HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-02-02, Page 5THE CLINTON NEW ERA umbaii's Watch and ewelry Store We hays lately added it new line to our stook, $lamely SPEC'k'A:CLES Our Oetioatl,work ie in oharge of au expert Widen, who hes had a Yong and, buooeeeful praotiee in testing eye Wight and fitting glasses. Have your flee examined --it ooate yoti you nothing Many caaea of'eye trouble are avert- ed by the early wpplioation of the proper lenses. Always remember ;hat "Present Neglect Means Vetere Irc .1ble,,, • and Jewellery Our, geode re tlio .boa.aaand eur • prices the lowest. ' pgive seeds' attent:pn to Ree ing and Engraving. •r"Prompt- news Throughout nd our watchword,' 4 Nsjatneee are watchword,' RUMRALL'S Watch and Jewelry Store ValeeoloeyemayeeeleNeAltieWasetreketiVer Wbat You Are Looking For . 'eduction in Fur Prices JD. order to clean out the balance of ,our stock of, Furs offer . :. 00 Caperines for "10.00 X13. p �►. . sfor .•0 e n. 0 �• r�, a 13 .i�.. Ca .� p 122.00 Caaperines for •S 1.7.00. $83.00-P . Capfor es328.0 $18.00 Fur C . es for, 15.00 dip � All our Furs at similar reductions for , cash, R. Coats & Son The best value ''xor your money, especially in the - Grocerp line ,• ; which can • be obtained at the Hub Grocery. Specialties— .Coffees, pecialties-Coffees, Teas & . • Spices. together with other choice Groceries of similar value A call solicited. • '. ,B41e1ville a Successor 8low GROCER' LOGOS. We wantLogs of all kinds, , particularly Elm, and are pre- pared to pity the HIGHEST '4-R$ I•RICES. If ypu have '1' it will pay nquire out prices be- fora raking them elsewhere. R.&J.Ran....• 'ford.. We , Lead By Keeping a Fresh and Seasonable Stock We have Booth Celebrated oysters arriying fresh daily. Also Fresh Orange and Lemons, Confec- tionery and Cigars BIKERS' AND----.---- -: HO11IE41IADE BREAD 4' Fanoy Cattle Paetry And Wadding Oakes Our Specialties Any kind of Farley OakeLL not on hand made when ordered. Jas. McOlaoherty Novelty Bakery And Itestauranr, • Telephone No. 1. kitmowwowiNiiime e 0 0 _e. A few ;lines' of winter goods left yet, Now is the time to buy , Robes , and Blankets" • �{ip 1e and Double Harness r7 !! 'in „ i 'inks as.. d allses gootso Shoes and Rubbers 11'e'also hare- lied Cedar 'on hand asl� Pine Shingles A wall solicited. • WIOLL 'Vittoria hies r. Civ ock�taking o. we Bargain Days IN HARD WARE,. ETC. Saturday, Felbrua� r 10th • .--- - Monday,: February 12th Tuesday, February 13th Look next week forfist of 'goods ' • and, prides • and all, particulars.. . Stoves Tinware x' _•. , Ifkrd(are &c Har�ia� Experts in Hot Air and Hot Water Beating and Plumbing. . •. CLINTON - If Yon Want To getyour the beat value for money, . come to the. Emporium, Londesboro.- We have a few ladies coats at a •Bargain, men'e oyerooata and' kits very cheap; -boy's suite some great values; horse blankets and robes, just the thing needed for this . cold weather. We have a large stook of Tweeds which we are willing -•to aeli'oheap to clear out:: SEE' 1 American .W W coal oil 28 cents THIS ' Canadian coal oi122 cents • Ouroceries are always the Beet' to be got, a fall stook of patent •, edioine: Our 'terms are Dash or predate. We will take butter, eggs, lard, tallow; • ood, dr''d apples, oats, also a few bags. of extra good green apples. We will take any uantit: of nice yellow butter et 20e per ib, trade. ' We would prefer halving it in rolleo fro 2 to. 4 pounds aa it is easier packed to ship. We would like to receipt all accounts week. Think we have waited long encngh. ' Emporium, • Londesboro January 81st, 1899 MILLS 1 OLIN T01,4 m:ARKBTS CLINTON SAW hureday, Feb. l 190 , 0. R. ADAM Wo wish, to inform all our old customers that .vin have seldom. saw mill to W. Doherty & Co„ and therefore not in the market to buy logs.. We take this opportunity of thanki •g n aur. umerous patrons for their support and trust they wi.1 give the same to our Meows - sora,, W. Doherty & Co. • J. & N« FAIR. With reference to the above we wish to say that we are preparing to build a saw mill. It will be run by electricity generated by our factory dynamo. Expect to Kayeit g by the first of March in the meantime we are buying saw logs and hope to' have our vacant five acre lot covered with saw logs at least two dose by that timW DOHERTY & CO. Corrected ever Thursday afternoon. Fall .Wheat... . . 0 62 a 0 :63 Spring wheat ........'0 64 a 0 65 Oats ...,, nye.., Barley • 0 25 a 0:25 0 "40 a 0 45 035 a 035 Peas are 0 56 a 0'56' Four per owt.. .. 1 73 a 2 00 Ilntter,'oose 16-17,p'k'd 0.17 . a 0 18.1 Eggs per doz0 16 a 0 17 rennin Hay, . 7 60 a 8 00 , Sheepskins 0 50 a 40 75 No. 1 Green trim. hides 0 7+} a 0 8e Potatoes. new ; • 0 250 25 Chickens, per pair 0 30 • a 0 40 Dnoke,per pair • - 0 25 a 0 40 Geese, per lb....... 0 05 a 0 06 Turkeys, perib 0 08 .a 0 09 Pork, live .. 4 00 a 4 00 Pork, dressed. ... 5 00 a . 5 25 Dried appieegper lb.... 0 05 a 0 05 Brain, per ton .. «.....1300 a• 13 00 Shorts, per ton........16 00 a 16 t0 . Montreal Battle Market. Montreal, Jan. 29. -The receipts at the East End Abattoir this morning -were: 700 head of cattle, 25 calves, 100 sheep,100 lambe.•The demand was Blow and priced Sn;changed. Cattle choice sold at 4c .Ac per ib.; good at 3}c to 4c pec lb.; lotver grades, 2c to 3c pet ib.; e tivea sold front $2 to $10 each; sheep brought it one 3e to Bee per 1b., lambs were sold from 4c to 40 per ib.; hogs sold at 4c to 44c per. lb. W. JAG1EhTACKSON, CANADIAN in "PAC FIC �V. CLINTON Through ti okete;feened;to all points In the state, Manitoba, .the • North West and British Columbia. Trav- ellers to aflylpoint will conaulttheir interests by cone'niting above. Cooks Cotton Boot Compotlnt Ie enceessfutly need monthly b over! Lad�ee ask our dru st for C,ett's Wes !test CMak �a lIM Mixtures, 111r and weir se , i_ aka no ofli p imitations are dang0rons. >eriee, Nb. 1. i1 per Ior2 iia l'ed0enreeeipto prriice:r ndEwa&eeR NO. - tor Ermine, The Cook Company Windsor Ont. HELD' `WANT]h/D. W Noe.1and2toldan trecommended l7all reeponlible Druggist' in Nee. 1 and 2 801d in Clinton be Sydney Jack- son Druggists. oe00Ladies. Safe, effectual. Wingham. - 'banter!, -Choice roll butter 220, also raw fare choice 'Mx. 0.50. Wo have a few mantles to clear 210.00 one for $5.00,-15,00 for• ee.50. Also a few Fur lined Capes. a ct, E. KING, Wingham•. A girl wanted to help,to do housework -» Apol3'to MRS. JOHN AMISON, Battonbuty Street. Unreserved Au(tion Sale 13ig 0172 :Reductions Bead of Cattle Consisting of i8 Dalry Bowts • and 64 store t erre Css'ttiee • IN MILLINERY For the next Two "Weeks I will make big . reductions on all lines in stock,. as 1 want to. make room for a very. large spring stock. Felt Hats From 25e to 5e' ft MISS ROSS, ' Mr T.D. Walker hag instrueted;f,Currio,Aucr tioneer to gel' by public auction on Lot 08, Con. 12, East Wawanash bn TUESDAY, FEB.0 hhbrowinoibvaeunabcowproweh pdzg:-o1o)a100rd esf 0 at foot;. I heifer rieieg two years old' with Calf et foot; 2 hen'ere rising twyear old due to calf about the 1st of March; 2 l esh Milch eowe; 12 Owe due to ealre in Marchand Aprh1' .g heif- ers rlsing0 years old, not; i,i Half• 25beifers ria-. ing two years old not in' oat.• 8 steers rising two year" old; 2 fierham built, grads; 10 last spring Calves. The above to be all sold reserve. Tho aleck is till woli•bred 1)urhara Grade anti in goodeondition. Stile t0 commence at 12.30 o�Tank48 0)r SALT. ---'e'en months trediter:111 be given Onpurchaser* foretelling apprnved Joint notes. Mix ler o'ene per ennum allowed for cash on er . tt antonnt. J. 'OUILIW6. T. E. 'Ri(1':AIIKER Auctioneer, . Proprietor. r • County Council. 3'inl;ham. The report was adopted, • a1x'EC1A.I. comUrrrEE. " (Concluded.) °' • The special committee reported the • .■,,,, A statement ft lam aaet. irig registrar fallowing teem:emendaationre which O'Connell showed that the gross were adopted: "That ,the Legitluture amount of fees earned for the year he nietnorializ it tri amend the Muni. was 25,089Z. as ctgaip:at $0.31121..for Cipal AotiOb that wnnicipal councils the previous year. The disbursetuents way be elected for two years: instead for clerical assistance. stationery, etc, of Qne, the term Win concurrent with. were $1,030.19; ama,uut paid„ county the term of the county council; that treasurer, $1718.01, and theuet amount : the council endorse the memorial front, received by the regtstraar, $2932 32. Oak asking for more effective cattle - The committee appointed to report ards on the railway; that no action in regard to the insurance' on the be taken regarding the ppetitinn from county buildings reported that the in- Lambton c. rinty in .reference to the surance was ae follows: Court. House, removal of indigents front Nig to. $12,000; goal at'd cottage, $ .000; houses es of refuge; that the annual 11- house of refuge, $8000, contents, $2000; a feefor h wkers,and.peddlets be barn on industrial firrm, $.650, contehts increased to 350; that an effort be made - $300, for the hatter enforcement of the by - .A, letter •from Lieut..Col.; Varcre, law that a list of peddlets.licensed in aeking a grant of 25c a day for each Huron county, alio of auctioneers; he man at the next annual trtt Hing in published every year as a matter of i an leu ,-00 Varcoe Wats: beard in the g at a ore ,.;e_, era d, DerMit county* carat of the 33rd Battalion,, as read, in or ai ion,andthatthey considered l Support -of the request; and -the Coon enutiCii9 to vary the cars, int denim$" ell made a lump grant of $600,.i with resident and non-resident applt- Messrs Cochrane and . gess were cants for peddlers" licensed. elected county auditors.' EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. A motion' -,was passed,•r'ecommending The executive_.. committee made the that the Government increase the pay following reCommeiidaa'ionb: That the of yolunteers,wbile inefianp tti $1 a day. sum of $25 be paid 1 o Geo. Hill in full DesintCTOR ToM's REP0nT. .. for all claims for .damages and other - The report of the school inspector wise caused to. hitt during the build pleased to be stale to report that nearly usual grant at $26eaoh to. the k'armers' all of the schools are in a very efficient. Insti Utes in the county be made that state, The total receipts were $69,273.- the•usual graptof $15 be made to: each 09, while the expenditures were 055.- of the public libraries in the county; 072.26. Male teachers employed, 57; . that grant of $20, be made to each female, 77; , average salary $371 for agricoattural. and Horticultural society males, and $257 for females. Number hoidfng exhibitions in. this county in set• pupils enrolled, 7001; average at; 1900; that $5 be granted to the Ontario tendance 4379. Number of pupils who Rifle Association; that $200 be granted. passed the 11.. 8. entrataee was 204 and _ to the Canadian Patriotic Fund Asso- ciation; the P. S. leaving 81. -•:The attendance that $10 be granted lathe at the Madel Schools was considerably• Pr isoners'• Aid Association, and $25 to less in 1899 ' than in former years. the Teachers Association; that $10 be There'• are still a number of legally granted for the purchase of Sowers to quali$ed teachers wh'-i have•not been. be planted around the'court house; able to secure schools for 1900. t. that the sum of.8600 be paid by: this county to supplement the pay, of: the --' "` 1Na3PECTOR ROB$'$ ILEPORT• _ men end. nota-commissioned,ogicers of East Huron school inspector re ort-• the 33rd battallinn d•ltringgt.heir annual ed as followN:-Darin the a 1�•i k drill for the 1900. Ttie: committee '' The for West Huron le as follows:_, I aw : ing ot'•the 8ummeth$11 bridge, that the :cRhno Co. Jr:U.4N "Ell • nd n u Our Year We have Piet finished atooktaking and have balanced up for the year tad the result shows substantial progrea4, :"xuy Our gash sales for the past year are the largest in the history of .,his atore end we do not intend to let the present year lag behind, as we are in -better elute° than ever to serve our oustomera. Having taken time by the forelock. we placed large orders for new geode menthe ago,before the advance in prime. They .ar T y e now coming forward and will be sold at old prices, notwithetauding chat theyhaveadvanoed from.•;,10..to .26 per--Bent-over'•`•'iaat"yeaT'B prices. °""We liat�e 1uet:`openeel oar" new Prints, nts, Gingbalus, Shirtinors, Cottonades, Flannelettes, Ete. " -New Prints, 84 inohes; wide, soft finish,ifast colors, good value at 10o, our special price 5o. -New Gingheme, fast colors,.worth 7o for 5o. -New Oxford Shirt'ngs, fast colors, worth12ao:for 10o, -New Shirtings, in. stripes and cheeka,indigo blue,now worth 150 for 12'1 _Cottonades, in *tripes and checks, worth ilio for 121jo.. -Heavy Cottonades, now worth 30e for 25o, --Flannelettes, in dark and light colors, now worth 7o for 5o, -Heavy Flannelettes, soft fint�ish, now worth 124ct for 10e. --Grey Cotton, yard wide, heavy weight, worth "Color 50. Bleached Cottonyardeon 6o.. -• r wide, t f'uish, w rth 8c for 4 McKinnon. & Co., Birth • %% .• FURNITURE BF OA.DFOOT,- . BOX _.& 00.' yearrick yearetraay increase 'in our trade is good proof of the fact that out goods !are rigb school house was built in -S. 8. No, 6, bad examined the statements of the our prices lower than those of other dealers in the trade: Grey, to replace t he one burned down , different collegiate institutes in, the •,We menifectare.furnitare on A large scale and oat afford to sell cheap." If, you bay laat winter, it cost a bout :$900 • &tlpx- county,.and found that the amounts from et% we save for yonthe profit, which, in other oases, hes to be added! in for celient brick school house,: of modern to be paid ' for the year 1900 were as the retail dealer. • design, wit h basement, furnace, and follows:-Seaforth, $2,155.35; Clinton, • This week we have passed into stook some rt otir new -.designs. Space will net perm llimplete to every particular, Wes built $2.172.95; (oderieh, $1,474,20, ns to.quote prices, but Dome end see for yourself what snips we hve to offer, in $. 8. No. 1,: Tuckersmit h, at a cost The council then adjourned to meet Remember -we are determined that our prices shall be the lowest in the trade; of::$1;400.-- A basement -with pine floor, on the first Tuesday in June furnace, etc., was put ander the in ick UNDERTAKING. se hoolhousein S. S, o.•9, Tuckeremith. During the preeen c year brick school- MANNING} In li il' tt J 10, t BORN. In this department our atoek is complete, and we have undoribtedly the best finers, houses of the most approved design u e , on en 0 h° tate , outfit in the county. "Our prime are as low as the lowest* . . , • • pp g woe's, Matinee., of a sop* will be erected in a intact, Glome and. BIj,EY-.InLendeabor0,on Jan, 2s, the wife BRfl A Tib ( (m, BOX•O. J� vv Chyle $ordWich. Of the.123 teachers in this of Joseph R,1ey of aeon, j3 j,Jy',/ J� Manager division, 58 are males and 65 females- VANTNORdfAN In Blyth on Dec _ id, the ' a decrease of `one" male teacher. , The wife of Frank Van Norman, of a daughte.' • P. S.• ..Night and Sunday palls attended to• by calling at 3. W, chidley'e (Furter,. average. salary paid during 1899 wale' SOBKIRK--Tn Hensel', on Jan. 2t, -the wife Direotor)'residence ' $314.10, a decrease of $10.40 The of J, R Hobkirk, eta :eon. - - tbwnsbip of Tuckersmith pays its male TAYLOR -In Grey, on 'Jana 14, the wife_ of 7 e teachers: the highest average salary in. 1Vm.Taytor,of.a,eon« tFY•r rr vr>firiritii> >tii>frYr� rural Nchool9, $410?2. and McRillo- ROUTLEDGE-ln Stratford, on Jan. 22, the the lowest, ''$289.16. The township of t daughter.. g 'i .. o ', Morris has the .unique distinction of paying its female teachers a higher �ry viz:$ and$29 There are66 1tIA)ABIED. Instant ' Cough ',Cure= wife of E, J Rontled a Jr.. formerlyf Clinton, O a aug er.. •• COOPER -In Clinton. on.Jan. 23;.the wife of Geo. A. Cooper, of a sot.. • McLENNAN-McLBOD-Ar the reeiden're of the bride's father, on. Jan. 4 b R i Shaw, Alex McLennan, to Miss Ellie Mo`Lson.• ab of Seaforth. • JENHI'QS-4ASE1ttOEtE�` t file methodist arsonage "on:Jan. 24 by the. Rev. ',Hobbs Wm. Jenkins to Se raht:aeemore, both of Turn- o • TER-�NURTHG RAVE - t• the :re i.. enee a the bride" s father, St. aryl onWed- nesday e - nesday Jan. 17, by Rev: Henderson, _Robert, o r er to Miss A. or grove Inc UAID BART-Ondanrl8, tSt.Celum- �• an o arc s wa v, Dean Murphy, Frank J.McQuaitd, of - illop to Miss Ms y link$, of Hibbert.• on Jan. 17, by Rev. Henderson, David Wright; O a er a township to s ue a au e e on. a SIE ARM ZI R -parsonage, r L. ;J Glazier, eldest . and L+. Glazier, of eep° proker. DIED: average salary than its.. male.teachere. :300 5.28 her WINTER'S Normal -trained teachers; 4 hold pro - a 2, Y ev.Nel e feasional lire$ -class' certificates, 60 sec- , The brat remedy for coughs, holds, and bronchitis, ' Cures where onds, and' :59 thirds. The iuleils en other -remedies fait. Lsrge•size bottle, 25o lages 720, and in towns 1451 1n ten Ilovcy's Emulsion is prepiredfrom the fine t- Norwegian. Cod Taiyer years the enrolled attendance has fall- �V . Oil. and pure Glycerine, with fife ursine of. en off one quarter.'."" ;•, . berry. Hypopho phites in each tablespoonful Agreeable to take, Easily digested, M AR A e , , Pronounced by' the' many who have used it' as the peat preparation of Cod.` Liver , TREASURER'S REPORT. d t id M W d Oil on the market.' 50o per 16 oz botee rolled in rural schools -ware 4044; in vil- the County Treasurer's report 'is.ae M A t N th I 'fax, $321 so; g t y � e,>b1,124 76, r �,� i,spensing Chemist, Clinton followe:-Receipte-Balanoe'from ]$98, �r $594.38; county- rates, $34,975.89; land b & h Irl ht b !ls a 6i h J H U V C ax re rsr.o c • e- ,deniption of lands," $155.45.; interest ac - 'count, $166.48; sinking funds, $3,969.07 WR1ClHT BALL -At the Mensa Auburn 't' bills payable, 83,0!10; Constable's ad='. of d i ht h' M1 atL ylf ll,d gh ��•1/1 vances repaid, 86o; Division Court jury ter of let J h t1 fund, $28.22; administration of justice, W -GLA E At the .' $1738311; gad$ account (Provincial tress- baps C oke*, an Jan, 10, by the father of ilio = . 1-1333 : •: rw�Q • . ..� 0" si►' urer,)"$227.65:' 'license's; '41,072; schools, ' br de�Mr Tho$♦: Stewart;bfPu2lestoii, to Mies - L. Treasurer,) $0,573; roads a + el a daughter of A, and bridges. $40:- Inustrial Home,A IA,,'Few Ideas 'j -$352.87; total,. $04,403.98. Expendi• Snap tures-Land tax,' -$505, ; Registry of- nLrn In C in on, on Thursday Feb 1st CA ic. Clinton, ar , ag y are andmonths. • MaCLUSRE -• In SOG}AR'f Ill -In Stephen, : Z 10,thein- fant son of S. J. Hogarth. 80X11-]itMorris.on Jan. 16,'lttyrtle Edna, daughter of Joseph Robb, aged! years: LAIOLAW-In West Wawanosh, on Jan, 19, Annie Taylor. wife of James Laidlaw, aged. 9e ` Seers. ?months • * Zi O1ttBEST- In Morris, on Jan. 21 son stales Forrest,pged 7 years, 6 months and 3 days. BOWEiIS-In Clinton, on Jan. 29, George Franklin Bowers, aged 2e years and 8 rnonths. Mtori1IEQOR-At the House of Refuge, on Jan 28, Malcolm McGregor, aged 73 years. fl f Cbae C IIhe ed 63 e 0' th• think about preparing for the cold 'winter 'which ee, 3911.55; redemption ti lands. 8155.- 45; interest account, $20.48; sinking. MoHiilop on Jan, 23 Sas, funds, $10,417.41; constables' advancee, MoClneker , ed68 y a $73,50; Division Court. jury fund, tt184.- ep ,on an: i1 20; administration_..of justice, $6,920.48; gaol account, $2,289.61;. schools, $12.- 258.73; school management. $2,259.97lmiscellaneous rants $640; municipal c eve eat 4174.45 talion r etc. govern ,$, ,e ey, , 0817; miscellaneous, $57.55; county property. $909.92; lunatics and chari- ties, $530.87; roads and bridges, 06.073,- 19; Industrial Home, $4,51640; balance on hand. 0506.33. Total. 854,403.98. UEPORT of EDUfCATION COMMITTEE. - The education committee reported as follows: -•.A. petition was presented from fourteen.ratepayersof the town- ship of Hullett,' and a similar petition from six ratepayers of. part of he township of Goderieh, asking that ar- bitrators be appointed to adjudicate in' the formation of a union school be- tween these two townships; also two petitions properly signed against have ing any arbitration,beim one from each township named. a econ•- mend that atbitration be grar'ited, and the fotl»wing gentlemen named, be at.. bitratots: His Honor Judge Masson, inspectors It o andRobb o and Tom. A pe ition from Tohn Barr and twenty- seven. nt hers of the townships of Hu- lett and E-Lst and West Wawanosh, asking that arbitrators -be appointed to adjudicate ,in the . formation of a !new union eeehool between the said townships;, also counter petition from Won. Hiles and •thirty other ratepay- ers, requesting that there he no arbi- tration in this matter. Recommended that arbitration be granted, and that the partied named in the former case in this report be the arbitrators in this matter, viz: His 'Honor judge Masson and inspector§ Robb and Tom. The committee also recommended that a by -taw be passed in accordance with such eases as these two regarding the appointment of arbitrators. The re- port and account from His Honor Judge Masson in connection "i th the arbitration meeting t Londe'sboro,. was referred -to the finance committee. The committee recommended that Mr Cheswright, of Seafortb, and Mr Boyd, of Exeter. he the examiners for 1900. The name of J. H. Cameron. Brussels, Was etihetittited for that of Mr Ches. weight ran a (empty examine.'. The report as amended was passed. ROAD & /MIDGE COMMITTEE. This committee recommended Char no action be taken" regarding the re- quest of the South Huron Farmers' In- stitute and that the county council pur- chase a steam roller foe the use elf the municipalities in the county. With regard to the regtteat of the Good. Ronde Asscciatiou, `asking ate expres- sion of opinion by the commit on the following q�uestionss: 1 Are you in fevr- or of Regis talon empowering counties to assume leading Wade ' through the county P 2 you infayor of the Legislatureys granting aid to the coun- ties that assume, pubite roads in ter portion to the cost of -construction ate to a of the raanie P The eon nate h mittee recommended that the Clerk, answer these questi0nein the negative. The comtnitt.ee recommended the ac.. ceptance of the Stratford Bridge Co.'aa tender at $1301, for an iron bridge at ci►n Aautttbeuzeots. HOUSE. TO BENT. A" six .roomed house OA Xing] Street near the G T.R. depot; Contatine 2 lots, hard and soft water. Apply to li. F. STREETS, James street* Feb 2-4t 'WANTED, A• boy to learn the baking bustnose. Apply tyJAS. McCLAC,HERTY -• Feb 2=-tf • baiter. Gload,Glenerai Servant, • Wanted attonce, Smatifamily,no scrubbing, good wages, alonebuteompotant person need apply.. MRS W FOSTER Feb. 211 'Albert St, North. PBOJ?ERT1ES FOR SAGE, reer rale. 41ots near the Flax Mill,' 2 lots on Ede St.,21ote on Milton' t ;also a brick cottage+ with frame kitchen hsa d water, good orchard, on applying to JOHN RMO UT, Clinton, or to JOHN HENRY, Rosondale, Manitoba, Valuable 'farm For Sale Near Blyth. For sale that valuable 60 acro farm, being the North 1 of Lot42, in the 2nd Concession. of the Township Of East Wawanosh, owned by Mrs Colles. The boil ie good, nearly all cleared, and in a fit state of cultivation. There aod frame barn with stens Stabling; fair fences'gand an orchard, well, &c. The house. although old, and not of much value, is habitable. The eon venienoe of tee' situation, within a mile of an •xcollent market, and arailway station, at the thriving Village of Blyth, on a leading gravel road, and the high qualltynf land. make tins a ; most desirable,pproporty, whish with advancing markoti, should Snd resat TERMS. -•1500 down, thebelanco to snit the purchaser, at 5per cent interest -title; perfect. Apply the Vendor bn the premises, or to GAILRO' & 4ARlto W, Vendor's Solicitors. Dated at Galerich. tbo20.11 January, 1000.-4t Applieat• s ;tor Oipic - 1 i ddressez A l oat ong,� 1 to T` h"a 'Saeksa Esq., M.yor and marked 0,A s fictitious for Office" win b received up to o'clock a. m. Moeda". .. ebr r O h i+' oar 1 for f no the olio ., w ap positions in the Town of Clinton: g Clerk & Trediurer' ,. 'Saucy $3r.0.03 Asgelator Cemetery Superintendent Chief Constable, Weigbniaeter, Collector, ero NIehtwatehtitee and Assistant to wemtuter .. erases ,..,.... Peundkeeper 1• all particularsad tothe duties of the eevorm Meets mar boobtained on application to the Clerk Be Order of the Council, WILt5IAM COATS, Clerk " 410.00' ,r u 250.00 tr rc For .Big. Men - The time is now here when we have to • We have a lot of 44 inch 'Un- dershirts -which are all first- rises goods, but larger ti an most peolere require. We' will p 4 clear them fooutllows. at prices as - is just to hand. We have a. line of Frieze ' Over - cods, double breasta with large e etcrm collar whIci.would be' exceptionally .heavy even it they wore made b. the usue0 way, but those are • mace donbly warm by lining them down to the, waist with the heavy.,frieze that the nnteide''is mid° of. Wo are notalways talking tel a ..sells r y u du dswere the cheapest in Lhe g o world,bet we o gay that this is the bebt coat in the trade for the money, and those who have seen it eayit would net be dear at 810. The price is 28 while they last, A line of black and blue' beavers;. double breasted or. fly froflt, with velvet collar and quilt linings at 18. A betterline et 310 A nice dressy coat made cutof curly cloth at $9. Abetter curt, with corded edges, velvet collar -and best farmers satin lining, at 112. Overalls, $1.50 Oges,per suit,for 2,00 46 -64 44 • 1:40 A. J. MOIi•RISH with or without bib, from 604 perpair up. A. J.. HOLLOWAI When Buying a Cream buythe Best e araator k StO� F Don't tryy to save a few • dollars on first cost and waste ten timesTakingthat On the poor work of a poor - - " machine. There are a number of different kinds of !)airy Meparatore butthey can bo divided into classes. hse in which quality is the first considers• tion and those in which low coat is the fleet considera- tion regardless of (Malay. The Sharples Sep... orator stands at the head of the first class. and are rea ly the exponent of that$ class. Throughout this Separator the finest mater• iel, the most careful manufaoturor and the handsomest finish is employed.' The reputation of P. M. Sharples for well, made machinery is above that of any other manufacturer in their line. They have been longer in the business by several years than their oldest competitors in America and Just• ly claim to have a more thirough knowledge of the reaulrementa of the boat Separator. The manufactories are by odds the largest iba fbi st the aro od Works not only in Amor. ^ They have in (heir employ the most experi- enced and expert separator inventora and designers and are thus enabled always to koop in the lead. IT IS ABSOL'UTLY SAFE► No gearing nor high ::peed spindles aro ex- posed. in which the hands$ or Meting witty become entangled. Tho gearing in other seperaters id a source bf dip ger and merit serious accidents have Mine with thorn. An infant could play around or on the Sharp- ies while the machine is in full motion with• Mit danger Or accident or injury. Those Soparstors are furnished with the latest patented two part progeasivo separa Or bowls.unequelledin offeetionese. The points in which it is claimed the ggarplesiasuperior to any other Cream Sep' r torln the world areThoroughness nese erSeparatien* SintpileIfy of consenetalen, safety and Durability. We are willing to plaeo these maehiner with dairymen absolutely on their nitrite. The maelaines must prove in aotual'nse that "they have the superior points • slanted for them over competing machines, The 'Separ- &tor i'1 ip 'Waled CO any responsible dairy-. rrtatlll,a obligationto buy. for one machine .trier out talk wWo has a bettor machine. but a a7i} calor machine' wllt.domonetrate its inner, or yin an actual trial, r, I you are ister.sted write us arra we will sen yon a descriptive catalogue of the rase ins find ecireillar contenting teatime*. let to tors frees your neskhbors end, others, 'tVe'shin these machines to any plied in Cana end pond a book with fullinetrnetlona' for se ing tip and operating. YoufWilliiotneed the sorvioe of an expert to•starts Sharpiee Reparator. W. 1`r. O1l4Mterrle. 1eitdetber•e,'oat. always brings to light some goods• that we would rather sell at a sacrifice than carry over, -among them are — 125 yards of dressoods 15-" to 20c, now l Oc. g ', 45 ' caps, men's and boys' and girls, 10e each. • 25' pair of girls and boys - overshoes, sizes 8 to 3, at 50c. 15 pair womans button over shoes, regular $1.50, size 3 to 4, 75c. 25 pair of boots and shoes r , ' .geris , women's, &, ments and boys', only a few pairs of each, of the,aize you want is among them, you can buy the at halfprice. MEN'S .i, .7 5 .!..�...r.c'rw:iifit. " ` ._�.�`'a:' •�a.'Y'rn. - _ ,.1ww>� _ v....� awe _ ULSTER'S Bigley water proof, all wool, heavy lined, highettortn collar, regular pried, $6 to $7.Zi0, now $6., 5 melton overcoat,, light color; size 37, 38, 89, regular 88 for $6. Child's 2 plotted shite, 22 and 23, $1.26. Boys' 3 pieced suits. all wed, $2. M . New dress g otosrl� rints' and gin gharms now opening. W. IL 'Ouimette, LONDESBORO The Cab Dealer