HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-02-02, Page 3PAItiTOPLE Alava their• blood enridied, their heart strengthened and their • ebeeki rosy by using NiMune* Reart and Nerve Pills. Tglo,,.,knauffloient fesantify or poor quality of lb* blood is one of the evil resultthat itsually follow any derangement of the ' Mearte If the heart'beeouses weakened in any 'Way it cannot ip the blood to the lunge its it should, there to be purified and im•• 'Pr06.**tAIKI, Witls the life-giving oxygen. .4• A$ st result the blood deteriorates. It loses its nourish• - ing, Vitali sin e health -giving csu Wee. The faee 0- 00 es pale in e lips bloodless, the hands and feet eold. There is weak- ness, tiredness, It °AIM" of breath and palpitittion. When, 'those suffering from thin or watery blood -start taking Milburn's eart and Nerve Pills they are assured of a cure. Every sis sots on, the heart itself, causing it best strong, steady and regular. Every dose, tea, introduces into the blood thee° vital elements necessary to. imake It rich and red. Soon the pale cheek takes on the rosy dm* of health, there is 'strength instead of -weakness energy and activity take the glace of tiredness and laseitude. Miss M. &ninon, 60 Turner Street, 'Ottawa, •Ont., trays : "1 was .greatly troubled with my heart, together with -ta• treme nervousness for many years. These complaints brought about great swealmess and feeling of tiredness. My 'Viscid waved poor quality, so much so that I aseeame pale and languid. Milburn's "Heart and Nerve Pills cured me after all -sloe failed. They kuilt up my system, kendished my blood, strengthened my taterves and restored me to health." TOWN TOPICS. Well. we have the Prohibition conven- tion anyway.—Chicago Post. The loux City papers are giving wide ,publication to the statement made by a .1sork agent that it. Is the "most liter- -*try" town west of Chicago.—Des Moines I.eader. The depot platform was crowded last knight at the hour of the lay over here of No. 9 from the east. It is a great treat for Tucson people to attend -the -trains -at_ •sessonableshours.—Tucson (A. T.) Star. Subscriptions to the navy arch fundare not 'rushing forward to any alarming ex- tent. New York is willing to furnish the • Place if the country will furnish the cash, and that's what's the matter with sub. scriptions.—Kansas City Times. Grand Opera Manager Grau estimates that he lost $30,000 during his season Id Chicago. The Windy Cita evidently likes e its winstraight rather than converted Into the arias, barcaroles and recitatives i of grand opera.—St. Louis 'Republic. , ; 'AcCording to Countess Schinimelmann, there are "more want and desolation in Chicago than in the slums of London or In any other city in Europe." But it is questionable if any iithar city than Chi- • cago can show such well to do officials or .- such prosperous saloon keepers.—Chicago News. PEN, PENCIL AND 'BRUSH. , THE ouNtroN NEW EEA QUEER WHITE RIVER IT 18 THE CROOKEDEST STREAM ON THI8 CONTINENT. Seven Times It Cession% the Tilsionrb. Arlinnosus Border 'stud Tretv'elo Per., haps 1,000 Miles to Progreso 1150, •The Wreck of the Italy 0, From Its four heads in the Boston $ountains to Batesville, where it leaves PAa Ozarksand enters the Arkansas low- lands, White river is a succession of as- tonishing curves. No other VIM OH the continent so nearly and so frequently doubles upon itself. Prom the source to the fiat country Is a distance on a straight line of perhaps 150 miles. White river betWeen these points has a course of over 000 miles; some estimates make it 1,000anilei.: The beginning le near the Indian Terri- tory border In the western part of Ar- kansas. The water runs toward all points or the compass 1n quick successionanany times before' it adopts. a comparatively direct course to the Misiiissippl, From the Beton mountains the general course, with intinif a bend and curve, is north- ward end -northeastward into Missouri. -Probably the highest pOlitt in this direc- tion is Forsyth, near the center of Taney county. Prom this.placethe White wrig- gles its way back into Arkantias and down through Marion , county, to where the Buffalo joins it. But not until the Mis- souri -Arkansas border has been crossed seven times does the uncertain stream bear away to the southeastward to stay. Adding to the marvel of White river's eccentric ineanderings are -the- -walls _of rock • which tower from 200 to 500 feet often from the water's edge. A birdseye viewfrom above would show the river deep set in a canyon of continuous and often sharp curvatures. A mile of river in a straight line is unusual. The can- yonlike valley of the White narrows in . . places almost to the channel's' • width. Over most of the course it is wide enough for a strip of fertile bottom land along -the-risserss-Thesajater„ wanders from one side of -the valley to the other. It wishes the base of the towering palisades first on the right and then on the left: • It maintains close relationship with- a cliff for half a dozen miles..Then it sudden- ly crosses through the bottom lands and hugs the opposite frowning rases. On. a bright day a stretch of the 'wind- ing river seen from the summit a the palisades shimmers Ulm well polished gi- ver. "White" aptly describes the ap- pearance. A nearby view from the banks reveals a degree of purity which is not . -equaled by, apysother w_estern river. The contrast of comparisen With 'the streems which flow through alluvial country is striking. White river has its origin in mountain springs. Numberless under- ' ground channels in the limestone strata .h,eIP' to swell the volume.: Tributaries vary' from tiny rivulets 'starting high up . on the benches of the mountains to pow- erful streams 'which 'gush forth with a . roar from beneath shelves' of overhang-. Ing reek. Twenty milem below Forsyth, beside the White, is MeGill. spying, which • pours out from the face of the cliff as • bcidy of water strong enough to run a large mill. It is a type of hundreds, while the smaller and unnamed Innings can onlbp enumerated by tens of thousands. (II T/ uffillo, the Crooked ,and the North _Po in like Manner grow- . from the springs along their courses' and -add to the . White their tontributions of the same clear, sparkling' water. Only when heavy rainfall occurs in the watershed of the White does the water Airtiatisif of note is J. F. Herring of don. His specialty is animcil;life. He galrisis career as a signpainter and at -one time was driver of a stagecoach. Puccini, the Italian composer, spends las mornings usuallj r0 hunting or shoot- ing, his afterations in sleeping and most .of bis nights in diligent work of compo- ,sition. Joel Chandler Harris declares thut newspaper .work is like the Tar Baby, -of which he tells in osie of his "Uncle • Remus" stories. "Once you get Into it," le says. "it ensnares you with a faseina- tion from which you can never get free." Dr. Beier, the scientific author who was recently appointed professor of American ethnology and archmology • at Ille University of Berlin, is one of the foremost men in his line in Germany.' Ile. made his chief reputation by his investi- gations et old Mexicali life in the states of Puebla. Chiapas and !fleece. T a EY STRUCK IT RICH. , It was a grand thing for this commun- ity that such an enterprising firm as H. B. Combe secured the Agency for Dr. Xing's New Discovery for Consumption, the wonderful remedy that has_etartled the world by its marvellous cures. The fuer of mithusiasm over it has boomed their business,as the, demand for it is immense. They give free trial bottles it to sufferers, and positively guarantee a ore in Coughs. Colds,. Bronchitis, Asthma Croup and all Throat and Lung troubles. a --trial penes its merit. Price 50o and $i 00 • Advioes from the north sebstantiate the report of a big fire at Dawe,on. It occur- red on January llth, e.nd destroyed build- ings and merchandise to the value of four hundred thousand dollars. . CAW tli. IITTLE WEI( PILLS S101( HEADACHE Pos,-1)y the6e I. 18. ilttey also relieve Distress from byopepia, *digestion end Teo Beatty gating. A per. Ibrtremeay for Dliziness, Nausea, Drovais sessOladTristein the Month, Coated Tongue Omsk the Side, TORPID LIVER. They SNOW the Bowels Purely Vegetable. *mil Ptil. Small Doges *nail .Prtoo. Substitution.. - the fraud. Of the day. See you 'get Carter's, Ask for' Carter's, Insist and deinan4 Carter's Little Liver Pills. Our 'Wailers, Wives • and Daughters. Thousands of Them Suffer front Nervousness and General Debility. Paine's Celery Compound Strengthens and Tones the System. lose its distinctive eharacter. Even then, while the reeky -surface conveys to the river a considerable 'portion of the rainfall stained by the vegetation and the soil, the greater part sinks into un- . derground reservoirs and courses and, slowly • filtering and settling, reaches the river through the spriags, which defy the longest drought periods: White_river, booms for a few days with a mighty HOW after protected rain'. A 40 foot rise is not extraordinary in the contracted parti of the valley. The water assumes a dirty , whitish look. But the flood subsides quickly, the current clarifies even more • rapidly, .and the river runs steadily dur- ing the dry season. • It is not want of • water which eauset . the unnavigable stage. It is the character of the channel —a .serles of Icing levels and of short rap- ids. Ifsthe cur,rent was •evenly distribut- ed, there would be depth enough for the light draft stern wheelers allthe year. Many years •ago Forsyth was reached by steamboats on White river. The bold • navigators pushed their stern wheelers to the foot of tho rapids. Then they sent the roustabouts 'Clambering:over- rocks and through the trees, dragging the toiv- line its full length. "The upper end was fastenedetrongly t t d the t The boat end of the hawser was wound around the capstan. With the paddle wheels driven by every pound of premiure. available and with the donkey engine winding In the towline, the boat dragged 'ad pushed itself up foot by foot through tlt foaming rapids, After the passage wzt made a -long reach of smooth, deep w ter made easy progress for perhaps'20, perhaps 50, miles. In thie way Forsyth was reached. And when the boat, "load- ed to the guards" with lead and cotton and hogs and the various protest:fa White river country, turned pro* dowa stream there was little to do but to trust to Providence and the nerve of the man behind the pilot wheel. The current did the rest. One day, in a spirit of daring, Captain Bateman Said hevvas going to take the Mary C. to' Persyth if it was her last trip. He made McBee'sand the other landings above Buffalo City and triumph - Andy awoke the echoes of the heights of Pine mountain as tbe boat came in sight of Floreyth. But pride went before the worst fall that could baimento a •eteam- beatman; In trying to ttirn the Mary C. to. head dont etream, the captaiii fIIIIde to gauge the width of the channel. Ile "ran her nozzle ag'in the bank" rin one side. The stern went around with a Oweep and lodged against a grovelsbar on the other side. The Mary C. lay for a few moments broadside . in „the blocking it, There was creaking end groaning. The hog chains parted. The Wry C.'s "baak , was broken." The wreck lay there Until the elenn'tits wore It to pieces. That WIlfi the end of naviga- tion to Forsyth. -'Sr. Louis Globe-Demo- It Purifies the Blood and Gives Perfect Digestion. It Brightens .the Eyes and Gives a Clear and Soft • Complexion, No medicine in the •world-lias ever done such a svoik for weak, nervous, debilitated and suffering women as Painees Celery Compound. • Women of all ages, owing to their de. licateand sensitive organisms, expend more nerve energythan men. Their organs require vigorous nerve ' to insure healthy action. It is a fact wor- thy of special notice that suffering from acute nervousness is caused by weak and inflammed nerves. For . such troubles, Paine's Celery Compound -is the true medicine for nourishing and strengthinso the nerve fibres. Weak and rundown women find in Paine's Celery Compound a wonderous strength giver and flesh builder. Sleep- less and irritable Women vabgause Paine's Celery Compound obtain true Test and sweet, refreshing sleep, the eyes be- come instroue and sparkling, and the opm. plexion clear said bright. -Every rundown and ailing Woman should give Paine's Cel - (try Compound an iMmediate trial; it •neyer disappoints. • - • TRUST THRUSTS. . Clainline being noisy and oderiferouls, • automobiles w'll he, agesisysa trust.—De- troit Free Press. . If the tallow trust does .not elip up on its own product, then Sliakespe,are' was right and there's nothing in a name.— • Philadelphia Inquirer. When a man creates something valua- ble, that thingby universal consent be- longs to its creator. When the commu- nity creates something val'eable, that be- ing by the aid el' the money power be- longs to the trusts.-Ohieago Journal. • The girl is the mother of the woman just as "the boy is the father of the man." The -period when -the womanly functions begin is one to be carefully watched and considered. Irregularity or derangement at this time mass be - promptly net and cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. .But neglected at this atitieal period may entail years of futurenaffering. "Fay - (rite Prescription" ads directly upon ;the womanlyorgans giving them per- fect vigor and abundant 'Vitality. It removes the obstructions to health and happinese, and delivers womanhood from the cruel bondage of "female weakness." YOmpay the postage Dr. Pierce gives you the • bcok. The Peo- ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, 700 illuatrations is sent free on receipt of 'stamps to defray -oostnuf mailing arid customs. Send 31 one -cent stamps for the paper bound book, or 50 stamps for cloth bound. Address Dr. -R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y. TAKING THE REINS. Frank Cloola, 2:244, a new pacer, 10 * brother of Bessie T,-2:11%, by Ben lifTeGreggtrect The- eiecord of Tribulation, by Tribute, 2:24, is 2:261/4, laet 20%, and he is a 4 -year-old. Marry Devereux of Cleveland will re- turn his great young horse John A. Me Konen, 8, 2:1254, to the turf next year. ; The yearling filly Zephyr, by Zombo, 2;11, out of Gazelle, 2;11%, has trotted an eighth IA A, seconds and repeat in 1T1/2. Davie Blanchard of Boston has an, equine pensioner that is Ift) years old and has not worn betimes for 'several years. Minot*, 2:191,, owned lry 3. R. 14aM7' Amherst, N, S., is heider`of the festest record made over a Maritiffia ereviaca track ley a horse.,brerl in the provinCes. The Northern' PaCifiq railroad will transport 4;0,000 bemire tine Winter from Washington to eaisterra points, 'To move this great twiny of renge horses will re- quire ,650 box ears. • • The two new trotters, Wilquette, 2:25, by Moquette 2110, and Elliott Stone, 2:2151,, by Silent Brook, 2:163f, are both out of Mk , sister ot Lottie K, 2:26%, by Squire Talmage. , \ • The 4 -year-old filly Nellie Gay, by ' Pamlico, 2:10, who took a hnlf mile track trotting record of 2;2114 the past season, is said not to have made a break u any of her ram during the campaign. There is a four toted curiosity owned at ,Avon, Ills. It is the lea' of a small jenny, by a Shetland sire standing 86 inches in height, The foal ' a male, weighs 21 pounds and'stands 20 Inches. Phil Groben of Buffalo Is raising speed at his farm. He has a fast young trot- ter that • has shown a mile in 2:20, a 8 -year-old pacer that can, eters In 2;27 and another green one that can go. close to 2:17. • J. B. 'MeFerran, Jr„ of Louisville is said to have the greatest pony team ever seen in the blue grans country. They are black and white, only 50 inches high, and have been driven on a wager ten miles' in less than one houn—Horse Re- view. • EVER RENE W ING. We are continually renewing and assort- ing our stook of Perfumes, Atomizers, Tooth Washes aid Powders, Brushes, Combs, Hand Mirrpre, Manicure end Toilet Artie/es generally) all up•kedate goodti at lowest -poseible prices. ko need to say much about our eontinu- eduuceese.in -our- dispensing department. Wears aeobrate in our work,whioh aluitya insures aafety to our patrons and the pub - •lie. Our sales of Paine's' Celery Compound are increasing eteadily. It is the popular medicine; we etrongly recommend it. Oar best efforts are, always put forth to make our establishment the "popular drug . store." J. E. Hovey; Druggist, Clinton, Ont. . crat. Got If omog Id t. • "Dad's been rennin fel. o-iffel, ten years steady," he sltifi. "but the utile', day he lost his way an run against home. break- in his head in a sorter head end collision, an the family hauled him in an shook han's with him, an infinuny put on her specs an hollered, 'Goodness gracious hoar you has changed!' "—Atlantst Con, etitatiett. .„ ,CASTORIA /or Infante and, Children. ho nails SIPitutt 01 Mr Alex. McNeill, M. P., has sub- scribed 01,000 to the National Patriotic Fund. ERYSIPELAS CURED. WHIMS OP RACE HORShS. Ilfololat Which Jaskol,. Must °earn Aseatit ou *ad On the Track. "Talking about people being peculiar," remarked an oldltrainer, "if there is any- thing More peculiar than race horses I haven't come across It. Race horses, tneanUioroughbreds, of. conroes. are as full of whims as—well, as a woman, am1 you've got to :humor them, Nat the same an ,velomen. I.. remember one I trained " some years ago—a horse, 1 mean, of course. He was a great one, and few of the could allow, him the way in. Yet that fellow couldn't be exercised in pre- paring him for a 'race unless the boy On Mm WAS rigged out in the stable's regu- lar colors. You couldn't fool him about It, either, for he knew just as well wheth- *r the 13was fully dressed as we did, and if he wasn't you couldn't get the old tette* ,ois the, track, But whop the boy put on the duds, why, the old horse would go out and do *11 that was wanted. of . • "Then there was another that I had that wouldn't associate with other horses, and the coneemience was that we had to train him by himself. Actually had to wait every time until every other horse was off the track. Then, When he had the whole trick to. himself, -we hadall we could do to get him off, when we thonglit he had been given enough. This same one we had to send' to the post by himself, land when we got him there we had to lkeep him away to one side, off from the ininch. Another one I had was just th,. oppesite. foe he wouldn't go on the track eitiser foe exercise or for a race unless he was accompenied by another horse. "Then there Is the horse that runs.true as long as he is In the lead, but will atop and give Up the fight the moment another one gets near him or passes WM, On the other hand", there is the 'horse that tries all the harder' as long as he Is behind. Then there is the herse'that will not try if the jockey 'carries a whips while there are others that will not try unless they_ are given both:whip end spurs. But, -as- 1 said, they are very peculiar and have as 'many whims as mankind."—Washing- ton Star. • . • • TO CtJRE A. COLD IN ONE pey. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to mire. 25.ets. 11, W. Grove's signature is on each box... A FREE PATTERN- (lier eiwn selection) to or Tbsoriter, lioantlful_ool- ored tithographod plates d illus redone. prima. latest, artistic), exquisite an strictly up.tadsito dodos. M5CifiLES .• • MINE Dressmaking economic», fancy work, houplold hint., short stories, current topics, *to, illubsteribe to.day, I0o.soar17. Le47 agents wanted. Send for toms. *.NORWAY PINE DM WOW* SYRUP, CURES COUGHS AND COLD& Alonto II, Thurber, Preeport, NOS,' says; .41 bad aisevere attack of Grippe and a. bad cough, with groat difficulty in breathing. After - told lig two bottleof Dr. Wood's Norway Pints Syrup I was mu- pletely cured:" LAXA'LIVER Work while you sleep' without a grip or gripe; , curing Sick Headathe,,_ Ryspepsia and Constipation, and matte you feel better in dip morning. t.autoa.9.4tia.a.a.p..a.statova.taaislaMfenA cunE ALI. TOUR PAINS WITH Pain-Kilier. A IiiiilloIrie Chestan Itself. P Simple., Safe and Quick Curs for -_ CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, COUGHS,1 GOLDS, RHEUMATISM, -1.-- NEURALGIA: .,...„.„, .. .„ 1 25. and 50 caid Bottles. BEWARE OF IMIS'AtIOISS. r A ' SUY ONLY THE GENUINE. u PERRY' DAVIS, AGINGIUMMEDINDONIENIADDRIANDitsi 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE PAT.ENT TOADS MARKS :DESIGNS . COPYRIGHTS &C. • Anyone sending a sketch and description may 'vesicle. ascertain. our, opinion free whether on mrention is probably patentable. COmmtmica.• • Lions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patenta . sent free. Oldest agency for securIng_pstenta. • :Monts taken through Munn & Co. receive- cialhptice without char in the ..,.— "Pe g?' .. . . 'scientific .iltnerican. . ' A handsomely Illustrated weekly. ' Largest eh% r,21ation of anY scientific journal.- Terms. $3* Lear; four months, $L 8015 byaiLyenedf.plerls.. MUNN & U0 361Broadwa).newnyk branch Office. 66 F St.. Washington. D. The itinktfrous fineorporated be AO ofsierititearnt Iwi CAPITAL - 1000,000 REST, EMU). • 111,500,000 HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. Rossos Weenies**, rrenident r. WOINFREITAN THOUS, OWL 11411111114101f Notes dietionnted, Collections wide, Drafts issued, Sterling anti American exehtmet bought and sold. Interest allowed, op dee. p0E1115. 8AYINO0 BOX— interest stilowed an sums of 111 and ap. Money edvaneed farmers on their own note, Wlav ADO more endorsers. No nsortgage required H. 0. BREPAIR. Manager, Clinton U. I), Niel AGGA RT. BANKER ALBERT ST,,, - CLINTON general Banking* Buetnens trannaCted: - • NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts anted. Interest allowed on denosite. • • FARRAN .ft .TISDALL. CLINTON, ONT. Advances made to farmers on their own • notes at low rates of interest. A general Banking Business transacted Interest allowed on deposits. Bele Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manager. THAT TONES The SPOT umi IleLEOD'S ° I MISTER RENOYA1011 05' Weak and Impure Blood, Liver & Kidney Diseases, • Female Cemplaints, Ete. Dregidua..er write direct' to: 3,M. IdoLEOD, • Goderioh, Ont. For ladies, Wines, girls and little children. That am Wo stylish "chic,' effect not attained by the nee of any other patterns. Have no meal for atyleand perfect fit. Bitters for erysipelas in my face and a, gen- tosstatelhat I used Burdock Blood tit mu, Mrs Chas. Cookaif 13elle;fille, Ont. says eral run-down state of health. A 1 w bot- tles timed me completely. AIMNS , Wooden Shoes.. I - They sell 'cabals, or Wooden shoes. it one store in Indianapolis, and the dealer says they are made In Grand Raptde from basswood by Belgians. They are used by people who work in amnesic's, . where hot solder, acid, etc., on the oore ruln shoe leather; by people who stand on wet floors, euch as employee!' of creameries and vrasherwornea, and now ind thee a • fashionable woman buys ra pair to wear without stockings when she wishes to reet her feet. • Any smoker who really whale!! to quit the habit can do so by knocking the live • ' !whys of lil� pipe into a keg of blasting THE CENSOR, powder.—Elliottai Magazine. e a ng a ont,tra e and money A dray barse's swksverdness never corners is that they are seldom square, --s anybody es long as he sticks to Philadelpbia Time. ' pulling a drayaneseille (0.) Courier.. Why exempt lawyers as jurors? They seem to be the only ones who can answer their own _questioning. — New York Onb thi b d • --Iris rather curious that the world is sioT HERING - not shocked at the thought of war, but is • ..• World vastly dIsturbel over the violation of the amenities of war.—Elmira Gazette. • s Now New York has begun a rald on _ the get rich quick syndicates all along tile line. Meanwhile the blooming idiots who Patronize them are still at large.— Boston Herald. . At last it has happened. A Stolen pho- • nograph has peached on ,the thief. The 'parrot, the cuckoo -clock and the chicken. In the pessiiiii- pouch can now be laid . aside.—New York' -Press. . The Berliner Kliniseha Wochenschrift •Itillaiglat ;SO Qa.wassmiset dint development ot abnormal rednessof the nose is a consequence of the wearing of a veil in winter." We don't see' how that • lets the men out.—Buffalo Commercial: - The "rainy day skirt" has' come to stay. It 11 going to stay after it gets through .raining. As a matter of fact, It is no longer a rainy day skirt; it is a common osensegicirt roe the twentieth ceutury wo- man for every day iii'lliraoffis—Chicago Tin:les-Herald. • A New York woman arrested for .keep- ing chickens in her rooms supposed they were no wore° than the squaw,hing par- rots and barking dogs of the other rooms • of ea apartment house.Why sheen!' there be so much difference of opinion as to. pets?—St. Louis Post -Dispatch. • CONGRESSIONAL CUTS. No congress ever yet did so much harm as timid citizens feared It vieuldS A great deal of folly works Itself Off in talk.— Hartford Courant. Congress is 'always said to sit. The members have all had to run so hard for it that when they get there they're mighty glad to engage in eitting.—Zanes- ville Courier. Zongresemen who say the coming saes - sten will be the Ment important since the olvil war must not forget to facilitate the work in a practical and senalble way. i --St. Louis Globe -Democrat, With a presidential campaign immi- nent, congressional action in all respects will be swayed, as h'eretofore in mentions of national elections, by . partisan con- siderations rather than by bublio inter- ests. To the average congressman, in- deed, his party ir the publie.-4hiladel- ph1. Itecord. IN THE MORNING You feel better of your sick headache or bilious spell if yott have taken a LOAM. Liver Pill the night before, These little fellow's work while you sleep without gripe or pain. k St • 44:‘ 11114°' SENSATION. • • 1 4. AN') 15'1- • OurIce returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will. promptly receive our opinion free concerning ktti the patentability of same. "How to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. . _ Patents taken out through us receive aptcksi • notice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, • an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, *aaBy put pother. _Only 10.ond 1 keents or lizr • VICTOR .1. EVANS & CO. A* for rita,knonbwigzegf3Itttal mama Attorneys) THE 111cCALL COMPAN.V. ' Evans Building. - WASHINGTON. D. O. 1116.1411 West. 14tb street, • • • • New York City, 5.!. • OUR grECIALTY .ULOUR and FEE!) . . A POPULAR SONGS , with Worms and MUSIC complete, neatly printed and bound in ono voluma A • grand collection of Musical Gems, sentimental, path, etla comic) a veritable treasury of the world's pope. tar and beautiful songs. Price, 10 cents. Poolesid. JouNSTON AblcgAnLiaul,72 Kongo Kt., Toronto. OM 1 110 for 100(10' •Tbls book contains one hundred salt I ten a the beet humecoms ioCitaljousk COnbrliChig the Nwo, Yankee, Irish au* Dub% disiOctI. b.hs pose and sa We1I as humorous oompodtic= every kind and ebaracter, neck pima laid, with our Mustrated catalogue el books and. novelties ftrr may tea essie. Johnston & glellraurbuses.-• • Toronte.Casto 5611‘1151:1AOTHERKNOWS THE VAL.AM OF '• 11401ANWOMANSBALM • . AS A PARTURIENT MEDIEINE. and otir greatest seller the White Swan Flour. This is, we believe, the most popn- SOME BEAUTIFUL GOOD DINNER- AND TOILET SETS. lar brand on the market. If you try it once you will be so pleased with it that you will prefer it to the other brands. We are now selling the White Swan. at 31.75 per owt. Several of oar customers' have asked for Rye Flour, of which: we now have a stock on hand. OUR. G RocEitigs are always fresh arid well assorted,and the prioee,you will find,are most reasonable 0. "OLSON. G321 Batter and Eggs waned. WANTED—lionest man or:animal-Ole travel, for large h Mae ; salary S65 monthly and ex- penses,with increase ; position permanent •, inclose self-addreesed stamped envelope. MAN- AGER 330 Caxton bldg., Mimeo. Dec 2046 A Kingston Lady's Experience with Idllburn's Heart and Nerve Pills In Hollering this Distressing Con- - ditipn. ' have suffered for some years with a 'mothering sensation caused by heart disease. The 'severity ofthe pains in my heart caused me much suffering. I was alio very nervous and my .whole system Was run down and debilitated: "Hearing that Milburn't Heart and Nerve Pills were a speeifie for these troubles, I thought I would try them, and got a box at MoLeod's Drug Store. They afforded um great relief, having toned up my 'system 'aid removed tbo distressing iymptoms from which I suffered. I oan heartily recommend:these wonderful pills is all sufferers froth heart trouble. (Sign.ed) MRS. A.. W. IRISH, ' • Kingston, Ont. Lata. Lrven Prtr.s cure Biliousness, Constipation and Sick Hears:Ale. TheD3&L.• a EMULSION The D. Cie L. EMUL.S1ON To the best and roost palatable preparation of Ood Liver Oil,agreang with the most delicate utoinachs. • The D. att.. EMULSION' • Yu preraribed by the kading physicians of Canada,. , The D. de L. EMULSION /so marvellous flesh producer and Will ttire • you an appetite. SOc. &SI per Bottle. nature you get i DAVIS & LAWRENCE the genuMe CO., Limited, biontrcul We give tide beautlfol liesyy Geld co Silver Plated Chain Bracelet for belling only One decal Ono LInen Doylies &stet! cents eccb. West and prettiest designs) 00 BYO alike. Write, end we run nee the novae+, p0otp8t4l �elt tben, retina% the Motley. indwo at once forward your liewlelet, °NOVI tatid. Mae* WPM. Co,, MOgite Toronto, unto' • AGENTS "h:estliof r°rVa19tilh;Pset write oratotab3itienctor" Agents make five dollars daily. •B1IADLEY-GARRET6ON COMPANY, Libman, „ Toronto. • • AGENTS. "Klondike Gold Fields," al arge. cheap, vain. able book, selling like a whirlwind. Beautiful prospectus twenty.five oents. Books on time, BRADLEY-GARRETSON COMPAITY,LINITED Toronto. CLINTON WOOD .. and COAL .YAILD. Subscriber is prepared to promptly fill all or. dors for Wood or Coal, which will be sold at lowest rates. Office. on Tsetse Street, at LAWS IMPLEMENT ROOMS. W. WHEATLEY AGENTS WANTED., For "Story et South Africa," by John. Clark Itidnath.L.L. D., Eclitard S. Elba, M. A., J. A. cooper, Menacing Editoeof the "Canadian Magazine." Toronto, and J. R. Aiken, of London,Ont., who lilt returned this vseels from 12 years' travelling in don tt Africa for us..,Wo,Aye the only Canadian Pablisherit who have had a branch in Smith Africa for nineteen years, giving us on immense advent - age in procuring photographs and Material. Our authorship, • letterpress and engravinge are superior, and catedian Contingents bet" ter ilmatrated than in any rival work. So sure are we of this, that we will mail free for comparison oar prospectus to anyone posses0- . ing a rival prospectus. Circulars and terra free: Apply World Publishing Company, Guelph. -Ontario. For Twenty-seven Years NY ANTED. Honest Man- or woman to travel for large hottse salary 565 monthly and expen.es, with inerease polition permanent_ inclose fielf. addressed stamped envelope MANA.GER, 330 Caxton bldg., Chicago. Deo. 29-10 DUNN'S EAKIN° POWDER THECOOKSBEST mac LARIASTSALS Ili CANADA. ' • We buy direct irons the manufacturers in Staffordshire, England, and thus Isis at first cost. We secure goods of finest quality, and therefore know that-si vitiate our goods'a,re unsurpassed. Buyers must save money on these goods, comps with artiolee not so favorably purchased. • Exquisite Dinner,Jea and Toilet Sets DINNER AND TEA SETS, O't 'Pieces, from $5 TOILET SETS, complete, $2 and upward Yon can examine these goods without being compelled to bay, but you Will Iv to buy ofter you:examine. ALL KINDS OF NEW FRUITS AT LOWEST -PRICES. We have the best 25C Tea in town; we have tee at other prinee, bnt no Mi what priced tea -von want, we oan give you estra value. Agent for Ram Lai% Apple Monsoon and Bine Ribbon paoket-Teas. IR w Clint° BIRTHDAY RINI", To EVERY °NE wbo can find 01 010 Dewey Puzzle 2 Faces—mark them and return to ue—we give an exquisite Tillany style emulative Opal or Ruby Stick Pin Free, and send 12 Temcent packages of Int. perishable Pei -Mine bi sell for us if you can When soM. 'return money and we give you Free., choice of a heavily plated Chain Bracelet with Lock and Key, or Solid 0.14 Shell Belcher Birthday Ring. Simply aterpcstpuesle and 81 send prise without money Or OTIOA. „Write tiodor. Von' risk nothing. as we pay the duty. veep en all Perham flat into Canado, mottos its delivery absolutely Ire.. and Utinold goods are returnsble. intim thin paOset • NATIONAL SUPPLY •CO.. 4640 West Larne& st.. D00rots.3111,1106." January Snaps'. fiees/, •••••41-4* \1111100— During the month of January 'we will give slme unus bargains in the following lines ;— Wood Cooking Stoves Wood Heating Stoves Coal Heating Stoves Second Hand Stoves and Wood our Fire Proof Sal AT .We want room for other goo's. Corae along and get a bargain. Harland Bros.stredV Experts in Ilot Air and riot Water Beating and Plumbingl CLINTON