HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-02, Page 3.00 C. Ciough
ourself into
mottia, and .con,
and bunling
your throat
your *Oat and
nags rest and'
allow the cough
'wounds to heal,
ing•so bad for a
cough aS coaghw
Int. Stop it -by
s tt ,•••
., r*—
•Even'the cough of early •
' consumption is c re d,
'And, later on, when the -
disease is . firmly fixed,
you Can bring rest and
comfort in every case.
A 25 cent bottle will
cure new coughs and
colds ; the 50 cent size is
better for settled coughs
of bronchitis and weak
lungs; the one dollar size
• is more economical for
chronic cases and con-. -
sumption. It's the Size
you should keep on hand;
Ali families onett to be on the
watch forsudden attacks of croup
or acutelnngtroubles. Every coun-
try ho,uO in the land should keep
Cherry Pectoral constantly on hand
to provide against an eine. raenoy."
Jesuit G. WILLIS, M.D.
Deo.14,1818. Holland, Mich.
,° '1 •
sir letter 'coolie* . '
When Sir Astley Cooper lived ia,.Broa4
street, London, hehad every' day, a nu-
merous'morning.levee of city patients:
The room into which they were shown
would hold from 40 to 50 people, sand et -
ten callers, atter waiting for flours, 'were
dismissed Without . having seen the doc-
tor. His man. Charles, with more'than
his master's. dignity, would say 'to .disap-
pointed applicants when they.reapiiear-
ed on. the following morning: "I am' not
sure that we shall be able to • attend to
you, for our list is full for the day, but it..
you will wait, I will see what we can do
for:you." Eventually his annual income
to more than £15,000: the largest
vie ever made in one year was £21,-.
A West Indian millionaire gave:
hie highest fee. He had successfully
Undergone a painful operation, 'and• sit-
ting up in, bed he threw his, nightcap at
Cooper, saying, "Take that!" "Sir.," re-
plied Sir Astley, "I'll pocket the affront,"
and on reaching home he found in• the
cap a check for 1,000 guineas.—Gentle•
man's .Magazine.
moms Columbus Made. a Miata;ice..
Ste liked Americans very much indeed
—the kind of Americans one meets --=but
we did not like the. American mob, the
human background, the kind one doesn't
meet. and it is Unfortunately the mob, .the
human background,: and not the chosen •
remnant in the foreground, that gives a
country its character, its, dominant note.
American food, ..American hotels, Ameri-
can railway carriages, American shops
(and° the "ladies" and "gentlemen" who.
flung thinge at us In them), American' of- -
ficials, American servants, American
newspapers, the starved looking Ameri-
can landscape, and last, but by no means
least, the great American climate, ended
by geitl ng on our 'nerves to such a• degree
that we Were compelled to wonder with a
French friend of ours whose affairs ne-
cessitated his residence in New York
"why Christopher Columbus had not ex-
ereised a little discretion and kept his
disgraceful discovery a secret,"—London
t One Kited of �, , Life.
i1 ,There Is solid comfort in life if people.
only'knew enough to take It, but to have
ceinfort one must forsake ambition. With
jueb enough to eat and a decent suit to
wear, what does a fellow ,need besides
but to find a quiet spot where, with a
good novel, he can, in his mind, be rich
I wgthrLazarusens ot i whn a ere he can osition to sympathize
If he
wishes. er tan lay down, his book and
watch the ever varying phases of nature,
where he can be as Lazy as he chooser
and it is nobody's business, where he has
toil and no trouble and is only aroused
from his reverie by the ever hungry chil-
dren calling him to supper. Such exist
enee is pleasure, but It only falls to the.
lot of old men 'Who' have no care to be
'" rich or great.• --Ventral City (Neb,) Bean-
Gera . •
• A Historical Tree.
The town of KOs, the capital of the
small Turkish Island of that name lying
off the coast. of Asia Minor, poacesaes the'
oldest tree in the world« tinder Ito elude
Hippocrates inculcated his dtlsch:dee`°Ing '
his methods and views concerningthe
heal tib art ,000, year's Age. Trlilon
edrrtpii the k e of ;the tree beck to the
„ 0f eAl nese (of who whish rates
It ), widen ' would
add some 400 years to its age. A .great
jsar` `of the trunk Is built round, and
there i,+ I fohpitain known as Tlippoara-
teb'''foliflt,iiin. 'rlh4 circumference of the
trunk. le $0 feet, and, there are two mats
lower braiuchel kwlll'h Ate euptiorted by
muolarl' columnst„-, -
AfhiraliDeiweyopposes the • fort! f'.
catietr of tbe'Niearaggua. Canal.
,About 820 houses of the' town of
At f ges,'lSpain, have been destroyed`
]Soil au ofM' �e re
Mr. and MCr. e . Ontr alr,we
o,ercofate by escaping coal gas..Air*. Boil.
eau is dead, end,ihe husband is in a critical
The ;British Poetof lee'advi.a that tele-
gr'anlr oan flOW be accepted for,Itimbettey;
• South Afriba, at sender's risk, and not ex.
y cladding twelve words.
�+F There is No uncertainty about 'Pyny
pentored. It tures your cough quickly.
' All. bronchial affections give Way id it.
proprietor of Petry Davie' by
A 1Pi*to1 Ball Spiced Ills First Drank
Iia the -Gold Y?3imingia.-
"1 entered the barroom. It was crowd-
ed with miners and traders and a few
smartly dressed professional looking men.
Here again my vanity led me into extrav-
agauce. 1 could mat bear to ,address the
important, white sleeved and diamond
pinned barkeeper as a mere boyleb•sup-
pliant for information. 1 was silly enough
to demand a drink and laid down, alas!
another quarter.
"I had asked my question, the barkeep-
er had handed me the decanter, and I had
paured..sut the 'stuff ith as mucb base
and growrt`up 'confid nee:as 1 could as-
sume when a singul r incident occurred,.
As- - d s bee in fortune,
the m •. n
s u o m
I may relate it here. $ p Y•
"The ceiling of the saloon was support-
ed by a hal! dozen wooden columns about
18 inches square, standing in a line par-
allel with the counter of the bar and
about, two feet from it. The front of the
bar was crowded with customers, when
suddenly', to my astonishment, they, one
and all, put down their glasses and hur-
riudly backed into the spaces between
the columns. At the same moment shot
was fired from the street -through the
large open•doors that stood at right an-
gles with the front of the counter and
the columns. •
"The bullet railed and splintered the
moldings of the counter front, but with
130 other damage, The shot was reteirued
trona the upper end of the bar, and then,
: for the first time, I became aware that
-twla men -with, leveled revolvers were
shooting at each other through the sa-
loon. ' •
"The bystanders in range wore fully,
protected by the wooden columns. The
barkeeper had ducked below the counter
at the first shot. • Six shots were em.
cbauged by the duelists, but as far as 1
could .see nobody was. hurt. A mirror
wets smashed, and my glass had part of
its rim carried cleanly away by the third
shot and its contents spilled.
."1 had 'remained standing near the
eounter, and I presume I may have been
protected by the columns, but the whole
thing passed so quickly and I was so ut-
terly absorbed .in its dramatic novelty
that I cannot recall having the slightest
sensation of physical tear. Indeed I had
been much more frightened an positions
of less peril, '
"My only concern, and this was para-
mount, was that. I might betray ,by any
tvord or movement my youthfulness, as-
tonishment or unfamiliarity with such an
experience. I think that•any shy, vain
schoolboy will understand this and would'
probably feel as I did. So strong .was
this feeling thatwhile the sting of gun-
powder was still in my. nostrils I' moved
toward the bar, and, taking up my broken
*glass, said to ° the barkeeper, perhaps -
somewhat slowly. and .diffidently: .
"'Will you please fill me another glass?
It's not my fault if this was broken.'
• • "The barkeeper, rising, flushed and; ex-
bttest; from; behind the bar, looked' 'at..ine
' with a queer smile and then Passed the
decanter and a fresh glass. I heard a
laugh and an oath behind• me, and my
cheeks flushed as 1 took a single gulp of
the fiery spirit and hurried away."—
Youth's Companion.
And take it to your druggist H. B. Combe,
Clinton, who wi11 present ' you with n
Trial Bottle of the wonderful New Med-
icine they have moored the exclusive Agen-
oy.for Consumption, Coughs Colds, Asth-
ma Bronehitie, and all'. Throat. and Lung
affections. Its onre's are simply marvel-
lous, absolutely curing when all. else fails,..
and bas saved thousands from an early
grave ; even physicians are astonished at
this marvelous cure. It costs nothing and
is always convincing. A 'guaranteed : cure
goes with large bottles.
Samnel Ort, of Tweed, shot himself,
piobably fatally.
Robt Shields, Mayor of Palmerston, •has
resigned. • His eleotion was contested.
Immense Increase in the gale of the D.
& L. Menthol Plaster 'evidences the fact•
that it is useful for all rheumatic pains,
lumbago and lame back, pain in the sides,
eto. Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd., mannfae-
• The paper manufacturers of the Domin- .
ion met at Montreal and deoided to advan-
ce prices 25 per cent.
Robert Wilkins, an,old man, was found'
insensible in a stable qt Aurora, and has
since died.
R. B, Molinoux was sentenced to death at
New Yorkin• the week of March 26 for the
murder of.l its. Adams by poison.
Cautioh. Beware of-snbstitutet;. for
Pain -Killer. There is nothing "just as
good:" Unequalled for outs, sprains and
bruises, Intornelly for all bowel dia:-
orders.. Avoid substitutes, there is but;
one. Pain Biller, Perry: Davie*.. 25o and.
li0o. •
Tho Kincardine town council donat�'
ed $100 to the national patriotic fund
for' the dependents of our Canadian.
soldiers in ,Africa.
Walkerton sends about $325 to the
patriotic fund, the county council sup-•
plementing it by.0250. Wiarton, hew -
ever, beats the' record with $1,300, but
of this $1,000 was the gift of Mr Mc-
Neil, M. P. ' • •
Mr Frank Jennings,' Coldwater, Ont., :'•1
was trimnbled for sume time with Sore'
Throat arta Weak Lunge, but Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine:byrup cured me when other
remedies faired, . Price 25o, ,
Mise Hattie •Summers, a' :Hamilton
domestic, was :seriously burned while.
emptyying. hot aslhes, • her clothing
The National ()Quota of Women of
the United Sta�t�eg3 petitions the Queen
to sribinit the'Taanavaal dispute to or
85 Cents " For' a 'ew Stomach—This
is:praotically-what it means to the sufferer
from Dyspepsia, indigestion and all other
atomooh ooreplaints. Dr. Von Stan's Pine-
apple 'tablets are nature's panacea for the
etomaohe s ills—the e a parely vegetable
pepein compound--- o them In a bog --
end popular price endo h 60;s'gllow every-
body to enjoy good health.
Tbe,good.:tiwer .iY t#ref,t Britain are
*Wonting large number* Of inlniigrants
from Europe.
Accorditng” to i despatch trona Idea -
fie*, a factror there ,, has recelYed ata.
oder bunt the Ti'anitital al Government
fur 150,000 artillery shells.
It le nndenstoad, that the Manitoba
Legialutute wing be called for the des -
Week begiiibusiness
ning March' 12 during the .
Cleileril Debility and a "run down" state
milk for �a general tonio to the oaten..
Snell is The I). dt L. 1'.mulsion. Batide
imlreaeeryonr weight, Riverheiltlt,
Made by'DAVIS end Llawrenos Oo,, Ltd.
Thema*, ' Hoagies of Tyendinrgs,. wan
killed near Eathbnn Station by a load of
Wood,on Whioh1ip war riding, felling on
A youngMan named Murton Wed killed
neer i d a tree falling e � t wv'o0dby a r: It ng on hitn
be *as working in the woods. -
Ohl !techs, Toting laakcinitihreak
Backe, $trona Sacha --
PeW eseap!e, far fack
ache la ICldneY
Every mail adde evidence to the fact
that Dr, Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab.
lets not on different lines from' otter med-
ioinos, producing quick and permanent
nares for Backache •and Kidney trouble.
They are a revelation to sufferers from
Kidney complaints, and bring conviction of
merit bemuse of the
uiok relief gained
unexpected cotes, T�e Bar a e Kidney
suffeer only doubtstheir befo
ming, for a few doeos imparts a sensation
of relief that foretells the story of cure. It
did not take Mrs E. Southcombe, Batten-
bury et., Clinton, long to find this out. It
was accomplished with one bottle of Dr.
Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets, and
this is her report ;—
"For some years I have suffered from
a kidney trouble associated . with a mus.
aidar and :articular rheumatism, Tho
kidney :id not act at all. well. My age, 72
is against me. I was told of Dr, Pitcher's
Baokaohe Kidney 'Tablets) and gott a bot.
cls at H.13: Comber)) . drug store and I am
able to say that their offeot on the • kidney
was excellent. I hays no idea of (template
reooveryat my age,but am very well pleased.
with the relief given me by the tablets.
They arecertainly easy and gentle in . ad-
If British officers deem it best to .cross
Portuguese territory, they will cross it
and explain afterward.---R.ochester Dem-
The Boer soldiers have a fashion' of
keeping close to their fightingwithout
worrying about how their portraits in
uniforms' look in the magazines.-Wash-
iLgton Star.
Having carried the northern end of the
Cape to Cairo railway as far as he cellist,.
Kitchener is now on his way to do some-
thing for the southern section.-
Philadel-phia Ledger.... .
The announcement; is, made that "Brit-
ain will violate the law of nations."• A
liberal premium should be given the man
who has ever discovered John Bull doing
anything else: -•Kansas City Times.
From the way the dukes, eerie, barons
and baronets of England are volunteering
to go to the front to fight the Boers it is .
evident the dudes have pluck if they do
wear golf stockings and. marry for mon-
ey. -San Francisco. Call...
Space has a temperature of 200 degrees
below, zero:— , I.
Scientists make the ass$`e'rtion that there.
are undoubtedly rmtzfnt volcanoes in.
the United Stales which Will some day
become active. '
''Clouds that move in a contrary direc-
tion to that of the surface current indi-
cate a change of weather, because they
prove the existence 'of two air currents,
one warm and the other cold, and the.
Mingling Of these frequently causes•rain.
The Lick observatory astronomers tell
us the north star is 255,000,000,000 miles
away. The' Lick to/escape ' and photo-.
spectroscope have discovered 14 multiple
stars. The star Miser, the middle star
of the handle of the Great Dipper, has a
brilliancy 100 times that of our sun. •
LaxaLiver Pills are .easy acting; non-
irritating and`purely vegetable.- 'They are
the most effective remedy known or Con.,
stipation, Dyspepsia, Billioueness, and Sink
Headache. Price 250. '
Adam Misener. of Troy, Beverly
township, has celebrated his 102nd
birthday. Mr Misener was horn near
Niagara Falls on February 20th; 1708,
and bas resided in Beverly since 1818.
Editor S. A. Brown, of„ Bennettsville, S. -
C., wag once •. Immensely • surprised.
"Through long snfforing from Dyspepsia,"
he writes," my wife was greatly run down.
She had no strength or vigor and suffered
great distress from her stomach, bat she
tried Eleot_ rig Bitters which helped her at,,
'Woe, and : after lasing four bottles she
is entirely well, oan eat anything.. It's a
grand tonic, and its gentle laxative. quali-
ties are splended for torpid liver.' For
Indigestion,' Lose of Appetite, Stomach
and Liver troubles it's a positttve, guaran-
'teedoure. Only 50a at V. B. Combo's
drug store, Clinton.
Dow' a, Young,Aaterfean'.1ewese' Lost'
art interesting Opportunity:
"This. is a brand 'new .stitch)" said the
young woman, holding up a dainty piece
of embroidery, "and if you will come
some day rvhen °we enn be nil alone I'll
teach you. how to d0 it,"
"That reminds me of a good story,"
said her companion. "You know that
Queen Victoria Is a 'stank on the subject
..of needlework and spends much time
learning new things in embroidery and
crochet wvork. Well,a few years ago elle
Was spending some time. at Wiesbaden,
and she used to drive to the bazaar and
look at the needlework, while people
looked at her and wondered. why she
would persist in wearing the old, . rusty
bonnet.. One day the young woman who
usually .Waited on her showed her what
you just showed to me—a brand new
stitch, -and Was asked to call the next
day and teach her majesty how to make
jt. She was to make a second call to
finish the job several days later, but in
the meantime was taken ill, and the pro-
prieter of the establishment was beside
herself and worried as hi how and where
she would get a substitute.
"On the day before the appointed time
a young girl from a western city in the
United States came tb the bazaar and
sawn and admired the piece of needle-
work and told the saleswoman that it
was the first she had seen since she had
finished a similar piece.
",Then you know how to do the
""' ertalnly,' said the young woman.
"Well, there Will a whispered consulta-
tion, and then the girt was asked' if she
would act at substitute the neat do and
teach' the queen. You can Imagine that
ehe did, not hesitate. She. went to the•
hotel, and, radiant with joy and excite-
ment. told her mother of her good for-
tune, and, after 13he had received the
congrafutations of her friends, her moth.
er shattered all her plans by reminding
her that the neat day was' Saturday and
that. ad a good Jewess, she could do iso
sewing an• that day. And now the young
woman tells the story of how near she
came to teaching Queen' Victoria a new
etttch."-*New York Ti'ihune.
i�hlldren Cry' for
Airs.' George A. Pillsbury of Minneapo,
lls made a Christmas presout of *13,Q00
to 'the' Calvary Baptist church of that
Mfrs° John Jacob Astor le considered
the most beautiful. woman In New York
society. She also possesses wealth, name
and tion°
Mao.stale Bacton, Mrs. Langtry's mother,
line in Jersey and is still one of the best
looking women in the island in spite of.
her advanced age.
Florence Ni.;htingale now spends all
her time is bed or on a couch, but has nit
the papers readn r
her I er
h i reorder to the.
newt from. the Transvaal.. - g•
.Miss Muriel Wilson, the noted English
beauty, has a genius iter clothes. ides
gowns are marvels, and each one bears
the stamp of her own individuality.
Mies. Glenna* Bell of Chicago wakes a
neat little income designing patterns for
table linen; lobe Is engaged by a big fac-
tory in Chicago siwpij' for her designing,
Lady Rachel Byng keeps a regular atop
on •Lower Belgrave street, London, She
ell embroideries,i r
s s mill millinery goods andart.
goods, She is most successful, as a shop-
Miss Harris, priyate secretary 0 John
D. Rockefeller, is described as being sits
auto's, quick witted and "able to keep a
secret." She takes good rare that per-
sons do not get toher chief melees be
wants to see thein.
Mrs. Susan Eleanor Andrews of Ne-
vada City, Nev., is said to be a great,
granddaughter of the poet Burns. She
Is the daughter of Elizabeth Burns, the
daughter of Robert Burns, one of the
two sons of the poet, .
Whether it is another development of•
the new woman movement or not, Mrs. -
Samuel Lord of New .York has succeeded
in having herself elected a member of the
Ewa County Country club, which bad
always been supposgd°to be for men only.
Mrs. Van Rensselaer Cruger,.widow of
the millionaire manager of Trinity's mil-.
lions, •did not wait for her fortune to take
wings. ,'She is a "hardworking literary
woman. As "Julian Gordon" Mrs. Cru-
ger earns a very large yearly income by
her pen. _• : ._:
;Miss Anna Klumpke of San Francisco,
who received 'the major part, of the for-
ontune of the late Rosa Bonheur, bas an-
nounced thatshe will create an •annual
prize of $300 inhonor of her benefac-
tress. Her plan as outlined is to• have the
'prize awarded annually by a Salon jury
and to .have the award made for the best .
painting by man er woman,. French -or
foreign. - - ,
If God put. Adam . out of
Eden .on account of one sin, d
he will let us into the paradise
with tens of h
w .• e thousands of on
the earthly
o youhtnk,.
adise (Otte'
r sins upon
There are •three classes of people, the
"wills," the; "won'ts" and the "canis:"'
The' first accomplish everything, the sec-
ond oppose everything and th'e third fail'
in everything. '
God's best gifts, like valuable jewels,
are kept under lock and key, and those
who want them must with `fervent faith
importunately ask for them, for God is
the rewarder of them that diligently seek
What we want is family piety, right-
eousness in our Homes. A young minister
came to me and said he couldn't: get along.
With. his wife_an•4, asked .what he should
do. 1 told him to get out of the ministry.
A' .man has no right to be inthe pulpit
unless he tai, get along with. bis family.
A man can no more take in a supply of
grace for the. future than . he can eat
enough today to last him tor the nest'six;
months .or take sufficient air intohis
lungs at once to sustein'life for n week
to come. We must draw upon God'd
boundless stores of .grace from day 'to
day as we need it.
The left over pieces of baked or broil-
ed fish, should be Baked before they are
Good . macaroni has a .yellowish' hue,
does not break. while 'cooking and amour
to twice its bulk. . '.
A frying pan should be heated hissing
bot before anything is put in it.. The
temperature can be tested with a drop of
water.' .
Too much acid In mayonnaise dressing;
whether vinegar or Iemon juice, lnjurea,
if it does not actually destroy, the flavor
of the oil.
When roasting meat that Is not very
fat, It should havebuttered paper placed
over it to prevent scorching. Remove
the paper's few minutes before the joint
is done, so as.to brown -the outsttle.
The Best
Removes -all ppisonal and impurities from
the system.
Gives strength and vitality in place of
weakness and languor.
The most wonderful blood purifier,
restorative and stretthener known . to
Mr. Geo. Retiot, Baillteboro, Ont., says:
"Two years ago I was very poorly in the
spring, had no, appetite, felt Weak and
nervous, nob able to work muoh and was
tired all the time
"" I saw . Burdock Blood Bitters 'highly
recommended, so got a. bottle.
"I started taking it, and inside of two
menthe, Iwas al well as over Iwats in mylifa.
'kI cheerfully recommend B. B. B. as a
splendid blood purifier and spring medl•
P s. ..sacral
J .
Very Valuable R,emdy int ail ..
aifeotioina of the
Large Bows, 254
DAVIS $ L1►WitE1 CE CO., 'Limited
Prop'o. bf' Perry Davis' Pain -Killer
Sleight of hand Experts, es) s Rrkle,
Poor Poke*' flavor..
A group of -old time- sports- were- telling
poker stories a few nights ago, and some-
body i', marked that the elder Herrmann,
the magician, Wright easily have made a
fortune bud he, timed his attention to
"I've hors' that before," said one of
the party, chuckling, "and it always
amused me, Why, my dear sir, Atexan,
der Herrmann Was one of the poorest
poker players that ever drew to a bob;
tall. • He liked a social game and plugged
away et It all his life, but he was never
anythingbut s raw amateur. Good
poker players are born, and 1t simply
wasn't in him. As tar as being able to
manipulate the cards was: eoneerued, he
couldn't do It, seven had he been so 410.
posed, which. of course he wasn't, 119
could: perform wonderful tricks, but that
Ouse of work is something entirely dif-
ferent from what Is called advantage
playing. 1 nave keawn four or five One
Sleight of hand performers, and not one
of them could do a thing with the deck
in an ordinary game. To do successful
crooked work in short cards requires -not
only great dexterity of a kind .entirely
distiiect from stage tricks, but also a pe-
culiar temperament,- All the men who
became -famous• for that sort of thing in
the old days were et- the same general
type, and, when 1 come to think about it,
those 1. knew looked more or less alike;
Th could i'
They eo hello m extraordlnArY feats,
but It required years of practiee end set-
ting everything else aside. No protes-•
„signal juggle -_r .could spare' the . time to
"The best proof that Herrmann was
•unfamiliar.With the tricks of the Bard• ta-
ble is that he was continually being made
the victim. He' made no secret of the
fact that he •had been fleeced time and
again, and I happen to know personally
that he was onee•swindled out of a con-
siderable amount by oiie.of the oldest and
stalest' devices known "to the , fraternity.
When .the thing was explained., to ; himafterward, he was deeply disgusted,: but
he had never suspected it at the time." --
New Orleans Tinges -Democrat, '
'1013 FIEND OF
When a
iuind. is
ly' filled
• with nerv-
ous 3113-
sion it
down. Nine.
�.l �� nea i ton
that there is some special
disease Or weakness of
the important and deli-
(' gi care' organs which matte
hera woman. Nine times
. in ten it means that some
instant and•raclical meae-
uree must be taken to.save'lier from com-
piste m;snotal and physical wreck.
"I wanervoual/011%1, T cotttda't bent to hear the
sound of my own voice whenalone^ says Mrs.
Penne, nrittenhan, of Davenport, Thayer, Co.,
Nebr. "I felt as though there was some one
ready to grab me if the least Bound was made.
I really cannot describe the feelings I had,. but
I can.srly 1 have no such ugly feelings -now and.
Itru t I never may again. , I was suffering from
female weakness and very much from nervous.
"I was not, able to do anything I. could not
sit up all day. I bad not sat up all day since the
birth of my baby, four months before I began to
take Dr. Pierce's medicines. I took one doctor's,
medicine for four months but did not get along
at all; so, discouraged, I thought I would' try
Dr. Teterce's taverns 1'rescriptlon sad e`Goicien
Medical Discovery.' I took six bottles of.the
Prescription' and nine of the ' Golden Medical
pi>fcovery^ and used Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
along ►vitt: the other medicines, and I can say
they hove done wonders for me.
"I do alt niywork.nowand feel better than for
two years, I had not eatenanything for three
months except some klud of, soup acrd crackers
now I eat'anything 1 want. I believe I owe my.
health to Dr. Pierce's medicines."'
Discouriged,`broken-down women should
write to Dr: R. V. Pierce, at Buffalo, N. Y,
and learn how. carefully be studies into
these apparently hopeless: cases. He will
send without charge, (in a plain gelded
envelope) the beat advice of a capable, ex-
perienced physician.
TO Imperial
a the pplundersigned ton and vicinity
they hare opened up in the store
formerly 000upied by Fair dc' Co.
MacKay Block, Ontario St.
where they will keep in stook all kinds At
. Fresh, Cooked, Cured and
Canned Meats,
such as is usually carried in a first-olase meat
store, together with Poultry, Canned Tonguee,,
Beef. Pigs Feet, Mince Meat, and all articles of
a like nature,which will be delivered free to
any part othe town. Orders solicited.
3 ibc.tgood'_Sarniage fcrl91 cents.
JOree:SCRIYTON, Manager
T. Rs F. CASE &CO.
Acme Drum.
Por Ileating eind
Ventiiating purposes
This excellehat Drum is con-
structed of the very best mater-
ial, on the most scientific prin-
ciples, and by virtue of its spb.
Bial features is the OREATTEB1'
It takes the cold: air front the
floor, heats and- eironlates it
through the hens*, and thus
economizes in the matter of
fuel to such an extent that felly
one half less fuelis required.
Dees not smoke. Has no ashes. is easy to
manage. Thosewho have ono In use saythey
woald trot betvitheut it. T1ls Drum is hr0Wr
wed ha souks of the best'llousee in 'Clintof'i
W. WF.131•, Clinton,
Sptiestin Sole Manufacturer for Huron
At lowrates on first-class mortgages.
Apply to
G. II. McTaggart,
Clinton, Ont.
March 130-tf `.
IIIIIIII'IIIII11IOg11011111allleg1111I1I11111e111a t11111. Oulhuu ,
9 ot) ])imps
i ,i,i? .
n l lu min
AV egetabjeyreparationtbt'M-
nitllitating theToodaudRe .uia-
i1ii►g tlla,Siamachsai4Boweis er
Pronot st gestion;Chee futi-
'mess anditcst,Contains neither
Ppluto,Ivinrphine iwr funeral.
NOT NMoat crrIc.
, a"OIilirSAMU. LPl7 Zlld ?
rf va+ad-
f Ouiw,akJ eSs e
reed -
Aperfect Remedy frit Constipa-
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
ness andLoss OE SLEEP.
i'acSiiiiiiile $iignature of
A , r l
01' i v,t t *
0aetorla io put up in one -size bottles only, . It
le not sold in ha Don't allow' anyone to sell
you anything else on the plea orpromisethatt it
is "just as good" and "will answer every purr ,
posse"t 'See that you get 0 -A -8 -T.0 -E -I -A.
The !so-
l•emn* •
pring Importation
e celebrated. " Crams„ prints In Navy Red._ Y e and
Fancies, • A special line 34 inches wide light' color 50:'
. BE S, li•i AItTSLiNS AND
Ala SILKS in the newest colorings `:amen designs.”
bought before the adyancein prices. A special eeial line
of. 36 inch sheeting 7c pet 'yard and a special ti
fine make factory in:3t, ;s and ends at '6c er , and by
FANCY SILKS i . waist lengths at. from Sito •1. A special:
?� b �
line worth 30c for 12io per yard. `
HOMESPUN TWEED . for Suits .and Skirts inn
laids an
mixtures, the newest patterns and styles, •
LACE 'CURTAINS at 15.0 per: pair, r2:} yards long an
prices higher.
R. Coats
Are You Looking
For gala) -buy tfie best grade of groceries cheap),
if so "YO WILL FIND IT HI:RL." p
Maple Syrup, Buckwheat Flour, and 'a dozen kinds of:
thence Breakfast Food, Corn Mean, Oatmeal, Flour, Fahey
(Decorated Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Fancy Glass and.
China Berry Sets and Table Sets Cheap,
�j p
:Before you purchase give FIs a calx.
Clinton, February 15th, 1900.
Eiteter Flour
All kinds of Srall Field'Seeds as Timothy, Red an+r
Alsike Glovers Eea,d garters for Turnip, l ongold, Cargo
Seeds. Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods.
'Our rpeoialty is Teas. Try am 15o Tea. Othet varieties equally.as oherp.
gighestrniarket price paid in oath for eggs.
•.. 1/V
conenn'li Dbt) WPA1mo.
gCXt to t0
Commercial /tote,
ThIa estab lenteent le iotuit operation and an
orderAli'ed In the Mos setisfaeto' way Oct e.
MO end granite work a specialty. Prices as
reionubit an those of say eetabliehn:e t
J. I3. HOOVER, Clinton
Several persona for Dietriet Oillee Managers
in this comity to represent mein their own and
surrounding counties, Willing to pay tent,'
s000,pay'able weekly. Dee !rabic employment,
with unusual opportnnttle e. References ex•
!!banged, Reeloaeaielf add reseed stamped en
*lope. B.A. PAtk, 320 Ca xton'e Building, • Chi•
sago, l)oCC,141, 10w
We are agents forthe Canadian
Laury a Co,- of Brockville, and & So,
i 1y` Sou,
of Chatham, both well known makers of.firet
class Cutters and Sleighs. We keep a stock
on hand and those who contemplate purchas4
ing one would do well to see us.
�r Lav
General Implement Dealer, Ciller