HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-02-23, Page 5eimowwwww*ANyw000m
• Watch and
Jewelry More
We have letely added a new line
to our ittook, namely
Our Optical work is in charge of an
expert optician, who he had a long
and successful practise in testing eye
sight and fitting gleans. Have your
oyes examined -it costa you nothing
Many oases of eye trouble are avert-
ed by the early application of the
proper lenges. Always rereenstier
that •"Presefit Negleot Means Future
In Watches, Clocks,
and -Jewellery •
C er goods are the beet and cur
prices the lowest.
We give special attention to Re-
pairing and Engraving. "Prompt -
am Throughout and Neatness" are
our watchwords •
Watch and J ewelry Store
You Are
For . .
TIrest 'value r your •
mon y, especially in the
Grocery line.; which can .
be obtained .at the Hub
Grocery. Specialties—
Coffees, Teas & Spices.
together with other choice
Groceries of similar value
A call solicited..
ticoerriZo,„, . . GROCER
Fresh and
Seasonable ock
We. hay •• Booth Cie ebratid
EIAY rrivingfresydaily. •Also
Fresh e arid Lateens, (limbo,
t' n Cigars
AKERS' k�-
F *My Cakes • ""-•'•
And Welding Cakes'
Our Specialties
y kind of FanorCake not on,
ant/ made when ordered.
as. MpOlacherty,
Novelty Bakery •'
And Restaurant.
Telephone. No. 1...
Hides and Skin's
We will pay the highest cash price. for
Hides, Chtlf Skins, Horse MO
Sheep.Skins and Tallow
W will give the farmers mora for their
hides and skins than they can get anywhere
else. Bringyour hides direct tr• the store
_irony. •
xCook's Cotton loot 0010011Di
Is succeesfully used monthly by over
0,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. ladies ask
your dru-ggIst for Cook's Wet Illest Cur
ma& Take no other , ail all Mixtures, pills and
ImitatiCans are dangeroue. Price. No, 1, $1 per
box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger,0 per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent
stamps. Th8 Cook Company Win leer, Ont.
Iserliog. 1 and 0 sold and recommended by all
responsibleinuegists in Canada.
Nos. Land 2 sold in Clinton by Sydney Jails -
eon Drtiggiat. •
0 ,0<,0,..,0 0 • ,0 :•00000‹.0•',0,•0
Our Watches
Are guaranteed "to go"
—not only correctly, but
permanently. Perfect
workmanship and. nicety
of adjustment are the first
.rektiNites we see to, as
regards the inside of our
pocket timekeepers—as to
the outside, that is purely
a matter of taste and ex-
pense. If you have
thought of a Ladies' or
Gents' 'Watch, in gold, sil-
ver or gold. filled we are
ready for your trade
ready in a sense that gives
lasting satisfaction after
you have made a,purchase
41 Grigg
Successor 13 0*, Biddlecombe
"Obureit 4blines - otions of Parliament and its mitteee.
. Fvelriber' Aa Reward ie prleted under 'the direction Alli,11A10111111),1114,4
e reebpuorrcthoth,toliFroenceuginatsinEeel grodl,e.„vv.eutrogist i:vehircua.toc,
held over. until next issue. - mako use of it. I oak you to reprint ray
12'f and 129 and .778 YONGE ST"
Is coining and will be at
tFebruary 23, 1900
aionnou ar Co.
313 1...:5C11101.
Cain House, Lucknowi
Wednesday, Feb. gist
Brunswick House, Whigham,
Thursday Jariday;Feb.22 d 23
Clarendon Hotel, Clinton,
Saturday &Monday,Feb.24& 26
British ENchange, Coderich.
Tuesday & Wednesday,
• • :
Feb. 27 it 28
• e West coutiuoteci seiyieesevidence es It appeared in Elinsard.
mast; in the, morning and• •vespern Ira STANLEX'S EVIDENCE AS 011/EN IN IIABISAIE),
here in the It 0. church, last Sunday;
the evening. Q. Yeti reside in the township of
"The King's Daughtere" in connec- Goderich ?-A. Yes, sir.
tion with st, panes dim spent a, so, - Q. You were scrutineer for Robert Mo -
mat eveninf at the Misses Mpurd castle'e Lean, one of the eandidates at the eleetior
last Thurs ay evening. for the Rouse of Commons, held on the
The ninth annual convention of the Q. you were present at the opening of
on Wednesday, the 21st inst. A full -•q-nr•-1
I 0 q ruary mat ea, e
Keen eash
Auburn Sunday school union was held th
h k 028.8 0 you remena er whether the bid.
g e w • lots were counted ?-A. Yes, slr, •
The Junior League of the Ontario St..
c urc willg ve aPatriotic racial,_ on where ?-A. No. 5, Godetioh.
Q. The poll to which you refer was
the evening of Friday, Pdarch 2nd, Q. Polling sub -division No. 5, in the
when an excellent program will he township of Gederieh 7-A., Yes, eir.
- , .. - • •• •-• • • 9,. 'You Were present at the opening of
the poll ?-A,
The Presbytery of Huron will meet Yee, sir.
at Willis church Clinton on Tuesday Q. And saw the ballots counted 7-4.
March 30th, at 10 30 a. 11%, and the I counted them myself end SIM them
Presbytery of Maitland, in Wint,hitru, - 00unted.
on. March Oth, at 10 a. m. Q. How many were there? -A. 157.
` The watery for this Week is called Q. How raspy did the utanifeet or
.the siege number -in keeping with the stetement supplier! to the returning officer
speclal 'tout saving campaign th I
Q. What wag done with tile extras seven
being started by the Salvation Army. ballots P -A. They were destroyed they
acter. The price is just the same, 2e. Q There .ana then it
It is of a specially. interesting char- were burnt.
CatteCampbell, late of Port Arthur, would be about ten o'olook, between' ten
and ieut. Platt, of the training quart- and eleven. It ware not before),the poll
• ere Corouto are novt the officers of o ened that the were destro ed • •
With a large stook of Hair Goode of the latest styles end: finest
quality. the Salvation Army here. The Captain Q. At whose request or suggestion were
ilangs,Waves,Wigs,llead Coverings & S
baa been all through the Northwest, they deetroyed ?-At mine.
witches for the last eight years, and, it is hie in- . Q. On yonr request.? _ Did you vote at
In Natural, Wavy and Straight •
• ..•-
his bartacksi . 1 have sworn that the ballots. were de.
Buy a natural
hair trimmed. RA•xTENBrarY patitor of the etroyed between ten and eleven o'clock,
you, conte if Rattenbury St: ckeirch may be.exgect- .whereas Alr Elford ststes that it WaS done ,
day, morning and evening ; subjects : has made a false steternent, and as „I will
at 11 a. m, "Is there such a thing as not.lie under anY stnth imputation I ask
finished chaeacter in this life ?" ; at 7 you to reproduce -what the men named ha
If you vneh a Switeh you can dress in an artistic Coiffure in onelnintfe.
wavy one; we show you -how to dress it. Come earlyinsave your
Binged and-dressed-br a -n• -expert." Ladies, our goods and prices will stiff
it is only to see. Wax Figures for Millinery Purposes, Etc
tendon in a fewweeks ---ter-4tve a that ?-A.. Ye8, sir.
descritachr ef,hisa*ork In °tile est Q You voted there ?-A, Yee, air.
ed to occupy his own pulpit next 'un- after the poll cilosed. One or Olaf of uv
Do not forget the date . • .
, • .
CAIN' 110189118. ILIJOILT:OW, Wednesday, 1FebruarY 21 • • • •
littliNSWICli 11011$13, WINGINAII, Thursday and.FrIday, 28 and 03 p, m., "A funeral a thousand years be- Mr Elford's letter have to say sheet it :
ore the time of Christ" ;
good ; ER. cauncsna, Aoanza WITH MB • STANLEY.
the public cordially .
EXCHANGE, GO1DERICII, Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 27 and 28 I hereby deolare that the' seven ballots at
Otir •
• • • /
org4in ys..
Haidwa ire, 9 qv err,
, Big Spring:Bargain Sale i
Lampti, Ete.
Friday Satu
• For et If
It will pay t ny even if not needed for /mod er season. All stoves markid in plain.
$3.2.00 StoVes for 828.00 Ca,sh . . •
11 00 44 - 8 75
• 96 00 66 66 22 00 "
700 66 66
20 00 " " 17 00 "
9 50 66 " 7 75 11 .
. •
ay & Monday
be published before days of sale.
Dee us more room for above sale we have tie
S. PAues.--The services in S. polling sub diVision No. 5„Goderich town -
Paul's church last S tide f before 1 'I ki
most interestinif nature ; the Rev the forenoon, and at ME Stanlere request.
y, Were o ship, were urned e even o o oo n .
Canon: Richer see of St. John's TAOS Cumionna,
rectory. London township, assisted Goderioh township, Feb. 16th. • '
the rector at both services, and preach- Mi. NESSITT imams stn. STANLEY'S STATE.
. ed two able, thoughtful and helpful
sermons. The attendance arid the I hereby declare that the seven extra
offertory' were large: the choir, under- -- ballots e •••k f h ' b b d
• the leadership of r Latornel. render -- were not destroyed at the close of the poll
C ra bat war e
6'7 and 9
ed the musical Part of the service ex
as'satted by Mr Elford.
ceptionally• well. •
• NTA S A th L
w e vn nex ee A
Always wend their way to this store where they have learned by experienceth0.t business is done on a 'Aridly emelt bailie, end where they can alwaya
get dependable geode at the lowest cash prioes. Our purchases for spring
have been on a more extensive scale than tumid to meet the demand of a
growing trade. Our orderafor spring goods were all pieced before the ad-
vance in prime, whiela puts ue in a position to offer you goods at prices like
-New Prints, wide width, eon Will, very special 50
-New Prints, dark grounds, fast colors, worth 10,3 for 70
-New Prints, in dark and light fancies, special 12ao
-Botch Gingham, new patterns, at 1.0o, nao 16o'and 20o
- *Canadian Gingham, new &gigue, worth 8o'for Oct , •
-Best Standard Shirtings, indigo blue, now worth 16o for 12ao
-New Oxford Shirtings, new patterns, special et 100 and 120
Cottons, yard wide, soft finish, worth 8o for 5o
-Me- n's Wool Bookie soft and warm, 2 pair for 25o
-filen's extra heavy wool gooks. worth 80o for 25o
.'-New Tweeds, for boys' suite, at 25o, 80o end 35o .
-Bine Serge, for boys nits. very speoial 804 and 50o
--Flannelettes, dark and light colors, at old prices 5o, 7o and 10o
-Table linen, yards wide, a great snap at 25c
-D & A Corsets, special lines at 25o, 40o, 50o, 76o and $1
-Crompton% Coraline Coreets, at 50o, 75o, $1 and $1.25
• .
McKinnon az Co., Blyth
The steady inorease innur trade gond'proof of the fact tbet our goods fare righ
our prime lower than those of other dealers in the trade.
We man-dsoture furniture on a large scale and eau afford to Pell cheap.- If you buy
. from us, we save for yoti the prfit, which. in other cases, hag to be added in for
This week we have passed into stook some ot
the retail dealer. '
our netederogno. Spawo: hwavilel tonootffeprl.
no to quote proms, but come and see for yourself what snaps
Remember -we tire deterbsined that our prices shall be the lowest in the trade.
RIO T.— t e ear , .
pied the chair ; it took the. form of a ME. WORM cOluieBoBATEs NS STANLEY.
• • .
Monday evening, Jabez /tan s
Goderich townsb ip, Feb. 16th,
• tennerance Meeting when 0 Holland' r hereby testify that the seven extra '
. • the president, gave. a report of the ballots were burned, at 10 Stanley's re. -
• Stratford eonventiOn - to which he quest, andlseforeth_e poll closed, not after,
looted' went as a delegate ; 0: M. 'Beet° gaVe as stated by lrIr Elford.
ress, an a was ren er y .
• Miss Fannie Shipley ; at the 'next Goderioh townehip, February 17th. .
League meeting ,a letter from Rev • ria mut sew Turin nueem. .:
., jr, , Th. rri to o rtify Ahab I was at polling
will be read. -On Sunday, at the even - suh-diyision No. 5, Goderich township, and •
• . •
/az Saturday . AM RCM 2 3
• ; •
Bargain Sale in, Wood Cooking Stoves and all kinds of Heating Stoves,
• .
• •
7 23-00 " " 66 20 00 •• 4.4
• Not necessary to•Itave stoves taken away day of sale by paying a deposit lt can
'be kept until called for. • '
Three good second hand cooking stoves for sale .at argreat bargain
fiiland Eros -St oyes, Tinware
• Hardware, ac
Experts in Hot Air and Bet Water fleeting and Plumbing..
anaddrees, dsolod ed b MOS WEENY
Stone missionar in the Northwest, i
In this department our stook ie complete, and we have nndonbtedly the best furter&
outfit in the county. Our prima are as low as the loweet., •
' • . • 4
BROADFOOT, BOX & CO.'. w;,-,,Lheird. le.Y•
P. 8. -Night and Sunday_ealli attended to by • calling at , X. W. Chidley'e, (Funera
' Direotor) residence ° ..
c 44'4 Ac.,LATII1
• •
. „ .
• e •
service, the choir ga,ve a beautiful sate the ballots burned. They were'burned .
an hem, and Madame Wall a solo, before the cloee Of the poll, and not after.. •
"I shall see Hilo face to face."- • SAMUEL BABB
WILLIS Cuturcu.-As the Rev A..1 Goderich township, Feb..19th. • • .
Grant, of St., Mary's Presbyterian ' • int antinrie coseasezars ma =YORE. • • •
church, was in Clinton and this neigh- ' This is to certify that I was at• polling
InStant Cot ph Cure
borhood in the interests of the Centtiry sub division No. 5, Goderioh townehip, and •
Fund,.the pastor, Rev J. Stewart, sup- that the ballots. spoken of were burped be. •
plied for luin in St Mar 's where the
• y fore the polls closed, and not after the close
people of, theStone-Oity-wete anxious or she pole
to hear Clinton's popular pastor • hie G '
sermons were apprecialeu. In Willis Goderioh township, Feb. 19th.
Though no signed statements are here
tended to by Rev Mr Acheson, of Kip- „artrom—Th
er Me James:Stevens or Mr
pen, and a thorightful, well -delivered K'Y
J. W. Yeo, both of those gentlemen are ot
discourse was given. In the evening ,the -game opinion as Messrs.Vburchill,,Nes-
Rev Mr Grant occupied the -pulpit, MIT hitt and Murphy, and that is that. the bal-
. delivered an interesting sermon,bis
text being.taken from Psalm 103 1112. It seems •to me that Ur Elford has
church the' morning service was at -
lots were destroyed before the polls closed.
Mr Grant is a deep. thinker, an
planed himself in a very unenviable •posi-
• •• his discourse in a clear, forcible and t. 4 I - t I t k at h
d .gave
ion, an . cer a n y inns as
earnest manner; he is a scholut. r.f he--
wit • ' '
Years eto.,
liverances, and the congregation was
bdraw his false statement.
ology, as wo.aoleitt ly seen from di4 •
W't r PtswE
Just arrived -A lot' of new style Bedroom Sete, Sideboardsand Tables, which
we.offer at very low prime. •. •
People Say that we show the fined patterns in Tapestry Curtains and Table
.Covers. ,Our 82.98 and $8. 97 Tapestry Curtaine are beautiee. Call arid see them. ° '
Pictures Framed ondShort Notice. • _...-• -
.J... H.,,..10}-1]Et it :1E1 W. 331 -ft -It
. . •
Montreal Cattle Market.
Montreal, Feb. 19. -There were • about
850 head of butcher's Cattle, 25 • °siva and
100 sheep and Jambs offered for sale at the
East End Abattoir to -day. The weather
about the °Otte yard was far from agree-
able. The.butchers turned out strong and
trade wits good, with higher prices preveil-
ing all round. The prices of cattle were
higher to -day than any former market
day this settson, quality considered. There
were very few prime
A pair of heifers, weighing 2,440 lbs, were
brought by a Shipper at 5o per lb. Over
1,000 head of cattle were shipped yesterday
from the etook yard destined for the Brite
fah markets. Pretty good cattle sold at
from 810 to 4ao per lb and the common
docket from 20 to 8ao per lb. The
etifves sold at from $8 to $10 each; only a
few brought over 55 each; 'Sheep sold at
from 8to to No per lb and lambs at from
4ao 52 per lb. ' FAO/togs sold at from 40
to go per Ib, weighed off the oars.
Wanteil.-Cholee roll butter 22o, &sit raw
Ans. choice fox, 0.64. We have a few mantles
to clear $10.00 ones for $5,00,-$5.00 for 52.50.
Also a few Fur lined Capes.
G. k. KING, Winahani.
t 111( n ft Meetings
St. Helens, Friday, Feb. 23.
ATTEBNOON Eitssto$4,1.80 ine_-Proper feed-
ing of Hoke, br. LooldiartiFrult,Varieties, Cul-
tivation, etis., A. W. Peart, B. A.; Agricultural
Education T. 4, Raynor, B. S. A.
EVENING SESSION, 7.80 p. m. -Tillage, T. G.
Raynor, B. S. A. Agricultural Education, A. W.
Peart, B. A.; Public Libaries, IL D. Cameron.
Auburn, Saturday, Feb. 24.
AvEgnstooN Flumes, 1.80 M. -Improving
an Impovished Farm, T, Raynor, B. S. A.;
Insects Injurionts., an Orchard and how to com-
bat them A. W. Peart, 13. A.; Soiling N. Kern-
ygan ; Fruit growing in Ontario, .T. llerigh.
EVENING SESSION, 7.30 p. in. -Leaks on the
Farm, A. 'W. Peart, 13, A.; Edlication of Farm.
ere Sons, Lochart,; Progressive .Agriculture,
T. G. Raynor, B. S. A.
Leeburn, Monday, Feb. 26
Aittentroos Swam, 1.00 p. m. -The General
Purpose Cow, R. Young,: Clover Culture, T. G.
Raynor, 13. 0. A.; Cultivation of Soil, A. W.
Peart, B. A.
EVENINO Szsgtos, 7.30 p, 0. A. O., T.
G./laynoral. S. A.; The•Farni r'o Friends and
Foes, B. 17r. Grant, LAgricultural Education, A.
W. Peart, B. A •
0 0. 0' Oo
A. sehool that offers advantages not found
tilieWhere in Canada. Large staff of expert'
initruetors; increased attendaneer,up.to.date
buSiftess training; seotes of students Dittoed
in geed Paling positions; students in attend -
Ono° Who apt:Mint/In ElauBs whi6h are lo -
ata other business d011agtla. They want the
befit. DaYelin the end. Ned term now open
Enter as seen es riessibits, 'Write to -day for
our bandSomeproopectua.'
W. Emott.Principal.
Sporting Notes.
The Seaforth curlers were victors in
the match against the Clinton rinks on
last Thursday afternoon, the result be-
ing 83 to 11.
A junior hockey team played the Sea -
forth teatn in that place on Saturday
evening last and met defeat by a score
of 5 to 3. The Clinton playerawere : R.
Bowers, F. Forrester, 0. Porter, 0.
Doherty.Brewe r 0. Shepherd, H.Brevver and
On Friday evening at 7.30 p.m. an in-
teresting hockey roach will be played
between the bacheloraand the benedicts
of the curling club. The band will be
in attendance.. The players • are: -
Bachelors: N,Fair,F.Fair,H.B.Combe,
T. Jackson, jr., McTaggart, A. Per -
ter R. Doan; Benedicts B. Gibbings,
W. P. Spaulding, S. Fair, W. Jackson,
Dr. Agnew,. Dr Shaw, E. M. McLean. ,
i Spaulding's rink won in the local
league, his rink having won. This
breaks up the league as helms won all.
Excitement ran nigh at times but be-
came hot on Wednesday evening when
the only one to defeat was Dr. Shaw's.
To lose it meant a tie with N. Parrs
for first place but%W.P.'s came out the
victors by 17 to 4. His rink can now
-crow over the other feiloWe.
The Clinton team had an easy vic-
tory -9 to 0 -over Kincardine in hock-
ey. The spectators at the match last
Thursday evening bubbled dyer with
enthusiasm when our boys defeated
the crack.Kincardine seven. They
were considered a milt team, having
defeated Goderich the week previous
by big score. Near the beginning of
the match Burley, Kincardine, was
struck by the puck in the optic, and
retired, necessitating six players it side.
The teams were: -Clinton- McRae,
Matheson, Doherty, Stephens, Forbee,
Forrester, Clat ridge; Kincardine -Sin
clair, McKenzie, Malcolm, Jennings,
Stewart, Burley, Secord.
Corrected every Thursday afternoon.
• Thursday, Feb. 22,1900. -
Vail Wheat 0 04 a 0 64
Cato 0 26 a 0 27.
Rye 0 40 a 0 45
Barley • 0 57 e .0 60
0 88 a 0-10
Flour per owt 1 75 a 2 00
Butter,loose 16-17,p'k'd 0 18 0 19
Eggs per dos 0 14 a 0 15
700 a 700
Sheepskine 0 50 a 0 75
No. 1 Green trim. hided 0 74 0 Si
Potetoefi, new . . . . 0 25 a 0 25
Chickens, per pair 0 80 a 0 40
0 25 e 0 00
Ducks, per peir
Getsge, per lb • 0 05 a 006
Tnrkeye, per lb ...... 0 08 a 0 00
Pork, live 4 00 a 4 00
Pork, dressed 6 00 a 5 25
Dried apples per 0 05 0 05
Bran, per ton 14 00 a 14 00
• Shorts, per 00 a 16 CO
. ;` The kilt remedy for ,ogughe, colds, and bronchitis. Cures.' where
other remedies fail: Large 'die bottle, 25o , • • , -
Ho• ve 3,9s Emulsion iti prepared from the finest Norwegian Cod Liver
0. ''' , Oil and pure Glycerine,. with fire graips of
Ilypophorphites in etteh tablespoonful. • Agreeable to take. Easily digested.
.Proppuriced by the many who have used it as the best preparation of Cod Liver
. Oil on the market. 500 per id oi•bott.e ,
J. E. , HO VEY. : . Dispensing Chemist, Clinton
•• ''. ... .
• . . •
4-e-v-4-y-44-y-www-toppi-ppt-**?Peof-** ALY-444-44-44.4444-*****-wwfs444*
delighted. Towards the conclusion f E.TAU EY,
Scrutineer No. 5poll.
hitt sermon, he clearly. presented the
- • •
Dobt”ry Eund, 'which he....bryl come. to ITIATallrille, 196b• " "- 'TWO _A..
i is c u Go o, a ing exp eine.
to the people of Kippert this subject in
the moeniug. The amount aimed at
for the Century Fund is one million
dollars, an consists of two parts -one
known as he 'common 'fund for the
of six hun red thousand dollars, tote
missionary, educational and benevo-
lent work of the chitre , and the other
part of four hundted t ougand for•dis- •
charging of debts on c urch property.
It was expected that Willis church
would give a hearty response financial.
ly, and it has, having subscribed the
,subscriptitins, and this. large um, will
sum of $1,065 already for the fund.
A committee will also receivefather
therefore be increased, and. perhaps
run over $1,500. There are only a few
churches outside of the city that will
equal this. They have done nobly, -
Miss Janet Wilson took the subject at
the Christian Endeavor on Monday
evening, it being,on Missions in Corea.
• liettele and Lot for Sale.
A good Storey and a half tram 114Mo, on
Maple St. The ltd ontaitis tnientiarter sore;
anu thereto a, EOM Stald0 ain the premise&
Apply to THOS.ItOBERTSON. 2 ins
Letter from Mr. Stanley.
Re West Huron 13yeaElection.
2'o the Met )r of tee New Era:
Sze, -For reasons beet known to himself,
Mr Herbert Elford, wiia was • deputy re-
turning -officer at polling sub -division No.
5, in the Hotraes-MOLeart bye -election,
has, after many nionth0, rushed into print
with what he calls a statement of the case.
We are at a lose to understand why he has
taken this course at this late hour, but
would let that pass if he had not etated
what is not true.- In order to 'give the
public his version, and the true one, I
would ask yen to first jiublish Elford'
letter, as it appeared in last' week's New
Era :
Dear Sir. -Ever since this case was
before the public, various rumors have
been circulated eeneerning alleged
irregularities at pollin,5-sub.division
No. 5, Gcderich township, at which
804N. - •• ,
.EAGLESO.N.-In Aberdeen South Dakota, IA -Few Ideas •
A, Big SEap
on Feb. 15th, the wife of Wilson Eag'eson (for-
morly Miss Atargaret MoRenzioYota son. •
• CAMPBELL. -In bruceiteld, on Bab. Stiktlie •
wife of Daniel Campbell,.of a son, ,
WALKER -In Tuckeramith, Feb. ioth,:the
if f k , •
SEELEY.-In Clinton, cti. Feb. 23th, the wife
of Albeit Seeley, of.a son.
WALTRR4.-INTuok ersmith, on Feb. 155h,
the wife of &URA. Waltera, ors daughter,
• HOWITT.-In East Virawanosh. on February
. ovErte.ATs.
or Big'
ik ern The time is now hereorwhen we have to•
MI& think aboutpreparingl the cold whiter which
is Just to hand; We have a lino of Frieze Over*.
10th, the wife of Mr James Howitt, of a son. .
MARTDT Goderioh on Jan 20th. the
f f J h
e o r. chat an W. Martin ..f-.. aon.
DILL0-433 Seaterth, on Feb, 101h, the wife
of Mr Peter Dill, ota son.
• SPEIRAN.-In. Grey, on Feb. 4th, the wife of
Mr George E. Speiran, of s eon. .
ADAMS -In Hullett lin Fb ith, the Wife
of Mr,Henry Adams, of aeon.
STEVENS0b1:-111 Flinn, on Feb. Gth, the
wife of A.ndrow Stevenson, of a son.;
• BARE8.-In Grer, on Feb. 11tb, the wife of
Mr. J. Hi Bs er. o a son
TALOR-WATSON.-On February 14th, by
Rev Mr 'Peahen, of Myth, Mrs Robert Wat-
son, of Hallett, to Mr m. Taylor, of Morri.
COLLfE.ttill.OUGHON.-By B. Mor-
row, on Jan. 3185, Mr John Collie, G. T. 11.
agent at Alma. (formerly of Mamie) to Miss
Brouhton, of Parker, near Alma,
' WALLEY-MUMS-At Nelson, B.0., on
January Mat, by Bev j.11tobson, B. A, Mr' F.
IT. Whalley, formerly of Ingersoll. to Miss
Dorothy J . daughter of Mr R. Elliott, of the
Ingersoll Chronical and sister of Editor Elliott
Of the Wingham times. . •
SIPERTAN-MoNAY.--/it Mitohelt on Fele
7th, by Rev R. Whiting, HA., Mr, 'Samuel
Serian, of Udney, Ontario, Co., to Miss Nellie
MoNay, of Mitehell.
MciaILLAN - PEIRCE-In the Catholic
Church Mitchell. by Re. Father Downey, Mr
Daniel McMillan near Rensall to Maggie,
daughter of Mr 'hairy eirce, of Illttehell.
OLLAIID-BROVitN.-At the residenee of
She bride's patnts, Blyth. on February 1451).
by Rev WM. Penhall, Mr. John J. Pollard, of
McRillop, to Maggie A., second daughter. of
Mr Wm Brown,
lace I Was deputy returning officer. MURDIE-SOIYTHERLAND.-At the Tee.
aros, I ask yoou to publish the fllow- 1151), Mr Wm. Mur ie,. hardware merchant,
ing ;
July 8th, 1809,in ita regt of West Huron Aim- SPOTTON-OATHERS.-At the residenoe of
fn order to show how these rumors ' derma of the bride's8parents, Seaforth, on Feb.
. Seaforth, to Miss 4 Mary Southerland, oldest
Extract from Ottawa Evening Journal of daughter of Mr Alexander Southerland.
tion investigation:-• 0 first witness was the bride's parants, Hetrick en January plat,
William Stanley, of, Holmesville, who was a Mr Wm..T. Spotter's to bliss , sr ot s a .
conservative scrutineer at a poll where Mt 1381- LAIDLAW-BLACK.-:On San litat, Ly Rev
lots were found in the box, thou%h only 150Fr- F. J. piston, Ph. V(, at the reeidene° of the
tons had voted. He testified tha when at n- bride father Mr James Lah law, of Morris,
on out and destroyed. ot East Wawaosh.
As a matter of fact there were no McI,AftEN-VICKERS.-In Mitchell, on Yob.
irregularities at this poll, so far as 7th, by Rev R. 'Whiting, B.A., Mt Frederick G.
polling was concerned,as those present lotiozttote Toronto, to Miss Martha Vickers,
can testify.. In counting over the
ballots before the poll commenced,
I found there were /57, though the bartroneaneCedorgreyne,aosniVebruary Kat. Eiza-
package was niarked 150. I called the
attention of those present to the cir- LIT PLE-In Titokersmith, on Feb. 1251),
eumettinee, and it was decided to leave Mai now Little aged 75yeara.
their, on the package till the dose of IvaY.--In Wtawanoih, on gab, 40, Frank
the poll, in case any were spoilt, and 35itttArA?1,/rt.„h. gatli, Eno ji‘,. eon or
we might: need the extra ones. They 28 doe. Ryan, aged 24 year, 8 ItiOntha and.
were not, required and were not need
in any way and at the close of the poll, MADGE -In tJaborne, on Feb. lath. Roy
on my sugffestion were buned so %Pletcher, son of Mr and Mrs Sandell Madge,
With the actual, number Of ballot pap- BLOOMFIELD.-In Brussels,. Ott fob, 1st,
ion was called. to thili seven ballots weie k- to Miss Mary, daughter of Mr Thomas Black
• that toy ba ot sheet would correspond Q047 Year°, 6 man th° and 2"Y°'
re This was done with the ICI Mr.e.lelen. Bloomfield. aged 71 Years,
ledge and concurrence of all pesent, Turnberry,'. tot, Feb. 10th,
John W. Walker aged G4 yea' Arida enthe.
who were Messrs. C. Neabitt,t Church- ,. jugitER_xtt irmois nth. fur.
ill, W. Stan1e3r, W. Murhy,/ Steven
risen Brueo isen of Mr mid tire George Booker
and 3. W. Yeo-IIER EDT ',ILOR, aged 11 Year's, 3 menthe Mid IG days.
/f Mr 'Mord had wig a NItitiot behohonreeet. 0.altDIPP,--Til Morrie, on, Feb. Oth, Millard
about the matter he wontd Brio Cardift, spine years and 4 attys.°
traduced what any newspaper sid, but wReferef4.-re oolberne, on Feb. nth, Anue
which is the oftioial record of all the trans. and 1,
aye taken my evidence from 1/ Itobb, rellet of thelate !leery E. Wells it .
anaar t tire of Ayrshire Scotlnd, age ea ers,
months an 4 5,
We have a lot of 44 inch lin-
dershins which are all itrat.
clam good% but larger it an
most people rtquire. We will
clear them out At peices as
$1:0 Ones,per suit,for $1.15
2.09 • " • •" 1.40
Every business
transaction Is weigh
ed by the standard
aTo the farmer and
. tdiaontrImmusant otftbeirsqUsMi
Will it pay me to buy
a Cream Separator?
• Undoubtedly it will
if you have four or
more cows there is
not a machine on
your farm that will
. • yield such handignae,
rettirnsfor the money
invested as a Sharp.
les Cream Separator.
It will enable you to
make m: re and bet-
ter butter. To tufa
better calves than can bo done with ordinary
skint milk. It will save you ice tinte and lbor.
A mainline that makes money for your
neighbor ought to make money for you.
Mr Adam Weir,of Hallett, says-Wegot 25A,
more oretunithan we did by the old prices and
the quality is superior.
Mr W.N. Cunningham, snye-Wo testedthe
Sfoennparastor _againt the setting system and
gain in favor of the Separator of tally
Messrs Snowden tiro, of Bayfield.say-The
Sharpies Cream •Separater is easily operat-
ed. skim( clean and saves time and labor. We
now make marc butterand of su crier qual-
ity to that produced by the setting aystem.
Jacob Wagner. says.. -The Sharpies is so sim-
ple in construction and so easy to clean and
operate that 1107 1100 cairmanage it. lt 111 a
clean skimmer' an rilacithe Owed warm milk
excellent for ouslvea and pigs
lst -That the Sharoles Separators Droduce
cream unequalled in quaint,.
and-Tht they will get more butter out (4 the
milk than oan otherwise be obtained,
Ord -That in durability and light cost of re-
pairs theyhave no chaos cinenel Rot.
4th -That in ease of mnagement, simplicity
anddurability. they excel.
Oth-Thatthey have greater actual eatoseity
in ssroportion to first cost than any other.
Gth-That their record in aotual US8 has prow
on theist the sisfeat ()fall cream separators,
Any farmer in Ravin County pan arrange
for It free trial of any dour Dairy steed mark.
tors. The Machine will be loaned free of cost •
for the purpose of a trial, and there will be no
obligation Whatever to buy or keep it. if it is
not alttlafaetore in every particular, or fes to
prove its duperiority aver,' minutia). over
antoompeting machine.
write or call for descriptive oistalOgne.
, W. IL H. Iistul 134parator 300 pound.pci
I, No. itisfety Rand SeparetOr potinds por
-6114e214gitigPirid Separator COO petunia per
hour ottriaeity, 133.
W. 0111WIErriga
keideaboro, Ont,
oco.t,. double breaste. with large storm collar_
which would be exceptionaLy heavy oven iL
I hey were made in the moat way, but those arty
male doablY 'Warm by Ming them down to the(
waist with the heavy frieze that tho outside is
made of. We are not always talking se if our
'oda were tho cheapest in the world, but we
do Amy that this is the best coat in the trade for
the money, and those who have seen it say It
would not be dear at $10. The price its $8 while
they lat, A 'Inc of back and blue 'nevem,
double breasted or ily front, with velvet collar
and quilt linings at 38. A better line at $10 A
nice dressy coatmade elitist curly cloth at $9.
A better curl, with corded edges, velvet collar
and best farmers satin lining, a:$12. unmans,
with or without bib, from 500 per pair WO.
.A. little early perhaps to
talk about thin, but a good.
inany people who like to keep
well up with their work buy
early and have their sewing-
by the time the spring
work commences.
It will pay you to buy
early this year. Goods now
in stock were bought at old
prices later purchases will,cost
m o e
Prints—Heavy weights, dark
colors, good patterns 10c.
'Ve! goods,. fast
C.onit tooine ftsdkienss—oreittoob2atew.e e d.
Dressgoods-Special value,itt
plain and fanoy blacks,
Overcoats—Still a few of the
heavy ulsters, the $7 50 sort
.for $5.00.
Have yon Ina pail of our Bee Brand
,,Ayrup. We have now received our third
Aliment snide the lst of February.
Your neighbors say it is the best they
ever used. You'll say the same. Price
$1.25 for s pail of 26 pounds,
We are plying 6 little make than you can
AOt deewhere for ehhica non Butter. If
you melte a pea Mg* you may ss ° • ,
have the highest price. Bring it to wt.
W. O• lLitlietter
The Cash Dealer