HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-02-02, Page 2Tluee miles fait er'on, When running to "Decidedly unpleasant."
the limit of his ennnefty, he -struck _the Peen, for'mercy's• sake don't• tell. its"
e ate tar. o n t, 1e amour
railway magnate „d Udinenntte, was a .night or afterward died ap, the "resident •010 Women, 1754.
grandwa of \Ir. Juha $lair, who carne injuries received. Only the 'shoulders ` There Is not such a thing as a decent
from Scotland to 1720 and settled in New and head of the 'fireman of the special old woman lett. ,Everybody Burls • their •
Jensex. were ever found. Se had been driven ' ' hair, shows .their neck, and wears pink,
• Walter Williams of Columbia, kin., . Into the door of the fire box feet first,. but but your humble servant; People ,who.
• r its terWilli newspapers, is Columof cos had stack at the shoulders. • The white have covered. their heads • for 40. years
school board, of presidenttit State uai, hot fire within bad completely Incinerated now leave off their caps and think it be-
vemit� , is• a eurator iifi church and the rest of his body, To Iook. at the door comes them; in .short, we try, to outdo.our
teaches a Sundayar school the. church
, 150 of a •fire box such tecusuatty as that seems' pattetus, the, French, in every ridiculous
s• ail but' impossible, the opening- looks so vanity. Lady •Northumberland gave an
scholas. Henderenn's father arrived is small • .In reality, however, it is large .entertaletnent lest week, in" whish ras
• Chicago from $: u...uts with _s,ue English enough, as any railroad man can tell you. an. artificial goose in her feathers, and
The watch of the engineer of the ape-,. a•' ben 'iter, seven Itt'tlt�;.ebickens. The
sovereign in his pu.ket. tie retntrined -- :dial when found vas still. running and dessert was* ittuderaleee,witkaittee, stiles
there for three years end saved et'tuugb was four minutes behind: • It writs"to this and cornfields; hut 1 `brave, -.1 am -afraid,
tc hay the large farm in Iowa un which error of .his' timepiece that the -treed tired you with the account of such fol.
.David grew np. ' death of himself and his three compan• (lets.•• --Letters From 144Y cake to hire,
, Thomas Whittaker, who' died at Sear Sons weds due. Eyre. a
'borough. Engiand. reee tly, was one of In .da ylight It Is the habit Of the en i*
seven men who started the temperance neer to follow with the eye the glistening • ' ' 4aite',I.,i.1te it Ring"
reform of this eentuty 10 (treat •iirituttt. . track of rails over which' be.mast travel. "My, love for pm." be said to, the home*
and h<+lived to see the sorfc'ty of total ub Should a rail be musplaoed,•• it, would ,ylteiress, "is dik0 thia:'l ngi!:. •`
items number 7,OtO,000• . break this line of light and betray.itself ... ' .How sweet! she ,exammied. • `Yoe
1 ltfatthew W hitt' Lidh•y, who site stand to the watchful Man in time to stop and. mean It has sitiond •
as the c'onservativ`e eirndidnte for t.t:,ly ,ansa his train.. '!'bis; •partieulai wreak, "Precisebrea a said, rt, sgten•�he added
bridge at the next seed tie•u, i" the ewes.,
however, resulted . nodi! that curse and. snider hie breath..e Ito square hitnse"
non of the British home secretary Vendread. all, railroad ritnners-the wash• with his coosclence.. and•no beginning.
has served for some time ue sec r ar to- one, The culvert which eause (t was a Ohieago Yost. ,
his father at the home office. r
T'1•itrii$ry 2, t: 00
Thin,- pale, anemic 4irls
need -4 Tatty—food.to 'en -rich
y ch
their blood,, give color to
their- cheeks and. restore their
health and strength, it is
sale to say that they neariy
all reject fat with their food,
Is exactly what they require',
it not only gives them the im-
portant element (cod-liver oil)
in a palatable and easily di.
gested form, also the hypo -
� yl'o•
phosphites which are so valua-
ble in nervous disordersthat
usually accompany anaemia.
fatty food that is more easily
digested .than any other form
of fat. A certain amount of
flesh is necessary for health..
You canet it in this way.
We haveknown per-
sons to gain a pound a
day while taking it.
Sac. and $x.00, all druggists.
SCOTT At BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. tet
rineot What Viler Do. or Should 40,1ia
Cnteee of Pool on the •Rolls -,Fete
• nale teem round wanting 'When.
the a nterhener•Canee.
"Co the ,Nnginoer belongs the most
ntzutito s end ttcl u thes tits
u r me a the most
• restetnellele tusk .of any. ot,,tbe men who,
. run the train. and the paeseugere on one
ors he greet Vene to they4oll back in -their .
-txe'nttr•rettilln1; the Most recent work of fic•
titin err Gutting Placidly torch et'the' seen'
. erg sretrcef y ever 'give a thought to the
fut•1 that ahead of them is a dust and oil
bt•Krtu,etI mun who, for the time being.
literally enirtes their lives In the hollow
of his sweaty. hand, It iu-extraordInary
how few cases there are where engineers
have been, room! derelict in the' moment
I of trine here have been innumerable
1 ;weeks since railroads were first intro'
' duvted Into the! country, but the record of
'` the number of engineera•who have. failed-
! when n the cr•urinl teat came la- inflate
t 1
tAs 1.
i a v`
When u e" danger appears •dao front,
" ' an •An i uce,a
d rte
is. first t
o close the
second, to .utiply:..the--alrhrukea;
third. • to reverse the engine -that Is, to
.' throw' alvei^ the ieversieg lever, which
enables the engine .tit run in the opposite
direction from which it bed .aeon going;
fourth, to. reopen the tfu•attte, To do
tbese four acts calls for bat -a small frau
tion of. time. but where wrecks result the
danger hi usually .So lmntinentr res ere-
qui+tftly not to leave even-satireient inter;
What They Must Do and Know to
Proeare a ]Gleans*.
Last sunnier in Scotland Yard I at-
tended an examination of men who de/sir-
ed to be appointed bus and cab drivers,
and the affair was most amusing.
They've a rickety aid bus down there. a
perfect ark, and attached to the fore of It
a brace of one time Derby winners likely
.that after a meal of ginger and pepper de
get up enough animation to drag that ark
et a spanking gait the length of the in -
The would be driver Mounts the box,
whips .up the ..borses .and .,attempts., to..
drive -between two stakes planted in the
ground so 'close ' together that to go bee
tween them means to escape them at the
hubs/ dcarcoly more than a quarter of an
inch oneither side. •
Sometimes the driver manages 1t. If
he repeats the teat •two or three timeit.
with success' and also manages to get his
horses pulled up sharp when a finger !A
raised, the finger of a proxy policeman.
be is appointed and given the first open-
ing. And thereafter for years he le prig
ileged to amaze' Americans by his won•
derful cleverness. with tbe reins s in the
crowded Strand or Ptcoadilly threes,
It is different with the would
be Ca
bee. They, too, are compelled to drive
between stakes andto pull up
but snore than that is asked
of them.
':1f you were to pick' up a tare in the
Addison road to drive to-Upper.Bedford
place, what would be your route?"
Such question as that are put Ito them.,
Now, there are endless routes, but cabby
is obliged by law to take -the shortest,
and if he cannot draw the line along the
map of London marking that •shortest
Twin acconipsise thew; randuftee when route he is. told, to go lame and study for-
the ruins have been •cletrred away the, ; another month.
body :of the faithful guurdion has been But where tie trtii.i< dozens. of others
discovered) with his hand stiff in death on and a s('°lf+ *elk Alcili•a eels
the throttle. reverse lever or brake,' and • .don street bearrs s. se of the enormess
bearing silent witness •as to haw far he number of men who know their, city like
a book
had got toward the accomplishment of • . How many hansoms there are in
thatduty which he bad yielded his life' London 1' do not know, but• 1 know this:
to perform.•- "The cab I called one morning was No, 8,
_Many engineers are reckliess'and will' 'the cab: I calledw•that.sttternoon was No.
take awful chances. At one time a ter- 00,078. -Detroit Free Press.. • •
-twin driver was taking through.a special �"klre m Snperrtttiari,'
train consisting tit; four .empty freight a
carer and a eitboese. • The station master • I beard what .wasto me at least a
told him that the down'traln Was d tribe. • brand new ;piece of superstition , yester-
bite and due at the text station' beyond, day, and when I:think of the ;risks I've
seven: miles.away..at:2;37.. o'elgck...Glance run all these years because 1 didn't knew
ing at his watch, the engineer said he had of it thy -blood rune OK •'1met a woman
nine minutes and decided to take the front' Virginia in market yesterday, and
chance. EIe had . to cross a bridge just .the 'talk falling on' dreams i recalled A
beyond the town he was leaving and mid-- most bloc curdling nightmare 1 had had
ivfiy iiMin he begun to increase his denlglt be ore, • • •
speed. As the engine struck•ground again .: "1 • must tell you what T,dreamed fast
e other si e• and they headed: night" 1 said..
on .th
straight up tidever's • valley be threw
her wide open a gape his engine every
ounce of steam here .was in the boiler.
"Let me asic first whether it's a pleas-
ant or nn, 'pleasant dream?" said the,
lady from Virgirda. •
MEN OF MARK.' down train bead en.. Both engineers and said she. "Never tell a bad dream on
_ firemen we killed outright,and the Saturday, for we say in Virginia -e._ •
Russell Sa •e sn, F he is .Pond o! buss• engines reduced to a Condition that ren- "Friday night's' dream on Saturday told
b dered them only fit for. the scrap heaps.,Is sure to come true, no matter how old.o..
meas from habit and .can do as much A
work now as he ever toned. Strange to say, no passengere.or other --Washington' Post,'
Th I J h t Iiin i tl f members of either crew were killed out .
short one. its width being:har y gc`•eafer
'Flour of the oldest peen iu the acuate than the combined ' lengthof° engine. ands ' Playing Ceras, t=
;.sit side by side on the front row. Thr,' tender." The masonry had been carried . The marks. on piaying cords ore said to
are i'ettus of Alabama. who is 78 years away; blit. the fishplates and spikes hove their origin in n symbolic represen-•
old: Cockrell of Missouri. who Is efu: hauling firm, the rails ;still"crossed tbe''•tatfon otf'our•dtfrerent 'series of society.
'"Vest, also of Missouri. who Is verging on gully. This held the rail' line.ol•;Iight' 1arts represent ttie clergy, spades the
7O; anti Vorg,ta of Alabama, who will be true and in consequence the engineer nobility -(derived from the Italian word,
lea beat .Tunes: was well up to tfe,dnnger before he real• !'spads,ir'meaning sword), clubs the aerie
tfarry J. Bascom of Providence. th feed .r...=ere wax able to stop the train. ` tandtiiprnoncL tfie citizens.
winner of several prizes for collies from hitt to do so had' to go into the ditch him- •
•'•the New York dos either, has Presented self, although fortunately he did not loge • STIFF JOINTS •
Magistrate Crane of New York because He was washed Out of his cab window Arerowdily limbered up by- the e:miica-
Mr. Crane severely fined a man for kick- by the flood. Ills jumper catching over tion of.Itugyard's•Yellow Oil.. 1t is the
'Jog a homeless dog. a stone, the train ne'tvsboy fortunately i beet' remedy for sprains, sirainee .and mne-
Seeretary, of the Navy Long is knownfound him In time to save hint. from oalar soreness. )1al►co 26o,
itIA the green bag member of the cabinet. death be drovrtsinift- 80 Boson thing was , Arrangements are being competed.for'
seeeChia comes from a habit acquired when it that wizen the 'tram" carne to a full the establishment of a Ranieri Complete
died his legal papers to court in a groes truck of the. hatlgage 'chi., wets banging A Great JOu'id Tb D & L Enna-
ba th shape t a woman's shopping ever the opening �n�da by the wflshout, f C d L 0 great builder.
one of hie most enfeeble dogs to C'otice - his life.
4"e. s< Massachusetts lawyer. He always cert Atop the "front ,prlieela of the forwaitd in:Oenade. •
Huila - a nen
g. e oAdan o o Iver fl is a re It
bag. with a tuck string In the opening: o ane was Injured save a engineer, i 8100gives weight; adds healthy flesh, and over -
Ellice the death of bis wife Lord Sadie- who escaped with a couplb of broken: libel coals any downward tendency of health.
bury is lending a life so retired as to be and a dislocated shoulder. lie complete' Davis del, w wnty Co , Ltd., makers.
almost that of a hermit. Be will see 1y recovered, however, and W one et the
only his oldest and most intimate friends most trusted engineers on that partienlar ' Dr, Alfred .7 'Wattex,"the inventor of
or. thmnu who cell on business of para• lien to this city< r crystal gold, which is used In dentlstry,.
mount importance. Madness, too, is the A rather amusing thing occurred lb" died at his home in Bxaokiytt from oldBu
mienee only thing that takes him out of hit connection with this wreck: There - watt age.
nag. • , little coal its the tender, what teas left • • .Irr.rowtsr'e Extrect oil Wild Strawberry
e John Jacob Astor owns one of the being in the rear end;: god the fireman for over 40 years has been the standard
most valuable manuscripts in'this eon -
atm gone hack to shovel It forward. The remedy for diarrhtes, dysentery, oransppe
try.' It is the famous Sforza missals and impetus of the engine tainted It to jump andcolic. Bowen of substitutes and trait -
true bought for 515.000. It weasurc s -Clear across the gunk "and 'stick its 'IMO ations; moat of them are highly dangerous
1$%.. by 0% inches. has 184 pages of vet- • in the opposite batik, The sear part, be* Mr. it . $, Vevey of Sr Catharines
tum and is bound in red morocco. tt was Ing the heavier, dropped Etat, tarrying was'fottnd dead' in the tannery office.
made and decorated for Gateau* Sforza the forward part of the tender with it, It is supposed he teas attacked with
J"'a'' 'A-• by the great Florentine artist, Francesca causing tender •end engine to Abut hit heart disease.
I Filippo .Lipp'. like a jackknife. l'be fireman was tossed glee leas Nt
Cleats over the engine and alighted unin.• tae in p gbte, caused bq a persistent
lured on the track beyond the washont: fir g cough. PynyPectoral gaiokly
lie was a lanky, Aix foot Irishman, curets the moat severe coughs. It soothes,
with carroty hair And the brogue slid beats, never. fails to pare. Matinfaotnred
strong upon him. to felling of his ex,, by the proprietors of Perry Dare' pain=
perfectoafterward be said: Rifler. •
• "Sure,it was a quare expaytktence Alph Glrotlard, ao botelkeeper of Ste,
there was. I one mluit stooping wid,tne Cunegonde. was haliciling an incandes-
ehovei 'aver thy coal' bane and the next 1 Cent electric light when he received A
A Resident Physioian..-Jthat'e what
you could rightly call Dr. Von Stan's titre-.
apple Tablets -for after Al bow few are
the family complaints thet cannot be reach-
aha treated direotly through the- stom
ace. These wonderful little phyeiaiana.--
thern la, a box --3 c n --
G e t_
110 t1 heel ail
atamtttrlt disorders in old or yaanp-.ixs•'
eipient• easel or chronic oases -they me
pure and palatable: Sold by Watte's& CO.
The )hilitis Department has under con-
'riderittiort four Magnin for tLord Strath.'
cones contingent. They ate Strethcona e
Horse," "Strethaona's Rifles," i'ttratb-
tyona't Oirn" and "Stratheona hangers; r
It le understood that the nigh 'Commis -
Intik a was 1 and me shovel and th • elaoelc and dr
mtnit t r eapnea: dead.
coal alt flying troo de air. and each trying
to tree wbo would get -there first. GloryRHEUMATISM CURED,
be that I was not hurt at all, at all. It'I Those *offering . from • rheumatism,
a brave man is &folke`(tho engineer), fine, dolaths& Or ItImbago *ell find at positive
big, brave man. nor. The 9 last thing hit onre is% Milburn's liheumatto l'ille. They're
said' was- What do you think it wait, guaranteed to help you or your money
sor, and hien expecting to die -the next black. Pride 60 Denw
rninit. at that, sot? Widow turning his
head he yells out to tae, 'Justis. Iron red• : 4116EIVF.11't HOSPITAL.
headed scoundrel!' he yells, tend- while I
trams. . e. t tette it eery heamatiMkoindiy that he thought etnbdel,ifea Darden••--foetb
fame the name of "Strathcona'i didn't have no totme to do es bo'tould ri
of ma as re flied 'fee tears stood irr the Amerism d
Rheum ito Care' Elfte r
TIIB MATO ItA.ilitlt • honest fellow's eyes all. be tool th* story. kermenent Cure.
•Yaris Tribune.
The .New
T life
E. Smith, of Atmore
I'sdepend to matey k home, Dotage Dr.• iyaod iioepital, SI. T'harriae, hart ane ten
/ygnew's (*0 fist' estei rrt Never pails One,.of the earliest colics known- is '+t . rand of miser , he wait so afflicted wit
a oine In 00
filter dfm ter ,� in c dl 7 Il L•
d C .
rhe t En
tisanes . triedge
H 1I an
tet (tare Utast ;Odense -%Belief in 30 It is worth in money value as *enter butall to neral cares
eeilt+' tar *11sctors for $7. halt oat mach benefit, Alter htivirthenma.
'irintlted. half a bottle of South Amerioaen Iihentrta-
The-pail oilr9 ith, has, hovered many a tto.Cara ha found great relief, and rout+
heals itakitl for the feet Maio "ttb�r. Dr. 'patriCk,ol.Dtintlea, battler cured Item permanentl .
alsouled r y
4 ilbie Sandie"` and rl . dew's Care for the Boothia has accepted the Pritieititoi.
thel grima , g , 1
ha k to period" tend permanent health.. .
That. Patriot of Aylmer. Quo„ bt. Beats
The doetoseft gate him up to die may l► ' There it to snob thing. Scott's Draai• ' Children OrV for
*shim Mkt In thin wiles and sorer will not ettve da noedi 014811 1110 talion ill
oared niter, CASTORlik
Dootore Said IIs Masi Die, But Ile Rallied
Under South American Kidney Cure,
and Diabetes Was Lbeoiutely Oared. -
A prominent legal light in ii t7anadlan
-Western town treated and dieted for years
for what the doctors diagnosed au incur
able case of diabetes. He became so bad
that he bad to quit his praotioe,other •come
piioatione setting in. and his sufferings
weremoldi ten e� Al
mostaa last resort
he tried South American KidneyOure,end,
to hie own surprise, immediately began-
to•improve. This ie Over ta' 'ear ago, . Se
continued taking this greatest of kidney
epeoiftos, and to -day be la a wen men,
•rrted Ina Oirinese C
Htoal Mins.
1. A strange occurrence Is reported from.
the district of lining Kooehow.. In the:
'neighboring province 'Of Anhui,: where
there are extensive coal workings, a pat~`
sty of miners . struck an ancient shaft
'!where history records ;that a great edam- -
itrophe•occurred .400 years ago, the rec..
'rds being preserved• among the . local
e sewers
The miners,.onreo enlng thisi old sh
came upon upward of 170• bodies of the
former workere
r tp
.whe e they had
been overcone with foil gaa four tntuIied b c k,ha'cor Aaoa were as if those
„'if yesterday. Tfie !
i ke•t
If hen who had only just died.
On an. attempt , being made to mbve
• twin outside foe burial they all crumbled
Way, leaving nothing but a pile of dust
t rid the remnants at the stronger part of
1 heir clothing.-Stray,Stories,
• We offer to the readers of th.a . paper a
never failing remedy, for Catarrl', Bron
chitia, frratable 7:broat, and kindt..1 •effeo-
tione in Oetarrbt sone. There is •u Mys•
tory at: s:t,r t the effect. Le ••+.foist
Ointments; muskies and snuffs.have proved
worse than unities because- they cannot
,reeoh the seat of the disease.; .bat Catarrh -
ozone is carried by the.onlyvehicle (shot -or~
yon breath) nature allows :to' enter into the
lungs or .bronohial .tabes, directly to the
seat of the seat of the dinettes, where it
kills the germ life that oe,usee Catarrh; and
at the same time heals,, all the affected
parte, It onrae, by inbalation, and is both
pleasant and safe to nee. Forsale at all
druggists or by maii, price $100, For
trial outfit send 10o in stamlre'to N. 0. Poi-
son & Co., Box 580 Hiagaton, Ont.
The Ontly Effect assn Her of a Mid.
winter . Blizaard :Was to Sharpen
• Men. Fhculties and Make Her Think
Quicker Than -Brune.'
No far search.is.needed along the wind
swept' coast of New England to find wo-.
men of heroic fiber and a fertility of. re-
source es notable as their unselfishness.
During the tight of the great "lieebru-
tirL_blizzard” of ins one oe these good'.
women, living on one of .the .thorough- '
fares of the Massachusetts "north shore"
kept'a light burning and a supply of hot
coffee ready for possible need' It "was
not the - first time this "lady bountiful'
had watched on wild winter nights. lest• a
sufferer should struggle by her door un. .
seen. •• • •
Her husband, lay on the sofa, .and the
rest of the family were abed. The wind
shrieked outside, dashing the snow .
against, the panes, and the very house
shuddered in the plunges of the storm.
1i; ree branches broke, telegraph poles
Snapped and fell,rind the drifts in the
streets piled ;higher and higher, •
Every little while the sleepless honed-
-wife -went 'to the window and looked out.
She could ace little, for the !.flying snow
was as thick as smoke. Only nbw and•
then a flash- when the wind blew the fall•
en electric wares together "shade darkness
visible" and showed her where the road
lay. One of these flashes revealed some-
hhiog tket startled her. She,ealled to'her
"There's a than wandering rpund In
the snow out on • the lawns" The drowsy husband thought•she might
be mistaken. •
"There is some one out there, and
there's n team in the street stuck fasts"
The bu'sband doused himself and atrng-
gk'd into his boots and sister. In a very
short time he had a tauten' lit and was
out, capped and,,mlttened, in the storm,
while itis wife made swift preparations
• to receive a guest.
It was.'a sbrry looking figure that the
titian of the house- brought in with' hint -
cap and coat, hair, beard and eyebrows
powdered white -the effigy of a half. fro,
tribe washtubs would make..ae"" " """"
,After a good deal of floundering 'the
men euceeeded In leading the fagged amid
bewildered, beasts to the basement dont
and atablinttbew lu the laundry. They
were a fine pitir of grays, and the lady
welcomed them with admiring pity. Then
another hospitable Impulse seized her as
she looked at their snow covered backs
and sides.
"The poor, dear thingst They are cold.
'fake them into thecellarwhere the fur•
nace is. Rub them down, and well give
them a bot supper."
—tier tier husband winked t4 the teamster.
"All right" -he said. "It takes a woman
to know whets, horse wants. not where's
the feed?".
"You wait," replied the lady, and skip•
prawn stairs. - •
"Doesn't she beat all?" remarked the
man of the • house. "Did you ever see
such a• woman for .expedients? It's al?
ways -so, I call her 'general caretaker,''
for she takes In 'the whole world. ren•
only a private when she commands."
The teamster gave. hearty and eomple
mentary assent, .but the amused - wonder
of bath then grew perceptibly. *hen the
practical woman came down cellar with
the "feed" in a big bucket and two big
old straw hats for nose ball et0«
yougot coffee
and bakedbeans'
he pail?"1
qu zzed her husband,
. sThe good Wife was laughing.now giber, -
self, ,and . the hilarity became •general
when she explained:
"There was 'Oily a little Indian meal,
but I emptied all the oatmeal, cracked
wheat, graham and crackers into the pail.
and .made a hot water mush, and I put
in a little salt and a pinch or two of,gin-
But the borses ate it.
When the guest took his leave the next
,:.70s, es the road was broken out .
to make travel possible -be felt an mil-
hnrrnssment of gratitude. for his -bene
'actors would take no money. • -
"After.I'd gone to bed last night, think. •
orthe' way you entertain strangers,"
he said to his hostess, "some•of my Bible
;came back to me, end 1 told myself
no angel, but.' considering the pains you
took for me, I ought to. be one: 'Many
daughters have dope virtuously, but thou,
ezerilest themall.' Goodby, ,and God:
bless you, and 'I only wish . women like
yon could votes.
And, shaking hands, warmly; the honest
teamster parted from two friends whom
be wilt neves' forget. ` Probably his horses
never-•wtti so--tong•-aa'--they- travel thai!"-.°
road; .
GLENDOW• I c` r coin call s, pirib
from the vasty deep.".:
HtY TPR " Why, so' can I, or
SO fax any' man.
"But will they come when you di'
call for . The Q ''--iS!2fAXESPEARE.
How quickly Hotspur's wise and witty
retort tears the tragic mantle in which
Glendower_, stalks, and shows beneath
the seer's robe, the motley of the mounte-
bank. Most people -would have taken.
the Welchman . at his word, and called
hint sees, without noting the difference'
between to call and to command.
Certain points of comparison are sug-
gested between Glendower's tragic claim
and the comic ciaimttmade in some spe-
cions advertisements. "I am a Weman
I know all about woman. I understand
woman, and I can cure woman because l
am a woman." The modern• Mrs. Hot-
'spur puts her finger right on the . weak
spot of that clamorous' claim by saying •
"Why if you can cure woman simply
because you are a woman, then so can
and so can. any woman." ,. Which very
plainly brings out the common sense
fact that the cure of diseases does not
depend upon being a- matt or being a
woman but does depend upon being a
trained and e,xperienced'•¢hysictan.
" There is, as far as is known, no quali-
fied woman physician associated with
any proprietary medicine firm. It is cer-
tain that there is ndir.one, man or woman
wino can show an experience or record
equal to that of Dr. R. V. Pierce; more
than thirty years of treatment of wom-
en's diseases,_ninety-eight per cent.
cured out of nuke than alfa -million
women treated. Sick women can con-
sult Dr. Pierce by letter absolutely free
of charge. Every Tetter is held as
_strictlyprivate dad sacredly confidential.
All answers are mailed securely sealed in
perfectly plain envelopes. Address Dr,
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr.'Pierce's Favorite Preectinr
tion makes 'Weak Women
Strong and Sick Women Well.
inlet teamster who had been stalled in the Vire, • rule, -' ♦ asset, P1afe:6ia/04
Orrick, .v littoX st BLOCS, Centrax
anow ae his way from Marblehead to Sa-
lem. The warmth of the tooth soon
brought him to himself, and a few min -
Igen inter he watt sitting by the fire drink+
Ing bot coffee and finding out where he -
"This is comfort," be
uiiJ, "but my
poet, horses -faithful old fel I bean's
a thought but 1 could get home when I"-••
"But," interrupted the lady, "We are
not going toletyopr horses freeze. Tlierte's
a barn at aur next neighbor's a. few rods,
farther on." ' -
Iler husband stood in his storm rig;
thinking of the team, bu
ability to extricate it without help.
"My dear madam," sat the stranger,
"my horses could not be forced stet
farther. They're swampsd the snow
bank, and the wind In their faces blends
"Then unhitch' them and bring 'there
tip on the veranda and blanket theta.
They will be out of the •wind there-part.
at Nast. No: let methlnk. We case
do better than than' she added. "Lead
the poor creatures into the basement
laundry ----PIC move things
and open the was wondering
door." "
The lady's . husband
What would tette next. y tint
doubting his
d a In
out of the way
He mild1 sn
gaited that the back yard gate was Anow•
edin end could not be opened, but her He
P19 was quick and; decisive:
"Lift, it oft,the hinges."
- The tgam.ster looked up ingedringly_
Ser prwmyt and friendly interest in his
cage put new life tato hint. Hie holt was
beginning to. Iauglt.
"What steered tlsyre guest"• he exclaimed.
"Cont,liWe'll dig opt those home: I nee'•
ex. thenght hefor* what eanitil fnelrin,
Martha* haluten the Atient And ,'ship of Manitoba ( resbyterian)0o1 ege .$tM . ,Thee h (4. irk, civil engineer of t,
lewd. nursed the sufferer -. surceetftu tete late Cr, King,
The wife of Mon..Tohn iiatggart died'
A YORE Goan p'Oli CONt3tindiiiTION. in the hospital at Montreal.
Inmate for ilveyesita; was ups le to work
um. Dr Ltgnew a Cure for the heart don comes the nearest to it NO even that
tima it will earn this disease.
Very "sludge Thintitly, atitctiont of dui
fie till
L gp Hada* da* 2JCdr •
1'tAVIx &!l.AWlttemss CO., Leanest
Protects( Deny Dallis' PetnulCliler
Pittston, Ont. _....._...w
• General Dtatrlot Agent for the
Confederation Life Insurance Co
for Stratford and Goderieb, inclusive. •A11 in
°matfett relating to Insurance gladly gives ,
stoney to loan at reasonable rates,
°Akre Its Patten Btleuk
Agent for tine MAtt6HEsTElt Pis Asstrneaen
Co. of Manehoeter, Eastland, w1aose funds and
security__ are rated at 114,5110,000. Also the Mo-
Btt,LbP MUTtUAr L�.tsup pea Co. A11 classes of
farm risks andieolkted town property taken
Mt lot est rates, F• st-cease Loan Companies
also represented. Mortes to be had frons Siper
Cent net, according to nature of scent ter.; -
f aiiytoh)mf i l to Ho:meavG . - postal card will
S •
AItETEM B laTItIsES,�erefors
Temperance & G81erel Lite
ASslrl'ee11Ce DO'
os Tosoltxo
is the BUT COM?AN'lf tar the BMW ':OVAL
of total abs sing Zein Canada. Fax r tte. veto
enquire of
A(inlaid W t7 MYERS, "" ,
deroee s7 Agent 8t. orP.O.Hox 170`
e Utmost
biotin & Lanashi tib
Established t tit Eason as ass%.
Xn ested Funds, w 44632,23S
1Gi BtiliAl,
forms of itxtes 87VrP0tiild,n11SIt tttleOtionaIbitOrldwdeminof
feiteble. Money leeneld: Popsies purchafed.,
New Dasbte�sAie1 beef N,Aib.000
dale peed Potloy.Holdersw.0OD
1lull Informatfon'ftenbbod bo
law, OUP*.
The Stamp of Security.
On every "Mater Shoe", put there by the
makers Rs a guarantee of wear value --••7a protec-
t#ori againstextortionate profits.
Many men would readily pay more for a e
" Slater Shoe " were not the price stamped on
the sole ehis'stamp gives the actual market
valueof the 'siltoe determined, by tele nianui arc-
enters. t
Made in twelve
foot -model shapes, all
• sizes; widths; neatest r's,
colors and. styles. Avery pair Good-
year welted.
$3,5o and $5.QQ.
.Jackson Bras„ SoW.iigents for Clinton.
rortorpid F t i
d Liver,
A Poor Digestion,
Biliousness and
Sick Head -Ache.
They are Safe
Mild, Quick -40U
Painless, do not we en,
And alwa s• give satisf tion.
They are the most reliable:Household Medi in - nown, and
oast be• taken at any season by,Adilts or•Children. .
• ,mor
adie 9rtsaaaap Jr .t ilae"rti�e dntrtW
General Builder :and Contractor.
,This taotory, is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma-
-chimers', capabte of doing work on the shortest notice. We oarry an extensive
•and reliable stook and prepared plane, and give estimates for and build all class:
es of buildings. on abort notice and old the closest prioee All work ie supervis•
• ed in a mechanical way and satieftiotion guaranteed. • We sell all kinde of in-
terior and exterior material.:', •
Lumber Lath, Shingles,. Lime,-, iSash Doors, :BB
Agent for the OelebratedRA1BILL SOSOOL DE$I ,° me
at Waterloo. Call enel gots twines. and estimates before _pleoing your orde
. Give Perfumes if you'd please •the time -
sex. The choicest kindearehere. All the
• famone makes -all the; desirable odors--
andmany 'finds pus np in 'specially attrao-
PE rFiT?Luiz-e Christmas packages. , •
and .b
Dainty C litie for both Ladles
and Men- for Young or' Old'
• Ourassortment oaline hair Brushes,
Military Brnshee, Mirrors, Whisks, is
ebony and handelome woods, is the most,
complete in the town. And the mostinter«
,M eating part, t6 you is that prices are far be-
- low what you've been accustomed to pay
for similar *dialect elsewhere.
H. B, t CHI/1BE Chemist'a Druggist
Cutters and
We Seep in Stock and nate to order
Cutters and Sleighs of all kinds.
i .+teF
I am a t'a;; mer faceted near Stony Brook, dile of the most malarious
districts in this State, and w.vas'boihcrodl with malaria for years, at times
`.so I could not work, and was always very constipated as Wo1I• or
Yeti* l had malaria so bad in the spring, when engaged in -plowing,
that I could do nothing but shake. l must stave taken about a barrel
of Offline pills besides dozens of c•thcr remedies, but never tobsained
, any permanent benefit. Last fail,i t peach time. f had a most serious
. attack of chills and then commenct•d to take Ripens Tabules, upon s
\ktend's advice, and the f-st boy: r+•, tdc me ell light and I have never
`been without them sill', i i take one 'i'�(.ltJ:o eu:at s;torniilgand night
• `sand Sometimes when I feel more than Ust:ally exhausted I take three in
They have kept my seisms. h Si1'dct,
bowels regular and f
hit fie riot hack'the least touch ol• tt, •r ,:•i.l tror s " [ittirl'g headache slnce l
r ter andVit
tspe;t: het
'COfi:11'�'1CClCed''ltSln}Z;'therrt, l know o .h t i t pp
,. �trwr�iIteirettJhed than farmer:r
y. l cell t i<:tow how many complaints
Ripanr Tabules wilt help, but I do !r ,ow :hey v,'iil cure any one in the
r eonditiothi was and I would not ‘0.0 '., deft int them at any price. f
honestly c nsiderthem,the cheapest -prized medicine in the world, as
are a�: the most beneficial and the most convenient to take.
1 t rent r,=aeverf years of age an.) have worked hard all my life,,ths
allltrn�l all mosf"e•farrners, both early' and Lae and lie all kinds of wee
and 1 have nevIr enjoyed such good health As f have since east fail,
my neigh a have all remarked my improved condition and ha
Sat John, what are youdoing to look so healthy i' •
AMIS.-460110th bee* ILO SU P Alt 5 not n: t ru era►. :fl.. 5 aar.Ua ae4
fie0 it SRO • leo set ',V OM n11 P.,4,:,,08 Ut Ur TMicAlt• and at.:eut Nn se $I&
atlwra tele ter 1114(*Wk.%A .*ti, .^.
t.r *ti, . ^• At to b•, 1.1rn
nl in be, A. -- w w. tor A wrv.'Natle teats. locate tea
rests il%iMtt