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The Clinton New Era, 1900-02-23, Page 7
TEi C INTON NEW ERA T[CH[RS' TROUBLES. How Teachers May Prevent the Breakdown. of the Nervous System which. often Threatens. -.1 The worry and work, the strain and anxiety of a teacher's life are such u to tell :severely on the nervous system. Time and :again teachers have shad to give up good lositiaw on aocouut of run down health .nd sbatterr.d nerves. To each we con- oadently , reoommend Milburn's Heart and 1Terve •P',111 , and in doing so we are sup ppoortedSby the testimony of Mrs. Reilly, s.�•Volborue Street, Chatham, Ont., who made the .following statement: — "Milburn't L'i'ar! and Nerve Pills are, beyond question., 'the beet remedy for nervousness and all •exhausted conditions of the system I know.. apt. My daughter, as a remit! of over duds std clow application to her duties as school 'teacher, ° become much run down and de- bilitated and was very nervone. Two inonths ago she began taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills.They acted quickly and effectual: in her case, making her •strong and building up her entire'ayyetem." Milbnrii s 'Heart and Nerve Pinot • cure li Palpitation, Nervousness, Sleeplessness,. �Aaemia,' Female Troubles, After Effects opf Grippe, Debility, or any condition arising trona . Disordered Nerves, Weak Heart or. Watery'Blodd: ` Price 500. a box. ThaokeraY Hawking "Vanity Voir." What a history might be written upon "Books Refused by Publishers!" Those necessary but much abused members of ' the book trade have made mistakes from the time when "Robinson Crusoe" went the round of publishers, only Jo. be re- turned' With' 'thanks, auks to. that of Mme t 'Grand's "The Heavenly Twins," which, after several journeys. at last found a publisher and success. It has often been stated that Thack- . Bray's "Vanity Fair" was' refused by several publishers before it was accepted by Bradbury & Evans,• but that point has been satisfactorily settled by .the 1l a publication of Mr. Lewis :1'01',-llle's "Life ••of • Thackeray, The si ntement is Made in this work, upon the authority ,of 11r. Vizetelly. that one afternoon Thackeray called at his" office with n small brown paper parcel containiog'two drn sings for the first number of "Veinity Truer." With them was the manuscript for the early part of this hook. - Thackeray said he was going to Brad- • bury & Evans to offer them the work. Mr. Vizt'toily continued. "In little more than half en hour Thackeray again made hid appearance and, with' a beam- ing face, gleefully informedzme that they had settled the business. Thackeray ex- plained that he had' named 50 guineas per part, including the. illustrations, bot he thought he could have got; 'much more." Such were the arrangements which oil-. ourgreatest works fors us one of tainedK_ in fiction.—Sketch.• • port of HIR Life a Failure. Gilbert had n novel.•experieneo ate -wrote for the stage, when be a barrister waiting for his first brief. was long in coming," and when it did come Mr. Gilbert determined. of course, . to make the effort of his life. He was intrusted with the prosecution of an old ^Irish woman for stealing a coat, and when he began the speech that he bad prepared and rehearsed so, care- fully the old dame at once began to Inter-. jest: "Oh, ye divil, sit down!" ."Sure, now, he's, a loier, yer honor!" "Sit down, ye spalpeen!" "He's, known to all the perlice, yer honor!" After came mihutea of this abuse Gilbert asked the record- er's intervention, but that official was too busy laughing. So the• effort of his life was not a success. The Westminster Tobacco 'Box. •The Westminster tobacco box hag an interesting history. In 1713 a horn to- - box, worth about fourpence, was presented to the Past Overseers' society. Every year for close upon two centuries silver Inscription plates have been added to the box, which has grown from a size of 8 by 5 inches to a width of 2 feet and a height of 30 inches. In.we!ght it Ina increased from a few ounce' to over 100 pounds. Each year the outgoing overseer hands to his successor the box,, the burgesses' loving cup and other treas- ures of the ancient city of. Westminster. • —London Globe. I Passion Flower Fruit. crew people probably. are aware that there is a variety of the passion flower which bears a luscious trilit about the size and color of a purple plum. The bo- tanical name of the variety Is Passiflora edulis, and ns it does well in Wales and $ootland it should do so elsewhere CARTERS ITTLE AI AWFUL NUISANCE THE MAN WHO DEVELOPS INTO A CHRONIC BORROWER. A habit Which Bring. -the Impee ni. ous'indtvtdual Who •Cultivates -It Dangerously Near the Dishonest Line -.Don't Bea neat. It is old Poloniue, in Sha>fespeare's tragedy of "Hamlet, who says; Neither a borrower nor a lender be, For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dull; the edge of husbandry. ' This advice he gives to his son, young Laertes, on his departure for France. And It contains -ii worldof wisdom in a - little space. The chronic borrower exists in every community, and he is a nuisance. How well,' we all know him under various forms! There is the man who invites you out to drink and then asks you for a $55 note, to be repaid the next Monday. That day nevercomes, and the lender Is obliged to charge the sum to profit and loss, Then there is the, fellow who comes and borrows a small sum, which he repays very promptly, and you think you have seen the last of him, But you are mis- taken. Ile reappears and asks for the loan of a larger amount, and if you are verdant enough to comply with his re- quest you will never see your money • was always the same, " I spent $30 for an SICK HEADACHE:'. cured by these }a. _.• .. i�'Itbe7 Slee relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, likagestIon and Too Hearty Eating. Ayer. attreraedy for Dizzineis, Nausea, Drowel. figas>lid•Tasteinthe Mouth, CoatedTougne - mob the Side, TORPID LIVER. They„�dwtheBowels. Portly Vegetable. *SN :'” Satan Dos -� Small Price. .Y tcli<,5v a 1,q,i IbbittitutiOYl ,K 'hi! of lo• iiee yo g t Curt+ 'a, %r Carter's, Aria and demand ts tittle Y : �., ar .int-- . t a f r,/AleiiF .44-- z x, A CLEit0' II1%N'S- ADVIfE. The Almost Miraculous Caere of John McDonald, Cape North, N.S. For Yet* Pre Was Afflicted With •Spinal; Trouble and Paralysis of the Legs -- Was Treated by the Beet Speoialists in Victoria General Hospital, et Halifax, WithoutBenefit--.Ur, Williams' Pink Pille Have Restored Him.. Mr John McDonald, a well known pterohapt et Dane Nertis . Ns- Fi..- Vas far many years a sufferer from spinal trouble, whirl: eventually remitted in partial par-, clysis. Treatment of many kinds was resorted to, but without avail, until finally Dr Williams' Pink Pelle were used, with the result that Mr McDonald le again en- joying almost perfect health. Mr McDon- ald's story is given as follows, in .hie: own 'wards :—"Almost 'thirteen years. ego I caught a bad cold which lodged in my beak, producing a terribly pain,' Lini- mente were at first resorted to, but they bad no effect,and the trouble beonme so bad that I could hardly walk, and could not getout of doors after dark, as I wopld be almost certain to fall it I attempted to walk. Medical treatment did me no good. I tr;ed six different dootora; but the result again. Following these comes the chap who is•a mere beggar. He wants a half dollar until tomorrow. But he never intends to returu, it, and you never ex- pect him the him do this. You give to g cin to get rid -of him for the time being, and he shuffles off to spend it at the nearest taproom. Now, ail these impecunious men were, no' doubt, likely lads 'growitig up Until they fell into the habit of borrowing. Theywere probably honest enough in all paying their debts at the start, but then to came a time when, owing to some ext a travagant expenditure which they could not afford they .found themselves unable. electric belt, but it was simply money. wasted, Years went on and I was con- tinually growing words, until in the spring of 1895 my lower limbs would scarcely support me. In June of that year IWent to the Victoria Gener l Hospital, Halifax, wher remained for two months Hader the treatment of the beet speoialiets, but when I returned home I was actually worse tha • whet I entered the- hospital, This the oughly discouraged me, and I gave up one of ever getting better. I continued grow worse until about the first of Jana - y, 1896, when I had become so bed that could not stand alone, as my lege were ike stinks under me. My only means of to meet their just debts. /locomotion was crutches.. and my lege They brazened it out then, and they dragged after. me like useless pieces of have continued to 'brazen it out ever/" timber ; I could not raise them one inch since. They have lost all sense of honod from the floor About the first of the fol. and all self ,respect and have 'joined the lowing April, Rey Mr MoLead strongly ranks of the Jeremy Diddlers, from urged me to try Dr Williams' Pink . Pills; which there is little hope of escape. I had tried so many things withont'benefit,. They have no character or standing in. that I did not think the pills could help the community in which they live, and me, but nevertheless deoided to give 'them they that know them best will dodge a After rising rising six bottles `I could see• THE ROYAL BOX. When he . was a schoolboy at Cassel, the Germait emperor gained distinction for one thing at least. He WAS the worst dressed boy in the school. The king of Servia, Alexander 1, Is the poorest potentate in Europe. His father, Milan, inherited $4,000,000 from his grandfather, Milosch, who was a hog , raiser before he became king, but Milan squandered It a11. The birthday of the Princess of Wales, ' Which falls on Dec. 1, is always spent at Sandringham. with only her Immediate fatally about her. Her busband and chil- dren take great pleasure In planning sur- prises in their' gifts. - The prince fre- quently presents her with a valuable ani- mal. The czar possesses the largest Danish hound in existence. He has made a pet of this creature ,and places such confi- dence in Its sagacity that he dismisses 'any servant to whom the dog takes a die - like. " The monarch concludes that the hound's aversion indicates that the man isa probable enemy to. himself, HE IS A WONDER - All who eeeSO. F. "Collier, of Cherokee, Ie., as he is now cheerful, erect, vigorous, without an aohe, oonld hardly believe he is the same man who a short time 'ago, had to sit up in a chair, propped up by cush- ions, Buffering intensely from an oohing back, in agony if -he tried to etoop•all caus- ed by ohronio kidney trouble, that no med- icine helped till he need Electric . Bitters Anne bottles. e whollycured by,t e and wag r nese e backache, a vo e Positively ours q , n n , loss of eppetito, al1••kidney troubles. Only 50a at H. B. Combo's drug store. Orackeriaek. The Boston Herald thus explains the origin of the word `"crackerjack;" "In the hot southwest cactus whisky, or mes- cal, is a favorite` prescription for a jag. The Mexican loaded with mescal Is much _.given to Castilian profanity and invective. TAKING THE REINS, " Star Pointer and Guy Wilkes have ar- tificial pasture all wil►ter. " • It is said that Seth Griffin will build a new' trotting track near Loudon, ' •Henrico, 2:15%, by ratchets Wilkes, is the leading stallion at Glestut• Kline Nelle, Berlin. Secretary' .t7. 111. Jewett of Reedville, Mass., has a. green 8 -year-old by Pedlar, 2:18%, that lie has driven a halt in 1:11. Autrain, 2:10%, recently beat Maggie Lass, 2:14%; Miss Bowerman, 2:'21%, and others at Rovigo, Italy, ` Best time, 2:21 1-5. Richball, .2;12%r the famous old "white faced pacing pony," is in Nick Ronner's stable at Minneapolis. The old champion is as chipper as a 4 -year-old. The Trotting Union of France has made overtures to the National Trotting Asso- ciation of America for an agreement in- volving reciprocal respect of penalties. Idavan, 2:10%, Is not yet distinguished as a etre of pacers. but there is a daugh- ter of his, owned by Mr, Ahet•n of Shu- bert, Neb., that is a wonder at the gait. F. T. Holder of Yopiters, N. Y., who recently bought Prise Chintes, '2:17% (half mile to wagon in l:0'2%), of A. til. Perren,. Buffalo. is driving him to pole with Master Chimes. Lute Lindsay and several others have leased a 40 acre tract near'a street car line at Spokane, Wash., and will build a five furlong track, with buildings, in time for a spring meeting. Gold }ding, 2:18, who has been per- forming in England as a guideless won - ion in put upat tract ' der, was recently e, London and withdrawn, as the highest figure offered was , 2.-1,25. It is noted that John R. (;entry paced in 2;02% at Highial d park, Detroit, the first week in July tad in 2:031/.1' at Los - Angeles the last eek in October, and these were the fir and last miles below, 2:04 made..during 4890. ;PA'Tl his favorite verbal jewel being' 'carajo,- ther ��,np eeiestlop)'ttr ever seitesrt •r amen.. Isle orad 9lthograpIimel ate. . Ittiel �1 nt. i• pronounced enrahoo. In time a gorgeous, latest,',thou, espui.tu sin alt fitlyup%flssed'ssl red hued, vociferous drunk came to be y called a carajo jag—carahoo jag—and by bile nus . corruption a crackerjag or Crackerjack; ; ed hence alle things supreme, clever. kertjlt'Vflti I termed cracker - class, were by analogy around the corner when they see thein that,there was s slight improvement, and jacks.'',.. 1 k hopes cid ht a o le. fano woe p kin • n N. ma m i t Dmu 0 7 I continued ns n he until' s I 'had' g pills a Subscribe to - ,6 topics, etc. b day. e o t n II l ort • coming. taken thirtyboxes n Somewhat O eq a . ,'bore .t 5 There. is, of course, in trade a iegitI- , nd by that time new The Mohammedan law of divorce is a my6Do'y°rrt7' egentswa.ted. bud butanes. mate system of borrowing on good se- life and vigor had returned to my legs, ld t b ducted • and I have einoe been able to attend to my ' marvel of simplicity. The husband .re- curity. Business coo no a con bnainess behind the e.onnter • without the long under ordinary conditions unless aid of crutches, or even a etiok. Under some such practice prevailed; but this . s God''blessing Dr V illiam'e Pink Piffle does not furnish any excuse for.the g shortcomings' o1 those who obtain loans have restored ins to . a new expected o! without any idea of how they are to be health enjoyend herby, I never. expected to repaid. again in this world. "Borrowing dulls the edge of husband- Myrestoration has caused a great ry," as. the old courtier In the play truly wonderment in this section, and as a result `says. A borrowerle necessarily a spend I have cold many gross of Dr Williams' account thrift., He never has a bank t Pink Pills in my store,. and many of those 'a 'banking. He who have bought them from me tell .me because he neversaves has nothing to draw upon but the say- they have cured them of their troubles. tly on Ings of his acquaintances, on which he- "thebloodland nerves.. ,They do not purge, has no claim. Hemay not call himself , and therefore do not • weaken like other a dishonest man, but he is not far from medicines, •Tbey give strength from the it. For instance,- he strikes a good na- first pill to the last used. There are many tared slob who does not" know . him very dealers who•offor pink colored substitutes, well and by fictitious statements'squeezes beeaase the enbstitute gives them a greater a dollar or two out of a poor innocent profit, but these ehonld always be refused, •who can• ill afford to lose it and who, per- as substitutes are either dangerous or ab - haps, needs it for the proper. support of solately worthless.:" his household. or for the payment of his weekly bills. That money is never • re turned, as the borrower well knew it " WRITERS AND PAINTERS. would not be when he promised to make • it good in a short time. The "law may Sir Philip Burne -Jones has just com- not be able to reach him, but some neo- pleted a portrait in oils of his cousin, Mr. pie would call him. a thief.' And the Rudyard Kipling, painted entirely since chronic borrower Is far from happy. his -illness and return front -America. It He has his moments or elation; no represents him at work in his study. doubt, like Wilkins Micawber when the An amusing and characteristic remark punch was brewed,but he has terrible by Mita Rhoda Broughton is reported by hours of depression when he does not know where the next meal is coming 'Sir Algernon West in Literature. They from and when he has exhausted the pa- were .discussing the changes' of public tience of all his relatives and acquaint- taste in the world o4.inolrs. "I was con- ances. But he need not be in this pickle` sidered a Zola, sfiid Miss Broughton; ith• ln •"now I etre, `'i,Chaslone Yonge." if he would resolve to live •w his means and not indulge in luxuries which he well knows he cannot afford. If n man's expenditures do not come within his income," there is bound to be disaster in the end. He will be bank- rupt, in both fortune and.character if he does not wisely regulate his expenses so they may not exceed his salary or the receipts of any business in which ho may be engaged. • It is a wise rule for a young man never to buy anything for which he has not the ready money to pay. There is too much temptation in getting things on credit. It leads n man to obtain more than he real ly• needs 'and thus run up large bills. which he finds it difficult to meet. Young fellows are too apt to jest about standing up the tailor or' some other tradesman, as if it were a smart•thing to keep an honest, hardworking man out of his money. Why is it not a better, way The mother who would "be horrified at to save up your -earnings until you have' the thought of letting her daughter wander the cash to settle a bill at once? In this away to a strange country without guide or way you will obtain the respect of 'yder oonnsel, yet permits her to enter that un - neighbors and gain a reputation that will known lend of womanhood without counsel be of inestimable value to you in any or caution. Then, in atter ignorance, the reputable pursuit you may follow. It Is maiden must meet phveioial ;problems just as easy to be a white sheep as a whose solution will effect her whole future black one and a deal more, pleasant in life. Dr Fleece's Favorite Preeoriptionhie the end. • • bods well named a "God send tot women." If you live to be old, you do not want It corrects irregularities and imparts suoh- to-book back over a wasted life and re- vigorous vitality to the delicate womanly. gret that you did not avoid,these extrav- organs, ad the them for their important aganevs: which. atria• all, have brought functions. Many a. nervone,• hyaterical, you little or no enjoyment. Do without peevish girl has been changed to :a happy things rather than bores*. young•womenafter tbe'tuie ,of "Favorite 1 f you do not .practice self denial I, Preecription" has established the sound youth. you will never attain any position health of the organs peoulierly feminine. or dietinrtion worth having. Perhaps Every woman should own a copy of the you do not, know what a deadbeat is. People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, Well. he's n liter and a cheat, and that II relit free on receipt of 81 tine-oeht stimpi -what the chronic' borrower •allv*ys' Is. topay expense of trailing and cnsutome. Don't be a beat.—Boston Herald. ' The same baoket 1008 pages in sabetantial cloth for 50 stamps. Address Dr B. V. 3 see printed somethiCootr Gains ng Buffalo,• 4. Y. Pleads., ing the other -._:.. , day about 'chi disadiantages of myopia-- • nearsightedness, you know,"..,mild the Mr. Theme's 'Whitehead, a prominent man with glasses yesterday. "Tow, rill business man of Walkerton, died suddenly audio that Way mylielf.' •A. f le bights at Olitiprd, where he went op a business Ago, when I• went hone, it was' raining tri c 'hard. My nmbrefla was wet, and 1 car- •, Dr. Wood?" Norway Pine, Syrpp.heals tied ' it imtsfidl ibety+vetg+thfi" kitL Iii;• to, 'and eoothea the lungs and cures the worst Coto -ked tloldei more aickty, George LTuval, the author, of the latest French book dealing with Shakespeare's life and work, is Considered by his coun- trymen a leading authority on English dramatic Iitirature. He has published a French trnnsiation of Lord Lytton's com- plete dramatic works and also Richard BTInsley Sheridan''. • M. Duval some years ago' resided in London. Lucius R. O'Brien, who has just died in Toronto, ti d been for some years pres- ident of the Royal Canadian Academy of Fine Arts. in 1872 he; took an active part in founding the•art dchool of the "On- tario Society of Artiste and for six years was its vice president. After the Royal. Canadian Academy of Fine Arte was founded he was a constant contributor to Its ,exhibitions. • ' i flits` Cdastiftle "Omit for senzetlttng to kinds of Conq t! pests- to -his wife three times, -"You are - divorced," and the thing is done, but the wife is not allowed to use the easy formu- la agaivat her husband:.— Philadelphia Ledger. Tor adle iiloeestOrb and Utiletugidrfa; Tbat otm TRMLL7i'C MRS' GEO1' I 1BA= L Fell Don Lady of ThornhW; luau., n-ellef From at he Instant Got Almost � Heart Trouble' by the Use of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. It' is simply wonderful the number o r r western women who are coming fo wa to tell of the curative powers of Milburn.' Heart and Nerve Pills. This time it is Mrs. Geo. Trail:, a highly respected lady of Thornhill, Man.., w 'gives in the following: words the history of;.: her case: '"I obtained from Mr. J. A. Hobbs, drag - gist of Morden, Man., a . box of Milbu n's .Heart and Nerve Pills, as I was very had with heart trouble at the time. "I need the one box and got allhost instant relief. Y then bought another box, but only had to use a few of the pills, as I have never been troubled with palpitation Since using them. "I am very thankful that I got the pills, and if this will be of any use to others suffering as I did you may publish it in the • papers." • r staid It In", my eye ca`u�gliesome'sort;'of Atid ethanal Y *hap itny, other: rempdt,-. , t receptacle on the floor- near i h'r itif ie, or beg baan i'4oei'ed' . tit . Waehi1p Eton which I. took to be the coal hod, sok 'toed from Adelbert Hay, united States Consul • the umbrella to-it'find wen to `I,sd' Vb.' at pretori', stating that he had, received nett morning, the c0olt,gat• notice. l: Pdlye" his exgenatur Wednesday, and that mat- hlto sults 1ity phihttella tttaii* _fin 'tier tart were very satisfactory. shoe."--lityra Ise Post Standard ; R ' l ,.- L.--'Jl�titek eirtt.w ' • Mrs. Snooper—1 wonder if It is true, as Dr., Jae* 'says,.. that rtlie baby of today has a better. chance of llvtpg than the ba• by of arrant a Bnoobsf-'C�erkltinly it'I1ftt'1The'baby,a1 Ill Sows ass 1* kalf * century old now. . ir�.+r~- CASTORIA For Infanta and Obildron. tits fus satin eltuns EVER; RENEWING. . We are continually renewing and assort- ing our stook of Perfumes: Atomizers, Tooth Washes and L'owdere,,Brnahee, Combe, Hand Mirrors, !panic'l'e and Toilet Articles' generally.; all np.to'date:good& at ldwest poesibie prices. No, need to.say much about•onr Continu- M stidcese' In oar, ' dispensing • department. We Ire accurate in our work,which always► inettr safety to our patrons, and the • pub- lio • • Paine,"' Celery;, Compound ar mores in steadily. It is the popular m calcite; we strongly recommend it. Our be t efforts are always put forth to make onr eatabliahment 11:n "popular drug tore.' " d.E. Bovey, Druggist, tllinton,1ilaettella Ont. re , A n, fa ae iny.--i-neloccd knas find a twerant clamp for your ., house ; salary l8.5 monthly and expenses, with • ca1.:51r I •a leak I had one int 11.14 lost. l hava used inoteaee - position permanent i in010e0 self - home) c +v n rum wllhsut eye failure la years, mad inr rOeaea Stamped' permanent D; 11AQ'se s lf- 1. u-,.r1.•..u. the took u you advents' Man bottle f herir :O4LJ4741006 se»....• w=. Er�NDALLS .,&;PANIN CURE 91, ` f; ` . fs' A 0OTTLE . P'© This Alamo r11",; er.,r.',Vth a ifI,c erred . e .r ie „lore• to, ;fo0 1- • .1, I arms Co., N. n., March 19,1011. ,. r �• - 1' a c.r1. 1•.,,r lienasll-a11pavin Cure and i. .- , t 1 +, •�'. 1 h wo cared a Spavin on my beat • , Al± 1 (01 In ft':jf-::1torI1..wh!ChIofferedtorVS• . h f •rte• 1 .i .,,.pas - I 1 ,.^1u • •.cur look and receipts for w "'Vs c h.e�,..d ,1.:.,; ; r,, 1. 1 411 the eertoon. •' 'feull•a Mrs, FRANK SMITH. i Chost Fools Tight. You seem all choked up and staffed IT with the cold—find it hard to breathe. Cough that rasps and tears you—but little phlegm got up. Now'it the time to take Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup before things get too serione. There is. no remedy, equal to it for making the breathing, easy, loosening the phlegm and removing all the alarming symptoms of a severe cold. "I caught a severe cold which settled on my.oheit, makingit feel raw and tight. Seeing Dr. Wood's Norway Pine syrup advertised I procured %bottle, which greatly relieved me, It loosened the phlegm, healed the lungs, and soon had me perfectly well." Naim Ugli,AY, BIPX.xi,. ONT. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine • Syrup. BANKS. The !Unisons Bank Ilnoorporated by Act of Parliament 185$ CAPITAL 112,O0i),00G REST FUND . $1,500,000 G:ILNAD.OFFlOF MON 1'lltd st. WM. MOLeON MAOPnitRSON, Vreeidant F. WonvERSTAN Tuosus, Gen, Manager Notes dieoounted, Collections made, Drafts hatted, Sterling and American earthing* bought •and sold. Interest allowed on da-. polite. SAvIsas BANG—Interest 'Wowed on sums of I)1 and up. Money advanced :a farmers • on their- own : note, with - one t r more endorsers. No mortgage required H. Q. BREVI1' R. 51as:ee , (Hinton • Gi 1), NCI A(G41tT. BANKER ALBERT ST.t - CLINTON' & general. Banking Business transacted. NOTES DISCQUNTED 41. • Drafts scud, Interest allowed on deuosita. • • ALWAYS KEEP ON NAND 1:1 in�ller THiGRa'isN O KitD OF PAIN OR AuHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, THAT PAIN -KILLER WILL NOT R. LIEVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB- STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME,: PERRY DAVIS fit: SON. •-• a�Vlftr.A►w� 1 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCEP. ATENT& THAD! MARKS • DESiGNs•`• COPYRIGHTS d&C.. Anyone Sending a sketch end deserlpttori may mention 1b probably ppatentable eCommunlcm'a- Lions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent, • sent free. Oldest agency for seouring_ppatents. .atente taken through Munn es Co. receive 'Pedal notice. without charge, in the Sdentifkr iimerkrane A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest os- culation of. any scientific journal. Terms. $3 a ear; four menthe, $L Sold byall newedealers. CO :WI Broadway, New York" ::ranch Office. 625 11' Bt.. Washington. D. Q • s 15 4 �!114i1111011, 11 111444 �Dggoidin net Iyeverialtyaendtown,or ytnnoaail. V for Sliem. Absolutely very fittest up•to-0ab slylea THE 11IcCALL COMPANY, • .pe.1t1 not Ittittnet,, .. • . yew Terk•tity, B. L OUR SPECIALTY IK FLO(IIt and•FEE1) find' our greatest seller. the White Swan Floor. This•ie, we believe, the most popu- lar band on the market. < If you try it once you will be so pleased with it that you will prefer it to the other brads. • We are now selling the White Swan at ' $1.75 per "cwt.- Several of our customers have asked for Rye Flour, of which we now have a stook on hand. _. OUR GROCERIES Mare always fresh and well assorted,and the prices,you will find,are moat reasonable O. OLSON. G»i Batter and Eggs waned. AGENTS WANTED. Foraggenuine money -making position ; no books, insurance, or fake scheme; every house a customer. Partienlars free. 'Write to day THE F. E.KARN CQ,, 132 Victoria street, To- ronto, Canada. . Feb 23-13 WANTED'—Honest man or woman to travel fer largo house ; salary 865 monthly and ex- ppenses,with increase ; position permanent; inclose seif•addressedsampedenvelope. MAN. AGES, 333 Caxton bldg., Chicaeo. Deo 2916 AGENTS "The best life of Her Majesty I have seen writes Lord Lorne about"Queen Victoria."' Agents make fire dollars dally. B7tADLFY-GARRETSON C011¢Tor Y, nirrlm,. AGENTS. "Klondike Gold Fields," al arge oheap, vein - Able book, selling like a°wplrlwind. Beautiful trospeotus twen five cents. Books on time, BADLEY-GARREON ont COMT rANY,p ULITED, YV ANTER. thutiu •ton, P. O, Ontario, ltlar, 6, '66. c Honest man or woman n travel for large t. J,' •'call Co •• •cc,tt,;►ssttdntwos t for mea on beast In the market. a Caxton bldg.. Chicago. Dec. `20.16 GEORGE IIitOWN, i • - - • •a an nosotately reliable remedy for aptHk': • :1.,1 ort.; 11:n,eeme,ale• nemovC,the bunchand . r + •v v r'cc ell six de ff AS a liniment • CLINTON "<'•a:;� n e, Brice, no .C•gnal. !k your druggRlet j, WOOD stud .COAL YARD, <I 411 `t feint ,grit.. -.t Trestles dr.atae , • •' 1. . bust. free, or address J. t''ti9l1.L CO., MOUE' PALLS,"p1.'.' :svaoo.°o ..s E)11ILSTON .cefwslrllr'rion oat a► 11, Erna OIi AslR4 a `RrrsTirtia Sf Mom % ' coral!, mewl, r ' .y, "„ • •V Arrx�rt ;; , »E0Iil l'1f, t1. Vaoseats et tarts ',8.17,1` oatfe *us seamir st. Dy the .ld.f The D. k L. Heaths:.', I Hive gotteliiidefithitkIngl'.ee[itielildatatreubled me fee Iwo a year, sal invert;esasld.r- O is ark '1 a :.'-2'. # '*YlliGits ui`[iiiarea flee. sal $1 Per ti.ttla Wltlltifitc zkwitnuen GO.. >Mb.. -•.., • >rCoirrtasw>;;- :.., We fulfil ter'tia ethut M ee ltffee ants mallow gtbeeriber is prepared to Promptly nit all or - dere for Wood aoSeetI lowrates. or COM. on patio tl aLAVS IMPLEMENT ROOMS. W. WHEATLEY AGENTS W.thS11TED. tor "Story 01 Hontlt Attlee:shy John Clerk. Rid th, L. L.D., Edward B. EtIO., MigUIne j'xTor nto, and �J. 11 Aiken, Of London:(illi, *lib' has rettrrded this. week froea.11t� Jprears' trefellini in. f34tttlt Africa for w.. 13 i are' tb onl Cateadiast. P blisheret +who nave had a,ibl rano ' in South Artie* for tiitibte.lb yt•►1tr; IIvingurr %n imtabii�1a adtllnt-, 1ssLin reemittsl D oil l*ra>dhr atlditaattlrii►l. 1O� ar aghor�tjill�pt. 3e ltt�tltpresa�: Sapn¢ine�n�tr}a�wtnpte tar ell trat�a tblilti Ifi wifny irivfli''weYk.' No .erW At WA of Ithie,,that•lre tvl11 enai! fess Sat 1aslMli )►.0! •'prAsDiot�•10alf}QtieP' n;M' sOtnsr aroit. •an'i its fr.• Air' ortiortLA.I. World `Publieb►itig Company, War Tn'enty-sc.vcit Years • .41 .buivi ■ ow llob _ tl.lkl'folL$T $*I Irl: Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of anyinvention will • -� rromptly receive our opinion free concerning he patentability of same. "How to Obtain a . IP— Patent sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at air expense. ' Patents taken out tiirdugh us receive special notice, without charge, in Tae PATENT RECORD. an illustratedand widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorneys) Evans Building. WASHINGTON. O.1 , FARRAN & TISDALL. •. BANKERS, 1011 CLINTON, .ONT. Advencee made to farmers on their own notee at low rates of interest. , A general Banking. Business transacted Interest allowed ondeppsits. Sale Notes bought • •` J. P. TIST)ALL, Manager. THAT TOIICEIS Tie SPOT • McLEOD'S - - SYSTEMRE)OYATQIt.T• OF Weak and Impure Blood, ' Liver & Kidney Disease*, Female Complaints, Ete. A91 Dieugieklw .or write direct to : J, M. NLoLEOD, Goderioh, Ont. 156 POPULAR SONGS with WORDS and MV610 temple neatly printed and bound In ono volume. A gtand eoliectton of Muelcai Gems, eontimontal, path- nt1G comic; a bio treasury of tho world',popu- far and beautiful tfut songe. Pelee, 10 tante, Toronto, flan. Joumsros e3for4at,Attg, 71 Yongo sc, Toronto ra. 110 for 10 Genii ..11* book contains one huadred sal ten of the test humorous recitation., embracing the Heim Yankee1rsath s. Dutch dlsloat&, bothin 51046 and sone. u well as humorous compositions at and character. poste /1, with oIllustrated catalogue of books and novelties• for only ten Johnston m ineFwrlaae 4IYoi11Ee8it.,T,ero=to,auks O *11SEIV OTHERKNOWS THE VALUE OF INDIANWOMANSBALM ASA PARTURIENT MEDICINE. SOME BEAUTIFUL GOODS - IN DINNER AND TOILET SETS. We buy direct from the manufacturers in Staffordshire, England, and thus bay at flret cost. We secure goods of finest quality, and therefore know that in prices and value our goods are unenrpaesed. Buyers must save, money on these goods, compared with articles not Bo favorably purchased. Exquisite . Dinner,.. 'Era:. and -Toilet Sets DINNER AND TEA. SETS 7 Pieces, from $p $ u. TOILtET SETS, complete, $2 and upwards. Yon can examine thee' goods without being compelled til bay, but you will wast to buy oftor yon examine. what priced tea you want, we can give you extra ALL KINDS OF NEW FRUITS Al' LOWEST PRICES. Monsoon and Blue Ribbon paeket Teas. We have the best 25c Tea in town ; we ave tea a1 other prices, bnt no matter Clue. Agent for Ram La1'e, Appleton - Clinton J. W. IRWIN, BIRTHDAY 171Nf TO SVNBY ONE who can find In the Dewey I'u04.1 y.cearmark them and return te a.—we give an exquisite ttlrany *tyre sInm etive Opal er Ruby Stick Pia Free. and send 12 T.n•cent pack of Int. perishable Perfume to well for w 1f yen can. when ",td, r•turtti tnone and we elms you Free choice of A hcxvlly plated: Chain braeelat with Lock and [.i 'sr Solid Ciotti Shell Belcher Dirthda Ring:" Simply Iatlrsl.e pM .t ar. *8 send pr ze without money or price. Write to -day. Yea risk nothlns, ae we pay the 4aty iia4 :atter en sit ,serine' feat into Can.M. making 1G delivery absolutely frisk and unsaid shads am returnable. its >rmr .; NATIONAL aUYI''Lit CO.. }e -5e Ayer. l.ar'u d tit.. Detroit -?tied. wave: ,cull„ 1000 Housekeepers Wanted. To gall incl insppeeoot our large atonic of well•seleeted r'urniturs We offer ba tains lilt Extenaion'Tobled Sidebb4rds and Bedroom Sets. We parry a large stook ot.., A4etf Shades, Ta eftry,iartafnstnd Twl}e QotesWe chow tbe newest styles in aletuae Frames. We Sell tlie't''New Williamisl' flowing Machine, built to last a lifetime, ;c Jr. .E -L OHEL.t4Td '0",,, 1'31►ith YOU. Waiat E„fv1.. < To get OW beat • yAltit.for your money, oome to the Emporium, tsondesboro. We bavera few ladies omits ata Bargain, men's o-vercoats and .snits very cheap, boy'i Mill some great values, horse blankets aap�d robes,gnet the thing needed for this 0014 weather. We norto lrrge rtbo'k bf Tweeds which we are willing to sell cheap to clear out. • SEE American W W Coal cif, 28 cents THIS J Canadian coal ell 22 Cents . Our groceries are always' the Dein to be got, s full ate ck of patent medicine* Our terms are cash or p rddace. We will take butter, eggs, lard, tallow, wood, drii applee, oats, also a few bags of rafts good green apples, We will take any quantity a nice yellow butter at 206 per lb, trade. We wet ld prefer having it in rolls of from A t 4porinds as it is eerier packed to ship. We would like to receipt all accounts this weak: Think we hate waited longi enough. Emporium, Loo desboro R. ADA + January bi.N, 1890