HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-02, Page 2-
,March 2, 1900
Renewals for 1900 Additional Local News.
GREa.T ECLIPS . The greatest event
in the astronomillca.-1 world in 1900 svill
number of our subscrib-
ers a,ve 'renewed. their sub- a•st,'h. • All the el 71notedelits itigtoronomers Of
he the total 'pse of the Sun on May
4 ,h,scour,,,,,o,
unngivaerreities of the old world Iiiienimiattl
60 ' tiOn to the NEW ERA for
100 , To these we extend 1 groavneleumme., ts to observe the event.
GTheremany, France
vivo thanks. dGtVtritiltgrIt;
notified the UniteanStates that they
will fiend to this country observation
parties to nette the pherioniena of the
total eclipse.
Basurvlotar. TO THE LIVERIES. -The
the , livery men report a. great time in stin-
g the subscription. for
Titre are, however, some
4flao ave not yet sent in their
terawals, and. of these we
yuld ask an early remittance
-Ors plying horses and rife for the twiner-
,-4107,1,,,g_ for it is not a good
,Don't let time fly before re-.. of the sl dd 1
policy to put off -till tO-DiCrii;OW among those who lative been in the
what you can do to -day. habit ofgoingnaturallyt1..we u
rounds,aenrdetc:: nate o
these fto
town. Luckily the weather has come
scribe. The price is one dollar
busy. On Sunday a number were out
to suit the season, and liverymen are
a year, in advance. pleasure sleighing, and on Monday
evening pleasure parties were many,.•
ow is the time to sub -
several being out in the country, but
he main attraction was 'the Seaforth
carnival, which drew loads of young
-7 people. Both Davis & Davis' and Mc-
PRO:SAY, MARCH 2, 1900. Cool's liveries were taxed, all the double
rigs available being sent out: .•
rneett,ng of business men was addressed
at Kincardine on ThursdaSS the 15th
inst.,. by John George, Reeve. of Port
Elgin, on the advisability of securing
'a line of freight boats to' ply on the
east coast during the next season,
view of the increased trade which will
be created by nutilic works under con-
struction in Algoma, it was deemed.
advisable to take steps to havethis
route supplied.- The Boards of Trade
in the towns along this shore will be
asked to join in securing the required
transportation facilities. It seems that
the Brown line, which has been on the
route for some yews past, has not
given satisfaction. We would think
that there is -a splendid opening Or a
line of boats along this shore iip t� the
Sault. The Beatty line- of eteamers
must have -made money when -they had
'their handsome large steamers calling
•at these eastern ports. The same
line still continues on their regular run
from Sarnia to Duluth, calling tit the
Sault as the first stepping place. We
. understand the. business men of these
towns are hand-in-hand with the
scheme,, and will do all they., can to
further the matter. • . •
Public Accounts.
The Year's Operation Show a
Surplus of $386,074.
'The public accounts for Ontario have
heft ptitited, and were presented to
,pie Hemp. The receipts in 1899a.nount-
Ilisttn $4.096,494.90, while the expendj-
pre was 53,710,420.82, leaving a surplus
,af $386,074 14 As compared with 1898
be receipts for last year show an in-
',- crease of $449,14L The receipts from
wreath and forests were a little over
$1,000,000 as compaved with $981,-
136 the previous year. The rev-
-Mine $rom succession duties was $150. -
as -against $206,185 the previous
yaw. The taxation imposed for the
_piirsibse of augmenting the Provincial
;:tsevenneVelded $217,000. The state of
thainances disclosed hy the public ac-
Aeoutits is most gratifying.
; It maybe noted that the railway
1.1,bsidies last year were paid out of
.n.clinarir revenue, and that no railway
i certificates were issued, as had been
. the Case for many years previously.
'Cs: - • -- t
- - - -- -
. .
MILITARY. -Lieut. -0o1 ; Holmes, of
London, D. 0. C., Militarytlistiict No. '
1, has.sent to the .various commaoding
. Pincers in his district a document,ask,-
ing for a detailed iita,teinerst as to. the
cost, distance, time, .etes of .the mobil-
ization of the unite- under theirconi-
mends, c.ommencing at the headliners
• ters of the companies, and ending au
hescamping grounds in-laindon. The
Goderich Star says: -.7-"A nuinber of
he officers of the 33rd Battalion met
t the Hotel Bedford 'on Mondey of
it tveek, and, discussed the matter.
The general opiniOn being that it Was.
he duty of the militia toassist the
ountry.and the Empire. it was unani-
moinlyresolved that the Huron Bat-
alion offer its services to the Govern-
ment forgarrison duty at Halifax or
he West Indies, with theintimation
hat the Reginaent would. be ready to
march' within seven days after being
rdered for serviee, ,Other Matters of
&sweet to the 33rd were discesseds and
he meeting . adjourned at the call of
he officer commanding." Captains
tsiamheand Mcleggart, oltown, were
resent. Majetaseperal Hutton, hay -
ng resigned his position as head of the
military forces Canaria, .. and been
chosen for service in South Africa.
Col. Aylmer will OAS his place rti head'
f the.Oanadia,n militia in the mean-
• •
Vile total subsidies Pld to British t
ifitteatriship corepanieslatityear amounts. it
ed. to $3,266,380 for carrying the ocean
mails all around the world: The Frye- t
ill now before the U. S. Con- c
Vesta, proposes to pay bounties "to t
establish a United States merchant
marine," to the amount of 69,000,000 ti
a -year in addition to the sums, allowed
lialer carrying the mails.
• • • t
, The naunicipal returus of the Bureau 1
saf Industries show Ontario'e popula-
tion in 1898 to have been 2,001,350 ; the P
total assessment, $809,184,833 ; taxes
ohrtizz9 $12,322,966 In 1897 the de -
re debt was 553,577,475; floating 0
debt; $6,482,953, and interest paid on t
loans and debentures, 62,553,988. The
debt and interest figures for 1898 are
One of our weetern friends has sent us
copy of the Boissevain, Man..
Recorder, of February 8tb, in which it
as a special write-up of their public
4111 •
st h
, During the month of January the
nsports from CanadeAvere r -2,931 cat-
tle, valued at £50,054; 1,388 sheep and
Iambs, valued at 22,079 ; 378,500 cwt.
, of wheat, valued at £128,575 ; 95,400
cwt. of wheat meal and flour, valued
at £43,015; 5,100 cwt. of pear, valued
at £1,356; 38,950 cwt. of bacon, valued
at £61,774; 10,654 cwt. of ham, valued - t
142 at mg,265 ; 1,650 cwt. of butter, valued
at £7,550; 27,213 cwt. of cheese, valued
sit £64,093; eggs valued at £6,095, and
-homes valued at £6,095, and 52
' horses valued at £930. The total im-
ports amounted to £476,190, and the
exPOrte to 2512,703.
• • -ID
' It
it estimated that, by March 31st h
Church Chimes.
Rev Dr. Clark, of Hamilton, formers
ly of Blyth, has been asked" back fcr
his fourth year.
ROV D. Perrie, of Wingham, has
subscribed $100, and Rev J. Maxwell,
of Kinloss, 550, to the Presbyterian
Oentliry Fund.
Rev R. Hobbs, of Wingham, recent
!y gaVe a strong sermon against (lane.
ing one Sunday evening recently. He
also has proclatmed as strong againet
skating and curling.
It is said that the Rev J. C. Tohnie,
pastor of St. Andrews' Presbyterian
church, Windsor, has received a call
from one of the large churches in New
York, at a salary of $5,000 it year.
Rev Mr McDonagh, of Stratford,
who has been in the hospital there for
several weeks, with a broken thigh
bone, iettble to take a drive out again.
and report 64s -he is nearly. mitered.
Rev T. Wesley Cosens, formerly of
Walton, has been invited back to
Westininster•for his third year; •Rey
W. E. Millson, formerly of Londes-
• boro, who is junior minister on the
same circuit, was asked •back for his
second year.
The Salvation Army forces through-
out, this Province will engage in a
great Foul saving campaign, entitled
the. "Siege of the Lost," from Feb,
2.5114. to April 2nd, The Field Com-
missioner, .Miss Booth, has sent out a
strongly worded appeal, in poster
form, calling upon the "True and the
Brave" to rally to the great fight and
endeavor, by the grace of (sod, to
rescue 2,500 souls in this appointe
time. Capt. Caaapbellavishes to mak
•it known that Christians of all denom-
inations are invited to come and assist
in this great work in Clinton.
The following, from the Hamilton
Times, will be of special interest to the
gentleman's many friends in this
vicinity :-At the regular meeting of
the quarterly bpard of Centenary
church, held last evening, a unanimous
invitation was extended td_the Rev G.
F. Salton to contiuue his past -orate for
the third year. All the members of
the board gave strong expression to
their feelings of regard for Mr Salton.
A resolution was also cerried to grant
the pastor a vacatfon of ten weeks, to
.enable him to visit. the Old Country
the coming summer, the church under-
taking to supply the pulpit' during his
absence. '
Preparations for the new English
churcto which is to be built in the
parish of Ktrktott during the - coming
summer, are progressing favorably. It
is to be a:handsome, modern structure
of stone and brick, and when • com-
pleted will be one of the finest country
churches in•the diocese. All necessary.
material, atone, brick, 4tc., are already
on thesite, and the -plans and specifi-
cations have been drawn up so that
there will be no delay in building when
the season pet mite. This parish has,
for the last two years, been under the
rectorship of Rev Wm Stout, former-
ly of Holmesyille parish, Awl notwiths
standing the large subscriptions given
by members,• for the erection of the
new building, all other church funds
are in a flourishing conditions,
Crisp County Clippings •
The friends of Mr and Mrs J. C.
Greig will be interested in knowing
that they have taken possession of
their handsome new residence, on
Goderich street, Seafortb. .
Death clahned anotber victim, on
Tuesday evening of last week, when
the spirit of Hugh B. McKay, of Kin -
tail, passed over to the "great beyond,
after an -illness of only four weeks, -
John Hill, an old resident of the 10t
con. of Grey, who sold his 150 acr
farm to Jas. 'Armstrong, haspurcbase
-the house and lot, on Queen stree
Brussels, owned by Thcs. Pepper, Ot
con. of Grey, paying $1035 for it.
of the Presbyterian church, of which
deceased, was a member, conducted the
service. Mrs Cassacley was born in
1830, in Soto h Dusoft tee, near Brant.
ford, in the county,of Brant, het; par.
ents heir g Isaac and Matilda, Alger,
• who had come to Canada from Al-
bany, N. Y. All the children ourvive,
and are :-Isaac N., of the Empire
!Wee, aud Savings Co,*London ; Mrs
odd, of alkerton ; Mary, of Ottawa;
Thomas, who remains on the home.
steSci f•OeOrWtof Rivereide, California;
MreMcGillicraidy, of town, and James
E.. of Ileint amen J. Co.,, Toronto. Ali
were present, except George, during
the brief illness of twelve days.
The morning of St. Valentine's Day
saw a pleasant gathering at the parish ,
church to witness the wedding cif' two '
residents of Ash field. Win. Hackett
and Mies Annie Bowler. Pather
L'Heureux, secretary of the London
sliocetie,,,Who has been discharging the
duties. of parish priest since the death
of the late Rev Father Dixon, perform-.
ed the ceremony which made two
hearts happy. The duties of grooms-
man were discharged by the brother
of the bride, James Bowler, and the
bridesmaid was her sister Katherine.
It is worthy of remark that this wed-
ding was the first one performed by
Father Illteurenx., and that it makes
the first record in the new parish
register. The, bridal party after the
ceremony dinedat the bride's residence,
where seventy-five guests were pres-
ent. Later the party adjourned to
MacDonald's hall, at Kin and were
joined by other guests, an dancing,
to the accompaniment of bagpipes and
Violins, was kept tin until the wee sma'
hours of the morning.
In the Army Ranks..
• .
The Irish regiments now South Af-
rica have suffered' more in proportion
to numbers than any troops in- the
field.With conspicuous lor they
have taken isi
ken 'part in nearly all the en-
gagements. , „
.The biggest regiment of British In-.
fantry is the Rifle Brigade, which has
nine battalions of line and militia, to
.which eleven volunteer battalions are
affiliated. The King's Royal Rifles
comee :a gdod second with nine bat-
talion% line and militia, and fen of vol-
unteer*, •
It is interesting to note that the
shortest soldier it. the British army is
B: Grace, of the .lst Bat talion, 'Grena-
dier Guards, who is but 4 feet, 6 inches
in height. It is strange, too, that this
regiment should be able to boast of the
recordsin the other extreme, in the per-
son of Private McCulloeh, who stands
6 feet, 8S inches in hiti,socks, the tallest
soldier in the Qu,eeno's army.
This has not been a century of peace
:for Great Britain.. Leaving out Water-
loo and the 'Transvaal. war; ,bere are
some of the conflicts in. which the Em -
pre has been engaged: The naval bat-
tle of Navarino, -1827; . the war with
'China, 1830 42: the Sikh war, 1845-9;the
mean war, 1854-6; the Persian war,
1; second war with China, 1856-8;
Indian' Mutiny, 1867; third war with
China. 1860; Ashantee war, 1873; Abys-
sinian war, 1868; second Afghan- war,
1878 82; Zulu war, 1879; bombardment
of Alexandria and war In Egypt, 1882-4
, -not to mention numerous wins with
the hill tribe's in India and with nat-
ives in South Africaandelsewhere..
Khaki is made at the Army Clothing
stores at Pimlico; There are over 1,300
girls, ranging from 16 to 25 years in
lige, employed in the factory, the sew-
ing machines being' driven at a war
speed of 1,100 stitches a minute, mak-
ing khaki and other clothing required
in South Africa. Every girl is taught
to make a garment throughout, it be-
ing considered that, even if the girls
do not work as quickly when making
, the whole gartuent, they do it better
la than if each section was made by. a
e, Specialist; at any rate they manage to
a turn cut 10,000 uniforms a week. Ev-
t,, ery soldier mat in South Africa 'carries
n in the lining of each gement a linen
label. containing t he name of the girl
t who made it, and if any complaint of
, scamping is received during its natural
life of twelve mOnths she ia certain to
hear tf it.
A very pretty wedding took place a
the residence of A. Camino, Seaforth
schools since their inception in- .1885, on Wednesday lath, when Miss Annie
up to the present.time. The edition is A., fourth daughter of.Mr and Mr s A.
finely illustrated with photograseurs Cardno, was united , in marriage to
of the school and their present teach- David Fetter Page, of Buffalo, N. Y.
ine staff. In 1885 the place had one The marriage Was celebrated at high
teacher, and has increased until to -day noon, and the ceremony was perform -
the staff composes five, three of whom ed by Rey Mr Shaw, of Egmondville,
are graduates of the Clinton Model- in the presence of a goodly company
W. A. Turnbull, principal ; Miss Kate of friends of the family.
Calder, and W. T. Musgrave. It has '
the following to say of these three On Tueeitii37 morning, February 201b,
St. Joseph's church, Kingsbridge, was
the scene of a very interesting wed-
PM:NC/Pat TURNBULL, ding, the contracting parties being
The training that Mr W. A. Turnbull John O'Rielly, youngest eon of Thos,
bas received fits him specially for the O'Rielly, and Miss Joanna Lannan,
position he holds as principal of one of daughter of Mrs Lannon, a one -time -
the best schools in Manitoba. Like resident of Goderich. At half -petit
most of the people of the district, he is nine the ceremonies, including high
a native of Huron. He attended Sea- mass, began, the Reverend Father
forth Collegiate Institute and Clinton L'Heureux officiating.
' There passed away to the unseen
World, on Friday last, another of Ex-
eter'a old residents, hi the person of
'Susanna Westlake'relict of 'the late
James Garland, at the age of 70 years
and 6 months. The deceased had been
in failing health for some time, but
was able to be mitaround until about
a.week agO, when she was taken sud-
denly ill, and gradually sank until
Mies Kate Clalder is also from "Huron death put an end to her sufferings.
ounty, neat Brussels, at which place
Greet Britain Will have spent over a,
$15,000,000 fin. the relief of the famine- '0
stricken in Iodia, yet there are now 1
bout three and a half, million people !.
t in need of aid The popelation of the
district affected is about 21,000,000,
'ss'atid the fyear's crops are a total c
ounty Model School, and. after two
ears of successful teaching obtaired
is professional second class certificate
t Ottawa Normal, He then taught,
n Goderich until he decided \ -come
ut west. At Rekina he obtained his
at class professional, and after teach.
ng a short time in Mithitoba, received
he appointment which, he now holds.
failure. Unfortunately for these poor 6
41fiop1e thestream Of British beneficence 1
has been diverted to South Africa, and to
those dependent on the. eoIdiers out c
tliereZtio that there is likely to be t
gnore iauffeeing than ever. Very little t
food will .grow this year on 300,000 a
*pare miles of the woret of thefamine te
Isaac Salkeld, it, of the first con, of
Goderich. townsh ip, has purchased from
George Church thirty-nine acres of the
latter's farm, adjoinmg his own. John
Salkeld has bought the live acres of
the same farm lying next to this prop-
erty,and S.Flurse has bought ten acres,
Mt Church reserving the homestead,
with nineteen acres. This is the old
Orabh Parra on the Bayfield toad.
On TuesdaY,13th IhSt, lire Wens, re-
lict of the late Henry E. Wells, passed
away at the lunne of her daughter, Mrs
Teacher Grade IV, and former prin- D. Oniininghaine, Colborne 'township.
al Of the Boissevain intermediate The deeeased wds an old and highly
ool, is a native of Huron county, respected resident of thiis district. She
e public schools of which, county and has been an invalid for some time, but
the Harriston High school. lie re- the fatal illness, pleuro-ynettMonia,Wha
eived his education. He took his of only a few days' duration. She is
odel training • At Clinton Model survived by three sons and •tWO
hool and hid-. Normal at Toronto, daughters, She was in her sixty-ninth
pder Principal Kirkland. ' Auer zear and was a 'native .of Ayrehare,
Yeti pears of successful teaching in eicotlapd. ,
ntario, he moved to Manitoba in On Saturday of fast week, after a
nd has taught a little over eight in year's illness, Ellen, wife of P. B. Wal-
e province, and in order to qualify Ws, died at the family. residence, 10
imself for teaching practical business McKenzie's Crescent, 'Toronto. Mrs
ent three years in the hardware Wallace wits'for a /lumber of years a
tore of Mr j. N. Birbeek, Besidee resident of Goderieh, and the news of
aching, Mr Musgrove represents her death was reeeived with sorrow by
vend well known companies, as The her Mende there, The rettaitie were
iverpool London and Globe and The taken to Goderich on Monday, and
ondon Laneaehire rite Ins, Cos The from there to the home of her brothers,
°minion Permanent Loan Co, and A. and J. Feagan, West Wawanosh„
he IrriNrial Life, He is &member of acconapanied by her husband, her SOtt,
o I, 0, O. F. and has filled all the Alvin, and daughter-in-law. The
ective officers. In teligion Mr M116- funeral took place to Dungannon
oee is a Methodist is a member of cemetery.
e Quarterly Official Board, and has
seeretary of the Tructee Board On Wednesday, the 14th inst., a
nce 1801. He was S. S. Supt. for 0' large concouree of friends gm AC -
ars, and is now librarian and treesauaintances followed the remains of
or, and is secretary of the Turtle- mrs C; Cassady, of Auburn, to their
last resting place. The pale -bearers
he obtained her education, until hay -
ng successfully' passed the examin-
tion for second class teacher, ebb
ok the•usual cOPI.60 of training at the
minty Model school, Clinton. She
aught for some -time at Brussels, atid
hen came to Winnipeg, where she
obit Notmal training, and Shortly
fterwatde accepted a position on the
aching ataff of Boissevain public
Pi Military Number.
• The March number of the Canadian Et33c2
MiligaZine will be a special military in
atomiser, With colored military cover, c
the design of which shows t e Cana- m
Matt Mounted Rifler§ paradin o 8
Canadian Street. The ntganization of „
the Setialla Contingent and the ems ss
barkaticin, will he described by two
writers, and each of the articles will be a
Illustrated With a number of photo- th
graphs which have been taken special- h
ly for this plerp0110. The - publishers en
annonnee that this Will be the finest sr
number of the Canadian Magazine
Row haye ever turned outs and Will be ge
auperior, in many ,waym, to their L
Christroaa number, which won theta L
**Much praise,
The employees in the ftiotoriell of the th
Myth Atnerican Bent Chair Company at ei
Owes Sound have subscribed 5300 to the -
Pettiotie Fund. on. it. rt. Dobai hag tsA
forwarded his cheek for $500. s be
Thee/date of the late ex -Mayor Tuckett 0!
of Hamilton is valued $1,000,000, 37e
Children Cry for Mtn. Co. S. S. Assoeiation.
were her t ree sons, D. McGillicuddy.
(her eon.in- aw), D. J,t Munroof
Fire destroyed Bramptoree electric) light Auburn, and MO Pierce, o East Ws -
ant. wanosh. Rev Robt, Hendereon, pastor Woodstock and Amheretburg.
The Surprise Party.
(A ballad.)
It was a jolly compeny,
Set out from Clinton town.
•And they were bound for•Goderich,
That place of great renown.
They started out from Clinton then,
All merry, •young and gay;
But the roads wore poor for sleighing,
And they had to walk half Wiry.
When they saw the lights of Goderich
They quickly' increased their pace,
But when they- did get to the town
They couldn't ilnd the place.
At last they found the residence,
And then began the fun;
They hastily 1;egan to dance,
Arid put things on the hum.
There was one girl irahe company,
Her name was Idabel Mille,
And she mUst have been wound up that days
For she talked enough to kill.
She talked while at refreshments,
Till they wished she wasn't there,
And she talked the whole way driving,
Till the boys began to stare,
But they all put in a sporty time,
Thebours were far too short,
,And when the clock had jugtetrtlek three,
They ended up their sport.
.A.ndnow the fun was over,
So they- started out for home,
When again their troubles darted,
Andthey wished they hadn't gone.
About half Way totheir deetinn
That funny Sleigh Upset,
And 'though they landed in a enove-biesk,
They ail got ma sweat.
• -totem
And there Were many loving meetings,
Amidst the great alarm,
And "le pawre" Little Mabel vowedi
She'd broke her little atm.
nen Wallace, who was driving,
And had done his level best,
filmy the lines away from him
To clasp a maiden to kis breast.
Ed they got anilines to rights' again,
And darted on their way,
And none of thorn were any worse,
Per this interesting delay.
4 The root all Nosed eff pleneently,
As Mabel held her tonghe,
.And they just droVe into 0110011 with
The rising of the Stn.
Oases of smallpox are "reported from
Properties for Sale or to Let
At present occupied by A.a. origu,, Jeweler,
Pliot013, APP t D'I;McOr4011 Clint°n
J)es1rable Towu Property For
. Sale.
Having purchased . the photo-
graphic business opetated so long
and successfully by Mr. Foster,
I am prepared to continue the
good work after an experience of
thikteeu years in strictly first class
studios of three of our principal
cities. I feel I oan plearie.you,
having,had a wide experience m all
thelateet styles ofphotographiowork
such as Carbon in all the different
colors, Platimum, alsoPlatino and
photos on Porcelain, Ivory and
iCelluloid, black and white or Unt-
1 ea. It you have an old photo that
you hove failed to get a good copy
.. bring it in, It will cost you noth.
ing to give me a trial. Anything
in the way of copying or enlarging
. carefully attended to, No worls
allowed to leave the studio unless •
satisfactory. . ,
Call and Get Prices.
The Montreal Life.
The home magazine of tbe Canadian
people contains an article op vice-
regal etiquette, how to do it, and how
not to do it at Rideau Hall. A. capital
artiele. The material for this article
was obtained from an authoritative
source, and will be -found not only
reliable, but exhaustive. Portions of
it are alste,most amusing, and it will be
well worth perusal by anyone who
frequents the capital.
Canada Business College
Canada's greatest school of Shorthand . and
Business training, still holds a very strong
lead •over its contemporaries. No better
evidence of this ola im need be offeredthan the
following, which shears how widely this justly
poplar school is patronized. 147 -cities; towns,
and villages in Canada, United . States and
Newfoundland represented in the attendance
during the year, to date. SO 'Cgfetrities in On.
tario, six of the•Ilnited States, together with
five from Manitoba and 'Alberta, have sent
their. representativea. Theycome from the
Atlantio on the east to the Pacific onthe
west. • Distance proves no hindrance to those
who are determined to attend the beat • The
present is an tixoellent time of year to ixiake
a start, Pupils are admitted at any time.
For catalogue, adpeeer • •
. r
13...MeLdahlan &
. .
The undersigned offers a 13,month8old bull
and also a 2 year id bull for sale. They are
both ThorobredShorthorn and will be sold at
r reasonable figure. ED. H. WISE,
151Clinton, P. 0.
Tamworth Boar for Service.
Subscriber items for service at his preraiees,
Srd con. of Tuckersmith, the there -bred regis-
tered Tamworth Boar, Clinton King, bred be
George & Sons, Crampton, Ont., Terms, E. at
time of service with privilege of returning if
necessary. APPLETON ELCOAT,' Tucker -
smith. Feb,18
For sale, two registered Shorthorn Bulls,
from the old Strawberry strain. One will be
year old on Deo. 25th ,and won first prize at
Blyth Show. The other will be a two-year.old
on April 2nd Both are red in color and first-
class animals
• 'W. SNELL,
Lot 26 Gth Con. Hulled,
Dec. 14-4 Clmton P.0
The phenomenal well bred standard horse,
Tarentum 21795, will stand at W. W. Farran's
ham, near Station at Clinton, every Monday
for the balance 02 the season.
TARENTUM 21795 has le his breeding th
greatest sires living er dead, also 12 of the
greatest producing dams living. He has -let,
unquestionable breeding ; 2nd, extreme speed;
3rd, the power to transmit it, C.Z
TERMS: To insure, 815. For extended pedigree
seolarge eatalog. Address
Maple_Leaf Stock Farm,
June 15.tf Eemondville, Ont.
You'll "
Enjoy It
A course in our College will be ono
of the most enjoyableexperiences of.
your life; and the important and valu-
able knowledge gained willlit you for
ktiorative employment and give you the
emits of enjoying the beat things of
e. . .
Write for particulars You may
enter anytitne. No vacations. , ,
Central BusinessCollege
youllig‘ Gerrard Ste., Toronto.
'W. H. SJHAW, Principal.
A few lines of winter
goods left vet. Now is
the tirae to buy
Robes and Blankets
Single and Double 'Harness
Trunks and Valises
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers
We also have Red Cedar
and Pine Shingles on hand.
A call solicited. °
Victoria Ifiletle.
The residence of the late A. MoAlieter, on
Prime's street, Clinton, will be *old on easy
terms. For Partioulare apply to JAMES
scarr, Executor.
In Goderloh Township, within two miles of
inton ; immediate poseession. Apply to
A comfortable frame houtie on the corner of
(bleep and John streets, Clinton. Three-quar-
ters acres of ; good orchard; hard water,
oto., also stable. Apply to
Nov. 9th -et MRS. J. TOWNSEND
Hovsg gro Kern,.
Goad comfertable house onVIctoria St .Bouth,
with every accommodation ; hard Ana soft
water,stable, eto. Rent moderate. Apply to
S. S. COOPER; Clinton
A six roomed house on Kies) Street near
the G P.E. depot, Contains 2 lOtS, hard and
soft water. Apply to . F. STREETS, Jemee
atreet. Feb 2-4t
For sale, 4 lots near the Flax Mill; 2 lots on
Erie St.,2 lots on Milton St ,alsoabriok cottage'
with frame kitoheinhat d water, good orchard,
on applying to J.OHN RIDOUT, °Mame ox'to
JOHN HENRY, Ros,endale, Manitoba.
• • —
Comfortable dwelling house On east Elide of
Albert Street, containing 7 rooms; hard and
soft water and quarter of an acre of land, fruit
trees, etc. Apply to
June 2g-tr Clinton.
HOUSE for SALE or to RENT.
On Victoria St., near Organ Factory. $ 300
will buy a roomy, comfortable house with good
lot -the property recently occupied by Frank
Upshall. Apply at once to -
Barriater 8cc. Clinton.
House and Lot for Sale.
The large and commodious house pleasantly
situated on Huron Street, occupied by tho un-
dersigned le offered for gale on very reasonable
terms. There is every accomodation,with stabler
orchard, &c.
Sept 21.1899..Clinton.
sa a first class ick store, on Albert
The premises:occupied lirir; Cita, and
Street, Clinton, is offere for sale on ease
ter nes.
Also Cottage on Albert Street, with two
lots, stable, and all conviences. Particulars
on appication to Mrs W. Robertson, Clinton
or Mrs 0, W. McGregor, Constance. •
The undersigned offers for sale a frame house
on Wellington street of eight rooms, containing
four bedrooms, dining room, parlor, sitting
room, and kitchen. Goodhard water; 31#e
minutes walk from the Post Oillee. The house
has only been built for a year. For particulars
etc., apply to MRS. MOGI-1,10(4E
--Feb 10-li Wellington St. 'Clinton.
That desirable Briok Business Stand on Al-
bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, 18
offered for sale, including rear lot and stable.
The location is one Of the best in Clinton. The
'property is free from incumbrance and title In-
disputable. Price reasonable and terms to suit
purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lon-
don Road or address Clinton P. 0
For Sale or to Rent.
. •
The choice brink house on the corner of Ful-
ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate
of the late Richard Heywood, Is offered either
for sale or to rent. It contains roorn for ordi-
aniry family, is practically a new house, with
all convenietices, and three -tenths of an acre
of land. If the property is not sold. or rented,
part of it will be mated. Apply to .
• • W. COATS Exeoutor nton.
Farm for &tie or to Rent.
200 acre farm for sale or to rent, being Lots
29 and 30, 8th concession of Mullett township;
125 acres under cultieation, the rest bush and
pasture land; watered by a well supplied river;
school bowie No. 5 situated on tho farm; good
large bank barns, stables, sheds ana other
buildings, also stpry house; also good or-
chard; has all conveniences. Terms easy.
Apply on the farm to
or•bv letter M Londesboro P. 0.. Ont. ' Im
A desirable farm for sale being let No, 35,
lith conoession, of tho township of Goderich,
one mile south of Holmesville, known as the
Cole farm, 80 acres, fall ploughing of 40 acres
all well done, 10 -acres -of -fall -wheat, 35 acres
meadow, balatce in pasture, orchard of choice
bearing fruit trees, .all the front of said farm
Is e bea tidbit row of roaple treos a log house,
atone dairy, ,bank barn, offered, for sale on
very advantage terms.
T. C. PICKARD, Holmegville, P.O.
On Rattenbury SE., opposite' Bins Combo's,. s
ri story frame house, containing woodshed and
summer kitchen and 7 rooms, viz: parlor, dining
room, kitchen, 1 bedroom dewnstairs and three
up•stairs ; hard and soft water, acre denier
lot, with evergreen, rose and other hedges.
Gooseberties, raspberries, currants, apple and
plum trees, good vegetable garden, eta. A mod
desirable propertyand will be sold well within
its value. Apply on the premises or at the
organ factory.
Apl 20-tf W. G. DOMERTY.
A Bargain in Land.
Here's a Chance.
Poraaie cheap and on easy terms -part
of Lot 4, Baylield Concession, Goderioh
township; 55 acre% Apply to
Sept 7-3m • Brucefield.
- . -
Splendid ratru to Rent or for
Subrortbor otos either to rent or for gide,
hie faem of 00 stores, enlisted OR the- Huron
read, Tuckeramith, half s mustrom tior tolvn
of •011ntotb Tt is all cleared, with- fleritidess
buildhlgs, bank barn 48;010, with Atindmill,
implement house 1800,w1Sh stone foundation,
stOnejeig house 18x20, with ,hen house abort).
good frame hone., Wee of young toroth*
ard, creek *upping through the piaos, The
farm a first -dam engin e'er: reilpeet end
teeny One Who either Wishes to rent or buy
reasonable terms will made. Potiewielon
at tine tiMe. , ARTHUR, 00170/1, •
Oaten, Januar: Mtn, 1000.
Give A Youth :
resolution and a course in Businege
end 'Shorthand at the
ry •
and tvlo shall plot. MORO tia Ma ewer
.-4(latelOgue free.
Professional andOtherCards
Barrister, Solicitor, iko.,
OFeice-Elliott Block, Isaac Street.
'Ammo, ETC.
Oftlee-Beaver 111ock.
Up -stairs, Oppostt Itegige Photo Gillen.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and flouveyanse
Ofilee-Oppeelte Colborne Meta
(Formerly -of Cameron lion & cameral)
Oftioe-Hatualton St opposite Colborne House
. z •
Office -Corner Hamilton St. and the Swum
Goderleb, Ont,
3. T GARROW Q. C. Cites. Gangow,L.L.B
Office: North et., next door toSIgnal °Mee
Private Funds to lend at lowest rates
' of interest.
CONVEYANCER, . Commeszorren,
Real Estate and InsMaziee Agent. Money to
lend on.ltdortgage and Note. security.
Crown and Bridge Work.
Office Hours -9 to 5.
DR. T. • C. BRUCE,
Coate' Block, Albert 13treet, Clinton
Speoial attention given to preser-
yation of Natural teeth
Also Crown and Dridge Work
Physician, Surgeon, EM
Office and. Residence-
Rattenbney Street.
Licentiate of the Royal College of Physician
• London, England.
Office and Residence-
Successor to Dr. Turnbull.
• WM.GUNN, L. 11. 0. P. and L. R. 0. S.
Edinburgh. °Moe -Ontario Bred Clinton
Night calls at front door of residence on Rattan
bury St., opposite Presbyterian church.
Ascourrheur, etc., Oleo and residence On-
tario St., opposite English church, formerly oo
copied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont.
-11-• Medical Department of Victoria Univer-
sity. Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and
Dispensaries, New York, Coroner of the
County of uron, Bayfield. Ont,
Gold and Silver Medalist, first-olass honor
graduate of thceonOengtae.rto Veterinary •
Night and day calls answered at odies-Dr ,
Worthington's old standicitio. Commercial Ho t e
te • HonoraryGraduate of theOntarloVeterina
College. Treats all diseasee of domesticated an
male on the most modern and Boientific prino
plea Office- immediately south of the New Era
Oilloe. Residence - Albert fn., Clinton, Cal
night ordav attended to promptly
Ira ismer a Marriage Licensee, Library Room '
and Residence, Mary street, Clinton.
tjAMES OAET13ELL. L0E0E8110E0 '
. No witnesses required
• P. Provincial Laud Surveyor and
01111 Engineer London, eo
Ont. -Office at G
fitewerVe Grooe,4 Store, Clinton.
4 GENTS Book business M better than Or
J m. years eastadeo have bettet and faster gelling
books. Agadir bleat frau lie to ;40 Weekly. A
few leaders Men "Queen Vlotoria, "Life of Mr
Glq.dstone,'! "MY lfotherliBible Stories," "Pro.
grainiveSttkero' !Klondike Gold Flelda,""Wo.
min," "G pees Of the Una oh. "."Breakfael
Dinner and Supper," ''Oanada, . 'Enoyelopaer
dia." Bookg on time. Outfits free to canvassers.
The t3RADLE1S-Ga1tREThois Co.. Limited,
••1•04r I' -
Several pennons or District Ofiloe lfaneetere
in this comity to niprewp me in their ownand
sUrroundleg counties. Vk Ming to pay yearly
8000, payable weekly. Desirable employment
with unusual opportunities, Beftros•))x--If
changed. Mx:does aelf•addreseed,s Ped 461"
relOpe. S. A.Park, 320 Caxton Building ChI
cage. • Dec. 16
itclat14011 111111TAL FIRE
ONLY imam
erriereta •
1.11. McLean, President, Eleven P. O. Thoe'
Freely. viert-preeldent, Brneefield P. (), W. .1sShannon, Secy-Treatt., Staferth P.O.; Thos. Et
nage, Inspector of Loa% liertforth P. 0.
G. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John G. Griev
Winthrop P. 0.; George Dale. Seaforth; 'rhea,
E.flay, Seaforth; Jae, Evank Beechwood
0,; John Watt, Merle?* P. 0.; Thitireaa Eraser.
JtrneefleJd; John II, MdLean. EilMen ; alnico
Cennelly.POrter Hill. •
Robert Smith, liesieek; Itobt.Meniliae.
Janus Cumi lug, EgniOndville ; 3,. W.
Yee II0Itnesville.hn GoVenlk eeand Jhn
0.biorrison. waditow.
Parties desirous 10 effect Thsuranee or trade
act other business will be vreMptly attended to
On Application td any a the above office or
Addressed te their refamOtiVe offites.,