HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-02-23, Page 1;
• -I
RtheellOSOOnd thet NOW Era tO
; year frionthi.
iereternitain sem.
ROBIttiT IfOrataa, Publisher,
. ,
You Will
Lire a 'complete stook
0? Wetehee, Cheese, Jewelry,
Silverweke, Cutlery, China.
Speeteeles, and all Mode of
email nove1tio in AhenY and
8te'ling Su/sr, Out Steel, Side
Combo, Purses, Fan, Eta, in
laot you will And everything
7 here that is to be found. in a
tiretsilase lame*, tame, •
all ertioles bought here
free Of charge. and as we expo()
06, lotef tine kind Of work to do,
we -would ask you to sated your
articles and let us know the en.
greying you would like on them
as moon as posoible, AS it will
slave ne a lot of trouble, &nave
will be able todo a nicer job
for you.
All articles Wight here
engraved free ofeherge. -
When will you be ?.
. Talc Hae..ea Boann.-The Board o
, Health, of Stanley, met on Saturday,
Feb. 17th, at the call of the chairman
to consider what couree to pursue in
connection with a case of euppoeed
small -pox, at Mr Tornlineon's, on leni.
don road, -Much to the eatisfaction of
the board, the medical health officer,
Dr. Armstrong, handed in a statement
that the case lo question had tinned
out to be chicken -pox, and he was
given Iibeity totake clown the placer&
at his own discretion..
,Noaers.-:-The Presbyterians haVe
cured the services of Rev D. B. Merfih,
of Hamilton, to give 8. temperance
leeture in their church, on Wedneaday
evening. February 28th; he will bean.
col:vented by Atties Lydia_ Dello?,
elocutionist; a graduate of Detroit
siChool of oratory; Mr Marsh halo visit,
ed the slums of Some of the large
American cities, and is Mite to give a
vivid description of ,what -saw of
the evils Of intemperance ; Miss Duffus
. hes the reputation of beipg one of the
best elocutionists in Absence, and it
was by a very fortunate chance that
her eervices Were secured. Mr Moore.
agent G. T. R. at Bruceileld, preached
two very geed sermons in the Presby-
terian church here last Sabbath. Rev
Me Andrewe wee. ne of the speakers
at the tea -meeting in Hi agree°
church, on Monday evening test. A.
edeKenzie, of Lucknow, is this._ week
visiting friends and acquaintances in
this point, he purposes goingto Sault
St. Marie in the Sipping. John Baird,
' who vent the last two menthe,:itt
home with his parents, left on Thum-
• day. for Rat 'Portage, where he has
work oil the C. P. R. Alex. Innes has
ExpertWatchRepairer secured a quantity of square timber,
And Optician .preporatoey, to building another barn,
to replace the one destroyed last year
by lightning. 8. Glen is putting
, stone basement ender his barn; John
sWInghant. Thompson, a Blake, is doing the
- -homer, ,To. Ititarans. The Official maven work; Wm. Clients also build-
_Boaid of Wingbarri Methodist church ing a basement under hie. We are
wet on Trionlay evening. The finances Pleased to hear that Wm. Clarke, who
Were never in batter shame and the has been seriously ill, is recovering..
*officials; feel Ceotented and ebnildent. Mrit Wm: 'Clarke, se, and Miss Rachel
The following, reeolution Wat carried Beatty, of Varna, attended the funeral
sniabinsonslp-That tine Board recog, of the feroser's sister. rare Charles
whew the blesshez of God resting upon Ditween, of Pontiac. Frank Johnston,
the labors of our pastor, Rev. R. Of Dakota', is at Present visiting friends
ilohhe,ae eieen in the quickening of the in this vicinity. Mies Lucinda Reid,
church, hammed membership. as well who has been visiting friends in Sea-
. ,a more encouraging ,condition of forth, has returned home. Mr and
he finances that formerla obtained, Mrs R. Woods. of St. Helens, who
" We also desire to express' .our appre. have been renewing acquaintances in
'dation of our pastor's diligent pastoral this vicinity; returned home. We are
work arra ammtrou to the aster's pleased to hear of the recovery of Geo_
workaind his earnest,fearlese andfaith. Sanderson of Saalfeld..
ful presentation of the Truth. We .
herewith extend to bini a cordial invit- . •' • • ninth.
otron to return to us a second year, lemma -Mr and Mrs Sohn Walker.of
, .
trustiow that widows may continue. to -Goderich, spent one day last . week
rest upon c his ',labors, and that . the with relatives here. Mrs.,Honwell, of
Divine blessing may continue to abide Detroit, and Mrs las. Chesney, of Kip.
Amon the elturch..upoll Mor patitor and
his este r. ,a : I teen, visited friends here last week. Mr
rt Taylor, of Hippen. •epent a few
NorEe.- P. Paulin" and Walter days last week with his brother here.
sae -4W the isingen..conterence Mr David- -Lindsay. of GOaeriali fownn
Ep ague Convention on Tues. ship, called on friends here on Sunday
day a Vtredriesday in Stratford. Mrs last. A sleigh load ot young people
Alexander Oitter, of Colorado, is the from this vicinity spent Monday even.
Vleet' of her mother, Mrs Gilmor int; veryplessantly at the lime of Mr
Braith,Town Plot, after an absence ot Townseod, of Tuckeramith.• Wed -
nine years.. The W. 0, T. U. is haying cling belle are ringing in our vicinity
.a subscription circulated in aid of the this week. Mr N. Carter and his sister
India Famine' sufferers the need is called on friends in Londesboro one
argent, as a terrible famine is causing day last week: Mr Win. Suthers and
oreateeiffering. TheBishod of Huron sister Goethe who have been spending
will be in Winghain for Confirmation a month With relatives here, returned
on Wednesday, April 4th. Mrs W. T. to their home in;sPakota last week.
Chapman was in Brantford last week Missionary sermons will be preached,
attending the funeral pf her sister -in- on Sunday morning next by Rev. Mr
law, Mrs Cowherd. Dr Agnew, Wine. Copeland. of Londesboro. airs Geo.
hernia new physician, is now perman. Dale is now fast. iMproYing in health,
*telly establishedin his suite of rooms a fact her Weeds will be glad to know.
in the Stone Bleck, over J. Dean's
..EDDING.--otie of the most pleas -
flour and feed store. The painters ant events that has taken place at
have Made a greatimProvement the Alma for some time, occurred last
'interior of M. H. lidandoo's Store. The Wednesday evening, when Mieirat bele
• auniversary services of the Presbyter- E. Stevens was married to j. Franklin'
Ian church were held on Sunday last. Taylor. Exactly at 'Pie o'clock, to the
Geo. Shear, of Wingharn,cleared 01,000 strains ohthe "Wddding Belle march,
in eight months in tbe North West. and in tliejoresence of a large con -
During that time he only worked two course of friends and relatives,- Mr
.clays. Ile made his Money by specula- • Brock, brother-in-law of the bride,
gave her away. After the ceremony,'
which was performed by Rey B. Ole.
Nile. ment, ()Manton, the questa, to the
(Intended for Ian week.) number of fifty, sat down to a rich' re -
Nos. -Miss Mary Young, of Kin- Past of nature's bounties. GaMea and.
were indulged in until the wee
lough, is vielting friends here. Parties music
are the order of the day Mrs Lewis emit' hours, when the guests seperated
for their honoes, having hada very
Taylor entertained a number of friends
on Friday evening list ; Mrs Grum- pleasant evening, and wishing the
Venue couple a long and happy life.
'nett on Monday eV -Wand Miss Mable
From a distance there were present
,Bailie 'no Wednesday evening' ; the
friends from Nippon. and Michigan.
onembere Of the Orchestra spent a most
The presents were bumerous, and
-•enjoyaltle time at the home of Mr jos,
evidenced the high_esteetaain-mthich
• Huthetingtiiii 1111 .,Monclay evening.,
young collide is held.
lase The WomeWo. Missionary Jaw -
ciety intalijapldinye anentertaintrent
and eocitihnti 'tlie'22ud. Outside and
local talent will take part
thAdne.-Ou Tuesdny evening neat.
patriatio entertainment wilt be held
• tinder the auspices of the Epwortn
League: Everybody welcome. .
• ' 'Artie* 11111% •
NOThe.-Mrs A. McDonald and her
40,vighter are under the dOctor's caro.-
j.B.MODonald has been in poem health
some time, but is soraewhat
'koving. T. S, flatlet has disoosed. of
two tine horses 'lately at a good figure
and else bought a fine colt from D.
chembere, ;futon Road.„
Whit the children say; grown
up children my the SAMS thing. We have
setteel gnee of Breakfast Oareale, kola,
ing Swiss Food, Pettijohn's Witsat,Quaker
oak, Relied Barley, Whist and-Oate, but
the itieet popular brand is.
Fair's Renowned
Breakfast Food.....signow
V It will make you gled- you are living to
order a paokege of the popular food and
have k for brsakfelt.
patnelego, Extra good velue,8 lb* for 28o
gem you ever tried It/CE FLAKES,
vritatElli BEANO or nano pus.
Thele' vousttMentifestursd by removing
the hulls or skins of the poi and beets in
their norm' dye and rim condition, and Coupland, of Londemboro, will preach
ere then drawn to thin Atka By this misolonmy Serthens in Turner's. '
trey of manufacturing it dose not destroy church ; Mr Thomson will be at Lon&
• &lot, nutriment And strength of the **bort). At the Epworth teegue, lest
and boos; beside" reaming the time Sunday evening, an interesting di-
ng *0 io 8 minutes etIsSiOn on the liquor question was
held. There was 4 gathering of Young
otgas coopot it co, people at Frank 0rIelee, on Wednes-
day evening; pleasant time is re -
Th* Oash Groan, petted, We are glad to know that;
phone* 4 Cosa forted** and Meg Mr* whtte is filmed entirely well.
St, Helens
New.s.-Miss Maud Wilson, Goder
fele, was the guest of ,her sister, Miss
thie week, It A. Miller has
returned from Toronto, after a month's
vacation. This Misses Gordon are at
preetent visiting their brother, Dr. Gor-
don, of Lucknow. Miss Cumming, of
Brandon. Man.,. left this week forTees•
water, after visiting' friends here, W.
G. Hetherington, Souris. Mao,, is the _
guest of his sisteritelaw, Mrs Hether-
ington, Misses Stinted and Andrews -
and Mesirs Isaac and Rob. Miller, God.
etich, spent a few days recently with
Mrs Miller. Mrs Mutdoeh is at present
visiting her parents at Auburn. V.
McDonald, of Goderich Collegiate In-
stitute, recently visited at W. E. 'or -
don's. Bev EL M. Whaley preached in
the Ltickhow Presbyterian church on
hIliof Ford e eveningSahbath " t "
y e, was e goes of Mist
* Clark on Sabbath. Rev S. M. Whaley
held cottage prayer meeting at the
home of Mrs McGuire on the lfith,
when the rite- of baptism was per-
formed. The Partners' Inetituth meet
in the town ball here On Friday, Feb.
23rd. T. Sanders had a sale of stock,
iniplements, etc., last Week; Mr San -
dere and family purpose leaving next
month for Menitoba, where he has
bought *ferns.
NOTE/1.-41W E, Vitaltere,of London,
is visiting her sister,. Mrs W. Plevres,
Mis Thorneon, of Goderich, spent Sun- ,
day here. Mr Iloimee of Clinton vis -
ted friendebere on Sunday. Mr Addi-
eon johns called on . Bayfield Mende
s wee , ext Sunday Rev T. P.
The News of the Neighborhood
The but tweiltosi
In thIS settles,
321 per year In 0:ranee. •
st..eu when not so PsL
.$61pnifed by New HOOP* Witievawalke sod tellable eorreOPONfients
VIVO. ,ets.e.s..e44-.4-444+494,
01 IntOest
• To Farmers •
Hooktm-Our town now has a
hockey club and Is prepared to receive
challenges. The club was °rem:need
bet week with the followitig °theory:*
Patron and petronese,Mr and Aire Jae,
kicMurchie t hon. president. Dr. Tait;
president, Mr G. H. Bennett ; vice -pre-,
Mont, °Amt. H. Ton Rance; capt, Dr. •
4444‘164431444144444414114 IBIttrett_,* managing committee. Dr.
Verna weetnem, Cooke Mr johb Barrett and Mr D. Ja.•
OW -Wad f4oettero --The Annual instal. g
31-*****Pf -hJetuf it-Y-4Y-V4Pith Cooke ; secretarytreaeurer, Ur John
!Wawa AND PaltenNivertoN -On NOTItees-Mrs a. Hooyer. sr , who has I "Ricgtr_1411. wm„ Shane, who spent
tattoo of Officer's of the Orangere Wok. Friclay evening a number at the been living with her daughter, Mai
place here Monday evening, - .
sad a Members and adherent's- of St John'e F I f N b id '
ow er Q ew r ge is at present ' the let five monthe whts his daugdhtetr,
imolai in the Foreiaters' hail, Sinn:thee+ •e, veryhighly comPlimentary address Myth, spent Sunday cinder the narent- ...No,. Belfry, accompanied' him end
music and nepread were the order of 1.1ind o purse of money in reeegnition al roof. Mrs Welsh, of fleAgrave, ls will arena two or three week(' with
the chair very ably, Messrs TheMson• -past year,
the evening. Humphrey Buell filled 1 for her services as organist during the staying with her sister, Mrs S. K. myth friends, Messrs, Harry and
Mai_s Weeks was complete- Mc011uton. Mini H. Stattehliuse, Arise
in rendering "Soldiere of the Queen "• of Londesboro, were patticuiarlY gee. 1 ly, taken brifurprieo, but made a very 8. Fothergill, Mrs Wm. °Howitt• and a
Miss, Cummings, of Blyth, entertained
, 1 suitable reply thanking her many large number of others are ill with the• ,Geeep Kelly left last week for lilissis-
kind Mends very much for their measles, Mrs Dr. Hutchison,of Stelae,- ander.
inpdpei r, v70 :Be :I, vt iheey, 8 p ehn at vse f es vpurchaseddayewi t ha ,
timber limit and saw mill. H. Alex -
splendid time Was apt, there being church waited on their organist. Mies vielting amourelativee thie neigh. Myth on Thursday evening looking
, ,
Mre elfry, at Montreal, returne o
about 40 present. he occasion Was et Lottie Week!, and presented her veith boyhood. Miss Annie Baohanan, of the hest of health. Tale grandson, Mr
with ati• _instrumental, and Messre liberal gift T evening • Was Mrs W. R. oerr, Of Kirktoreand Mrs town. Misses Lottle and
Crawford end Braithwaite gave
musical selections,. The evening was spent in social chat, games and Hiles, of Kincerdine,attended the fun:, same Bentley
'well had a good Beaty s ent Sunday with 1
• •-..• We would would mil, attention to- our
Condition; Powder it is prepared by
no from the formula. o Asian and
Wileon, and is intended for the
'building up of any Hoek for Pattioti
them condition for pale, It in.
cream the appetite and erednato
'parfait digestion. Ford:ores*, cat-
tle, sheep or holm ilia • flesh pro -
dam, Bola in 1 packages or
5 for *1. It has been used vrith
greet success as the enraerpos teen.
nioniols we'have testify.
Phone' 0 • Drug Store
tirmi. Miss Rachel oral of the r '
, friends in Turnbe ry. Miss Todd, of 444+:-.44+44•••••••••••44-01.44-.444
spent -and all retired to sneir 10i•
and Mrs Clark, Br.,has gene to Pontiac, day last. The c'anAd
cert given in the Walkerton, formerly head milliner for •
homes well pieased. Mich -limn, to Wend, the funeral of school house on Monday nightOven
NOTES. -4110E1 Edna Allen spent a • Mrs Dawson, Mrs Clark's sister. A by a crowd hoof Myth proved to be a
Mailmen -Jo Co.,•is spending a few
few days at home last week and partof number of our sports took in the skat., years ago. He manufactures the mime
this week, and returned to . her situ- ing carnival et Seatorth on Monday Daean,-The people °fails cianinun- •
aamPlete failure. ' •natre in town, renewing old acauaint-
ances; she hinds a fine itosition in the article for sale; he travels the same
etion on-Tueeday. .The annual meet- night, lest ind report a good time.
ing of the Ifu1ltt n 0 e Bible ANOTEEES VICTORY -On Friday of
on Monday evening ; the attendance
society Was held in Knox church here, jest week the scotch dreie of s. 8. No.
10, Stanley, won a brilliant victory
Woe very good; addresses were given Over the Enniskillen Dragoons of No.0;
by Rev.* Plows. Hamilton and Coup -
mod ; the report showed that about desired,'Vr rna.;1,Tnehdae.ic wasajallinedi 01 nnt hiclb:nae tOnULdrib
rivewnetroathEaelsweodikhoeereihieasst, aYpea.r'Rand , oawkintsucoese. The teams were very
and the U. Q. B. S.; It. Et Webb was
Bowcock. and the other Were re-elect- sounded . by
the referee both teams
appointed a director, in place of R. astt.bedivrIvehniclohebs, whistle
ed. Mr Boyle, of Toronto, was in the rushed into action with the determine -
village on Thursday. O. •Meyer, of tion of true born Britons. But hardly
London, is here again this week, ship- had the fight begun than a terrific wi-
ping. mesa ...here WAS anuell elaught was made hy the Righlandefs
party at T. Hill, -Wednesday that might have proved fatal to the
night; they spent a leaeant time
until the small how's 41" eusKa the able squares of Enniskilleners who
- enemy had it not been for the immov-
aPproachiug day. ['he school arbitra-
tion committee oete here, Hill's hale heat oft the attack,- This narrow ea -
gathered faithfully round their goal to
ainTheiredey and F. iday, but minuet
give the result of. their deliberations care seethed, to ,tesuscitatiC the Ennis-
ki lenera,who by their undaunted color.
until later. a-- The saw -mill ia doing a age and • beating succeeded for some
booming buisiness at present. There r
t ine in holding the kopjes. However,
was.great mimic in the village over the the persistent efforts of the cote
news of the relief of Ladysmith, on ,Gray forwardswere more than a match
Wednesday --belle ringing, acc. fertile Wiley defence schemes of the
Dragoons; and before half, tune the.
lit tad battle was apparently won by the
Caramel.- Rev.' Mr Grant, of St. Greys. With the change of goale the
Marys, preached- in the Rambyterian pentaip energies of the Highlanders.
church here on morning n were let loose and seizing the oppor-
the interests of the Twen th Century tunny when the strength of their op -
Fund, and Rev. S. A.cheso tippen, ponents.seemed to flag by several des.
took charge of the service in the even- perate ' effort& on fronb and flank,
leg. Rey. E.11. Sewers conducted an- twice passed the ball between the goal
nivereary services at Flillegreen on Sate posts. The whistle blew, the yictory
bath last,. Last Sunday was missi on, ties won, the score 3 to 0 in favor of
ary Sunday at the Methodist church the Gre3r.s.
• . , who as been or
some time Visiting his parents and
friends here, returns this week to Rat
Portage. Ged."-Turner, Who has been
in Red Bay inspecting his lumber
claims, has returned home. Miss K.
McFarlane. of Bruce comity, is here at
present getting a clan tor fine arts. C.
Kennedy, of Seaforth, was in town
last Tuesday.' The many friends of
Mrs G. Baird, sr., will be pleased to
know that she is improving in health
Me Postelwaite has purchased' the
°leeway Reuse and property on which
it is situated from W. Scott. Miss E.
Ross, of Wingham, visiting at the
home of her brother, J Ross. Wm.
McMillen has moved iota • his new
housaand is a One two-story brick
structure. R. Graham will move to
Clinton in May, where be will take
charge of the hotel now occupied by
Mr Dowson. S. Reid has purchased B.
A Higgin's house in Varna, where he
will move shortly; his son, John Reid
will tate the farrn. ILMouteith had a
wood -bee on Thursday last; he had the
misfortune to cut his foot while ch.ops
Ping; they had a dance in the evening,
•at which the young people enjoyed
themseives, A. McKenzie, Lucknow,
is visiting at the home of her auta,Mrs
Baird. Win. Bairda, school football'
club played the Varnaechool on kriday
last, resulting in a victory for Baird's
'Whore; the score being 3 to a
OMMOK.-Rev. E. Smith gave his
last lecture, preparatory no confirma-
tion on Sunday evening Iasi; on ac-
count of illness His Lordship, the Bite
bop of Huron, will not be able to bold
Confirmation services next. Seedity,
hob maY. We hope, be able in a shbi t
there. The Wenien'a Auxiliary held West Wawanosh•
their weekly meeting at the home of Cortrunr.-Met according to arliourto.
Inre•Brownlee on Thursday last. went, membets all present, Reeve in
Nosns.- Mr and Mrs j. Lindsay the chair,minutes of last meeting read
spent Sunday fast at Vir.jenkins, Mak* and approved, Treasurer's statement
land con. A. 11. Plummer, of Blyth; showed a balance on hand of 11112.70,
was a caller in the village on Monday received and filed. Trustees of S.. S.
Wt. A. steighload of young people applied to have debentures issued for
from thia vicinity 'vent a very enjoy- 111270 for a new 'school house -payable
able time on Monday evening last at in three years-srequest granted on
Mr McMichiterst near Seaforth. Eph, motion of Taylor and Thompson. j.
Butt had the misfortune to lose one of H. Taylor was appointed collector for
his bed homes last week. We are 1000. The auditing report was present -
pleased' to State that It. Repeon hem ed and accepted on motion of McQuil-
improved considerably; we hope to lin and. Taylor. Fence viewer'', pound -
hear soon of his complete recovery. keepers and pathinasters,were appoint.
ElOCIA.L.- The Boatel given by the ea for 1000•woo will he notified accord'
ladies of the congregation at the home ingly. iThe services ofii township sol.
(+fair Robt. Miller on Thursday even,. icttor was done away with on motion
log of lad week VOSS a 'gleeful& .00 se. of Taylor tina McCluillin. The follow.
coda of the inclement Weather the Ing cheeks were issued, John 'Worlds
crowd was not as large AN would Leave' and damage, #4.26 rdra Cartin•
otherwise have been. After all had II, gravel and cedar, e8.37; iits. Sohn -
enjoyed thenseelves for a couple of eton and John Webster, services as
hours at crokin cheradee, ete., all auditors, 87.00 eitch ; Mre Oullie,gtavel
eat down to a fine supper prepared by account,$I.40; Thos. Toad, grayel, SUL
• Goderich. Township.
ENTESTAINNENT.--LOng before the
Bine had *Mead for cOnornehcing the
program, the school was crowded. to
the doors; the program was first-class;
Mr Lawrence was chairman, and.filled
the position ably. We are much in-
debted to the Clinton frieyids who as-
• sisted with the program; Robt. Downs'
comic smogs were applaudedLagain and
again. We congratulate teacher and
pupils dn their success. Proceeds
amounted to $21. '
NOTES. -A. daughter of Jahn Puidue
(of Lucknow,) is sick with congestion
of the lung's, at Wm. Smith's, con. 14.
HenryCook and Mrs Peter Cook_have
been visiting at John 0. Elliott's. Mr
and Mee Alex. Welsh, Bayfield line,
celebrated their china wedding on
Monday; about forty of their friends
gathered and spent a most enjoyable
time. The Epworth League at Cole's
lastSunclay evening was very interest-
ing, James Welke, Bayfield, gave an
address on temperance, and his niece,
Miss McKenzie, read a shore paper.
Mho Torrence, Hay Tovenship, was
the guest of Miss -Hattie Middleton
last week, Wm. Cole, con. 9, disposed
of a valuable horse laSb week at a good
figure. Rev, Mr Andrewe, Varna, will
preach a missionary sermon in Cole's
church next Sunday at 230 von. Miss
Halter, Hay township, is visiting rel.-
atives on con. 7. The confirme,ticn
class at Middleton's have added two
More female voices to the list. Miss
Ma con. 9, is enjoying the balmy
au. of BayileId this week. Geo. Miller,
con. 9, has a horse pretty sick; it is not
°erected to recover.
the ledges. After tea a varied prograrn Council. ajourned to meeton •Iliondey,
coneieting Of Vocal and inetrumetitat • Jatarch 12th,at 10 o'clock.
W. S. MoOreurrie, Clerk
music, readings, recitations, patriotic Ing, when his op rit mooed away, ih
songs, etc,, was lateen aty local talent, • the Clinton 'boatel, he haying been
After which all lelt for their hoinahaes , removed there on Saturday evening,
Ing fully enjosred, the evening, ?to- NOTH13.-The seventh division court' The funeral took piece !rota thefatany
ceeds about #10. . sat on Settirdey last Mr Jae, Thom- reeidence on the 201h hist.; and Was
son took hittplece as D.O.O. for the largely attended. The achool scholars
llonsallier flea time. me efteee were ehort and turned Mit en maevet, and • placed &
13ttiltra-The school meeting Wise „ :Vicki,' dispensed with. On Tutader most beautiful weigh of floWers upon
held at No. aschoOl hOiled as announce I thei2Oth web held one of the tomb tea the edit's; the pail bearers were select-
ed. There Web a goodly number of the meetingsiknOWIS for some time back by ed from among the larger pupils Of
rate payers present. .Win. Blake Act. the managers of St. Andrews church. the wheel The inter:nett was made
ed at &airmail and Mr 11. LOng,school The Renee° quartette teed by Mies itt the Seeforth "MoAtIand" tenniterat,
teacher, acted aft secretary. They pro. Bothwell was excellent. They iiiirpries the servieee being performed at the
posed four meofted the result of. the ed the audience with their musical house by Rev mr Green, of Moles•
second yote was Paul Maedel 10, Wm, abilities and the people who ma not go -enie, who. was saeleted at the graye by
Million% E.Good 2 and A. Attain 1. to hear them are the looter& The rol- Rev Mr Musgrave of Winthrop
The two last *Prete dropped by a vote lateinitiltev gentlertieh Were the sneak.
y were much surprised to hear. of the szileo° ptibewarptve over tel
sad death of Ada at, eldest daughter inburn on Mon- same homier( and is alive-M.6,y." Now,
h ad f ' . routes through the country.sens at the
elletrdaonndwMerdseHee'dnenight,ve. we'll:11.61:g: :bare etvimeneinatt:encireasfdaelt fte moilothennii,76: selves and meed no comment. They
these are fact& They speak for thew
after an inneee of only two day% Last Gregor. Miss Beatrice McConnell, oe I are stubborn. however, and your corr
recovered, but on Tuesday last she was. '•' I will algo 'make another statement
seizedwithanothet attackiand despite a town op Sunds.Y. • for his benefit. The "receipts" as used;
all that doctors.; could do she passed Wannatte.- A very pretty wedding by the "quack" are among the Vein" °
peacefully away at the age of 11 years took place last. Wednesday evening., beet for the purpose for which they are ,
and 9 monthe. She was a remarkably Feb. 141h, at, the residence of the made and sold., that are known in the
bright and lovable child and will be bride's parents, Wm. Brown, Maurice science of medicine to day. This wane
greatly missed both at home and. at street, when his second daughter,Mag- a broad statement but we have it from '
school. The parents have the deepest gie A., was united in matrimony to J. an authority we can trust. It certain.
sympathy of the community as this is J. Pollard, of MeRillop. Rev. W. Pen. ly is not a manly thing andletlects uo
three children they have lost inside of hall tied the nuptial knot. The bride credit anywhere to strike a man “be,
4 years, and only five weeks ago Mrs Was -given away by ,her father, while neath rthe belt," iusinuating charges
Hoover's mother, Mrs H, Oampheri, Mies 'Maggie Floody. played the wed- and heralding advices, that damage
passed away which makes the affliction ding march. The bride was -attended the reputation and iojure the butanes&
doubly severe. But they have the at. kv ber cousin, Miss Alice Hackney, of of one who is trying GO do a legitlinate_
suranca that Ada is with God which ie Hilbert, and the groom was supported business in a respectable, hortoreble....._
far better. The funeral to Westfield by I, Brown, brother of the bride. The way, and all this practically under cove, --
cueringeetitgteonnd. edFfiday afternoon was bride WAS beautifully dressed an white ex. of a nom de plume.
, organdie over blue and carried white If your correspondent were to search;
carnations, 'while the bridesnoald was the "Medical Recorde," since the days
. •attired in White organdie over pink and of Nebuchadnezzar, he might possibly
, Coantaftee. ' carried pink carnations. . After the find one other case of "irritant ;IOWA -
nese and it was thought she had. fully 'VViiirton, formerly of town, is renew -
Summer she had a severe spell of sick- respondent might do a Jesuit thing
havld acquaintances in town.. l than figure those out. . •
Bs b of Teeswater called on femur's in
g. L. op 0, teple sag sun., wedding ceremony a flash -light view We and if he were determined miry. ,
How end it ?" WM taken by E. L. Fern -
day evening "The sin of liquor selling, was taken or the hrioat partV by .Miss in g "wide berths" to all the "me cal
Sutherland. after which the .young practitioners/' who may, some time in
hain, end the meeting was wen attend. couple with -dearly fifty invited guests their practice,-lfaVe been responsible
ed; the topic next Sunday evening is sat down to supper. The presents were for cases of like nature. He would have
"the strength of Humility" to be tak- numerous and useful, manifesting the them weeded out like Miele Pete be4
en by Mr Robt. Olark. • esteam in which the yeung couple are his cabbage ptot when the cows got 4
AT EIOIEEL-Tbe young .people of the
League intend holding an At Home held. The young couple will settle loose. • , - .
down to the stern realities of married ' But there is a better way.' If the?
on March 2nd, at7 o'clock, instead of life in their home iteMcHillop with the wares don't suit, don't buy, and don't
March tith as previould announced; best wishes Of their many friends and place such a mean, low, little premium,
horo. Minton and Seaforth are expect- eelatives.
the bard gotten reputation of any man ,
the young people of Blyth, Londe*. or even worse, rate away below par,
ed to a,ssist in the program; refresh- who is strnggling for an honest share
St Joseph's •
resets will be served. • ' • ' ' in life. and to support himself or fain- '
ed Meeting of District Leave No aa sold n large part of his stock in the merit," but let the word. be "whale .
NOTES. -Par N. Oantin has recently ity, "A word to the wise may be auffi-
DrinsumPiairrneee-A well *geed -
I. 0. G. T. was held at Lucknow rin general store to Mr Carnpbell, the pro.' given, otherwise We shall be obliged to
Friday Feb. 16th 1900. The meeting prietorof the neighboring store, as he give it the "wide berth."
wee presided over by the District Chief intends to clear the store of the old • R. Bel% Holmeoville. ,
Templar, Nathaniel Dunbar of Teem. goodie The Mi8888 Delage the former -
water. The. deleiratee rePorted thmanagers of the large store have gone • ,
lodges in a very good condition. Dun- ck to Montreal, Mr Louis Gravelle Letter. From South Africa.
esti Marehall,Gen-Sec. of Toronto, was went away on Saturday hist to their
present and helped; the meeting by home in Lafontaine and in the Spring •
— .
speeking and giving information. intend to come back as permanent
. .
dwellers: Miss M, Beciard, who hes MUMMA SOUTH' LERMA,
. Jan. la, 1900.
Ncri'lls•-Mos Ille°"113' has returned. spent considerable time in this vicinity Again I have the opportunity of writinie.'
from visiting • relatives in Strathroy:
We are pleased to heer that Mr An.. returned home the past week. ' Messrs home once more. I wrote and said we
W. and F. Duchirme arrived from the were going to Grasps* we were nearly
drew Snell is recovering from his re- lumber woods the other day and they there but returned the same evening with-.
cent seyere illness. Miss G. Farnham now intend to resume their former cc- out owing a single Boer.
is visiting Mrs McGregor at present. cupation at city. Work still progreas. But one thing we got was a good drench..
Miss Flossie McGregor entertained a big rapidly at the city, except in severe Ing with rain,whioh came down in torrents;
number of friends a Btofiday evening.
E, L. Farnham attended a District weather. Surveyors are experiencing we had no tents and it was very disagree -
difficulty in surveying the adjoining able, something we do not care to beast .."
meeting of Good Template in Luck.
now on Friday hist. The assessor is farms into streets and city lots as ,'h"13 happen again as our kits weighed '80 Die
going his yeerlv rounds this week. proprietors look on. with suspicious as. mote on account, of being soaked with,- '4-
-Miss -Matson, of Leadbury, is visiting 'pea, However as the farms have al- water and we ha a to carry them ten .
friends here at present. J. B. Staples ready been sold the work undertaking miles. But we had a good supper °thread. .
Went to Harrison last week to attend should and few obstacles to preyent coffee and jam, and.porridge was extra at •
its onward progress. ' Mr jos. Denom- 8 pence a plate.
his uncle's funeral.
treated himself to a stylish newcutter. have quite a crew working for them in are likely to remain here until we go-- Wilt
W. B. cask has main partnership with P. Denorcune We are here nearly nye week: near en&
Miss E. Proctor has recovered nicely . Bayfield. P. and M. Bedard, have gone to tbe Cape.
after a severe' attack of the measles. to foiourtrieht to spend a few week& We are holding a place second to none
Mrs Cooper Hi indisposed at present.
Johu King, of Bluevale, made a short
can in the village this week;" There 18
a gentlemen hailing from mode knows
where in the village who is holding ' .
erection of a new barn.
ble II, Ran isilhxlauwhrnagvetimber for the in the country as this is the •Blaca thd
viding the Boers could seiger Ono etation.
would clump the result of the. star. pro -
they could then out off all the British '
forth and claims to be a mind -reader, NOTES -Much businessat the .statiOn, land
apthiesss it btohwi on part of thereo iciotioonny . 0 f E theu.
claims he can tell youpest, present and wood, hogs, cattle arid grain continu-
future. He is taking in your 25e but ally on the move We are now served
whether one gets any ristorns for it by an obliging firm of butchers, Messrs
remains to be seen we would think not. Phillip & Lott having located in out
Such fakirs' should get the cold .shoul- town; everreuccess. We are enliven-
) ed by the wriist16-of the mill thesedays.
der' . , ' Celborne.
r• MOST SAD AND FATAL. -One of the this week. There Iff talk of o public
Mrs Van Norniati, Meagre Proctor and
Wilkinson areamorer our ailinircitizene
most saddening and pathetic calls iri library. Why not) And & reading
the Divine Providence theb has cense room too in connection. This is our
to our raidst for SOMe time, has, dna; lee harvest. T,Scandrett has Moved
lug' the pasb week, fallen upon the to his farm. _
family, .and darkened the home, of our
fellow citizen and neighbor, Mr Alex, I.MOTIME.--The Lecture "Ireland'k
Neitan, whereby the eldest sea., , Mel- ` laughter a,nd tears" of last Tuesday
tin, a bright, intelligent and winsome evening by Rev, Mr Forester, of Tor-
onto, was admired mod Much enjoyed
little man, of aboet eleven summers,
has been celled away. Tho circum. by a large itudienee considering the
stances that led, almost 'directiy.,
his death, are as follows :-Mr ena-ti - tios,cle that watt the hour and a quarter
to (r g.
eVening. Obly ohe tomplaint
was assisting Mr Ba.ker in the woods, cfalp lecture was too short /loathe fee
and le_felling a tree that went "con- at the dom. tea email. The trInsical pare
treiry," and sicross another, the butt of the program consisted of 'patriotic
end was eatried tOthealmostineredible seiectione by 1.7 •Prof. Cline of Viring.
height of between thirty ' and forty r‘ham, Rev. F. . Oaten and. Wm. Mcs
to the ground, struck the little fellow ‘jecrektionBloey.IgGra. VeDa'vnitriRienvg.trMumrelianatalli: asleslo.
feet, and sliding down the other tree
the fatal Now above and behind the addressed the audience. • The L. O. L.
left eat, frs.cturing the skull. It, was ia to be coMplimented upon the high
thought, at flag, that he Wad killed class character Of the entertainment.
upon the spot, bite although never re-
gaining conscinusnetet, . or rking Communication.
etren'•Orte WOrd, he linger from
Thursday eyeninig until Sundays:acorn- P° Edit". ti gfrell.°W Era'
Dna Sta.- In the Colborne corres-
pondence of your last natio notice
reference being made to What is caned
"Periodical Quack," and I am sorry te
say that I cannot Agree with 3rent coy.
respondent, but incline to the belief
that the Article quite unfair and al-
together uncelled for.
Reference has been made to one very
contemptibly delienated"WildGooee,"
but eurely we nay re the man the
colonial forces by tune_ g We Canedume, '
The English ray we uanuoks are the
finest regiment: in Africk- at the present
that is of Infantry. This henot blow -
Mg for the English commander of this Ste*
non tole ne all while on patios pared,
the ether day. •
We expect thie week will develops
something towards ending this very mon.
amino war; this is the time we boyo thiek
there is no place like elected*, eta it is tet
experiment for which I woola not take -
good deal for if I pull through it safely
wig& tate we all 'kelt Ilk
. I had the privihidge the other day of
eeeing the Boer prisoners that wee brought <
in the other day., They looked forlorn, rag. .
ged and hod used old °snug meat Sins
for their mess tins, they are getting dies ;
tonraged and would jiist 'amen .prisou.
beyonete; its fan. to see them -tremble and
eiometimee pretewl to prick them with mei
ers, when, we go on guard over them wet
shake, they know how to stand against
bullets but dread the %yentas. as.
Daring the peat eight deas we have otly
Malone nights eleep. This is reel omits 44,
paigning the hardest &Kielty In the
world, to soldier °ahem meets eareatileel
more than being * *oh:miter in Canada. '
We are eavering Lord Metheen's nem
and *mho doebi will lee lichee init e
are in a good pmition that will not be taksta
by any Boers, thlir side ef Kingdom dome
not as long as the Canuoks tonal* tat
handia OtIr guns.
Tbe heat is very oppnweave it 'being lett
in the shade to -day. We MISS the snow sod
Yeah there was kw knee' on the 0110 -
of our teethjust now. I mobs* with holt - T
Willa. Hoping we shall** Canada, mem
• Polak A. It. Wars,South Attics,.
/tout tho Union Jerk.
rpersopec4:0 nbtlnw,,,otied
; Ut Td"! ikileuegri hiti Mn. Enrrolt-Ilnon receipt of et
dl for that General French Iva relieved It
space to say that I have had peraonal berley without loss of life, many pi
tot usintance with the Mr Wildweet in Ontario showed their respect to the
re erred to for a, •period ektendirig over . heroes by hoisting the fi that bread
ttle:and the .
of the house they then voted again era :-- r SlutW, Mr 'Jennings, Mr liem. St Auguatino. 20 years, and in those yeatt I have & thousand yews the
this le I) ti. sg that I'aul Maede.1 waa 'I , al. _ ... y mune -Mr and Mrs ft CAI% of hodly ever been without the Medi... breeze. The only one -be -seen here
elected. The is.. L. of 0. H, Violet,' or rt_sstottea, DY stt.r _A _st.,catiliOndies „ „Or Auburni, were the gueste of Mr and eine he veils. As to my opleions of the wee floating Above, the m*yoes pleat
Bethel wet Iaat Friday evening, for etotiericn, whhe Jar Malan OCOuPten Mrs H. Baker on Sunder last, A Min. 4102Mit" they have nothing whatever to of burliness. I would Ate to k
the firet time this. year, Albert Allin the chair. The hall Ire* well third. her of the young people of thievicinIty a0 With this article., I wish to cast no what the polmeini the town hell
taking charge et the meetings, Sever. The proceed" amounting to $45., A attended th6 concert in Auburn on red-m.116ft whatever upon my roan _or ublie library are for leit
al from here Attended the convention rand entrffainnsent in-hehalf or the Peb, 7th, and at Fordyce On Feb, lath. cOnsbination of men in the writing of f
or like rejoicing. It vas 6
held at the Nile on the 18th, Miss O. i atrial° Fund will be held en the leth Quite a number of people in this neigh- , thoiki fele lines. Bitt I wish to make tory, and ever". Britisher he
Blake is visiting is ;:eloderich townehlp of March, this is eornethhig worthy 'boyhood are on . the sick list, but at this. statement 'Thee the 'medicinal pleseed to let the citikette know lifirt
being the guest of her . friend, Mrs .r. ' Of attention and on Which efferione time of writing At" nearer all convel-_ receipt.' as need by Mr Wildgust *re the flag 00 the was hoisted.
Tebbutt. , ' should attend, week the same to.day as the ones. he used 20 . Yours, W. O. Stan= ,
. - •