HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-02-23, Page 6ebrunry. 28, 1.1)0 0 fisimiseefesisteeweetseewttteww0 That Cough gMugs OR You have used all sorts of cough reme. (Des but it does not yield; it is too deep sea' ted. It may wear ,,ItOf out in time, but it js more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri. ous throat affection. You need something that will give you strength and build up the body. SCOTT'S EMULSION will do this when everything else fails. There is no doubt about it. It nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and I healthy, not only to throw off this hard cough, but to I fortify the system against further attacks. If you are n down or emaciated you should_ certainly take this nourishing food medicine. Nee. and fr.oce, all druggists, SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. emailite.a.O.mlefttaaamafteamo A LA MODE. 1-10ROSCOPES. • Before tho 041 with her hantitod cyrs- 'Two sheens tat with dell. ute arms i ;la. od, Watched as she dealt the ',lauds and. eel et; haste, pelt out the ThnO sat their two destinies, Brown haired and gold haired, fresher than the . Poppy and white anemone. were 01;7; . dawn, a • A flower of autumn and u flower of May, They watched to see their totes from darkness . drove. "Lite will be sect for you and yours, heighol" The sibyl tokt the autumn colored maid. .. . • - letut-wiit my lover love me?" r• "••.syti."-slie field. • - - "May, then. 1 shall be all too happy so." "With earthly love you*never shell be led,Fr . The sibyl told the lady white as snow. • • "Rut shall 1 love at stir "aye, even so" "Then upp1 shell live end die," she ;add., --Tratufluted by Nom Hopper From the French. oby FilteiCuld (\WIWI... • Many of the handsomest wraps are made of broadtail. trimmed either with sable or Peruvian chinchilla. -All red makes a telling color note hi a large assembly, especially now that so many black gowns of velvet, satin or net re worn. The new pliable silk back velvets are tucked, quilted, kilted, accordion plaited • and machine stitched, erectly like silk or wool fabrics. . Shapeless jacket's, coats and cloaks are still favored by fashion for evening, street and carriage wear. They are call. ed "unique" by those who admire them. Glace gloves in tan. mouse gray and dark red. in heavy silk stitching, either in black or its own colors and of winter weight, are the preferred street gloves for daily wear. El10^1, Meth skirts worn with black and ''.----Wstrlped silk blouses, with tucked yoke and jetted collar and belt, laid over „white satin, look particularly neat in "half" mourning. Fine "kid finished" cloths in ivory white, opal gray, turquoise blue and a re- vived shade of old rose are in marked M- . vor 'for elegant "dress" gowns, and a decoration of real lace is the required adjune.t. Ermine is tr fur that increases in favor 1 each succeeding winter. This tipsier it .4 • PLATONIC FLIRTATION, Pitilosophivol View of the Advaste .tosree or American Lovemaking. Slime the ematteipatien of women. ete Ine ily iti lie United States, the rule- ' fleas of the sexes have galued new itt- tPlivet eel ttSiteete. • The better. educated 110111 sexes uow use the word "friendship" to eover investigations in love. l t allows athpler • experiments. What wits once compromisiug is new but letrotleeitaty. In stnt, lands, to Invite a., girl to solitary. walk Ss. equivalent to a troposal.' With us, n hundred strolls, 1)1 'discussion, may end in a. negative e..iteltisiun that will be •without • bitter - nem:. in other days marriage was an mutate that had to be purchased on a die - *, TRE CLINTON ITEW ERA, Clinton Public Library Notice The following rules and reguletions bane been adopted by the Library Board and ate tic w troinutgated according to Statute. Those using the Library' and Readieg Room are requested to read these rules carefully as they will be strictly adhered to in eve' y ' instance. W. E, RAND, W, BRYDONE, sEORETARE. "5.-eThe Board. may make regulations for the Use ,Pf-tho Ub rary,and for the admission of themiblic thereto, , . And the Board may impose penalties for breaches of the Regulations, not exceediy $10 for any offence." -Excerpt from Tem Firm= Us- BAllIES OT, 1805. • 1, -The Library and Reading Room shall be open from 2 p.m. to 5,30 p. m., and from 1p. m. to 10 p. m., everfweek day except statutory and public holidays and such other days as the Board of Management may direct. 2 -The Librarian shall have charge of the Library and Bead- • ing Room and be responsible for the Safe keeping of the books, papers, inagazine,s and other property belonging thereto, and shall have power and authority to enforce the rules for tbe main- • tenance of melee in the building. 3.--1Residents and Ratepayers of the Town of Clinton shall be • entitled to borrow books from the Library, won signing the fol.- . lowing application and upon obtaining the signature of one pro- perty owner in the said Town (who shell be approved by the Library Board) to the following guarantee: • • No if*•••me• • • - Clinton Public Library ' • I isiEltElilf make application fora Borrower's Tioultet, and agree to observe; all the rules and -regulations of the,Ldbrary. hint view. NoW many of its pleasantest greves and avenues may be visited at • • ‘. • ieisure. "Ile win?' sees a svoman's heart Olinlon • may take it," said one of the older school. Ni.t. only that, he was morally bound to rake it. Today she may read spechnen Pages to a score of men before she eltoosee (be final listener. • The advantages of the •new system are •noinly for the •intelligent. • Many girls will fail to •coinprehend the higher fiirta. 1611- ;Intl proceed in the Sante old way, Men. Will ignorantly marry the piquunt face and vivatious manner. .But to the marriage of true Minds impedi- 'Ileitis have been removed... The. freedom 4 our edneation detelope platonic flirta-• non la' its noblest, eses. • if American -111(.!11 make the best • husbandS, the 'reason is related to • the t rattintr-. they, have meeting. un terms of equality. with many ivotnen leis stupid in m4n or -women • lo -lack the instinct for eirtaticin-but this Instinct. like so many others. can be turned to the deepest or the• •eraptiest uses. To make yourself attractive, corn-. prehending and sympathetic is the way to draw nut another nature and obtain full kaetviedge. and to condemn all coquetry ., • is like recommending swimming' and for- bidding water. Sentirdentel • people fear intimacies whieh do not end'seriously, but the increase of knowledge and se- verity is worth some hearts broken .bee. fore marriage instead of after. Few ob- jects are more readily mended, sad few .•".• •impro,ve so mnelt through' injury and, re- pair. . • • " Platonic Ilirtation is' one of the -safe- • - guards of the human race. As one after ahother my friends have passed through • •,. •• . e4•4”44•• . • - I • • Address •,.•.••94,1; ,••P • • . 190 Odoupation.... . ......... . Age under lfs) °ninon• • 19Q • . To tho ,Librarian, rablic ,Library, COItcn this gate to the •altar -I have. been tempt- ' • ed to declare that most platonic Weed, - shim end in matrimony, but a calmer memory recalls numberless escapes, through this probation; from impending wedlock.-Nortitan Efartgood In Atlantic Monthly. . . . , • HE FOOLED ,THE BURGEONS:: lrer1ootCHa told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, Ohio, . after suffering 18 . months from,.SeatslFio•tae, ‘..s would die unlest a costly operation was perforated; bat he cured himself with Buoideire Arnica • Salve, The beat in the world. Barest Pile. cure on earth. 25o box. Bold by H. B. Combe,drugeisi. • Britain and Metric° have both been visited by destructive storms, areffle t( snapended. • • • 418=artiVeil The & Menthol Voter Will aura lumbago,- backache, sci- atica, or neuralgia pairs quicker than any . • other remedy, Made by Davis & Lawrence • - Co., 1 has reached a notable degree of aver by having the capes. collars, hoods and 1 boleros made of it, bordered or combined with some very dark fur, like otter or sealskin., A handsome and becoming style of • dress hat is in toque shape made "of Lyons velvet in pansy color. Russian green or dark ruby red, with a brirct of sable fur and a standing trimming of real lace and sable tails and a cluster of pink ...Crush roses set at one side and partly falling on the hair. -New York Post. The Maseey-Harris Comtiany has e cmtaihuted $5,000 tis the National Patriotic Fund. Its a nice thing to WO 'laggard's Yellow Oil. The skin it won't stein and the cloth- ing won't soil. It limbers Stiff Zoints,gives relief from all pain. If you nae itIbut once you will nee it spin. Ties Grand Trunk baceeouree control of ' the Zed Ricshetcen Valley Railway. • The Thames Ttiyer rose seventeen or eighteen feet abgye the ordinary level at Chatham, but little damage was done. PHRFBCT WORM MEDICINE, ' "1 haye given Pr. Low's Worm Syrup All a. S d ray children withexnellent restrific and I find it the moot perfect, -Medicine, as you are not requited to give any Oath- . • shits with it. , Thoughts. • Despondency and • •Melancholia Result from Kidney and Elp Liver Troubles. -- -4 Paine's Celery Compound thelinfaiiing Conqueror All Physical Misery - and Suffering Piompt Relief and Speedy Cure Guaranteed. • Dr. Pheipis' Marvellous PreSerips t1011 Mikes the Old and Young Healthy and Happy! The Greet grime Medicine of the Civilized World. When the great O&M Centres ere restored to perfect action by Pratte* Otto, Com- ' txi the end kidneys become healthy end perform their *metal funetioos with ease and 'Irene sad thoughte„ depression Of spirits, • melancholia rind hoers of clerk:meg proceed ditectly from a dimmed condition of your • liver and kidnees. , The beet physeitriti in the. world 116,V6 openly endorsed Paint's Celery Compound 016 *stet and utest remedy for your troubles. Thonsinels in the pest have tOdlid eolidbeelth end heppineet froth the 4146 of the &rot medicine. Dona accept rite Subetitute for the greet life %Per. baillat upon having lltimes," the kind that env* Mae Dester, Bunn P.O. Box 56, 'Latienhurg, N. B. . • • •• THE JBWELER'S ART. riblver, betel% with their latticed tope, , come in exquisite thine and ornamental silver. A megnificent diamond corsage , orna- ment represents a spray ofntivelld rose - leaves, blossom and birds. dower is • effectively mounted on a vibrator, a style increasingly noted In finest jewels,. Martele work remains the last word in siirer and its field extends from cases for jewels,, hollow ware for the table, magnificent vases and other decorative objects to cigarette and match bona and tiny bonbonnieres. Flat topped gold sleeve linkwith a bondsomety engraved monogram will be recognized as quite the correct thing hy a conservative &Voter. itt Searfplue the _ pearl is always safe, but oftener fume - thing handsome, odd or Unique is prefer. _ red..-.Tewelers' Cireular.* ANIMAL LIFE. A gimlet was once devoured by ati in captivity, and anether is said to • have swallowed a lighted pipe without.. expermumng any apparent discomfort or injury. - A. fox tied a hound belonging to a gdtt- denten tit Hennehec. Me., are affectionate comeanione end eoliatantly sport and sleep with each other.' When both were young, they ea together and have evereinee continued ttolicefinte odd, The .‘ivoilkifig ilsh" of Santa tharinel, California', is a member of the pedibulati tribe and ha* congeners atootig the gulf weed of the Mexlean gulf. Its pedant MIS are shaped so is to 'terve for legs, and it CAW rest on them ao a* to snap its prey. It builds 'it.neet of sest. weed. • • • • , I Becomistend reeitung at • Ocettpatien As ft tit person to enjoy is prtvileges of the Public Library ; and I hereby guar- .antee thatI will make g od any ininry or 108.4 the Library may sustain front themermismon that ma be von. in consequence of this Guarantee. 1 also • undertake tolpay all fines,.w doh may be payable,by the Borrower under and in accordance with the rifles of the labram and, all expenses incurred by the Committee in ealleetingIthe same. This Guarantee to continue until notice itt writing of my desire to withdraw from the same has been given te the Librarian, and a release given by him to me • • . • . . . f• 1) CITY RATS. • DiaheitIttera countersi Paul., keepers in Getting R14 of Them. Some of the big up town stores, are greatly bothered by rats. 'Weis not ee. collar to entree where food supplies are stored, but applies even to places where fabrics and Wattles are carried. Some of the older buildings along Washington x, •street are Wrested to such an extent that much damage result,. The rodents up - pear to find access to basements through driiins, At least.leis supmed-they do( though it seems scarcely possible witere plumbing le pretty carefully looked after, Places where furs are carried have to be very enreiully watched, foetelme hen- _ pened that a feW energetic rats with good + teeth have gnawed their way through a ginreaatotmngaineyntobllta,rs' .worth of merchandise In some places they ewe so numerous that a cat is overawed and 81=147 will 1 • not attempt to attack them. In one store basement a fevrnights ago a wire corn- Partment trap, familiarly called a French trap, corralled 16 big rats, which made lots of fun next morning for aterrler that • 'Wee in Avery street. This trap Is sup- posed to be invincible, and, in feet, it is seldoni a rat beats it, but recently ° young dog that found several rats in one. of them, when there happened to be no One about to look after hini, turned the tranviar in his anxiety to get at the prey. This dropped. the shutter, which is the - secret of the trap, and allowed alt the mats to pass out. Since that not a rat bas been caught in that trap, although it has , •• been repeatedly relieved of Its bait, The • dog bad -given the rate the tip, and they have ever since succeeded in holding the ' shutter down while they hatiled the bait over it, thereby escaping imprisonment themselves.. Some legs of roasted •chick-. en were strapped with wire to the inside of the inner cage, and yet the ratti•got but the bare bones and didn't get caught at all. To any one who know the effi- dello' of the French trap this story may ' seem ahnost incredible, but if is neverthe- , less true. It has been found in several stores that the trap is most. attractive to the rats . when Itis baited with lobster. For a night or two it is well baited and left open at both ends, so that the rats may pass through it freely. Then dee end Is closed Name ,• • 1 and locked. That night the number of Owner of Lot No , * • , .,..;..,.... . ,Street, Clinton or upon depositing three dollars with the Librarian. 4. -Each of suhli borrowers Upon payment of live cents, shall be supplied with a Reader's Ticket inscribed with his naute and register number, entitling the reader to sixteen 'books. Tickets will lfe renewed on payutent of five cerlts. 6.-Residdnts of adjoining municipalities Who are not Bate - payers 'of Clinton shall, upon • signing the above application and obbuning the guarentee, and upon payment of thirty-five cents, be granted a Reader'Ticket,- entitling the holder to sixteen • books. All Readers' Tickets shall be cancelled at the expiry of sik months froth date of issue. 6. -To obtain a book, each person must present to the Lib- rarian a, Reader's Ticket and a slip with the -number of the book written thereon. The,Ticket must always be presented when book is borrowed, rOntevved or returned, and if lost,,thirty clap • may elapse after notice of such loss has been given to the Lib - rerun, before anew one is issued. • • '1. -Bach lickrower is entitled to take one volume of octavo or larger size, or two volumes of smaller size than octavo these being of the same Work, and also one magazioe. 8.-Bpalcs may be retained twoweeks' and may be renewed once for twa weeks... • • 0.•= -Books labelled **Seven Day Book" Must not be retained more than one week, and can not be renewed. 10.-A fine of three cents per day shall he paid on each work which isnot returned according to the provisions of these rtzles.1 11. -Any person incurring a •fine may draw once, after the • penalty is incurred,but the card will be retained and further priv- ileges of the Librar suspended till such fine is`paid. -Afterkklie'ea:piraittort of inestsiendlcvs ietrin Ake nrascribed Wile an additinnal charge of 25c shall be added for costs of collec- tion, and if the book be not returned within SIX' week e of the day of issue, legal twoceedinge shall be taken to recover the value of the same, with all fines and charges. 13. -No person shall take from the Reading Room any news- paper or magazine or other article belonging to the Library, and no person shall cut, tear, or in anyway mark or mutilate any such ; paper or nuigazine. • a 14. -Any person losing a book shall report such loss to the Lib- • rarian, who shall inform the Board of Management. Their decis- ion thjereou shall be taken before payment shall be accepted by the Librarian. 15.-ITUbound niagazities -atd reviews may. after one month from the date of peblication, be issued to Readers; and all such may be retained seven days ohly. The fine for the detention of magazines shall be one cent a day. •„ 10. -All books must be registered immediately on entering the Library. 11. -Leave e or new hooks, magazines, &c., must be cubW the Librarian before being placed in ase or Circulation. 18. -Na person who appears to be hien intoxicated condition shal1117adomaibiuttded. 0-Nle conversation shall be permitted in the Read- ing Rooni.t 20._o person shall use tobacco in the Reading Roan, and spitting is prohibited. • 21. -Dogs shall not be brought into the Reading ROOM •° 22. -No person shall be allowed to pass within the counter. isr take any book frotn the sheives.,... except by permission- of ttie Board of Managetrient. , 23.-Perscins desirous of recommending books for addition to the Library are requested to cause particulars of same to be enter- ed in a book to be kept by the Librarian for that purpose. W. -Borrowers axe cautioned against losing their Tickets as they or their guarantors 'will be heldresponsible for any books ob- tained with the flame. 25.-The,privilegesof the Reading ROOM shall not be accord- ed to any one who fails to observe these Rules and Regulations. 20. -Writing or drawing in any part of a book with pen or pencil or doublirie down leaves shall be treated as damage for which borrower will beheld. responsible. 27. -Borrowers are required to bring to the notice of the Lih- replan any defect or disfigurement in any bookissued assonn 05 possible after setae has been discovered, gince the borrower' May otherwise be held responsible for the damage. 28. -Books in the Reference Department may not be taken from the building without special permission of the Librarian and the deposit of t fee to insure the return thereof. No boa of refermicamay be retained longer than 24 hours without the per- mission' of the Librarian. 20. -No Daily or Weekly Newspaper in the Reading Room shall be retained for more than tentinnutes after it is inquired for by another person. 30. -No borrower shall loan any book belonging to the Lib- rary to any person whotnsoever. and no borrower shall exchange a book with another borrower. 31. -The Librariatrshall.examine every book retained, and if the same ,be found spotted with ink, rooked, written -upon, or otherwise injured or mutilated, the borrower shall pay the value of the book,ler such smatter fitiesta the Board may impose. 32. -The Board may at pleasure cancel any Reader's Ticket and withdraw the privileges thereby eXtended. 83. -No bee* shall be borrowed or returned by' any innate ole house in which the Medical Health Oiliter reports a Case of infectious disease. In such cases fines ehell be susperded for a proper period. WHEN YOUR menu. • rats captured, wilt be limited only by the • capacity of the wire celk-Boston Herald. • * • If taken in time, Thep. & le. Emulsion • will surely cure the most serious affections of the lungs. That "ran dpwn" condition, the after effeots of a heavy cold, ie geickly • counteracted. Manufactured by the Davis. • & Lawrence Co., •Ltd.: • • fol,„ Irin SY' 4.kg-14-5-r • ILASTO BESTAN11-idiELIMAT1G PLASTER MADE RHEUNA04o CH :r?(Zgsrs'iolgseDD lAtiEACI, ea* Piece too • DAVIStilAWRENCECO LT tystitrAcruReaa ' MONTREAL • 1 • eillesefeneeseatetemeseememe. - fetateweeesearett As some are Togday. Pinch your feet in wrong shaped shoes; snake you nervous, irritable; spoil your temper; lose your coucentration, You caulexpect to go the even tenor of your way in a *1100 that cripples. "Slater Shoes" are made to fit feet -to cover eye-K.71=4er joint comfortably -make you, forget - you have a veiny foot. They fit the first thne they're worn, and ever after, because the stretch and shrink has been fox ever taken out o.f.thein while eixdays on the lasts. , Twelve shapes, all sizes, six widths, all colors, styles and leathers. Goodyear welted, stamped on the soles --with name and price, $3.5o and $5.0o. H+ +94.ronsomr4. fe' . Jackson Alros„ Sole Agents for Clinton. 4sesemeesetedeasuisisdateiskaseeho Aid; Aid' For pure blood, A -bright eye and A clear complexion, A keen appetite, An-reasy digestion And refreshing sleep. "11.4113EEM Sarsa It arouses the Liver, 1 --- Quickens the circulation, Brightens the spirits and Generally, makes hie worth living. Shat y seven ;ears trin. I have proved it to he beyond question, the most reliable BLOOD purifier known. Mlle leading Druggists sell BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA. OlintoOash,DooriBlindragtory 5, S. commit .. PROPRIETOR, • • General Builder and Contractor. 'This factory is the largest county, and has the very latest impfaved ram* ohinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice, We carry an extensive - and reliable steak and prepared plans; and give estimates for and build all class. - es of buildings on short notice and ort the closest prices All work is supervie- ed in meohanioal way and satisfaction, guaranteed. We,aell till kinds of in• bailor and exterior material.• •• Lumber Lath,Shingles, Linte.4Sash, boors, B Agent for the Celebrated ORAYBILL 801100X. DES*.f at' Waterloo. Call and get =igen and estimate& before -Vatting vour ordere WOULD Yil4 tilt TO FEEL ' PERFECTO' WELL?• Christm.as • sex. The choicest kin& are here. All the Give Perfntnes if you'd please the fair- • agidinfrti OW as . . AilitatEfS i IRED • MinvEs WILL MAKE YOU 50 : Once you have felt tho great bless. Ing if good health you will never. be without TINY TABLBTS. • EVERYBODY'S FRIEND BETTER TRAK A TRIP TO EUROPE At Druggists. *mantra* Dr. Hops kledicins Co0y, Untied, Tomb/ sot. PILE Oli011attlr • D. L. MACPHERSON .INSITRANOE. Wfre .Ltte,• Areldenti • Plate:Glass. 110.=•{0.4•4•As Omar, ee. liALLWAY Itiomi. Morrow JACOB 'TAYLOR ()Linton; Ont. • General District Agent for the Confederation Life Insurance Co for Stratford and Goderielt, leelusive• All in ertnation relating to lestwonee gladly given Money to loan at reasonable rates. mace ix Palace Meek ' JOHN WYEO SCIATIC 2 YEAltS. - Mr Fred Platt, 12 Prankish Ave., t ..nr- Whett'youe doctor *Mee nriebtlnllel! torito, flays that he eoffered over two years forYetelt shoala 10 very daettalY prepared with Boleti°. Three bout of Milburn's so 9101 910rtatilta aaairta YOtir inedid61 Rheumatic removed every trace of the *deist! may follow, The prepotation of physicians'`presorip0 pain end made him se limber as it boy, Marine men urge that the Govern - times is mit foto, ment Josue .orders have the Wel- Toilet Geode itt realm VolietY• land end St, LaWrence Canals opened rerfiunesy A.tomisers, for navigation by April 15th, • Soaps', Brobtit, • That ifsekinr Congh is a **rilingtrntirt HOLVIHSVILLE; • Agent for the hcANCUESTM Ptak AMMAN= Co. of Manchester, England, whoae fonds and securityare rated et Si4dlOG,000. Also this Mc- liztaor llartrat Iniantaeca CO. Ali classesof farm risks and town property taken at lowest rates. First-class Loan Companies aide represented. Money to be had from 41 per cent up, according to nature of setarityz- Daily mail to Holreesville ,-- postal card will fetch him. TOTAL ABSKIJNERS' ABB TRE BEAT RIBIKS,therefore the Temperance & Central Litt Assurangt Co • ow Tenon* Is the BES r COMPANY Inc the BEST msg. over six million dollars insurance on the lives of total abstainers in Caned& For rata, eta. enquire of W. C. MYERS, ileneral Agent for TRIM county, Address -37 Fulton St, or P.O. Box 170 Cuttrow PERFUMES and TOILET goods . • .. & La. maim Jiro Established flit tattesis tar. Invested JItude, 44812,238 ••.' 1.4[10-•••••-•,-• 1.1131t1tAt. ... STRONG - PROGRUffSIVE Ali no poptdar. forms of insitrance issued, • patio, unconditionel,world wide .54 bonier- feitable. Money loaned. Polieies ratcheted. New liminess 1805 ..4,500,4)00 Ate% fetid Polley Ifoldere.. 487,000 combs ins whtiski. 1*lightly treated. ryny•rectoral carat rat ineeity.kiriffirm tethisked by rano* Celery conpnud, nthe women certei with ebeoluie tity ell merit coughe Ohildren Cry for mediale sums in sock , and folds. Take it in time. MattifecItued CASTOR IA. CHAS. ea: HALtt Amt. tlisten. kina it ortc n. combo, Dallied. by the proprietors of Perry Davis' Pala - Settle Win Dainty Gifts for both Ladies and Men -for Young or Oid • famous makes -all the desirable odors - and. many Janda put up in specially attrac- tive Chnetmas packages. Our assortment -61 Fine Hair Brushes• ,. Military Brushes, Mirror., Whisks. itt ebony and handsome woods, is the most complete in the town, And the most inter- • estiqg part to you is that prices are far be- low *Wyatt ve been accustomed to pay - for stroller articles elsewhere. • H. B. COMBE Chemist a Druggist Cutters and Sleighs We Keep in Stock and make to order _Cutters and Sleighs of all kinds. P UNSA.:41, CLINTON • 1 am a farnier located near Stony Brook, one of the most Malaita* districts in this State, and was bothered with nviaria for years, at solar so 1 could not work, and was always. very constipated as well:0Por years 1 had malaria so bad in the spring, when engaged in plowing, that I could do nothing but shake. 1 must have taken about a barrel of quinine. pills besides dozens cf other remedies, but never obtained any permanent benefit; Last fall, 11 peach tim ,e 1 had a most serious attack of chills and then commenced to take Rit.ans Tabules, upon a Mend's advice, and the first box made me all right and I have never been without them since 0 1 take one Tabula each morning and night and sometimes when 1 feel MOM than usually exhausted I take three In day. They have kept my somach sweet, mv bowels regular and have not had the lost touch of tn.il la nor t Witting headache latiell I commenced using them. I know al o that 1 sleep better and wake up more refreshed than formerly. I d. :t know how many complaints, Riparts Tabula will help, but I do k .ow they will cure anyone in the r.onditiOn I was and I would riot L.4 .iont them at any price. honestly consider them the cheapest, -,priced medicine in the world, is they are also the most beneficial and the most convenient to take. 1 am twenty-seven years of age and have worked bard all ray life, th. asme as most farmers, bothearlayooqdrulble.attiethanads itniatallvtkisnensceoitswt , fact,fall; In 4inlinhyavneenigehvbeor rsenhi°aYveedasirrelarked my itnproved condition and !UV. saw "Say, John, what are you doing to look so healthy?" • altrab...a ore of bed betath tbai EPP. A ititi ttrt baollt> y t.inash titiratio.1M4 wrorsizotenxt irvisegtoter. ..d.telame owe Ice swat*, aet eleirgetttstlititt:traalint.jetna 411; botrtliirttiv 4toits. arg,x 0414114.1tiarow yid 0#1006.00,0 4 • • t/