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The Clinton New Era, 1900-02-16, Page 5
r.. Watch and Jewelry Store We Kaye lately added s new line to our steak, newel! SPECTACLES Our Optical work is in charge of • an expert optioiau, wbo hes bad a long and suoeeaefnl practise in testing eye eight end fitting glasses. Have your eyes examined—it coats yoli nothing Many oases of ©ye trouble' are avert- edby the early application of the proper remember Neglect Means Future Trouble:He•--._ ... In Watches, ,.locks, Arid Jewellery Our goods are the beet and our prices the lowest. We give speoial attention to Be. pairing and Engraving, "Prompt - bees Throughout and Neatness" are our wetohworde RUMBALL'S Watch and Jewelry Store What You Are Looking .or. it. The best value for your money, especially in. the Grocery line ; which can be obtained at the Hub Grocery. Specialties -- Coffees, .Teas Spices.. together with other choice .. Groceries of similar value A call solicited. • r.- Melville, . GROCER Successor to - George Swallow , —"A'rewvw We Lead By Keeping a Fresh' and - SeasonableStock We have Booth Celebrated it Oysters arrivingfresh daily. Also proviiiikee pf:ange and Lemons, Oonfeo- eetbe ueigilb' and— igara • and t KERS' AND - HOME-MADE BREAD . Fancy Cakes Pastry And Wedding Cakes ° Our Specialties Any kind of Fano Cake not on y hand made when ordered. Jas. McOlacherty, Novelty Bakery And Restaurant. Telephone No. 1. We'. Have, • • k few lines of winter goods left yet, Now is the time to -buy Robes and Blankets Single and bouble Harness Trunks and Valises u, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers We alga have Red Cedar and Pine Shingles on hand, .A. call solicited, .. J. TWITCHELL Victoria Hie ek. des ' and Skins Wanted " We will pay the highest bosh price for Bides, Calf Skins, ]Florae Bid She6p,Skifnria and Tallow ■..err W will give armers more for herr heir bides and skins' theycan got anyw r the store ` tto e ec rh1s$ die vise. Bring you bootie. O. S. I)OAN& SON totQooit'i Cotton Itoot Compoulxd. covet ais snceesetelly used monthly d a� etSt r ea nti lis dies M k tnnrii ekerfedaallgeroue 1P isle x1(0.1$1 P r mitatl0.2 are g boet meltelden degrees ptofnp ce and r« I e n$ 14141, �� Ne, i end 2 ecoid hid a commended lay /all e1bte lauteglete to Canada. 1 it0 u .1 n 2 old in Clinton by Sydney Jack - W. • T.Pethbei's Agent Of 127 and 129 and 778 YONGE ST., TORONTO Is coming and will, be at Cain House, Lueknow, slat;. Wednesday, Feb. 21st Brunswick House, WInghann, wjwThursday & Friday,Feb.22 & 23 Clarendort Motet pfthton,,., Saturday & MQaday,Feb.,24 26 'Br tissh Exchange, Goderich, Tuesday & Wednesday, • • Feb. 27 tt 28 With a large stook of Hair Goods of the latest styles and need quality. Sangs,Warres,Wigs,Head coverings -1k Switches In Natural,. Wavy and Straight ' a natural i in oneminute. Bu n to If you wish a Switch � you can dress in an artietia Coiffure y wavy one; we show you how to dress it. Come early and have velar hair trimmed, singed and dressed by an expert. Ladies, our goods and prides will snit you.. Come if it is only to sea. Wax Figures for Millinery Furpotsel, ,Etc. Do not forget the date CAIN iiOIISE. I,ICMIYOW, Wednesday, February 21 IFB}JN2rt'ICR HOUSE, WINGUAM;'Thursday and Friday, Feb. 22 end 23 CLARENDON HOTEL, CLINTON. Saturday and Monday, Feb. ee and 26 BRITISH EXCHANGE, GOIDEBICII, Tuesday and Wednesday; Feb. 27 and 28 New pring Irnportations PRINTS—The celebrated "Cruors" prints in Navy Red and Fancies. A. special line 34 inches wide light color 5c.. GINGHA1'IS, SATEENS, CRETONNES, ARTMUSLINS AND ART. SILKS in the newest colorings and designs GREY COTTONS, SHIRTINGS AND COTTONADES all bought before the advance in prices. A special line of 36 inch sheeting 7c per yard and a special line of fine snake factory in 36 yard ends at 6c per yardby. the piece. FANCY SILKS in waist lengths at . from $1 to $4. A special line worth 30c for 12c--per-yard: • HOMESPUN TWEED for Suits and Skirts in. plaids and mixtures, the -newest patterns and styles, • LACE CURTAINS at 15c per pair,. 2i yards long and all. prices .higher, R. Coats & Son • Our Bargain Days Were a Great Success Will name dates next week for our big spring sale after stock -taking. Sandia Prime White 'Coal Oil only 20c per gallon American %c per. gallon Stoves,Tinwalre arlai'ltd, Bross Hardware, &i Experts itiEot Air end Hot Water Heatingand Plrunbing. CLINTON _At WASili ,,.,,_,. gym ... • Are You Lookin For a �ppl�ace to buy the best grade of groceries cheap, if so, "YOlt.WIL`L FIND IT HERE. Maple Syrup, 'Buckwheat Flour, and a dozen kinds of choice Breakfast Food, Corn Meal, Oatmeal, Flour, Fancy Decorated Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Fancy Glass and China Berry Sets and Table Sets Cheap. • • Before you purchase give us a call. �,ROBY SON'S CASH GROCER Clinton, February 15th, 1900.. Big Reductions IN MILLINERY For the next Two Weeks I will make big reductions on all lines inn stock, as I want to make room• for a very large spring stock. Felt Hats From 25e to 50e MISS ROSS. LOOS We wantLogsof all kinds, particularly Elm, and are pre- pared to pay `the HIGHEST CASH PRICES. If you. have any Logo.. to sell, It Will'pay you to enquire out prices be- foro caking them elsewhere. • R. & 3. Ransford. THE CLINTON NEW ERA central moron ereolnlery, In iesul.g our second annual announce. . meat, we desire to express our thanks for the very generous support, we have received daring the first year's operations, it hat been *great source o! encouragement to us that confidence has bee to quickly oreeted in the business, and the methods outplayed in its treneaotion. The creamery_ trite be carried on during the entire year, at Olin - ton, Seaforth lin-ton,Seaforab andBruoedeld and indloations point tote largely inoreated.4olame of, buts. Pees, some patrons batting already doubled the number.Ai; cows kept. To attain the greatest success there mast be oo.operation, and patrons eau render valuable assistance in the produotion of a superior export arti- ele, by due care and °leawliness in "the bandlingot tbe•milk. In all our creamery experience we have never received -sigh un- informly One favored milk as we have dur- ing the past year, and to our patrons we readily give a share of the credit for 'the exoelleet reputation won by our goods in both home and foreign markets, ens SEPARATOR SYSTEM Hat been adopted by all the best. faotor- iee, and poeseses many advantages over horn skimming, The milk is early in- the hand of an expert maker,, and any baddiav- ored milk is prevented from injuring the whole day's make. Thee the uniform qual- ity so much desired is secured, and the pat. rone benefit by the oonee'uent higher prices obtained without any additional; outlay. The milk •ebould be strained and aerated in a pure atmoapbere, and the night's .milk stirred before the pooled morning's milk is added, At the iireamery the skimming is done by power separators, and the skim milkpattenrized (heated to 155 c ).. to kill c ac . the lactic dgerms,r 1 i and prevent flouring. It is then returned to the farms the same fcrenoon, and when emptied into clean ves- sels can be kept tweet until fresh milk-ar-s rives from the factory. It is .well' to add boiled flax teed to the skim milk, to take the �plaoe of the batter fat, and feed in not too lenge quantities .three times a day. Pasteurization is valuable,not only entreat- ing iikim milk for • stook feeding purpose, bat milk and cream which has'been pasteu- rized is recommended by physicians for in- valids and children, and the process will doubtless anon be adopted tor' both factory and.retail purpose. Any one who wishes may lend cream from hand separators, which can bieproduced from the oreereery at the loweat price and on the most favor- able terms. ,- lir-Mol(Tm r • Every morning a fluid ounce of milk or Dream is taken from eaoh petron'soan, arid. by oceans of proper preservatives..composite sampies are kept until the end of the month, wben they are tested by meane of the Babcock tetter - Aeheretofbre, patrons will be notified regarding the prioe .to. be paid at the creamery for the following two weeks, and as soon possible -after the mid, dle of each month statement, will be made out advancing 50o•per .hundred of milk, At the end of tbe.monbh cheques will be is- - sned for the total valneof•the month's milk . !esti the Dost of : drawing end the • amount already advanced, Arrangements are being Made to secure the servloea:of one of the Western Butter and :MeeseAeaooiation in- spectors, wbo call at the factory each month and superintend the testing. An addressed poet card Will befurniebed to 'each patron, and whenever any suggestions can be made in his own, or the 'creamery's interest, we will be pleased to give them our immediate attention. • - A BRIGET. OUrtOOK;: Farmersgenerally.are having More .nf. their cows freshen in the late fall, or early winter menthe. and • this is certainly e change in- the right •direction. The calves will then be raised at a •time when it is pos- sible to give them the necessary pare and attention and the bulk of the milk will he produced while the price ,of hotter is the highest. Commenting upon the OanaMan export butter trade, an • Engieh atitb'ority stated recently thaht if Canadians continued to send over. butter of the right gnality, the aount which world find a ready rket mine ma re would, for many years to mer only be limited by they could produce; With conditions so favorable for the productions of large quantities of the beet export goods, Huron should, in the near future, he among the leadit 7 butter producing counties, • ng i halm. SAi Wanted.-Cbolee roll butter 22c, . also raw furs. choice fox, 34.50. We have 8 sew nineties to clear 310.00 ones for $5.00,--n00 for 32.50. Also edew Fur lined Capes. G. E. KING, Wittgham. CLINTON SAW MILLS We' wish toinform all our old cuitt mere that we have sold our saw mint() W:RDoherty & Co.. and therefore not in the market to buy loge. We take this opportunity of thankio our numerous patrons for their support and trust they wi.l give the same to our suceee- sore, W Doherty&Co. J. & N. FAIR. .. With reference to the above we wish to say that we are preparing to btifida saw mill. It will be run by electricity generated by our factory dynamo. Expect to have it running by the first of 3faroh in the meantime we are. buying caw logs endhope to have our vacant five acre lot covered with saw logs at least two' deep by that time. W. DORERTY & CO. W. JACKSON, • A (1itu T CANADIAN 'PACIFIC �Y. CLINTON sIlifbiig6 tioltate hexed to all points in the Attila, Manitoba, the North West and British Columbia, Trav- ellers to any'point will conaulttheir • interests by consulting. above. Supplementary Meetings otr':me WZST nvnON FARMERS' INSTITUTE 1000* 1(ClntOIL" 'yhlureday, Peb. 22. Ancil tools Sesenalf 1.50 p. m.= -Planting and Care of Orchard T. G. Raynor 13. S. A. ;Under. „A, W. 'P.art, B. A.; Breeding Rome for Profit, Robt. McLean. • EVENING FSEB31o1, 7.70 p. m. -•-Address, Wm. lBatIoy• Leaks on the Farm, A.'W'.Peart 8. A.; Agrieu`ltural Education, T. G. Raynor, B. S. A St. Helena, Prlday, rib. 23. A>rtEntfooN Eleanore 1.30 p. m •-Propor feed- ing of Hogs, Iif. Lockhart;Fruit, 'Varieties, Cul- tivation, etc., A. W. Peart B A.: Agricultural Education T. G. Raynor, IE3 S. A. EvZZNrNG 3ze81oN, 7.00 p. me -Tillage, T. G. Raynor B. S. A.; A riculturall%lucation,A. W: Peart, Raynor, R. Public Liberies, R. I). Cameron. Atibnrti, Saturday, Feb. 24. AirrTRlroos fieSeU zr 1.00 P..'h .-Improving an Impevished Farm,'!. G. Raynor, B, S. A.; 1'nraects Injurious en Orchard and how to com- bat them, A. W. Peart; B. A.; Soiling Il. Kern- ygan;Fruit growing in Ontario, .7. Soiling, h. EVENING Bs'nioN 7.00 p.. ��pp Leah, on to Farm, A. W. Peart, D. A. ; Bt1Tteation of Farm - T. ons, M, r Bha.t .:ProgressieeAgrloulture, Leeburn, Monday, Feb. 26 At'raUxoo•N elessxots,1.00 p, m.. -'.alts General PurpoeoCow It. Young,' Clover Celt -tire, T. f . Raynor, 13. 3. A.; Cultivation of Soli, A. W. Peartr13 A. EVENlita tiesino1, 7.90 p. nt.-.The O. A. 0., T. t . Ray�n11or, 13.8. A. ;'The farmer's Fl ientba and hoe, $.Ir• Grant,; AgrieulturaiERlaea idon, Ac, W.13eart, }3, A, otos $ mciciiRkpitat Co. photos February 14, 1 Saving purchased the photo. graphic busiueee operated so long and suooetefally by Mr. Foster, I am prepared to continue the good work after an. •experience of thirteen years 10 etriotly first oleos Audios of three of our prinoipel cities. I feel I can pleieeyou, bating b ad a wide experience in all thetateat styles of pbotograpblowork 80011 ateCarbon in all .the different colors, Platimum, elect Plating and ” photos on Porcelain, Ivory and Celluloid, blaok and white or tint - ea. If you have an"old photo that you haye failed to get a good dopy bring it in. It will cost you noth- ing to give mea trial. Anything in the way of copying or enlarging Carefuliy attended to. No work allowed to leave the studio unless satisfactory. Ball and Get Rrices. FredBurgess BO1tly: LiVERMORE-In Clinton, en Feb. 10, the wife of Fred Livermore, of a eon. CASTL1-In Godericb'township on 'Feb. 12, the wife of Herbert Castle, ofa daughter. r, S OTTb C Ia East Wawanosh, on Feb 6t ,the wife of Alex Scott. of a' daughter", WATSON In Bullets, on January 31, ,the wife of Wm. Watson, of a eon. i TURNBULL-In McKillop on Jan. 81, the wife of Seo. Turnbu 1. of a daughter.. HQDQIN3-In Seaforthrota Feb. 6, the wife of Rev. 1 odgins, of a daughter:; COUSLIIY-In Brussels, Qn Feb. 2, the wife of A, Cousley,ofa daughter, MARRIED. EAGLESON-STEVENS-On the 13 inst. at the residence of the bride's father, by the itev, B. Clement, Wm.Eagleeon of Aberdeen, South, Dakota, to Mies Alma, daughter of James Stevens, Eeq., Clinton.. WATTS-MULDOON-At the reiddence of the bride's parents, on Jan. 81 by Rev. G. J. Abey, Jotin A. Watts, of iiullett, to Mi -s Tes= sic Muldoon, of McKillop.. BARBOUR-KEYEi--At the retidenoe of thebride'e lather. Tilos Keyes, Vaarna.. on. Thursday. Feb 15 by Rev Mr Andrews,!Joha Barbour, Mount Forest, to Rarriet-$eyes, . . ' DIED. OASSADAY-At Auburn op. Monday, Feb 12, Caroline Matilda Alger, relict of. the late James Cassaday, aged 69 years, and 1 month. CALDWELL-In 'rullett, on Jan. 29, James Caldwell, jr.,aged .25 years. ' ■MoKA9 -At Port Finlay 'Algoma, on Jan. 80, John McKay, formerly:of .lfuckersmith, aged 89 BRANDON -In East Wawanosh, on Feb, 5,. Annie Brandon, uged 48 yeard, 7 menthe. BELFOUIL-In Turnberry,. on Feb, 8, Robert Balfour, aged 21 years. TALBOT -In Everett, Penn,,: on Jan. 28, Mae Zinn Talbot, wife of C. Talbot, D. D. S., for- merly of Win gham. •• LONGMAN-Ini"ondesboro on Feb.'11, Cath- arine A., relict of the late James Longman, aged 75years and 2 months. ALCOOK-In.Morris, on Feb..1, Susannah daughter of R.13 Ai000k, aged 5 months and 11 days. CLINTON ' MARKETS' Correoted every Thursday afternoon. • Thursday, Feb. 16,1900. Fall. Wheat 0 62 a 0 63 064 a 065. 0 25 ,a 0 25 0 40 a 0 45 0 35 .wa 00 3556 a 200, ft 019 a 0 16 a .$n0 a 0 75 a08a a 0 25 a 0 40 a 0 40 a 000. aa 0 s 0025 a 4 00 sift I6 C0 0 05 14 00 Spring wheat Oats . ,, Rye Barley Peas 0 56 Flour per eivt 1 75 Sutter, loose 16.17,p'k'd C 18 -Ess pet doz 0 15 Ray,' . 7 5n Sheepskins 0 54 No. 1 Green trim, bides 0 71 Potatoes, new 0 95 Chickens, per pate, 0 30 Ducks, per pair 0.25 Geese, per Ih.• 0 0.5 Tarkeyr, pertly, .: �.,0 08 Pork, live 4 90 Pork, dressed 5 00 Dried applesper 0 05 Bran, e ton ....... ,1.4 Orf Shorts, tier ton 16 00 Montreal Cattle Market. Montreal, Feb. 12.—There were about 460 bead of butchers' cattle, '25 calves and 60 sheep end lambs offered for sale et the Last End Abattoir today. The very fine weather seemed to bring out the bntchers in full force, and trade was good with the prices about the same tie. were paid lest week for similar cattle. Mr Geo. Nichol- son bought five good cattle at . 4to per lb and Mr G. Martel bought four more at the same rate. Mr Martel offered 5o per lb for three fine large steers, but their owner held them at 510 per Ib ; large fat cows sold at from 4e to 4e0 and fair to good steers sold at from 4o to 4eo per lb, the common stook - selling at from 20 to 3&o per )b, There were about 80 mtloh cowa,and teed spring - ere offeree here t0•dayt and Mr T. A. Tren- helme bought 11 of thehest cows at *50. ?dr Brown bought 33 calves, paying from 33 to $95 esot. Sheep sold at from no ie. 310 per lb ; lambs sold at from 40 to, 50 per lb, Fat hogs are not plentiful and sold .et from Oto to 4,e. per !b. %at edit RIgtfn niSe COW reefs SALE. i• • 6 good grade cow for sale. Will calve in May. Will be sold very reasonable. Apply to A: SEELEY, Mary Street. . Feb164 POE SALE. A good second band waggon for tale. Only in work for One Summer alao a pair of gold bobsleighs. Cheap, either for rash or credit Apply to A. Ginn, Queen et.,or NEW Elie ante BOG LOST. In Clinton,on Wednesday noon, a Scotoh• Collie about 7 menthe old. Clolor cable and white having white around his neck and yfour �wardedpby ming informationb to suitably COOPER, Rinpen. Feb 10.1. �TanrWorth Boar for Service. Subscriber keep for service at his premises, and ebb. of Taekeremith the there -bred Vigil. toned Tamworth Boar. Clinton Ring, bred br George &:Ions, Crampton Ont„ Terme, $1 at time of service with �CC yyrivi'leee of returning if necessary; .PPLETON ELAT nukes - With. Feb 16 0 DOG LOST .04100001. A medium aired collie dog logit in Clintoteen White 1 . r l ok w th n r Colo ba the lith of Ja 1 stripseon face andwhite 'breast • Aneivore the ord name the NEWER *office foritheeownett►re - Feb 164 IIIELP WANTED A girl wanted to help ter do ]leneeworkr- Atrniq to MRS. JOfiN JACKSON, Rattenbury Street. TnonOBRED MILLS for Sale. $ GREAT CLOTHING SALE We have. done , a large trade in clothing this season, and we find in going through; the stock on band there are several broken lots in odd sizes which must a cleared out regardless of cost before 'tele new sprit goods arrive. The are new up-to- date -to- date goods, but as we have not a full range of ashes they must go at prices • like these -4 Men'e dark mixed T weed Snits were $8.50,' now $5. -2 Men's grey ,triped Tweed Snitswere36, now $3.75. -8 Dark overobeok°donble breasted Spits were 86.60, now 34 20. —2 Dark grey tweed Suite were $8.25, now $5;95. -1 Brown mixed worsted double breasted Snit was $7,50, now 35.50. -3 Grey Tweed Buiis, single breasted were 38, now 35.95, -.Mien's Wool Pants, all sizes, were $1,25, now $1, --Boys' two-piece Suits at $1.25, 31.75 and 52, -Men's Fine Beaver Overcoats in dark blue and blank, French fan. ings, velvet Dollar, worth 310 for $8,75. -Bine Beaver Overcoats, velvet dollar, worth $8.50 for 56.50, McKinnon & Co, Blyth FURNITURE B OADFOOT, 130X & CO. The steady increase in our trade is good .proof of the fact that our goods fare righ our prices 'ower .than those of other dealers in the trade. We manufacture furniture on e Targe scale and eau afford to sell abeap � If you buy • from: us, we save for yon tbe proft,,Whio'1i',-1n other cages, has to be added in for the retail dealer. This week we have passed into stock some of our neve designs. Space will not perm ". as to quote pinoes, but come and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer, ' Remember -we are determined that our prices shall be the lowest in the trade. • 4 UNDERTAKING.. In this department our stook is complete, and we• have undoubtedly the best fnnec% outfit in the county. Our prices are as low as the Iowest.j • BROADFOOT, BOX:& cal w=ACle dley P. S. -Night and Sunday galls attended to by calling tit .7. W. Cbidley'a, (Fullers, Director) residence I *rrrti�irvrr rr :tit rev WINTER'S Instant Cough Cure~ The best remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis. Cures • where. other remedies fail. Large size bottle, 250 Hoveyrs Eniulsioit is prepared from the finest Norwegian Cod Liyer 011 and pure Glycerine, with, Ilya grains of Hypophoephites tri each tablespoonful. legreeeble to take.. Easily digested. Pronounced by the many who have used. it as the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil on the market. 50a per 16 oz bottle .. F HO VEY Dispensing Chemist, :Clinton A Big snap 1 A Few I eas IN UVEBCVATg- For Big' 'Men We have a lot 4 Mob Un - W e 4 nil � dershirta which are a 1 first• elaas goods, but larger sl :,n moot people require. We will clear them out at prices. as follows $1.50Oncs,per suif,for $1.15 2.00 " " ". 1,.40. .A. J. MIDRRISH thinThe a bout preparing for thecoldwe utaray.hicih is just to hand.' We have a line of Frieze Over - co t,t double breracte6.with large storm collar whim tveuld be !exceptionally bear. even it they were made ti tho usual way, but these aro• mace don bis* w i Cin by lining them down to the• waist with the h avy frieze that th., outside is made of. We a notalwaya talking as if our goods wore the heapest in the world, but we dew that Phis s the best coat in the trade for themonoy,. And those who have seen It gay it would not be dear at $30. The price 1e $8 while. they last. A dee of back and blue beavers, double breasted or fly front, with velwet•coilar and quilt linings at $8. Abetter lino at $10 •A• nice -dressy -Oat made cut of curly cloth at V. A'bettercurl, with corded edges, velvet collar and boat farmers satin lining, a• $12. Overalls, with or without bib, from 50e per pair up. A. J. HOLLO WAI When Buying a Cream Separator, buy the Best •_ Don't tr td save - a few dollars on fist cost and waste ten times that. on toe poor work' of a poor machine. There aro a number of dliferont kinds- of Dairy Separators d1 la deintontwo classes., Those in which .quality is the first considers• tion and those in which low cost is the first considera- tion regardless of anality. The Sharples Sep - ureter aratnr stands at the head of the fust la and are rea'ir the exponent of that class. Throtighout this Separator the finest nutter. leg, the most careful manufacturer and ttho handeomeet finish is employed. The reputation of P. M. Sharpies for well made machinery is above that of any other manufacturer in their line. They have been loner in the bnainees by several years than their oldest competitors rn America and just- ly claim to have a more thorough knowledge of the requirements of the best Separator. The manufactories are by odds the largest and finest Soparotor Works not only. in Amer- ica but itt the world. They have in their employ the most ekperi- enced and apart separator inventors and designers and aro thus enabled always to, keep in the load. y IT IS ABSOL17TL"Y SAPB. • No oaring nor WW1 ?mood spindles are OX - Dosed, in wiaich the hands or ciothingrmay l op tator1entangled.5 007ce of dal and othery serione aecidents have happened with them. An infant could play around or on the Sharp- ies while the machine is in full motion with- out danger oraeoidentorinjftry, Those Separators are furnie ed with the latest patented two part progessive separa or bowls unequalled in efte tionesa The points in which it ie claimed the *barytes is superior to any ether Cream Sep- arator in the world aro TRarough'sess s1 Bcparation. Slsaplictty of Conetractsiou, Safety and Darabtflte. Wo are willing to.plaeo these machines With dairymen absolutely on their merits. Tho machines must prove in actual use that they have the superior points claimed for them over competing machines. Tha 8eper tor will be leaned to any responsible dairy tnen with no obligation to buy. An agent for dnent chino may ohs taut 800(1107 who hat 8 bettor •.macltiao, but a superior machine will demonatrato its auper- ority in An actual t71a1. , It you are interested write ua and •fee wilt tend you a descriptive catalogue of the Machine and a cireutar containing teetimon--. fat lettere freta your terbore ant others, 11 Canada and Rend *boot with inliinetructlond NEW SPRING' GOODS A little early perhaps to talk about them, but a good many people who like to keep well up with their work buy early and have their sewing done by the time the. spring work commences. It ' will pay you- to buy early this year. Goods now in. stock were bought ata old prices later purchases will:cost more money. Prints---11eavy weights, dark , colors good -patterns IOC. Shiartin•=—Heavy .goods, fast colors, lOe, 12e, 14e. Cottonades- Manitoba tweed mole skins, 1'2 c to 255. `' Dress goods -Special value,in plain and fancy blacks, Overcoats° ---Stix a few of the heat/ ulsters, the $7 50 sort for 5.00. Syrup Have you had e pail of our Bee Brand Syrup. We helm now received ear third >lhiument eine the 1st of February. Tour neighbors say it is the best they ever used. You'll say the surae. Pelee $1.26 for a pail of 26 pomade. 'We are paying it little mora than you cart get elsewhere for ohoioe he'll Butter. If you, mike a good artiole yon may air well have the highest price. Bring it Id us. We ship these machines to any place in • The undersigned effete elf months old bra 4°140'1101eth ThorobredShAhern and will et sold at (;lin and elan are year old buil for este. T'they a figure?El) IL WIBE for totting up and operatitlg. You will not need the eor1711M of an expert to start it Sharpies Separator. W. L. otinterre 10ndeenere, oat. W. L. Ouimette, LONDESBORO The Cash Deafer AL. s.m,.h.: