HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-02-16, Page 4Dollars
Save on
Saturday, 17
Monday, 19
Tuesday, 2
.The following list tells you of money
s, you can save i)n• every article you buy. on
Saturday, Monday or 'Tuesday.
• Stock -taking is over, and we find odd
lines of _goods we don't Want to carry over
till next season. They are worth more to
you than to us, as there will be weeks of
cold weather ahead.
In order to make a quick clearance we
-have marked many lines -far ,below makers'
prices. ,
Come as early as you can.
Snaps in Dress
35c Figured Luitre tor 22c•
50C Dress Goo
3 Pieces only Black Figured Drees
Goode, full 37 inches wide, neat
designs, heavy quality, rials black,
fast dye,Favell worth 35o, sale price
to clear at
SI Grepon for 50c
1 Piece only Black Figured Crepon,
fu11:44 inches wide, rich black,
large, design, imitable for skirt,
our regular price is $1, to clear
sale days at
30c Serge for 2 Oc
For 33c
40 Inch Dress Goods in Polka Dot I
2C design, colors of blue'garnet and
green and black mixed, will make
. good aervioeable dresses, our regu-
lar price is 50o, to clear M.. Oelt,
For 47c
40 Inch heavy Union Serge, in nolors
of bine and garnet only, sainible
for dresses o- snits, our regular
value 30o, sale price onlY 20:e
65c Black Goods
If you are triVOling OUP
where at ony time veoure
your tiokete front
Railway &Steamship Agent, Clinton
tut Advertionot
Dollars you can save-Newcombee ..Page 4
Hair goods.-PembertOn's agent 5
Spring Importations -R Coats..t Son5
Our bargain days -Ear and Bros ..... .,5
Are youlooking-N Rob5on 5
Cow for sale -A, Seeley . . 5
For sale -A GS= 5
Dog lost -Wm Cooper 6
Dog lost -.NEW WCA 5
Boar for service -A Elcoat 5
New spring goods -W L Ouimette / 6
Photos -Burgess 5
Good business-Hodgens' Bros 8
Suits -Jackson Bros 8
Ontario Legislature.
The Ontario Legislature was opened
at 3 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon.
Sir Oliver Mowat, Lieutenant -Gover-
nor, whowas accompanied by the
usual escort and guard of honor, read
the speech from the throne. It dealt
with the usual questions which will
came before the Housefor c,onsider-
. .
Parliamentary _
1 Piece only of about 2Q yards of
131aok Figured DressEloods,eraeoth •
finishovill give Al wear, good
value at our regular peke 65o, --
specialsfor three days only • 41C
Extra Special
•400 Yards of our very best 12e to 20c Wrap-
perette, in colors ot red, mauve, blue,
navy, etc., your choice of the stock, los
sale days at O4
wwwww0AWAAAA4ovvvvvy Hosiery Bargains Bargains
Boys' Hose, made of all wool yarn,
extra beavy foot, eizes 8, 9, 94,
usually sold at 25cais1e price while
they last .2 pair for ZOC
Boys' Hose, made of Scotch Finger-
ing Yarn, heavy heel and toe, our
regular 35o and 40e Stockinge,sale
price ...... ..2 pair for. 55c
Snaps in Furs . •
30ci Wool Boas for $0.10
$1.85 Cbildren'm Fur Sets for "Atli 1000
$1-25 Coney Muffs for .75
$3.50 Black Aatrachan Muffs; for ' 2.10
$12 Genuine Beaver Ganntlete fOr ...... ..... 5.95
$2 Brown Ruffs for.. 1.00
61.85 Blink Ruffs for .95
$2.25 Grey Raff for.... 1.25
$5.50 Grey Ruff for.... se A • 3.95
$28 Fur Coat lor $19.50
Ladies' Black Astrachan Fur Coat, full 36 itichee long, fine glossy curl,
made of seleoted skins, higla storm collar, lined with quilted
farmers' satin, good -value at 08, sale price only
$19.00 Fur Capelor $13 50
only Black Astrachan For Cape, fine glossy curl, made of choice
skins, well lined with satin, high storm collar, cheap at $19.00,
to olear at sale for
Save $2.00 on a Jacket
15 only Ladies' and Hisses' Jacket, ramie of all wool frieze, befin16 nice-
ly bound, highstorm collars, all this season's coats, our regular
prices were $3.50 to $4.50; -sale price choice at
Tailor-made Skirt
For $1.98
:Ladies' Tailor made Dress Skirts of Plain
and Figured Lustre, ,lined with good
black lining, well bound with velyet,
. made in latest styles, We price only 401.
Your Money Hack
If Ten Want it.
an appearauce, be ying recently met They bed a pleasant vtay wbite in the March 13, 1900. Mr Slieltlon Will have
Vivo of South firtice_ba, has not yet put in ?Awe Ur Coil lute rovers) lerge firrnil. entire plant for the week beginning atatat*********44Wf-tuerY,IPPioe-naort,
with an accident in Toronto. John le Emerald 1416 and oleo among their loony absolute control ofeverydepertment-
good dem a AM Whr 0341'1191We le EL Es Reagens went to London
0 favorite 111 room 10, and make* a Wendt, bere
yeitg. is now at work laying hie plane, end
editorial, news, and edvertieing. He
net in session. ,
ay. . .. , the result will be awaited with intense
, _
A member% corresponclenCe all pee Mr and litre 3'. OMR and d u hter went Interest by millions of people. The
through tne mails free of poetage, t d i „ , , . 0 C4 . price of the paper for the week of the
while the House is' in session, mid ?serer ey on a y %Li to tom daughter in
tei t. experiment, which beginv March 13ch,
thousands of letters come and go in ,r le tvventy-five cents, pootpaid, to any
thio way. Ed. T. Holum, late immigration agent pert of the United States Canada AO
with. headquarters at St, Paul, Minnesota, Mexico. A. T. Cooper, 'Clinton, Will
The Senate bite adjourned for three into been transformed to Indianapolis, with receive subscriptions it that rate.
.gweeekse.menWwitho oaelLpdyeference to the control of the Stet f Last ow
care if it adjourned for three years. - Stites. eervices proved, av mann, Illarge co
gregatione and good collections. It
ber, we don't believe the public would. tat 45,000 immistrente located in Can.
a a, of whom 12,00Q were from the United
Mr McNeill, the Oonseryative repro. VMS the intention of the pastor tohave
'Mr J. G. Medd, of town who hes been a reverend gentleman from Toronto
eentative of North Bruce, is certainly i
confined to his bed for about eight wader here, to supply, but circumetancee in -
entitled to credit for his gener t t
pendine an operation for tubercele of terfered, so the pastor conducted the
the patriotic fund, he having iyen his
$1000 vertabrae, and from Me serious nature of aervices himself, and rightly pleaeed,
foil sessional allowance f the osse. his doctors are now afraid of was the congregation in his sodoing.
ntl the red charts- • eIndian*, Y Wrx.r.re neu.-Th a niverstuz
In his speecg the other day 'Sir
Richard- Cartwright's statement that
"every other member of the Dominion
Cabinet had a son who . was at the
front with the contingent," and his
naming - of the ' many ,, prominent
French Zanadians Who are there also,
elicited ringing applause, that lasted
eeveral minutes. . • .
Hon. Mr -Foster delivered a speech of
three hours' duration the other day,
closing tit 6.30 p. m. As be is a good
debater, it m-ust be admitted that it
was a good display of oratory. • At
7.30.'whin the members came back to
the House, a copy of the speech was
-,found in each Opposition members'
desk -a rePtint from the Montreal
. Stet... This was not a case of quick re-•
porting. lis the speech had simply
been.printed before it was delivered,
and held in i eserve for the occasion.
- .
A gentlerban from New; 'York is here
pressing the claims of the beet -root
• sugar industry. He told the Minister
of Agriculture that if a bounty of 1
cent a pound was placed on sugar
-taken from beet roots, a factory would
be built tasting halt -a -million dollars.
As afactory can turn. out 400 'tons a
day, a bonus of itscen t a pound is pretty
liberal. it is said the industry is mak-
ing considerable headway in Michigan;
on the other hand, the department of
agriculture has collected information
that is decidedly unfavorable from
foreign conntries, where the industry
isfoetered., The matter is likely to be
discussed in the House.
._ _...._
Last week an advertiseixient appear-
ed in a nunaber of papers, offering to
farmers binder twine at the Kingston
penitentiary, if orders were place be-
fore the let of March. ‘ The Lofidon
Free Press denounced the ad. as a
fake; mid there wean% a polind . of
twine in the penitentiary, and that At
was simply an attempt to deceive the
public, and the article was copied. by
the Goderich Star. Note the Free
Press was either in entire ignorance,
or was wilfully misleading its readers.
Farmers who want binder twine can
get it from the penitentiaty, because
It has it for sale, It is said in com-
mercial reports that there has been a
greeter advance in raw hemp, than in
almost all other articles of commerce.
This is due to prolonged hostilities in
the Phillipines, where the bulk of it
comes from, and the pride of binder.
twine is likely to be higher all round
than it has been. .
Much as the people of Canada may
want to show their loyalty to the Em-
pire, by paying the entire Rost of the
contingents, while on duty in South
Africa, it cannot be done, for the
simple reason that the Imperial ,5;),y-
ernment lays down the rule that it,
and it alone. must pay the soldiers
while on duty, and all the Opposition
talk or parliamentary :resolutions in
the world cannot change it. The
reason of this is quite obvtoue. The
Colonial contingents, once they reach
South Africa, are a part of the general
army. It would destroy' discipline
absolutely, if one carps received hither
pay than the other. But what the
Canadian government propthiee to do
is this :-The ordinary pay of the Can-
adian soldier is higher than that of the
'English soldier, and the difference be-
tween the two will be placed to the
credit of the Canadian, by the Govern-
ment, to be paid to his family during
his absence, or in the event Of there
beingno faMily, to be drawn by the
soldier on his return.
Referring to the Opposition caucus,
one of the papers said, 'The members
were most harmonious, and determin.
ed to put up a vigorous campaign to
the hour of election." No one doubts
the latter statement, for the Opposi-
tion ,have everything to gain by a vig-
orous campaign. Bnt the former is
open to queetion. How can E. F.
Clarke and Clarke Wallace he har-
monious when they do not speak, and
each has a, knife drawn on the other.
How can Dr Montague and Clarke
Wallace be harmonious, when neither
recognIzes the other, though sitting
but twn eeats apart. How can Mr
Treater and Mr Haggart he,harmonious
when they are openly hostile. The
CAUCUS mv have been harmonious,
Hon, Mr Tarte, though occasionally
In his seat, is far from being in good
health, and the unkind, ungenerote
and untrue things said of him by bis
opponents, indicate a low state of
political warfare. .
Parliament has queer wave. A
member may sit in. the chamber with
his bat on -and many do -but r if he
Wants to speak, or move over to his
desk mate, or get up and go out, his
bat most come off,
' People who imagine that goyern-
*lent situations are easy to get, would
manse they were laboring under a
huge mistake, after a short experience
here. For most of the situations it is
necessary to pass tbe rigidCivil service
examination, and for ,the few that this
is not necessary there are a couple of
h undred applications' for every vac-
ancy, -and as each member Wee to
secure a position Inc some. one in hist
own riding, the difficulty ieiet ensitled.
Csuallye, few extra.vner, are pet on
during a session, as sessional eierks,
but this year not a . selitary i w one
has been employed.
West Huron Dominion Election
operating, But we ere pleased to spy that
Mr Medd is holding his own exceedingly
well. •
P. R. Worthington went to Zuriolt, on
Thursday morning to set up windmill, lie
completed an artegian well 262 feet _deep
• for C. Middleton, Bayfielcirotids last week
and says that business in mills and wells is
boonaing just now as he has so mu& work
CM hand.
The following were booked by A. 0,
Pattison, G.T.R. agent. this week: -On
Monday, John B2Cook, of Goderiola town-
ship, for Venoonver, B. 0.; on Tuesday,
• John E. Harvie returned to Los Angeles,
CM., Mr and Mrs William Eagleson, to
Aberdeen, Dakota, and Mrs Connell, to
Glasston, Dakota,
Geo, Watson, of Toronto, who is tt son
of W. N. Watson, of Seaforth, and learned
his trade on the Expositor, has been ap-
pointed to a temporary position on the
mechanical staff of the Government Print-
ing Bunan, at Ottawa, He is a brother of
James Watson, son-in-law of our towns-
man J. Leslie.
To the Editor of the Are; ••
Dear Sir. -Ever since this case was
before the public, variouit rumors have
been • circulated 'Concerning alleged
irregularities at polling -sub -division
No. 5, Goderich township,- at which,
place I was deputy returning officer.
In order to show how these rumors
arose, I ask you to publish the follow- lyth Standard, was unimously selected
as one of • the 'auditors'. J. A. Cooper
Extract from Ottawa Br/ening Journal, of .(late of Clinton) was re•elected Secretary -
July 18th, 1899,in ita reivrt of West Huron Elec- tteasurer, a position he has now filled for
tion investigation:- "The first witness was
William. Stanley, of Holmesville, who was a oeyeral years.
Conservative scrutinier at a poll where 157 bal-
lots were foundin the box, though only 150 per -
:sons had voted, He testified that when attere. eburcir» zaimea. ondon Methodist onference
tion was canon to th.% seven ballots were tak-
The LC
As a matter of fact there, Were no 'will meet in St. Marys this year.
irregularities' at this poll, so far as
polling was concerned,as those present
iRev will conduct ser-
`ather West
can testify. In counting over .the vces at the R. C. church here next
ballots before the poll commenced, SunclaY, • -
I found. there were 1.57, though the • The Quarterly Board of Ontario
package was Marked 120. I called the :streetchurch will meet on Wednesday
attention of those present to the cir- eyenitig next,
ournstarice. and it was The Epworth Leagueconvention of
s decided to leave •
them on the package till the close of the London Conference is being held
the poll, incase any were spoilt, and in Stratford this week.
we might need tbe extra ones. They
were not required and were not used ,The contract for the new . C..
in any way and at the -close of the poll, church; at Dublin, his been let. The
m my suggestion, were burned,
figures are ' in the neighborhood ot
that my. ballot sheet would correspond $700, which When
l, it
with the actual number of ballot pap-
ere: This Was. dope with the kne up to .about $1,200,
ledge and concurrance of all 'Present, On January 18, Mrs Nettie E.
who were Messre. C. Neabitt,T. Church- • Thomas, widow of the late. Rev R.
ill, W. Stanley, W. Murp.hy,J. Stevens. Thomas, (formerly of Clinton) died
and J. W. :rect.-11E111mm' ELFORD. suddenly; of Bright's disease, at Alicia
•' Hcispital, St. Auguittme,FInrida. The
At the annual meeting of the Canadian
Roles Association last week several Huron -
lens were honored. J. S. Willison, the
Meyer and genial editor of the Globe was
unanimoueiy elected President. •Mr
election is oftspecial Interest. to Hur.
(inhume from the fact that he has a number
of personal friends here, where in his early
-days he taught *wheel, and also labored for
• a brief period as a "devil" in.. the Exeter
Times. D. McGillicuddy, Of the Goderich
Signal, was unsimonely elected 2nd vice.
president, and in two more steps he will
reaoh the Pregideney, a position his long
association with the preas of Ontario well
auifies him for. E. H. Bradwin; of the
en out and destroyed.
•• remains were sent to Cleveland, Ohio,
ttoming and Going.
for interment. .
_ , Rev Gerald Willoughby; of Alvinss
Rert Pitziroone ie over in Bayfield rug. ton, has volunteered to go with Strath -
dusting. • • cona's contingent to South Africa as
•• chaplain. His experience as scout in
El. H. Gidley, of Blyth, was in. item on - the North-west rebellion and his per -
Wednesday. •• • sonal qualities would make him an ex -
Mies Gordon is visiting her parentin cellent chaplain.
Shepperton.'•••Rev Dr Henderson, Toronto, associ-
0 Miss Metals, of Auburn, is visiting ,in ate secretary of the Methodist Mission
town this week. • . • Boart:, will preach in Wingham
.: ,church on Sunday evening Feb. 18th,
Druggist A. a. Allen, of Seaforth, was
in town Monday. •
which is missionary day. 'Dr Hender-
son is acknowledged as one of the fore-
Mn• Trick was the guest of Geo. Barnwell, most preachers in the Methodist body
Exeter, last week. .
t . RATTENBURY ST. -Miss C. •New-
Robt. Coate, of the Toronto Globe, was
• home ove_r Sunday. . combe is efficiently perforthirig the
duties of organist for a couple of Sun -
Miss Jennie McKee, of Petrolea, is the days, during the temporary absence of •
gneet of Mrs W. Newoontbe. Mies Combe, who is in New York.-
Mrs A. Omens, of Brantford, is visiting .The special seryhices arhe being continu-
'ed in this chum , with the assistance
at W. Robb's,f0harles st. • .
of Mies Williams, and are gro win in
Robert Doane went down to Toronto on interest; this lady has been engaged
Monday on a business trip. in evangslistic work for a number of
Joe Tait, Jos. Craig and Wm Horton, of years, and has been the instrument, in
Goderioh, were here on Sunday, the hands of God, of turning many
• Mr and Mrs Hatt, Queen et., • returned unto the pathway of eternal lite ; she
home from Goderioh on Monday. has a winsonie way about her, sin-
cerity being strorily evident, "whileher
Mies 3. Rosa, of Clinton, is vieiting her manner is simplicity itself,
sister, Mre MoLean-Efensall Observer.
- Mims Bell, of Wingham, was the guest of
Mies MoDitirray for several days this week.
Miss McConnell was visiting ht Seaforth
last week and was the guest of Miss Nellie
The eliecouree in the n39rning dwelt
enielly on "Giving," and was a eeraloll
entirely in relation to anniversary
occasions. The congregation was
pleased with it, and also with the able,
thoughtful serman in the evening. The
collectibns amounted to about the
sante as. at last year's anniversary,
3185 in the morning, and $65 for the
evening, making over $250 placed on
the plate for the day, By the time
the subscriptions of those who were
not aware of the special collection
being taken up, this sum will be some-
what increased, and will likely go near
the $300 mark. The choir rendered ap-
propriate music at both services. -
The Rev. A. Grant, M. A., of St.
Mary's, one of the ablest Presnyteriam
ministers of western Ontario, will
preach the Century Fund scheme to
the congregation of Willis church, at
tbe evening service, next. Sabbath;
Mr Stewart will lake Mr Grant's ^place
in St. Mary's for the day, and Willis
church will be supplied in the morning
by some other member of Huron
Presbytery. ...
ft eali to Arms. •
'Hear the call to arms, ray country,
• Gather near and gather far ; •
Haste to aid the British Bmpire
Struggling in the toils of war.
• Stay these ruftliins, who are fighting
'Gang all code of Christian laws ;
• Using traitors' arts to aid them
/n their dark, =hallowed cause.
Word has come across the water, .
. journals make our country ring
With the horror of the doings• •
lu beleaguered Mafoking. •
Theyhave shelled the woreenst,laager,
• Whir. tehreeirinnthe sick
' Burst their bombs to crush the children
•ocenacnedawt polaunyd.edlay
, •,
0 2 the horror of this contest
Evil passiOns breaking loose
Lend to deeds of savage warfare,
Uncontrolled by flags of truce.
'Rise Canadians 1 Rise to battle
• Hear the Mother Country call ;' .
Strike a blow for British freedom,
• Fearless stand, or fearless fall.
Hark 1 there COMM across the Water,
• Where dismay and tumult reign. ;
• Sounds of woe and lamentation,
Britaiuraourning o'er her slain.
Miss Sarah Langstaff, Kincardine, has
been visiting among friends here for the
past month.
lifts Boiee, of Clandeboye, was visiting
Mrs Seale het week; she returned borne
on Satnrday.
Miss Knowles Stevens, who is areas -
making in town, event Sunday at her home
near Londeeboro.
Mies Maggie Burrows and Miss Aggie
Washington, of Goderloh, visited Mende
in Clinton on Monday.
Miss Bell and Mies Vanstene were the
geeste of Miss McBitirraywhile here attend-
ing tbe assembly on Friday evening.
H.B. Lewis,Toronio,formerly of the Mel -
son's bank, wee in town for few days
renewing friendship and attended the
assembly on Friday.
Rev, B. Clement, A. T. Cooperand
Washington were attending the Epworth
League oonvention held in Stratford on
Wednesday and Thursday.
1dr Geo, Lyon returned home last week
from Guelph where he has been spending
a six weekre holiday. But we are sorry to
eayhe is haying poor health as present.
Itobt. Coats, one of the oldeet Internees
men of the plass is snfferfrig from a cold
whiob keeps hins'in the house; in eon"
sequin:toe, thereof, Miss Macpherson is
• assisting in the store of Coats tt Son.
Mist Miry Townsend war the guest of
the Rem Mt Andrew', of Varna over Sun -
city and on Monday she oalled on some
-Clinton blear and , returned home to
Londethoto on Tuesday hiving spent
pleasant time.
Editor Buohart. of the-V*81140er News,
gays us a call on Settirday while On his
way hones from Brantford, The SOWS is
The New York Independent gives
out a few statistics in regard to the
religious denominations of the United
States :-Total number of ministers
amounts to 153,901 ; churches, 187,803;
members. 27,710,001. Increase of min-
isters 4581, churches 421, members 277,-
367 ; gain 1 per cent. The largest per-
centage of increase was of the Reform-
ed Catholics, which had received a
membership of 50 per cent. Episco-
palians increased 1,1 per tent, Catho-
lics 3 5 of 1 per cent, Presbyterians
1 1-5 percent,, Methodests i• of 1 per
cent., Baptists 2 per cent., Christian
Scientists 14 percent., Lutherans 2 3 5
percent., Universalist° deceased, more
than 3i per cent. r,
ONTARIO ST. -A large number. at-
tended the social given by tbe League,
on Monday night, notwithstanding the
disagreeable weather, the basement
being well-filled. To 'promote social
intercourse, Scripture quotations were
written on slips of paper, the slips cut
in two, distributed, and the owners of
the respective halves were expected to
hunt until they found the correspond-
ing part of the quotation. A program,
consisting of the following, was ren-
dered :-Solos by Mrs (Dr) Thompson
and Mrs J. Bailey; instrumental duetts
by Mrs W. H. Newcombe and Miss
Clement, Misses A. Gibbings and L.
A.ndrews, Mrs Newcoinbe and Miss O.
Newcombe; several selections by' the
excellent orchestra ; short address
by Rev 11. Clenaent.- Refreehiments
were also served. President Holland
occupied the chair; an enjoyable time
was spent by all.
80mnoN's EXPRIUMBNP. •••••• Rev.
Charles M. Sheldon, the famous
author of "In His Steps," a book that
has been translated into fourteen len-
guages, and has at it conservative esti-
mate had over 20,000,000 readers, haa
at last an opportunity to show to the
world his ideal of what a daily rie.Wg,
paper should be. At the Detroit
but severaf members of the party making rapid strides under the pen Of our C/hristian Endeavor Commotion he
haven't yet reached the Inillenium friend and is much brighter. Its adveriii. urged the organization of it comnetty,
ing patronage is increasing also. It is With a capital of $1,000,000, to issue
such a paper, *here, in every depart -
stage of "loving One another,
Mr McIntosh, the new Condervative a newity and vfell birdied weekly,
vnt, the standard should be, "What
representative Inc Sherbrooke, has a Mr and Mrs Wm ('ell were paying a
million dollars, but he Ints_gota chance
striking resemblance to Robt. Masan, visit fa Mr Ceil's brinbers, John Holmes, euld Jesus Do ?" He hasn't got the
°f to try his experiment, The leading
of Goderieb, but is taller. Goderieb roAd, end Samthusi Hoilinntaii
John ToImie, the genial represerite- a visit with relatives in Ireland and left on MOP Of Topeka, the Ditilv Capital,
Seaforth. Thy bre on ter re tar r
Will place at hla absolute disposal its
Tuesday for their home in Miresesota
i• "
Bargain Month
Wail Paper
Mourning o'er her gallant Wauchope, •j
Lying prone upon the veldt, -
With ins "Cordons" and his "Seliforths," I
- And the "Black Watch" -many a Celt.
Rise Canadians, rise for vengeance,
•'Whehn, the Boers like a flood,
'On to vict'ry, all who glory
In a drop of Celtic blood.
Hark 1 the sound of lairientation,
• O'er the dead at Spion Kop ;
Women mourning o'er their loved.ones,
Slain upon the mountain top.
• Here a husband and a father,
There a son is lying low,
. Victims of the wiles of Kruger
, Deal the demon such a blow 1
Never more shall Boer banner,
•'Float above his dastard crew.
• Forward 1 seize upon Pretoria,
Let the wretch for mercy sue. .
• Who for vilest purpope banded
Men for this mglonous strife •
Let him pay the price of bloodshed
• With his mean, degraded life.
Hear the call to arras, my country 1
Forward 1 make a glorious stand;
Down with Kruger 1 he the brutal
Leader of a savage band.
On Canadians 1 On to battle 1 -
Gather forces near andfar ;
-• On Canadians 1 On to battle !
• Charge'l and end this artfulwar.
An Impromptu.
Up Clintonians !Rise to battle!
You and all your kin and kith,
Rise to aid the heroes fighting
• Round beleaguered LaysmIth.
Follow Webb across the water,
• Webb the fearless, Webb the brave;
Leaving all he loved in Clinton,
Gone for glory or the grave•.
-ceint. H. aternerca-sme.
(These foregoing were rendered by
Miss Clara H. Mountcastle, at the
Patriotic Assembly, held in the town
on Friday evening last. The former,
"A -Call to Arms," composed in A
very short time, is of a mili-
tary spirit,and was enthusie.stically re -
To melte February a busy
month in Wall Paperwe have made
a Special °arrangement whereby we
will sell Paper (tit 10o and over) at
the regular prices and have it put
on your walls fres.
This is e genuine offei, and will
we hope be appreciated by our eon.
Remember the paper hoe not
bsen advanced in a single case, but
the same prima ai prevailed last
fall are now quOted.
If you can ' strange _to have
yonr epring papering done now, you
may Plat as well -save the cost of
putting it on.
• Come and see what we have.
W. Cooper & Co
Clinton, Ont.
, .
Sporting Notes.
• Kincardine and Clinton hookeY teams
played-a-gamellere iast night (Thursday.)
Curling and hookey were.. soiree games
s don't like to play in -
iauti.faLli:oewartihnkeIs.hfreob°m):TOro.nto curlers chosen •
from the railroad men of the city are ,ex-
peoted here on Monday next. ' •
Clinton was to have gone and played ,
Seafoth on Monday bdt Nalteo'iieather did --
not permit the game to come. off:
The Clinton curlersare arranging for a .
-game with. Goderioh. A match with two •
rinks was to have been played here last ..
week but the ice was unfit. •
Two rinks from. Seaforth played
Clinton club yesterday.The players -
were :-Seaforth-F. Kling, T. Biter -
an, W. D. Bright and J. McDougall
skip, E. Beet, J. C. Steele, G. E..Hend-
'enson and T. Coleman ship ; Clinton -
J. 'Rattenbury; J. Johnston,. • N. Fair- -
and W. Jackson skip, T. Jackson, B.
Gibbings, • T. C. Miller and W. n
Spaulding skip.. By pre
not learn the victors.
. -
The county Orange lodge of North
Huron met in annual session at Wing -
ham last Tueeda3i week when there
was a large attendance of delegates
and elected officers for the ensuing
year: -Worshipful • county . master,
John Wilford. Styli] ; depaty mester.
W. J. Greer, Wingham; chaplain. Rev -
W. Lowe, 'Wingham; recording secre-
tary, T. Nasb, Gerrie; financial secre-
tary, W. R. Mooney, Brussels; treas-
urer, Wm. Bryan, Belgraye; director
of. ceremonies, S. J. McMannus; Wing -
ham; lecturers, A. McMannus and Geo.
Mains, Blyth. It was agreed to have,
no county celebration on July 12th. .
Students Those
91..sehool that offers advantages not found
elsewhere in Canada. Large staff . of expert
instructors; inexeased attancianceaup.to-dete.
business training; stores of students placed
ceived by those who had the Veasure anin tssislasint: poir tills; stablentit attenld-
of listening to the recital. he 1st- catidwetiligfitsisfessIgegair_esm. lbeyewaarnttlioe-
ter is an impromptu verse, eulogistic
Private A. B. Webb, who is new with
Enter as soon as possible Writs to -day fox
our h11141110rne Waist:40.i
best. It paysin the entt New term.now open
of our brave young man from Clinton
the first Canadian -eontiiigeni, and
whose letters in our columns our read-
ers have found very interesting. We
may mention that Miss Mountcastle
has a book of poems, including- an
essay, which has found a ready
sale. It is entitled "Is Marri.
age- a' arid
other selections, and is for'eale by W.
D, Fair.) -Ed.
Our Joe.
At the Patriotic Ballthere was hutch enough.
tthoAher asallurp,soruse
In 6ths'earere \tap 'cake, your
mother used to make: •
And Joe ,waathere. •
Por he didn't stand a chance with the people at
the dance,
The night before f
And as he had got a taste, aturthe otuff would
go to waste,
Ho wanted.more,
The hour had long been late ere the dancing
IntheAmiloaraninnhgadthleYettere slow getting rellUd1
but there was Joe,
used triaTe were the thine
whatHei,ear bereft,
What ohnokmonahneddeeoutoolueauvw,otenve aThib, p04404 04, 103
"Walt" had been reached,
Nearly frantio thee W0.0 joei 'OM to ask het
didn't knew,
Umiitt fwvwas
o rT
There was surely semethiug wrong, bdd barn
at the gainli too lees
To sta141 the PaCe.
HIS Plirdetep thought the awe, taul Wed to
Bity:81WacoAk'40,hiltRUICkk41314"belel:at men ring 40Y rubstitea
• It capped it Mt .
Though When twelve e'elesisttad OM, Wel
the ereWdl 144 dWiUdie4 some,
All wee well ;
There geed the wee old Asset if to soy "Who
tclazottiott sow Tho bem,
0. 00SC.
ZIA 0, V. Vt. the 0.11.' IC railway%
have owl% subsoribed $15,00i) to the Nok.
*Iowa Patriotic Vioad
, W. J. Elliott,Principal,
414 I i.' Wood's Phoap'hedino,
vie Great Englies &tardy. _
, Sold and recommended by SW
-)-4 druggists In Canada. Only rell.
.. . Algf" medicine discovered -At
,,_ Plataget_ guarantee to care all
Ibravi ' ''vxual neat,. neee. all effects of abuse
or meek Henna Worrn Exesesiye cSe Of To-
bias°. Opium or Atlamlants. Mailed on, receipts
of prim one eaekagis St, at. ie. One tralL pica*
etawilt rem ?wavelets free W=7 address -
Tim 'reed. Gemesays Windsor, Onti
Wood's PhOteltedine mold ia atte01:1 by Sy'!
nay Jacksott. Preexist.
Our Watches
Are guaranteed "to go"
"-not only correctly, but 0
pernianentlt. Perfect 0
workmanship and nicety c
1, of adjustment are the first e
irgardilieistheULidde o
te8we 6"tPo7*'
poeket timekeepers-ag tO
the outside, that is purely
• a matter of taste and ex- 0
pens°. If you haVe
thought of a Ladles' or ,
Gents* Wateh, in gold, ;
ver goictated we aro
ready for you trade -
Toady OA a sense that gives
lastiug satisfactiou after
you have, wade apurehase
kieeeesso niameeosebe