HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-09, Page 1VOL. XXI.
White Chu Drug Stare
Spring Talk
The season of the year is hero when
everyone turns their attention to clean-
ing up the wrecks of winter end getting
in shape for the busy time. Wo are
right on the job with a fresh sttek of-
Pormaldedyde 65% (Mork's)
Chlnrlde of Lime
Math Balls
Carholin Acid
Scotoh Snuff
RiDon't ents for
nMhford'seCalf Meal andEmwe are solo pire foul•
try Duster,
Easter Term
Opens April list
Canada's Greatest Chain of High•
Grade Business Colleges, located at
Peterborough Wingham
Clinton Walkerton
Orangeville Goderich
foliows the custom of business concerns
and takes no vacatou,
Stenographers, Book-keepers and Tele.
graphers ere In great demand In July,
August, September and October.
We train more young people than any
other management in Ontario.
There must be a reason ; write for It.
A, A. Illbner, M. A., Ph. D.,
Vice Principal.
Geo. Spotton, Principal.
East Wawanosh.
'ilio Connell met on 1'nosday at Bel -
0.1 Monday night Giles Jonkinn had
two ducks stolon from his farm, Thu
proprietor was able to see the tracks
made in the Inuit on Tuesday morning.
Tho thief had better be on the look out,
lVe bravo received word that Alinuie
Maud, daughter of Janes and 1110,
Jenkins, was united in marriage to
George W. lVartningtotl, at the bride's
hone at Ere, North Dakota. The
youuglady was a school teacker and
well thought of by the young people.
Sha is a twice o[ 01100 jou king.
From the experience of )L's. John
Panke, Saskatoon, nothing compares
wit hFerrozone, "Attimes Iwas cot•
tined to my bed and couldn't do any
work. I was run down in flush, lost
strength, my appetite failed, my color
was pallid. Weary and cast down, it
seemed 1 couldn't catch up, L'errozone
stated a new kind of life in my blood,
built me up, vitalized and strengthened
my nerves, and finally cared my heart
and stomach pains," Derrozole is a
rehuilder that has special virtue in
female ailments. Sold everywhere in
50c boxes ; try Perrozone,
Rev, A. 0. Wishart, 13 A., was
at London last week attending the
The Bhtshill block and house and lot
on 11i11 street have been purchased by
George Jackson, 8th line, Morris,
Geo. Thomson, of the Partnere' Bank,
has been appointed teller of the Belle.
villa branch, a busy and important
post to fill.
Owing to the flood ceasing the Mait-
land to overleap its bounds the elec-
tric light plant was off duty on Satur-
day and Sunday night,
Hilton Hunte', wife and daughter,
loft Brussels on 'Thursday for Casey.
Illinois, where the former has accepted
a position on the stuff of a newspaper.
George Brown is tearing nil the
stalls and flooring out of his livery
stable and replacing them with new
material and arranging rho stable
along more convenient and modern
lines. Deeding passage -ways arra
beinglalt between the stalls and the
They are simply dried idle, 10(1(10 up
of crystalline constituents of that fluid.
Friar's cough 1FAISEini<
One of the good, old-fashioned ttnngs that 'las
never been iutproved upon.
Infallible for coughs, colds, bronchial and lung
It is the largest and best 25e remedy for coughs
and colds. Prepared, recommended and guaranteed
by the largest wholesale drug house in the world.
1t your druggist does not handle it. let us know.
NATIONAL DRUG & CHEM. CO„ tended • 30 LONDON, Ont.
Some one has said put a good hat on a man's head and a
good pair of shoes on his feet and it does not make any diff-
; erence about the balance of his dress.
13e that as it may a plan's hat is the most conspicuous
feature of his entire outfit.
'l'he spring styles are ready. We have the soft and
stiff hats in several blocks. Hats for mere of all ages. We
fit faces as well as heads with hats, we're experts at it,
31.50, 32.00, 32.50 and 33.00
We think we're safe in saying that there's not another
such a showing of correct hats in the vicinity.
Just received a big consignment of Gents' Fine Shoes
Call in and see them,
S. H. GI L
Very common is t Otis disease among
merchants. clergymen, ahoy girls and
those of sedentary habits. Prevention
110110i010 in maintaining' Correct action
of the liver nail bowels. Wlticll is hesi
nccomplishod by 1)r. Hamilton's Pills.
No person using this medicine need
fee' gull -stones, her will they ever he
bilious, Sound digestion, gond appetite
a clear color will evidence the health
giving properties of Dr. Hamilton's
fills, which are the safest and best for —
general family use. Insist on having
only Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mood'. Ire
New I.aStel'
and Butternut, 2fic poi• box at all
No. 34.
Have your Easter outfit complete, we are showing
East Wawanosh.
The following is the repot of the
0tnndiag of thie pupils of S. S. No. 10.
East WaWannSh+ for the month of
(larch, Nantes are in order of merit :
Sr. dt11 cross -Mary ll0Gowal, Archie
Radford, Dodds McGowan, Olive Mc-
Gill, Maggie itI 0owtn, George Mc-
Gowan, Walter 'McGill. Jr, 1111 class
-Charles Toll, Rose Patterson. Sr,
4th class -Russell Wilson, Walter
Meson. Jr. 8r0 class -Rebecca Ale -
(Iowan, Gladys 11cGowon, Ilona Pot-
ter, Walter )1cGowun, Janet Patter-
son. Sr. 2m1 -Norman Radford, Or-
ville McGowan, itoy'I'oll, Lorne Toll,
Sr, Pt, 2n0-ltuth McGowan, Martha
Wilson, Willie .Pa Person .11', Pt, 211(1
-George Wilson, Ernest Toll, Pt. 1st
-Hinilu'd 1lcGowon, Cora Dear,
lot Parker, -I, Al, Clark, Teacher
Rich, Govier sold a fine tenni the
other day to 11r. Archibald, for very
near 9400, H0 subsequently bought a
good teen from Thom, Archer,
13, Herrington, of the 18th con,, has
given a contract to Hill & Co., of Blyth
for a now brick house, D. Prior, of
Clinton, will do the . rick work,
John Carbon met 14'011 a most un-
fortunate accident one da,y lust ween:
1)' lalling out of an ripple tree breaking
one of his knee -cups into three pieces,
farm o n thel;thas moved
lthand )1r, Lav) y oten
had bought this farm, has moved to the
place lately occupied by 'Mr. )lcblriell
on the base 1111e,
The postal depnrtnent has 00118011ted
to the establishment of a new postoflice
at walke'bu'p, on the 12th con„ which
ivill be located in the 1101100 of 13. Wit -
me', and which will probably he open-
ed in a few day's. Objection was taken
to naming it "Walkerburn " owing to
Its similarity to Walkerton and pos-
sibility of confusion, and it will take
the nalne of the postmaster -Witmer,
who will also bo the mail carrier be-
tween the P. 0. and Auburn. It should
prove a convenience to the people of
this vicinity, '
(Morris Council.
The Council met, pursuant to ad-
journment on 11tu'eli 80th • mambo'
ISkirts and
Spring Coats
New Easter
and 13elts
Elegant Blouses in
Silk, Organdie and Muslin
Umbrellas and J
7-8 Length
Weather Coats
Some of the Smartest Suits and Dress
es for Easter will he from this store,
New Dress Goods are arriving daily.
Come and see them,
New Ribbons 1
and ICorsets
White Lingerie
and Moreen
Silks are again popular. This season
our showing is elegant, largo and
reasonably priced.
New Carpets
Curtains and
Also many special lines that are bargains in every department.
New Muslins
Wash Goods
and Delaines
Conte and see us.
Cash for
■ Farm Produce
Impossible to cure catarrh in
nose by dosing the stomach. Send
healing vapor of Cnterr1100one after
germs and you at ohne accomplish g
Any case, of catarrh is curable, -
that's necessary is to inhale Cater
ozone -You stop llltwking, nostrils
cleared, throat is healed and freed
phlegin ; every vertigo of the trou
is forever driven from the system.
you want permanent care for enter
throat trouble or bronchitis, Catal'.
ozone is it stand-by. 'Pwo sizes,'
and 91,00 at all dealer's,
SS. 65 cents gets THE STANDAAD to •••• 0••••1••••0 ••• ••1••••
the the first of January 1109 to new sub.
the scribers in Co-ulndn.
rill Perhaps it is in the neck or shoulders
First th111g' is a gcod rub with 0e'vi-
ane lino. No more speedy remedy can he
11Tf adopted.When
givesn applied to e
Fin vigor ; inflammation, soreness and
stiffness disappear, "Whether in rho
Ih' chest or throat nothing can surpass
Nerviline" writes 0. li, Denton, Lum-
ber merchant rat Oak Bay', N. 13.
"Rubbed o1 at night, t'onble is gone
by morning. I have. proved Nerviline
a great medicine." Everyone says the
same, and Nerviline always makes
good, 25c bottles sold everywhere.
MIs. H. 1leliriou and Mrs, B. Pat-
terson were in Paris attending tbe7un-
eral of their aunt.
Although the river wits very hi
all present orc0pt lir. Shaw, for several days apparently vei',y lit.
Minutes of lost meeting Were lend tErnes was 080000.
and passed, Ernest Robertson is engaged to teach
rho Benmille' school till midsummer
r;e Chronic Coughs Cured
J'ha Engineer's report o1( tho pro-
posed Crosby drain 1'115 rend mud the
interested parties given an opportun-
ity to withdraw from or add to the pe-
tition, Int no alterations were made
and it was moved by 11r. Campbell,
s0colded by Ili'. Taylor, that the said
report be adopted, and that the (Coun-
cil proceed to pass the necessary by-
law in connection with the s10l
drain, Carried,
)loved by Ali.. 'I'nylor, seconded by
11 r. 11cCnte)leon, 111111 this [Mulled de-
cline to furnish funds to School 'Trus•
tees fel the quarterly payment of
teachers' sattu'ies. Carried,
The Engineer's report on the pro-
posed ,llasoa drain was rend end nn
opportnnit,y given to the interested
parties 10 withdraw from or add to the
petition, but as no no changes were
made it was moved by Mr. McDutcbeon
0ndseconded by 11r. Taylor, that said
report he ltd op ted, ,nd 111,1 13,0 Conn•
oil proceed to pass the necessary by -
lam' in connection with said drain,
Accounts were ordered to he paid its
follows, viz.:
Treasures 1lcliillop, 13, line ex-
penditure 046 57
Treasurer East Wawanosb, 13,
line expenditure 25 (10
Treasurer 'Porn berry, B, lino ex-
penditure 12 00
:Municipal World, assessment
and collector's rolls and juror's
lists fi 90
A. Baily, underhrushing 1 00
Win. Craig, underbl'ushiog 60
Moved by Mr, Campbell, seconded by
Mr, Taylor, that By-law No, 2, trans-
ferring Si Lot 20, Con, 8, iron) S. S.
No, 8 to 8. S. No, 6, as now road be
passed, Carried,
Bylaw No. 13 for appointment, of
road and bridge commissioners was
duly rend and passed.
Tenders were received for renewal of
Sominervillo bridge in one Dean and
two spans respectively, end the deci-
sion of the matter was laid over until
next meeting.
The Council then adjourned to meet
again on Saturday, April 11th, at one
o'clock p, m,
W. Clark, Clerk,
and complete the terns for Il, Stewart.
The storm of last. P'rid,y night com-
pletely wrecked the barn of Joseph
Washington. It was covered by in-
Martha, beloved wife of George As-
quith, died 11t 1110 residence of her
daughter, Mrs. C. Howson, on 'Tues-
day, March Slot, aged 70 years, The
funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon
to 1301 I's cemetery, Mrs. Asquith 1000
born in Waterloo county. but nearly
all her life was spent. in Hallett, She
was a Baptist anti always tool[ a great
in8e'estin Christian \yolk, Her borne
life was such as made her loved and
honored as a wife and mother. The
deceased is mourned by a husband, a
daughter, Airs. C. A. Howson, a son,
R. J, Asquith, ono brother and three
sisters to whom is extended the sym-
pathy of Ole community.
Shake in a Bottle.
Now 10 the time when the doctor gets
busy, and the potent. medicine 11011u-
faoturers reap the harvest, 81111000
great care is taken to dress warmly
and keep the feet dry. This i0 the ad-
vice of an old eminent authority, who
says that rheumatism and kidney
roulfle weather is here, and also tells
who! to do in case of an attack.
Get (Fon any goo 1 prescription pllttr-
nllaCy tee -half ounce fluid Extract
Dandelion, one ounce Compound 'Ear -
goo, three 0101000 Conlpouud 5y011p
Sn.rsapa01Nit. Mix by shaking in 0
bottle 11)1,3 tal:n it 10110)0,0ul 1lfter
.,,CJs and at bedtime.
Just try this simple home-made mix -
1 are at rhe first sign of rheumatism, or
if your lack aches or you feel that
he kidneys ore not acting just right.
hat is said to be a splendid kidney
re:1door, and almost certain ronedy
10) all forms of 1lIennlrttism, which is
c0nsiti h,y uric acid i11 the blood, which
the kidneys fail to filter out. Any one
can easily prepare this at home and at
small cost,
Druggists in this town 1(0(1 vieinily,
when shown the prescription, stated
that they Dan either' supply 111000 in-
g"edients, or. if Din' readers prefer,
they will compound the nit:owe I'or
READ the ads. it THE STANDARD thw;,
Mrs. Joseph Eccles of Dronlore, says:
"I took 4 or 5 bottles of Psycbine,
and a cough Mad continually for nine
months disappeared. It is the best
remedy for chronic, coughs that I ever
Thousands of living witnesses pro-
nounce Psychine the greatest medicine
in the world. It is not a patent medi-
cine, but a prescription of a great phy-
sician. Put it to the test in any
case of throat, lung or stomach trouble
or any, run down or weak condition. At
all druggists, SOc and 51.110, or Dr. T.
A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto,
• Tell it t, to the
• ••
i•••♦♦••••• ♦•1•♦ ♦••••••1•
use of this column nforic 19invited
the expression of
personal views on public natters Mull
nubile men, personalities are debarred and
in all cases the suitability of the com-
munication for publication Is a platter to
be decided by the Editor.
Without differences of opinion there
would, of course, be no correspondence,
nnd for the opinion of our correspondents
and their differences with our own Tits
;vrANueum must disclaim responsibility.
••••••••♦ ••••••••••] •♦••••
• from April lith merges Into our •
• summer terns from July 011. Env •
• ter now and be ready for a good •
• situation in the early autumn. r
• New catalogue free, write for It. •
• Central Business College•
• Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto, O
• 11 •
• W. , Shaw, Principal,
• •
i•1••♦•• •1•••••♦ •••••••,•
Money placed in your care, temporarily or
otherwise, by relative, friend or organiz-
ation, should at once be deposited in a
Savings Bank— for your own pro-
We invite such trust deposits.