HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-02-16, Page 6•
• •..0
February lap 140 ,
Dodge Dem
Did you ever try to dodge the
TAIn-drops ? Did not succeed
very well, did you? it's Just
• Melees to try to escape from
the forma of consumption. You
Clinit do It. They are about us
on 'very hand and We are con.,
*tawny taking them ,/into our
,....Then why don't we ill have.
this disease? Simply because
• these germs cannot gain a foot-
hold in a strong throat and
hums. It's when these are
weak that the germs master.
.The body must be well supplied
• 'With fat. The danger comes
When the blood is poor and the
body is thin. ft your cough does
• ,inrit yield, and your throat and
;lungs feel raw and sore, you
should not delay another day.
ef. Cod -Liver Oil with Hypophos-.
phites at once. 'It will heal the
tidied membranes and greatly
strengthen them as well. The
digestion becomes -Strcsiikeictire
appetite better and the .weight
Increases. The whole body be-
comes well fortified and the
germs of consumption cannot
gain a foOthold. •
•. It's this nourishing, sastain.'
lug and strengthening power- -- -
. has made it of .such value -hr
an wasting and exhausting
soc. and Um., all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. Ton:foto.
(MA' Olt 1.111 PAU_Lifiu.
IrUe Nowa' Oitieee Tette at Fourth
of July' Incident That Timings's the
ratriotio Heart of Every Mau me
• Board His Vea.eI.,
"I don't suppose that the universal dle-
• play of the stars and stripes nowadays is
in any sense likely to erase from the ap-
preciation of true blue Ainerietuot the
fullest understanding of the meaning,
• strength and significance of the emblem,"
said a ,naval officer. "Rather the univer-
sal WOLIN Mir of theling le' More 'likely to
bring to the men, women and children of
the land A fuller appreciation of the glo-
ries of the otarey banner,Yet, impressive
and Inspiring as Ulla brave array a the
national colors on inoet of the .beautiful
streets of Washington surely is, it does
not excite -within use quite the same sen-
sation 'of boundless, irrepressible etithusi-
ssm as that.which I once experienced at
sea upon the sight of a single Amerion
Hag. I am 'fully aware that all of us are
more or leas savage in our natures, but 1
cnnnot recall that I ever experienced such
a thrill of savage exultation and moat'.
tion na I did' when I clapped eyes upon
this' lope American flag in .the center 'Of
the to*, laughing Pacific. ,
• "My ship was returning from Japan to
the United States five years ago. We had
. been on the Chiba, station for over three
years, and most of us, Yerivard as well as
aft, were pretty lonestifito, as you may
fancy, for a sight ,of this smiling land of
ours. We were eight days out from Yo-
hehnina, making' 'fOr Hoholula to coal
stip. ivhep we were overtakenby the
Fourth of 'July, All the ships in the
American navy, you,rerneraher, are dress-
ed netb hunting from stem to stern on
Independenee day; whether the ships -are
at anchor or at sea, in any quarter of the
globe. Our algae] 'quartermaster made
. an espeCially beautiful Job of ship dress-
• ing on, this Pc:With ot July, and, :with our
100 '.foot . hornets:1rd bound pennant
streaming flat with the .fresh breeze, I
dou't doubt that we made a brave and
beautiful picture as vieWed front Otis -
tante, iwerathere oldy. a few ships. in the
offing to view.; es. But we seemed to be
absolutely alone in mid -Pacific. During
the first .three er four days of. our home-
ward bound. cruise . out of Japan we bad
run across a few ships ail dying the Brit-
ish thig.' hitt ett-• this -sunshiny -Fourth �f
July niorning.we seemed to be quitealone
on the sea. We Were. all lolling'about the
decks somewhat stupidlY along about. 10'
o'clock in the morning. after inspection, •
talking about where we intended putting
in our 'detached' time alter the ship went
out of Cominission. ,
" 'A. sail!' sang out the boy in the look-
out. . •
'"Whereawity? shouted the officer of
the deck, and you may believe that we
were all attention to -catch the compass
points sung.out by the lad aloft.
"The sail wag a skyel, still and tiny as
the link in a. lady's lorgnette' chain, •on
the outermost verge 'of the southeastern ,
horizon, Yet all of us eft took the poop
for it with ...Mr glasseii and the men up
for'ard jammed the toVallant.forc'sle and
strained their eyes for the sail, which
was umking for Us. A. sailing ship iip-
preaching you at sea from the far, hetizon seems to make . at you 'in, bounds
when vou yourself are driving for her,
and by the time we took a second long
look at the approaching shin her huge
royals, bellied out _bYtb_e_ freph breeze,
shone clear and brilliant in -our eyes, fa: -
fleeted by • the bright morning sun. But
by the time we ceuld.nsake otit the royals
'we had no tinie-for them. Our gaze was
the stars and stripes of our republic.
focitied on orbunting at the main
r think a bit of a ehill ran ofer the spines
of all of us when we saw that. It seem-
ed suth a beautiful idea, that -the flag
bounding slap at us right out of the Mid-
dle of the Pacific and, -of ell mornings, on
this Foutth of July morning:- ' • .
"'This is geed, this is good,' muttered
the old skipper, 'a trifle hoarsely, and then
the hull of the approaching ship danced
on the amethyst horizon for nit, her code
d signals fluttering.
" 'The Shenandoah, out of Bath,' shout-
ed the signal qbartermailter from the
bridge. •• • •
"You• ought to have heard the men up
forward, bless their mischievous, getter-
otut souls. They let out a 'whoop that
rang around the circle of indigo sea like
• Valhalla shout Of victory, and I fear
we'Were a bit undignified aft, 'for one of
the senior watch officers alongside us on
the poop tellierately threw -his cap to the
deck, thrust both of his arms in the air .
and emitted a series or howls that were
Calculated to make the ,yoice of our siren
seem small by comparison. .•
"'Does she wave?' he howted.
(legit she wave?'
'The Shenandoah, probably queen of
all the clippers in tlx. worldi per.e. down
a j1t11ei47' threta of her
set and 41;tiTving-aa beautiful a picture
aa opy.omp. ever sees in this world. And
there, fluttering far above her mein
skytel, snapping In the breeze and wav-
ing grandly with the dips and lone of
the great ship-tte, Opel 11 Weuld be
hard to describe the feeling we all exec-
riended when the Shenandoah wept by
Within 100 yards of us, her eel., just as
nsileh pleased as we were, and, she did
not wait for tis to dip, but just as she
swung by tie like a, prineess in the pride
of Iter finery again. and again' was the
banner dippedin reply to our banner dip-
ping at the mizzen,' and the clipper's crew
ea aged .ateng the weather ralL mingled
Their hoarse shouts with the tremendons
-elteering of our man -o' -war's men.
"Whim a man sees the flag of his na-
tive land under circumstances like these,
the memory of it is going to abide with
hint." -Washington Star..
Atom of nem we're of wood. and
chimneys were Few.
It may seem strange to those who are
acquainted only with the present state of
English towns to be told that in the reign
• of Queen Elizabeth William Harrison,
_chaplain to William Lord Cobham, in his.
%"1:iescription of England," prefixed M
•Efolinshed's "Chronicles," stated that
- :"the greatest part of our building In the
cities and good townes of England con-
s eth onelie of timber. for as yet few of
the houses of the eommonaltie (except
here and there in the west conntrie
townes) aramade of stone, although they
may in my opinion) in divers other
placea be builded so good rhea pe of the
one as of the other." flere, we see, brick
was not even hinted at. but when the
•writer conies to speak of country man,
'dons he mentions it as recently introdue.
ed. "The nneient manners and house.of
ttur gentlemen," be eays, "are yet and
for the most part of strong timber. in
framing whereof iv carpenters have
beene and are wortifilie preferred •befere
those of like science among _all other na-
dons. Howbeit, such as be latelie builded
Are commonlie of either hrieke or hard
stone or both." "There are old men," he
•• afterward adds, "yet dwelling in the vil-
lage where I remaiue which have limed
three things to be marveflonsile Aired in
England within their aound remeixt-
• brauce. and other three things, too, too
much 'increased. One is the multitude of
chimnies latelie erected, whereas in their
young dales there were not above two or
three, if so manie, in most uplandish
townes of the realme (the religious houses
and manour places of their lords Onto
excepted and pertalgetaure Some great
personagesl, but each one made his tire
against reredosse in the hall when he
diited and dressed his meat,"
_ The second change was "the great
amendment of lodgIng"-that Is, (mom-
. modation and furniture for the night's .
.teeti the thirdi "the enticing! of vessell,
of.teeile plays int peTifir*P d
Woodden spoons into silver or tin."
nokg. ja4szt: dam Akt Zrt
Marked tlistinetion---betw
-dwellinge in the ehagpargli an the
woodland parts gt. the country. "The
'Vases In the first lie unikormlie buitaed
eferie towne togither wilt; atreets and
lanes, whereas in the woodland countries
/except here and there in great market
..townes) they stand scattered ibroad,
leach one dwelling in the midst df his
owne "dectildeng." -A rchitect.
Deception Practiced
by Greedy and ilrofit-
loving Merchants.
They.Try to Foist Imitation'
Dyes on Their Customer
When Diamond Dyes .
* Are Asked rot
one of the Ladles Who eoutd
Not be Deceived.
Wise Women are never deceived by the
untrue and deceptive Statements' of greedy
and profit -loving nierobents and &adore.
1Vheri a storekeeper tells you that some
other make of package dye is JtIST AB
000Das the. "DIAMOND? be in surely
trying to mislead and deceive on. Sao.
tessful home dyeing depe.nds upon the use
of Diamond tiyeg; the use of common dyes
Meant spaded materials every time.
&ad the following sent to the proprie.
tore of Diamond Dyes by Mrs A. If. Par.
Of Olgrenoo, N. 8. ;
nriesse fita money eueiaftl for rad
Meek Diamond Dyes for Cotton, t cruet
get it ben, but I am offered something Just
iatin AS 0001). The atIST AS 43001)
may do for some people, bob X want the
uDiereetul Doe" es they are the best
A Croaker. '
Commodore Vanderbilt was not so &tie-
toerntic in hie tastes as some of his relit -
firms. On one occasionhe was sitting on
the erowiled piazza of n ftlehionable, hotel
when a lady approached. The comma;
dere rose and talked affably with her
while his wife and daughter raged,
"Fether.". Raid the daughter, "don't
you remember that vulgar Waning MS the
one who used to sell poultry. to lis?"
"Vert:duly. my deat," responded the
els man heartily, "and I remember year
mother when she sold root beer while I
peddled oysters up In Jereey,"
The ladies mole no further comments.
116 Indications Present.
"That's Miss Jigging," geld the hostess.
"She helongli to our smart set."
"I never would MOS, auspeeted lt,"
plk'd the unsophisticated guest. "1 haat
Mit been converging With her."—Chicago
• .„,
WO/Utitsta OVERTildg. •
Eight hour lewd are ignored by those
titelese, little workers -Dr. Eing'e Neat
Lite Pills. Millions are always at work,
night and day, outing Indigestion,
Constipation, Siek Heedecho, and
all Stomach, Liver au& Bowl troublen.
Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 2.5e at
IL B. (ionthe's drag store.
These pills are a specific for all
'diseases arising . frOM disordered
nerves, weak heart or watery blood.
They cure palpitation, dizziness,
smothering, faint and Weak spells,
shortness of breath, swelling of feet
and ankles, nervousness, sleepless-
ness, anmnia, hysteria, St, Vitus'
dance, partial paralysis, brain fag,
female complaints, general debility,
and lack of vitality. Price Soc, a box.
. when Phyllis dancea on the green.
Iler air'so witching sweet
Beside the hawthorn bush I'd leen.
For half a day to wateh unseen •,
• Her pretty, tripping feet.
When Chloe -binds -her abarn hair
—With graceful curving arms,.
I'd 'linger, 0 I might but dare,
Long hours beside her silken chair
To view those mirrored charms.
• When ;Aside lifts her lovely eyes
From some divine romance,
I'd kneel beside her where She lieu
, Till eve had spread its starry skies
To ,catch one melting glance.
But„:oh, when glorious Sappho sin
So heavenly is her tone,
Such passion in he -r -look she flings, •
That forget ail earthly things, •• - • •
• Am hers and Love's alonel •
-Pall Mall Gazette.
• TakeLtOtative .Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
•druggists refund the numeyif it fails to cure.
Zeta. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box.
Mr: Peter Lillie°, formerly a private
banker al Listowei, died itt Seattle..
The National Treat Company -has eon -
tribute/ $1,006 to the National Patriotio
Of course yon don't; se you should take
Scott's Emulsion. It is a faot this remedy
cures' it ; and it cures neryousness, nerve
debility and insomnia also.
The 0. P. R. employees all over the
• system will subscribe half a day's pay
to the. Patriotic Fund, aggregrating
about, $20,000.
Miss Rankin, eldest daughter Of a pro-
minentrandher of Calgary, was thrown
from a buggy while returning from a ball, ,
falling upon her head, and was -instantly
killed. •
Wood'a Norste.y Pine Syrup heals
-and soothts the Tunes and cures the -worst
kinds of Coughs and Colds- more quickly
and effectually than any other remedy.
' Fire destroyed the postoffice block in
Jury, witli the poetoffice, G. N. W. tele-
graph office, Wrighton's butcher shop, a
billiard hall, and badly damagingOassidy's -
harness shop.
Before retiring. take a Laia.Liver Pill It
will work while you sleep without a gripe
or pain, curing Constipation, •Bilionsness '
and Sick Efeadache,and melte you feel bet.
ter in the morning,
The market building at Three 'Rivera,
Quebec, veined at $20 006, was destroyed
by fire, with the contents of the butchers'
and hucksters' stall%
on't run chances by taking whiskey or
brandy to eettle the stomach or stop a chill.
Pain.Eiller in hot water sweetened will do
you more goon. !Avoid substitutee, there's
but one Pain-lCifier, Perry Davis', 21c and
" Alaska has recorded its first legal hang-
eeired •44 fresh • fu.eetus.-alinneapolis As it Once NVas.
Ing, and the statelle,..4 movement bus re -
4` Times,
One Saceptable earrency reform would
be tito Sitbstitution of clean bank ootes or
greenbacks for the filthy and worn stuff
en generally in use. -Minneapolis Trib-
If people Would be as Criliti011e,..1A, buy.
Int etocke as they are in buyin44cl*.
ens or groceries, there' would be fewer
flurries In Wall street. - WilraIngtou
London Punch threatens to publish an
American editien. After this no one can
justly' accuse It of a lack or humor which
ifpertle_to the American mind. -New
mit Pros. '— -
The Russian newspaper that discover-
ed that God is punishing the British in
Eeuth Africa for their rapacity and arro-
gance seems to have torgotten Poland, -
Karma City Star. •
• A Coolbaugh (Pte.) man who advertised
for a wife who can talk, who can sit' by
the fire with Min In the lens evenings ,
and also help him on the farm has re-
ceived raore than 1,000 answers. It pays
to advertise. -Boston Globe.
A grand • jury Made . tiome orious
okarges against the lawyers of • Atlanta.
Tha lawyers were naturally bitligupt
and forthwith appointed a committee to
investigate themselves. The •cotaraittee
exonerated the lawYere and found the
grand jury guilty et misrepresentation.
You can't beat the lawYers.-Washington
Tea Letter Woe& and Phrstees taso
• siert as Seerct Slung,
• AMeng the old tituo features which aro
disappearing froni the City stores heeaus
of the modern methods Is the tabalistil
cost mark whielt the • merchant bees
• tho,ught as Indispensabkratt-the C011iatft
over which he sold his ware%
The man who started a busineins for
hiratielf devoted many' hours before he
autde "his first display of wares to "reek-
ing up" a cosl mdrk, This had to be ans'
like any other mark and Was In Some In
, stances composed of ten hieroglyphice,
often transposed figures and more often
of a word or two, the lettere of which
could be used to express figures. A large
witelesale concern in New York used the
mark "God save Vs"' and -made '-'up the
tenth figure with a crow. Through this
buelness house the pions cost mark be-
came known all over the country. Clerks
from the establishment entered and took
the cost mark with them, and within a
few years It was In use in uerirly every
etate in the Union. •
• Another costmark rwhich found mane
admirers was "Make profit," and title
was only a trifle More, popular than
• "Quick trade." "Johnny Miles" served
as a sign as well as a cost mark for one
concern, and, one sentimental Irishniali
who opened a linen store In New York in
the days when Nibles Garden was
"away up town" chose as his cost raark
"My Bridget 0."
When the campaign of 18410 was 0,1p
height, an ardent Rep_ublIcan in •Boston
In whet* store a cost mark was id aye
that had been Invented by his grandfas
the marked all his goods over in order
to use the mark, "Abe must win," and
this mark remained In use for years after
"Abe" had won the fight against Dour
ins, Breckinridge and"Bell, who were*all
candidates againet Lincoln. Aboct that
time the cost mark "Hit Dougloa“ wae
invented, and that and "Republics .1" are
still In use in places where plaiu nrtures
have not superseded the puzzle marks;
A large dry goods house which had the
• patronage of hundreds et week, basket
and wagon peddlers used. as a cost mark
the words, "Re.voch Gilt," a Yiddish
phrase, which means "Profit tells," and
the translation was also used by the Same
c°4114Tterhell'•eC marks Were useful," said the
manager of •one of the large New York
dry goode stores, "when houses had an
'asking' and a 'taking' price. In those
daye the man behind ,the counter had te
know whet .the goods cost to put on the
shelf so that he could regulate himself
accordingly. An -offer to 'split the differ-
ence when one price was asked an . an-
other offered couldbe entertained then,
and salesmen Were often convened. to
Ishede' prices. .'We will do this for you,'
and 'It's the last we have Of the or
'We want tomake a customer Of you',
wereamong the reasons given for 'cams
ing down' on Prices, but all the time the
attlesinan had the cost mark before him
and knew that he was on the stife side."
-New york Tribune.
Every woman Ores a man's face for a
inirror.-New York World.
• Every tinie it man says something com.
plimentary to his loving wife it removes
one more vrrinkle from her brow.
The average girl starts out at • 18 to
make a name for herself, but decides at
20 that some man's will do,-Atehison-
, •
The postoffice department now rules
that -female-clerks. in that depaxtm
must resign --when • they 'get married.
Eyen then they will continue to boss the
males.--13altimore American.
A child will be naturally ,polites and
thoughtful if the mother Is also careful.
A thin flannel bandage around a baby's
abdomen will often prevent • cholera in°
Weakly children may be greatly
strengthened by fr finny salt bath, and, It'
possible, sea salt should be obtained for
thip purpose,
There are those who are Unkind enough
to suggeSt that Mr. Chamberlain ought
to get a glasa for his other eye., -Sioux
City journal. •
JoSebh Chamberlain's success in hav-
ing it blamed on somebody else proves
that he is a man of extraordinary abili-
ty.." --Chicago Thies -Herald. •
The on. Joe Chamberlain caust feel
like the small .boy who. touched off the
entire stock of .fireworks . when he only
meant to ignite some red fire.-Baltinfore
Amerienn. • '
• The technical .name whiCh a green
goods man .gives to his vietiin is "a come,
Joseph •Chambertain •appears to
have actedin the capacity or a come on
tor Kruger. -St. Louis Republic.
• . '
• Body' building,
as they understood
it hi Greece and
Rome, • seems a
.lost •art. Young
Men flat chested,
flabby muscled,
--,--s 1 o u along the
.. streets, with:scarcely -
one Physical attrib-
ute of -manhood.
• And yet these yoting
When the human foot was
4rSt introduced to shoes it was
exactly as tiature had made it,
It has been revolutionized
from what it WAS to the foot of
distorting tig,latuess and freakish styles,
tfo;T:yruo..;:y0:17ett centuries of
feet as they are to -day, comfort first,
I.' Slater Shoes" are made to fit
- but5rowodAeshapes,ppearance,sixnv_tus
evr idforgrLttaz
sizes leathers and colors. "
Goodyear welted, name and price
stampecl on the soles,
Jackson Bros, Sole Agents for Clinton.
fa.soand $5.00,
'For torpid Liver,
A Poor Digestion,
Biliousness and
Sick Head -Ache.
' They are Safe,
Mild, Qua -acting,
Painless, do not weaken,
And alwaysilve satisfaction.
They are the most reliable Household 1VIediolne known, and
cart.be taken at any season by Adults or Children.
Olinto ask-Doors131Dadriactory
•men would like to • .
beatiell museled, sup
• , pie, ereet and hardy.
..But they don't know
how to go abed it.
They try 'dumbbells,
rowing and. boxing„
but only -in --y half
heaff&rseiy; ...These
sports.should be play
to them but are real-
ly . Work. The Main
factor in this condi-,
tion is an .i.1.1.' =kr- '
ished body. .The
stomach is not work-.
igestive and nutritive' organs -0e not in
active health. The result is that the nu-
trition'for the body is not distributed in
proper, proportions to make blood, bone
and:muscle. •• • •
. • Weak young men who take st Course of:
Dr. .Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
will find a marked change in their:phys-
ical strength and energy. • The body will
be built up so that -gymnastics will not
toe and tire them but be the natural
exercise eqjoyed them,
muscles which.are
nourished Into firm health..
In &letter received from A. D. Weller, Msci.,
a Pensacola, Hacambla Co., nia. (Box $4.4); he
states: "I have, since' repeiving your diagnosis
of my case as stomach trouble and lazier cornplaint,laken eight bottles of tht.".0olden,lrled-
ical Diecovery, and thUst say that I AM -trans-
formed from a Walking shadow as my friends
called me) 'to perfect health. IValue your rem-
edies very highly and take pleasure in 700m-
o:tending them to any and all who suffer as I
did.. Pour monthe ago I did not think to .be in •
•shape to assist our 'Uncle Samuel t in case of
hostilities, .but thanks to you, am new ready
for the 'Di ouS.'". •
, Dr. Pierce's . Pellets cure biliOnstieSs.
Never- Wei pure mustard poultices for
children. Theirlikitts-am-too-delieete.
One spoonful or mustard te two of line
seed meal is a gbod mixture;
Some Christiana are like an old -well-.
dried up In summer, frozen up in winter.
A ship In the water is all right, but
he water in a ship is 'all wrong. A
Chrhatian In the world is all right, but the .
world in a Christiaa Is a ditto:eat ting.
) have no sympathy for the old citizen
who dies and the newspaper reporters
have 19 huntk among muify church rec.
ode to find out if the man Wag a Ch
. .
Pour *oases of smellpoxhavebeen reverted J t
to the Proonial Board of Health of Quebec
from St. Bruno, Ramouraska county, and
Iwo from Oarleton,in Bonaventure county,
Not one has proved fatal.
Its a nice thing to use ilegyard's Yellow
Oil. The Rhin it won't stein and the cloth-
ing won't soil. It limbers Stiff jointe,givee
relief from an pain. If you use it but
once you will use it again,
it Is reported at Berlin that the chief
object of Dr, lievde in visiting Pari,
Berlin and St. Petereburg is to inane°
Prance, Germany and Ruse's to intervene
if Greet Britain ehould attempt to Rise
Delagoit Bay.
Alone sustained Miter P. M. Higgins,
of Seneca, 111., when all doctors and med.
intim(' failed to relieve bis pain from piles.
Then Bucklen'e Arnica :delve wholly eared
him. Infallible for Injures,Pains or Bed-
ilv Erupting. Cure guaratiked. Only
254 a box. Bold by H. B. Combo, druggist.
Lark Harbor, Newfoundland, was de-
vaetated by a tornado and twenty house(
were blown down, including the enetomg
station and the residence ofthe custom
°Meets., /Three schooners were wreck-
We Always Midnight Gloom to the
sufferer from atorimolt aieordere and the
digessee which can be directly traced
there.-riegleot or ignorance may have pro-
duced the darkneeer, hub go sure as night
follow. (ley, jou so irately will Dr. 'Von
Sian's Pineapple Tablets let in the sun.
shine and bong hook the full noonday
brightness Of perfeet health. This is tak-
ing strong ground -hut proofis to be. had -
Mae tablet after eating -60 .in a box 86
The London standard prfnte the fol
lowing death notice:-" eLtehian-On
Chtlettnas Day, shot in Market Square,
Harrismint, Orange Pro) State, Smith
Africa, for refusing to fight ageirist hie own
orcuntrynien, john MeLsehian jun., aged
30, eldest soh of john 3fottichigh, of
Wandsworth and grendeon of the lataohn
MoLiebitin of Lambeth".
itfajor Swaine fella of being
,knooked senselese by *lion that hoerated
his arm. Xis thrilling escape from the
jaws of tleath is only eqttelled by Dr.,
Kings New Dismovery for Consumption,
*bleb has leaved thotleands from desperate
Throat and Lung troubles.. dootors
said my wife would soot die. of Constant).
Om," writes L. O. Overstreet, of Elgin,
Wenn., "bub your wonderful medicine com.
pletely cured her, aud saved her life."
Satisfeetion 19 gustanteed by IL 11,0ombe,
who give trial bottles free. Large bottles -
6011 and 0.00',
Pain in the bowls, Diarrhoea and Dyson..
tory are cured more quickly and effect -
natty by Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry than any ether remedy. Be-
ware of substitutes.
Mr Chas. 13urpee, who represented
Sunbury from 1867 to 188119 the Do-
minion parliament, has been anneitsted
to the Senate.
The emphatia giaternent that The D. &L, Menthol Plainer aoing a great deal to
alleaviate neuralgia and rheumatism i
heed upon facts. The D. de L. Plastere
negat fails to soothe and quickly cure.
Manufactured by the . Davis tk Lawrence
Co., Ltd,
Dr.l, H. Corbett, the oldest meal.
cal man of (Mina, died suddenly -on re-
turning from a professional gall. .
When your dootor writes a presoriphon
for ynu,it should be very carefully prepared
go that the regults desired by your Medical
adviser may. follow. •
The preparation of physkiiens' prescrip-
tions ig our forte.
Toilet Geode in Endlese VarietY.
Perfumes, ,Ltornizers,
Eloaps, Brushes,
• Combs and Whisks.
Paine' e Celery Conprinnti, the world's
leading medicine, ilwave or stook; the
Med that coal, R. 11. Oombe, Druggist,
Minton. Oat,
ynym; eotoral
Very 'trainable Remedy in all
affections of the
Large Bonita, 25c.
DAVIS & txmanon CO., thalted
Proles.of Perry Davie Patmffiller
Fires Lite, • Accident,
Omni, - Ilismtar Mom. crams
Clinton* Ont.
. General Distrat Agent for the
Clonfede ration Life insurance Co
for StraifOrd and Goderich, inclusive. Alt in
(inflation relating to. insurance gladly given
Money to loan atreasonable rates.
Office In Palace Block
Agent for the MANOnsirrEnt FMB Assuziaxict
CO .,Of Mauohester, England, whose funds and
• securityare rated at $1400,000, MsetheMC-
KILitor MUTtrAL InallizANCE Co. All oltioses of
farm them mid town property fakenet
_ lowest rates. First-class Leah Companies
else represented. Money to be had fron141 per
cent nib according to nature of security. -
Daily waif totioiraesrille postal cod will
fetch him. •
ARF THE BEST BHIES,thereforethe
Temperance & Genual Life Asstiraiiee Go
is the BEST COMPANY for the BEST RISE.
Over six iniflfon dollars itiatiratiee On the lives
of total abstairers in Canada. For rates, etc.
enquire of
' General Agentfor Aaron County,
AddreeS-37 Fulton St. or P.O. Box 170
Loin & talleasimt bro.
ratabitalied Caustem 18 3.
Invested Funds, • (8.532,238
Lintast - STRONG - ritoontssivn
AU the popular forms of 113811mM-1i issued,
rondos uneonditionia,vrothi wide and border -
tenable, money loaned. Polltilea Mirebased,
Now lIttslitits laba 0,500,000 lir
Ain't paid Polley Holders" 087.000
Full beam/atop tarnished br
Alteet, Clinton.
:tine 22-40
. . . General Builder :and Contractor.
This factory is the largest in the twenty, and has the very latest improved m*.
chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. . We carry an extensive ,
• end reliablestack end Premed plans, and give estimates forand bnil&a1l class.
. es of buildings on short notioe on the closest prices Ail work1e supervio
, ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in-
terior and exterior material..
Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, [Sash, Doors, Blinds Etc
Agent for the Celebrated GIRAYBILL SO.HOOL JDESK, maralfatdured
-at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing vont orders
TOILET goods
Dainty Gifts for both Ladies
• and -Men- for Young or Old
Give Perfumes if you'd please the lett.
• sex. The choicest.kind e are here. All the
famous makes -all the desirable odors -
and many kinds put up in epecially attrac-
tive Chriatmas packages:, , •
Our assortment ofFine Hair Brushes,
Military. Brushes, Mirrore, Whisks. iz
abcny and handeome woods, is the moat
complete in the town. And the most inter -
eating part to you is that prices are far be.
low what you've been accustomed ,to pay
for.elmliar artiolee elsewhere.
H B. COMBE, Chemist & Druggist
Cutters and Sleighs
We Keep in Stook and make to' order -
Cutters and Sleighs of all kinds.
±11 &ThBALL,
I am a farmer located near Stony Brook, on of the most malarious -
districts in this State, and was bothei.ea with malaria for years, at times
so I could not work, and was alwaysvery constipated. as well. 011or
years I had malaria so bad in the sprims, when engaged in plowing,
Utat I could do nothing but shake. I ttiust have taken about a Wrel
of quinine pills besides dozens of other reinedies, but never tibIrned
any permanent benefit. Last•fall, 1 i peach time. 1 hal a most serious
attack of chills and then commenced to lake Riving Tabules, upon a
fHend's advice, and the first box rivide me all right and I have never
been without them sinc‘ • I take one .Tabule ew.h morning 'and night
and sometimes when I feel inore than ustadly exhausted I take three in
* days They have kept my stomach sweet, my bowels regular and
have not had the least touch of 3 nor tpFtting headache since /
commenced using them. I kn,:w th:it 1 sleep better and wake up „
more refreshed than formerly. 1 don t htow how many complaints
Ripens Tabula will help, but 1 b� t they will cure any one in the
condition 1 wet and I would not: I v..'.hout. them at any price.
&neatly consider them the cheapest-nri,:ed medicine in the world, as
they ire also the • most beneftcial an'd the most convenient to take.
I • stm twenty-seven, years doge and have worked hard all my life, the
same as most farmers, both only and late and in all kinds of weather,
and I have never enjoyed such good health as I have since last fall; in
het, my neighbors have all rental ited "my improved condition and have
mid; "Say, John, what are you doing to look st, healthy ?"
rub thetiVir:g.L •,14t,i1 t •$(.11:: 111Mrttlg
WorStwonlotiget4) ;;;;‘,013'reViairi„;!V:tle itc.,..g.ongeoitApk,
d tiatiotenhas win Ili- maw tn sett stldeta tot I) / tno .04201.01,4
Sgeas 11., Sair Vora.