HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-02-02, Page 1r> •
.. • .
IROCOMMend the New Rea to
• yOut Mende. • :
T.COEIRT liOTATES, eubleher..1
eee twee* ee
• • - • -
o 'Qtrattmonaes enoveon.-The vegutar
You win
here a complete stook
or Watches, Cloolse, Jewelry,
Silverware, Cutlery, Ohina,
'Spereaoles, and _1%11'kb:ids or
e mell noveltiee Ebuy and
Eiterling Silver, Cat Steel, Side
Cones, Purses: Fiore Eo., ip •
tut you will fine, everything
here that Pr to " be found in a
first•olasejewelry reeve.
all articles bought here
free of charge, and as we expect
a lot.of this kind of work to do,
we woad ask you to select your
o blates and let AEI know the en.
graving you would like on them
as soon as possible, as ,et wifl
save us a lot bf trouble,. and we
will be able to do a nMer •job
for yea.
AU artiolebought here
engraved free becharge.
.•*bert will you be In?
And Optic Ian
meetiog of the Baylield (simile and
Sacrament of the Linde tamper will be
administered in Cole's church next •
Sabbath at 10.80 NEO.
Slay -Mae -A pleasant evening was
spent at Robt, McOarthy'e, Out line,
Hohnesville, on Thursday. evening, it
being an oyster supper. There was a
large gathering, inclu Inv you g
people from Goderich, Clinton n011neenliars
• •
• ...likr"gt4.4.77"1471,17:: *r.
The .News of the Neighb.0..rhood
Supplied by the New Erne* widestairake and reliable' Correspondents'
, Dungennon.
Varna .
and Rayeeld After supper the re: Stem• ---The manY friends of Mre NOToe.-Two steee.....,-e loads of our !Castor/am SocanTre,- The
games. every low -with agpendicitie, though we entland, Nile, last' Thursday night nual meeting dri Weclnesday afternoon Additional 'meal News,
-' -
CHURCH.-Don'tforgetthe p x. 0%. interest .
League anniversary to be held in wg
Tamer's church on Sunday and Mon .
day, Feb. 11 and 12, Xleir. R. Hobbs,
of Winghatn,.: will preach an Sunday To Farniers'
at 11 a.m. and 7 D. on. • Be will lecture
• Mier,
tnainder of the evening was retient in Ford will be sorry toknow that she is rung people drove over to Mr IL of the missionary society held, their an-
pRegsanwemon.-The members end hope to bear Of er sPeede' eeeeeerY• and,ene,repert haying a very geasant when Mos Gerdou Wright, of Loudon E
„. on a"The Triangular Mani Special
music will he provided at all the ser-
vices. On Monday evening this wilier*.
Managed by IL Willis, of Seaforthr- A
rich treat ie in stare for eel wee/ ccene,
adherente et alikiiltoan'a cherela }12t 1 BVNA-WAX.-Ed. LeVis had a, nice tine in 'games end music. • r Gee. addressed the ladies. In the eyening who are
. • NTERTAINIM-Among the ladies
leet• Friday eight at Mr Middletonee Utile runaway' on Wedeesilay,• he left spent Saturday and Sunday amongst an open meeting was held, when MN are Mrs A. Armstrong, Mrs WM• liar -
entertaining friends this week
and leresented his daughter,Mies Clara, his mare standing with a load of old friends at Carlow ; he careful Geo, Mr Wright addressed the audience. Music land, Mrs Aux.
with a music chest as a miernorial of iron, when , she started and ran about • T. Clark took his utrual weekly Agit to was rendered by the choir, Mrs Mc- Pattison.
Taylor, Mrs A. O.
their friendship, Miss Middleton has forty rods; 'a gate post arrested her , Auburn on Sunday. Mr Frea Robin- Olymont and Miss McGuire. A silver .
been the organist in the clench for downward career. , Nothing more ler. ' nen hats the skatingeenk in good shape collection was taken at the door, • HAD 4 000D DAY. -At Newcombe's
we learn the white godde We Was
some time and this gift shows the feel- bus than a broken sleigh and a sudden 'gain, The C. O. rip are having se big
ing of Christian love and esteene °and fall in old Won, , • concert the evenine of Thursday, Feb. None. - A *reception service was
held in the Methodist church on Sim. large and Successful. Months ago the
' . Busi.-- Ur Thompson la ha,ving a Holmes' Bible class had their photos Pains til Make it fresticceire; e fa fo low. Were added ter the WI. On Sunday on Saturday last they were, we I re-
• brisk season at his saw -mill on the 41h taken about al week ago. TO is rumored 10, !tee kr:-:;:wait'llt.!8 t4) !:!°4--P-1-1'-rt : next•at 10,30 a. m. quarteriv, services Paid for their effort% • Not aely were
: con. lie has enaloyed Me D,een, of that ler Foster thought some of them etict.reoa, oi murmur. tomi,c,numor.
the appreciation of her lobore, A RANDSoME GoOtrre-ileiss D: A:, eat ; the committee are starini no det eVening last; ilve new members firm was preparirg for the eyenti and
ist, Newton Large, . of Listowel. har-
Goderiah. to run tie eavf.as we believe would "break the gle.ssi" so sold out to itom eolpist, the child wonder of that age. sawyer be cannot be excelled, Mr Burgess before they arriered; the don, ,Enoeutioniet aed Nile orchestra.
Lon -
Be has a'thorough knowledge of cut. mishaps were 'not as serious as &Mid- „es
ting lumber just as it, eught to be done. pitted, however, . as the two Georges Wornenee-Wedding,bells are ringing
Mr Cole Bayfleld line, Afe 'Young, of were put in the backgrinedelewhile the again this week. A very happy event
. Poi ter's*Hill, and Mr Torrance are Pet- sweet faces of the teacher and Miss took place on Jan. 17 at the home of
ronizing a good man by hauling their Jennie helped repel aftershock. Mrs Barber when heedaughteretivine,
one of 'Dungannon's remit popular
logs there- about $0,000 feet of lumber Focal Tan Airs jnoejordane young ladies, and „Mr White, of Ayr-
- each-- besides the loge brought in by of Roland, Man *a.ceompanied by tWo
Other customers. • • ...h • e f h mer, a prosperous young farmer, were
unieed in rnarriarre. Rev. B. Lt Hutton
or er sons, is visiting some o et
The Sick, Nelson Yeo, Bayfield many old ,friends here. She and her tied the knot. 'The -bride looked metes -
line, is improving' nicely, thoui• not husband, left .here ten years ago next =
he "Wrings and commenced farming near ually beantiful ; Miss T. Crawford pee-
s() rapidly as his friends would like;
formed the diities of bridesmaid While
• is not able to moye around much as Roland; they now worke half section
et. We are sorry to know' that A. of No. 1 land; some of their -wheat Mr Alex. Rentland that Of grooree
man. Only thenear relatives of the'
parties were present. After the cere
mony and Hie hearty cobgratulations,
they returned to the dining room
where they satisfied the inner man
with good things •prepared -for the
occasion after whichthe party' had a
pleaeant drive to &oder ich and Mr and
Mrs White took the 2.30 train for their
home in Aylnier.
Aniberley :
NoTes.-41. Berrie has rented the
Denyt farm from Hugh Pritchard, end
will becotne,a resident in the spring.
F. Malr•ohn has rented' the MeCourt
farm and has become' a resident. • The
pump house and pump was burned at
No. p school house' Friday night by
putting the ashes out of the ' stove in
• the house; had the winiebeenefrom thee
north it would have burned the school.
Misses Sadie and Flora McLellan pur-
pose returning to Detroit, after spend-
ing b. few menthe 'under the parental
roof. D. Cathcart 'has sold his farm
near Laurier tea Catieeron, of Ma-
ttel; Mr Cathcart intends leaving for
Nelson, II. C., this spring: • On Wed-.
nesday.last R. Ross took to himself a
wife, in the person of Maggie, eldest
dalighter of J. McKenele, -Ashfield;
1 •
OttintcH.-The congregation here on-
•leunday evening last was rather small
on Account of the inclement weather.
—a •
NbTes.--9eo. Hite son of J. Hill,
weturned from his tele to Michigan on
Friday last, Mrs H. Woodyard called
on her sister, Mrs Brownlee, on eMon-
.day. A. E. Wetheral was a' caner in
village on Saturday; it is -strange
lae did not go farther west.
• SCECo0". ItEEoRT.-The following is
the standing of the pupils of te, S. No.
4, Goderieh Township. for the month
of January, based on ragerdoilty,punctue
ality and general proficiency: -Class
Jennie Mane Ethel Huck. Oliyer:McII-
Yeen, Olive Hilejohn Hill, Stuart
. Norman Ball, Henry Beacom, Will
-Jordan. Albert Lovett, "Alfred Butt;
-Masa IV, Albert Colclough, .Annie
Lovett, Eddie Ball,Lily Butt,Oharlotte
Colburn, Harry Hayes, Pearl Beacom.
- eacidie lelle Herbert Oakes, Will
Beacom, John MclIveen, Louis John-
e•elII, Knox Malt, Melvin Hill,
'Mom, Alva Beacon, Ethel
th, Ethel LovetteRussell Neal, Oar-
-Butt, Peirel Wright;Jr. 111.-Crer y1
• Draper, Russell C/olburn, Loafer Sin-
clair, Earnest Challenger; Jr. II, Edna
Hardy Jobe Hayee, Lena Jordan, An-
nie Challenger, Ada Oolbern. Lorne
° • -Butt, Chester Beacom; • iv-. IL Bella
Ball Lizzie Johnston. Gertie Oakes,
• Maud Johnston; Pt, IL Will -Sinclair,
••••• °rant Archer,. Earl Meson . Myrtle
.e , ReacoroPedl, Howard Rill, Ase:, Al..a....ir:
. • . . . e
13nyileld ' 0. .
• °gnome -The services on the Bay.
field circuit on Sand next. will be:
Quarterly service at
.0. A. Turin TT. teacher.,
gle's at 10E0 rt,
, im., lovefeast and sacraineereE Pleoeth also'llobt. Marshall, ROW-, Marshall
sold a, good colt at a good price; se did
,e League fn the evenin at -7 er.m,;Betleel receiveda severe kick froni a horse,
§.0001 91, and lhaeheele Red up ea- some time.
' (Goderich Township • evening ,service
at '7p.m.; Bayfield, abbath
10 Lime Epworeh League- at 7 p.m. • Geo. Lofft, from Lspieri Mich., former-
ly of this township, is canvassing
•• Men Don. -One day last week m say- nrOntidSitraMerhilT for patron; he is
age dog entered the epartment of the about to Opena ttlackStruth shop. Ed,
' schoolhouse eendocted by Mr Holman Acheson, Jobe ' Teew.arthe, and. Jobn.
and did serne harm to tevb of the chi,- •Teo home eaph !tweeted in, .:a n,ew
• Wise, of the Bayfield road, is sue went as high as 27 bush. per acre this
very poorly; it was thought he headeeot year, and their entire , yield. was intp
beyond the danger line some tithe ago, - the thousands. She likes it there, but
and he appeared to be getting better, thinksa man with a farm in Ontario
but he had to go beck to bed last week; would have things more coinfortable,
we hope soon to learn of Ms complete and stay here. •
recovery. Levi Ttecksewho has been NOTES -Feed Leonard has had Dr.
quite ill with pleurisy, is now able to Blackall out about every deg for pear.
be out' and is nearly as. Well es ever, • ly a week with his best . mare; empacz
CONORRT:-Arandooncert Will be tion of the stomach is the trouble. E.
given in the school house, Bayfield Laves and wife spent part of last week
line, on Friday evening, Feb: 9th. The vieitingiehtnelent St. Marys' and other
teacher," Mr ilarnweil, has secured places east. Our blacksmith has
outside taleht; together With the good dropped to Old prides again; he was
local talent of Se S."No;7-10 for the occa. not the first to kick out•ofthe ring,
rion. The young people' of the section but when others did, he could do worse
are taking great part. A. &and time than follow. Quarterly meeting in the
is anticipated, and a good three hours' Methodist church on Sunday morning.
progrera will•consises,o dialogoese re- A meetitig of the Bifile Society will be
citations and siegin Zehp,school. an held in the Methodist church on Thure
elocutionist from. der Istenne -will also day evening, Feb. Brie wheat Italie:
take part and ewoline orchestras will Smith and Green will address us. E.
provide all. the music of the evening, Leen; is gathering up „coneiderable old
and should the evening prove favorable iron, and he and George will be ship -
a crowded house is expected. . ' ping 0 carload shortly, teem Clinton.
, ,•,- . •
We notice re number of nice new cut-
NOTEs.-Es Marshall; apt. JoSeph,
we understand, is looking for a farm wtelittohna.tth
‘17."d'Yoe,amEbn, gAtchleeemsojn. Tarried"
to buy in this vicinity; rumor states
others. • Rev, Mr Kellington, of,Nile,
that H. Beacon; Bayfield line, will
either sell or rent his farm; a good stopped at the parsonage Sunday night
and took the morning train for Lon -
farm, Eddie, Miss Alina"Yeo,Holmes-
vine, is the guest of her 'ceresin,- Miss
Inme Teo, Bayfteld line. The -farm.
ers are busy taking out the freebie -foe
J. Stewart's barn, also for Peter Cole's
barn S. G. Switzer has. now a veer
feet in diaineter. . - Jas. Steele; who was •so badly hint in a
valuable team Of horses, one lebught.r.
from A. Elliott, the other, from J. Cox. e • • • runawn.y accidentes gradually improv-
Goderech.• . , e.. , ing. Win. L. Blair had it family re -
delete last week; they have not all
Invitation cards. are out for the wedding
of Jessie A. °magi% Of Goderich, to A. ' ' been together for fifteen years, and
drove to Kincardine on Saturday, etral
had theirephoto Mken. • '
don. Ades O'Dell, of Aylmer, es Tent-
ing het- parents, Mr and Mrs Ladd. • Rev. Mr Miller conducted the marriage
MessreJelialstead-•andA.-Osbaldeston ceremony; the presents were numer.
are hauling some fine saw logs,, some ous and costly; We extend congratula-
of the elms measuring from four to six tions. We, are glad to report that•Mrs
of Buffaloeformerly of Bay. • 003iMITTED.-0bas. Johnston, coal -
•field. JeSivitzer halt given the con- witted for one year for horse stealing,,
tract' of his, barn- to W. Herd. Wm. and Edward, Hall, six months for shop -
Elliott, W" 'geld road, has taken the -breaking, were reinoved frbireGoder. •
eentracbed the stone work of P. Cole's 'iph to Kingeten lately:" - Porter's '
barn, also a wall under T. Pole's barn, • stinfaaite-On Tuesday IL Weather- NOTES. -The Chosen Friends will
9th on. , The, two.ferMe which Sam ald was beoeglit before Judge Masson hold their oyster supper on the I3th of
:Switzer had a,deertised• for sale some on a charge of lunacy, and 'the charge Feb. ; we undeestand it is to be private
time ago heens not been ebld.*;,,SE. Wise being premed. His Honor committed this year; the officers elect in Friends'
•-hitii to thee Provincid Asylum in Lon- lodge for the year 1,900 are as follows ;
don, to which institution he will be*, C., O., John Mc -
taken as soon as ppssible. " Olive • V" C Milton Woods . Rec., O.
• 'dreg ere it could be tirtyen aut. Me Otter.* • "
liblmati after platine the -children ma- , •
• •
' • -der the doctor weere„Trotified ther trus- e • e auburn.. ,
) " tees, whom we expeet drily inyes. •
130z SOCIAL. -4, box Social will he
eigtite the reatter. ' , ,, ;es•
O A. held in the Temperance Bell, Atiburn.
e , Buteme-A tea -meeting and metes- :on Wednesday evenibg, Feh, 7th, un-
- tainment will be held by. the manageres der the auspices of the Clanaditim Home
is appointed and the dem will appear Circle ewheir a progeatu will be.render-
ed by gerlent from ' Blyth, •Londeteoro,
e , .
of St..A.ndeew's -church; a committee
' in thew columns* In due time thate all. Neestfield. Nile --and .Dungannon, and
will be ready for a good time. 'A greed' win coasiet of itocal old instrumental'
ball and supper will be held by ehe O. Innate, readicitasegree entons, violin
o 0, le; in Abe MAIM Bat on Tuesday, selediene, dialogues and speechee.
Feb. 13th: Invitations are being sent Delors will be open at 7 p.m., lunch at
*to the surronading towneand,weather 1.30, • .
• ,e, perneitting, there will doubtless bre a Oinentrer,-..- The atonal meeting ri
,.• • laree crowd. Illise Whiddon will start Knox church wee held on jan. 151h,
' a dreesmaking establishmenb in the Very satisfactory reports from the dif-
near future; she will doubtless ;moire fererit organizations in connection
a seeeeeefel hnsiliess an she le widelY with the church were read, showing
knoWn to the public. Proprietors of that rod progress had been made der -
. elle bearding howler+ aregett tig in their ing t e past, year. The Meeting passed
stock of Jae prepaying to accommodate off very hartneelootay, and tbd pastor,
the sumtnee Yitritors. :tare Donaldson, R. ;Henderson, and ° the congregation
Jr.; has returned. after plaeingeeleccric are to be congratulated upon the sue.
eter. air Sowed .is anent to 'tell his cess achieved, andehe good work done
lights in beanie of Gorrie rend •Wrox-
• electric light heree..coirsequently the
iler • ' bounciliore are thritit to eubmie a by-
' law as to the procuring ota new pro-
/ • rittepe,yerse we are in hopes some
. wits and will bayeet voted On by the
changes will be • effected before mid.
Platinum it
1 Want • ,
Is what the children ettY grown.
up cnuaren say the slime thing. We hue.
Sesame lines of Brettefaet Cereals, Mehra -
beg Berns Poeta, Pettijohn's Wheat,Quaker
•Cate Eolled Barley, Wheat and, Oats, but
elle most popular brand is
Fair'S Renowned
'NOTE% .- The Minis' ,Anniversary W. Potter ;„Treas., W. liL Lo'bb • Pre-
, . .0
'was held tie the British .Exehabge last late, IL Ofex ; Marshall, John Hindle ;
Thurscl y evening, and was it grand Warden, R. Cantelon • Geard, G. G.
Weir; lex, Fraser, grand Chief of the Newton ; Sentry, S.G,'Kelly . Medical
-order, as present, and Hen. J. T., Examiner, ler. • Shaw. Mrs ' G. Card
Garrow, M. P., occupied the chair. ; and two children,from Dakotteand Mrs
Revival services .are Still being carried P Iseisate Kippen, are visiting at E. O.
on at Victoria St. Methtalist church. Potterer, Miss S. Start returned to
Ainong those who attended the hoekey her home, near Woodstock, on Mon -
thatch playerl in 'Clinton lastFriday tidy. Wm. Cox and sistereeof Bruce
were David. t hl . Arcb McOeu h. county, are visiting friends in this Clinton Collegolaroccupted the pulpit
an, WeIforIon. Harvey and John Gee., neighborhood. Our cerrespondent last of the Preehyrerian church here last
ens, R. Satiredere, Chas, Bale MT Par- week spoke of the•growth of our town, Sunday.' -Rey Mr Fletcher, of Thames_
sons and rhos. Burrows. Walter and in that we now support two black. Read, will preach here, hi -the Preabee
Mies Laura Willson, e`c fe Zion, 'visited enable but 'we think he must ba,ve lerian church, on Friday, at 2• p. nie
Metres in town on 'Sunday week. forgotten the shop on East strearrun
riteltartt Row working MT same lice Rev Mr Hamilton is almost recovered'
from his sickness. James Caldwell. jr.
GoLD ignin.m. 06.-A.Intinh-'6'r of pro, by Messes 'Cox. Gardener Lo., but ae
of this.. town, Toronto, Windsor and is , . ea, success wd J. e y en n 0
• 6 YA passed deer to the silent, majority, on
of whom Mention wag made last week;
minent,bueiness and professional men
Waodstock, met in the offices of Gar. qualety of. wornmasseip ; What we Monday evening, at the early age of
eow & Garrow on Tueltday night of "ea'
neve le a 14 '01011 and there e
z5 years ; his remains were interred at
hist week for the purpose of forming it eertatraw should be it good opening Burns' cherch cemetery, on Wednes.
'company to develop and operate four ner-• -- , day afternoon. A consulerable queu-
e! 161* one
very valuable mineral claims situated , .•
tity of square timber is being.delivered
in the well-known Lardeau district of, • •
will be beide!). the Methodrst church of
tbie village. Miss Maud „Andrews is
visiting her uncle near • Mitchell. The
Brucefield congregation of the Metho-
dist church presented its minister,
Rev. J. Andrews, with ,a load of
oats. Wm. Clark,of the Babylon line,
still continues very ill. Mrs Je Keyes,
of Parr Line, is on the sick list. St.
John's church. people were arranging
for a minced to 130 held on Feb. 13th
Mr And Mrs Eagleson, of Milton, Da,le•
are visiting B. A. • Wm. Mc-
Naughton, of Virden, .Man., and his
eldest daughter are :visiting •relatives
they well pleased with the output of
goods, but the ladies were delighted • . •
with the berg. ains secured. There is PROITINCIAL AermerreseetTee- The
no need of wing out of town for any- following gentlemen have been ape
thingwhen good bargains can be had in hpaolvnetetadkeJnustthiceeosa• oath'
our own town. N Iternighate Benmillet ; Wm. liable,
THE Gu er Orme-The seventh an- Dungannonet Chas. J. S. Nafteelelender-
nual meeting was held at ethe Hotel ich township.? Woe. Hilt, Bennelerer ;
Clarendon, on Friday evenitag John A. S. Vartoe, Colberne 'town-
ann was very successful, -hoth Ate ship. The license commissionere ,
tendanceeand the finance& The club West Huron have been reappointed.
had a prosperons year 7 The receipts as follows s -S. Sloan, reoderigh I e
run quite near to the century mark, McQuarrie, Blyth I. Jas. *eyelet, Olin.
being $0133 of assets, andeliabielles ton: 'the last named has been chair- ,
nil. The officers for the current year man of the board for a number of
and friends here. • , were elected T-Preeident, J. E. Cante- years, and the commissioners have '
FAICKERs'INsTiTuTR.-A meeting of lore ; Vice, J. Powell; secretary, S. E. per formed their duties so well and
the Farmers' Institute was held here Bletkall ; treasurer, J. E. Hovey; clirec- impartially that even the license.hold. •
in theTewn Hall Tuesdayafternocen., tors, Geo. Elinchley,-Jas. Fair, 0.John- ere acknowledge their fairgoer,. .
The day being blustery; it was very ston, Chas. Overbury and W Foster,
unfavorable, stillthere was a good at- Besides other business, several shar
tendancee quite a number of ladies be- es were transferred. (touting and Going. '
, .
IWe wonld, cell attention to our
Condition; Powder it is preparea, by
enjoin the formula of Alien Oa
Wiliong and 10 intended for the
haildinft up of any stork, for patting
them III 9914019U 19A: 00191 11 In.
°retiree the Appetite Ana proj000t
perfect digestion. For horses, cud-
tle, sheep or hogs it is a flesh Pro*.
dawn Sold • in 1 lb packages or
' 5 for 81. It has been used with
great swum Mt the numerous teed.
menials we have testify.
• Prescription.
Phone 2 . prute, Store
• `
ill .present to hear the lecture, on
course of her lecture a greet deal of
valuable information. In the evening I
leaving or Greene. Mich., ., where- s dee,
ereeente reside, his comrades and I
muds remembered:Paved Hearne . de . , •,
Ctj'eo. Hinehimexeentto_London on Mon -
this taloned lady gave another lecture presentipg him with a hatiarrom.e T. . ---
travelling case as a moment° . of his . Barrister Brydone went to Milverton
on "Domestic Zeonorny," which was
at Clinton Collegiate. On Tuesday. .
highly appreciated b6 the audience. 'noel deers
Pansiorrierierte Pr ious . to his • _
aerying" by Miss Madoc, which was f -- • m. r h. F. Snell, of muter, wail in town on rri-
Thiersday evening thirty of the college Miss Pierson, London, is the guest f • -
ident, eir•MeLean, and Rey, Mr An- boys assembled at Mr Bert. 'Potts' to etre ee. e. Hulse& •• 6 6
Mr McMurdie, Mr Mc inner, the Pres.
make the . presentation, after which
drewe. of Varna, gave short and ap.
propriate addresses. Music was. sup the evening, and well on in the morn- ni• and-Mrs-Orieli--visitecl-relativeri in.
II:miller on Sunday. ' •
Clinten and the Taylor & Dawson
plied • by the Doherty Quartette, of
String Med.- The hall was crowded. ing, was,pleawantly spent. The boys
regret David leaving, as he woe one of 8. Gidley, of Blyth, was registered at
ball team, a splendid halfback atd eke - ....
the meinstays of the Collegiate foot- themOishatrunnradoeon
TrOurPreri:107.of •ZuriCils, is • the 1
The meeting was closed by singing
school looked urion him as one ready .
guest ot Mrs Junor, lease target,
God Saye the Queen, .to take part in anything of interest to
..., thern. He will be missed in ehe emu. blies Kensey, of Seaforth, was tnegeret .
- Gon$sance. ing Collegiate games: He intends. to of Miss Clara Scott, over Sunday. -,, ,•
,jecting Christi" was presented by•Mrs . . - • " • - -
E., Sunday evening lase, the topic, 'fee Sault.
elluitoaleares.-At the E. L. of C. continue his studies at. the -American miss Snell, of wi h • '4
A. SPECIAL FEAVVRE FOR THE NEW lereohn k sillies, of II
sister, firs bi• O. DaVis•
ng am, was via
Jersey, North De
.. . her friend, Mrs W. Foster,last Week.
Campbell. Sunday evening will be the ERA. -The question on every person's kora, is visitin his
John Watt, who hes been Visiting at Mrs.
service •, •thetopric, "Seek first the
neonthly poll call and consecration
tongue now-edays is "What's the war
news to-dity ?" To keep' up in style Boles Eluron St„went on a triv to Toronto
kingdom of tleod," prepared. by Miso with many of our large weeklies, wo Monday. . • -
Mabel Steele. will .13e egad by Miss
Tena • MacGregor; The quarterly deem it wise to,give our large number er - _ . , „
t , r Harry learns, cattle dealer, of Bip.
of readers more lenathyand he very ae
meeting services will be held in this le was re ist 4 t t
church Suuday morning, st half -past latest in war matter every week. We ,,,Sers_ g ere e be Bettenbary on
have made arrangements for such, and e name.
ten o'clock ; Sunday school will be
erich iesue ot the Mew ERA. will con. Miss Bertha Creel, of Eleaforth, spent*
he:d at half -put two. • •
tami a two page supplenaent, devoted few days visiting relatives in town hoa•
NoTns.-Jos. Wheatley's sale came entirely tolhe war vrith the Boers in country. _ •
off Monday last ; although the daY, SouthAfrica. We will time be the Beetta. Reetall, of Goderich, wire in
was stormy, there was a large crowd only. weekly in Heron county to do town Diondey, on his way home from
gathered, and iood prices were realiz- such, knowing that our ,readers will Kincardine.
ed 1 Mr Wheat ey le %oininto busi- appreciate it, beef dealve are bound to
R. Holmes, M. Pe' left for Came, on
nese ,,• may he ' auccee . Robb. Arm-
strong entertained a number of Wen& weeklies. Now is the time for new yesterday-Thurstlay.
make the Now Ems. one of the best of Wednesday afternoon ; the Renee opened
Wednesday evening last. Albert Mc- subscribers. Not reeler will the regular
Gregor is busy preparing to go out newsy matter be Published each week, Horace Foster leaves for Brampton next
West in March, Mrs McCiely, of this concerning our own town, county cor- week. efes Foster and daughter expect' to
place, has been. called to Strathroee respondence, and other matter, but remain lieke until elle spring. '
owing to her nieces, the melees Wen', this is in addition. Subscribe now, Bare Feather, of Rochester, returned
being seriously hurt in a runaway acci. and. gel the paper with the most news. home on Wednesday, after a two w ere
dent, crewed. by the horses beinfrit• . visit with John Gardner in town. , •
ened by seeing a train. Last Sunday • A. CREAM Trineae-The extra concert Dr Agnew, formerly of Londesbororebet
MeerrinCooneiplaannda p raepapc appointed
dit mmissesifoon4rryy
plea' Star Course, -on Saturday reght. hae aeoidee to locete in WInghtun. .
given be' the management of the Peo- late of Germany, London and Igalttburiihr
collectors. but, owing ' to it being was retreat, VI/re-universal verdict of
stormy, there was not as large an ate those VAR) attended. There, yeas notit copilsittnorralit,yra.aWittssBf nralwthin. watiaas altaticoalIteerr
tendance as. usual. poor number rtn the program, eficten-
N )TES.—Mr Houston, PrineiPm ek. she atidietrae in her teeitals. and woe herr been a. faithfal and trusted employee .
Londesla oro. Goderioh,
' ing generoue in replying. Miss Marion
4 Short, a California lady, captivated Harry ifforrish, who for nearly 20 yeare
• *'unusually good; her powers of mim- of Fairer mill, thinke of going to Manitoba
: orris; tineyr,I:i nisrh t narnede cebnielede 8edialecttvetie:ye entr•tee
morning laat for Peterboro weer°
inMiliras Gsfoi.liEg.'Robertson left on Friday
er7, YhL 'tahl2;Stisti."04.eciliMa, ilealegallen01.1114:,11i0Sef RObert8011 here been transferred /rota Xi .
113o ton., is an adept with her bow, the held, as engineer in the Trent Valley,
ginegtitpida147.L7„rlayrretiei?tgivtenT.134414's canal •
Thorie0sle, of Toronto, was hero on
And very strong, and the Manner ill
excellence ; her voice 1.9 supberberich,
Margarethe Merrill le a soprano Of par T143.witisleutrog, by Sunday
sunda ye fire.
e Mr
was ortner 7 o o ns on, .te a
d ins wen th d
e ammo done to
1 f 1 f J h t Y Vrol‘ 11 &
which she could sustain the high notes, ..
broken, Clinton. • Gale,
without, apparent effort, shows the ex -
Frank, eon of John Ileynolde, of Hallett, .
:relinernetdtbryalinnlait toheStir fweaertentde‘roi wier hart been in the G. T. R. ear fiber, at
theevening. It was hard to puttee- Stratford, for the peat five years, w
iarize among the numbers,. and that tieketed hy A. O. Pettisontefor •
the audience was appreciative was Cloullse,:i3drlieofitteonndeXu,owndhaoyb.
had been in very '
evidenced by the applause and hearty
encores accorded each artist. If eyelet delicate health all eummer, and who so.
concert is as good as thie one, the sub-
6w°13.7natithieedlatItteriaLeMo'n tKeertinCayt°on°thWiesesgt,t4
scribers to the conrse will be well re-
irrimproving nicely, and is enjoying her
paid for their subscription. The cone-
rnittee ere ta be congratulitted on the shy in the Winay City.
success of thelentertairiment provided:,
young men, in the person of Mester Ernest ,
We hepe this will not be the last visit ,rwseiltlenbtoeini.berieselonstt o:sereoefeitevwmi'etesbtezpeiulhein.
ofDthEixaTt:leortrtemd ittral.o.wasoll._ny tile.
left Hendee, morning, for Toronto, where
one of Toroutoet best art studio. lee will II
death of Mrs R. Wilecne WIliell Ondnr• he intend e taking* stx months? coolie is
be much misted by his many young
Mende whet with him every enceoeft in ths
. •
• aceempanied bim, and sped Sunday, in
coreS were freely given, the ladies be
Ielle. at the station • it is all coming from
British Columbia,.which IS taMOEttor sonooL REPORT. -The following is the eest side of the reilroad. There
its ineinenae deporats of high grade ore. - tbe standing of the pupile of S. S. No. wes no rneetieg of the O. E. society in
company are very energetic,. heeeet January t-
1, West Wawanosh, for the month of the Presbyterian church, last Sunday
.• nights awing eci the .weather, and there
As the officers and directors of the
and capable birsiness and•nainine; men, • wet be none next Sunday, ag it is the
and the , property is such &promising ,„
11,1 ' , thankegiving service in Burns' church,
Eleanor& nneAnetateNT. _
One, eteek in the company should tease 5- aloe elatheqvs, Maggle at that time. jas Campbell spent a
prove .tx, very .profttablee investment. itYaa. Pearl eierlore Ruh Gervin ; couple of days in Lucknesv this week.
be k n as "The Sr 4tb,--Mamie (Arvin. Willie Mc. Mrs Smith has gout; to spend the
Winter with her daughter. Mrs Geo.
Newton, in Wingham. The Methodiet
Sunday school is adding 100 new books
to their library. Rev j. A. Hamilton
is elowly improving A. Wo.odman is
during the past year. . -The pa y.
• (Intended for last week.) . • Huron 'Gold Mining e Co. of British •Knieht„ Limy Sanderson, Percy Mc-
NOTES.- Mr and Mrs Floltzhauvet Clolumbia Lernited.",' The officers are: elwein, Roy' Garvin, Rob. Wilson; Sr,
spent Sunday and Monday io Logan. Hon. S. T. Garro*, Pres.; Geo. Ach. 4th-Eclgar Elliott, Lucy Elliott. El.
Rumor says thee one of out young men eson, Vice Pren'e S• P. Halle, B. A. near Bell; Sr. 3rd -Ella .Ryan, Herbie
contempertee going into the brick, WA- See.-Treare; heed dams, Gederieb .and Stothere, Arthur Elliott, Gordie
nees. Roseland, B. C. Voung, Cecil Echlin, Sortie Young,
liernawelee ACCIDENT:- While oft , ROSS Titylpr, Janie Wilson; jr. 3i'—
driving elm day last week Mrs Riddell Hattie Ryan, Daisy Ryan. AdaElliott,
was thrown from the cutter and slight- i Drysdale. 'Myrtle Ryan, Lizzie Nivins, Cecil
ly injured. The runaway was mused- pAsseirsoleee.ele. Abut hes dieposed leyen. Acta Camiebell, Bettie Kirk.
-heel, which caused it to kick, and free.
by it dog catching the horse by the of his, train this neighborhood on the Lizartfutchins.Wi lie Catepbell.---TeNA.
Sant) Line to E. Ducharme, jr. as be A. Sraliscfe teacher. '
itself from the cutter it ran dowia now/ intende to immigrate to Michigan.
iuig the embankment at the bridge, and Where he will be among his host of Sr 2nd -Everett Elliott, Nellie Ryan.
Melly landing on the ice below the I
re. talons. We afe Berry to lose Mr DOW Wilson; Jr 2nd --Ruth Echlin,
George Ryan, Irene May, Medford Et.
bridge. The horse escaped With it broke ,out front our pretence, and we harm
en note. ' !that he may enjoy life aa happy in his nett, ielorley HaleDavid Nivine, Willie
- • Mallen / neve ephere. Garvin, Melvin Corey, PearI IllatChinsi
• NOTES. -4/188 Dolly Vett, Crank. e. ACCIDENT8e- The other kitty while See.,part kide-Welfeed Eilio_tt, ViTillie
n I e Nivms . Jr, Mixt 2nd -
vide, IS visiting at her uncle's Weeld. cliopphig wood in the bush, Eli Shalla, ,Wilsod. w ilt
lima irVtn, n a ot eta. Cebit c•
L I St 'Ili 0 1" M
h ' f Bullett S '. Merool had the mlefoeeithe to Oat & goy ere xi
I i , L I Dunkeld ; Part let--
. year. It. Smith is entaged yilth A. With the timely aid of the physician it Mabel' Wtheni, Ernest McIlwalte Hazel
Breakfast Pood_....immis., supplied tile Wood for S. S. Noi5 this gash in hie foot almost severing it, yet
It will melie you glee- you are living to Vodden. Miss Lizzie owett, tfoder. was dresoed and now he is on the fair May, Leonatd Mcilyettin, Leonard
order peeks& of the popular .fooa rine ichs township, • irr visiting at her way to recovery a The eldest son of E. Duniteld, Sohn MortnrGItyl
Jewell for breakfast. brotbeet thia week. S. M-Vo001WaS Duchaente also had the toisfortune to teacher. , .
Goaerich last week coneerning school hte recipient of an injurif While playint
agarn in be with his leg.
IsIOTES.-Mr Mal, Carnpeeleof Ninon-
ipeg, Mae, ebet thee district on Tues.
day to visit friends near tfaroiltore
mho to his departure for his home in
STaTteTIOS bt:On '1800 -The total
assesement fo the toWnship was:
$103433245 and the acreage 43,810 acres ;
red last week, Olintoe loses one of her
early settlers. She enjoyed remark.
ably good health until within a few
days bsfore her death, when She ..took
a cold, which rapidly deyeloped into
double pneumonia, which Was the
Cattfle of lierdeMiee. Bee husband, the
late Peter Wilson, predeceased her by
about 11. years, dying of the game
disease. Her maiden tieing was Wel• ;
late. She was born nearly 70 years
ago in Lanarkshire, Scotland, AndWart
Queen ite.
Dr W. Struthers, formerlypfClintee
hoe established himself in a wej leered,*
preotie,e, Leriark, 50 miles tiom Ottewle d
his mother And sister also realise there. 1
In a note to dee ofet,•e he treys :-
town fit a lively burg of nearly 2000, yolk
thole ite wide difference between Olio end
PatTame $2°63 Mf tnW138/31.13$2°61'15: antfravtaivneYe h°etr.teSnhinowillii m°9.nreriedrif tw,hei.et'eigr4Irall6enee°! wCIanrtmareei°i'r11,ee.Irrerr"Ile6/11i I
on this there was collected for county
dog tax $30t ; for schools' $4914.e0 in 1850, arid shortly .after, with • her or Amon,"
COUNCIL, -Stanley council met in the husband, lett Scotland, and direct Sohn Celdweile of Mount Rope. Kens**
town hall, on Monday San, Mb, AII to Clinton, Wbete ohs has lend eeet - who hu been visiting reletiyes in Hallett"
the membera were present; the aud. fence, with the exeeption of the year left *hie week for the West. where le h
itor's report, was received and ttecePted 188:7, when oho lived in Grande Cella", rsoidea for the IWO ten yttsrs,
folliewingorders were parfeede--4, Belerr thtee daughtere le -Janet, of the Model and nee the letter state so well Mit h*
and the auditors paid their eatery ; the meets state. She leave,- a family of been in Nebraska, Oklahoma, end Kane*
$1.00 refund of dog tax ; D. Campbell: Seh000reItlfdaeffs inlefainek Mire Vli'mrodcbeeiterhpiethrf4aititirrlet,4 4In2cAtott
rittoms, Ara goo , matter., .
SI.50 for bridge bolts ; the clerk, $14.80 wh 6 adA s lb a tit
a h a hea • Slyth.
notelet( ever tried It/OE PLAXES, soma, iteeena, iThe following bet luckily -Raul hot penetrate through NOTVS.--seles Jas McMerehle and for Registratioe of B. # She WaS eansietent Men:thee Of illie rtineh, which they gev va she rens ot
nett., Meeting evil' be held on, MOndaYr ehureb being one of its etainaryleestre.eanaafertferne end
PLAXED Dnrals or totAnntl PEAS. showe the name of e first three in his 51011.
Josephs company. is almost devoured ham, is visitieg boy friendt In town.
betted on weekly it NeSses.--The bush land of -the St. el
'onth of Sanuary,
and Miss montgornery, Gotletich,
no; held dutinif the t:tt its eon ten ts. Mi99 Maggle.13edard. Ure3
▪ Thette gee& are itenufaettired bcir removIng each elate for the
.the halls Or eking of the peers an beans in the standing bein
Their normal dry Said rttlY condition, ema writton etatnit)at'
ere then deems to* thin flake. ley thie month ; Sr. 4t
• 'the ildeor• nutrotient mia ettength of the Robert r
filmes% but we are pleased to relttte I 6 ., ss nin a a has been inetrueted by T. E. WatIketto She died tes s e a
pegegifehe will euperinteaci the
- wey of menufasturing it aoes not destroy nog Voeelen
. which is retarded. ativen miles from WI
pee and beente beeldeo reduclee the Unto Vodtlen; 3rd, ,Samell Snell, Beare Reg' that the prospected teeovery are quite
Vodden4 Seines MeCool. Albere
lett On Wodneklay for Toronto ta at. sell by public auction on letter. con.12,` wavering confidence in her Saviour.
' in 0)414 tie 0 minutes _ rrt, AlfredeMettrien; 8r. 2nd, 'Willie fate. ts. Gmtivine. who ha"ene tend the Nornad *boor. Traffic le East Wawanoete, On Tuesdtee. Febtith, The fenera.i service vvas eonducted by solvizik, told win boo tindtr hu„ am
Sohn Witte erty,
Cath fortiatter and Ram lath it responsible ponies.
this loeslity. t . 12.30 o'clock. .
teach Hundey evening.
and 1101eard Alexander, Bervie, are
. Garnet Me rim, of lorreesville, is at present remanent;
y Wallace; ath, wit het. gvematnethet. in het serious; visiting at the residence of Sas. Bent-
. l. ,
March 5th at one o'clock p. in. bort, and yet one of its most regular Wend t6 fttock it with eitttle.
attendants. She was woman of de. etims stoit)n.nodia., or Itipio,
Beat Wnieattettb, eided and sterling ehatacter, one who ee TeemtAy nothing for effeeileeee.
Peasessed Marl admirable qualities( liodeins will fill a position at 81. P
enduttriel Scheel, Middle Churoh, X
AnortmaSatit.----3.0nrtieteuctioneert anti- whose innuance told Inc good.
0 C
GLI1 OOPER it CO. :rr.
roguatt, Arinebel Snell Wm. Snell;
:Bettie Note, Mittel McCool. his relatives, will take leave for hotna
nearly a motth in this loettlity vis fing very dullt owing to the incletneney of valuable stock, conk:dating of 18 dairy her pastor, Itav A, Stewart, ott Thurs. orig. ivtiss jimgirin vonviras for
the weather. The special eereteee that COWS and Store cattle, The sto'ck is day, The pall -bearers were Metters, assistent irietrote of *LA House_ ai
Tba 04444N:wow' - Ernest /see; Part, Sone 'Wallace, nn Monday next fee sentemnetnn; he have been conducted In the Methodist all well bred "Durham grade end in good 'John MeGarva, McCoeyie, as. taw wotm frienda in cm
Enit Veitb, Neale Male. 4. 11.LoWenar. het won for himself hosts of friends in ehurch for the past month, elated last mealtime The Bele will conamence at Scott, if„ th Rote, Thos. Bleeker, wish her abundeees el stone ie.
Them 2$
7.11.11: •114.6. _ /11.
• • • . 4.e.•