HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-02-16, Page 2February 16, 1900
• .1 I I .1
• • t-- -
I partner in life passed away in 1806.
West Huron Farmers Institute
, four survive him, ela. Mrs 46;4
Renewals for 1900 and of a family of eleyen children w
.„, Boland, Eitmondville ; Peter, reeve of
n ay, all of whom are comfort -
A numbe
r 0- our subscrib. Tuoheraudth William and D.
ers have renewed th b " Fi
ably provided for. The valuable information -contained in the following Tables was furnished
scription to the NEW ERA for • by Messrs. II, Glentlennhy of ltranila and A Elre, t •
t Galt, and published by
1900,, , To these ye extend
the Seeretary of the Insti ;rte.
A Letter From the West.
our best thanks.
There are, however, some ,
who have no yet sent in their BOWDON, NORTH DAKOTA.
'January 26th, 1900.
renewals, an of these we
- would ask an early remittance
of the subscription for the
Don't let time fly before re-
newing for it is AS, a good'
policy to putoff till'io-morrow
• what you can do to -day.
Now is, -the time to sub-
scribe. The price is one dollar
a year, in advance.
PBIDaY, W41 16, 1900.
Mr A Blue, of the Ontario Crain
Lands department, expresses th
iopinion that diamonds will Yoe *
'found among the minerals of Ontario.
:He might give us a quiet Reinter as to
\where ire thinks they are located,
e • ' • • .1
The Meal Legislature tuet. oh' the
141h inst., and public interest will,
therefore, be divided _between it and
the Donairilon House. We. venture
he assertion that Ron, Mr Rees will
row io pimularity, and will ehowhicre-
• atilt en able and honest adminietraior
of public affairs
'• The Opposition papers have been
stating that Hon. Thomas Greenway
• lef‘ the Manitoba treasury empty on
bis reth•ement from office.. The story
is absolutely untrue, as the managers
. of three Winnipeg *banks publish
statements over their own signatures
. !hewing that there was nearly $100,030
to the credit of the government when
it resigned.
Crisp County Clippings
.....-- •
. ,
Miss Mable Jordan, forineriy Sea;
forth, was married on January llth at
-the residence of her father, • pasadtina,
• ()einem* to Mr Charles F. Den:.
., nisoe..
• The Hensell Observer urges the eel-.
Iage council to purchase the electric
light plant at present owned by pri-
vate parties and also to erect a town
, . • and a fire hall. ' ,
_ Messrs. Cowan & McGill have been
. awarded, the contracts for the •car-•
penter work for new residences for
Mr John Manning, of Hallett, and •Mr
Joseph Grasby, of •Morris. -
. •
The brick work of the. new reef-
dences for Mr Wm. Hallahan and Mr
Lautenslaver, of East Wawanosh, and
-Mr JoiepIrGrasby, of Morrie, will be
done by Mr Thomas Scrandrett, of
e1/4, , • Principal Boyd, of the Exeter Public_
school, received the sad intelligence
last week of the death of his mother,
who died near Listowel on Thursday, ,
last week. , •
'The horse fair last week- brought to
Brussels both a large number of buy -
ere and sellers. Prices ranged high,
and a large number of sales werernade.
Four fine horses went, one of then3, a
line brood mare, being sold for NW.
The death occurred, on Saturday
week of William Anderson a much re-
spected resident cf McKillop township,
,seed 55 years. The funeral took place
to St. James church, Seaforth, and
then to the R. 0. Cemetery. Rev,
Irather McCabe officiated. .
After an illness of about. 48 hours,
Mary Dunlop, relict of the late John
Bloomfield, died at her home. Maple
street, Bruseels, on Thursday of last
week, about 8 o'clock of heart 'failure.
The family with the exception of two
sons who still reside in Scotland, came i
to Canada 14 years age andahe most or
pe russe 8
astening the guilt noon one yery
prominent citizen, a Swede. by the
TO elie Editor of the New Era,
DEAR Sigt,4-1301elAt here in a new
country, and in "boom town, where
many strafige things are done, and
stfanger. Men are seen. I take the lib.
retglzrtittsingeyelu account of life
in this letter that would prove interest-
ing to the leaders or your eplendid
paper, 'put it in print. The events bore
narrated may read as impossible, but
%trill ex.- citing places imaginable
ue A„.!AsoonttoWoP is one
to live in, -being full of eager •specu.
latora land' agents, and.. devittis •to
pander to the spirit of Man' that hives
the game etf chence. • Coming ee1 did,
from the staid, orderly villages ,of On.
nolo, the first night I was here proved
a revelation to me.
• Silt months ago all was virgin Prairie
where now the bustling little town of
Bowdon 'stands. 'Then a branch of the
Northern Pacific from Carrington to
Sykeeton, was wished 16 miles Water,
an around its new termines two
elevators and a few houses' were built,
(ho beginning of a new town. Trains.
now come in three times a week and
mad re gent ane received whenever
anyone is going to the nearest railway
postoffice, some sixteen miles eway.
One Briday afternoon I arrived, and
leaving the train followed the crowd
ever to a large, bare,,enpainted .board-
ing-house,. called the Rotel Bowdon,
The office was 'filled with a smoking,
talking crowd of-' men -rough ranch-
ers, land agents, and farmers, from
Iowa; land hunting. Found the pro-
prietor, but he was batty helping a
man sew the lining mem horseblanket,
and simply told me to register and
hang up my thine te• . .
This done, I left the hotel and took a
survey of the town. To call this a
town, a mere collection. of some 20
small unpainted buildings, set •out on
the bleak prairie, was disgustmg. As
I soon came to the far ea, I retraced
my steps to the drug store, where I
entered,' and found quite a small knot
of people, part around- the postoffIce,
and the rest .about an immense nickel-
in•thaslot machine.. A young .man
was trying his luck at the machine. of
"bucking the goat," as they say here,
witlevarying success, until he had lost
05, when he gave up the fight. It
was eartueling to watch his half super.
Rations schemes to beat the inaehitae,
spitting on the coin, getting a Dutch-
man in the crowd to U11.131133 What to
IgsF, and trying to calculate from the
position of the wheel' 'what number
would turn up next. 0
Front there I . followed him to. the
little, dirty pool -room, and saw him
win all his money back on some other
chance games. Thts is a very popular
resat., and was crowded beea cursing,
roaring crowd, who, in tobacco smoke,*
thick enough to Mit with a keife, play-
ed slot inachinee, and cards. The
gambling- spirit) in this ;country is
Towards six o'clock I started for the
hotel, stepping in to see a "blind pig,"
,or secret drinking place, holes which
flourish all Over this State, on account
of the laxita in enforcing their total
prohibition law. It was also a small
building, with paperover the iindows,
in which is sold P40 rod," and other
lance &hike, the vilest concoctions of
sour, burning liquor that the son of
man ever invented to al:Teams the
thirit of mortal. But it was well pat-
ronized, as is also the other one in
After'a simper fit only for a hungry
man, a couple of us visited the two
general Mores, two placeswhich would
be a credit to a much larger • place.
They are well conducted, by bright
young blisinese men, and it is reported
"make all kinds of money." On our'
return to the hotel we found the office
jammed full, and a mock trial goine
on. By inquiry, we learned that.n.
wee or two ago a young man, of the
Gernleal Jew appearance, had struek
town. • He attempted to give some
alight.of-hand nerforrnances, hut soon
played out, and also showed himself to
be a tender -foot of the most . verdant
variety. A couple of nights ago the
slot maehine in the pool room, became
broken, and, in consoling . the owner.
this young man confided the fact that
be Was a detecti've, end offered, for 010
to ferret out the guilty nutlet'. See.
ng a let of rate fun ahead. the owner
consented, and the embryo detective
• and locality. Four - gene tind two f
daugltters survive.
tarted at once. He boon succeeded in
r Mr John Beattie, J. P., has been
appointed police magistrate for the
name of Sohn Swanson. The trial of
Mr Stvanson was now in progress, and
ertainly bora thelieriouR conduct; of
host present. one Would little suspect
t a mock trial. Behind the counter,
town of Seaforth. Mr 13eattie is Well c
palifled for this poeition, ,,,having had t
ong etperienee as a trtagisteate, and
' • few la,rmen are ii0 *veil vereed in law.
perched in a broken chair was the
Etheishaya8P6417tme 75:tw°111 gtihvee hmimaglenstleartiga,l. it
• bueibese thie town for years, and
andterease his 11813fifinese -b
a Magisterial. eareteity.
death tOok lace in Len- r
udete, a tall, solemn -faced farmer,
evInle in a group in front of him sat
he prieoner, a bandeonte,_ pawerfulle-,
nil -Elnan, near him the detective, and
about them the lawyers:. Standing
nom was, _at pretniuni. We got
Where, we could see the tenderfeet,.
and he looked White and email beside
(fon on Saturday morrAg last. Una
Fraser, iormerly with Mre herdsman
of•Winfhata as a mantle maker,perreed
sudden to the spirit world. She had
upb enjoyed the best of health for tiev,.
,ere.t menthe, but rthe was _es_ well ae e
he goat ° with nickles that were wet,
formed her usual dutiee. The re- .e
he sante. While the evidence was
being taken, the prisoner would Vedai.
ppailv make a jump at the detective.
he powerful Westerners. The drug-
gists' clerk was giving he evidence,
and swore that he saw the defendant
go to a Wet' dig in the anew, and then
night. before her. suddezi heath per- •
elle bad been for some time arra the
alio sr him With several hendfulle
me into t e drug atm**, and "buck
maim' were taken to Teeswater for t
Ain a terwards. Then ethereswore *0
7-W. H. Willie of Seaforth, the well- i
known boot and shoe merchant, is anit- "
ions to eetablieb manufactory for
boote and shoes, in that te*riV He is .
• trying to intereet the Board of Trade
andhai made •apretgliitibil he erect a
and the tpwn council in the enterprise I
ew,;briak'factory 'with a capacity of
)tbittY.flvo or fenttY Bender to titipletY
euetjecte than fifteen babas all the year
ttgcePtpeehrips the first neMith
of *Wien. lb ;iglus that the tAlieh
loan Win 40,000,"the loitn to hi for,10
yoto *ithout intetest, cetfetitt Idm
tretde thia ponied fir, a
•ittnititig fund, '•' 4 '
+WAVY. will regret to learn' of the
albeth of another of Huron's pioneer*,
fin: the pepecm of John latoly
Of the township ot Tuckerennth, ond
• father of Mr Peter McKay, reeve of
theitnwnehip, -Mcir_ay died at the
fettidenceeof hts son i wilhany, Port
,onthe Nth hat -
in reached the good of 83 yeate.
n AfolCay wite born n Sutherland. _
rthire40Scotiant13qt the Othef October, - a
c1817-; eattie tellniittliv With hisparente
and, though he waa held •don by
others. it would scare the poor fellow
until the perspiration stood• in great.,
drops on his -facet Pirraiiy the littie
enow,moved sitter away as he teeuld,
and then had his attorney requesethat
he prisoner be eeeteire*, as he was
aise he .hedi%"eengeriled tepnons", ,on
his nerson. To this, of tOqrse, the op.
posing connect el/Pete/but vuts0Yero
girl the •*Settr int OrderOd.
Sure enough there .was • Wright to
"tight imtnense horse. pieta , which
. the 'searcher r tole out • of. bie own
pecketotOd Re the defendant 'seated
himself he was severely_ reprimanded
Ot course they did. net reeegfifre in
the naint-heemeared, ghastly ere/Ante
In red, our celebrated- detectiire, and
departed to search etherroeme.•Beitig
• now free, and fearing their return, the
"left Sprang out Of bed, and rushed •
itito the prettcher't room, huh finding
no hitlingslaco there, made a dive for
nether mein and jUllaped into bed
between the; railway- engineer , and
reltidit Of court* they quickly eject-
ed him, and he returned, to the drug.
stle teem, end was *deified to get
n bed between the rnattreett and the
and fora,' 1820, and settled en the ft
old linMestead, still in the posseseion
of 'the( family, at Iirriernar, Oxford
While ehe dinggiet'e "clerk tett
n hitn, to show there was to 6110
liebed, Of course the crated return-
; and piled en tAi the 13ed, but, dise
•tounty; thea an Unbroken wilderness.
Ile remained at "bone Until he Was 25 a
V'ettrit Of ewe, when he married 3'hantia 0
Murray, daughter of Mr Peter litturrav
Of the llth line, Mob urrai, ed
eOMPOSitiOn of Grains
Oats. 11,S
4°°arriney ..... 11.; ?2,,t5 2314
Sun Flower See'ci.. 8,6
Ye • . ,
AnekWheat.---e, ...1,4.0 2:00 .0.8
• :-ira • .Z
e4Qt4 eet
t"". zor2
1:8 754-,,,i7L 2.1; 1-11
triunity. The reyt .gentten3ati, 11, to Properties for Sale or to Let. proressiomai audothercare
eelf the general eeteem of the came
give hiteanswee wittun a tortntge • koni von sAlm on RENT.
Knox church. Goderieli, held its ails ....„.„
Nnrrieter, Solicitor, ike.,
Mud congregational meeting on Wed- ivAlirprteopent Mixtismisid by A. a . ortge, ,rew 'ter
were presented. During the yerte-,•08 ine•DIatt1Otitue, Melton
need ay week, when the several reperte
ottmes were added to the COMMunion Desirable Town Property N'of orrws-EllisitototNsxilt 'kr. LOAN.
roll, 20 by professien of faith. and 20 --00^1 10aac Street
were re,moved,10 by death, r by rer: • soon., xtocutore. titliebto°7,;will be sold on (NJ
by certificate from other churches ; 37 i:rihneeergessiedterneeete, of e A. MeAlister, o .
leaving at presentupouthe communion ' terms' V°r partioulars apply to. JAMES
"..., year. e u y le Wit g HOUSE FOR BMX
at roll 505. a net increase of 21 over last
it, .
one, AS the pastor had officiated at 80
up.ocirs, opposite router's nide GallerY
3 .
• • • • ' GpINTON
BarrIster, Solicitor, Notem and Conveyance
10.0. 48.0 2.0
2.1 69.6 6.4
-2,7 69.8 1.8
291) itt 21.72,
--.0-------47.4 1.2
. .
A comfortable 01.....1....•
ing a bequest of $1000 t Pilule ' , corneruo. t water,
preeented. After meetiogAndoneende tem mires °trona; traPSAgellar";
eto.. also etable. APPlY to
frame house on hardthe
funeral* The linigiCial etitteMent WAS Queen itildlaitil streets, Viletea,.• irliree-guar"
a balan_ce of 42wee, carried over to
begin the work of next year. Iooloug- Nov, Otit-it MRS. J. TOWNe0X0
lege, Kingston, by the Patti Henn.aM• Z: Brick. . al)11.46 "ct jrA°t tlYi' 84Ie
1-1.7 Cameron, $1,771 were given to niieSioli- Cheap. Situated on tfie corner of North and
I.-6.0 ary and benevolent objecte, $1,000 were
1--7.2 paid on the church debt, nlaktnE a lug °rehire.; house oontalnisig it rqome, Apply
SPOneer stteets; fOf ea twee Ot lawn felled bear.
1-4a total ot $5,9511 for all purposes, In ,!!..%-itsilet'• '• i N. WARM", Alberket., .
-1.-4.8 , connection, with the -Wilt Century'
Fund, the congregation le tratitilift an •ri: itotiov ix, .RENT, ,
effort to reduce the debt by $5.000.
oubscribed, The average attendance A six roomed boos& on Xing' Street near
Already tne sum of $4,976 has been
of the S. school wes 282. with 32 teach. soft watee. Apply to R. P. names, James
the G T.R. depot. Conteins 2 le, ,to ha,a 4aa
ers ; the receipts were $829, The Y. streets Feb 2-,4t .
I2, S. C. B, has 80 members, 55 active . PROPEBAES VOA' SALE.
and 26 associate; receipts, $46. There •
are 46 members in the W. . F. M. 8.. For gale, 4 lots near the Flax Mill, 2 Iota on
I NithiCh had raised $6682 during the Erie St., e lots QR Milton Si .alseabrinkeeti*if
1 year ; a belx of clothing; valued at witlittatnakitabeu.ha. d Water- good °robe,
on applying to JOHN RIDOUT; Clinton, or
$46,45, had been sent to the Indians of ,TOMCHENRY,Itosendalal menitebe.
. the N. W. $170 were the receipts and ' g • • g , .
expenditures os the Ladies' Aid. .
nousn von'akus.,
. Children Ory for ..._ 7
Comiortable dwelling house* on east side /
CASTOR I soft water and quarter of an acre of land, trot
Albert Street, conteining 7 rooms; bard an
trees, oto. Apply to
June 224 ., JOHN RIDOLT.
eOMPOSitiOli of Peed Stiffs
Wheat Bran, .. • 11.9 6.8 154 % 9.0 53.9 4.0 1-4.0
Shorts•11.8 • 4.6 • 14,9 7,4 50.8 4,5 • 1-4.4
cotton Seed Meal 8.5 7,0 418 5.4 22.3 13.5 1-1,2
Linseed Meal.- , 9.2 5,7 32,9 8.9 • 35.4 7.9 1-1.0
11 new process 10.1 . 5.8 38.2 9.5 88.4 8.0 . 1-1.8
'Whole Milk 87.0 .0 4,0 .* . 3.85 1---.9,2-
Skim IVIiIk' 90.0 .0 3,5 ., 5.0 .7 1-1.8
Buttermilk 90.0 .6 - 8.0 5.4 1 0 1-2,5
Whey 92.0 .13 3.0 • 51 .6 1-6.4
Sugar Beet 86:5 . ,9 Ls -.4 9.8 .1 1-5.5
Mangles 90.9 • 1.1 1.4. .9 . 545 .2. 1-4.2'
Turin. s • ,•• 880 1,2 1.2 1.3 7,5 ,2 1-6.6
Carrots 88.6 1.0 .1.1 1.3 7.6 .4 1-7.7
Artichokes 79,5 1,0 2.6 .8 1.59 .2 ' 1-6.2
Potatoes • 75,0 1.0 2.1 3.5 21.7 ,2 1-10.5
. .
Composition -of Grasses, and 'Clovers
Red Top 65,s • 2.3 2.8 , 11,0 17.7 , .0 1-7.0
Orchard Grass78.0 2:0 2.0 8.2 '13.3 • ,9 1-5.8
Meadow Fuscoe 69.9 1.8 • "2.4 10.3 • 14.3 .8 1-6.0
Itye.Grass 78.2 2.5 8.1 6.8 13.3 1.3 1-5.2
Timothy 61.6 • . 20.2 .1.2 1-7.3
Kentucky„Berass 65.1 2.8--4.1 9.1 17.6 1.3 1-5.0
Red 70,8 . 2.1 • 4.4 . • 8.1 13.5 1.1
Aleike Clover74.8 2.0 8.9 • 7.4 11.0 '.9 1-3.3
Orneson Clover 80.9 1.7 3.1 's.a 8.4 • .7 ' • 1-8.2
Lucent 71.8 2.7 4.8 . 7.4 12.3 1.0 1-41,0.
Corn Silage.. 79.1 1.4 1.7 0.0 '11.0-----'.81-7,5
Red CloverSilage 72,0 ' 2.6 4.2 $.4 11.8----1.2 • 1-14
Wheat Straw.. - 9.6 4.2 3.4 38.1 43.4 1.3
Wheat Chale ..., ' 14.3 9,2 . 4.5 • 36 0 84,6 1.4
.0at Straw ...... 9.2 . , 4.0- ' 37.0 42.4 2.3 1-11.8
Barley Straw.... -14,2......--.5 30.0 ' 39.0 1.5 .
Pea Straw' ..- .. . - 43 313 . .8 1-7.9
. '
' (Nceine-Grreen Foods, aried do not materially affect the nutritive ratio.) .
Ityou havii-iia-rTrien the Cataloglie of the'
Canada Business College
you, arelnat tatzeiliar with the advantages of.
fared bl, Canada's greatest school of Short.
hand and Business training, Write for it if
interested. We have no term divisions.
Pepin can, therefore, begin -at any time
Elie present is an excellent time to enter.
148,6 The following are a few of the pupils o
1--8.8 haveenigteergil "eurinedgbPa°mait, ittwis8 birromaderileilasi
i• g 3 Mt eatrer We:riaSscilSet73enisogrillagaheCur wilieflie"ththleirnatt.-
erland nnes Co, Chatham. Feed MeGavin,
in Stenographer with MoColl Oros., Paints
ss nod Oils Toronto. James Redford, Book-
The different cOlurons .in the foregoing explain the percentage of the
Variotine-elernente contained he foode. The nutritive ratiois the relation the
Protein bears to the Carbo-Hydrat and Teat. Wheh feeding a full ration to
artimels under summer condition of temperature, it requires 1 part of Protein
to 5.5 parte of the Carbo -Hydrates. By careful steady of the tables cine can
arrive at something like a correct basis to work from. in the mixing of foods.
Take for an example Peas ; they are high in Protein, or flesh forming elements,
but relatively low in the Carbo-Hydrat and Fat, which gives arnarrow Nutritive
Ratio of 1 to 2.2. This shows that in feeding Pees alone to animals, say pigs, •
that,alarge percentage_ of the Protein, which is the most 'valuable element, is
wasted by going out on manure pile. Now we find corn low in Protein, but
high in Car bo-Hydrat and Fat, which gives e wide Nutritive Ratio of • l•to
7.7. Therefore if instead cif feeding peas or corn alone we would mix say 100
lbs ofi3eas with 125 to 150 lbs corn, we would have a More evenly balanced
ration, 1. e., 1 to 6.5.
If this chart, was enlarged and hung in the feeding room the feeder by
this illustration could work out a balance ration by the proper mixture of the
feeds at his disposal.
covered no one, and thendeparted,
swearing to do the most terrible thiugs
if they ever caught that detective.
The poor little fellow crawled Out
from his wiry hiding -place, more dead
than alive, showing greet red streaks
where the springs had cut into his
fleet'. For safety, he was locked up in
a room, as it was really feared he
would try to escape during the nighl.
and ptuish On the prairie. Again I
tried to sleep, but was *On aroused by
the music of I he town band. lt ap-
peared to be composed of 2 or 3 horns,
playing each a different tune, and
keeping it up' until they had visited
every. house. Finally eyen they ceas-
ed, and the next thing I remember
was the sound of the breakfast bell,
That meal of bacon and brown bread
• 1
Church Chitties.
Rev TeDuoime of Midland Metho-
dist church, hag raised a storm, by re.
questing that -tbe ladies 'remove their
hats (luring church aervices.
Rev Mr. Raley, missionary among.
the Indians, at Kitatnat, 11. 0., bee
been around the Winghatn district ad-
dressing the Epworth Leagues. fie is
supported by the Leagues of this dile
trice and has been giving interesttng
eddreeses•on his field of labor. Kite -
mat is 600 miles north of Vancouver,
and the nearest white man tO Mr
limey, is 150 trines. With the exeep-
tion of Mrs Raley, and the two lady
teacheiu of the InISSiOU, there is no
white woman for 250 wler. Mr Rai-
over, I went° out into the stables to see eYs work is beefing in un, after long
ed Rey. saw. 3 ones. oe course e wee under hie charge, vain he is to them .
the horses, and notieed one stall letter,- and'arduous tud, fie has 500 Indians
solution and
Give A Youth
ellriOns to knew who, Or what, had the adviser in general, pastor, phesiclaln and Shorta course in liminess
rheand at the
honor to bear the name of the Maar. instructor, and in feet his duties are
ous preacher, and peered into thestall, multitudinous.
to find the lare-est and homeliest jack ' . ma.--
Yes 1 this is it bot Lown, but it is a Preehytery, the committee appointed .191100/Afe
ass that elVer lived. . At the last meeting of Maitland
busy one, with a great future ahead of to Consider Manual Aids to Social
it, being n tbe centre of it good and Worship, reported t -That the prin.
rapidly developing farming courdr3r. etple of the Manual Aids to Social
Every train brings in two or three Worship be approved. (2) That the •
land agents, each with his following imitation of the Anglican foams be dia. an4 who shall place limits table r"---areer
of land buyers, and fence coming here approved. (3) That the manual be re- atelogno free.
I have seen nearly ten thousand acree vised to wake it Presbyterian ea J1form . W. WESTERVELT.
keeper,bulimia Furniture Co.. Varna, Ont.
Aroh. MoVioar, °hanged from Taggart and
Knappen, Grand Rapids,' to Fairbana lifers's
Seale Co., Chicago. Our pupils are in demand
with the leading buniness house. Catalogue
of either departments free by addressing
• O. McLachlan & Go.
Chathansi Ont.
-- •
•In Gtoderieh Townsiiip, within two miles of
C triton; immediate possession, • Apply to
4 ••• • JOHN HIROUT.
Good ootnfortable bailee oil:Victoria St ,sinttli
with. every accommodation.; hard and soft
waterotalite, Ito. ent .moderate. Apply to
• '5.5, COOPER, Clinton
Versa,, two registered Skortborn
from tbe oldStraweerry strain. ORO wail lae
year oId on Dee. 2.5th's.and won first prize at
1317th Show. The other will be a two-yealsold
on April 2nd Both are red in color and firsts
mass animals
Lot 26 eth. Con.
Dee. 14-4 Clinton P.0
Disso.ution of Partnership.
heretoformsubsist g between us, the under.
Notion is hereby#Iven that the PaytnerehiP
signed, as marble eaters of the town of Clin-
ton, under the firm name of Seale la Hoover,
has this day dieolyed by gunnel cement. Ali
debts due or owing to the rigid partn hi
ers p,
are to be paid to either oz the parties afore -
Bald, and all claims against the said partner-
lyhalirgihtooy laipmesgligtto either of them, by
CLintonaltn. lath 1000. J.13. HOOVER.
sold. It seems to me that money can Med spirit, by omitting alternate and ; .
be made by buying land some thirty responsive reading, and by introducing
miles back, and waiting for it to rise, it Bibletteadinv for each Sabbath day TO BIlEiDERS _
itit it is bound to do, Inc the railroad's dealing With the fundamental deer, .
advancing their lands from one to rinee and truths of the word of GO(1, 'he phenomenal well bred standard gorse,
three dollars per acre on the first of the several parts he noted and the Tarentum 21705, will stand at W. W. Farran's
bar% tear Station at Clinton, every mosso
March, and expect to advance it again sehlfture passages to be appended.
two dollars on the fleet of July. (4) That psalms and hymns suitable for f°,1,14AttleggreMagnitie breeding the
For good farms there is lots of good the seVeral Services be suggested in the greatest Arse Hein! ur dead, also it ot the.
land near town selling from -$5- to $10, Manual. The report. was teeelved and
gru necre es ti Po nr6da doe itirge e daimn git;Ilevni teu ge.xtEtreembeas80-ele8dk:
per acre, but it will not last long,. Tor adopted. .1 8rd, the power to Uneaten -it.
this country ie. being well advertised, Trains To Insure, Slit For extended Pedlgree
and a great rush from IOW& in expect- The annual meeting of the Wing- see large catalog. Address
ed. If any of your readers Would care ham Presbyterian church was held on A. ONAIII,Beetenialf,
to knew More of thie section, let them the.29th ith., •at which there was it June lett Ertmondville. Ord.
Maple Leat Stook Parra,
Write to hie, and r will ebtainfor the:in good attendane . Among other Wei. .."e„ ----
aIl the, information they desire. ' ness..Geo. Cline was / feepponacet ore.,
Your truly, • &titter at verde glary as before, $200; Valuable Farm For Sale
A. J. nowuLt. MisaOstritt Fisher will again be organ. ' Near Illyth.
_____ _ ist, at on ineretaed salary, $75. • Ie was ' , . -.4....
Adria derided that a COPY of the Presby- For side. that satiable, Sentra farni, being the
Additional Local News.
. .
thine Will be paid for frotrt the church
terian artdact0fradmfOilyranor 105tIoidabuebare:lipt: ilts,Orilreitnish.hlinvf It.rsot 4,12d:totittsrchlointetentatemroc:N.0,ftfttihrs:
$5.PreceivedOR 11.,IiICYCorderif/iE.-rom76; whaleagoaeor f: we ed 1°1' i *tar
vertise a titie rice' hiCYclarshipped to' -contributed in envelope and plal--6 col-
. /node. During/ 1809 the congregation fremebarrrovititstone.stabAg, tageriiietaa
any oddmit Me O. The adttietise- lectikine, moan, a
tut for " clurri lial7eteatEilitr4steilI,rtilaTtir 111615111•P:lifiroArt
inellt4oOk0iikeit'itattd. WeSdid hilt, *cherries, str,;40, a total of $2230,821 extiellehtbleeket, and nrailWay Station, at the
betrayer; publieh the • "atl,"-f and Viva the Sabbath wheel raised $120,91 ; the tbreelsgviliege ofDlyth, on a leasing gravel
Iheitadentt!bgisttmarlithimitset,fratteaheti 045antievirrieritteh. uto,stmeootont4eciorits,tiot,
nitilligedthtt "rear': : Ltiticeitlithhiabi Irtitil>ler td readriecitePdirrtgatgt;
Eartilnleibs bidets .nrill In will6sbr, .17.; _Preeent rneMberabliii WI
TERMSve4,700 dertsli the hidenoe th stilt the
svelljeers4 'ffifOrtAnd tato to' ottiitt 'fftta ' Pr, triliMi.ricigiestri"741 Pergli
Writ *tiro to the liVindeer -peat (Alto; bey ktiodes to 4 young outer well &aid; hafantid, lititethet InitriertisS 1.44 The 'St'vottorgi lleralti thus ilatter- ' Apply , ,g, it , vaiddort solitatos
for the "perfect" ettlefiritiv: Any tier- kno-on-Intituron, he befug emon.tu.l.we 4 Dtitild'at Gederielt, the getbaseueeyonet-ii
son whe_riiencle$5 for the bicycle wilt. of n mord, nolmeaville :-The *Oh. :`,---',..44. 4.4`-'---4.444.1.444,444444.44+4,
likely he minas -the menet and wheel, - - ' f
and tile exchange e publiehiniF,thre4° :Igo'. lif)lotivit:Terfcgtici igant!riteb ' ' '
WM 4160 likelt betoUtis : -, - ,i tviestiOn of the pastOrate, *Ina has
'tarty • Jammu .11Thr.--th0 ether been brought the front by the rapid
morning several Olititoniamt were on approach of tiro *gemination textmid•
the train coming from (oderich. One trimmer of Rev A,. 11., , Iiirkee area. ay It
of the ether paesengere- Wart a hostility* :year ;toot. ' A 'till "theetitig of, the . •
matt, who resides In it northern, rli. ftimiler)Y b4iiird' Ws* oajled,,on. satisr. , Aetnirsit in Our Colleitewill be one •
lege, but during his sojourn in the day eksting to conslidee the subject, of the meet eniolable experienees .of
amity ttiWi8 he had , tarried toot log . and the"Meetiog teen fed in 'an'unani. your nut and the important anti nut.
goitnt to die, and said s-- 'I've had the lennain as putter for a fourth Year, lit, ivkesterrit oaring *ha ion, things at
at the wine cup; he imaVtfed he WAS IRO 0 SAIVIt4 ti On tt, net . M r Ili al to . gtuttrifgggAittZtAgligigle
D. T.'e tidoe, and taken the -geld cure, ateerdairce with " recently adopted li
nuke my Will P" ,. ne of ,tbose on maxiMum lengths of pitsteral Wine tev . A •
board conaented la 40.80, ancl, 10 was from threkto five year If was felt, '•,;1 *
quickly drawn up. He then wanted that Ur Pitaa bad atone the eettgrege-
one ofthem to preetribe for him, and it tion excellent eery ee, , the situation , CentralllusineSseolleg
couple orfekarmIess lozenges were ad- haying been inifiproyed as, to znember. tong 4 aletrikra sig„Teregas.;
of all, he vowed were the mean* of ng porta lug the zinigrega_tion trati Of aissaanesiesscreesessalwasmosalineeseessawne .
saying biotite. Ite may have recover. the best, Outside of the Waterteo-et.- '11r. itro '01014klit*' Pialicipal. a
at his equilibrium by this Mt.*, but he . church, Mr Birks' acceptance will *
hadn't when last seen here, afford pleasure, Ai be boo von for him- •4teiViritt.14•Ift.141442014+++.....,...* o
HOUSE for SALE or to RENT.
On Viotoria St., near Organ Factory. 53001
will buy a roomy, oomfertable house with good
Jot -the property recently °coupled by Frank
Unshed Apply at once to -
Barrister tro. Clinton.
House and -Lot for Sale. •
• .
• The latgo and commodious house pleasantly
situated on Huron Street, °mini? by tho un-
dersigned is offered for sale on ve y reasonable
terms. There is every aocomodetio ,witb stable,
orchard,. dce, • • '
•• 'W. BOWERS,
Sent 21. 1899.• • • • Clinton,
Park Lot for Sale. •
• A fineyark lotot tour acres, With good new
s x roomed house, good cellar, °Ward stable,
woodhouee, and driving shed Young orchard.
Situated just across the bridge st Auburn. Wilt
be field on reasonable terms, as proprietor ie
meming to Manitoba. GEORGE WHITNEY,
Choice Propert$r for Sale.
Subscriber offers for sale the new cottage
on IMMO street, at present occupied by him,
self. It has every convenienee for ordinary
family, with good lot, bearing fruit trees,
well, soft water, Om. The house was only
built a year ago and will be sold on reasonable
terms. HUGH now, enuton.
Tas preinises'oeouPled by R. "J. Muff, and .
oonsis t in g•of a first Maas briok store, on Albert
Street, Clinton; is offered for sale on eat/
Mao Cottage on Albert Street, with two
lots, steble, and all oonvienoes. • Particulars
on appication to Nu W. Robertson, Clinton
or Mrs C, W. McGregor, Constance. •
The cottage and property belonging to the
Iota William itioClinchey, being lot No. 4 west
side of Isaac street, in sub. division D, of X.
nattenbury-s- survey, Clinton, is offered for
sale. At present occupied by R. H. Chown,
le &comfortable and well situated property
and vvill sold on reasonable terms. Apple
LAS. Executor Blake. tf
• t•••••••P •
The undersigned offers for sale a frame house
On Wellington Street of eight rooms, containing
four bedrooms, dining room„ parlor, sitting
room auct kitchen. Good hard vvator ; five
minutes we,* from t e Post Moe. The hoese
has only beeu built r a year. For tabrticulars
etc., ape RS. MOGRIDG
Feb 1G -If Wellington linton.
. SALE . .
That desirable Brialt Business Stand on Al-
bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Reboil, Is
offeftd for sale, including rear lot and stable.
The location is One of tho lbest In Clinton. The
property is free from inoutnbrance and title in-
disputable, Price reagonable and terms to mit
purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lon.
don Road or, adiseas Clinton P. 0
For Sale or to Rent.
The choice brick boucle on the corner of Ful-
ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate
of the htte Richard Heywood, is offered either
for San or to rest. It containe room for ordis
nary family, is practically * new house, With
all conventenees, and three -tenths of an acre
of land. IL the property le not sold Or rented,
part of it will be routed. Apply to
• s W. COATS Executor ntbn.
Parm for sale or to Rent.
200 acre farm for sale Or to rent, being Lots
20 and 80, 8th eOnceevion of Hallett township;
125 acres under. eultivatton, the rest bush and
Pasturelands watered by a well supplied river;
school !ohm NO. 5 situated on the farm; geed
terra, bank bons. stables, sheds ane other
bulldogs, also story house; also good or -
Chard; bas all convenientea. Tering eikey.
Apply on the fatre to
twin letter to Londeabo * Onts lra
. •
A desirable farm fottssile being lot No.
Ilth tioncession, ofth ! °mishit of Goderioh,
one milt' sottth of Flobricoville flown ai the
Stone 4&iry, bretrkl)fbrtiri isefftrellretieeigrfoir"sbagtir'e: nualadetellhf, .q n.
VerY edVatitege termer
of4thesUtie u„,'Breaktan
Mee. ow. balance in pasture, orchard, of choice
bearing' fruit treat all the front Of said terra
annee--,,,opoosite colberee WOO
trouneity et Cameron. Holt Catneroni '
Ofine-Sitanniton fit eremite 061borne Reuse
Baratuagas,- $0*CITORS, ETC.
Otitee --Corner Manniten -St. and the Salter
L astftR3W. Q61."110e-rick.0'*:070'1Azolcor,L14•B
Oince: 241Arik et., next door toSignal °glee
private Fundositralteenrdooe loweet rates
W. pscouvoor. R.C. HAYS
. • •
Oorrntraivona,. Ocoprieszorrna, ETC,
AT ZURIGH...„THE 214, Tairnsrisx
Real EslentreonamodorItgaireaftneed NAogteenst.,e, muldioturefy,
Crown and Bridge Work.
•. Mace Hours -.9 to 5.
DR. • T. .C. BRUCE.
CoateRlock, Albert Street, 011atott-
Special attention given to preser.
'ration of Natural teeth
mee crown and /Bridge Work
• 'Physioiano Surgeon, Eto
Mee and Residence-
Itsitten'bury Street.
Lioenticite of the Royal
London, En
Office and Residence-
.. PERRI:El Wawa, lip Stairs,
&weenier to Dr. Tanana,
TIM. WM. CIONN.X.. R. O. P. and L. 15.0. 8,
Edinburgh. Ottlee-Onterlo Sftet Clinton
Night calls at front door otresidenceen Renoir
bury fit.soppositsPresbYtetiell ahilrah.
st.rAsconeheur, etc., eine and residence On.
task St, opposite English church, formerly Oa
caplet( by Dr. Appleton, Olinton Ont.
Medical Dep.artment of Maeda Unlver-
any,. Toronto, formerly 01 the 'Hospitals Atilt
Dispensaries. Now York, Coroner .01 the
Poway Of Huron, Baylield Oat. ,
tieId and Silver Medalist, firet-elass honor
Itinduate of the Oaten* Veterinary
TREATS DitinAtilaigre. Att ANIMALS
Night. and day cane a steered. at odise-Di
Worthlugtozfe old e tand,0 lailommerolal Rote
es • lionoraryGredulte ot thoOnterioVeteries
College. Treats elltilsesees of demesticated en
male on the manta modern and scientinc past
vies ()Mee- immedistely south of the NeW Ere
kitties. itesidetiot - Albert St., Oliatatic
night orday ettinidedt° Promptly' '
.111 hearer of Pitarriage Licensee, faittarY Root
Beildenee, Mary street. Clinton. -
• No ivitneeses regents*
1 P. D. ff., Promeha Leal surveyor and
CITE Engineer Undo; Oaks-081es at deo
Starrett's Groost,V-Steta Minton.
4.31011.8*-, Book linsineSeis better -than Or
yearepastadto here hetterand taster sellinj
eowie, atom teeiefertirt ele WOO tesekte A
Victoria "Life of Mr
z 0 NoKAlt/y, licata mon* goisraye en. Ondike Goldriel
Dinner and- pftes, •Itneyentslo
Tiomn FOR SALE. 4,14n3sr ZatIligititottea`to osungsorii.
N CC. United.
Oa itettenburySt.,.oppodie kre Cambea, If -
AUTORT tehOnAtehnOn18, vie: parlendinpig
1}taorrittaen hottse oontaininewoodsheannd
rdioni. itehen,1 beartiolli doWnetairs and th
opetctirs; herd Ana, Soft Water,' i Aare °Outer
lets With evergreen,. retie and Other bodges.
Opoieberrile, ritatibe
, 4,".....*241.1alasivoarai*iii3oati: 10,11,,. Er;b0)1y.,gi:airinigAti:eigicivr.":1:04%.4, ,t)Leiv4:. •ctual!r310,Rt tht,
. W. et 94 Tr.,1
.....,,. .
T..14( 16 4 I ---I : d. :
. ptormt Has d erith
ott'll- -
but Vorgeing to.dier will some one 'Methodist legislation extending the „to 51» 106. Ir*tt latki
Tnekerimit , hat* mile front the te
rtatitgiVi trititte tilkail fir triltrio :1%1 adrAttletly
, which, to the ainarement Thin and nances, while the led" A
Per gale cheep artd,on easy iernor-parl
of Lot 4, tayield COntession, Goderich
toronship; 54 acres. apNVY to
Sept 7.3113 - ' ,
W. SCoOrtiTeeT,tima:
Splendid PaPilll to Rent or for Sale i
thtleultiber agar* Oitkar is rent or rot talk
le tom also aver. inflated oil the martin
"MI Finarnlyttlitainig pa Tb.
sow pig honed lesge, VII& hank/Wait above;
rt lomillniteicaris.. rs• is ell Oblilted Whit Iiiit,oltinWn
"eAtf4krat iv " 411",:anT:IY:reillfra.001.1011.114*Itu
uottimir itstieekramairt wil1,0$00:beyrdt WsiZe ur
Severe' parsororgr peaciet 'oeice ;gaugers
earrOttadigg J or to imit yeast
In this ommozur.ivin their ownand
biaPv:2......11,0hitt.,t,r"uvillasibrIll:toomHz1:0:e012lifsetlYrimiutetdovostititoweduiseaabRistiteetraeldrerlotligedYmes tee:nnii
Str. .4.*1VC-E CO. "
ileltILLOP 1111111414 FIRE
rAnv abLAynkrx_ vows PROPBErit
' -
S. IL Ma'am, Presiestit, Slava 04 Thwai"
tilialtaratO ,
asFrhstertenry,nonst:::firotr.Treitodfni4sweentitht: 114,01.Hr:sew jertflhololytel.hrop..ovo.,.twoei, tal
13:64. On. iHroadtoot,d. JI)b _Reatorth. :hint G.
rifithrop 0.; Georg* nate. &daft Thai,
:04.400:1647nsii/8;arltoth,tt °)ZtouttinditraitotkROITTli-lint optiime6thati:NYmj.°°:661:
or.„Laabiztaitt,thlrt:,:110,,:tioreobt, mat 8601'
forth , AM% Vateming EgMolidvill It W.
Atm r kildgeritt 1°1.!
&et othereillbtrall".fieee Wil‘tdblitietrgronitttrylittZatedrit.
Avoiloktiotg arty et in/tabors 01461
• addreeeett
titt thermos**. 05/00041