HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-02, Page 1• 4 • 44.4"":**Peatai.*******Pelf.V.V.11 Regentitnen4 the New Era to •-t -ft YOur Wend*. n • .f. te • t rtsseantasnen ;AMR WAXES, PUblieher. 4' I You Will Find . . bete a complete dock of aratchee, Olooke, Jewelry, Silverware, ()Olen', :China, Spedatiles, and all kinds of smell neteltiee in Ebony and Sterling Sileer, Cut Steel, Side Combs, Poem Tans, Eta, in nes you will find everything - here that is to be found in e • aratolase jewelry store. We Engrave. all articles bought here free of charge, and se we expeot a lot.of Ibis kind of work t� do, we would ask yoa to Wait your artieles and let us know the en• •graving you would like on them as soon sa possible, as. it will ' save ne a lot of trouble,and we win be able to do a nicer job for you. REMIENOR ' -All ertiolesbought here • engraved free of ohiciaisa When will you be In? P. B. CREWS, slits • Jeweler • ExperMatehRepairer • And Optician • Dungannon. •• MARRTED.-As we write, we hear of Mr John Bamford and Miss T. Cuff .esoing over to A.uburn to attend the • wedding-ofour popular tailor,- -Mr T, <11 k t Miss lalartba. youngest , 4 k`• <taught:sr nf Mr and Mr13 Nicholson, of that place. -Further particulars next .0nutton.-The Nile and Dungannon circuits held their 21st annual conven- tion on Thursday, .I5th ulta, at Nile; at was a grand succees, the church be- ing crowded at each meeting. Ref. B. L. -Hutton has started revival seryices at his church in Dungannon, which will continue for at least two weeks. Belfast. Novas.- The carnival on Monday Might was a success, the rink being so a full there was scarcely room to skate. A number of our young folk went over to Myth on Friday last to take in the carnival. B.Fowler,now of Tegewater, was renewing old acqualritanees here on Sunday and Monday. J. Cumber- land. who has been visiting friends and. relatives around Listowel for the hist • two weeks,Inie retbrned; Misses Bain - ford • and • Pentland drove over to : Auburn on Wednesday evening to at- tend the union convention of the Sun- day SchoolAssoclation. Although our Canadian boys are suffering, the war anthusitiaists feel jubilant over the fact - that they are entrusted with such im- portant work; mut have such good • company. • St. Runustine. "11/4TOTES.-44r8 Richardactn, ters, Etta and Lizzie, of Woodstock, *revisiting at Mr Geo. Smith's. Miss Gerde Armstrong returned to Auburn on Friday last. Miss Emma Craig Isreturned to Detroit last week. Mrs P. Cummins and son John, of Wing - ham, paid a flying visit to the burg on Friday. Mr J. Clark, of Aubur n, is visiting at his ditnahter's, Mrs 'Wm. Thompson. Mr S. Settles, of Auburn, was the guest of Mr Wm. Thompson one day last week. • Wniontans-A very pretty wedding took place last Wednesday evening at the residence of the brideat father, Mr Gee, Smith, when his oldeet daughter Annie, was united in matrimony to Mr It Agar, of -Belfast. Me Whitley of St. Thomitt. tied the, nuptial , knot. The bride wag prettily dressed in a gray costume trimmed with white eatip. Only the ,iminediate relatives were present'. After the ceremony • the young couple With the gueste sat dOwntoseupper, sifter which the even- ii4ivec.,ent gionee and „sinus°. raents. TM happy couple left the next dunning for their home near Belfast WEDDING.- & vt.ry pretty wedding took place at the home of Mt and Mrs <leo, Smith, 6th concession of West Wawanosh, on Wednesday, 21st inst., their eldest daughter. Annie,- and Mr Robert Eager, of Belfast, being the contracting parties. Rev Mr Whaley tied the knot, only the immediate ;relatives being present. After the - 1 congratulations, the party sat to a sumptuous repeat, and then ed themselves with mode and es till the wee mita hours of the inning. Your correspondent joins in the good wishes fiat prosperity with few troubles, in their new home at �sumlller Naras.-Mr E. Mohring has sold hie • valuable driver to his brother Wm. Mr W. Good has returned from Toron- to, attending the Grand Lodge of A, 0; IL W. held in that city, and reports /Wing a good time. Mies Lane and Mary Blake ate the guests of Mr Chata Wallace, of this place. Quite a nutil- SIMPlied brthe 'WOW el** widega'grake and reliable correspondent* ber have been disappointed with e. eard to procuring their lee owing to the sudden brake up of the river al. though cMite a number got a lot oa CLINTON; 9NTART9,..MAII011 2, 1900, -****4**********)4/41411/24***.4,44.4-************Alikiii-iikivigig***4444iii.-ieroi** - • -The_News of the...„Neig.hborhbod, dh'Lf ice front Isaac Fibber's Pond. The revival.meetings are still going on thieyreek at the Evangelical church this week being conducted by the Rev. Mr Clewene. Ottuads..-Sacramental service was help in the Zion appointment, Feb 11; Rev. S. J. A Ilin, of Goderich, preached an. able and appropriate sermon. Quite a large number partook of Sacrament. On Monday Feb 12th. quarterly official board met in the Beumiller church, most of members present. Finances in good shape. An lin blot's invit- ation was extended tgYLie' pastor to return a third yeaf Special services have been held in thearBetbel church , since January ; God blessed the labors of Itls people in the conversion of many precioueSsouls, and in a revival among the 'members, night after night the church was crowded to the doors. Annual missionary anniversary ser- mons next Sabbath at Bethel, 10.80 14.01:, Zion 2,80 p. iri. and Benmiller 7 p. m, Rev, W. S. Anderson, from Johannesburg. South Africa, will preachon mission work in South .A,f. vita araong the Boers.. ' OREM' REMOVAL SALE-'. Ocarvatitiom-The Methodist and Evangelical Convention held 'here wag a decided success ; Sabbath servic- es were crowded. Rev. M. Clemens gave a most appiopriate discourse in the lanorning, the Evangelical Choir ably rendering the music. Mr A. Courtice beterestea aad benefited a mixed audience •of children and older people in the afternoon', Benmiller ellue. se...G.:an music; Rev. S. J. Allin,of-Goderichapoke-strong,helpful- words to n •audience mostly of youn 44444114104,4-WPPPPPPNP144114 ifif***********r#APPPHPPPPPPt • Noags a -Mies Hattie Ingram who Londesboro.. • e "Bloom's' Old ra + 1 •kol.114VP144.14auete444.1441414-Y-'0.10•44 • The best advertialitet isesillOnt l . in tida 000tIOn. 1 1 11 .•• - i ; e 21110,011Y DXED.-00 Thorsdey, Feb. 22nd, Mrs Walker, beloved wife otRobt. Walker, vowed away to the great beyond, after a fingering illness. Deceased leaves a husband and three email children to mourn the loss of a kind and Affection. ate mother and . wife. The remains' were taken to Kincardine cemetery for burial, and was followed by. a large ' concourse of friends, who deepl sym- • 1111111101t • ildren the standing of the pupile in S. J. 0. NOalse.-Owneto the snow block. Th pa.theize with Mr Welket•and c Smoot. REPORT. -the follharin in their ead berea,vement. st14, . Peony at night; Zion choir supplie music. Monday morniorreession open- ed thafind theachorch tilled with per. sons from various eats ' All appeared deelsay interested in this flret conven- tion. The yaricius subjects were prac- tically handled,leadirig to earnest and helpful &wisdom!, the general opin- ion being that the time for discussion was too short. , Reports of various Sunday Schools and Leagues were.con- sidered satisfactory as. showing earn- -- eat work and growth. Regrets were felt that ftev Rellington was un- able to be present, but all felt that the model Bible class was ably conducted by Rev. J. Wilson M. A.,of Goderich. In bis usual straight-tosthe-mark way Rey, J. S. Henderson, of Hensall, an- swered the many knotty:questions pre- sented to him through the question drawer in the afternoon. The evening session we one whith in influence will, live onin many lives ; the music by the Bvanatelical choir, the Weniniller quartette, solo by Miss Susan Allin and the Zion quartette was most ap- pr date and inspiring, Miss Wilson, has beeo. visiting with her ctusiL, Miss •Minnie 'lawn:moon, the teat two weeks, has returima to her home Barrie. al • d ears WM Ora are in LOndon attending the Doman on Grange ineet. render Of erOnle and Rellef. ing, beintheld there at present, Mr • • ReIolelner elinton over Sure 2nafmoreathe month of February. The ade here this week, the stage has been are glYan int order of merttas. ! unable to make the regular trip on S 4th E B . h time. Our townsman, Samuel Brown, McDonal of London, is homearieiting a of IhadYerniths • her father. Who is very low. The many friends of afre J. Tainblyn, sr. will regret to bear of her serious lilt 'ness, with, alight hopes of omoverY. Sunday was one of the stormiest days this winter.; there were more :vacant seats than full ones in the churches. Mrs R. Adam On Tuesday started for Liandoni to attend the inillinery open - m the interests of, her lady cus- tomers. Some steps are being taken to have a patriotic meeting here, to raise money for the patriotic fund; tic* many Or our brave boys • have fallen In the war that there will be need of money to -assist theft "dependents. NEW SogootaStehtions.- Oe Thurs- day and Friday of last week Judge Masson and School .Inspectors Robb and Tom Met here for the purpose of hearing and determining appeals • for new school sections,which had been referred to them as arbitrators from the county council. The first was to ter - form a new union school from p what at present t onstitute union No.5, Hullett and East Wavaanosh, No. 7 and 8 of Hallett, and No. 10 of East Wawanosh, The pr mosed new school section would therefore, embrace the lat con.of East Waw nosh and the 14th of Hullettfrom .the B'yth boundary on the east to within n. miles -of Man- chester; the petitioners' request was granted and the new section will be known as Union. No. 11, Hullett and East Wavranosh. The second applies; tion was to form a new section from portiotte of No. 4, Gederich township. aura parts of Nos. 8 and 9, Hallett; the petition wee granted, and the section will be known ail ThliOn No. 10, Mullett and Goderich township, but the peti- tioners were not granted all the land they had esked to be included in the section.-; The formation of these new sections may add a trifle =nate school taxes of some of the parties interested, but the amount cannot be large, while the benefit. to the families concerned wilebe very great and much more than offset the cost. There are • a couple of anditionel changes that may have to be made in the near future, and some people think the sooner the better, be- cause circumstance** have materially changed since the original formation of the *Poetical& Thia will be the remov- al of the union school east of Manches- ter into the village; and the removal of No.8 Willett into Londeaboro. Either this or the formation of a school. elec. tion in each village with adjacent ter - °C? f arts of of aderich, gave an able paper on ritory taken inglie chief objeetkin urg- methods of Bible gaudy. Then tante ed against removing thew echools is something thatBeruniller andsuround. the one of "taxes." The HitAter is one, ing country will never forg t, an however, that will have to be 'consid- addresehy: Rev. J. S. Benders�O, Hen- ered nefore long, and submitted to salt, on "Single Barrelled. asthma" arbitrators, we believe the reasonable. "What' is wanted to-ddy" said the •nes s of this proposition would com- speaker "in the great battle in which rnend itself to their favorable consider - the church is engaged is single berrell- adore. , ' • ed C,hristians, men and women who think and speak, live and act, for the • one aim of exalting Christ and iusur- - vorEs -Rev H. Kellington retorned. ing HIS trim& sp° the ee4'thn The home on Thorsday front London vi - single banished Christian would be cinity; his many frtends will be glut to a man of concentrated effort, the marksmen who fires at the whole tar- get eeldom hits the mark. (2)The sin- gle barrelled Christian forgets the oast ; the forward look it: essential to good shoothigatnd no less is it essen- tial to good. living. The curse of Ebropean aristocracy is that so meaty who ought to be acchieving are rest. ing,-resting in what their fathers did* Thacurses of (Wm.. is aucestral worship -The danger of the church is in resting on the past; let her look ahead, the Golden age is still ahead. Oa the single barrelled Christian is a fear - .4".• "Hope deferred reeketh the heart sick" surely did apply to. -the news we had been in the habit of getting 'trout the seat of war in South Africa. • The wily Boer, With his "traps set," and the seeming. "disasters" to our troopti nearly crushed our hopes out until there were hardly enough left • to ex- pect anything else, not laying the blame on the noble •-defenders, but soothing oue *Ulnas with lames of ul- timate success. Never before in war- fare did the British need victory -but it came. Nothing less than dukedoms for Little Lord "Bobs" Roberts, of Kandahar, the iron -willed Kitchener cf Khartoum, or .the sallen When the news "Cronje has. Burton. dered, and Ledysinith as relieved," fleshed over the %tires, Clinton jubi- lated, denionstrated and celebrated. We are delirious with rejoicing. On Tuesday was the start, and flags and bunting have beep general, but when news ea um of Buller relieving besieged Ladysmith, it was indeed a "hot time in Clinton."' Bellsrang, whistles blew, fog and that horns .blared, fireworks exploded, and people and school chits dren yelled and • cheered, and cheered and: yelled until there were frog in their throats. From every fl pole in the town waved the Union tick, the goodold emblem which ha,s bravedfor a thousand years the brunt of battle and the breeze. The ublic buildings, private residences an business places Ing of every description; even the examination on hie arrival and found NOTES. -We understand that lire I, his whereabouta. Seenun.g y hailed &sap.' horses and rigs were gaily decorated\ that •death was caused by -*congestion Brawnlee has disposed of her store to peered 44 completely as is the earth had opened up and awaliowed bini out of siglita to the heart. De. Mr j. Bullard, of Seaforth, all accounts with the tricolors To give zest and of the Mailt artery enthusiasm, the students of the Cone. ceased was formerly resident of Hut. must be settled by the 20 of March. The farm is within a stonethrovsof Elam. • giate and public school were relieved, lett,- and nine.yeats ago movect west. A number of young people from here merhill school house, and after the farm like Ladysmith, for the date, and took' About six years ago he Was married together with others from idth and and stook bed been dtmosed of, Mottle - en. Ilveen movsd to Olia.ou go resale, twinging • part in the general procesnon in the to Mies Tenney, of East Wawarioah, Maitland concessions spent a very -.------------------ unbounded • who survives him, having no familY• loYable tirae at Mr Jes Lindsay's, lath two of her obildren with her, the 'eldest re-- t• aU displayed Om colorti in flags or fount - 1 r • 1 1 0 gornieh, Rosa Bret, Eva Mire& Theft Best, Sauniel Eastaallara Blum, Percy East ; Sr. Std. -Ohms. Esist,Thos. Forel, Geo. Basrley ; Ir. 8rd.-Lyall Brown, 'Lennie Glew, fahei Gorier . or. 21_ position with a mining company in Frank Tyndall ; jr. 2od.-Eddie Far- that place ; we wish Hector every dquiebearie, wJo,hsnenXintiellelir,roGwleton, 0.morynritsieh, tAidp.. success. The C. 0, T. of this place are making arratureinents. to- hold an en - hes purchased the whey from the Eine River Cheese Go, for the wagon of 1900, Mr Hector McLean, who ieft here this winter for Chilamette, haa, we under - Dorcas Churchill, Wilfred Big in, stand, succeeded in getting a good lady, Anthony Vtinegmond ; Pt. and.- er ti .p p g Taos. MUROM Teacher Thosmoney for the patriotic fund. RevJ, 'Churchill. Chester Farvuhar. . Smoot. • SEPoRT.-Belovr is the in- vited to furnish us with a lecture, and L. Murray, Kincardine, has been No. 4, Hallett, based on the vveelrl Rev& Miller, McFarlane 'and Keine will be invited to take part ; a good standing report of the pnpils, Of .S. S. exams. and general proficiency, for time may he expected, the raonth of February' i -V claim- Gerrnalty.- A gloontwas 'cast over Bella Farnham. jr. IV axes -Sohn this place Monday, Nth inst., on learn. Ferguson Roselle Lyon George Mc. infl of the sad death of J. E. Mahood, the Disawearanee of a Vitae, George Leitch, Wilson Sunder. after an illness of a few days, from an cock, Katie Scales, Martha' Crawford, inward trouble, of the nature of a . Huron Farmer.- . - -- ORIgidr!lemiSlatewAadrkros.Sr. j,r11Irtih!gesolesyy tumor. Although eveaythinv was done that medical aid could accent- . neer year in adv tH•00 when not ao Cold Wa es aPtine up sedda ly end ere mire to leave numerttis coughe end colds in their troll, If you ore a victim, remember that Dock's and. Sywo of Wild ()berry 13ark ana our Cold Tablete rawer to ante °eaglet, colds, holireenees and croups Continue no raorphine ; is safe to give children 20o per bottle sad oat. iefaotion guaranteed. Straits rd. monery Cough Syrup is apeorally adopted for babiee 15e per bottle train us only. . • • SYDNEY JACKSON'S . Prescription Phone 2 Drug Store •••••••44,44.444-.4.e.44,4+e-easseseareno •14, He Multdetted Startling Story _Concerning . --a Livermore, ay Stewart,Esther Scales, plish, the disease was. ofsuch a critical Our ressiers in tithe:vicinity will remem- Albert Lavermore, Minnie Bromley. nature that an operatien would be bar that one, Years three years ago, Thomas afollveina ft farm - Sunday night ft little over son, Bella Fairservice. Tommy Moor., fatal. Deceased was fortyeight er residing QIE the Base Line neer Suramera ' Sr. 11 -Herbert Ross, Douglas Roger - Robert Orawfora, Tommy Adams. • of age, and moved into this section bill, diStippeSred. 7'lle• wee a • young mar. Sr. Er. I -Aleck Ross, Willie Bromley., ship of Clark, Durham Co., and was a • about eight years ago, front the town- hill men on the best el terras with his wife Jr: Pt. I -Irene Catter,Litura Stewart.. good neighbor, kind father and hue. and children and enjoying the confidemet Lily Leiteb, Mayple Livermore,Harold hand- He leaves a wife * and large of his neighbora • After bis diesppearanon famil3a, Who have our heartfelt sym- fiatinoially which was taken as the solemn- . Rogerson. IL LENNOX, teacher. • - it was 'earnest that be was emberraseed DEATH OE A. FORMER ResIDENT.- thy in their ver7 sad loss.- Her was John Colborne, a o od arida. tow h' Vidal Thursday by the L. .0.„34.,. of • ed reason tor his (*ridden leaving. It stair received word a few days since of the as IP, Which he was a InecaberrbelOg Wrirthy , . • , . hem lodge at the time' osonalyrenaturat that his wife *Mould expeer ao death of Win. A. Cole, his brother -4n- Master of AelberlY law, which occurred at rorrommrormorrr , I from Z I nbaitst;:nali dtoailLashweLottear. f "n t Th d t r atie Lyieton,agans Of hip death, vice in tbe chinch here, • him, nor W4E1 there the sli Med team of toba. Deceased got up in the morn- weary with. wailinees the eat ne tiainhe was getting ready to go for a doctor Stun rhili. - i4 .s new over three•years duce his de. ing and complained of a having a ser- • me : from hinaand although, as pteviously data ore pain in his chest ; while -some one and stormy weather there was no set, parker°, not one word has .alie bona from „ Cauriorr.--Owing to blocked roede eel, i he sat down in a chair, and expired in • e -But time wore on *rind her beart beaten° i t xi:mining in the country with friends. She in their enthusittera, and matched up Deces.sed was very popular and hit concession, on Fri ay even rig as and down as well as theirsturdy little • patriotic end -loyal brothers. - Parades. of every size and form were to be seen. As soon as word was received extras were. printed . by the NEW ERA., and distributed, • for which the people ex- tended us many thanks. . part Th f kuhhei aftoi forenoon olitrat eat oiunt t h9e ae.amrlY.. and was kept up all day aPd•nearly all night. All kinds of noise was wade -musical • and otherwise -you could hardly hear . yourself think. •rhe streets were crowded, but to cap the affair down Princess St. came the Or- gan Factory hands, over a hundred, all carryine bunting or eorne sort of 'aide, while severaI had guns. They paraded down Main St., and returned to form up in front of the Post Office, vehere cheer after cheer was given in honor of this great cccasion. • Mayor Jackson and council assembled and proclaimed a half holiday, the steads all closing up; programs were printed at the NEw Etat office for a general procession at 220 p.1/1. and 7 p. in, In a . eoncert was given at hear that his health is etopeOVMg; 0W- thheveninf whici. a co lection was taken up in aid ing to the stoira son Sunday he was of the National_ Patriotic Fund: The unable to fill his appointments. We aem may al on orderof theafternoon procession was: - are sorry to hear that Jas. Hearn (Gen. Buller° Mayor and the sick list. Miss Ethel Dustosv en- Jas. C. O. P4 Band; High School tertained a number of her friends on Cadets, (Capt. Combea Boys' Brigade. Friday eeentrig; all report a very en- (gapt, McTaggart;) High School pupils, joyable time. A number front Nile at. r none School. pupils, emPloyees Do - tended tbe agrieulturel ditmei at Dun- gannon; it is the first of its kind in this, heity Organ Co,, and. Gun Club, (in sleigh%) en. Joubert, (effigy,) guarded vicinity, and those who attended ex• four of the Canadian Contingent; press themselves as well satisfied with °Y. eitizeas. on horseback; citizens in cut. the manner in which it was. conducted. ters; citizens on foot. The route taken 02t. MeCatinete who has been visiting was from the market square to the CI, friends here, returned borne last week, T R de ot b Isaac St thence to the the Omitting of the pupila of S. Sallo bort, Tancesss Orange and Huron to --------- efldence of all. Nazerene ato beton to the branded neighbors express very deep regret at Quite a few Young People from thie haircontinued to teeide Isere, a highly -re- .. hie uptintely death. Ha was • an Odd- vicinity attended the "social hop at apeo e te.epi itod woman. • fellow, and carried an insurance of Mr Ephraim Ball's on 'Friday night. repeated efforte to try and learn sortie ug $2000 therein • they rows entire charge The storm on Sunday filled DIV roads of his whereabouts, alel,xhteconew4edevcenri.ne, tetia;ownot:tripbuier: 82 years of age, and has a brother; jno. ed them. • the terrible suspense she eaperienced 'has of the funeral. He was only about quitefull, hut tvilling,-hands soon open. pose. and it will be readily understood that Cole, still living near Beleraie. • ' • vveerravalits7rarlpaltehityiwBais . - .,. 2., is Sur stoatabdRineang cc,iiig.. 4:—NToh.e 4 tGooltdorrilenhat - Y s/P1' 13.PP her. -13i' however great, doee not compensate for the - Goderich: townshrp. tp. for Febt nary based on punctual- loos of a loving husband and:Mixer, , NOTES. -Last Friday evening a num. ity, regularity and general proficiency.: from Taylor a 77.1. 0 a,r,S- iver ' c , .ber of young peing Corners had an enjoy borne of Mrs Fred. Te A IthER.-It Was the -WbistIe oa the blow for about ter erreitrolo irraesas. Mair, Stuart Hill Will Jordan, John The abetter had died out a 1411e inter. ble time at the • bott.•Hill,Heiny Beacom, Ethel Huck. Nor- Get, but is revived a story now in airman- . . . num Ball I 1Vth elass-Annie Lovett, ' tion, James MoIlveen is an uncle ,of tha' musteg to hear . Lily Butt, Eddie Ball, Herrn, Hayes, man who disappeared, and hie . wearied th con, saw mill Charlotte Colburn, Herbert Oakes, daughter and her hneband, Mr Brown, res: a • - a hours the other Willie Beacom; Sr. III -Melvin Hill, - side with him. • Some months agiathis : daughter was travelliog and on the Aral root another lady. In the donne of caniverS settee it came out that tars Brown's destin- ation was Clinton, when the other remark, ed thIthot at the neig hood meet be a bad " t one, as a tramp recent told her that four other tramps had killeda fernier named . Mollveen." `,6• opening. • The boys . thoughta larkAlve Beacom, Ethel Lovett, Knox would not be out of place.' but the lark might have cost them dear had any Mair, Russel Neal, Edna Beaeom, Pearl Wright, Catlin Botta Ethel harm been done. Smith ; Jr.-Ilia:Caryl Draper, Russel • Some GeTrigrinso.-A most enjoy- ()album, Earnest Challenger, Lottie able and delightful evening was spent Sinclair ; Sr. II -John Hayes.. Edna one evening last week at W. Perdue's, Hardy, Lena Jordan,Annie Ohalleng,ero Bush farm, con. 4, When a merry and Lorne Butt, Ida Colburn ;Jr. II-Belta happy load assembled, which coneisted Ball, Gertie Oakes, Maud Johnston. mostly of Ode's- church choir, All Lizzie Johnston ; Pt. 11- GrantsAisallar, present epent a most enjoyable even- Will Sinclair, Ohl Mason, Myrtle Bea- ing. com ; FL 1 -Howard Hill, Asa Mair, FARM thration,-It is currently re. James Lovett, Calvin Lovett: A. Tan - ported that Widgets Tebbutt has sold. EMT. teacher . . .. his 80•acre farm on the 10th con. to 3. . H. Lowery, who is at present teaching -•varna in Flullett It is a vet a fair farm with . . . good buildings. We believe it is Mr Cortnuariott.-Mr B. A. Higginsa.an Lowers's iutention to quat teaching at enterprising harness maker and im. the en of the current year, and go on Vernent agt., had a business trip to tion toaseveral years and we are cer. was more than surnrised to hear that that he had skipped oat. • low Mr the farm He has hem hie present, poaa ngersoll and London last weak and Orr" "---Mrs-Hrown di not tell her father the some parties had circulated the re tain that his rernovaltfrom the section Will be deeply regretted, as he is not only a taithful and eitnest teachetabub leae matt. The early disciplee Were not StaroOra-The following list shows Otgan Actory, along Ontario St., Al- a young man who commands the re. afraid to acknowledge the despised: . Wes awanos se o eg the market square, where 4, royal sal - sect, to challenge t e habits and ens - of attendance and general proft- ute wan fired. toms of the day." The giaut evils of itY -Class V-Tearl Taylor, Mag. sal - today, Sabbath desecration intem. elencY: hews Ruth Girvin, Maggie At, night a torch -light procession peratiCe, corrupt literature, the social ale Matt . Woe termed aa platritc concert Ryan. Sr. IV -Mamie Gitlin, Luc? given in -the town hall. Ig bonaftte evil's strut beforetherhoets of church and deta them because their are so Sanderson. Willie McKnight. R"Sr °iv' was also on the program. Goderich von, Resbert Wilson, Percy Mellwain. and Otinto.a hockey teams played a cowardly and cotton-stringed.back - Ir. IV -Edgar Elliott, Lucy Elliott, plata at 8.40 p. m, otathe rink here, boned in their reproof of evil doer& Don't be afraid 1 Heaven is on our side; BlineaBelh Sr. Iftaalletthie Stotheier Particulars Will be given next week. Arthur Elliott, Cecil Echlin, Gordle Vietory is otwacertaln is the promise Young, Ross Taylor, Elia Ryan, Josie of God. (4) the entente barrelled Chris-. ; ,,nian Yoitil , Janie Wilson, Carman H.all. Letburn. tian is an enthusiasde Mall measures by horse power, but man is greater. There is no force like a, great nature inspired and engaged under a great Wel The Christianity of to- day wants; heart more than anything else. Let Christ into your minds, young friends, and there will be the light of truth ; let Christ into your hearts and there will he the love of truth ;bet Christ into year lives' and, there will be the power of truth let life for you be Christ. It ean be truly said, this was the n1086 aoul stirring and inspiring itddrees hes eyer been ourprivilege, to hear. Bro. Henderson may bear in remembrance that we are all better because of whet he thought the Holy Ghost epoke tis. Our president, Mr MorrIsh and secretary,• Wm. tieedel, deserve greet, The statement was a ehookto Mrs Brown who eagerly. Roomed' her enquiriew 'and' Claim( she was told in effect, the following story - • • "Ori thefluniay night in question, four tramp* had gone.into Surainerhill school house, and put on afire. Mr Mellveen, en his way borne saw a light in the sohoolaistd. • went in te order the fellows oat. They re- sited and one them struck 'hint over the head with a stick intendieg to etun hint, but the blow was fatal. They 'buried him on his own farm; between two certain ttees • the mar of tbeaplace. story immediately cn arriving hoineadaira- ing that for certain reagent* she deemed „it improbable, bat it came out a ftwedaya elm. As soon at it got to the mire of others. an effort was Mae to verify it, but there Higgins wishes %distinctly tin erstood that he is right here to stay and if he has sold his house is still at his old stand ready for business AS usual and takes this opportunity of thankine his wee so much snow on the ground that great Hohneeville numerous eustoiners for their very din:bulbs, was experiermed in locating the 0117Roli N0TEE4-0 wing to the liberal:patronage during the past three particular spot mdieated in "the alleged • storm Sunday, Mr Thos. Murch war- years, and soliciting it continuance Of .confessiora arid it was decided to Wait till unable to get here, and the 'pastor, the sante. the snow digappeers latfore proem:ding the- ° Whacoultruot get to the outeide ap- Nous...auk; m t m a! i a t dearoh. The story heig the semblance of s Ma' c au e ,o pointtnent, took the service. truth about it, ana Pleat* corroborate tha6 • is visititur her sister, Mrs Ches. CAnninee ra.azottn.--:We under- L'Iti)PglaenY' this week. Mrs Jas. Arm- part rof it relating tepreeence of the lour • • tramps et that particular Lime, 4 Stand that Mr jos. Beck, of Saltford, strong is visiting her daughter, Mrs along with others, are 0Onternplating R. McCool, of Drumbo, this week. Mr The story may he tru9r,andmay be thee* pivotal= of big niyatereaus diesp.pearancsa istartino a canning factory, at SaItford. Geo. rireelces and Mr Wm. Agnew f• h 1 i a ed 11 Jr. II -Hattie Hyatt. Myrtle Ryan, SOmAl...:-At the badness meeting Of 'if sufficient acreage can be • obtained stern; ,on Thursday , for Man oba. Ada Elliott, Cecil Ryan*, Glad,* Tent,- the Y, P. 13..0, n.,. ,held on Tueeday throughotit the section. In all they moil j. T. cairns received the sad in. inely othel on the part Of lathe one to giv's ourrendy toit story that can Only intensify will require about 10,000 acrea, devoted telligence, on Monday night that her Kirk, Liza Hutehing, Willie Campbell, to the growing of corn, tomatoes, Peas, mother. Mrs Adam Miirray, of Forest, a wounded heart. afro Thos. Motives* . land, Ada Uarapbell, Daisy Ryan, .13ert evening, .it •was decided to h we a social March, All werabers and friends. are beano, Arc , and also all kinds of small was dead and took the morning train state that doeii not know whether to believe ' Lizzie Nivins. Tena A. Sprung, teach. timing in the hall, on the 7tIt of er. Janine Division: Sr. if -Nettie cordially • invited. ' fruits, as 'well as pears and apples, and to attend the funeral which will take the story or not, as it theme inoredible. nt )3e possible they will, be able to DISC° On ThOrStlaY, March let in the 'Some, ot his relatives smaller aceptioel Ryan, Everett Elliott, David Wilson. . Jr. n -George Ryan, Ruth Echlin, StritntisE PARTY. -On Wednesdayhandle potatoes also. It is hoped Chonlachie cemetery. Mr jos. Wild,of shout ih ' Willie Girtsin, Medford VILA, Irene stealth* ii, sleigh huia of sixteen yount, farmers will help along such a bone- the BroWnson line. Stanley, died on • ' May, Morley" Hallo resat autehinsa folks, 'from Goderich and Goderich ficial enterprise. ' It would mean Tuesday Ittst,will be burried on Friday, • DavidNiVi1319* Part 11 -Lulu Stothers, townehip, drove out to the hoots of thousands of dollars to Beddow,. within has been ailing for some time. Owing St. Joseph's. . Elma Girvin, Waived Eitiott, Wane Jas. Horton, where a yery pleitisant range of the factory' and RolMesville to the severe snow storm, on Sunday, Sottoor. Reseoirr,- Below is the par - Wilson, Harvey Pentland, Lulu Dun. evening was spent. vicinity Will be included, and will no there were no Sunday eervicee In the fiat 'tending of the pupils of Sep.& No, keld, Celia McIletain, Willie Nivinto, Ctionottantoxes,•--Rev Mr Grant, of doubt tithe hearty suPport When Mr Methodist church. Mr and Mrs; Jae, 1,11ay, based on the remit of the week. Roy Kerr. Pert, 1 -Mabel Wilson, St. Marge, gave an excellent. address Beek calla upon the farnlera to Flee Snell, of Hallett, were vielting at the ly examinations held during themonth Hazel May, Bernie Mollwain,'Leotiard on the Century Fund, 0 Thureday what acreage they can devote to it. parsonage on Tuesday of last week. of February ; ()lase V. Jules attains ' ,, Dunkeld, Oeplie, Echlin. Bark A. Mc- night, in Sunday school. room. The To have a home market for our small Rev ,t, W. Andrews and wife called on Sr. IV, Atthur Gents/us,' Jos. Lapozte• attendatme was not large, owing no feints aiorik would be a boon to the Mr6 3 jeryle, of llohnesville on Sa.tUr- Olariase (Santini jr. IV. Sara R. mon' Knight, teacher. doubt to the bad weather, and the fact sectilm. e hope that the company day last. Win. McNaugliton and omme, Mary Laporte, Emma J. Den.. ,,,, ANSTITGTE Marrince.-anenieetinge ftaheatot wrviil guarantee the building of the blitz% iptit.Manitoba, on Thurede.y. Bribson, Regis itese; Sr. II, Elln fA4 E. L. ox O. E. -The topic "How God * ., .... . . tien of progreinme'dtd. Next rio the Payshy %Imre peatTkringscolie.we hop15 he'd her0 at the hall, on blonder after- . . troller , Philip Bedard. Marguerite credit, for ttie arrangements and aelec. Men" ill b taken neve Sunday • y on account, o er, Sec., E. Dent. , Exworth League intend holdiv 4n Th h die k eft is ' NOTX0.-Its. eonsernce ' of the resumed his bueiness, after hie long Dorte; dr. Pt.li. Dente INtehilitne,Petar ' • Nottc8.-11,arry at wen teal church. Preeldent. Mr Wm. ish. anCe. Tile tnemberir of this Kinburn a the bad cohdition of the roads And le order 40 Sire the ttonble end expense in moving we Witl have a • e0t1111111004 that wetly me kept ha seyere colde, Will meet with that esacouragentent daughter intend etarting for their ammo; class Ilk Eh Gelinite. Len% : noon Mid evening, were no very , Corrly4eu. Jr. I, Emma Duraud. Poll/ for good weather and a geoid attend. Brtteelleld. hite sre going ire moire to the Corner store Seerle's Stook. convention will meet in the varl. " • 1 Iattended.doubt,13ayileld D h has again EvelynOantin Leo Bederd ' Flora Lt.' Plante. Mary Papineetn Srs Pb. I • Jas. Deane now employed aineate Alphonse Ducherme; Pt. It " t Ilornt*" on Enda, evening, arch °Be 1a a°A! t? f a aevere etrbrin, last Salt atte Wert was oineas, NOTES1.•-•On Monder niorninit every &melt; the young people' from Blyth, addresses. were eieeneetieven lo the last Sabbath evening. The roads are Miss Lillian Martin leave for Anbin. Jitnont. Boman, towhee. 'nation and Inetruction , : • Se grave • 2nd, at 7 o'clock in the Methodist Preeen felt well paid, tie ° infor- no service% the Presbyterian church, at Mr Sertivettar milt as head sawyer. Philip Mast*, Pao' Cantin, Olariese tos,d, tree, house and ence loo ea as Seaford', Chilton and Londesborieand er :- Id h etorin Miss E Fowler. of Dakota, is well broken again after, thek severe Toronto on Monday next - I it f th 14"1E8' -1 Mt' drtalutnicilt dtahmerehr fabluel ' ,, short illness, passed atvay et the aa. Bistionnette Went to- Toronto the other - Itice temperatures are +seldom seen. ' are both fretting better after thele visitingfor some time with Mr Alex. spnoTAL SALE eIZZVInpviAroeggi,:Vgerge., 13.antit Enot:11.-"k6ire Ere Pinot a gin:on:41Mb Ngta lad thigasferz pacTrIerge::11:t raVs, 4:I g,h1 vAretagrt:SvirolirRteiTtoatTs'o It: f.:Yditatek:gett).414:VIgter (VIZ and was one of the pioneers of this holdt had quite a ftatun last Stendey• ra•• ought to do well. Thie is the weds -for Wedneedny Bean irA, man maned Alex of he privilege of attending the union nuniber ot young people' Cif Clinton good friend to - all, night, hitvine gone to Goderich On" an • • moving ; Ed. Whightman ITIOve9 to. Wright was found tying on one of the n3eetitel of the two auxiliaries, at the drove down here end spent it very en. Tleeer Ile Waa a and a prominetit member of the Stan. urgent detnand but we are Pleased tto 8 DAYS • • • thOugh the moon had been displaced alse Mies °there, of Staffs,. \ I ex. NOTES. BerViCe was he ere on S DIgri.-Nire etre sorrier to ear o aVittY Ate r an la t e weather ; eneh 'fisting 0 snot, and frestunetito tell be furnished. ht. itie (win and Miss Same Cloth* Mr and rs Free; , w a ave een • biT the fades In the menatement of pected to take tart in the progrearo ere SundaA on aecomat of this storm. Mere • the Roelof tir ant tirshGeo. h °rm. death of Joseph Wil , Who, after a him extre labor to rails it, in O. If yen ire needing Anything the house to be vacated by Mr Wheel- side roads of MeEffloP. els milee from horne 0 our ror, oh East ;street. tillable time at the homeof Mr and Iey branch Agricultural He stte thet thecee sod,. ailed in itecittittin he e, it will PeY You to teed to Mt Glregg'e hou1100545,The storm 1.ieroken condition. Wright had been enjoyable afternoOn WEE4 Spent. Mrs or last week. The road front here to Wee sae° elected eouncillor or this hionseif metlifestly And in procutiti: lin ottr MOOOlal ad. 1**,0 vendee interfered with, SerVICOS Blifiday ,• bearOrth SatardaY, mod Started 1*' and daugheer, Edith , thetown of Clinton is considered by place for eevaial yearsenough money for; hie return trip, Our paper. . the Methodist ehutch and thureh Of feit b0010 late JO the evening with a have been openditilita, week with her 1,,some to he very unsafe, a,s a party of surveyoe rim beck to hist:old lion* in the Grocery or Crockery er on the gra,VOI, 1d1'Wheeler MOVing SeafOrat, 011 Sundo,srmorningitl a bad. %Aerial", ion, ednesday lest ; very rs Mointoeh. on Wednee ay evening England were not occupied, a base. team told sleigh. itis suPPosed he got, mother, Mrs D. terlitig, and MiSs young people from that town, wWhilis trying to Mop s runaway hone at after aecompl shioghis piojecteaplens• b OGLE COOPER CO. was held in the Prebyterien church itt eetfrom the sleigh, and lay out on the for her sister IIIre Camnbell, hi tiara'. as tar at lir Higgins' to turn around. ,v the shaft, will& went right through hie L. A Demi:aim weut to lioltneeville arrived from 0Ourtright on Tueeday ment sserviers with a few of the faithful oft the road in the storm and wag u P Jean e Sterlinghas gone to keep house were Out for a short drive had to coViroodttookMr. Robb. Mackon VISA ceright On Tuesday on business. tiedigne COC , • • OaSh OrOCer - The singing Se11001 flourishes when the lie badly frozen and it feared he cannot her daughter. Mtn Oluttore neer Stmt. a end *fonetal in 'Westminster, est hot ti,n bout iota. "•6'." 6"/' end now hellos fully reeolved thnt the , the morning, Parties are plentiful, 1 road all night. All one side of hie body Mrs sebn th-jrton ho oddity to visie It, It Severe wits called awn to Amkitriabrok6 his nom. as trims 23 °3'111 f("/I°t'te eel "gg etotila and tasselee do nOt interfere. Jive. ford. nuptial knot shell be tied. ho Met,.