HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-02-16, Page 1Recommend nit) No* Erato . your trientitt, 41atakjilirMoial.18O5 tiellezer. f. 1 ., i. o You. Will Find: Mre o oomple*a took 01„virotnhos, Clocks, Jewelry, Stivereare, Cutlery. Chime lapeetedles, snd idl kinds of tonsil novaties in Ebony and Steding,Silver, Chit Stele, Side Combo, Perna, Fetus; Eto., in feet you will Ana everything here that ie to be found irt t.class jewelry eters. We Engrave 001140 all articiles bought here free of °barge, and as we saPeet , a lotef-this kind of work to do, We would asa You to eelect your *Moles end let no know the en. graving you would like on them as tioott ae , possible, as it. will ewe no a lot of trouhles and we will be able to do a nicer job for ton. stiikt REMEMBER. All articles height here engraved free of charge. . When Will you be In? P B. OREVirSt Jeweler ExpertWatehltepairer And Opeleian Benmlller OORREoTION.-4 notice in the last is - sae that the school meeting stated that the election was to come off on the lOth, but it will not be held until the -17th of 14 ebruarys , • Tien RwEE.-The river Maitland has • broken up and is now running clear as in spring.. There was seen going down . with the wait sleigh with, two logs on it, but we do not know to whens , they - belong. There was a heavy jam of ice emit above tLe falls which raised the ice and it took the bridge away which Makes it very inconvenient for -air Dick and brother, who have the faller reserve rented. The house is in Gode. rich township and ;the bat n in ;Colborne township, ''and they. , had to go . all the way around Itf. Betimiller one morning:0 feed their horses and cattle._ a distance of nearly six miles, as the Maitland is no small creek now. NOTES.—Mr Pierce had another sale of cows at Goderich. Mr Pframmet has ot a tenant ter his house in thoperson McMath; we, understand that he be Stewart estate. J. ieywere at McKillop Betrileld Tien RivERS-Last Week as the snow, disappeared, the river rose to a tre- reetidous height and.ainiest carried the bridge out in its fury. Mr Thomson's , dam was slightly damaged, but he quickly replaced it and his mill isetill • faratt.eritY,H "rear carried away in tiliii SuIPplled by the New Era's tolde;airafia;anif iorresgbadenta • e Patriotic Fund Was eld•in the • - 4°110.aboro' I part. However, the numbersr given b e thitt Mr Week's dam - • s see”' 01thT01•1, ONTARIO, FEBRITABY.16 *A*k*k******************** he News of the Neighborhood ' 1 ec The best advertising; utonfung 4 , ea in this ;sections ii .111440144W4******4444444444444 ° 4 . eodersch„ Tun R. T. oxf T. -The entertainment beld under the auspice ii of the Royal Teroplara In the Temperance Hall bud Friday evening Was quite a succeseand - those who were present enjoyed a pleasanteveninire entertainment. The program was to, good one, but, many were ditiappoirited at ' thealetence of nottalPitn.n•anetnetanettieteeeneteete-yeeteetneeenatetteettnet*etippea threa ""°ne wile were ti) ileve "'ken • Tuelierentitit Varna were all much enjoyed. Inspector Tom ernIMAT0-4. large meetin§ ill behalf Tovin Hall on Menday eveningeO, W. NOTES. -Fred Leafiest:, a foimer reel- ellemostiAmm.--John Itobleof the 2nd, PROPERTY OHANGZs, J•cohn mo. occupied the char. bury, Palliate; an G.. Erwin made methodist eharoh, Thole Sanspson Survey) lot 121 on Ow oalPoo con. The WON Mr hie, has another crop • pointed to t e boats ' of the Union brief addresses. A large conimittee resumed werk on the G. T. .R. on Men- price paid was $3,600. It is looked up, Et: A. Higgins has sold his house and- Transit Co., of Butrelo, for the year Oh M f has been appointed to getup a, concert d early in Marcie Look out for it and 1300; Thtee former Goderich men are come. Sittenotree-Missionary sernione will be preached on the Baylleld circuit on Sabbath, Feb. 25th, by Rev. J. Ws An- drews, of Varnat-I3ethel at 10.30&w., Cole's at 2,80 p.m., and Bayfleld at 7p. m. litibscriptions and collections in aid of the Fund. Special services were commenced in the Bayfield Methodist church last Sunday night by the pas - Holman was moved to' the chair, and dent, is visiting in • this piece, and is has purchased thel0Q-aere farneknown Naughton has purchased the farm ad. Rev E.°, denature, re Weeds, state assisting in the special services in•the as the old Johnston farm (Huron Road joining his from Joseph Meakins, fey riti!Allt=c1 liar of mcittetTailisMapa." morning. . Y . on as a splendid farni, especially for lot in Varna to Samuel Reid, et con. 5, our former residents, made a visit here fall wheat. Mr Robb will be kept very Stanley, who gets possessionen A.prill. this week; he was purchasing' stock, for Muer as he intends to work this as well butchering; he is as joilyas ever. Mr as the farm he lives on. . • ` ' Diero.-.We regret to announce the • demiee of William, second son of An - A. Woodman is still confined ta bed t jetties Hill of the lil th lanin mill a fine o er y organ fromHoare. p it D 'h t f C. f • F ' oar years ago he injured his spine, °ants Nonnen McGuire to the Str. N H 1 It h d d Dunkin,Mondayafternoon. With his knee, and is not gaining much. orns.-jos. o meg as pure ase drew on Avon and ()apt John McIntosh to Stn. tor, -Rev, E. A. Shaw. Cenincta.-Bev Mr Grant, St, Marys, addressed a meeting in Sc. Andrew's church on Wednesday evening. in be- half of the 20th Century Fund of the Presbyterian church. Rev Mr McIn- nis occupied the pulpit in St. Andrew's church last Sabbath, morning and evening. Aleasmeeting andentertain- ment will be held by the managers of St. Andror's church on Tuesday, the 201h inst.; ,many eloquent speakers will • be present, • • ....1STOTEs.-The first robin of the season. was seen here on the 121h inst.; this Is rather earl? for his lordship, and he will no dsubt need stockings this cola snap: The teuchers of Varna local district will meett in the Varna public school' -on Saturday next, at 1 p, in., when a good program will be carried out; every 'teacher in the district. should try to attend. Misses Nelly and Lily Martin have returned from a visit to Goderich township. Alias Jessie Biggart is visiting friends here. Mise Lottie Martin is visiting in Clinton at present. Mrs Media will improve Bay - Held by the building of a new house. Work on the north pier has ceased, that part of the work -being completed; the men are now at work on the south pier, removing the old top down to solid timber, preparatory to putting e ffantite cover. U[ sidewalks every spring ate beingabdsed by people dale nig on them and breaking them up; weeesold like, to see oar foot -walks protected from this misuse, as itis a great inconvenience to pedestrians; we often notice travellers' truck waggons standing on the sidewalk, hatchets' and bakers' Bets .ditto, while ladies and others h6ego into t1ie4itch PAM • a 'funeral of his brother Geor riday, the 81h inst. • 14: _etesley, . Ohler and P. Fisher each lost a cow last week. Mrs England, of Dashwood, better knoWn here as Carrie Obler, is very sick at present; we hope to hear of her speedy recov- ery. Qaarterlysmeeting was held on Sabbath last and was largely attended at the Evangelical church. L. Stsydee was very fortunatein getting hisstone across the rivet before the break-up, Colborne. - SETVENED,-Mr Flick and wife. who Sieve been spending their honeymoon with friends in Michigar, returned last week, and are now domiciled in our midst. We cordially extend both hands and wish them long life and prosperity. A QIIAOK.-Periodically we have a visit from a quack who goes by the name of 'Wild Goose," and last Week was here on his annual trip. He comes from -near Stratford, 1 and we advise the people to keep clear of him and his herb medicine, as only regret will fol. lose as was seen from the illness of members of some of the families, by which the call of the doctors from Cline ton was required, ,It was a serious case of what is known as irritant pois- oning, the cause of which was the so- called herb tnedidine of the "Wild Goose.' Mr Young's family were very ill, and at one time fears of recovery were entertained, but through the MUM:dm:Ss of reliable M. Dee from ofinton, we are happy to report them. out of danger. We would advise the people to give the quack a wide berth. When feeling' ill consult a reliable phy- sician and do nob use bottles of so - galled root or herb medicine. They are werse than none. A warning is sufficient to the wise. Seaforth, TOSE CLVB.,--The Seaforthturfelub's annual Meeting was held last week. Officeetwere elected and it was decid- ed to hold a. Iwo days' rage meet some time in July, when $2,000 will be offpr. eam rizem The club intends, with the opening of spring, to erect a com-, modimis plaid standand improve their grotinde in other Ways, nt fifth . wliat the children say; grown _p �hlldrslley the samething. We have 0081%1 lines of Btealifest Cereals India - big owito Nod, Yettiinhies Whoott,Quaker' Ooits, Rosa Barley, Wheat and Otto, but sheeted peptide 'breed is raleg Renowned Breakfast Wood....wiiimw is will melte yeti idild yen are lilting to „oiler Wimp of the popular . food and hies it for breakfast, ritiotpAZIirdi geed value,5 lbs for 25e Etovoiyott ever tried MOB gLATtEs, 7LAKED SZA.140 or PL.AKED PEAS. %Mee gook art eientifectermi by reitarring the nrillior skitis Of the pear end beans their norreel dry end raW condition, ona ote then drawn toe thin /bike. By thio vow rwiffetouring it does not deetrey iho floor, nutriment and strength of the two, na bean; beeides redoing the time king to 8 titivate, • LE COOPER it CO. Tholt Citak Grocer'Pbone 23 Colt forButter at4re • Goderich ownship. NOTES. -It is reeler on goo auth- ority that Oliver Jervis h ght one of Samuel Switzer's farms at the figure of $3,650; it is a good ones' farm, and we wish him success in his venture, Miss Laura, Connel pas returned from Toronto again, where she has been staying for some times we wel- come the young lady to our midst once more. Misses Clara and Lena, Et•win, of Bayfield, Sanclayed•orethe Bayileld line. John Cook left for British Col- umbia on Monday; we believe there is one lonesome heart. Geo. Rathwell has had an attack of appendicitis, but is recovering, Edward Bothwell sold a valuable Nettie lasetveek to Mr Turn- bull, of Seaforth, at a high price, Miss ,PolcOullagh, of Taylor's Corners, is the guest of Miss Susie tithed. John El- liott, Bayfield line, lost a valuable cow last week from indigestion. johnnie Thompson, B line, sports a dandy new cutter, and now, with his dandy driver' cuts quite a shine • Jack Cook has re- turned to the 9th cob., after a couple of months' absence. Daring the recent thaw the dam at Trick's mill yeas a little too high for sawing, and &little dangerous for grinding. Thos. Trick was in Exeter last week on business. WessBeacom, of Oarlock, spent a few days last week elating friends and acquaintances on the Bto,yfield line. The cottcert which was to have been given in the Bayfleldline school house, was postponed owing to the bad roads, but as soon as snow comes we will let you know the date. While,one of the framers was felling a tree in Mr Cole's bush, he got caught in some brush, and put up his hand to 'save Lis head; his hand was badly bruised. Isaac Itathwell is breaking in his sorrel colt, which Is really a beauty. • Westfield, Loorfovntef.-Mrs 3. IL McClinton and Mrs Soho Sowler, who have been very ill for a number of weeks, are slowly recovering. Thos. Tunny, who has been. 'eta up with an attack Of measles and bronchitis, is improving. D1OTES.-James Andertion, Plumes, Mete is spending a few weeks the guest of his .sister, Mrs Sohn Black. Measles are verysprevalent here. Will and Mervin McDowell visited Goderich friends on Saturday. MSS Sttale Mc- Vittie, who has been visiting her pat- ents l Wiarton, returned last week. T. &amide is very 111 with inflamma- tion of the lungs. -Bert Carter, Sun. shine, is working with James Hoover at present, Mrs Henry Morrish and infant son, Who have been spending ft few weeks with Mrs Morrish' e moth- er, Mrs j. McClinton, returned to her home in Goderich hue week. Rey .T. Mimi of Goaerich, is to conduct Mid- aionarisemlices in Weetfield on Feb. 25th, at 2,30 p. ni. Mkt Edna Auld re- turned late week from spending time time with her aunt, Mrs Fowler, New- bridge. among the captenut in this company's employs Capt., Wm. McLean is re -ap- pointed to the tate John M. Nichol, started from bete on kueday for Tor - Clinton The new •bridge at Broad. and has been confined to his bed ever onto. Mrs Walker has returned home foots bus been CoMpleteci. • Miss L. sineHe was aged 10 years. The from her .visit in Morris. Miss Elva Martin. of Bayfield, is visiting Mrs 1. funeral took place on Wednesday to Adams lett on Tuesday morning for johnsMise Mary Layton vieited Baird's cemetery, and was largely at- Torento.. friends in Seaforth last week, Mrs S. tended, ' • ' johns spent Sunday with friends near CHOROPI.-Itev Mr Hamilton Wag at Edmondville. MissH.Docids Clinton 00NOBItT,-.A. cconcert under the ow*- , Marys •on Sunday . last. taking the spent Sunday itht 'ends 13.. 0 tufa ss pices of St. John's church was held in ork for Rev Mr (4rant. Rev Mr m Montgoniewr ullettere. Ise the town hall bn TUeSdaY evening; the 'array, of Kincardine, occupied the fewd • d h ays v mg nen ere. • • sPen a weather was bad, but a good crowd dpits of Knox and Burns' churches was present. The program was one of st Sunday for Rev Mr Grant, of St, A.NNIvEnsARY. - Epworth League the best ever given here, and the mem- arys, who Was expected to explain anoiversa,ry held it Turner's church hers of St. John's Osumi' take this op. a d speak in .behalf of the Centuryrtity of tendering their- sincere last Sunday was in eyery way a suc- Portu und; Mr. Murray gave a very pfain cess. Rev. B. Hebb, of Winghein, pre- thanks to .the ,parties from Bayfield explanation of the objects of this fund, sented the old truths Of the Gospel in a who so kindly rave ' their assistance and wished to have a liberal response forcible and clear manner which was. Proceeds amounted to $25. -he much:appreciated by ail who were pre- . Noees.--Rev (3/. W when Mr Grant comes to call on the Andrews, ,Ful - people of the district. The annual sent; he preached merning and evetiing 1st ton, called at the parsonage keit meeting of Hulled Branch Bible n to large congregations. Everybody week. Miss Mary Townsend, Lenders. deity will be held In Knox church So was disappointed that Monday night, boro, was the guest of the Misses An. on Monday evening, the 17th inst.; ad- the weather was so inclement, but not- drews for a few days laetaveek, Miss dresses by the resident ministers; col. withstanding a goodly number gather- Maud Andrews is visitingfriends in lection eshe purpose of supplying .o ed to hear him lecture n the subject Londesbori Londesboro. The League ntend giv- t the Bible to the world. • • "The Triangular Man." Mr Hobba, in a, literary 'entertainment on Mon-, was listened to with apt attention for di and most respected residents, Mrs tore the audience the -proper tife, tion. • Mr and Mrs Beatty and Miss Catharine A. Longman, relki,of the which consists i I proper y apportion- Ames, Ethel, drove to Verna on Mono. late James 1.ongootan, was called to • mgLime, Elora, thought and money day to take part in the concert.. Mrs her final rest onStuodays February' 11., Deceased was bore in England in 1824, and when about. ten years of age went to the West- Indies, where she re- mained for some *time. She removed to Canada when still quite ycung, settling first' in Chinguacousy, but af- terwards removirog to Hulled, being one of the very earlieet settlers of this district. She has resided here ever since, having attained the patriarchal age of 75 pease and two months. She was married ire0anadato•hee husband, who predeceased her about 25 yens ago. In religious • connections she was one of the most faithful members of the Methodist church, but was troubled with asthma, which prevented her from going out very erten. She had a family of 13children. 8 of whom were spared to maturity; within the last few years she was called Upon to suffer the loss of a daughter, Ws Charles Bam- bridge, and two Sons, Virmwond Samuel. Those now left to mourn the demise of both fether anal:Other are four daugh- ters and one sold- The daughters are Mrs W. McCool, of Idullett; Mrs W. Manning ond Mrs Magyars]. Manitoba; and Catharine at home; the only son, George also lives at Londeshoro. The funeral' took place from her tete home to the Londesboro cemetery, and was largely attended. , Summerh111, and a half, while he Placed be; grtme,visetiblenigneg PFregb.arle9dtli; ;M. alvegrmcdoFier°c:. PANE° AtVe.e.-- One of our oldest an hour a OHURCH.-The congregation here on Sunday evening last was quite large, as roads and weather were good. Rev. E. B. Smith gave an instructive lecture on the Lord's Prayer and. Ten Com- mandments. We understand that the ladies of the congregation held a parlor Social at '.the home of Mrs Robt. Miller last night. • NOTES. -Quite a number from :this vicittit y attended the party at O. W. Maitland cone on Friday evening; eve guesof Geordie went too. - Misses Johnstone, of Listowel, who have been the guests of Miss Olive Rill during the pest couple of weeks, have teturned to their home. We are sorry to state that Mr Beeson, who has been suffering from pleurisy and bronchitis, is not improving as well as we would wish;we hope soon to hear of his recov- ery. Mrs T. Mason, sr., has been on the sick list, but is improving. O. qardrier, of the Cut Line. Goderich township,spent Sundae: at T:Murohy's. Miss Emma Jordan visited ,bet aunt, Mrs O. Beacom, on Monday. Miss S. Watkins.of Holmesville, was the guest of Mrs Brownlee during this week.•We think the Base line can sport more snow than any other ten miles in the county. Thos. Mason had a wood -bee on Wednesday last. Ashfield Council met Feb., Oth,, members al present. Cheques were issued for the' following amounts :-Wm. j, Agar, for funeral expeticea and bare of c he latt? John O'Dwyer, 826 ' (*arrow & Preudfdet,balance on account, 832.13; John Parrish, reparibg delved S. atiti R. 3 and 4, 85; Thos. McDonald, re- pairing raihng brido S. R., 12 and 13, 50e ; M. Whity, spikes, 20c; John Shields', $1, repairs on bone 2; James Maybe% for two drain ewer& 132; T Allen, grant to public dbrary, Dungannon, 010 • Dr. Gordon, attend- ance on the late 'Sohn .C'Dwyer, 85; The auditors presented their reprove' for the year les!, also a special re- prove' from Zan. let to Pete Oth, 1300. On motion of Hunter and McIntyre( the report Was adopted. Robert Har- Verter's WA. Etter Ward. These are the three pest boete on the line. SENTENOBD.-A. Yolinfe. mem named Chat. Refffe,was attested on Monday on the charge of dealing a pair Of boat!. •from Eli Symondef of Saltforcl, Police Magistrate Seeger committed him for trial, and Judge Masson sentenced him to ten dates in jail with hard- labor. Ruffle is one of the McPherson layer - Wiens from the Old Country and worked for some years with j. Youill, of Goderich township. Re is twenty years of age. Noena.:-.Rev. Mr Wilson, of Benmil- ler, preached a missionary • sermon JO Victolia St. church on Sunday Morn- ing to a very large congregation. Ts Burrows, the seedsman, was the grime of Otter Wilson, Taylor's Corner, on Sunday. •The dry good store6 around town have agreed ,,o close each even- ing except Saturdatr at 7 o'clock. Buyers should govern ebeinselves tee cordingly. James Craigie and Robt. Clark commenced the usual winter ice harvest last week. The crop is now as heavy is we have seen, but it may still grow. • North . street Methodist to the development of the three .sides A. Carclino and her daughter Alma, Sunday school is 'practising a cantata of man -the physicalossental and spite of Seaforth, are guests of Mrs .t. Arm- schigh is to be sung at the anniversary itual. Special Ilium •was provided on strong.. Sundaer by W. Townsend. That this • • - , entertainment:6f the school in March, Was appreciated was cesinced by the Mr CM reit at the residence of the bride's reeerinn3.-A pretty. wedding! oc. four awyeee beenweeks in Robbs opt:Ike of it. On Monday Mr and ec)hihieritar, terms 111 which — father, Thos. Keyee, on Thursday, the Victoria street Methodist church have tToll, Pe IT gvrieVsasi fterrit hi services last wh i Icahn Mrs W.11. Willis and MisiN. Beattie, 15th nat., when his thierleeleteghter, .been closed. On Friday evening of duets and solos; they will be heartily ttise 'Hamlet, was united fn marriage lost Week. the G.C.I. 'Literary and to John Barbour. late of Varna; but Scientific Seciety held . its first annual of Seaforth, delighted the audience by meeting for 1900; owing to other' at - welcome on a•future occasion. A %%fay now of Mount Forest. The bride was hearty vote of thanks was tendered r tastefoillytatired in blue cloth trimmed tractions in town the attendance was slitn, but the mograne was a Ood one ith weide satin - otnol carried to, baguet Hobbs and the Seaforth friends te of roses The room vvas ably assisted And was much enjoyed by thoee , pre- flohnesville . . ElbuygEpOrAtedWbayttiheisiree'sisetnerd, tubiessbride r wasth at . . • ' . NOTES. -Mr Louis. Gressel' and sons wheeRee Mr Andrews performed the - Peter left for their home m Penetan. ceremony. After the wedaineedinner guishene on STeesday, after spending a the party drove to Seaforth, and took couple of weeks here; it is some fifteen the train for Mount Forest, their future years since Mr Granell was bete. 'home. The wedding gifts were very erseerneesesee ss Greene gave one valuable and beautiful, and testified to of the bestsennons we have listened to the esteem in which the bride was held, for some time on Sunday morning; his not keen a good crowd 'from attending Cuutiort.-On Th ursdaY' evening, the Lechers. . • ' subject was the' 'Incarnation of Christ." ' • The wet weedier 4)n Monday eight did .22nd of February Mr Greet, of St. , the debate in connection ' with the Marys, is expected to speak in the. League; unfortunately it prevented church bete on the Centnry.Fund. He two of the debaters from being preeent, but despite circumstances it was aver ccimes 'highly tecommended, and we Y' hope no one will miss the treat. A instructive as well as entertaing even. collection for the children of Indio Will ing; the work of the affirmative was to be taken up at the meeting. point that the former days were better than these, and though Geo. Phipps' IsTOTES.-.Tas, althea spent a day with friends about Holn3esville last two supparters were absent he took his part admirably; Mr Leonard wee week, but luckily arrived home before his supporters, Geo. Acheson and Miss the•sleighing was gone. Miss Maggie McN*evin has been quite, ill for some B. Green :advanced, some good argu- ments for the negative, and the judges &Lys, but is somewhat improved. D. after summing up the pros and cons McLeod is back again after his stay of " weeks with his brother-in-law, found the points made were equal, ac. some Mr Collinson, who has been ill; he has cordingly they gave the decision in a very heavy cold. ' j. Saunby, Dun - favor of the negative. The affirmative . ga,nnon, spent Sunday here. Mr Mc - brought forvvard• many amusing emtGraw is at present working for H. A. ments in the course of the debate, the Horton. audience laughed till they cried. -The . Bible Society met in the Methodist Dunaanaoa. church Thursday night; Itev.E. Smith, of Clinton gave a very interestine ad. WEDDING, -One of the peettiest of dress as did. also Bev. S. Greene; the home weddings took place Wednes- former officers were re-elected: Pres., day morning at 10 o clock at the reel. - j: Blackwell; See, Treas., S. T. Watts.' deuce cif Mrs 81 Barber, Lucknow. The happy bride was her daughter, . eonetanee. Levinta, one of Dtingannon's most pop- Aeemeeme_etaster e. staples, son of War young ladies, and the. groom was 3. F. Staples, mot with a peculiar tie. Elmer White, a popular young farmer cident clue day last week while in the from near Aylmer. The ceremony act of throwing a snow ball. He broke Was performed be Rev B. El. silutton, - his arm above the elbow, but miner Only intimate friends were present. the doctor's cafe the broken lintb is The bridesmaid, Miss Frank Crawford, progressing favorably, also was dressed in bluecloth, trimmed Seon.-Miss h. J. has been veith white satin. Theduties of grooms - attending Miami high school, is bOnle man devolved on Alex:s,Penteatid. Afterebe wedding atempttng dejeuner at present with an attack of measles. was partaken of and Mr and Mrs The friends, of Mrs P. Dodds will be White received the congratulations a sorry to hear she is seriously indispos. the assembled guests. inc bridal ed at present. Andrew Snell is hte couple left Goderich on the Z80 p.m. ptoving slowly from his severe •Mmes. train for their home near Aylmer. XOTES.-Will Lindsay entertained a number of friends to a dancing ',petty last Friday night; all report an enjoy- liarlock able evening. Robt. Snell, wife and Nores.-3". Wheatley has his titore family, ot Harriston. are under the and blacksmith shop statd; Mr Spar - parental roof at present;MrSnell has ling has charge of the btackship shop. disposed of his farm at Hirriston and D. Stevens purchased a driver from intends moving near Buffalo, where he Brunsdon & Son, of Londesboro, last has purchased alarm. Mr and Mrs A. week. Miss Smith,of Clitdon,who has Carter. of Watonement Sunday in the been visiting at Robt -Ferris', has re - 'Village. T. Holland of 'Walton, called turned home. Several from here at - on friends hereSuridtty last:- LOlarke, tended the funeral of the late Robt. wife and daughter, left for their home Paw, of Egmondville, which took in Killarney, Man., Monday morning place on Mondavi last; W. Taylor accompanied them to their Weetern home. Mrand Mrs B. Bast Wawitnosh . Spell, formerly of here, are keeping a -m- — - OTE8.-.ur. ocott, a southampton 'restaurant at Roseland. B. 0. PM dr '''' we ho has been here attending Mies le. Blair, Dakota, is visiting friends here. . Scott, who has been very sick, has re- - turned home. Mies Mary Holiday, teacher in B.S. No. 13, is sick with the risen was granted the sena of $19.38 NOTBS.-McPhail, Bros. purchased a measles. Miss Clara Coultes has starts 1 for portege,bank draft and extralWork, fine bulk/. Paul Monger, from Salkeld, edit music elan in Wingham. Sacra. in borrowing mune/. Mau salary. Bros.; thejulee wits$72: Meeers Row' mental services were held late Sunday Robert, Harrison, late treasurer, was ilton and Beetles disposed of two very in both Methodist and Presbyterian requested to hand otter all books, fine horses this- week, at goodettices. churches in Belgrave. and papersand money held by hire as The oyster supper given by the Chosen • • demurer of the township to W. J. Primula Wag very successful. Sohn WIngham Treleaven Who will asume the duties of Torrance is confined to his bed by a se. s_ - ‘ office astreasnre. Next cotitteil Meet* vete cold. j. Shaw spent Sunday in koznociirxvis Minnow. -The Meeting ing the 24th day of- March. W. Colborne. , - • of the Executive tioinnaittee of the STototne, Clerk East Huron Teachers' Association met 1 StatillaY. ...,,. . Attlittrzt, - in Winghs,n3 on Saturday for the Crane- VierVoiti.-Itobt. McClartruly, God. . NO'PES.-Mrs 11, Prank and child, of of°11013dilecruicilT,IrriepaerriltertiWmilaitini'oliliaAry" of the Asstociation is to be held May erich, Was this week the guest of his :. Moose jaw, are visiting at A. Thorny- sermons at Donnybrook at 10.90 a.m.. 25th and 28th. There were present the uncle, 'Wm. Scott. Mise Belle Ilab- : following I- Mies 'Reict and Meagre am* this week. Mrs Simms and Miss WestfleIdot 2.80p.m. and Auburn et 7 Hee% Lowery, piumnsaro Baker, md, kirk, of 131yth, was the guest of Mktg Ilabkirk of Blyth are visiting ti.t W. p. W. on Feb, 25th; offerinr end sub- Ewen and musgrote. on . Et num er from ham ham or the loot few weeks. Grace ous iirvitation was given to Bey. S. here attended, a, concert in vortwon- Torrance. of Zurich, was the guest of Kennedy,II.D., to remain as pastor an- ' flailatt ot • e ditTWS140. TT: i ki 1 46. es !NI:rhea:nil .6 lit Tuefiday evening. Miss Jennie Mostard last week, Wm. other year. Ottpitoltee The Satrament of the Menweri and Moles Isabella, and Mar- ne,* N. Shaw, of Kgmondvilie, took , acre ntanees there for BOUM tiMe. T. fiiiijorlty et the ;sneezes, elections, though cliffe, of Wawanosh, 'bitted hist week tiotion of businees The nett meeting Marks this week.., Miss Kate Acheson, Graham/a this weelk. Wm. Brown. of scriptions will be taken. t the bust • of Hippen, was a guest at the Manse 13lyth, has been thegneet of Win, Gra- meeting of the official board a Monday.oriental- Quitob Lord Supper was dispensed in the garet L Metlwert have gone to Kent M -P. it, Ito w s eltoted l*ttekson, of Niagara Falls; we hope'he Presbyterian church herelast Sabbath; count?, tins week to visit friends and Reg) otlf°13' reltfecr6atTe ownwohip h6y a large willsoon recover, Mr and Ildiew Bad - the preparatory service on Friday, and , GI tuour and wife havo returned from it resident of the County_ of Brant for 40 at J. Vodden, ROV. E. 13, Smith, .of J{ 8. Acheson, of Kippen, took the visiting i datives in Turriberry and, yeersoortia born on the 'united States and Clintri Was calling in this vicinity Thenksgiving service on Monday; all 110Wick, John Sullivan and Bert Mur. omitted to take out lititilreildetieti poem, ' last li riday. Vodden Bros. attended 1 services were largely attended, and lie. ray, of London, , are visiting at thole Ile WAS tui.deated, end -his opponent- be*, it netewitteetrre atria dale near Winghatn toned to with great interest grandmother's, Mrs 3, McCowan, COMM Reeve of the township. . . sent. • Thos. Cutts who went to Toron- to several weeks' ago for treatment. successfully underwent a surgical oper- ation and Is now recovering nicely; he is still in Toronto. The pulpit of North street Methodist church was occupied last Sunday evening by Wm. Ander- son, late ofJohannesburg, Sou th Africa who gave some interesting and en. emelt:1mq information regarding mis- sion vvork among the mai yea inthatland P. G. Simpson has resigned hie position as organist Nerds St. Methodist phutehond willleave in about a month to hike n similar position in St. James' Presbyterian church, London; be will also have a place on the staff of the London Conservatory' of Music. Poultry. Prizes. The following were some of the prizes seawall by local exhibitors, at the 'poultry show, held in Seaforth recently :- Plyrnonth hicks -Cockerel, 2nd, F. G. Forrester. • Wyandottes-Hen, Jas. E. Doherty; cockerel, Wm. Carter ; hen, 2nd, N. Davie cockerelast and 2nd, N. Davis; pullet, Medd Bros. Constance, N .2nd Davis; hen, 2nd. N. Davis. Polands - Golden cock, Sas.. E. Doherty. ; hen, Wm. Carter ; pullet, 2nd. Wm. Carter ; -ben,Wm. Carter ; silver cock, ist and 2nd, Wm. Carters hen and pullet, W. Carter ; any other variety, 1st and ,2ncl, Wm. Clatter ; henselst and 2nd,,/. Carter ; „ptillet, Wlia(ideOrtaepra. -Ilen, W. Wallace. • H011.14130, white -Hen, W. Carter. Legeiorns-Hen, Medd Bros, : pen, 2nd, Medd Bros.; pullet, Medd Bios.; black -cock, W. Wallace ; hen, 1st and 2nd, W. Wallace; pullet, W. Wallace; buff -hen. 2nd, W. Wallace, (tie) ; pullet, 2nd, W. Wallace. Minorcas-Hen. Jas. E, Doherty white --hen, Medd Bros. ; pullet, Medd Bros. Etarribitegs,° goldetespangled - W. Carter took all prizes ; silver -spangled —W. Carter took all prizes ; pencilled -W. Carter took all prizes except for cut:kende -black-cock-- and hen -W. Carter; cockerel, 2nd, W. Carter. Andalusians-Cock, F. G. Forrester; pullet, 2nd, F, G. Forrester. Spanish -Standard fowl, S. Appleby. Game-Iilack B. Red -Cock, cocker- el and pullet, A. J. Grigg, 2nd for each; Pyle -Cook, lien, cockerel and pullet, A. j. Grigg; Indian -cock and pullet, Jas. E. Doherty. Bantams-Game-Ooek and hen, A. S. Grigg; pullet, 2nd, A. J. Griga ; Pyle•-coek, 2nd, A. J. Grigg; bee. kr 1 Grigg ; any other variety -cock, 2nd, W. Carter; hen and pullet, W. Carter. Bantams, Seabrieht-Silver cock, 2nd, W. Carter ; pullets W. Carter: Bathed% Codling - Cockerel and pullet, Medd Bros, took 2nd for each. Bantams, Black African -Any vari- ety ornamented -Hen and pullet W. Carter, Turkeys -Bronze cock and bent 2nd, Wallace; A. 0. V., cock and hen, W. Carter. Duck, bred prior to 1899- ityles. buty-Dreke and duck, W. Carter duck, W. Carter: Milieellatteoue-Pair guinea fowl',2no, S. Appleby ; pair pea fowli S. Apple - be. -Picosotis-Pair pouters, N. Davis; fantails, N. Davis, Spaciela-Highett scored Wyandotte hen, Jag. A. Doherty ; White Wyan- dotte cockerel, Medd Bros, ; "Wynn. ,clotte nullett, Medd Bros, ; A. O. V. Poland, other than white crested, W. Carter ; exhibit of rebinds, W. Cart- er; white Leghorn cockerel, Medd Brom ; Leghorn, Medd Bros. t highest scored white Mittorca,_ Medd 13ros. ; Pyle bantam cock, A. J. Grigg; bent, am, any variety, S. Appleby; highest veered. Red Caps, W. Wallace ; higheet scored Red Cap, hen or pullet. W. Wallace, Pyle game, A. Grigg ; highest scored S. Appleby ; bronze turkey, W. Wallaee; breeding pen Wyandotte,s B. Doherty pen of Pols,nds, W. Carter; pen Min. _ o yeas, Sto, 11. Doherty, 4 •"111. ecarie ads'4010" , $1. whenWA SO pant. Of interest To Fanners .We would call attentio Candifloo; PowderPregteitg. us from the forinals, of Allen and Wilson, and is intended for the buildieg up of any stock, for putting them 111 condition, for sale, it in- pereerefeeceet, dthigessetrete,ti•teFoarornhaPaec reds, eeeeat- eheep or hogs 11 18 a fiesli pro- ducer. Sold in I. ib packages or 5 for $1. It has. been used with great success as the numerous testi. moniale we have testify, SYDNEY JACKSON'S • Prescription Phone 2 Drug Store 44-••••••*044-d4-4-•••-•-•-•-•4444-444-of PATRIOTIO ASSEMBLY THE SEASON'S, BEMIHTRST EVENT.' One of the jolliest and mo.st enjoy- able events of this winter was the baff at, the Town Hell on Friday evening, 'ask given in aid of the Canadian Pat- riotic Fund, when the hall was brilliant with lights, pretty gowns and'sweee faces. There Wan a very good attend- ance, the affair being a delightful suc- . cm as the proceeds 'foe this worthy cause otmounted to $80, and which Was fcrwari ded to aid n augmenting the, National Patriotic Fund, The lame proscenium had been converted into a • drawing room by means of the use of eurtaine, chairs, sofas, etc., and made delightfulphice for those not wishing , to engage in a merry dance to sit and look on or engage in A quiet game of ' cardsees The runtime' strains of the or- chestra began about nine o'clock and was kept up until ' after 3 a. in. nexe mornierg,whera everyone seemed loathe to don cloak or wrap when at the last tbe orchestra, struck up "God Save the Queen." The luncheon winch was served at midnight was tasty,tenapting and very 'refreshing after the few - hours. of meriiment.• A pleasing feature of the assembly was the recital of several beautiful patriotic poems, and an impromptu composed by Miss Clare H. Mount.; castle,of town: It showed the high literary talent this lady possesses, and turthertnoresas these three pro- ductions were put together in two hours. They were well Rivets as Miss Mountcatele has n clear, loud yoke and expressive.; • Great credit tedue't he secretary and those who composed tile committee for the Management, of the affair as one of the seasonei suecessee beth in attend- ance and finances. Among the guests invited 'who' were present were:- Mr sect Mrs W. W. . Ferran, Mr and Mrs W. Jackson, Mr and Mrs G. D. McTaggart, Mr and. Mrs J. Wiseman, Mr and AIM .Tos. Batten - bury, Mr and Ikirsa, T. Rance, Blyth, Mr and Mrs Dr. Shaw. Mr and Mrs A. e J. Holloway, Mrs R. Ransferd, Mrs C. E. Hovey, Mrs Parker, Mrs Dr Steep, 'Misses Mountcastle, Mr h. 0. and Mise Bell and Miss M. Vapstone, of Wings - ham, Miss E. Adams,Londesboro, Messrs C. Campbell and M. Morton, of ,Whigham. J. Sutherland. of Henfiall, B. Lewis, of Toronto R. J. McDon- ald, of Seaforth, Missesis Logan, Mon- teith, L. Irwin, B. Murray, Worthing-. ten, Stout, Kelly, Couch, Wiseman, Bell, M. McMurrey, M Cooper, McKays Brewer, Mallet. D. Fair, A. Howson, O'Neill, 0. McNaughton, M McNaugh- ton, A. McOorvie, 'Taylor, IL ton. Messrs A. MeGarva, W. Brydonee M, McTaggart, R. Worthington,.E Hovey, 11. B. Combeelehn and A.or. 'rester, Thos. Jackson, are Chas. Hale W. E. Rand, W. R. Te releaveA. 1.9. Miller Sydney Jackson, T. T. Leckie, W. Jfitoss, Dr. Agnew, L.R. 'Moyne', T. Crooks, G. 'Soy, D. L. MosPherson,W. Humphrys, J. and C. B. Middleton, Bs Kerr and A. J. Morrish. • Letter from South Afrka. - Belmont, Ian. 8, 1900. To the Editor of the Neu: Era: I take this, the last oppoctunity, per- haps, of writing you for a day or so it least, as A. and _ft Company move to Graspan, seven miles from hermlo- *MorroW. We go ti'zi enforce the troops already stationed here. We all expect to be in the big general advance which WM iake-Plade lir a dayorso; -Just- - now the report cernes that we d� not ish have Only two big battles to figh , e Theevar will soon be over. as the -Brit - go, but everyttitng points that way. to wind it up one way or the °there they are at Magersfontein and Lady- smith. We are very ignorant of what is going on here. as everything is kept quiet on account 02 movements being Carried on the natives, who do - anything a white n3an tells then4they are a very timid 'People, and fear to disobey any 'person With a white akin. Everything is all right, and we are all well. Yours, - PRIVATE A.B. WED* B. Company, Canadian Contingent Smoot, grairrnozone.--The arbi- trators appointed at the recent met- ing of the county council to adiudicatis in the formation of two union seleco tione will sit at Londesboro' on Thule* "t - deer and Friday, February 22 and 93: . on Thursday the arbitration will be • in reference to the proposed union secticn between the toWnehipa of Hallett and Goderich, and on Vridity to the ;Reposed sections 13etweenthe townebipe of Hallett, Bast Wawa. booth and West Wawahosh. His' Honor Judge Masson and Inspector*" Tom and Robb are the arbitratote. OM/NTT COLLEOTATES.-the fano**. in facts concerning the Collegiate In- stitutes ofPie county, for 1890' will be of interest I..... Gross NET zOcrnnn'ttp nx1urtnIts4 Ooderich......$6000.80 $4870.28 • Clintcn ..11/$111.1.111 5402.90 4406.80 Seaforth ...... 5771.60 4877.63 It will be noticed. that the net cogt conducting the Institute is less in Clinton than in either of the °tile towns. • t ' • e