HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-09, Page 2PRINCE HELIn
Announces That He is a Suitor For
Anna Gould's Hand.
She Has Quarrelled With Her Sis•
ter and Friends,
By, Marrying the Prince She May
Lose Eight Millions.
ew York, April 0. --That Prince Helie
de Sagan is a suitor for the hand of
Madame Anna Gould is announced by
the Prince himself in a statement in
which he added that Madame Gould
has quarrelled with her fancily because
of her determination to marry De Sa-
gan, ]llme. Gould is quoted ns saying
that she shall not `longer be oppressed
and ruled by her family!" that at last
"she leas asserted herself and shall abide
by her own decbvion."
Mme, Gould has left the home of her
sister, Miss Helen Gould, with whom she
had -ren staying since her arrival from
France more than a week ago and is liv-
ing With friends at the Hotel St. Regis.
Not. only is sentenehi1 but money as
well involved in the break between Mme.
Gould and the members of her family.
The will by 'which Jay Gould disposed
of his fortune contained a codicil which
may have a prominent part in develop -
manta which may follow a prolongation
of the family trouble, 'Phis codicil pro-
rided that any of his children who
should marry without first gaining the
concent of his sons and daughters should
forfeit min half of his or her imt.ereat
in the estate. In Melanie Gould's ease,
the one-half interest is variously es-
timated 'et between $0,000,000 and $8, -
lege at Belfast is to constitute the pro-
posed new northern university, which
probably will be called the University
of 13elfast. Opinion at present is Le-
vided as to whether to call the Dub-
lin seat of learning St. Patrick's Uni-
versity or the University of Ireland.
Incidentally Chief Secretary Dirrell
defended Mr. MOOS Bryce, who has
leen subjeetcd to criticism in connec-
tion with hie outline of e nmversity
wine given out just before hs became
British :Ambassador to the United
Ales Birrell referred to Mr. Bryce,
who preceded hint in the office of Chief
Secretary for Ireland, as being "busily
and nobly eo gaged in removing all pos-
sible causes of dispute between Great
Britain and the United States."
Mr. A. J, Balfour warmly approved
the broad lines of Mr. Terrell's scheme,
and Mn, John Dillon on behalf of the
Irish party also expressed approval and
assured the Government that it would
have Catholic support in carrying the
project through.
'rhe nee universities are to be goy -
("rued by Senates to be elected by the
colleges. The professors are to be ap-
pointed and may be dismissed by the
Senates. but they will have the right
to appeal legalist dismissal. The
Crown is to have the right of making
certain nominations to the Senates. No
religious teat is to be applied to pro -
Smears, students or graduates, and no
pnblie money is to be slept in the-
ological or religious tenehieg. The pre-
sent annelid exchequer grant of $192,500,
which is divided among the four exist-
ing colleges is, to be increased to $400,-
000 and divided between the two neve un-
Belfast ie to be given n building fund
of $300,000, and Dublin a blinding fund
$750,000. The head of the new Dublin
building is to be a Roman Cietbelie lay -
mann. Mr. Ilirrell's scheme does not af-
fect 'Trinity College, Dublin.
Madame Gould Is ill in her apartment
in the St, Regis and the date of her de-
pertfire for Europe Lo believed to be
largely dependent upon the rapidity
With which site recovers.
300,000 MEN IDLE.
250,000 In Indiana and 40,000 In
Ohio Quit Work.
ledaanapolis, Ind., despatch: The bitun-
if0( ,.0oal miners, /numbering 250,000,
are io to -day on account of the failure
of,the tinned Mine Workers of America
and the coal operators to agree upon a
wage settle.
Duatriet meetings are being held in an
Mort to reach an -agreement in the
vatfoue States, and it Is believed the
strike will be of short duration.
the Council to take the necessary steps
Central Pennsylvania and Indiana
mines are in operation, as an agreement
has been reached in the former district,
and in this State minere and operators
have agreed to continue work pending
a settlement which la being negotiated
by joint meetings at Terre Haute,
All of the mutere of \Vestern Penn-
sylvanta, Ohio the tnwne-Mississippi and
outlying districts have sprit work.
Will Stay at Work.
Kansas Oity,Mo., despatch: It is be-
lieved here that the 35,000 coal minors
In Missouri, "Kansas, Oklahoma and Ar -
Lemma, who are enjoying a holiday to-
day, will return tomorrow, ponding a
aettlement of the difficulties with the
official, of the Southwestern Inter -State
Coal Operators' Association.
The operators' and miners' convention
met aeparately this morning, each to
take steps looking to an early confer -
ecce. The operators would not discuss
their plans in advance, but said that in
w01 erobabllity a committee would be
appointed to meet with the mine work-
er, when the subject of a conference to
settle upon a new contract would be
Before the miners met this morning
it was stated they would slppoint a con-
ference committee.
( Its Alberta Business,
••• Montreal, Que., April 0,—Mr. C. F. Siee,
President of the Bell Telephone Com-
pany, denied moat emphatinally to -day
FOR IRELAND that the company had disposed of its
• bu01ooso in A berta. to the Government
of flat Province. There had been sego.
tiatlone, he stated, but it w(Li not true
hat the company had sold Hon. W. H.
Cushing, Minister of Public Works of
Alberta, echo lute been in the city for
some time conducting the negotiations,
was credited with the shttement utast
the deal had been closed for $075,000.
The Attack Made Upon Him
Ruled Out of Court.
OF $1,105,000.
And a Large Nmnber of Prominent Men
Are Said to be Likely to be Drawn
Into It.
I'ttisburg, Pm, April 6. --Two new in -
races or elsewhere, and expressing
horror at the apparent increase of the
creme of destroying unborn human
life and earnestly calling on the high
profession of medicine to use allits
influence, and the Crown all Its power
and influence, to put an end to what
appears to be a serious national peril.
Regarding temperance the Synod
pat itself on record as favoring the
total prohibition of the liquor thief -
fie. but recognizing that this can only
be milled by steges, and by thor-
ough -going edueatioutel work, therefore
declares its willingness to work with
all other bodies along the following
formations have been filed against lien- lines: (a) local veto by which a ma-
jority of the duly cnmlified electors
ry Reiber, formerly paying teller, and of o locality may abolish all liquor
licenses in their locality; (h) abolish
the bare and tete treating systent, thus
cutting off the worst features of the
traffic and prohibiting it except whore
the duly -qualified electors declare that
the' desire the traffic to continue,
the liquor to be sold for consumption
off the premises, in which eitse the
liquor should be sold by some plan
of management doing away with the
trade profits, so that there would be
no inducement to press the sale.
7 he following represented Hamilton
Presbytery: Rev. Dr. Ratcliffe, Rov.
b•. Lyle, Rev. J. A. Wilson and .Elder
Gen, Milne.
John Young, formerly auditor, by Na-
tional Bank Examiner William L. Folds,
charging them with embezzling $1,105,-,
000 of the funds of the Farmers' De -
}emit National Bank and with making
and causing to be made in the teller's
staeemeit boot: false entries to %meal
the defalcation, with intent to embezzle
and defraud. The men were taken to the
federal building yesterday afternoon for
a hearing, before 'United States Done-
mieeiener 1V. T. Lindsey, but upon ad-
vice of their ntterney they waived this
and were committed to jail under eine,-
25th000 hail each for court.
An official statement issued by the
bank, signed by T. if. 'liven, president,
is 00 follows:
At a special meeting of the hoard o1
directors, held el, the booking hoe , cor-
ner Fifth avenue and Wood street, et
10,30 a. in., it was resolved that the ac-
tual sentient of the defalcation of the
paying teller and auditor having been
definitely asoertnined to be $1,105,000,
this amount was ordered to be charged
off at Dna' out of the earplug and other
undivided profits of $2,803,000, leaving
the capital $6,000,000 and the surplus
and ether undivided profits $1,758,000.
The hail is assessed as follows: $25,-
000 each on the fit -et ehargo of embee-
zling 585,000; 575,0011 snob on the charge
of conspiring with Harry Silverman, the
broker, the lat,ter's bail 10 that case be -
fixed at $15,000; 575,000 each on
the charge of embezzlement brough vee-
terday, and $75,000 oe the charge of
making false entries.
Mote sensational developments are ex-
pected as Brink Examiner Fold's inves-
tigation proceeds, and it is rumored that
men of prominence nmy yet be involved
in the scandal.
When the wife of Young, one of the
prisoners was admitted to see hire in his
cell a very pathetic scene followed.
Young said:
"There there, Minnie. This affair has
got beyond the stage where teens can
help. You have done no wrong and you
must:not suffer for me. Now what 1
want you to do, Minnie, is to forget
that you ever knew me. If you cannot
do that just now, think of me as though
I were dead. It will help you if you 1101"
er eek nee ague', so you must not come
here again for your own sake. So far
an his wife and friends nee eoneerned,
John young is dead! Good -by."
New York, April 6. ---The charges pre-
ferred against Chancellor Day, of Syra-
cuse University, by Rev, Geo. A. Cooke,
of Brandon, Vt., were ruled out of
court by Bishop David B. Moore at the
opening of the 100th New York Method-
ist Episcopal Conference to -day. Bishop
Moore, in dismissing the charges, sate:
he regarded the c'omplalnt against Chan-
cellor Day as a din* attack upon free
speech and free press. '.1110 decision was
greeted by 011cere and long contimeed
Die efsarwes against Chancellor .Day
contained five (souffle azul alleged that
he had defamed President Rooeevedt fn
some of Isis public ettteraameee. Dr. Day
made no effect to answer the elearrgee.
• •
Bishop of London Will Head a Monster
London, April Q.—The Bishop of
London, the [tight Rev. A. F. Winning -
ton Ingram, intenda to organize a
monster religious demonstration In the
slums of Westminster.
Some of the worst alums have been
destroyed by the magic of the modern
builder of apartment Mouses, but there
atilt remains an area which is considered
by sociologiets to be far worse in the
way of morals and sanitation than any
spot in the enet end of London,
Through these squalid streets the
Bishop of London will march at the
treadof a great - Church of England
procession on Saturday, April 4. The
procession, with benzene and mottoes,
will wind in and out of mean alley-
ways and courts headed by a surpliced
choir singing "Onward, Christian Sol.
diere," and finally a midnight service
will be held in an ancient church known
as St. James' the Less.
The popular bishop hes scores of
"workers," mostly women of good post•
tion, spending their entire days trying
to better the conditions of those who
live in Westminster slums.
Bell Telephone Co. Has Not Sold
Nationalist Party and Mr. Bailout is
Satisfied With the Project—Univer-
eities to be Established by Royal
Charter, With Headquarters at Dub -
tin and Belfast
London, April 6 -Cbiof Secretary
for Ireland Bhrell introduced his Irish
university hill in the house of Com-
mons to -day. There was a' full at-
btendance of members, and a large mum
ber of visitors crowded dee galleries.
The central idea of .16-. llin'ell's pro•
jest i0 to found by royal charter two
May be Raised Owing to the In.
creased Cost of Living.
Berlin, April e. --An au hemi' report
is in circulation here that a hill soon
will be introlnead in the Prussian Diet
raising the civil list of the E ripener,
The list 0015' amounts to $3,h0,000 a
year, wheel, sum is paid the Emperor
as Ring of Prussia and not as Emperor
of Germany; the latter position carries
no salary. This move, ft is said, is made
necessary on account of the increased
cost of living, which bears heavily upon
the Emperor, particularly (01 account of
the large number of children and other
persons dependent upon the purse of the
• -
York Loan Shareholders In Good
Toronto, Ont., April 6,-(Spechl.)---
The official referee has givers a, ruling
on the claim* of holders of withdrawable
stock in the York [man who were en-
titled to demand payment at the time
the company went into liquidation.
Counsel for this class urged Hurt they
were entitled to rank as creditors, but
the referee rules tlutt they are not en-
titled to any preference, but must rank
as ordinary slutroho 'dor s. 'I9us leaves
the proopcet of the lignidntion unchang-
ed, end disposes of the last group of
sharelvelders. Unless the referee's find-
ings eve reversed on appeal, a final divi-
dend of 50 per cent. may be eapeoted
by all shareholders in good standing at
date of liquidation. Of the two and a.
half millions lost by the company, only
half a milion was lost on investments,
The balance of 0.000 millions was duo to
excessive rates of expense»,
Critisll Financier Predicts Trouble in
Case of War.
London, April O. --Sir llobert (iffau,
addressing the Ieyal l =1stSortice In -
gave a new furor 10 th0 yucs-
limn of ihe gold 10,01(1' in the form 4,1
h ,Lion et the eal:nutus that an out•
hieuk of a war with a tirstadttita pov;nr
nmol bring upon iiia Britain, such at
u breakdown of the l'00111 1 system, ruin
merchants and hankers,. and a run
for en0h on all sheen in a general panic.
�n Uolrrt then prow -tided to urge the
m us,lty of ,a ,really 110100sed gold
reserve, 05 n tray 011est, iu order to
hold resort to inconvertible. paper.
Ile ealimaDad t'hu liabilities of the
honking system al .00011,0110,000,
gold (cervi 14 :t50,000,u00, or which
1:10,O11O,O00 is in the Bank of England,
plus 01011 O held i0 Scotland and trclnnti
,5aiust note issues,
Ile advocates measures that would
enable the Bank of England in tine
of pence to increase the normal re•
,(1..V0, vAhiie the Uo0ernmeut would
increase its payment for services ren-
dered, or forego part of alae stun it
now receitcs from the genet's privilege
of note issue the bunk undertaking in
tettn'n, to keep a larger reserve, Say
C10,000i1110 inure, for emergencies.
Built of England might then negotiate
(01 similar undertakings with tine Joint
t ul. is the imitate banes.
MANY MINORS BEING PROCURED eir helix bthnnc,'r Lha banker, , 0n -
FOR IMMORAL PURPOSES. Shu'•^ed fhe pi, posal, but trim i, ewbr.d
to thorn that Sir hobert somewhat
underestimate; 1'110 )1'0'1V1'4" of the
Evidence of Startling Character Re. e„ tly.
ported as Having Been Obtained
Against a Detroit Confectioner—
Cheap Theatres Are Blamed,
Detroit, April 6.—There is traffic in
white slaves in Detroit. 'rhe commit-
ment to Jackson prieon, dues years ago,
of Harry Sta.abury, alias Simpson, for
trafficking In minor girls, did not end
the business, as is evidenced by the
fact that Edwin B. Madman to in
jail awaiting trial on a ohargo of
criminal nneault, (01(11e Patrolman
Jordan, of Lieulsnaut Breault'a force,
is investigating other eases on the tee
enemy of girls wee have appoared
WAS NOT A STRONG CfeSE, fore Judge 11olrnort in Lha juvenile court.
Jordan la reported to have evidence
But Br. Ashton Fletcher Was Committed nearly sufficient to warrant the arrest
of a local confectioner, who is olearge1
for Trial. by several girls with entecing them
Toronto deaspwpatah: Dr. Alston Teeter- into his place for evil ppurposes,
er, 1,216 College street, was yestonluy Attorney James F. Hill, of the Soci-
connm 1k I. for matt by 5legistiate Deni. eV for the Prevention of Cruelty to
eon on a charge of murder in connection Children, is interested to the matter,
with an alleged illegal operation npxm and *aye that he also has much eve
Aerate Ellen Gould, a pang girl from dense spinet the confectioner In ques-
Peterbar o'. tion, Attorney Hill &leo hes In the shrel-
"1 shall tail. it go for trial," decided ter home on Bruch street a girl who
hie Worship in committing, "but 1 may tells of the practice's of men and boys
say that the cause does not appear very who frequent the fire -cent moving pic-
ture shows.
Sir. J. W. Carry, K. ('., eppenring for "The practice of putting children on
Drt Fletcher, made a strong plea that any stage is in violation of the ordinance
the oberge be ddemfseed. "If your which this society had. passed last sum•
Worship does net think that a jury mer, except in 05608 When the Mayor
would find my client guilty, 1 submit gives a special permit Meyer T omp-
reaar Worship should not pot him to sort has promieed nes that he will give
the degradation of 11)411g auamitted for no more permits enrsept where a della is
travelling with a legitimate show, and
"I think there is enough evidence to the Avenue and Gayety Theatre hale
send it to a 'try, and 1 would not take agenents have said they will not lot
the girls go on their amateur bills env
more. This will not end the Dewiness,
however, till the regular i,laces for cons
ducting tide traffic are welted out,
"As to the man au First street,
whom the truant officer is investigating,
[ know that where he formerly got one
girl a week he is now getting one a day,
and making a Ifouriehing bustness of it.
After the girls leave his hoards they are
confirmed in varices louses, and the
only way word has come to ore of their
ecl,nation is through a friend who has
been able to get them, I have gener-
ally managed to get thene out when noti-
fied of the individual case, and though
1 have no speaiific Matinees to work on
right now, 1 am sure the evil is going on.
Sometimes, too, the girls are shipped
out of town and gradually get lower and
lower, so that eve never hear of them,
Often they are girls who have not much
of a home, and their people are lax in
trying to look after them, and make no
efforts to find then after they disap
"sA girl about 10 year's old, whose
family lives up the State, called to
000 me, Friday. Iter people are
wealthy and respectable, but site dared
not go back to them because of what
she told rue of her downfall. I found
a good home for her and her baby, in
Detroit, and she has escaped what
many others must have to endure for
years. She first became involved with
the white slavo trade through acquaint.,
ince with than 5 -Dent theatres, When
girls are finally caught by the infernal
the respon. bility of dismissing the
To Take Away the Element of Gain ," said the Mngiwtrate, "but I have
From Liquor Traffic, Abolish the no objection to saying that bail should
Bar and Stop Betting at Races—To be Oven:"
Dr. Fletcher eras later avowed his lib -
Meet in Hamilton,
nrty on one security of $2,006 furnished
by Mr. L. J. Oosgravc.
A London, Ont., deepen:le She Syn- Inspe+tor Duman spent d the etate-
memtte matte by Dr. 10104oher in tJ2 de-
ed o1'hondon and Hamilton resumed tective offics, Dir dootnr had tees
Its sessions tilt morning, when an admitted that 'tart of the story told by
overture was preseuted by Messrs. ynvurg GtlitAttro 1V116 time andV part Urn
Bayley and Curry 00 behalf of the Linc. Under crows-ex?tminotion tlo .in•
members of the Sarnia Presbytery, meet i' adnate eltoleir at Ithatstnits noeires
asking that the queetion0 put to min- entirely frank, end t:hatt the pollee bad
Mare on their ordination ,be amended been unable' to prove that any of the
to read as follows: (1) "That the thongs he lied denied were true. The
Westminster Confession of Faith as ebaternenke the doctor made had been
adopted by this Church in the basis all corroborated.
of union is founded on the word of No evidence io00 put in for the de -
,God and is in eubstantial agreement," fence.
ani that the last part of the question - +-•
pertaining to the promise when TACKLED TWO BURGLARS,
preaching to adhere thereto, be omit-
ted, and (2) that question 7 which
*wee "Have you used no undue means Montreal Woman Made Both Drop Her
to obtain this position?" be omitted. Property.
It was proved in amendment by Rev,
Guy Clive Took Narcotics and Ended
His Life.
San Diego, Cal., April 6 --'the inquest
held on the body of Guy Clive, who was
found dead yesterday on the sea wall et
Coronado, brought out the fact that
Itis death was the result of a pistol bel-
ieve universities in Ireland, with head- let through the heart. The revolver w110
quarters in Dublin and Delfaat, The found in a crevice of the rocks of the
eeretary explained that the Dublin eta, Testimony was given to the effect
University- would be composed of three thatthe deceased had resorted largely
constituent branches, two of which, to narcotics, and that his mind was
Cork and 'Galway. exist 011011dy, and probably unbalanced, The coroner', jury from boys, favoring the propose
the third nen' colisge to be founded returned a verdict of "death from a ar.endment of the criminal code, to Then he woke up as ]re plunged into the Ellis islad, from where he will probably
at Dublin. 'rite existing Queen's Col- gunshot '1 0und. self 40111 b 41 V pmvont the negotiating of bets at river.deported.
Montreal, April 6.--11rw. Rouleau,
D. McMullen, seconded by W. Mo living on City Ball avenue, had an er
I'.eoe1, that the Synodnoes not eco its citing experience with two burglars to -
W115 clear to give its approval to this day.Mix. Bottle= had gone out to do
proposal. This amendment carried. svtve 51h0pphyg, aunt bofote leaving }eel:
The mooting was then addressed by ed her door eier fully'. She woes away
Rn'.' Dr. Sat Gree , a priest of bets about forty miuutos, and when she came
Independent Greek Church, who is beck she heard a noise in her bedroom
laboring among the Galicinns of the at the back. Although a slim and Ira -
Church t 1(1 auspices a.of the gile woman, she proeeded boldly to the
Bfore rnmein Canada. back of the house tend found two tnon
Before adjournment was
for the noon looting her bureau, Sbe ianntedietcly
hour ane invitationrwas raceivC from ebbed nue and took her watch from
the Central Presbyterian Church, hem and then grabbed the second and
its next asking the Synod c hold secured her silverware from him.
its next gathering in that church. Not satisfied with merely recovering
This invitation di -n was accepted with
thanks, the date of the gathering be. her property, Hire- Rouirau wanted to
ing fixed for the last Monday in oa.pturo one of the burglars, and gnhh-
Match. bed the elosvcv of the two by the [mil
At the afternoon session Rev. Dr. of hie coat as be was gaining the out -
Sheerer, Secretory of Temperance and side verandah, but the van escaped,
Moral Reform, gave an address and-
w'ss followed by Dr. R, P. McKay, WAKENS SOMNAMBULIST.
who has recently returned from a trip
New York, April 0.l. J{tees slicers,
around the world, in which he vis- of No.354 West Fifty-fourth street,
ited the different mission fields of
the Church. walked in his sleep across the city ear -
The Synod was addressed on the ly to-daty and dropped into the East
moral reform movement by the Rev. River,
De. Shearer, and afterwards passed patrolman Morris heard the splash
by r. unanimous vote te series of reso- and Moore's cries for help, and fished
lutiens dealing with these questions, him out,
the purport of which was as follows: Moore's call for assistance hart
An al moeeme t the avo rdof mora brought Policeman Harr'idae, and while
trona] movement in favor of moral b
reform, expressing pleasure .that so Dr. Hastings' was coming from Flower
many members of Parliament were in hospital the two policemen used fleet,
favor of legislation which would re- aid successfully. Moore' told them that
move the evile. of cigarette-srnokingg the kat thing be remembered was go -
from d ing to led Inst night in
his own room.
In Some Places It is Solid But In
Other Places Broken.
Detroit, Ahch., April 0. -The ice in St.
lay's River is still solid along the
shoe', but Ins broken in many places in
the channel Rain or n warm wind
would open navigation in the river with-
in :t fete hours. The ferny boats bc•
tween the. Canadian and Michigan Soos
have been running for a week. On Litho
Superior the ive ds broken into fields.
'the ice in WVhite.1101 kitty is still s d
11111 heavy loads are dossing Bay Enke
dont Summer Island to the mainland.
In the vicinity of the straits is found
the only plies on the lakes where ice i5
apparently'heavier than 'last, year at
Obi time.
Were Charged at Hull With Peddling'
Without a License.
Ottawa," April 11 11epres0ntatives of
the Ottawa Auxiliary of the British &
Foreign Bible Society, who attempted
to' sell or distribute the Bible in Bull,
were arrested' e'ntrndny and taken to
tine police station on the charge of ped-
dling without a license. ['hey were
however, released later, vigorous repre-
sentations being made by the officials
of the society against the action of the
The 11114 S0110ty claim that as tlde(t'
representatives were not peddling gos
for personal gain they shoed be a
lotted to sell unmolested.
The (lull police state that some of
the residents informed the police that
the Bible Society representatives wenn
also 101111ng religion anis this et the
reason teal they informed upon them 1°
and asked that they he arrested its ped-
dlers. .,Yr
It is probable that the Bible Speetei
will be allowed to distribute Bibles lei
1011110, hitt ale sanction of the Council.
11141 be obtained before they eau do 4e,
without na 11001108
So Mr. Birrell Pronounces Rumor About
Lord !ladle.
London, April ti. ---Chief See 0101,0
for Ireland Augustine liirrell
House of Connnons this afternoon
publicly denied the 11111100 vt'htch has
bet current in Dublin and other
Imre( of Irein101 connecting the halve
of 1 end Heade, the eldest 'son of the
T.rl of Aberdeen, Lord -Lieutenant of
Ireland, with the theft of m portion
of the State tegolin, valued nt $250,000,
from Dublin Castle last summer, It
hoe heeu Suggested thet this 141 )1
("comment's reason for its refusal
to ,((x111 a public inquiry into the 111''
er. Pitree l stet ted that the jewels
etc een June
system practised en Detroit, they are 11 and July 5, end he ie Wee( to trite
held by threats. of exposure to their 1h,,; oh>+o0tuuity 0f denying the "cow -
parents, more than anything cine. The •,idly t ilsehood" emueeting Lorre
shame of the thing keeps them from H:,,ld0 frith their loss. Ho explained
appealing for help from any quarter, tee Lord rn,1411 left Dublin on March
7 ani loot Year, end lived in Seolland
and they are generally lost.
"e -• I anal 111 London thoreoller until STUCK IN A PORTHOLE,. ember 11.'
Curings Plight of Italian Stowaway ai
New York.
New York, April 6,--- tiniseppe ;Cap
cele, 0 young stowaway, got stuck last
in n porthole to -day, while trying to es
cape frenl the Italian steamer Brasile
w111(11 arrived here, and it required tht
combined efforts of the police, the ship's
officers and the craw to extricate him
For two hours the young man lay sting
ging half in and half out of the open
ing, while a force of men WI11'ked hire
this way and that, cut hie clothing
bruised hie skin, but still could not I
budge his body an inch.
It was not until to portion of the port
hole had been cat away that the lad
was liberated. Then he was freed, only
to he taken to the 010150annt station ai
Btf alo L ides Perfet to 's°1.72Tried 10
1 o110ln, ;April It—Since ale aur
tinne. Law requiring haeuses went into
effect its 1lhalo the vee md.-have 1l,ii, 0.t
a marked l deucase in Ilse imbiber • 0.f
marriages here as compared with the
eneespondb,g months in ether years. It
e.r•: become. known Iha1 the marriages
of many ] affalonuws aro being parr`
fanned in tort Erie, (lot.. and at other
(. nadi,n points simply because the
)rides -elect have refused to go, 1lnnngh
the ordeal of hemi stared u) by curi-
ous onlookers while the licuncs are
being -issued. 1n Clumda liel.ses are
rr.quir0d as in New York State. bet it,
Ls not necessary for hath parties to
make n personal application,