HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-02-02, Page 6_
F'ebrustry 2, 1900
Renewals for1900
A number of our aubeib-
e bwe renewel• b
ticription to the NEW ERA for
1000, To these we extend
. our best thanks.
There are,bowevert some
who have not yet sent in their
renewals, and of these we
'would ask an early reznittance
• of the subscriph:on for lithe
•yeat ,
Don't let time fly before rev
nerving for it is not a good
jQivy to put off till to -morrow
what you can do to -day.
Now. is the time to sub-
scribe, " The price is one dolla„
a year, in advance.
The imraense POssibilitIOS of Crisp County Clippings
011r nutter Trade -
foe Reiser. while around fleitall on HELD IN A TRENTON 'POKER GAMS
The hansom° possibilities of our. ext• a visit from Iowa, 'recently, purchased hiANYYEARS AGO.
port butter trade uoay be inferred from two fine etallions porn Berry. IS hspiger __
h t f on hem $2,000 s •
about $85,000,000 40 $90,000,000 worth will move tct Brussels nre'ct epring and * email Fortuuse but, Thanks to If eon have net seen the Oatalog..e of the
the fact that Great Britain iinporte
The family of J. Leckie pr.Ninito. The Wilmer Not Only Got Away 'With
Properties for Sale or to Let :Professional andOthereirds
At proem' occupied by AE001113. J. GriggjOlieweler elertieter, Solteitin, gee.
A.pply BUS BIDDLE, nton
rAuali TO RENT,
- of butter yearly,of Which antOstat Cans stand he summer in their cennfort-
Ointon ; immediate PetneeMon Apply to
In Goderipli TownshiPewithin tvro miles- of. .
Ilia Betrothed:, Not Ilavee-ta- ,Canada Business' College
ado. will only boiltribute about stem, I a le ho now occupied by F. S.Scoth
Poitpone Hie Wedding. '
000 th th On Thursday, January the 4th, Thee.
sired by Canadsee greatest eehoor °Plebe t Desirable, Town
amount she. sent forward teat season, Itainnesota, to Miss Olara Macdonald: back In the finites, and perhaps nene
wor during present eeason, E cornyn, goo of wm, oornyno Good stories are teld of the' poker en/villas, ONTARIO., JOHN RIDOUT•
genies that were played in 'Trento away you are not femilier with the advent es r
although thie is about double the Winghana, WAS married ^at VValker
hand end Business trebling Write tor itrif Sale.
Tv) was it wedding was postponed hecaT the Pupils on, therefore, begin -at avy time. Princess street Clinton edit atobal oitYeasi
better than that which relates how 4 interested. We have no term divisione. The residence of the late At 041 et . 0
have recently secured reitions r- red Ans.
of Winnipeg,
and over eix times more th
ce. , 14 d d rhgs presenter en exeellent time t enter. ter s For
ported a fewYears ago, aho ing that Albert Franck Robertson, eon #
the trade is rapiniv inereasing, , The • Roberteon of Goderich, and broth.... I esteem Wee nteteete rtioulare Apply to jAME
n a g „ Tee lemming are a few of the--pu h
It ' • V • M •
exports annually about $35,009,000 LO..i Public school, on Jan. Sth,
"regulate" had to deal with was james 0 steragascheriwite tl‘lp• Suth7 . HOUSE Eon SALE
-410,000,000 worth to 'Great • Britain in his gOth year. VIIVorr,1,$,Ide hus nese College, Obicaiee
possihilities theie are for Canada 121 ead news on Bridal' Of the -death of .0tore down in Otiniberiand county. He iiii: Itio.i)..grehP,Itilwiltrt:1/41:i es°14ed grsci, Book- turfat=1,1,40`Teelaitilll, JAI= ThtTreAga:
etdding for this enormous:I trade,whic his father in Kincardine at the age of °is° wa8
. interested in the oyster trade ;
ed Sackpot.
sittthiskin'gdont at...Denmark, however, stir Of SUSS Roilerteons teaCher in Ex,
p w o eCOTT,Exeouttn.
• One of the -hardest players that the' ley, 'formerly of Winff aM, as. Commercial
Thee facts simply int to the asi R. Allen, Wtughatio, received the ' S ° °Witigt, A comfortable
Rawson who ran a general merchandiSe aria d eis .rarne bre on the corner of
and as the saying is novtadays *he had Arc& 'MoV'or obanierfredn77:40"gstakt Qnnta'
eto also stable. "W
• Bs.'
growing eversstears-Fotrarssgest 79. The ran:tains were brought to linappen. draw -Masi s to Ireirbente et:rece
Nov? 9th -.4t MRS. J. TOWIPEND
prosecuting t his inorrtant ,trade for m er in money to burn.
• our makers have een hand cappe in 1 Winghturefer interment. In the Winter et 1854 Revision came to Sciale Co, Chicago Our imei ette iielteinand ;
w th the ee.dine busdness house . 'Catalogue Brick Itliouse and Lot for Sale
oh n Sit tad on the corner of North and
ReId, ormer Y ea- Trenton to help' push through the legis• of eithe; departments, free by eddressine
Want of proper faci ides for shippihg forth, and :deter of Mrs .1. 13. Smoot, littera a bill in which lie was interested • fl. Mc Lachlan 8.t• eo
h -butter fresh in the. summer months en th • m 4 • D t 't
Fes Tenn . f
as the Government have taken steps to Monday. 39.n. 1.5th, tO 0. E. .Baollf. and one evening he got mixed UP In 4 spencer streets; of eh acre of land; gOod bear.
Ohatham, Ont.
ri IX h and • ituog_orchard; house containing 9..roome. Apply
butthese disainlities are now removed: o eat r . was arr e in e rot on
II f ti game of poker In the United States hotel
prov e e neces*ary cold etorage ac-
id the tzhetirloTie an reta cOrt ea oner,
Dick Collins, three of the gamest play -
with. 8o1never% Je y co com
'EP cOpernedatiOn at the_ factories, and
2 DAY BESSUARY 2, 1900. •sufficient, it is hoped,to. make a success It is alongside or' the fifty acree he next morning, it had assumed proportions • Apointosrtatet dwelling be -se on east side of
'11 • b d;and
HI - • Of the moapproved find lateet style, Sister, Mrs J. aye at a good figure. ,etarted, but along abOnt 8 o c e water,stable, eto. Rent moderate. Apply to
lutton 4from thence to the Wein Carrie • rs en James Sproat, of Tuckeramith. has ers that 'ever drew cards.
'wayenough when 11 -Hrtedneciefortab•e noise onVieteria St .south
are placed refrigera.stms purchased fir% acres of land from his The game was innocent
I th with every teseVnimodsition ; hard. and eoft
Aug. 31-2t • N. ROBSON, Albert Ste
la. S COOPER. Clinton
bort tree contain ng rooms , ar ,
Of ow export butter trade, which, in bought threeyears ago, and -makes on, Calculated to make an ordinary player. soft water and querter of au acre of land, fruit
' trees, eto. Apply to
Mrs 01111Stopher Little, of Conn, recent year.% has been very insignitic• excellent 190 -acre farm. • . gaels.when the bets were puede. Rawson•JOHN RIDOL
SliOlt,T110.1t. N U LLB f or Sale June 22.tf
tripped with a. 'lighted lamp in her ant in comparison to what it might • A, quiet but .pretty weddin took was the youngest man at the table and
' t. •
band, setting flre to the family dwell- have been developed. into. Great race at the reisdence of 'R. 0 .Brien, had probably played poker less than any For sale two regist 'HOUSE for SALE or to BENT
erect Shorthorn Bulls,
mg. which was destroyed, b tt
of the others, but he had money and - from the aid Strawberry strain. One %will be
Britain imports over three times more auble line, St. Joseph,' on Jan. 25th,
• T.TT and!. the way he used bah made rar old cm Deo. 25th .and •won first prhse at
WM buy a roomyeesona or a doe'
about $7 000 000 worth of butter we the other it ayeya eeiap e r eyes ope .
class animals • •
on April end Both axe red, in motor and Bret-. leb_eee property recently occupied by Frank
• Vi toria St near Oigan Factory. $300
tinge to St. Horton. Theywill I th • •
u er than chows' Instead of supplr- when his daughter was united in mar- 1 lc th 1 n yi th Show. The other will be a t wo-year-old •.•
t bl h w th good
; • •• e, • , ing the Mother Country with on I make
There wasn't erence n e
. ve e came ty n our sp endid as. nieee uP to 2:30,41oc , vvhen the carditSELUpshall. Aoly at once to-
• elm tree this' winter that brought times, and began to run against 11.0WS011.
The Hamilton- Harticul Oral Seciety ha. th ' I 1 • •
• their home in Tuckersmith.
as eci ed to give 6 000 young plants titre lends fox .sending her frotn J. Weir, of con. 10, Turnberry, cut Suddenly got freakish, as they will sout'e- '
Lot 26, eth Colt !Jutish ' Barrister &c. Clinton.
Clinton P.0
to chilnext the 000 000 to $30 000 000 worth of butter
an school dren " April, ' " • .him some money. For the. elm 10ga ll'he players wouldn't give up the game House and Lot for Sale.
, y y . If h • KS -
:plants to be shown in conmetition .for 000,000 worth of dairy, produce in the he P°1d' he recetyed $47..50, tud he. to eat, and they had their food brought to _, ,s. Dissoltn Of' Partnership s
en co P . laid down t e cerds long enough to, eat, ' : ' ' —
Notice IS herehy given that the pa.rtnership sfoeirttm.le."Tiedbobloutemise,arnitiocsiCeIrr
' The house and Lot on Josepb street, a Pre -
t rdeof wood from the to of the h
them when breakfast time came. They ,
prizes at the society?it exhibititn •in ' forta ot cbeese, there shOuld he no- estimates that he will have eight ,or
June; • - " thing to prevent us sending *forward a
tree. -then went at it again. Rawson's hard heretofore esubsisting between us, the. under- and suitable for ordinary family, 'having seven
hi ne retvyelys gat
• still greater value in the shape of not- _
• es • •- ter. English buyers have beCOMe Well On Wednesday last a yerT pretty luck kept nth Be turned his hat around, signed, as marble dealers of the town of lain- rooms L ,t one-querter acre. All convenience
• • d lk d ton. mister the lirm name of reale set Hoover et •
Al' ,,,,e)v. 9th ' - JOHN MaCILADHFeltlY
. ,
• .. . •
It is mild that the railivay system of fte.quainted with Canadian , cteamery 1 wedding was solemnized in St. James'I crone g . g has this dey disolved by mutual oement s
' China. soon to be developed, will cost dining the past year which:shas been clan rCh, by Rev Father McCabe, Robts around his chairs rung in a new pack of debts du: or owing to the said partnership.
. - • laid down on the other side in a fairly X. Kings of Wingham, and Miss Mary, 1 cards and did everything that a superisti- see tp be paid neeither of the parties afore.
saidosne e i claim. &Retest the Mid partner -
110t less than 2b" billion dollars. There fresh and sweet condition, The Gov. eldest daughter of Mrs Duncan Ken- ' tious poker player does to change hie sArginsiveoy bweErit=decto either of Mem, by
might to be a chance to sell John ernmentihave ehewn great wisdom in nedy, of thisplace, being the contract- luck, but it wouldn't change. His nmney
giving such prominent attention to an ing parties kept drifting away until 10 o'clock in the
wino engtnes, reale, contraeting planf
- ' industry which is susceptible to ah '
• • Clinton, Jan. leth 1900. J. B. ROUSER.
• • • forenoon, when he Counted his capital
• • • and found that he had $200 left, Ile bad
most unlimited development, and pretty hume yvedcling was cele-
. should ,eventuallY be the means of heated at the home of M. McLeod,Sea- fed about $1,800 to the "tiger" and natu- • •
- Vire A Youth- _
rally felt a trine -cranky: ---
Representative Roberto of Utah ae- bringing into the country yearly at the• forth, on ried_nes,slasy last, when his
.vesy leade:$25.000,000 of British• hard daughter, les Erne, was united in • At lajt a jack not was started Ithent resolte ion and a course in Business
marriege to A.McLennareof the Royal
hotel. The ierensony was performed
by Rev. N. Shaw of Egitoondville.
Alex. Rosso, of Wingharn, hes sold
hie 151haere-farm. on the Billevalk road,.
to Wm, Maxwell, svhose farm is next
to the one recently purchased. • We
understand the price paid was $6,000.',
Mr Maxwell has recently sold 50 acres
off the back part of the farm to George
Walker.. •
A pleaaant event took place at the -
limes of -David Oliver, Avonbrook. on
Jan. 10th, when his daughter Bell was
married to J. 0. Bell. Dr Hamilton
performed the ceremony in- the pres-
elide of the near relatives and intimate
friends of thecontracting parties. Mi
and Mrs Bell will make their home in
Wincheleeas where Mr. Bell has the
Manigelneriteltthe ereaniery. •
jsrs McCenskey, a highly -respected
pioneer settler..of McKillop, passed to
his resvard at his home. on the 4th
con., on •Wednesday evening.' after a
long and painful illness, at the ripe old
age of 68 yeara. _The deceased_wae n,
native of Ireland, and caroe to this
country, when hut a small boy, with
an uncle. Mr McCitiskey Was twice
married, and leaves a widow with a
grown lip family of three,two hoys and
one girl, to mourn the loss of a kind
husband and an affectionate father. '
There passed peacefully away on
the 10th inst.S.at the reeidence of her
of her son-in-law. J. Hoover, West-
field, an old and respected member of
the community, in the perhon of
horn in Tows -
for it than for a fifth wheel to a wag- wand% New York, Feb. 10th, 1823.
gon, The two older ones in that place She leaves to rnourn her departure a
meats, and deserve all the support five daughters. The sons are
.00d took four, and Travers. drew one. .
Everybisily around the table fiRW__that
isaye recently made Marked improve. otrowing husband, three sons
give to ne a ers,-The one contain-
ing the mos carefully written .edi-
torials, using the best English, is the
Seaforth Expositor, and it is probably
the most, sedate in its character. -The
sharpest. brightest, and most =pungent
editorial skits me those of thestiodes
rich Signal, • whose versatile editor
cowman& a vocabulary superior to
that of the modern dictionarse-The
one containing the most humor is the
Brussels Post, the items /ably over-
flow with it, and it is more efficacious
in relieving the sick and the despond-
ent than all the usual cure•alls.-The
honor of issuing the poorest- printed
Paper is divided between two or three
small papers, that need not be tamed.
Everybody knows that the NEW BRA
le one of the the beet printed, and'it
therefore. unnecessary for us to men-
. pelted from the House of Representa- ' 10s80 clock, and the cards were dealt and Shorthand at Me
around hall a dozen tines or more, and.
'‘------• 1---111------T "---.."
committee recommending this action Additional Local News nonody got openers. '' .
"Hurry up, be -is. and open it," fetid
dyes at kWashington, the report of- the - • ' • r0 Ty '
- fell on 91 days to the amount of 29.81 and I must be in by Vo'clock and dressed
s -ss-- -14` that story is twist about three inches. Greatest monthly ram fall 632 for the occasion." •
•• s loyal ij ritons.beingrAot by the Boers, inches in May • leask monthly rein -fall But the boys didn't seem to be able to
atet o sb
, .
''at Harrismith, because thei would 0,57 inchesin August; rain fell op eleven hurry,- They dealt and dealt, but the
all place linens to his career.
67 days to the amount. f 92 31 i h 9 right kin&. of hands wouldn't fall, and
days in July and October. Snow fell on
ot fight against their countrymen, a
cused of practisingsoolygamy, was ex. cash. TRADE JOURNAL.
_• Rawson. "I've got to catch that 11:45
being adopted by a vote of 278 to 50. • ' train. I'm going to be married tonight,
• • • •
Calomel free..
0 , nc e . finally there was a snug little 'pot of
exaeted. Sthlgeds are net. War. days. Coldest days were FebruarylIth about $600 on tne table. At 11:30 Tray. J., W. WESTE ,
stern reckoning is due, and must he. The thermometersfeil Muse zero on Al
ers 'opened Abe pot for $100, Holcomb -1-srfirciTtal"
and 12tb When the thermometer neyer and Collins Staid.
• • • "I feel just as if I was going to win --
Even 'Mr John Ross Robertsons' * Was 46 days good :sleighing, and 33 days that pet," paid RaWsOlk, writing some
• "'
paper, the Toronto Telegram, adnoite poor. •• figures on a piece of paper and tossing it
that "Canada, never hada Piiblic man WHAT THE LAW RetrernEs.-s-Par-
rose to -zero and went 25 0 below. There
to the center of thetable with what 'non- Th. phenomenal well bred standard horse.
s who :could equal Veilfrid Laurier in the ents and physicians ire* renoindialthat guess Pin good for It." owntlitAtaentlioatotoWe'VWery; Laorrnadalir
ey he had left "I'm shy $50,-bOYse-butle"--Var-mill4t, barn nenlarZentaati
Mr the balapce of the/season; `, •
every birth must . be reported to the "Your cheek is as good as your moor," Tenessetne 21795 bas le his breeding the
clerk of tnehritfilinipality within thirty mild • Travers. greatest, sires living .er ago, also 12 of the
treatment of questions relat-
ing to rsce and creed." And if it Were days The dot& should report at greateseproducing damsliving. He has -1t
to sneak as candidly with regard to once, givinghdate of birth and name of "But you'll never catch that' train,". re-
, "Every bit," said Holcomb and CW1111%.
gictutritti:a0zrletrtegigyild,-extrenio speed;
effects, it WOuld he equally eulogistic. Neglect to attend to this matter is forgotallabout that!" lie looked at his Maple Leaf Stook Farm,
St narent,tso t e clerk wall know echo to I Tams:To ensure, $15. Fcir extendqd pedigree
Wilfrid's general, policy and its look itfter tor further particulars. marked Travers.
"By thunder," exclaimed Rawson, "I see large catalog, Address;
• A. CHARLESWORTil,— - -
births that baye not been reported watch and found that he had three min- June 154 Plemondville. Ont.
• • w punishable by a tine of Sip. Any
The Boer as a warrior , is thus de- should be attended tolbefore the end of utee In which to get to the station. .
"here's no use in trying to make it NOTICE TO (3.1.1.EDITORS.
Montle and Let •for
• The large.and commodious house 'pleasantly
situated on Boron Street, occupied by,...the -un-
dersigned is offer. d for sale on 'very reasonable
• terms. There is evere accoModation,with stable,
orchard, &se •
Sept 21.1899.. Clinton.
. • .
• •
Park Lot for Sale.
• A fine park lotoffour acres with good new -
s x roomedhouse, good celkir,..aistern. stable.
woodhouse, and driving shed. Young orchatd.
Situated j ust aoroes the bridge at Auburn. Will
be sold on reasonable terms, as proprietor is
moving to lklanitoba. GEORGE . WHITNEY,
•' Auburn.
Choice Property for Sale.
Subssniber offers for the new cottage
sin Isaac street, .at preeent ocoupied by him-
self. It has every convenience) ,for ordinary
-family, with good lot, 'beating fruit trees,
Well, eon water, &c. The house Was only
• built a year ago and will be sold on reasonable
terms. . HUGH ROSS, Clinton.
orrwa-Enlott Moak, Isom fitreett
, onice-.--Deaver mock,
riesreare, entpeatti4oppeie Photo Gallery
Barrleter, Solicitor, now, and efenoyane it
Ofilee-4Onuottitte Coiner*, HOtel .4 .
Goderleat , • j
• (honnerly Or Cameron Holt it Contemn)
.041 031m--ilandltcriautatoti4olborne H
eedeeL.corner Hamilton St. and the Sttor •
• . 904Criaht old. .
-I.-T-GanitoW, Q:Ct. CRAS.-GARROW,LL•B •
scribed by a Canadian doctor now at the Month.' Olergym n m----
-uired to
the front : report a marriage within thirty days,
missed the train." A ftiw minutes later 1897. Chatter 129, seotion 38, the a% ',Groans
now," he said. "They'll have to. poStpone
• and also make a half yea' ly report, on the Wedding, I'll telegraph that r,.
, IS aerobe elVen pursue* to R.
Em- --
The Boer is an absolute brine, Using forms provided by clerk, a messenger Was seta to tite telegraph, of- hexing° ims against tho Rotate of lizabeth
• Me abater, late of the toyishipdof Rullettlila
. the white flag when hard pressed, and _ fice with a message, and the ,ganie went the Count of II
several officers who were helping PAPERS.-Buron has 17 newspapers OIL . • ; died on orabouttbertiegl cavif, 'of tettteel'.27.D°,
-duel firing. The wounded have shot ' PACTS ABOUT THE 1.1017NTY NEWS.
• hem, and -a number of Boers who issued within its borders the majorits The pot was $1.000 strong when the 1899, are required to send by poetprepaid or
te. deliver to w. htS.Soott, Auburn T Os Ont.,
W510 known to be gunners were found of them egceptionally good ones. --A men drew, cards, and the result WAS the I
wearing.red- crosses. They are good third one has been resurrectecl at
B '
Nichols, wife of 'Hiram (lamp.
bell. The deceased vas
, or to Dr, McCallum, Londesboro, On't. exam -
Moat remarkable set of poker hands that / tors of the wilt of the said deceased on or shote, but but have not the pluck to stand Wingham, hut there is no mor need
ethe old time 'players in TrOWOM recall. ; fore the 1511i day of February, A.D.,1900, their
mimes, addresses and descriptions sled a full
when our menet near them with the Travers eves dealing. Holcomb called
fOr one Card. Collins took one, Rawson " the nature Of' Abe -security, if any, held be
statemehe cat particulars f their claims and
bayOnet. They meal worts of bullets, them, dilly eetined,lind that after the said day
and, all things considered, are brutes
of the first order.
• • is
Canada never had a public' man who
could equal Wilfred Laurier in the
platform treatment of questions relat-.
fug to racegtudscreed. There was no
suggestion of insincerity in that mar-
vellously adroit speech of Sir Wilfred's
at Sherbrooke: • -
"All the varied emotions of the Cans
adian people. French and English.
Catholic and Protestant, were teuelied
- with the genius oho (treat. orator.
' The double game of turning On-
tario against Wilfred Laurier because
be is too French, and Quebec egainkt
him because he is too English, might
he placed against a leadee of fewer
oratorical attainment% Conservatives
wise try to rouse -the county against:
Wilfred Laurier on question:, of rape
and creed, are simply giving him a
chance to shine on the platform," Tor.
. onto Telegram. Ind. Conservative.
,v•-• • •
DiStribtttion Of Samples of Seed
Grain. '
To the Editor of the New Asa,
DEAR SIR. -Under instruction of the
• Eon, Minister of Agriculture another
distribution of sample packages of the
hest.and most productive of cerealestc,
is now being made from the Centre'
Experimental Farm, Ottawa, The dis-
tribution will consist, as heretofore, of
samplee of nets, spring .wheat, barley,
field pease, Indian corn and potatoext.
• Each sample will weigh three pounds.
The quality of the seed will be of the Saunders, of the Exeter Advocate.- to have a certain dish for dinnetood
test, the varieties true to Wile and None of the editors are particularly therefore they hifee their pick :throats
'theinackages will be sent free to applic• vrealthY, and all troubled with the , and other things. I remember that I
smile through the mail. The object - difficulty of making delinquent sub. used to :terve chicken on a certain day. 1
In 'View is the implovement of the Aalborg pay U. soon found that these fellows were get.
character and quality of the grain, &c, - ting the best of me. Ali of them would
grOwn In Canada, Ott effor t widely ap- visit me on 'chicken day' and with their
be sent out will be confined to those 15 cents would get a good dinner, The
predated, and the choice of varieties to
the said execittors wi 1 procee i to d str uto
the assets of the decesieed inning the parties
entitled thereto, batting regards only to the
a doctor at • Sebawing, ilkh. * The a bid for a raise by betting $-.), which claims of wnicat they shan then have notice:sr,
Newton, .e
raised the $200 so that when it came Dated this 8stglicral
• daughters are Mrs (Dr) Hutchison. nf. was lifted $200 by Holcomb, and Collins
Staffa, ; MIS; John Hiles, of Kincardine;
Mrs D. Rogerson, of Jamestown N. around to Rawson it cost $425 to come
V. ; Mrs Henry Hoover, ere Hass 'essas in. Everybody thought im would throw •
wanosh, and„ Mrs VV. Bs Carr, of Kirk -
down his cards, but he didn't. He slowly NOTICE tcy CREDITORS.
In Me matter of Estate of William Taylor,
deceased, -
ton . skew a checkbook out of his pocket and '
• •
• •
KW'• Men Manage to Get Theis
, Ideals on That Amount.
"Oh, yes, there are plenty of fellows it
-this city who live well on 27cents '
day," said a dining room owner to a re-
porter. The lunch man has been In the
businees for years and knows what he is
saying. "I'll tell you how they do it.
• Rawson's $1,000 raise and increased it
wrote a check for $1,000 and shoved it
Into the middle of the 'table, thwrraising
• Collins $575. The Mlle players thought
• he was bluffing; Travers met the raise et
once and added $500 to it. Holcomb saw
that and raised it another $500. Collins
slineir paw the raise, and Rawson lifted
it enother 1,000.
Travers settled back in his chair and
„mks Itawaon narrowly. "You've 'got
pretty good nerve, .old. mare" he said,
"hui.you can't make me lay down; not on
a four Ord draw anyway." Then he swot
tion the fact; but this may be stated,
that the two ClintOn papers give More They get up in the morning and with 6 ;500.
otigitial matter every week than ansf ce,nts go to 3 cent lunch room.There • "I call you," said Holcomb, shoving in
ottwo in the county. -The God' ',Hey procure tit cup of cohee and sand- . 41,500.
11 Times, Bruseels Post, and NEW BRA wieh, each costing 3 cents, or soniething "I might as well take a charice for
rich Signal, Seaforth Expositor, Exeter
all use steam power ; the rest are pant- of that sort.- This is sufficient for them. mond," said Collins, laying $1,500 on
ed by main strength. -Mr White of place again and with a piece of pie and for $500.
"At lunch time they visit the 8 cent the pile. Rawson put down another check
theExeter Times,. is the oldest man a glass of mills are contented until dins "Wells Ws. l'in sorry for ewe!' said
connected With the county press, but Per. That irsa total of 12 cents. At din- lravers. "I've got Mtn' gnome" Be
R. Holmes, of the NEw ERA, has had ner they go to the regular lunch or dining threw them down.
the longest connection with the counl rooms and eat themselvea happy on 15 "That beats my four jacks," said Hole
fraternity. his experience going bac cents. At a number of regular dining comb, "and my font tens," said Collins,
to 186o. -Tho Fordwich Recold is a rooms in the city a dinner can be bought "hut it don't beat my four kings," said
rather height little paper, and evident -for 15 cents and will be a good one too. Rawson, spreading out his cards. Ile
ly knows a good thing when it sees it, It will cmisist of soup and bread. one had four kings and an ace:
for the editorial which announced the meat and one entree two vegembles, a "Thunderation, what a drawl" exclaim-
, " 'Twee pietirgila',"-iitifir-Irdieffeti;"
ment of the Records -If we mistake "But where these sharpers do the lunch raking in the money. "I got them all in a
not, the only unmartied Men in ' the room proprietors is in another way. They bunch. I held up an ace."
county. editorial ranks are Mr Mitchell, have become so expert at the businese Rawson won $15,000, and $11;250 of It
of the News -Record and Mr Charles that they know when each dieing room is came out of the pockets of the other three
,,men. It was the biggest jackpot ever
enlargement of the NEW ERA was next pieee of pie or ether dessert and cup ef ed Travers.
week made to do duty for the enlarge- tea or coffee.
Which have been found to suceeed well
at the Exnerimental Farms. These - A political candidate should wear Can.
eittnisIes will be sent only to those Who --varelarea.•=,Chictigo News.
apply pereonalty, Hats of names from • The realization of the fact that „the
societies or individtukls cannot be con- nett in line of the presidential succession
• eidered, Only one sample of one sore ir now an Ohlo man hags cora. Moon the
can be sent to each applicant, hence If wintry without any shock. -Chicago •
he cannot also receive one Of wheat The troidne with a great many of our trade, but in doing No I think I Made Father -8o you want to get merried, •
7/41011 The uneeretened wish to inform
the people Of OffiltOn and Vicinity
they have opened, upin the more
an individual receives a ',staple of oats Tribmie.
next day they would disappear and would
show up at the dining roma of seine oth• • got hoedt ready and, boarding a north
er'man. •• bound train, came to Trenton; where she
"Of ourse couldn't stand the most arrived about 6 o'clock in the evening.
of this kind of business, and 1 disarrang• Rawson was delighted to see her, and
ed the estire programme of the young • they went to a preacher and were mar -
fellows by not baving any regular bill of ried.-New York Press.
fare for every day in the Week, as most
dining Tocens have. I lot gem. of thie Mood W011 Tell
, won ht Trento.
After the money had been counted and
stowed awe,. In Rawson's inside pocket
he exprosed remorse over his indiffets
1, mice to his wedding appointment. But he
didn't have long to mourn, The girl he
was to marry had a mind of her own, and
when she received Raweon's telegram she
Notice is hereby gi'ven, pursuani to R. S. 0
chapter 129, that all persons having claims
against the Estate of William Taylor, tato of
the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron
who died on ornbout the 80th day of December,
1899. are requested to send or deliver to Wm.
Taylor &Son, Clinton, Ontario, for the Exeon-
tors of the property of the said deceased, on or
before the 5th day of February, 1900. nartiene
lam of their claims and of the security (if any
held by them duly verified.
And notice is else given that after the said
hot inentiotted date, the Execute= will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the said de-
ceased, hamlets re gird only to the claims of
The peemises occupied by It. J. Muff, and
consist in g of a firs class brick store, on Albert .
Street, Clinton, is offered for sale on •easy
Also•Csittage. on Albert Street, with two
lots, stable, and all ceinviences. Partionlars
on appication to Mrs W. Robertson, Clinton
...,sieMrs C. I,V. MoGregor.Censtanee.
The cottage and property belonging to. the
late William McClinchey, being lot No. 4 west
side of Isaac etreet, in sub. division. D. of I.
Ilattenbure's survey, Clinton. is offered for
sale. At present occupied by R. IL Chown.
Is a oomfortable 'and well situated property
and vrill be sold on reasonable terms. Apply
LAS, Executor Blake. . tf • '
.Housg eon. SALE.
The undersigned ()Rens for sale a frame house
on Wellington street of eight mom, containing
four bedrooms, dining room. parlor, sitting
room and kitchen. Good hard water five
minutes k from the Post Office. The house
bas only been built for a year. For particulars
etc., apply to MRS. MOGRIIILM
Feb 16-tf Wellington St. Clinton.
. •
Office: North itt,, next door totdrnal Olnee
Private Funds to lend at lowest rates
of. interest.
i •
Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money to
. lend on Mortgage end,Note seouritY.
That desirable brisk Business Stand on
bort St., St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is
offered for sale, including rear lot and stable.
The location is one of the best in Clinton. The
property is free from incumbrance and title in-
disputable. Piece reasonable and terms to suit
purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY. Lon'
don Road or address Clinton P. 0
For Sale or to Bent.
The choice brick hOuse Ms the corner of Fel-
ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate
of the late Richard Heywobd, is offered either
for sale or to rest. It. contains room for ordi-
nary family, is practically a now house, with
all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre
of land. If the property is not sold or rented.
partef it. will be routed. Apply to
W. COATS accouter (1 Mon.
Firm for Sale or to Rout.
Soo acre farm for sale or to rent, being Lots
29 and 30, 8th concesnion Hullett township'
which they shall t en have notice. 01
120 acres under cultivation, the rest bush an
JOSEPH TAYLOR, Toronto ectiMrs; peeture land; wateted by a well supleled river;
. .ISRAEL TAYLOR. Brampton} E.x school house No. 6 situated op the farm; good
Dated et Clintonaannary 4.1900. • large batik barns, stablest. shede Ana other
buildings, also le :dory home; else geed or-
chard; bas an conveniences. Terms easy.
Apply oa the farm to
orbs -letter to Londesboso P 0.. Ont. lit.
• From JANUARY 2nd
In each Department of the
ttering.t Gerrard Sts.,Tereatie.
The largest and strongest
-schcol in Canada.
Our Calendar tent; you why.
Virrite for it.
'W. SHAM. Principal.
Tile Imperial
or hamlet. Annlicatione should be ad- pea° men to that they 'consider it he. money. These 27 cent fellows can scent AV Ton mt. why. pray? .. fOrMerly occupied by Pair &CO.
dreseed to the Director of Experiment' -nee* their dfgnity -to confine therasehrot Ice cream for days Wed and will be on Daeghter-Oh, I suppose it's one of the
gl Farms, Ottawa" and *hay be tent to question:I with *kith they are fame, hand. They are never suspected of their traits I Inherited from any mother. -Chi -
Atte time before the 15th of March, al- hus-Waehingtoti Post,
ter which date the lids will be closed, .. ehrovrd vsays because Most of them drese ears; xesss,
he sent, nut in good, time for (towing.
Parties writing will pleaserrientlon the • expect, howeeet, that they simply neve to
tort Of grain they would. Ilrefer and The Inhibit trust will itteke tie tow 800"1 lit (1'41" and hl Ina g I P .
kin an a s ear- VVI1AT A TAyLonEtIoTarreihaL8vi. mon. usetecelasoisse rtiesuetall;tenerotrimed;41: attattlest-elem Meet reed, Teckerernith, half a mile from the tt•Wli
IMMO piank deerneethiettle News, , ance in other wars where their style will . :tore, together vrith Natty, canned Togas. Of Clintot. It is ill °leered, with firilt.elatie
good stook will he gent in it* place. liblir trt N. 'matted the egg plant. --/0* ti o " w tompttui kliar XI Suit mirror of
toy peat of the towns. Orderseolieited. , stone pig hose teem, with hen house above.
good frame hanger three aeree *frame orch•
Oa tad the available stock of the var. an/true' of bffildiogs. bank bean 48*(0, 'frith Windmill,
moth retches and blotehes on the skin, We
3 DKr geolartruutge riot tenth ard, ereek trtaning through the plane. The
mental farin free of postage, • Iris et the recently orgaisited trusts t' Children Cry Pills tegulete the liver, ttrity ibc biod, 30114 MERTON Menager
liver trouble ; but Dr, King.ts 'New Life
go that the eamples aeked for may all well and bold good- positions. Isot all I
know they may do this to Bare money. lusaattaso
A desirable farm for sale 'being lot No. 3.1,
conceselon, of the township of Goderich,
one mile south of Bolmesvilte, known as the
Cole farm, 90 acres, fall ploughing of 40 acres
all we'l done, 10 acres of fall wheat, 15 *craft
meadOw. balance in pasture, orchard of Choice
bearing fruit tree*, all the front of said farm
is bea utiful IOW of maple trees, log homes,
stone dairy, bank barn, offeredj for sale on
very advantage terms.
T. 0. Pi0RARD, Hoimesvllle, P.O.
. .
Orowri mid • liridge Work.
OfnCe Hours -9 to 5.
On Rettenbury St., opposite Mrs Combeer, a
15 story frnRIS house, containing woodshed and
suinmer kitchen and roome, viz parlor, dining
room, kitchen, 1 bedrOom downstate; and three
up•stairs; herd and soft Water, acre owner
Int, with evergreen, rose and other hedgee.
Gooseberries*, rtemberries, currants, apple and
plum trees, good vegetable garden, etc._ AL moot
desirable propertyand will be sold well within
its TOM. Apply On the premises or et the
ennui factory.
tepi 20-tf W. O. DOHERTY.
A Bargain in Land.
-- Here's a Chance'.
For sale obespand on easy terms -pert
of Telt 4, Dayfield Concession, Goderich
townehip; 55 woes. Apply to
MacKay Block, Ontario St., BePt 7`3m 13ruceileld..
where they will keep in stook all kit* of splendid ram. te Rent or. for sale
Presh, Cooked, Cured. nod
• Comnedifleater, Sabseriber otos erth7e to rent or fo_r sate,
hie rant a 150 acres situated on the Heron
lay roomed be, ethausted, riothe other If the how form a trust, they will prob-
• ed, sallow coraplexion, jaundiced look, it like nature which wilibe &sneered fr itnieeraenthouse itereo,with *tone fotttidatiOn,
Letters may be sent to the Experi• Atilt&
• WM SVONDIeltsf, 40: .11, b• named Idiller before
term IS a first -clan! One in every respect end
give cleerakin, rosy ohet rieh complex- T. R. OASE & CO too, ono Who either ellehee to rent or buy
reasonable terries will be r4W10. PoMM*111011
"Thr*-4thilt""atia CASTORIA Only 25% st B. Combe's drug
Director Exrriniental Farms. the sum
Oaten, January kith,1900.
ChINTOIS st any time. ARTRVIt OdU0St
Jon 22nd 900
Cootie Block, Albert Street, Clinton
Special attention given to preser-
vation of Natural 'teeth
Also Crown and Bridge •Woric
• Pilysiolan, Surgeon, Eto
Office and Residence-,
Itattenbury Street.
Licentiate of the RoyarCollege of P
• • ,• London, England. •
Office and Residence-
PEMBLN13 BLOCK, -114 Stairs,
• Sues:miser. to Dr. Turnbull.
r‘le. WIL GUNN, L. R. C. P. and L. R. O. S.
Edinburgh. Office -Ontario Snot Clinton •
Eight sells at front door of residence on Batten
bury St" opposite Preebyterien chard:. •
Aicoteffieur, eto., cline and residence On- .
tario St., oppoeite English church, formerly oo
cupied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton' Ont. .
-1-° Medical Department of Victoria Univer-
gity, Toronto, formerly oe the Hospitals and
Dispenearies, Now York, Coroner of the
County ofH
•uron, Barfield. Ont. •
Gold and Silver Medalist, first -Mass honor
• graduate Of the ontato Voterlahry
• College.
°• exigent DISEASES' OP ATAL Ameettal
Night and day calks adzwered at dna 3-4)r
,Wortbington'e old stead mite Commerolal Hate
es • HonoraryGraduateof theOntarieVeterins
College, Treats alldiseases slOrdestieated an
mats on the most inodorn and moientific pried
pies Office-Inimediatelesouth of tbe NewF,ra
Office. Residence - Albert St., Clinton. Cal
night ordav attendedto promptly
an 'sourer of Marriage.elicenses, Library EOM
and Residence, Mary street, Clinton.
No *finance required
A! • 1'. Is. S., Provincial Land Surveyor Ind
Civil Engineer, London, On1.--0111oe at Geo
Stewart's Groderv Mors. Clinton.
IteliNTS - Book bulginess is better than or
yearspastedso have betteraud faster selline
Woos. Aliens clearfrom Veto eigl weekly. A
few leaders are: "Queen Victoria, "Lifeof Mr
Gladstone "My ?other's Bible stories, ,' "Pro.
greesive Seker. "IrlondikeGoldprields. "Wo-
man,' "Glftpees of the Une en. e"Broeskfast
Dinner and Supper," (Wade. . Encyclopae
dia." BoOks on thee. °Mite free to cauvaseere.
The BRADLEY•ealtRETSON Co., eldmited.
Several persons or District bine& managers
In this cettlity to represent me in their own and
surroundieg, awake. Williog to pay yearly'
$000, payable weekly. Debitiibto lunPatmens
with unlisted 'opportunities. Reterew et-
ehanged. Endes* seleaddreseed 'stamped in
Velope. S, A. Park, 320 Ostten Building, Chl
Otto. Dee.1113 W
1.13. McLean, Preddent, Itieeers.11. O.: Moe
Fraser. vice-preeldent, Brneeneldr. 0 ; W. J.
Shannon, Secy-Treass Swath P.O.; Thee. Et
Nays. Inspector of Loofte, seaorth P. 0.
VS. G. nroadfoot, Seeforth; Sohn G. aria
Winthrop P. 0.1 George Dale, Seeforth; Thee,
Si nays, Seafortlit *hut. nuns. Beachwood hs -
O.; Jain Wett, IlarlortkP. O.; Thettigt Preset,
sixteen/4d; Johntr, McLean, mippen ; Janos
heinfollY, Porta Hili.
What nitth, Hankie• Robe
forthsaeines Cummir EgMondville; *
Yea,_Holliatia,014 ; John ChnfiltilOck
(1. Mettleon, MtditOrs.
Pettit% &seineua ett efittet Listiremee or nos -
>soother breattere will be promptly Attended to
on &Natation to My et lecatove once or
addressed tO their lidpeOttte *MOO*