HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-02, Page 8PACS1:ICH r -THE l'iLYr1'1':'ISTANDAR.DM-APx1L
If you think you need a tonic,
ask your doctor. If you think
you need something for your
blood, ask your doctor. If you
think you would like to try
Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsapa-
rilla, ask your doctor. Con -
suit him often. Keep in close
touch with him.
11sW. publl.h our formulas
We b -a- h alcohol
i ham our modirtaas
Ws urn• lou to
000.01) your
Ask your doctor to name some of the
results of constipation. His long list will
begin with sick headache biliousness,
dyspepsia, thin blood, bad skin. Then
ask him if he would recommend your
using Ayer's Pills.
..--11.01, by DS/ J. 0. yar a., Lowell, lou.-
You always pay
too much when
you pay too little
Paradoxicril but true,
Particularly when buying Gra-
Nearly every article of eatables
can be adulterated,
Many of them often are.
Constant vigilance is required to
keep undesirable goods from creep-
ing into It grocery stock.
Ono of the moat persistent sinners
is Canned Goods, Thousands and
thousands of them put up every,
year, Samehody sells then,
Somebody buys them.
Somebody eats them.
T1110 grade'of eenned goods is very
common, but this store has never
sold rt Dan of It to a customer in its
life, and it never will.
Cur way is firsts or nothing in
everything, always,
Friday, April 3rd, - 1908
All the leading horse and cattle buyers
are specially Invited to attend. Let
everybody come. Welcome to all.
A. W. SLOAN, President.
W\L,JAUKSON, Vice President.
J. LESLIE KERII, Secretary.
SOUTH. Noma.
D nmm
6 40 330 Wtngham 11 50 7 35
6 43 3 33 Wirlghan,lot. 11 48 725
6 52 3 41 Bolgrave 11 40 7 13
7.00 3 50 Blyth 1128 700
7.14. 4 4)4 Londe,boro 11 20 0 52
7 47 4.23 Clinton 10 15 11 05 6 35
8 05 4 29 Brueetleld 9 59 6 19
8 15 447 Mogen 9 50 6 11
8 22 4 52 Hensall 941 605
8 35 605 Exeter 0 30 561
8 46 "5 15 Centralia 9 18 5 43
8 59 '6 213 Clandeboye 9 09 5 34
8 05 5 30 Liman Crossing 0 05 5 all
4132' 5 37 Denfield 8 55 5 25
9±21`5 46 Ilderton 8 43 5 15
9 29 5 54 Ettrick 8 35 5 07
8'30 o 58 Ilyde Park Crossing 8 20 5 (Y2
1) 87 6 00 llydo Park Jct. 8 24 5 W
9 45 6 10 London 8 15 4 50
Connections aro made at Wingliam for
all stations on the Palmerston and Kin-
cardine branoh.
Counectionn are made at Clinton for all
stations on the Buffalo and Goderleb
branch, and all stations front Stratford to
Connections are made at Luoan Crossing
for alt stations west to Sarnia.
Connections are made at London for all
stations east and west on the mail line.
Goderich I r. 7.00 n.m,
Auburn " 7.22 "
Blyth " 7.33 "
Walton " 7.40 "
Mllvertou " 8,21 '
Elmira ..... ,' 8.58 "
Guelph 0.25 "
Toronto Ar. 11.10 "
4.50 p, m.
5.22 "
5.35 "
6.419 '
Toronto ..... , , Lv. 8.00 a.m. 550 p. m.
Guelph Ar. 10.00 " 7.50 "
Elmira " 111.25 " 8,14
ivfilyerton . ' 11,03 ' 8.01) '
Walton " 11.39 0,20 '
Itlyth • ' 11 52 " 9,36 '
Auburn ' 12,02 " 9,46 '
Goderich.,..," 12,83p,m, 10,111 "
The Nedletrlbutlon
of Huron County.
In the following article we take from
different daily and weekly papers, re-
ferences made to the proposed redlstr'i•
but ion of Huron County.
These items may not suit some of
the renders, bus we menu no harm by
them, simply to 1111ow our readers 10
sec what tli'unlill,'ll1111011 ill the county
think of the changes,
Before the teke up the items- lot us
1.1101) 0111' al1011tiun to the three ridings
the way they stand now. For our
own special bandit 18e plwpsted ha Ilse
of the majorities iu each township,
town or village end placed then, in the
new riding, taking for graced the
1106 0111d11114te0 01111 do 00 well as 1110
folio er ones. When you have gone
over the figures, you can place your•
self in the shoes of the Oouserl'a4iv0
nominee 'm Lantra Huronon andfgt
oat where you would come in, or gat
into the Liberal clothes and see how
close ,you would run in North or South
Huron, It. would he a good 100 to 1
shot Ihat you would he en also run.
Following are the figures for the new
H (111845
McKillop ••••...............
Goderich .............. 20
Seaford' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
liojority for Liberals, 658.
North - Con,
Morrie 0
'1 urnberry .. , .... , .. 84
fiowick....... ............ 171
East \\rewa110n11,,.....,.,.,
\Vest \Vawlulosh 17
Winglium 156
Majority for Conservatives, 215,
South Cun.
Hay ,
Stephen 251
Usbor'ne 104
Goderich.... ..... .... 26
Exeter 166
Con. Loh,
6+01 88
Majority for Conservatives, 518.
(Toronto Star, Lib.)
The proposed division of Huron
County is, with one exception, one of
several plans submitted by Win,
Campbell, representing the Conserva-
tive interests in West Huron, 'Phis
exception Is that lir. Campbell nleced
the 101011 of Goderich in South Huron
instead of Centre Huron, and this, he
claims -s8 fairer plan, asthe proposed
plan given Centre Huron about 5500
more population than South Huron.
'Phis plan, however, is not the one Mr,
Campbell recommended. His recom-
mendation was as follows :-
West Huron-Goderich 101042, Gude•
rich township, Colborne, Ashfield,
East and West Wawanonh, Turnberry
and \Vingham.
South Huron-Stophen. flay, Stan-
ley, Clinton, Hensel), Ueborne, Exe-
ter and Tuckersmith.
East Huron-Howick, Grey, Hullett,
Mcliillop, Senforth, Morris, Wroxeter,
Blyth and Brussels,
This, he figures, would make the
plpulat104) 111 PAC 41 of the.three ridings
very close, and would snake South awl
West Huron safe Conservative seats
,t f hila
he.Conservatives1 u
and 511111 t g
ch0nee in East Huron,
Asked how he liked a hopelessly.
Grit riding in West Huron his stn111ug
remark was : "We had to have the
Grits somewhere, you know,"
(Toronto News, Con.)
The Conservatives of West Huron
are bar from eatisliod with the disposi-
tion of the Huron Constituencies by
the proposed redistribution scheme,
according to E. L. Dickinson, K C., a
member of the executive of Weer Hur-
on Conservative Association, who is 111
5110 0413' today,
"The Cousaryativesof Goderich don't
like the idea of being drowned 4n a
Grit hive," he said, "aunt that 4s the
sitntlttion if Goderich is put 4n 4110
proposed riding of Centre.Hurol.
"'Pals feeling is pretty att'Ot1g ,Igainst
the propoiel, and a meeting has been
called that local Couservetivee might
discuss the mattel'. A deputation will
probably be sent to Toronto to seethe
Government on the subject."
Wrn, Proudfoot, K. C., the Liberal
nominee for West Huron, 01310 arrived
Salvation Army Praise
"I feel it my duty to testify to the
benefit I have received front rho use of
Paychine, While travelling in New On-
tario conducting special meetings I con-
tracted a very bad cold, which gradual-
ly developed into Bronchitis of the
worst forst. 1 was advised to try
Psychtae, which I did, and after using
but a few bottles I was completely 10-
etorea to health. I recommend this
wonderful remedy - to sufferers from
Bronchitic and other troubles."
Later: "I wish to add that my voice,
since using Paychine, 18 stronger 0nd
has much more carrying power than it
had before I had bronchitis. and the
vocal chords do not tire with speaking."
P. TILLER, Capt. S01v'n. Army.
Ann St., Toronto, Aug, 19, 1907.
Throat, lung and stomach troubles
cured by Paychine; also incipient con -
gumption. All druggists, 50e and 91.00,
or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
11 the 040 haat night, Ifo dosorilloa
the (eeli1144 811101144 the Canservet ive0 of
Huron's County Lown 118 intense. The
uctivo Conservatives were quite dim.
pleased nod would take all possible
etepstu prevent the proposed clntlge0
being carried out in their prevent torr.
''Phey don't want In he put to sloop,
as 0110 of the stalwarts described it,"
he said,
"What about the Liberal 44nnin0-
tion for Centre Huron if the present
changes are carried out," he wss asked.
51r. Prond(oot, eonni11e0 for Nest
Huron, and \t', H. Kerr, 13rnssels,
1101011100 for East Huron, are 4401' iu
the same riding,
"There will have to be another 0011•
vention to choose the candidate," hr
A pave gerrymander," w110 how he
described the wh0)0011nalion in Huron,
''Tho ridings aro not geographically
compact, and ere not nearly even 118 111
"The difficulty," he added, "was in
getting two Conservative 'adieus in
the county by erraucing them oat any
decent lines. South Huron isstrongly
Conservative, Centro Huron is as
strongly Liberal, unlit North Horan
will have a small Coiservatile ma-
11, Either, the member for South
Huron, who, aceurdnlg to the Liberals,
gets the big Mum through the redistro
button, talking to the News, absolute-
ly dented that there had been any
gem thunder or improper 0rralgt11g of
the Constiluenciee of Huron, al-
though the (Menge would probably
give hint 0 h0)40r majority.
This, he declared, wys merely nu incl•
dentin the justifiable learrnngoment
of the riding. The change w110 to re•
unite municipalities that were split up
by a gerrymander in 1874, 05d matte
the 514000 ridings more compact tiler,
before as far RS travelling about t hem
wee concerned, His riding of South
Huron, according to the change, fol.
lowed the London, Huron & Bruce
Railway, and there was a great ad-
vantage in giving him the 10uu0111(1er of
Goderich township and taking See(orth
town end putting it in Centre Heron
because communication was difficult
between this town and 1110 south of
the county,
"Do you consider Centre Huron an
unahapely picture," he was asked.
"No, According to the accessibility
of the dil(el'etlt parts, it Is all right.
It follows the Goderich & 1341111110 1tai1•
way, and there is not a portion t f the
ridnlg which you cannot reach ill one
flour's drive from the railway,
"The larger population of South
Hurt 0 is justified. It include- the
three largest towns in the county-
Goderich, Clinton and Settforth-and
wrban population should Dot have so
large a repreeenuttioe as rural popu-
lation. Centre Huron bus about
23,000. while South Heron has 19,000,
but the urea of South Huron is much
lager than t:ehIre Huron.
'North Huron is Manila) Iv reechcd
by the nen' C. P. R. 11110, old is there-
fe a well )0rranged."
"\Vhat about the report that you
sugeosted the change in South IItu'-
"The Liberals C511 ally 11151 they
111:e. They had the county gerr,y-
lneedered since 1871, and it is now
only being put. back into the shape it
heti before.
'Many of the Liberal candidates
who woe the elections to Nest Huron
since 1874 would have gone down to
defeat if it had not been for the gerry-
mende'of 1874, when the west half of
Hulled township, with its Liberal
majority, was put 4n West Huron,
"At the heat election the Conserva-
tives had a majority of between 21)0
and 800 4n Huron county, but had only
ono representative at Toronto. Is that
"The Liberals needn't stoned, even 0
t.11ey think they are unjustly treated,
though they are not. after what they
did in 1873, and atter the way Sir Wil-
frid Laurier r5•arr0uged the ridings of
Huron for the. Dominion eleetions,
That was worse than anything %relieve
"We are es much in the dark as
anyone." Arch. Hieiop, 11. P. P. for
East Huron, when asked by the Nat's
fegardf g the Liberal outlook in the
new constituencies in his comity.
"It is probable," he added, ''that
new conventions will he celled and new
noninntIone will be made. As to
Messrs. Kerr and Proudfoot, both can•
didatee under exiSli5g lines, but now
together in the Centre riding, 4t may
be possible that lir, Protulf001 would
be willing to take the north(n riding,
but he would have a 1101'3 1010 10 hoe,
Iteally, I do not think anyone can Say
any th4ng yet."
The Conservative candidates 11008
not yet been named.
Mr. \V, H. Kerr, editor of the Brass-
sel8 Post, as nominated a long time
ago for the Logieheture. by Hest Huron
Liberals. The redistribution of the
flume ridings, as outlined by 1L,
1\'hitney, throws Bruseell-end Mr,
Herr -into Ce11ue Huron along with
11r, \Vn. Proudfoot, the Liberal nomi-
nee in West Huron, and makes 'new
p'lrty' 0np0411110ns necessary.
All'. Kerr 100115 at 4t this way
"The Whitney Government should
be proud of the gerry'n+lulder of Huron.
Itis neither 8ccer4111g to geography,
population or ordinary harness ; a
leather Medal shoal) he presented to
the fellow who drew the outline. Mr,
E11ber bas good nerve 111 defeeding it,"
(Goderich Star, Con.)
On Tuesday hast the proposed redis-
tribution of the Province w05 definite-
ly announced in the Legislature, and
the people of 'Jur las are now ill a poSI-
1.Mnn (0consi)lal' its 'replica doe to this
county. '1'o begin with the just ideation
for a rearrangement here wits tin
10ido1 100(4"' po(i 110s, which for sn
'nary yea's have been 00 admitted -
jtisticea The o e.r.d reason would be,
au 03ualluatlou of ; POPO18(1011, and if
114 aeu01up1ishIpg ahnsa 00018 political
advauttige could be gained it would be
hypocritical to pretend that it would
be altogether 4gliore11. The rearrange-
mcn1'annouoced is us follows. We
give the population 88 per 010 asses•
eor's roll for 1907 and that as from the
Dominion 0011811a of 1901 :-
South Huron- 1907
Hey '1'ow11ehip....,. , .,,8175
Stephen 'Powtlehip, 8578
U sboree'fp., . 2008
Stanley 'Pp 1888
Goderich 'I'p,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2054
E xeter vill,lge 1048
Hansell village,.,, ...,,968
Huy field vil.1ge 5118
Centre Huron--
Gre,y'1'p 9084
aloKilion 'Lp............. 2390
'l'ucklrsmith '1'p.,., ... '2008
HullettPpI 2396
Col home "ti 4544
Goderich town 4508
Clintotl town,,,, 2423
Seater' h town 2277
Brussels village.,,, 1099
North Hnron-
How'ick'I'p 8548 4140
Morris Tp .,...,.... 2251 2006
'i'nrnberry '19 1844 2141
E, We enmesh 'fp., 1684 1960
W. Wewaaooh '1'p 1858 2218
Aehlieid'I'p.... 5706 8407
lViughanl 1010n,,,,...,'2277 '2892
Blyth village 815 871
Wroxeter 1111111(40 431 448
17389 20271
t will not be argued that there is
any improvement in the new arrange -
111011t on the basis of population, end
the crowding into one riding of three
of the four towns in the county 4s not
to bas• ju51)tled from any economic or
political standpoint,
Prom the merely pert1zan point of
view the renrren g6lneut meat's, inking
the figures of the election of 1905, that
South Huron will 1118013n Conservative
majority of about 65(4 or 700; Centre
Huron a Liherol majority of about the
same, lied North Halon will 1.8 another
"safe" con0titwency by at least '250.
Weare loathe to believe that this is
Whitney's wishes or idea of the
redistribution, and we lope the dis•
cu501o, in the Legislature will lend to
811011 changes as will allow of honest
approval by any fair minded mart. It.
is never too late to do right.
(Toronto Star, Ltb,)
The redistribution of Huron County
may be rt'cg63idert'd by the Govern•
mom as the 1'ee1111 of representations
wade by the Conservatives from that
There has been considerable dis-
cussion about 1100011," avid Mr Whit-
ney to the Star after the ineet10(4 of
the ltedistfibutiotl Committee on Fri
day. "The fact is that Huron was
found very difficult to divide, es there
were two townships which were split
in two tinder the old division, The
schedule which we have been consider.
I nu i0, of Course. 0111y a foreshadowing
of 111e division,"
' Then it may nut he passed in that
It may not,"
"Has there been a deputation here to
see you, a deputation here to see you,
al deputatioln Iroin Goderich 1"
"Yes, they tains to see me, but I was
too busy. They saw some of the oth•
ere and the matter is now being talked
"There may be a change?"
fair. Whitney added that he had a
deputation from Brant whoalsowanted
to see hien.
Both Huron and Brant r nt B ant schedules
were allowed to stand,
The torturing aches of corns, Be
prepared, -the only painless 001'0 is
Putnlan'sCo•n Extractor, Fifty years
use and absolutely guaranteed.
110813 the ads. in THE STANDARD
F ARMI:R9 desiring ante bills print-
ed on short n0t100 cannot do better
than have them printed at this office.
With our improved facilities we can
almost turn them out while you
Retiring Sale
Tfiere are Bargains for
All lines of Jewelry,
Wall Paper, Crock-
ery, Fancy Goods,
Toys, Sleighs, Games,
Bibles, Prayer Books,
Etc., 25 per cent off.
Watches 15 per cent off
Many odd lines 35 to 50 per
cent off.
Everything suet M. Come and see,
Jewelry and Stationery.
• Furniture
House-cleaning is near at hand and we have been
busy during the quiet month of February
getting everything ready for a Bumper
Spring Trade. We have the best stock
of Furniture, the best selected for the
least money of any store in the
County. We also carry a full
line of House furnishings such as
Carpets * Rugs * Oil Cloths'
* Curtains, Pianos, Organs *
Sewing Machines * Furniture
* coverings and draperies
In this branch we handle the latest goods
and the prices are low. We have the
best outfit in the County and no extra
• Furniture Dealers & Undertakers. - Clinton
UU • YourWExpenses paid both ways. 'Phone 28
Liberal Clubbing Offer.
The Canadian Pictorial and the Blyth
Standard one year each, worth 82.00,
for only 81.60 -'wits 18 a genuine bar-
gain, Don't miss it. Call and see
sauplel at this office 81141 leave your
Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for
at TAs STANDARD oaice, Blyth.
Our Big
Offer . .
We are endeavoring to increase our circulation and in so
doing we offer The Standard to all new subscribers from
now till the first of January, 1909, for
in Canada only. If you want to send it to the United States
postage must be added.
If you require any city papers see our clubbing list below
or call on us and we will show you how cheap they are by
leaving your order at this office.
The Stamla'd 81 00
The Standard and Weekly Adver-
timel' ,. .. .. 1 65
The Standa'd, and Weekly Wit -
11058 1 60
'Che Standard and Weekly Globe 1 35
The Standard and Family Herald
and Weekly Star 1 70
The Standard and Weekly 311111
and Empire 1 25
The Stantlad and Hamilton Semi-
weekly 'Time; 1 80
The Standard and Weekly Free
Press 1 80
The Standard and Toronto Week-
ly 8011 1 80
The Standard and Hamilton
Twice -a -week Spectator1 80
I'be Standard and Toronto Daily
Star 2 25
Thu Standard and Toronto Daily
News 2 25
The Standard and i:'armer's Mee,-
cete 2 30
'1'bo Standard and Dally Adver-
tiser 2 80
The Snuldard and Evening Free
Press '2 76
The Standard and Toronto Daily
World ........ 3 26
The Standard and Daily Free
Preen ,,, 8 50
The Standard and Evening Globe 3 60
The Standard and Evening Hail
uud Elnp�r)re 3 50
The Standard and Dally Mail
and Empire 4 50
The Standard and Daily Globe4 50
Send all subscriptions direct to
BL, . ONT.
We are also ready to turn 001 ,lob Work es quickly 118 possible and wd en-
deavor to use only the hest material that can be hod. If y on tie d anything in
the line of Envelopes, Leiter or Note Heads, Stntemeut1''f 8411 Heads, call and
inspect our stork.
An Advertisement in The Standard
help ,yon dispose of any article around the farm or in the store by
using the printer s Ink,
Phaco NO. 4.