HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-02-16, Page 3' • rouching AN UNUSED ROOM THAT HAD A tatting Payee Currency., The Itlierehee Carried by the DASH OF MYSTERY IN IT. The selfishness 'of mankind as well mi A CURIOUS INCIDENT. THE UNSANITARY DOLLAR. THE CLINTON NEW ERA In every cough there kirks, like a crouching tiger, the probabilities o f consumption. The throat a ird lungs become rough and in- flamed from coughing and the germs of find an easy consumPtiou entrance. Take no chances with the dan- gerous foe. For 60 years there has been a per - Act cure. What a rec., WI Sixty years of cures. covetonsuess and cupidity blinds the 49. soothes and 'heals the wounded throat and kings. You escape an at. tack of consumption With all its terrible suffering and uncertain results. There is nothing so bad forthe throat and lungs as coughing. A 25c,- bottle will cure an ordinary cough; hard- er coughs will need 250o. size; the dollar boittle is cheapest in the long run. "One of my sons was emitting blood with a high fever and was very ill. We oould hardly see any signs of life Id hint. Tbe doctors did him no good. But one bottle of your Oherry-reotorai cured himand awed his life." C. G. ANDERSON Nov. 10,1898. Pukwana, S. Elk. Write the Doctor. 11 you have any complaint whatever and dOSIT6 tho best medical advice, write the Doc. tor freely. Address Dr. J. 0. .o-r-su, Lowell, Mass. - . The eiritral .Biness College. .1 • The'fact that this 'excellent school had an average daily attendance Of 285 memberePfor January, 'under the care of 12 regular teachers, is not only strongeyidence of the popularity of this school, but Of the general demand for practical thinge in education.. The: reputation_of the College is not con- fined to Toronto, and the immediate vicinity, although the business men of the Queen city now look' almost ex- •clusively to it for such clerical assist- ance as they require, and also send , their sons and daughters in large num- bers for the special training this school affords. The present term 'finds rep- ntatives in attendance from every dite Dominion, from six of States, "Newfoundland rmudit Islands. The school rema in session thtoughout the, entire year, so that students may enter at any time and complete any course desired without forced interruption from holidays. The College •Calendae. will be sent free to any one writing I for it. ARCHITECTURAL. Lincoln, England, has in Newport aich, Its northern gate, the oldest gateway in • the kingdom, which is also the only re- maining Roman gatenray. The great difficulty In getting anges made in a theater is the,„fear g.4he own- er that the alteration may affect the acoustic properties unfavorably. The Most curious palace In the world is the Alhambra, in Spain. It was orig- inally a fortress so great in extent as to be capable of holding 40,000 men. It, was begun In 1248 and finished in 1314. THE Homg DOCTOR. *1% To remove your warts try rubbing with a little bit ot fresh beef -daily titi tho disappear. It is said that if barge radish is applied to the temples when •one Is suffering with a neuralgic headache it.will give relief. Doric ointment, put tfp by any •druggists Is it 'fine healer of cot flesh. Put •a little on A Soft rag and :bind up the. Swum with dt. The juice of half a demon In a glass of water without sugar, taken night and morning, is excellent tor torpid Utter and - • • THE. PED4GOGUE. A new public school In Et. Louie is te be named In honor of the late Eugene Field, who was a native of that city. President,km of COlineehia university : has turned over to the /treasurer cif the institutlan- bonds amounting to $000.000 in payfilelirt of his library contribution, English .edueittors are In fitter Of niov'Stoent ho decrease the necessary ex - verities of studente et Onalbridge and Ox- ford, England, so as to make them with. hi the reach af=huitthie English sons. - • ,Trit6ir THRUSTS. ° rehVit VOrk financial Burly aeons to• lodlcate that the triune may dis- 40Y`thee18elves.withottt theId ofid-Ohreage Weird. oh* t-•.•. Walla bee *Offen another eptgramenatle„wilitry on the trusts. Bpi - Arabia oh, trust* ere every bit id already* Witer,•04-* duck's Jiackw-Vrashieston erage" pursuer of the alnalghty dollar to A Transformation That Was Ru1elc17 ,antli fillientlY Effected, or hee unsanitary condition. He Is heedless ' le MIT Three Palm" of Him.. 04 Ain Optical Binsion That Deee set the eleatit dealing microbes which le.viirras awl gambol deer the engraving • and is Ilitcrometi only in Its face value In the eourso-ottboolter dinner talk at Ttri,tu:e."°::.11ful'illivt‘iii..thousand can say About three years ago I had to leave school with sore hands. Myteaeher said it was Salt Ahem • 11 ttI gathering a few nights ago a well' wl.:,.•at refer mac or hesitation whether known professioual man of New Orleans the didlar bill hears the likeness of Abra- told the following singular story: 'In the , bmn Benjamin Franklin or a house on North Rampart street which I p01 ti and historic scenes engraved had takeu 'on a one yet Mime, expecting mem the lints uk higher denomination, to build.- Our family consisted of tweet! Nobody 'ever thinks orrefusing currency and wife, our little boy,„,,then ettlY 5 berat;iv its nrtistie features have been years old, and my unmarried sister. The blurred or blotted by • hunt usage. And been built before the war, and the lute - house woe a two story brick -which WO nobody was ever known to refuse a.bill bt,i'llOP it had not been racentls fumigat-. 'dor arrangement was very simple. The ed. washed, starched and ironed. Net-' front door opened on a hall which con, titer the bankS, their patrons nor the tained the etere.A.su and ran all the wa.t masses "1' the. people are able in these thrOugh on the right hand side, w:hile on busy 'times to hohl paper currency long the left was first our Parlor, theu the din - enough to subjeet it to microscopic exam- epring of 1802," he said, "I was living in -mums Jefferson. Fewer can recoe the 'trig -.room and •• a -emailunuse.d..., ination..,,,r.40„ebase_tke. bacteria of A* face or back. The man who could not be !educed to touch a soiled or Infectious article of any other,•kind will jam a roll UL di er b • d' and look nleasaut, conteuted and con& bilisi apartment not much larger than a closet., Up steirs were bedrooms, and in the rear Was a detached kitchen. "We allowed the little room on the first floor to stand vacant for several rea- lU sons. To 'begin with, It was really too dent. ° sinall for •actual service and was badly Dirty dollars are legal tender, end the lighted by only, one high, narrow vvindow. Be person who refuses to accept them 'In• •ides, some of the plastering had fall- en rom the ceiling, and I was afraid the payeutoI ilebts, pit it �r private, sub. ret might come tumbling down on our jeetiliiiiiiielt-T6' considerable legal an - heads. That was undoubtedly a source. noyance and monetary inconvenience. The man who is seekieg a loan tri the of danger and prevented us from using it bank is troubled 'more &mut his chances for storage, so we simply left it as we of getting. it than about the haeteria that found it -entirely empty. I suppose the room was constructed originally for h Y nd. per contra, the bank, ils more particular. . about the pantry. I have been a little particular ins repaythefit of the loan when due than it describing these details because, as you. is regarding the ialerobes which may Re - story, will see, they have a direct bearing on my . company it. , Such is the degenerating- nd "We turd been ,living In the house ademoralizing influence of the mono'power that even the , most fanatical of most 'a. year," continued the speaker,. of con bacteriologists Will run the lisle - "when one Sunday in June, as needy ma I can remember, I went with my wife treating disease 01 the most aggravating ' form rather tban resense the currency and child ,te see some friends near Andu- which is offered him, even if he.is certain bon park.My sister was visiting at Bi- tri his own mind that it is infected.--Ohi- logi at the time and we -let the servant off for a holiday. We got back at IS go Inter Ocenn. „ o'clock or thereabout, for I reclollect it • .,rhe Toy Trade. was still quite light, and as we were walking toward the house•I noticed that:- Strangely enough; when the boasted somebody had left a stepladder standing skill a American inventors is 'considered, another compleint Made by toy dealers directly in front of the high window opening into the little disused room on against the toy manufacturers of the W the ground floor. 'That's rather a cordial' United States is that hen it comes to ' invitation to prowlers,' I said, half jok- mechanical toys they -are lacking In in- bey`Let'e whether enshavav en. genuity. _You can -buy a little lin fiddler . see ° e ed themselves of it.' Who will, fiddle, a needlewoman who can • "So when we went 'inside we walked sew, a carpenter who can bamnrer and in back together, to the last doors and 1 fact representatives of nearly every trade pu V ti it open. ' what does We in the calendar, but you are • almost cer- was nobody there, but the room, which . N • an in Gtermany.". • American Inventors, it is had always been entirely vacant, con- explained, are too. busy inventing tele - Mined several pieces. of firrniture. A. phones and photographs and rapid firing rough looking table stood in one corner guns and submarine boats to waste their with an old fashioned straight backed • time n .fooling with children's toys. And ' i meaY?' I exclaimed in amazement. There - fi n& th at each of th " em was mad e chair in front of _it,. and opposite was a so •thes toymakere, of the 1,0907year-old small cot 15d There Were some paPers cityof Nuremberg . get the trade and and other things on the table and a reit- grow rich. -Kansas City Independent • • glom ,print stuck on one of the walls. "I started to enter, but. my wife held A Bridge of c°filuc me back. 'Don't go • in,' she pleaded.: When the British forces were marching 'The plaster may fall. Those things in .Peking in 1860 after thecapture of, must belong" to the cook,' It struck me the Take forts, one of the•rivers became as very strange that the cook should so stvollen with the heavy rains that it move in without asking permission, but I was rendered impassable. Being aware . , 9 drew the doer to, and we went info the coffins years in advance and . keep them parlor. A few moments later I walked on the premises, orders were given to outside to shift the ladder, and as I pick- search all the houses of the villagesand FOUND HISLF.A_T_HE_R'S MONEY. czeriza81 nue Grown prom 420,000 to 11100,-,' •- - I • 000 While "%Toiling For the - Lb' the early days, before FdYipe (Faun- ortared Child ty was as thickly populated as.it now is • and When there were vast tracts of un- settled lands, Idr.• Thomas Hall, who came originally from 'Virginia and lived • several miles from the present site of ' Somerville, kept 4 kind'hotel at which alt• trnvelers passinglhet way usually stopped,• • JH 3Olow Mr. 'all's Douse there was large treek. By the side of ,this creek one morning. while on bis way to Som- erville, Mr. Hall saw a riderless horse. Seated by a tree, with a bottle in his hand and his 'aria raised In ,the act of .carrying' the contents to his mouth, was men.; Mr. Hail rode up to tbe. man, dis- mounted and, to his surprise; fouud him . to be dead, lila saddlebags were exttm- • bled and found to contain 525.000, but no name, direction or ansthing"thet point- ed in, any way to the identity of the dead man. An lequest Was held, the verdict of •the • Jurors being that' the deceased elute to his death from natural causes. The re- maiwem. then . Interred at Somerville. The money was ° turned' over to the cone.' ty trustees, who imuiedietelY Put It out • at hiterest.. Almost 21, years passed' by, and thein. eident had been all but forgotten, when • - there ciune to the hotel kept by Mr. hall a man nbout 27 years Of ago. Mr, Hull asked him to register, remarking at the same- time, "Registering might help • to trace you inAltse you sheulti "kit. lost,"- and then WO the young man of the straw ger who had perished beside the creek. The young man bream very lunch in- •terested in the story. He had been look. Ing tor, s ear s- fortraees of his lost father. • He hail only one child. His mother had told bins that hie father eorried $25,000 . geld. Mica Mr. Hell stated that that was the. exact amount of money . the stranger carried the young man 'was cer- tain that he had at last found traces' of • - • his dead fathers, • • . All tbe papers 'bearing on the case, the deleription, of the Man tiled. away and the - verdict sof the jury were closely exam- ined aurl thou 'II titer Wes somedolay the identity of the dead map was estab- lished. Further. investigation proved al- so -the young • man's identity and. the truthtulness of his statements, and when _ the7trustees. were fully satisfied �f, the • ideptity.'et both•lbe money was all called In, au& the...principal, Which had incrensed •• - to $50,000, was.made. over to him in •full." Hblemphis Scimitar.. or °Emma. and told me to see tbe doctor. ' Mother got porno medieine, but it did me no good. • 'After .had suffered with the itching and burning about three months, mother thought she . would try Burdock Blood Bitters, rtl—to . o my hands got completely.cured. —Emma Sheridan, Parry Sound, , . CURTAIN RAISERS. ' The next extravaganza to. be brougut out at the New York theater in the me- tropolis will be called "From Briaulway to Tokio." •' • • A new burlesque Is being arranged for Koster -& In New York.: It will be -produced •under the appropriate and tielely title of "1000." . • Weber & Fields have a new burlesque skitscalled "13arbara• Fidgety," which, of course is a take off ou lune hlarlowe's Piece, "Barbara Frietchie." :When De Wolf Helmer displaces "BI s Capital)" for "The Charlatan." a change soon to be made. the latest piece will be ' known as "The Mystic Mips." • Montgomery and Stone, the• negro de- lineators who have. made' a big hit the London music halls,. are to be Starred next season. "Tod" Shiene•is the alleged • "angel" of this•Undertaking. • ...- Out of 84 new plays produced, in New 'York in the past three months, 15 are of American authorahlp; 13 English, 4 • French, 2 German and t Dutch. Foul' 'of tbe English nieces were acted here be" fore seen in London. • Loie Fuller recently introduced. her three new fire dances in Paris with marks • ed success. It is said that La Lole has a centred calitng for her appearance in • Paris for the next six months, for which she will receive '260,000. • •TheCelestial Kingdoni hes now producs ed a winnan • dramatist, She is . named_ Wien weu and iS the author of a masque, the Euglish. title of.which is "Rewardsof -Virtue arid Tater," whieh. has just been • produced in the •Chinese theater in New 'York. • • • • Bernhardt Was not -cordially received In 'Vienna upon the nceasion of ber *last visits 'owing to the .fact -that -her repir.: tory wined woefully Jacking in novelty: The one new production her ranch dis- cussed "Hamlet.".'reecived very. little at- tention.' • • • natee d my wife wa verys nervous,so 1 that the Chines genera e 11y or dr thejr • ed it up I glanced threugh, the window.- collect every coffin. With the aid of a T.PW N TOPICS. • The room -was perfectly empty. few empty casks,. the soldiers constructed • I am not superstous, and the proof' Pontoon bridge of coffins sufficientlys- •of it Is that I thought immedrately I was stroug to bear tbe altilleryb and the ri the victim of some practical joke. I re- was thee passed in safety. entered the house quietly from the rear • and again I opened the door. The room ' A Deaf Han,ei Perversity. was as empty as a drum, and it was evi- As soon as a man Is es deaf as he can. dent at a glance that no sort of trickery get he begins to • walk pions railroad was remotely possible. I Won't attempt tracks. -Atchison Globe. ...1 to describe my feelings. I was so shock- eds.so bewildered', so frightened, to tell There were covered Market erwises in •you the truth, that for a moment or two ancient England for the shelter of trad- I was rooted t t e pot. Th d -.--- We beg our eastern' friends to remens-' ber that Isansas Gity is no longer a west- ern city. • It Is a central city.--Kanses City Times.. • The South African excitement leaves Paris vainly utruggling to get a few Words in edgewise about the great show. .--Washington Star.' When Chicago admits thaiher loss of the Republican convention was due to absentmindedness, she makes a robust simply o h s en ers, an they were generally in cities contribution to Philadelphia's cup of joy.. I pulled myself together somehow and where there were monasteries. -WashingtOn Post. . MEAT MARKET • • Children. Cry for CASTOR IA a WOULD YOU LIKE TLFEEL PERFECTLY WELL?. ' I ow stow • IRED ' • NEWES MILLTS. WILL MAKE' YOU SO Oka you have felt the great bless- ing of' good health you will never be Without TINY TABLETS. EVERYBODY'S FRIEND • • • • • BETTER THAN A T IPIO EUROPE • . At Druggists. /37 froni Dr. Hops Moilleine eter, 'Jutted, Toronto . • Boa. PER PACKAGE The Imperial • went back to the parlor. My wife saw at once that something was wrong. 'It's Before yen eetyour heart •on anything that twins!' I blurted out. 'There's noth- maturely consider whether it will add to ately I had a case of hysterics on my hands. That's about all there is to the Wagner's, 1dea"of America. story. . • "Next morning 1 esamined the place country, the psessibility of his coming ove Although Wagner never was in thi carefully by broad sunlight, and it was here is referad to often in his publishe plain from the dust on the floor that no correspondence. In fact he made Amer furnishing of any kind had been there for Ica a etand and deliver argument wit years. We left the house before the end his friends, several times threatening t of the week, paying a month's forfeit On forever put Aside his "Ring of the Nibe the lease, not because we believe in'' • -lung" and to cross the ocean to earn spook's, but because we didn't eare to re- • competeney unless they contributed t . main in a plaee where unaccountable bis support. things happen. It's bad for thenerres. ,- 'That Wagner regarded America as "My wife add I have talked the matter • _ gold mine well worth exploitation by fo over a thousand times, carefully compare eign artlids appears from a letter whic ing notes, and as far as we know we in 1848 be wrote to Franz Loebmqnn .both taw, exactly the same things. 1117 • music director at Riga,' whose broth boy must have seen them, too, because wanted *financial assistance to go t when he went back to the parlor he ask- ': America vrith orchestra. Wagner ad ed his =other whether that wasn't A.unt vised Loehmann to assist Ma -brother Haden) chair. Aunt Hattie Is an old • He instances the case of a German mu reletive of ours who has a favorite - sician who went to America as it prior straight :brick chair, similar to the one man and in a very abort time was in re we sow -or thought .we saw -in the teipt rein excellent income, adding thn room, .k01 'bourse we have never allotted -a whole orchestra would ,certainly be stil ourselves to refer to the occurrence be- - moreducky. for "in a .coentry where vil fore tire child, so I am unable to say ,posi- - lages are constantly growing into eitie tively whet 'else he observed. What I - In ire 'years there can be inc lack of op •saw .myself was as plain and distinct as - wirer:reties for the settlement of whol toe are. at this moment. I even 'noticed bands of musicians.'" 'Could anything b that mire of the table legs had been mend, - more deliciously naive than this last quo ed witlt.ii,pieet. of slat. find my wife re- - tation?-Gustave Itribbe •in America marked the sante thing. The bowie hroirfhlyileview of -Reviews. +dill • stiinding and has since ‘been •Occiu- . pied Sly several stlabessive tenants. • As Sou Boatel and Inraired Glasse. far an ant Aware none of them has •er• . An old Irishman was sitting Out 1 et hull any unusual experietuie."..-Xe* ' front tells house puffing 'away and pull itarteri Thees•Democrat . Ins heroically at his pipe. 'He would ligh a match end poll and pull at his pipe one Vac. Controle. then threav the Match away and light an "Who is the head of your home?' : other The beuediet gives a few minutes te - with great patience until the, grown the consideration of tbe question beepse about him was literally ,strewn with answering. , , _ burned matches. and he continued the performanc • Ing tn t now -not a st cid and your ultimate happiness. - PIANO POUNDERS. 40 • , Paderewski puts in nine hours a day at his piano. Here is a chance for the eight s hotir league. -Minneapolis Journal. r To be deservedry popular • It is not d enough' that a pianist retain "all bis fire and -dash." lie must also retain some of h his leanness and most of his hair. -New o York Press. a AS CANADA SEES IT. a er • • rs sbneseieSP he said finany, 4ims. wife "Come in to supper, Pat," eald his wife and I -started our married life on perfect at the door. equality. As you ,night say, we tree fa -"Faith, an 01 will in a Minute. Bid - double harness arid"-,-- dY," said he. 'Welke hag teen a-tellin me that ROI shesoked a bit av ghlams 01 "Well, I gowns verbal:no, tee baby end see the ah -pots on the tun. 01 don't drives the team:I...Onkel° Peat. ftnow whether ,Ifolke's been •a-foolin Me or Whether Oi've got hold av the ' ma soar/sou canard on. i wrong kind air ghlast."—Cleveland Plain "My dear brother," wield the prominent Dealer, member to the pawnor, "the congregation • Slave SO Poekeur. desires to present "you this handsome The garments' a workers In owder watch as a token ofe. It goes ithont saying that the Dear.er mIllos ereknives pocketiess'mate es so that they cannot Posh wearry maor indeed any - understood and Chit his sermons' dor own to, thing, and ar shad f I 0 bl At any vete, Britannia still rules the waves. -London (Cnnada) Advertiser. John Still's jealous neighbors are pok- ily, fun at him in his discomfiture, but they had 'better not poke anything else at him in his preient temper. -London (Canada) Advertiser. Mr,Oerald Balfour, Chief Secretary for triland, is dangerously ill. Thousands of oanadianiiiiii-vonch for the (Maury of that peerless cough reit:lay, Pyty-Pectoral. 1* 'aures a cold very quick- ly. -25o. of all druggists. Manufeetured by the proprietorit of Perry Davis' Pain - Killer. The Cabadian General *Eleotricr Co. has subscribed 51,000 to the National Pat. riotio Fund. , Six of the rioters in the recent street railway strike of London. Ont., were sentenced by Judge Elliott, Private 3*. E. Farley, of St. Thotnao, a member of B Cott:many, Royel Canadian Reeirdent, died at the hospital, Orange River, of fever. PERFECT _WORM MEDICINE. "I haye given Dr. Low's Worm Syrup to my childree with excellent results and, I find it the moit-Perfeirt aa you are not required to give any Cath- artic) with it. Mos DASIEre "Wag, P.O. Boz 66, Lunenburg, N. S. Antoine Robertaand Auguste Idorrell, who are wanted in Scranton, ra,, on the charge of shooting two policemen and at- tempting to blow up a coalmine, have boen , arrested In Illentreel. • non aline* e 19' weguaranisedistfhese Platten will relieve pala quicker than any other. Put op only ht • 250, tin boxes ad $1.00 yard WM. The latter allews- you to dot the ,D16 'Elliott any size. t&L Every family hi n should imV6 one, 1101 Pt ready for an !trier.. (AMICK Ost. WOES, 110111MAI, Beware alienations lee) at We than an hour each.—Baltamore News. materbtl. No one is allowed to go *bent It • • with trousers turned up at the bottom, s a ru e of 7stritr warfare ter the because grit la colletted in that way, And young Imple to- go first inte the battle, the mereit hard 'meek is dangerous. while the men or the old gaaryl stand . by and criticise their conduct In the tight. • A, Veiled Isseivination. It itt told of a rather stout lady from Wichita vela) boarded a street ear in Ex.Premier kireenwar sale the OA. Eansete City that she became angry bo- son he declined the offer of a Senator. eautte three men Ins a bunch rase and of - ship wttc,that he expects a rnore inter. fered her their ssents.—Itansne City Star. SCIA.Tic 2 YEARS laAti. It Is believed kr have developed with adatia. Three boxes of Milburn'a eatinjr tinle ?pos on to t o neve EU Mae ontild Ann stry. The gams et whist, originated In Eng. Mr Fred Platt, 12 Prankish Ave,, Tot. freni the older game of tritimph, •or &Mid, dosed that he suffered over two years truble, Whieh wca played at early es Itheumatio Pills removed every tree° of ate pale and Made him M limber as a boy5 hull; tatnvidiviell bisittnhdieta 611 t ifl e r woNht• , FREE TREATMENT'. For Catarrh, Asthma, bronohitis, /tido. en4I, " on have probably read of the new Catarrhozoes method of treatplent and fie ' wonderful cures of theta dilemma. Wd went you te try Catarrhosone and Is con. vinoed ails merit. ,For short limo Wel vrill sand to readers of *hie paper, tree, a 25 cen on ,su e en n most cases to permsnently dare, Send your satire* and endow) 1.0 cents In stamps to coVer the cost of mailing. N. 0, Poison & Co., Eingsion, Ont. A relit' of mediaeval timed has been swept away by a decree of President Lou. bet abolishing the tlee of fetters in the, re navy. Children Cry for CASTOR IA- • • 900 DROPS wti! • , to AVegelublePreparationforAs- similatiugtheFoodanciRegula-• Illet3aimadis ondl3oweis of SEE - THAT ME FAO -SIMILE 916NATURE Prnmotespigestionglicerful- . ncss and Restkontains neither Opim,Norphnenorineza1. OT N.A.ItO ()Tie. rumpkin Sea^. .Rfitfl4 a71ud144:4 :Ssaetra - ::lPft;mI ApC::":;aii a'for Constipa- doll, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoes. Worms gonvidsions.reverish- amp and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile -Signature of t741-11,/ •et - IS ON: TEE . WRAPPER' or" EMT 13OTTEE y.,XACT =WO? WRAPPER. STORI tlastoria is pat up in one -she bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Doan allow anyone to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it is "lust as goodu and "will answer every Or. pose." /or See that:you get CI -A -8 -T -0 -11 -Int. BITh.gteemitstfturioe.. wrapper. • 4tatte 1:1117 1000 Housekeepers Wanted . • To eon ad inspect our large stock of well seleated Furniture. We offer Bargains in Bxension Tdbles, Sideboards and Bedroom Sete. We carry a large stoOk 'of Window Ades, Tapimtry;Curtains and Table CoversWe snow the newest steles in Pieter& Framee. We sell the "New Williams" Sewing Machine, built to last.a life time • CA.}I13LLEW, 13 I y ti A Merry Citti-jiatmas to.:.'411 • NEW FRUIT . ' 11 i' l'i. Finest selected Raining, Currants, Vastizzas cleaned, Figs, Dates,Oranges and Lemons, Candi d Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel, Pure Essences, - 'Extracts and Spicee, Candies and Nuts of all kinds • CrOCkerY Just receiyed per import order two instep serni-Poroelain ware • • is direct from Use manufitoturera, J. & G. Bleakin, whose name on • . . . ' , each piece is 8 guarantee that it,is the best make in England. • . Dinner Todet and Tea Sets , Tbe laMst patterns; beantifully decorated • Yon will find our Feney Chipaware and Christmas goone varied and Well selected. Call and get quotations. It - • ---` is a pleasure to show opr goods, even if you don't buy ' N.ROBSON'S 'CASH GROCER/Y.- . Clinton, December 7th, 1899. ..zeiThe undersigned wish to inform they have opened up in the store the people of Clinton and vicinIt7. If Y0111. Want formerly occupied by Fair & co. MacKay Illock, OntarliSC, where they will keep in kook all kinds of • Fresh, Cooked, Cured and • Canned Keats, • such.as is usually carried in a first•claes meat store, together with Poultry, Canned Tongue, Beef. Pigs Peet, Mine° Meat, and all artioles of a like nature, which will bo delivered free to any part of the town.x Orders'solicited. 0 ilbourgoodielansage for:28 cents.. JOReMORUTON. Manager T. R. F. CASE 80 COI CLINTON Acme Drum Por Heating and -Ventilating purposes This excellent Drum is con- structed of the very best meter. WI on the most scientific prin.- °toles, and by virtue of its spe- alai features is the GREA.TEST HEATING DRUM ON EARTH. It takes the cold air from the floor, heats and circulates it throng's the house, and thus economizes in the matter of set fuel to suchen extent that PallY one half less fuel is required. Boca not emoke. Has no ashes. Is easy to manage. Those who have one in use geisha would not bewithwat it. This Drum Is now used in some of the best houses in- Clinton W. vitnns, OlititOTis Sptsisim Soto Maimfacturer for Huron MONEY TO LOAN; ' PRIVATE FUNDS. At lowrittes on fIrst-class mortgages. &pplyto G. D. NeTaggurt, ' Igor' ch80-tf Clinton, Ont. 1 PA.ENING MILLS amalems.ii Persons who desire to secure one of the Clin- ton rannieg Hills can do sei at reasonable tetras by letoVing their order veldt the under. signed. Alsothome who Wont td have Fanning Mill Sereens repairedsen have the work St. - fended to promptly. Orders sent by mail, or I left at David &Rowlond's store, will be prompt. - V a, THOS COTTLE Clinton , . ora••••••••••e CLINTON DIASBLE WORritie 0001"EltIrOt.D STAND, Next 10 Corninereial note. Thh eistab ishment is infoll °partition and an ordertined in the mos sotisfectoey way ,.• Celt fi- fer" end granite work a speolatty. Pecee as reienalste ad tItoele of say establishisent J. /3.1100,VElt, Clinton' • • WANTED Several persons for District Office Managers In thietiourity to retirement meta their own an d surrounding eountiee. Wilting to Pal YeariS . new, payable weekly. Desirable employni en t with unusual opp vtuulties. Referencee ex- changed. Enclose seif-addressed stamped en. tudope. S. A. Park, 320 Caxton Building, OM. cago.Deo IOW I ' To get the best value for your money, come to the Emporium, Londesboro. • We have a few ladies coats at a Bargain, men's oxen:eats and suite very cheap, bcry's suits some great values, horse blankets and robes, Just the thing needed for thie cold weather. We have a large stock of Tweeds whioh we are willing to sell 'cheap to clear gut. SEE American W W coal oil 28 cents THIS j 'Canadian .coal oil 22 cents ' Oar groceries are always the Best to be got, a full stook of natent medicines Our terms are cash or produce. We will take butter, egg, lard, tallow', wood, drip apples, oats, also a 4ew bags of extra good green apples. We will take any quantity o nice yellow butter at 20o per 14, trade. We would prefer having it in rolls of from 2 t , 4 pounds as it is easier packed to ship. We wotild like to'recemt all accountethis week. Think NO have 'waited long enough:— Emporium, Londesboro January 81st, 1899 R. ADAMS xeter Flour. . AT NO EXTRA COSI` All kinds of 8=1111'101d Seeds, as Timothy, Red and Alsike Miters,' Headquarters for Turnip, Mongoid, *trro Seeds. _Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods. Our speolalty is Teas. Try Jur 16o Tea. Other:vittleties equallfstkoheati. Highesttmarket price paid It cash for eggs. -1-112_11, Sleighs Cutters 0. ; We are agents for the Canadian Car- riage Co., of Brockville, and Lamy Sons, of Chatham, both well known makers of*first class Cutlers and Sleighs. We keep a stook on hand and those who contemplate purchas- ing one would do well to see us. r • ' , Gee. Iltarlditi, General Implenient Dealer, Clinton. •