HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-02-23, Page 8FeLruary 23, 1900,
This is the last week of our February
White Goods Sale and of the special display
of wh, lie 'we March will bring
. a .. �•x. upstairs, �.._ w 1
the Milliners back to work an March '
w k a d white goods
will have to give . place toMillinery.
p If
you have not seen the White Wear come
some • day before' the end of the month. It
is worth beein Wand there will_ not _be even
a 'hint of bu in unless
y g SS yOU. wish.,
New Gods
For Spring
There's hardly a day passes without
something new being opened up .here. • Spring
stocks ate rapidly coming to hand and early
buyers will find good assortments of'bright,
new goods waiting for them. Among. this
weeks arrivals are
New Dress Goods
New Trimmings
New Ginghams
New Veilings
New Skirtings. • . New Laces
New Fancy Sateelis
Sheet Ends, s'!Sc •
LS � d �
Another big bargain from those cases•of mill
ends we bought. Good qualities, just as good as if
you bought them off the web,but'you buy them cheaper
this way
" - s•' s0 Ends plain' and twill bleached- sheeting, good qualities perfeet goods
>. 8 and 9 quarter widths, lengths of•2l and 2+} yards. If. ;YOU
k 'bought them in the. regular way they would oost.. you 68a to.
a- _ . 75o, because theyare ends,. choice fr..... 4$C
PillowCotton Ends
Still some of the pillow cotton" ends
advertised . last -week on band.
Circular pillow cotton, 40, 42, 44,
46` inches wide, lengths of one, one
and one eighth and one and one
�guartlsr yards. ]'f "you bought
ahem off the web • the price 'would
be 20u and -26o a • yard. Your
choice of the ends et each
Patch Prints
3ust opened this week another lot` of
prints for patches. " The best time.
to bay them is when there are lots
to choose from. .Put up in good
sized bundles, assorted sizes and
colors, good quality of- -pant; per
14C bundle ... 1
wing Embroideries
Au assortment of Embroideries you will
'find it hard to equal. Cotton, ' Muslin, Lawn.,
yin almost every width, many. with insertions to
match. You'll do well to see this stock before
you buy; These will give you an idea of
values :
l} inch embroidery neat edge........2c
1,} and 2 inch fine embroideries, neat
- patterns and a good assortment .. 5C
+E,pe embroideries,, good pat
erne, strong edges • 8e-
3 inch swiss embroidery, fine edges,
neat patterns, well worked on
good cloth 16C
Pine Lawn embroidery, 2 to 8 inches
wide, good patterns...,.4e, 6e; & : 8C
'Very handsome designs in Cambric
and muslin emeroideries fine qual-
ities, firm end strong edges, 3 to 5.
inches wide ' 15e & • 20C
1: inch muslin insertions, strong
cloth, good -patterns : 3e"fid ev
Fine openwork insertions, cotton or
• lawn, a. big , range of patterns
at xO to 20e
The New Prints
No such'collection of 'Prints as we show to -day has.
been in this store before. The best 'we ' show are the celebrated
"Crum" Prints, famous for their wearing qualities, and fast
colors. Of these we have a particularly .good range of fi'at-
terns l,uitable for blouseswrappers, house dresses' and child-
ren's wear. There's no time to buy prints 'like'the present,for
now there is a better assortment to choose from than there will
be later on.
"Crnm" prints are wide and soft, free from dressingandare no better
to be had anywhere .. . , , , , , .112 C
Sti11 a good assortment of our special
line of dark prints at 6o, suitable •
for wrappereand quilt lining, extra
"The New
=t't4/,',; �, The best cor-
1''13`uxe " !' "'l set value We
11'; U l`t' t� �;,.ti
have ever 'put
Ofi,'/fit - on our . coun
/�tt, � �,,. �l
"" "rr , • ham � ig ter s is the
",rpn i .'New Century'
`57c. It is the equal of most
• VC makes and ,you • will find
' g%-
it Comfortable and perfect. fit-
- -
"New Century" Corset nude of
-heavy jean, steels covered with
IS antefen, highly tempered steel fill-
ing, 4 wide side steels, top trimmed
; with wino lace and baby ribbon, 6
hooks, light, servicable,00mfortable
Our 32 inch heavy .prints id dark
and light colors at 100, are record
breakers for value, worth 124o, oar
prices • •10e
Pot Spring
r' 11 ! For Febru-
�..., axy and .March
winds you'll
•! be wanting'
Veilings. We
• are ' showing
some particularly nobby style
in spring designs. New lines
are coming in, some are here
now, to make room for them
we make this special offer for
a quick clearance of lines now
in stock.
100•yerde silkveiiings,plain and
fanny nets with and without Olsen-
ilio apofe ,in blacks, browns,navys
)7c and combinations, regular 20o and
25o, On dale Saturday to clear at
Readyirtosigear Costumes
Just five or six Ready-to-wear Costumes to sell at a
edixetion. All we have in stock to be cleared' at a price that
will be less than you could buy the material for
•'Ladies' costumes, fine oostunae Ladies' Oxford grey tweed co.tnmest "
• tsltttli,Slits grey„ skirt lined a material that will give endless •
throughout, velvet fading, coat
sateen lined,; period fitting Ina . weer tailor mnadeandperfeot filing+
b;;ylie8 goods', ranular $7.60 to clear LOU regular $10, to clear at .. , ...... • WM,
These will make very stylish .suits for spring wear, and_
at the prises are decided bargains
.1(Viintott Kew frit
r'IIIAAY FEBRUARY 23,106!),'
gain **pm
THE MARKETS -The times among
the markets ate about the same except
in the price of hogs. which has gone
up.BO r r
e cwt.e its n
$ 10c raise
,t 1'14
since last report. In the pproduce line
there is the usual supply for this time
of they year. Eggs are quoted at. 14c to;
15c per dozen, and butter going at 18c
to lUe per lb. 'Ocniteluu Bros; shipped
butter to the east. •
about 000 dozen eggs and 2000 lbs. of
ATnn LIBRARY. --The complete cote:
logne will be ready this week. and will
be issued to the public on Saturday.
The price is fixed at 10 cents pet copy,
which ' is considerably under cost,
Readers will find it convenient and
profitable to provide themselveswith
a copy of the catalogue as they will
thereby be enabled to familiarize them-
selves with the authors and works in
_ the library. The membership has
reached. nearly 200, and is still growing:
L+verything looks promising for suc-
cess under the newsystem.
Pew:ea'e Lima GOODS...—A repre'
sen valve of W. T. Pember, hair dealer
- and decorator, of Toronto, will be at
the Clarendon Hotel on Saturday and
Monday, Feb, 24th and 26th. This
gentleman carries a full supply of
ladies' natural wavy and straight
switches, bangs of eyery description,
and ladies' gigs and head coyerings.
Also all kinds cf wigs and toupees for
gentlemen. This is the first time that
a representative of Mr Pember has vis-
ited Clinton, and he asks all who are
in need of anything in hie lineto call:
and get prices. etc., from his represen-
MONUMENTS. -The Clinton Marble
Works have been busy looking after
orders for monuments andhead stones
to be erected in memory of de-
parted friends. Mr Seale is now
on the road in the interests' of the
firm, and no doubt will '• return with a:
number cf ' orders. Recently • they
have secured orders for the following,
fo be put up in Clinton -cemetery :-
An esperanza blue, to be erected to.
the memory of the late David Gardner;
a Quincygranite, to the •late. Jas,
Combe, ; a red granite, in memoriam
to Thos. Carter • a large red. granite
urn sarcophagus, in memoriam to Mr
---and Mrs -A. McAllister: •
and Madame Sherry, phrenologist and
cheiromantist, are guests at the Clar-
endon for a few days.. The :professor
has with him one of the largest Edison
graphophones made, and 'Tuesday -es, -
ening entertaineda number of persons
-at the hotel with selectiolis ,:of:= -band.
and vocal. music. The professor' intends
giving -a concert at the .town hall
shortly, and from our reported know
ledge will certainly give those who at-
tends veritable musical treat. Madam'.
Sherry seems, from the list of eminent
persons tvhe have consulted her,,to he
at thehead of her profession, and will
doubtless, be Well, patronized . .
dozen'of the Clinton checker players
"bombarded. Brucefleld on Thursday
evening- last week, and: met with a re-
verse, the latter winning by a score of
16 to 12. Themoves were well thought.
out, but even a single one was costly at
times,' and. decided a game. Six games
were played by each: The return
match will be played here on Tuesday,
the 27th inst. The scores and players
were: -
Clinton Brucefleld Won Lost Draw
Hoover V0. McDougall 2 ' :2- 2
Bruce '. vs. Grant' • ' 2 • 8. 1
Johnston vs. Murdock. 1 4 -1
Cook vs. Snider 2 2 ,2
• Wilson vsys. . SMoDcottermid, 1 8 2 0 .
ghanahan 4 2
Total 12 10 • 8
Dant IN CLINTON.-It was a fatal
accident which happened-to-tlie`young
Melvin -A„ the 12 -year-old son. of
Alexander Neelands, who lives, on
Rich. Baker's farm, in Colborne town-
ship. Op Thursday last the young
fellow was around where the men
were loading loads, and bne rolling off.
the boy in some way had his head
struck, thereby cruising a fracture at
the base of the skull He was render-
ed' unconscious, and was so until his
death, which took place at Dr. Gunn's
hospital in town. On' Saturday he.
was conveyed into town to the hospi-
tal with a view to operate on, but be-
ing so weak he passed away on Sunday
morning. The remains were taken- to•
his late home, from "which place the
funeral was to the Seaforth cemetery.
The many friends.of the parents and
family sympathize with them in the
loss of their little son,
-The annual meeting of the . Huron
Veterinaries was held in the town hall,
Clinton, on. Monday afternoon, when
there was a fair representation , Pres-
ent 4 -Vice president 3. _ Ham ilton, of
Goderich. ; J. Gulley and J. Wilson, of
Wineharn ; J.wE. Blackall, N. Ball
and D. McIntyre, of _ Clinton ; Wm.
Steele, of Stratford, and Chas. Mc-
Gregor, of Constance. '• Among the=
matters attended' to was an . essay read
by J. E,, Blackall. on "bone spavin";
a paper on "peculiar lameness," by J,
Colley ; and otherpapers. A deputa-
tion consisting of J. E. Blackall, W.
Steele and J. Wilson was appointed to
interview the members of the Domin-
ion House in regard to the veterinary
bill, which will likely come up at the
Present session. All the officers were
reelected, as follows i --President, , -iVV:-
Shillinglaw, Mitchell ; vice-president,
J. Hamilton, (ioderich ; secretary, J,
Wilson, Wingham ; treasurer,. J. E.
Blackall. The meeting adjourned, to
meet at the call of the president.
STOC1z NOTES. A. F. White and P.
Latimer, both of New York State,
were arou d thie neighborhood ghboc00
past week purchasing stocfor ship.
went,and secured a good quality at
Guelph, Woodstock and. Clinton. Jas.
Snell sold them 0 Leicester sheep at
good prices; and theentlemen had
their eye on a.young Clydesdaale colt
Mr Snell has; i they purchase it, it
Will be at a. fancy price, for he
will not dispose without a good figure
being paid. They purchased 0 Oxford
downs from Henry- Arkell, Guelph; 0
Shropshires from J. Hamner, 'Wood-
stock, and 3 Leicester white hogs from
Sldr Brether, Brantford. E. A. Black-
well, Glencoe, was -here on 'Wednesday
and made several purchases of good
horseflesh for shipment: }Tem War.
ren, gravel road, and Adam Weir sold
him splendid draft horses. G, d. Fitz.
gerald, London, •was here 'Wednesday
'lobkTire-lifter draught stallions, and
,with John Dell, of town, drove to
Lnndeshoro for the same purpose,
Messrs Innes and Horton have pur-
ehaged the celebrated Clydesdale stall.
•Nxcii; Woiws., "Aformpercitizenand
subscriber basa few kind words to say
of tis in writintr to a friend in town: ---
"When I get the NEW EIt.a it rem4ude
me of years gone hy." This goes to
show the value this family journal has
attached to it infar lands as -well -eV at
ItEADIN t ROOM. - The library com-
mittee have decided to improve this
branch of the library.
. Some of the e
cheaper magazines willbe discontinued
and several interesting papers which
are too expensive for the average cit•
izen to buy for himself will be added.
The f allowing have been placed on
rattier and will be found in the Reading -
Room hereafter: The Graphic, Black
and White, The Illustrated London
News, Colliers' Weekly, The Boys'
Own Paper. and. The Girls' Own Paper.
The deneand for an everting paper has
induced the committee to add the Lou-
don fOnt.) Evening News. The Read-
ing Rom is open till 10 p. m.
PLEASANT AT HOMES. -••.Among the
many who were entertaining this week
were Mrs W. G. Doherty on Wednes-
day evening, and 'Mrs Wm. Hai land
on Wednesday afternoon. An.enjoy-
able affair was the evening party at
Mr J. McNaughton's, Varna, Tuesday
evening, when over thirty young
people from town drove out, spending
the evening in music, cards and danc-
ing, to a yyery early hour next morning:
Mr and Mrs McNaughton are royal
boats in entertaining. The partyin-
cluded Mrs (Rev) Parke, Mrs W. Jck-
son, Mrs' R. Raneford, Mr' and' Mrs J.
Rattenbury, Mr and Mrs O. Rance,
Misses Haller Kelly, Stout, Middleton,
Brewer, McKay, Wiseman, . Taylor,
Worthington, Logan, Bell, C., M. and
K. McNaughton, and Messrs E. and B.
Hovey, J. and A. Forrester, S Jack-
son, C. Hale, G. Joy, R, Worthinsrton,.
J. and 0. B. Middleton, A, McGarva,
H. B, Combe and J. R. Latornel. -
TEE 11.•B.•CELEBiIATED.-•-The young
lads of town show more enthusiasm
and rejoicing over the British successes
in Africa , than their parents, The
Boys' Brigade came out in their red
coats, armed with torches, and horns,.
`andevery otherconceiyable instrument
of noise, (musical and otherwise,) to do
honor to the occasion of the relief of
Ladysmith by., Buller.. Besides par.=
ading the principal streets, salutes
with rocks were given,
given, as their "macs -
ere" are, only de, for "num-dune"
bullets. They kept the rejoicing going
-on to a late hour, . meanwhile . joining
:in singing the' national anthem before
returning to their headquarters..There
are lots of little patriots growing up in.
Clinton who=;. take as much interest in °
the Empire's -affairs as their seniors.
Reading the newspapersas they do so
eagerly they have -a more�intelligent
knowledge of the situat ton as days -go
by than our older people. ` The citizens
were pleased to seethe younger gener-
ation_so loyal to_.the_Mother.Cou.ntry-
and in honor of the Canadians who,
have gone to. tbe front in Africa in de-
fence of our great Emnire. •
NOTES. Rumor had it that Haroid-
Ray,yson. of Peter Citntelon, bad the
scarlet fever; w t have learnt that it
was the measles, now prevalent. the
young lad had, and. Mr Cantelon wishes
to inform' the public that his son is
now entirely recovered. Among the
bills presented at the .Legislative As-
sembly is one from the town, of t3oder-
ich to grant 510,000 to the Sensington
Furniture Company; the bill' is being
attended to by A. Hislop,- M. P. P. for
East Huron.. During the past few
days the delivery of wood on the mar-
ket has been great, as the,farmers find
the sleighing good; short woad going +
at $3.50 to $4 per cord, very little long
wood coming in. Rev Mr' Wade con-
ducted the services at the House of
Refuge on Sunday last, Aboiit the
lowest the mercury has been this win.
ter is 00 .below zero; Saturday last it
was 2 a above zero.. The newspaper is
a law book for the indolent, a sermon
for the thoughtless, anda whole library
for the poor; it may stimulate. the in-
i st
d iferent in r
u t the n
c et of
� m conn
but it cannot be published for nothing.
The prettier the girl is, the longer it
takes a young man to teach her to
skate, "Several lost dogs are advertised
for in our•paper AseessorCottle;wntants
to know how it is that no one was to
lose a dogwhen it goes astray, but
never seems to poesess one when he
appears with his assessment roll.- A.
H, Goodwin, of Rattenbury St. west,
informs us that a lost black and white
collie dog may be found at his place.
Mayor Jackson was the only person in
town who appeared to honor and be
, loyal in having his flag flying owing to
- the British successes and relief of Kim-
berley; the good old flag was generally
hoisted over the Dominion in honor of
. the event. When you are asked your
opinion about the weather, it is always
safe to predict a change; we have lately
experienced every kind'of weather des-
cribed in the calendar about twice a
week, Librarian Bean, of the puplic
library, informs us that there were
about175 applicationsreceived for books
.sincethe opening; -we expect the meta.
bership will double that number. The
spring millinery openingsare the at-
tractions now awaiting the ladies; the
wholesale .'houses have their opening
days next week. We often hear of the
poem “The absent-minded beggar" by
1Cipling, these days; we have lots of
"absent•trinded subscribers" who are
in arrears yet. ' A septette of telephone
men from Hamilton have been around
here lately putting in a metallic system
of wiring, which will greatly improve
the service; the buzzing sounds and
cross talk . will not be'beard now, with
the improved wiring. A large number
took in Seaforthcarnival on Monday
evening ; a numberof young
people. intend to ao to the assembly in
Wingham ta•night (Friday.) As• will
be seen in our supplement. the Catl•a-
diens lost heavily in the Sunday fight
on the Modder, but our own. friend, A.
S. Webb has . escapped ; our boys did
nobly, the despatches say, as we know
theywould. A'number of our jolly
Collegians spent . a pleasant time on •
MITTIVI� T �► M -T • O az s O'a zr
cIptosh,�V.0 ., _BeucelIeld;�attotlter
party went to John Middleton's, Bay -
meld road, on Thursday' and report. an
evening of merriment. Harland Bros.
report to us that their three bargain
sales were immense; they dIeposed i
of large quantities of geode at reduced
prices and their .sales amounted to far
more than they. had anticipated. A
citizen .writes us.regarding the nuisance
and boisterous manner at times 'dis-
played around the. post office in the
evenings ; he wishes to know why they
wants to make such a noise around this
-public-•building.' J, W. Yoe, of Hot
mesville; has been appointed a justice'
of the peace in and for. the county of
Huron by the Government and is now
duly qualified to fill the: ° office, ` Prof.
,Sherry, the Phrenologist entertained a •
number at the.Clarendon Hotel• on
Tuesday evening with his large im-
proved phonograph. Mrs Elizabeth
Ford died Feb, 21st, on Mill St.,. Olin -
ton, aged 52 years. ; the: cause of death
was consuption +snd_her funeral will
be on Friday the 23rd, to. the Clinton
That is
One writer says it is "a pond in whioh bueinega men•fieli for
patronage." "Cheap" is usually the bait moot merahants
use and no doubt it is good but we advance good goods . at
fair prices as batter and a sufficient inducement for those
who desire it is to deal in sensible and honest basis, An
intelligent comparison' of what we give you for the money
in airy breach of our store will demonstrate clearly that our
prices are right, "Often the cheapest, Always the best"..,
The selling of Wall Paver is one of its largest features, the
available progress of this department has been merited by
selling nothing but the best we could buy for the. money, pt
prices bound to make customers, It is a dangerous polloy
we think to be either high or low in Wall Paper prices, the
former is something of a robber and the latter is most sure
to be a cheat. Our policy is honest goods at honest priced
We ask the favor of your trial.
The W. D. FAIR CO, Clinton.
'Often the ' Cheapest—Always the Best." •`
[along BIG
xtenszve SPRING1rep
-reparations 1****************tet*
a :tions -
Wednesday evening at the bottle of D. •
Our February Sale'thus far has teen :a grand. success. We have.
-yet a limited :supply of Winter Goods,whioh we will clear out
Eyery air most go, and the prices will move them. Alec tyeyerai
lines of Staple Goode, siiolndirig
Ladies' Fine Oxfords, Gents! Fine Boots,' -""
Boys' and Girls' School Shoes
All good goods, but remnants of broken lots and sizes, If you find
your size you will get rt bargain. Yon ; can't: judge of the great
valuie we are offering unless voncome and seethe goods yourself.
fio investigate is to invest. We know that our prices are right,.
therefore it is a pleasure to show our goods.
A'1' THE ALD RELIABLE _ Cask: and One Price
W. Taylor Vit.
cemetery, Rev. .1,' F. Parke will offIci•
Cash and One Price '
ate. ' Insurance office waved. to 'store. y
NrIrrttmtnnnntrtmrntrrnilnnmtmrntn Ir?ttrrrnrm�mmmmnrIttmtnmmtnnr�
Ig- a--
�=• r - T ` _ . • i
•44-4F44-•44-4.• _•
,-• . _-4111111
departmental Store
r ---�
i- .: •-•11IP
rte► tits ��lit.tr-�► .. ,,,,�
' It is perhaps a little early to say
much about
a �r`A_1T...
Ours ring shipments will
0110."'com rise .all the latest lines 1U
__ but we are making extensiy'e preparations the celel Stated• makes
to place before our malty customers ` the . 9 -BELL SHOES and -
most complete assortment to be. seen out-aNG SliOS ° �'` .1t►
side the exiles,, We axelnanufactulingneally �save -
`� • ourselves, -..'t..!:.-i... -will lt__. 7'li'y'.... who appreciate.
`4. .•i .'rin/+
The mous
E 'INE ORDERED , ` -Slater Shoes
CLOTHING • We are solo agents for,. <.,..
Next week will see. this wellwknotwn make of Shoes
e our spring shipments of and Willi: ue you can•see a s lendid' selection
.i.-• Fine Woollens to hand and. we are safe in • f ull°th fa P
• - saying that our selection will be thefinesto e :mous lines, Prices fid,
� b" we •
have ever' shown. Our large outside trade
enables us to carry a stock that very few Bring your Repairs
call. and make our choice for Spring Clothi to us, tlley. will be attended to with
__. �' �` promptness. •
aniddteman'sprofit to all buyers. Our goods goods on the market should inspeet. our new
and prices will not be equalled byanyhouse .00ds, which will' be in next week:
in the trade. q g
Our 11nriortation of
En • lish School Shoes -
•n' For Boys'
Our ` Standard '-'
Wear has roved itself
Hata . . the best values on the market a have sold
hundreds ofdirect from "Christy," the and time again n thaairs t there is nothingd we have been the r
celebrated manufacturer,
g g on the
be here next week and the selection will market to •equal them. In .spite of the txd-�
comprise the. most erfect oods on the mar- vanes our•przce: will remain the' satire --1f
ket, p When you waear Christ you have the { $145 and: 81'5°
correct make of goods,: .
houses can shoat. Now is the proper time to
ion "Sir waiter" from • comae Mo. Laughlin, of Brussels. 'X a drlvlt:g FPARTMEN ALa 8
mare which Dr, Smith, of Mitchell, IC 0N � �a _ STORE • i . ' Cli'ritt;a1n,,
sold at Toronto last fall for $. , was nam,- . ' . altetl t e '� a ero�rr,i,,,to altEtoig ehge�ntteroatnldYiirhl5�ewha j � � 1j ] � � ] � ] �, t �°•, •
INVON had the atlitillal shipptd to hnglanci. iiiiiiiiiiii ilii fluff iiiiiiiiit1Niiiiiii �WiNiiiHiw
All& Ian.•..-iJ. _ ALA.
.•,Yr.., r•. nii...l%,u•a