwriting. They meet
be accompanied by • a certificate of
burgheeship from the field -cornet of
the district, which must etate. clearly
whether the applicant. is entitled to
vote as a full burgher ca as natural-
ized, and proof must be euclosed that
applicant is a Member of a Protestant
church." ,' •
• This wonia seem to be conclusive
proof' of the strietly legal Elide of the
matter. The law as it sten& not only
excluees Catholics from holding offioe,
but. also proltibitS a Catholic from
being iv• meraber of the Volksraad.
And this is strictly' in keeping -with the
narrow spirit ar which President Kee -
ger has- always ruled the 'republic.
the Boers. This movement wo.e. fel- tin Tff n..4..4.... p„„,„„,,,,..
veiy.03 by it eeseatioe of the fiie,,eicetit nu.-• n• akimbo
fer an" oceaaionia ehot. 5 tidenly
. a Father's Gratitude.
ment stationee.on the crest ot• a hill
elerceived e white fleg. and •barst .into
-.timers, thus first announcing; the sur-
render of Oen. Cronjs. • • • •
Shortly afterwards, . .nOte' reaell-
61 Lord- Roberts bringing tiainga . of
the -Boer unconditional surrender.
Gen. Prettermao wassent to aecept
tile Surrender.- •
At about 7 o -clock a email group
of men appeared • thee distance
eroesing the plain towardsethe head-
quarters. Being apprised 'al Gen.
Cron.le's • apProneh,. Lord Roberts
walked to the front in the, modest
cart In a-hich he .sleeps, and ordered
a guard of the Seeforthe •to line Ina.
A. group of horsemen then Iteenoaele
ed. On Gen. Prettyiniaxare right rode
an elderly' man clad in- a rough,
shoit overcoot, a wide brimmed hat,
ordinary tweed trousers and brown
shoos. It was the redoubtable
Oronte. 1118taco svas burned almost
black and his curly beard wa ting-
ed with gray- •
Lord Roberts walked to tfnu fo
- in front of the cart until the 130er
eeneral at -eared, when the British
commander advaneed gravely and
kindly seluted .the Boer eminnander.
He theil motioned Gen. Cronje to a
seat in a. caair which luta be n
and throughout they maintained the
most exeellent spirit% Tuesday Oen.
tarten, with two. battalions of tho
6tit brigade and the Dublin, Fuel-
liere, ceept about a mile and a half
down the banks of the river, and
arieendl/Ig 41010et peecipitone
eliff of aboitt 500 feet, alleattited
brought for his accommodation and
the two offieere. conyersed Oren&
an interpreter. Gten. Crotele after.'
wards breakfasted with the Tirtash
officers. • •
• ---- . •
- Four Canadians Wounded..
Leedon, Feb. 28. -Lord Robert:elute
forwarded an additional list of the
British casualties( derIng the three
day-eatightenerseatePaardeberg. 'show -
.ng• 12 Wile. 82 wounded and four
maaing, and including seven offieers
and four Canadian privatee*troundett
rhe Noble Part They, Took in the
Battle With Profele.
letscrileherg, Feb. 23. -The converge
(thee of 'the British forces at this
point, Which resulted in the Surround-
ing of Generai liet Croniids army, was
effeeted as follows:
The MIMI division tinder General
Kelly -Kenny 'hastened to the Zorth-
met, and occupied a hill to the east
ef,Gencral Cronlees laager, General
fatale, so Boer prisoners say, Or-
oseted reinforcements under Com-
mandant Andriesr at this point. He
adstook the men of the sixth division
for Andries' commando, and alloyeed
theni to occupy the slope of a ridge
without opposition.
But .it was- the 'ninth 'division, es-
" and Bleeding—Two Boxes of Dr. Chase's Oint-
For 16 Years in Agony 'With the Terrible Itching
ruent Makes a Thorough Cure.
,• Wteit. itaked .fOr a puliedy for dye.'
Wageles Or *Wm* •cileease ,.,, the drug-
gist valise -before, ilieveraa good pre.
garationa, net knowing _whieh to re.
end .to you, . • • •
"Wwhen rooked for A *locate.
knows Chmiew °Mt -
swat fa the -only lonedy which 404'
111041* _0000 every forte .of plies. at
no4 • Many :Imitation*, but its
wanderfil recited et 'eUree bag never
*Mitt 4114)00Mea. '
Vet Zantee A. BOWIes• prothiter and
gager.betiger, fl member 01 the-oun.
Ont, States: "Por
lifton. yelvo was a .vietlin
a bleeding, protruding piles, and
Iva* see bad at hird00 that I Wait
**OM 110 ,give bee Werk. 1 *uttered'
SOSO agedy from tte terrible- al**
Ingo and. tato VMS protrulle,tattle
big the great/let ithiery.
"In spite.of ,all-teMeffles I used I
Solid get no tenet; At last / wee
&dryad to try Dr.. Cliases OltiV
•att. The first application gave
and After the- third flay the
g .litc‘ppott. • Two boxes cured
letety._ 1 Would not te-
tte donor tor * )1036 -1
have recommended It to all whet
suffer as r did."
Dr: Mallet 01.11ralent lute never yet
been know to (alt to euro pllei.
whether itching, bleeding or pro.
truding. It ha a certain ingredients
.whieh imitator" have never been
able, to dLseever, and *tan& alone
today as the OW poiltive and gnat.
anteed etire for piles. •
It also cores eczema, salt rheum
and all aorta of itching akin dire
etele, but WO emplaealse It as a
cure for pilea betuttwe it le the only
nettled cure for that torturing and
dreadfully prevalent ditease. , 60
centa a bot, at all dealerip or hY '
nlaLI from Edmenson, Dates & Co1,,
Por coki in the head," catarrh,
droppings in the throat, catarrhal
hetulaehe and deilrooto, Dr, (htutem_.14
Catarrh Cure la a 'thorough am- a
radical our* 21r( center a bog, bliarter t
For Grout), brottelittit, coughs and 1
• Dr. Ohnse's Syrup of ,e
and Terilialtille le -Inethera1 favorite
renled,r4,, 25 isente a bottle, &taw
N is, times as mei% 00 0,14 I
pecially the Callaili0.03 and Hightail&
Brigade, that had the hardest fight.
Ing They arrived at midnight on Feb-
ruary 17th, after a forced inareh from
outalde 3aCobda1, ittt me to see Boer
-rockets 'signalling the whereabouts of
Gen. Creole's army to the expected re-
inforreetnents. The Itritieh saw Inter -
vetting rocketa and inane an enemy
was near, bet dould not deettle whe-
ther it was Boer reinforeetnents tat
were gating the answering sign la.
Therefore, the nintIvadiVision ratted
for a few,hours weat of the Doer posi.-
At dawn the reeneof the nAte, di-
vieloit advanced and their Mounted
infantry won eneouritered Beer trs, wlto
that covered the banks of the riVer.
The &tooting kept on increasing
until 8 o'clock, when the men of the,
ninth eaw tharo, grail battle was
Early in the forenoon the Boors
brought it Hotchkiss gun over. the
veld. front Kinga lrop, to the south-
ern bank of the river, and used it
with deadly effect over title ground.
which the ninth had to eines.
Gen. Hector disMoullt.
ed and led the advanee. In the earlY
part ,of the forenoon Ito was hit by
bullet the foot, while directing
he Ilighlelld Ilidgade, which had
truggled through a 'Storm 01 letl-
ets toward the bushes. in thig
haw the Seaforth Highlanders lost
heavily. Near the' top of the slope
ott the right, OPPoelte the Deer
ealper, the Seettoythei and thelhilfe
Ais Little Girl Wee Attacked With
Heart Trouble and Doctors Said
She Could. Not Recover -;-• Dr.
Pills Have Made Her
Sound and Lively as a Cricket.
, (From the Sun, Belleville. Ont,)
• afl a comfortable farm house in.Sydr
ney, near • Belleville; lives 3/tr. T. W.
tioxtater, a prosperous farimer and
most respected citiien. Is this pleas-
- ant home the hearts or a father and
Walter beat with gratitude to. Dr.
Pink Pills; because 'ahoy
firmly believe they saved the life of
'their little daughter. A reporter of
tIie San baving heard of the ease
drove out to Mx. Doxtater's for the
purpose of getting at .the facta, and
found both father and mother of the
httlo girL.very-enthaslabtIe in their
praxes of the me:fiches that has un-
questionably dOne be much to eelieVe
. suffering In Mae 'country, Slid Mr.
Doxtater "Yes, we neve good rea-
• son forpraising Lir. Williams' Pink
Pills. think they aro worth ten
times their weight he gold. Whet' our
tittle daughter Clarawas about eiga.t
years old she was stricken with what
the aoetors said was heart trouble.
Up to 'that time she had been a •
strong, healthy Isiah The first -symp-
- toms shown were fainting eteale, and
these Would attack her without a
moment's warning. We, coneulted ti
Water, under whose care she was for
a time, but the treatment did her no
good -In fact sho was growing worse:
Thea we called in another doctor,
and he frankly told us 'that he could
hold out ' but littlire lame for her
recovery. By this thee the was con-
fined to bed, and for three- months
Was as helpieas as an irtfant.
some of the fainting spelia she.etree
attaeked with ceavulsions. Her appe-
tite seemed entirely one, and she
Was reduced to a. Mine skeleton. A't
this timer read ilia particulars of
It cure thiouglt the •oso of Dr, Wil -
bums' Pink Pills, 'Which gave me
hope, and 1 determined' that our little
girl should try them.. t that got elle
box, tend when they Were used he
seenia brIghtme Then I got five more
boxes, and by the thee she had
finished them she vests as sound a 'shad
as °yott could find In tile neighborhood,
bright and lively as a Cricket. She
has been going to soiled for the liast
teghteen months, and has shoveh
abooluteleeno symptoms of the old
trouble. 1 attribute her cure ent'rely
to the use of Dr. WIlliatns',Pink Pills,
and- If anyone doubts-. the -truth of
this statement you, van refer theta
eitlier to inyselt or iny wile,"
DI% Williams' Pink Mile are jot as
iraluttble in the case of children as
With adults, and ptiny little ones
Would soon there and grow fat under
phis treatMent 1 I
r eisultrei 6 tithe blt•oti and giving
1.131. evaell hes no emea,
nervee. Sold Illy at; Cl)ertiler's,iztior watt
post paid at 50e, a boX, ar sit bevel
Or $-. y addreoslng the Dr. W11-
flitniVlifetlichte Co., Brockville, Ont.
Do not be Persuaded to tryt
thing else_eakiltoise !last. i 4)1)1?.
Kept Ifer Word.
"Wise TeribPot always declared that
she wouldn't, marry an angel irons
hotiVetip announced tIre. Ottszam, •"and
yet she Ls itettially engaged,to marry
young arr. SWIM:ore."
"That's all right," commented Ur.
GaZtalli. "No one who knoiva Skidmore
will edema lilni of being an angel from
' e know of a number of eases of
Supposed eettemption, that hav.p been
cured by 31:11.er's Compound. Iron
• .--
There clwella a young man In Xen.
Who thinks himself hotrld unlucky.
TiIl the bullets, were sped
1110 wife tied him in hod.
And llent Plople Sky he'* not Plucky.
It PrOperly Made It Will Not 4fJollyos
•' Cold. -
"That's What you cell good beef
tea; Just see how -it has Wed' MOW
• it's Cold." said en old lady reeently, as
she contemplated her • manufaeture
with great eatisfeetien. But this 1st
an old-time Idea, and an error. No
good beef tea can possibly "pile' for
this reason it must not, or, rather,
should not1 be made roue, the gefa,
thieurt parte of the beef. Kinn Of beef
Is suitable for making stock far clear
soup. bet that hi smother matter. If
slate ie lured et all it aught tole the
top, . where a thick:piece of beef Call
be cut, but other parts are better --
the' round, or the. roll of the blade -
bone. Better dill, ask the bUteber
• for a leave tender (steak ; bua it as
though it were to be cooked as eteak,
• and eXerease the smne •care in the Se -
'eaten, and the patient will reap the
Now,, as to the Owl* at makIng the
tea. It Is 4 mistake -to Out the beef
In large elem, or to let it boil for
a single minute. Scrape , the meat
fine and pee it In, a jar of cold water
with a pinolt of salt, to soak -for an
hour or more.' if ' ceavenient. Then
t$e paper firmly over the neciutb of
the jar. and, set it in a saucepan of
cold water • being this to a boli and
Let it sluesiZr two or them hours (the
water in the saucepan, not the teat
.C.11 J Ai.
ISSUE NO 9. 1904
• Scrofula an
• Consumptio
People tainted with la te
ula very often develop ton.
sumption, ,Anemia, runninst
of the ear, scaly eruption
imperfect digestion, and
enlargement and breaking
down of the glands of ' thc
neck; are some of the more
sumptiOn. These conditions
can 134 arrested, consumption
prevented and health ire.
Then strain off the tea, until nothing Stored by the early use' of
ts left, but the meat.
• The brown; thick -looking partielee
taut float . about contain nutrimen
and should be- left , in the tea. So
long as anything le cooked in' et yes
eel net to another One containing
water, the ocatents .of the inner
one cannot boil Thisas the on,se.wita
beef. tea, As it should be, The quan
tity of • the 'water adeled to the bee
must be regulated by the strength
required., but a 'pint ' to a• pound Is
about the averawee. The soaking In
cold water is mast essential, as by
tads mane. the "goodness"' is ex7
tractede -
Beef tea. mode by this method may
reot -109k tito rich ars the jelly-like sub.
stance mese easeddered so desirables
but it is the -areal- beef. teas" whiele
physicians. delight to find in. the
dole robe). when Oki diet is pre-
seribed.• as it is tate tea that.is spiel{
in. building up •the syeteme e • -
„ .
'Eo Cure a Cold in One Dey
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
.drugld.sts refund the money nit fails to euro.
26e. 'XI, W. arovo'neignature is on each box.
, .
A Perfect- , .
Your doctor will tell you- so.
At all druggists ; roe. And fr.os.
set:err e BOWNB. Chemists, Toronto,
•A, young feHow on the South' Side
has a negro valet, an old-fashioned
Southern darkey. "Here, jeft, I ' '
want those trousers • cleaned and
. , pressed to -day," he said, pointing to
n, a rather lead striped ganneat -that
eft' had long had bis eyes on. All
e right, sah," said Jeff, with a sigh.
. • Next morning Jeff brougat the trous-
ers back, with a big grease spot still
the Trick. •
I " TIM -Whole World loves a; lover,"
said he. "Yee, so have -beard,"
Said ,ebe.' "‘ But then, you know, I
• am not the whole World." a You are
to me," said Ile. And then she gave
•te.e'W life for a itima•ter. Com. -
pound Iran Pillo. • •
Intolerance and arrogance have gone
hand In hand. No ono can read Mr.
Fitzgerall's. beek, "The Transvaal
from Within," without marrelitag
that such an oligarchy coald have
been built up In aeuth Allege in the
nineteenth century. Catholics and
TOWS have had no rights within the
alleged republic, end Britain's strug-
10 is for the estabflshiuent
dont in South Africa for all, as In
every other portion of her own em-
pire. -Acadian Recorder, Halifax.
Statement of Finances and Coinplie
ments to Hort. Mr. Borden;
The annual report of the Dominion
of Canada Rifle Aesociatio has -junt
been issued. The receipts for 1899 were
$21,495; the expendituree amounted
to 21,71T. The Misty team cost $4,-
950, as against $5,529 in 1098. Tim
report °loots with this remark: "Your
Council cannot close title report with-
out placing upon record its apprecia-
tion of the praciical aid tutd sympathy
eXtended to Ito work by the lion. F.
W. Borden, Minister of Militia and De-
fence. Your Council has been greatly
encouraged to loyally discharge Its
obligations to the riflemen of Canada
by the support and confidenee the.Min-
later bas accorded it, while his Jealous
care of all that appertains to the wel-
fare of the Witte. of Canada will long
be remembered by every branch of
the service.'
Meeers. C. C. ,RICHARDS 'Sr CO.,
e eXarotouth, N. Se
Gentlemen, -In attimarY latet, repli-
ca! Leclaire; one of the men (=played
1*. Me working in the Itittiber mode,
had a tree fall on lam, cruet ng lilin
fearfully. tro Ira), ..velien Iountl, placed
on oeled ancl takenhome, where grave
Mitre were entertained for his recov-
ery, lil,r hipbeingibadly bruised, and
hie body tented black from his ribs'
to hie feet. We used MINialitaS TANI-
1111N7 on Itimy *0 deaden the
pain, and with the Use of three bot-
tles lee was completely cured and able
to return to his work.
Elgin Rotol, Que.,
Jifay 081h, 1803. •
Advance In nigher 'Education.
The advanced stages of education
stair blectiorIng more thickly crowded,:
Twenty-five years ago pap op& per
Cont, of the population4us enrolled
In the public high Se110018 ,„ now the
percent-nLe 0.6j, ---1e iluniber- of
such peel s ,eased froth 4.22,..
000 itt 1876 to 449,600 in 1898. 'The
number in private l.scltools has; in-
creiteed in the sate e from 78 740
to 105,225 -there baying been a de.
ereaso reattlea In the population. This
Indicates' °Jame measure of advance
In the publichigh schoole Mr property.
tory flehoOht for 'colleges over what
was the case .years ago.-Ohleago
iron e.
If the child is restless at night, has
coated tonone, Aglow' complexion, ,a
dose of lialer'e Worms. Dowders‘
what is required pleasant; harm"
non. Clifford -Autr4et,
go to England to eolt15 ego, bet
was announced slit- exmot to jewta
the Minister (1.1„.s...
for v. inolith.,'
prominent on one knee. -"Can't yoa
get that, spot out ?"• asked the owner
of tae trousers. "No, Bah," "Did you
try turpentine ?" ,"Foh. de Lewd ;
done sacchorated 'em wid -tureen.
tine:" "Did yet; try 'coat oil 1" "Yes;
sah ; Wed a quart ob ile on em.
"Did you try a th.ot iron 1" "Puity
night . 'em up."' "Did you try
benzine ?it. "Done tried benzine and
kerosene, and all the other eines, an'
*tale' t• tech' da t grease seat." "Well,
did you try am tin" queried the
master, with a twinkle in his oyes,
"Yes, She," replied jeff, with alacrity,
"and- dey's a puffeet fit, grease spot
an' • all, sah,"--Chicago Inter -Ocean.•
Stets) of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County. as
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
es the senior partner of the firm of
P. S. Cheney & ,Co., doing business in
the City of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, and that said firm win pay
the Bina of ONE HUNDRED D0LLA110
for each and every case of Catarrh
tlutt cannot be Cured by the., tee of
Hall's Catarrh Mire,
Sworn to before me and subscribed
In my presence, this title day of Decent.
ber, A. D., 1886,• .
wan Ae W. 61141.0tEaArS/ONiebna.
• Hall's Catarrh Cum is taken inter -
=AY, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the syetem.
Send for testimonials, free.
• F. Je CHENEY dc. CO., Toledo, O.
Solid by. druggists,- 75e. •
Haire Family Pills are the beet
Jilted Bride's -Litt -le -Bill.
When Mao" Margaret Louise Wrig-
giesworth Was barmaid at a South-
port hotel a wealthy confectioner 'of
the town, Oscar Fletcher, wooed and
won her, sale the London Daily Mall.
That was a year ago.
Ye.sterday at the Hereford Sheriff's
Court. Mize Wrigglesworth successful-
ly presented her einem for morel and
intellectual damages sustained by the
crenectioner's failure to Marry' her.
Vrorything wits ready on the day' of
• the proposed. wedding save the bride,
grepora. , Her bill; which a, 'vulva-
thetie jury readily indorsed,. was
made up as follows:
Lase of salary £1.711
Tiroaeseatt 6.4 ..4 20 0 0
Wedding breakfast • .... a. 10 0 0
Licensee epee CIN it• bee be 11110 die 2 16 6
JOurneYs 1te Sete .10 bee .1 5 0 0
General' damages ... 200 0 0
Metal ... 6.. ...a255 27 6
Miller's Worm Powders are a won-
derful medicine for gni:dents of alai-
a d
To e 0 orless Oreatetory ioset Co.,
Ham ton, Ont. .
Dom sums -About alar ago 1 boughtfrora
you ale of your Odorless rematory Closets and
have since used it con ntly in my rivate
resideuce well elcvl Vti hspiendid Agsferli:RIP 1)ar an-
l'a•Y,oprs *very truly;
urun) 4r4aalelt-Plar"
The following are the names of a
few 'prominent citizenly who are using •
this closet, andafirom whom we have
very flattering testimoniale:
Dr. D. L. Thompson. 'Toronto, Ont.
Dr. MeGlaugblan, Bowthativille On
Dr. M. L. Dixon, Frankville, Ont.
Dr. C. F. Ferguson. Kenaptville, Jnt
Dr. Ultee Gabourg, Plantagenet, Qit4,
Judge A. C. Chadwiek, Guelph, Out. tali(
Makie,, B. A., °Maley. Ont. •
Rev. John Downie; Watford, Ont.
L. Dampier, Mgr. Bank of Commerce,
Strathroy, Ont.
Peter 'lope, mercbant. Perth, Ont.
Jas. Moffatt, merchant, Amherst, Nil.
For catatogue and pride list Wr te
, The Odoriess Crematory Closet CO..
Hamilton, On*
Ofieckihat Gough
.,„„ BROWN'S'
riagt'grunrt'or .4440. fore"
tor Widest* 114Thil-VA-PiiitaliCH-180.0
esonseeves ONTARIO.
A GENTS ITANTippore,frttillt*OrEvg.
.Z11. books, "The Library tit Isetteilaafrima
(four boas in oriel; and eDeatrIlAfendes,
The Man and ilialtission ties bre "Os vele
writtert and utatiedate, and atinet aeletsh ot
old matter; thm. totem are low, snal, ,.itheterms
extra_ liberal; agents can make moliserrif they
take hold at race and sell our. hite,•aPros.
rectes freaelf eou mean busier* ether at
Ititigeniontliforthecaiwasserallemplit. taillara
Tidgggitiethollst Rook RoontaTotOnto. '
Regardless, Of Cost. England's Pinest Bator, extra. hollow nonad
Clerk (Os einployer)-What shau , very best razor steel, fancy yeired, cauleid
mark that aew.lot of black silk? • ha_ nine regular klee le, our special price only
ti ie selling price T11.,0:.kzhb, rue, win be Beet to 1017 address in
, un the
all postage paidrreceipt or
at' 13 a Yard.
?tee. Fullit warranted an Money refnnded
Employer -f don't care what ft Ca. liox101, liamilten, Ontario. •
Clerk -But it coat only $1 a yard. f not emir *totem. Address Stanley
cost, T Am selling orf regardless of
cost. Sausage Caiings—at
Minard's Liniment cures Dendruff. Sheep.- and Articacan Rot
0, "4t
blem6stds iltpiithVigicett. , 1 , 4' •
r A -1W 1114N COMM"' al Car
61,character ?"
"Is she a woman
01 mugh gre"gt" Virginia H •
A Sure Sign.
rather I WhY, elle has moiler enough Eau Meet all anent, Vintitiiil. lands. •
and she doesn't do it."-Chleago Pont. , her1164 Inecit of oVitivatfOkt, Week .,. ,,
to dress In the. Very
late°1t faglime r"iest4rdingetlik:VatmIR. GrIe:I7FAassW7trelictild In a ..'"wf
0.1111111.1.1.1-41111111MON10.1111.11 tar Um" mbAtb6.1411116tiPti°11 t°
' Strength of character? Well,
For Cough*, Colds and Lung !Manaus ralhtl.iogriz, gloare4„: zret aliscgr
FARMER Co.. Envoi% Ya ri
_ . etre Wieslovet SeOtbingyrtle Mould sits
• Take a half teacup full nakseed Tea With Ind is the bestretriedy Ise Diarrhoea Tweaket
a dose of EBY'S nee mate a bottheee
Pew (*dee times aday. lb neverfails glve FITS twine.: naerroati,N„....rvaafter wfiz.rot- etN:
im relief
Its rime 50 eento at allthvaidets• or from kr* PL f t fitreet4 .Ph
, .
tee. •
Bend te MI Arch
M. F. MY, Chemise, Pott Elgin, Ont, 4. male by). z grtotd, ithondlifrenotralirounetrial ibterteetatle.
11111.1.11120111111.111111111.11111.11110111.p• "4'64 441144
eXehlUMUNT MTH unitowu mum a mos It
BO Retuning,