The Clinton New Era, 1900-01-26, Page 7•
KiAkT4S, kCi
toLN E RIVE .1
Home yore been.
smoking a geed
deal lately and
feel uneteemionea
twinge of pella
round your heart.
At* yen shore of
breath, nerves
tion of gine te1d.
needles ping through
your armor and'iingevel
Better take a box or
of Mliburn's Aaart
Ikierfe Pilla lettd get
Pawed before things b. -
'Mee toe 0
whet, • rdr. John
4mnea,' ;Ot 00,104cetiae
beet to say sheet
Veen; "1 have
had eerioue heart trouble
_ forfouryears causedby
• re nee ot telemeo. Aetimes my
,1X art• heat very* apicily and then
`.7•11lettesed, to *top beating only to consmonoe
With, unnatural Tepidity,
' Thiel 'unhealthy aotion of my heart
eatteed shertesess. of bier/the weakness IAA
*debility. tried. meaty medieines and'
*pent e great deal of money but could, not
' gat any „
Last Toveraber; noweyer, Teed Of a
teals., ',filleted like myself, being cured, by
�l1burn's Heart and:Nerve Pills. I Went
to RePer'e. drug Store and bought a box.
-When I had finished. teiting it I was ea
*slush 'bettor .1 bought another box and this
esempleted the . cure, My heart hoe not
bothered me sineee, and strongly reeome
=end. sufferers fr,orn heart and nerve
trouble„ eature4 by estriessive ,use to
tee°, to.glye Milletrees Heart and Nery°
ills a fairad fal.thful
" Milburnteld 4 Nerve Pillp are 50e.
et box or tar so, 'at an &voodoo,
/r. xilbara. de CO.Toronto.
seartete upheaval cibta;uwed Swamps
Into a valutrhie Arokipelawo. • *
A Million or. -so Years age, according to
'the goi:cruttient" ologist$ the Philip -
Pines co largely of swamPs and
shallow -seas. There was an launeese.
luxuri nee of topical plant • growth in
the . turkey regions, Where' awn:nulls-
liens of 'vegetable .debris Were eventually
ocove ed with mud and trAnsformed into
,* ki Of eoer ealled-elignitei" Which to- *
elaY lirotiably the .atost valuable Miner- •
al asset 'of the American India. At
•Iength there' earde .a.,erunipling and up-
heaval of the .ertlet so tremen-
-dens as •to he felt. ail 'the way from
.Switzeiland to the Himalayas, where the
• -bottom, of ',the Ocean' Was Uplifted into.
1,`• Mountains three' miles above ed. level.
Indeed ..the str 'representing these a,n-
'dent:snaring, $ are now found tee.
Efirealayas, at an• elevation of 16,000 feet.
'The Philippines shared in this uplift,
whieh abto fereued the hied; bridge to
' Asia. AireddY. Mentioned.
Across:the land bridge from we main-
land came all sesta. of iminiais to ' the!
arehipelago, and in a later age they were
our Off frem returning by it general sube.
,sidenee.„ of. the Islands. The latter salik
:".iseVtift *We. that the group was ro-
t tibieh existed within the present
reSprinkling et hilly islehe
;eoyeeed by Luzon, while Cebu was
'-'..conipletely submerged. At this time there
,began a aeries of volcanic eruptions,
:mostly submarine,. evhich threw up a
-great amount oritiaterial from the bow-
-ole of •- the earth, thus adding largely to
• the land erect, and shoed 1%000 years ago
there 0410 another uplift,.whiele =tepee
the archtpeingo to its present states ap-
Vreximetely, • It iis believed; howhver,
that the islands are still -rising gradually,
oecaeltnial earthquake's being merely jars
-incidental:to the slow process oLeleva-
Alen. The 'Volcanic phenomena hrve not
.yet "Ceased. few yearn ago there Yrtei
Violent eruption et Mayen; in southern
Luzon, Which is the most beautiful, syra.-
metricel volcanic cone in the World,
eharply peented at the apexe-Philadel.
Villa Call.
. Mesta Stokes' ?Rom
"'The. late Dean Gilbert Stokes of the
Inglican church," say l the Rochester
Post.Exprese, "used to tell the story of A
tcomersation be had with the old verger
of a certain English parish church. Prob-
ably he embellished it, polishing It like
Old.silver With welch ming, but stolen,:
tit? was theetele:
4 'Who, m* gooll friend, tgkes the lead
In 'Sunday !school attire here?' asked
the dean of the eerger.
e. le, site was the proud reply.
"riliat sail no ngler scholards but mi
rand Sit john .in the iikrish. I Varna IA
*children on Sendai afternoons.'
"'And what fouthee do you follow'''.
,etlidithe dean: A
* • I lust rends tem a little cataplasm
!and I generally Winds up with a few int
teeesting antidotes just to keep 'ern
.retega getting too rootless, but of court*
I always tells 'cm bibulous -1a
ettlege: "
1-011 10,0014 BORROWERS.
1 04 trey theme quit* bereft
lest Winter Sow vow *WM;
011441, Pre but a quarter lett,
Nor •44,141 I NJ* OW *aeon.
eitse 'Wee tee foolte.' to rati he Sem
'• 'Mast Smoak'* patina wreck
And now my loses t deplore
Withal a Ileum oil earth.
Ther Mill lure made me 'light rehire*,
..Ane thee my grief slivIde, • .
eb, they've mired me of roy Bum,
• Aed, eased my Almeida
But **think 1 Oen not my,
Nor let my anger bum,
For sts they have not found me Day
Viet bawl not left me Sterna
sad (Maus,
Ars* Felt They Save* the Igrinattr o.
the Amerleon Neer. -
EverY graduating e'er* et .4E1040111
leave/ behind it the tame at certain hee
PERFECT null=0.• r WilHava's The Crow
termite meat le
. "thrush hash," t dish peculier to the Bee*
tris• esar is feud of Scotch eutrmitiade o
f Croup,
sent e• , • n "on " th* It strikers kwor e reether'et howl to
HEALTHsuitirtroggehrisittrzft" t° be
can be yours
to not try experiments, with your
health. If you are not well use only -
• medicine known to care. Dr.Wii
Rams' Pink Pills are not an experi.
ment They' have cured tliousand$ot
people who have tilteel COM:MOD elafi0414e;
ernes and failed to find health. eoing
one en balm gete low. lame her child Ware up at night with a
j crovnt print* Of Gertnitsee cluthig creepy musk
the eured•are in your own neighborhood.
roe 1 p y p of4
le J'euth, the Pride et. the boxj°_,S, e°11,4 Ur. Wslliame' Pint Vile tot a eoeclioiee for rebuilding the system. Previous- to
fencing mestere and the terror tee 144 144' Wing the pills I was suffering from heedechee, loot of appetite and extreme per -
lies. I vottenese, whieh left mem a vary weak condition. The leeet work would fatigue
In pewees" Ow WAS a youth Of an ea' '. 00. I Oaa now softy, however, their I uever felt better inany, hire then I do at
eellent bent for apPlied mathematics, but preseet, tnenre to ler. William," pink Pale. Siegler sufferers-, eua there are le Coming lute lirlek consiata et an elee•
I Ole arc, Predneed betareen trill surface's f"ti "°'°1137 kn°w° f°r '611° cure (4 °11-
a° tender 0, .011781(113„ P. that he erten ear- rmeny--ervili find it to their great edventage to use these pale." ,
of MercurY In Vecoo. ablini4kmo Vt4P6PaierBilleeeneaa and Blois
fered front reterouga horseplay of
• tnentel endeavor One* of these hemeat
hievocation, learned to drive a fouren. owe on windy $ how*
bane, He wag taueht b Couut Wedel, beeeteeeeseens. we,
eq a nit
WI Majorityin May, when. ite seni be idir. 'Ph" na 411=11 for de Y. -May hot
00 cow his mu, ritieleiti to tha throat end.xerrrt
-oboe, end vs W ea )orway
Fee emperor of emetrist. le supplied Pits SyrIlVstlingpirilte it for givtig
vt tl*private newspaper, **Mel: he rest ' prorept -te -eerie seye , i elaja ipth
every day. This loaned is made OP 1101b11111•1_14111.
extract., and the el/spew/el Strict ordere. atte. WM. cung. Promo Ont., says:
are that nothing which concern* lehmelf "Ons year ego our eittlehoibact a severe
persetuttry, whether it be dilagreeable or etteoltett Infientraetion of the Jeep Med
not, shall 13e *nutted. `arokt 1414%146 a bed wham. in bus46,04.
, „ .. ,A • mos ..aasised, te nee Dr. ood'il
.41 II* IA Yriti Is I
ELECTRIC SPARKS. W;rwaY e' -Yret4 c w° 4-‘1"°"4 it
cured him corn 1 y,
Row we It Wars
There are 1.000 electrie lamps in tnel lost this remedy in
White Hoge° M Washington. '
was George Detvey, et- flue. motile, Oh et- hlr Mission, Delicate, Moe, writes:- el on !Teals In the higtreet terms ot
•the °moots it excele
• lillectrielte le delviug steam Power out
iteel work* and mane ether big Maw all other, foe the
Macturing plaxte, and an enortnolis iat
ing•le -being effeeted, *
• A new light of eztrearilinary inteneity
Xigt/ceir44Ver.Pilli5 are the wet er.
'ttliftildi by Ow*,
Uttift RA*
Itsy adoo team' Pktess finns Dippers*,
,onsad Too Searty Eating. .Lpe*'.
*ctrow0y far:, Midway Nausea; brows.
,,Ikerrimftht*the Moltke:44d Tetigua
•WW1& SlIda, TORPID UV*. They
iworiesso Dorsi& Purely yegewele
plile Small Doses
Small Prk,!4b.
it* fraud of tb• dtri.
11;0$00 icsa get Carter's,
• Ask it Carter's,
ssa4, &maid
his .
ere. Dewee took., tbe bee under his pro- Do not take anything tbat does not 'bear the full. name."Dr. ' After Prolonged negotintions the 11'3404- ° not g4Pe. or eieheur
Preach -And German gaverunleate here.
They swung their brunt:nacho in the game • YY 411 ' 8 °' Palo exPel. men :igoZse-.-tett,:feZ7arsrlilislTriscurTnisueult:
'atns' Ri,nk Pill f •P ." It is an
' tection. and the tvvo became test friends.
and hazardous one to use 8..SUbStitUtO. SOla, 'by• all :dealers- --
wgtch on their graduating ornise and Liverpool Otee,4e Mime betWeen the two eitiee is Aboet 750 -
when the ship tettebed et A
'Mined Perreiselea to roll "P to Lioltden post raid. at .50 000ts,.a ,box boxes for q4.,-,1 es, ami7 tall% and,ttei Ilne coverituelt be -4*-
os a daY'd Ioave.By rigid economy 'the dressing..the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, • gun at once., ' :-
twit had. scraped .together a little more • . •
than eg apiece, .and they 'ended in the
now uniforms, With the air bf fiertecia1
'magnates.. A round of sightseeing had,
reduced their' combined capital to two
sovereigns and their reture tickets when ,
their boyleh appetites announced . the
hoar of noon. • •'
With the cautious economy of his an-
cestors the Seeteraan suggested •s„ chop-
house, but nothings but the' best would -
suit Dewey. :and he accordingly steered.
tie -chum bete •the finest'. hotele be could
k • . '
The. two seated themselvei 'at one of.
'the tables,. and scanned the menu With *a
magnificent air. The very first itel that
caught their eyes Was "strawberries, and
.creara," "and this,. with its reminiscence
,of home, they proceeded to order. :
'No*. the time was winterr, and straw-
berries' from the hotbox's:le-are expensive ,
in Louden; se it was. serail wonder . that .
the other ktiests who had learned the
- der letesedeingeiringly at these specimens
' of the 3euneste doree of the -4-Merlon
.navy.. An Oxford lad who sat neerthera
geemed :particularly impressed. and tern -
ed• his large eyes epee 4,11,em In awe. The
strawberries were good, and all Went well
until the obsequious waiter returned with
a -bill ,for ',El.. The Scotsman nearly cot-
lapsedebut Dewey noticed the eyes of the
Oxonianupon hint, and, turning superb7_
• IP to the waiter, ordered two inore plates.• .
Tbe middies' left with empty pockets,
but ithughtify conscious tharthey , had
craved the honor of 'rho American navy. -
Saturday Evening Post. . . •
Valuable Ground woo hy a Ruse.
The convent of Sae Francisco de, As -
English capital arrayed in spick dud *Pea
siz, Lima, wria-founded on the same day
as the capital of Peru, in 1535. The
church was built in the 'year 1553. This
church has 26 altars and to the most.
magnificent in -Lime, both Internally ttrui
externally. The altars are extremely
rch and of modern construction.
Cenneeted with this church there Is a
very curious historical episode. The first
„site assigned to the father of the order.
Pernendo de la Cruz, for the Franciscan
convent. Was outside the city and • very
small. The friars apelled to the viceroy,.
the Marquis de Canete, for a mare imit-
able place, and' he offered to give them
whatever ground they could inclose la
one night. Acting en this promise, the
monks collected the necessary materials,
and in the short time allowed they raised'
four femme one of 'which completely
stopped up a street, Dow called Odle
Aparicio, and thus Inclosed ii whole
"manzana." or plot of ground 1QQyrs
square, containing an orchard and ajarge
pond. . The municipality of Lima pro -
toted against this net' as an encroach-
ment on Its rights and demanded that the
street should be restored, but the viceroy
had the ground in question value(' and
paid for the same out of hie own purse,
•--Lima Letter in.Chicago Record,
„ ,-
..,...4.'` issi;irenioa timidity.
A. Writer In The Ladiel "Home Journal
tells an interesting story of Sargent, the
artist, in connection with his great mural
painting in the Boston Public library.
Sargent had given much time and study
-to his .theme, but went to some Mende
one day in a mood of artistic despele, in-
'essu"-- +lett he hed coneeived ne la"" l'Af.
flin. gr.,. ... zr... r...2, .„,., tat% moo* •O71, .
yen& Ails powers ee..4xCelltloti. gte Ci.
planed, .theis gloomily insisied, th#t he
was going home to destroy the entire
batch of drawings. They pleaded with
him not to do so before they had teen
them. Ile consented, and, sparred on by
their encouragement, finished his noble
design. But for the insletence of sstr.
teof. fele,mie We woula havi lost one of
ottr most tremered Works of art '
- .•
Mannaa Transits.
, •
It Mem!, ihat in the present day Arabs
who are obliged to traverse the sanlly
Wastes of Arabia depend to a large ex=
-tent upon "angel's food" .both for them-
selveti and for their eamels. The menu*
ts in reality a tangos which Is found in
great quantities on the sand after rain.
Of a gray coler and of the slze *10 pen,
It has a pleasant, sweet taste, and al-
• though its analysis !thews that 11 le by
no Meade a petted rood, it is suttieientle
rich ip nitrogenous nutter end emboli)**
drates to sustain life for A long period.-
Chanthers* Journal.
- Almost re neater struggle.
• A large crowd had grade:Illy formed
• around the two hidden:Oily drogsml and
°tartlets young girls, .unit at one time it
• seemed ,.neccontry to separate thou.
"What can it mean?" said the stranger
- irlio had just come up.
"It took Inc." reed the Man adeeeree 0.
"kettle time to learnhut, as 1 ontlemand
It now, one girl lies been six mouths in
• Europe, and wbile she was gone the oth-
• er one lure leereed to play golr. stud they',
• are Wing 10 tell oath other about it"-,
• • ,
e it big ei one cannot hear half
There is oneinsolation about the
titat is mid to bite when he is trying ter
thinke-New or World:
. Manner is everything With *OM* peepie
aSk4 something with orres24047# •
- - -
President Hadley once neld the Farming
recetcl at Yale 14 hisestudent dues:
Jesse Bracken of lawn City,', cele-
brated hie one hundred a first birtlidaye
recentle while serving on A jury, ie tiro
town. He is the eldest in in 1 • wa.
President Krugeree Engli h uds like
that of atoet" Dutchmen and Germans.
He onoe innoceutly-suld-tolity Auferloya:
"Wester Cecil Rhodes dell me I speak
Enellsb mid der American aceeet. Hay
toe doer , - 7
Not long , ago Cecil Rhodes remarked
to an llInglish friend: "Three years ago
.1 made a raid, and everybody Bald I was
.wrong. Now the queen's government ero.
preparing. another 'raid, and everybody
says they are right."
Charles L. Borg.- when arrested hi'0111-
cage for forgery, although he has no
handspeenfessed tre the crime and show. .
ed*the offieere how he was able to, snake
a postal money order for 03,75 with a pen'
held In his mouth... • •
Guerrlta, moet famous Of Ottani& bull-
fighters; has. retired , with a record .41
8,000.victories and over 50 wounds. Aft.
er attending A religious festival he drew
abont him and ent Off the leek
.of hair Which denotes the torero. '
,Judge Isaac Story of Somerville, Maes.,
e relative of the famous commentator of
the constitution, is the second oldest
Judge in hie state.,,The other 'day he cel-
ebrated' his eighty-first birthday in vig-
orous health. He has. been on the ,I3eneh_
20 years and rarely mimed a session of
court., • °
It Is said in London that Lord Hose -
bevy has tecome almost A hermit. Ile
spends practically all his time at one of
his country houses and rarely visite Lon-,
don save. on Sunday. wheil the great
town is quiet. Ile ;WOMB to (head the
roar and bustle of the city' and avoids it
whenever possible.
Captain Percy Seat, who designed the
carriages by whichthe naval gene were
brought up. to Ladysmith just at the
right moment, Is described as a specialist
In gunnery and a good all round sports -
Man. He was in command of the- Scylla
when, at the last prize firing, she made
80 per cent of .hits.
That Senator Clark of Montana is a
putjor and has seen real military service
le not generally known. Yet, in 1870,
when rumor mid Chief Joseph would at-
tack Butte and Governor Potts called
• for volunteers, Mr. Clark responded and
was elected major of a battalion. Ile Was
In service among the mountains for sev-
eral weeks.
Commandant Croisje of the Transvaal
army ;is said to be a fatalist. In the raid
t =bat at Doornhop, when the bullets -
were whIstlieig rather too loudly around
l.13P 'Vet Wheee he was seated, a field cor-
net euegested hie 'retiring to a more shel-
tered position. Ago," -said Cronje.e'l am
in .the hand oe Ood, and if I km to be
shot' 1 Audi be hit just at soon in one
place at in another."
Howard Gould, who happened to
steam into the harbor of Alexandrovele
ussia eit his 3* cht last 'Jut
q.gbre100 ° tb°
:L.1 es r.a. air
mow town ui.%.111114 1. ....I .6 •••• •
bas received from the* Bossism governr
Wilt a handsome bronze medal commem-
orative of the event. Everybody thought
Mr. Gould had attended. the celebration
purposely, and he was ! received with
great honor.
The healthy old MAN V/001 his dray baits
like*. silver crown. Whet if he ha Ara.'
'more and ten if there is itill fire in his eye,
firmness hbi step, oommarid in his voice,
and wieclom his eounsel as commands
love and revenue.. Yet how few werar-the
mantle of age with dignity. Dim eyed,
querulous of speech; hefting in map, child.
Joh in mind., they Nag superfluous on the
'tiger.% dreggingout the fag end of life bus.
temple existent*. The secret of at healthy
old tee is a healthy middle age. The man .
who takes oared his stomach, who keept
his body properly nottriehed, will find. that
hie body will not fail him in old age. The
greateralue of Dr Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery Rex in the preeervetiou of the
'working powers of the itomeoh and other
organs of disteetion and nutrieine. Vora
ebieeenter it dietribated the notirishment
of the whole body, the mile for the blood,
the nixie for the bones. PhoePhetes for the
13fitin _and nerves. A 'mind stomach
Meatla a Solana Matt. A men who keeps
his etorrisith pound by the toe of Golden
Medical Dieocreey will west * crown of
grey hairs as holism monerehevith dignity
and MOW,
Thu ItingstonsEvening Times won.
sersative) *aye:- "Whatever Prennor
Hose may be able to do in the way- of
Managing the Provincial Liberals, he
is certainly able to do credit to Canada
when he makes a sneech abroad."
, The horselese age must be peeeeded by.
the esphelt age,--Leaveeworth. Times, •
Incidentally the autemobilS will prove
a potent ally' in the geed reeds move-
ment.-4111rehauge. • .
To all the propbeeles o1 a oborseless
age'', there went up 'from Madison Square':
a resounding "Neighl"-ete .terIF Trib-
Ame.• •.
The antousehile doesn'tget seared and,
rim away,' but its tape lieldeete ex-
plode,,end it tan be so .manipulated es to
givo the breech° points in buelsineee.NeW
*k Vil" • •
Denver has mire bicycle!' in proportion
than any Other eity in tee country.
Tacoma is fieury3 only IQ • Neg' .X.Ork in
the amount or Coo fropi
erted and s crowd-
ing the metrepolis.closely. -
Seattle's public, square to to be the rand!
lug place of a veritable Alnaltpn toter°
pole -one: of.those sten ngoly ea rrod sytak
bols.of barbarisn% end -superstition which -
generally .gra re the •fr6ot of Indian hithl.
Lions in southern "Alaeke. "
14 Age..
Ta to Ste peopl• i
advanced in yeti's
ohs, Lame Milk,
Urinary Troubles
' ,and Kidney Weak".
• nese. •A bade 'old
age, free from paine
and,sches, can only
hag the kidsmys rig t and the blood pure,
. . .
befriend 'the aged by freeing them from
pain and correcting all Disorders of the
Kidneys' and Urinary System.
Mx. Phonies Asli, an old resident "of
Renfrew, Ont., epoke as follower
"I am 72 years of age, and have been
troubled for A number of year% with pains
across my back. When I Would door,
oyer it ow agonizing pain to straighten
up. I vrtia 50 Tad that I °mid aoareely
walk. X }sweet taken many kinds of reed'.
cines,/mt got nothing to help metieing
recora&ended to try Donnie Kidney Pills
I got a box. After taking three doses I
noticed a great change for the better,
and I can now get around as smart as a
cricket, I ean split ray own wood and nee
in fact, just like a new man:"
10.11.14 111~ lir I. 04#0.104
' rgr, 1), ,a. L....
, . ,..,
4 -
&; ., ,1-1,-. s I: •oiry.u.
: , ....m„vd•ilitroitt.ais,Lt inviri,,tint"...4.$1,12.,,,,,92sokletZlitIna owl .
I as,41:tehl.
• It: rt.tvgibexi;.,), - leat.n.,7, ily•101., oil
' /Tho P. $.... L. EMULSION
Ian marvellous etch incases end will live
you tut appetite. E0c, ass per melte,
iSeatiroyou get 1 DAVIS & tavinnNct
•. ti.o genuine r. 1 CO,, Limited, Montreal
1.•., ‚---• , ••Vw•4"-*111
7146 e. EML/l. gION
w. 51?I 8115 b.eutttil 11. or antra
Plated ChM /freceles for ielanannly Ora down
One thiert DOOM.. It fOlt COOM oath. Lawn and antneet
deelgar; wo two anket Write, and we will rend tbe-notral
VolPsidi A1 timus. return the MO.Thly.end Ilietafittrz
yinw_iteselast. obaaree Ilakege 1101111ej
MOr Wer.illkli OSA*"
- - - -
Without Neasing•--Oatarrh„ Induce*. Deaf- 1,
DM - Dr. Agnew1i Oeteirrhal Powder 1 hut sizass
'Give* Quiciallelief. rot pamtk, sa.sdrAgrizi. au, gettito
ot possorlaave so
W. Ernes* Lords,. of West Plemboro, . IC
wake° bed with Otranto catterrit Met hie I
.• breathes eansted permanently antlered !
Pee Watts *11U Man•n. Duelers Snosbed, apeeittlieta beir104,3, for I
ilva smooths, het hit hearing grow .worse.
• Es was recommendedto try Dr. Agnew's
ertiarrisekl Powder. • Ono appikettion gave
obillistaidust: Isnot sail a mat
maple a hottle
painasuily. Bold by Natio k I
• If' eon use copper teakettles, be ere's'
that they are eel -ebbed every day or two.
About enee,,,„It week Wean' thoroughly
with lemon and ealt,
Lo : WaShillg dishes be careful that
heed paiuted china and china with gilt .
ortiamentetion be net left to stand in het
Water,- es_ this treatment wili injure the
"decorations Beene', or later. '
"a fire Is obstinate • In • stet -Ogg, burn
It little light eledlieg, wood orpaper on
%top of the coal. Tbie establishes a. draft
at, once, and the upward current soon
makes itselfinanifelt upon the fire be •
low. anti' the flames burn brightly in a
little while.• • •
nE siorama.
• You feet better. of yotiralch headache or
'billow; open if you have taken a Laze.
layee Pill the
Xellowe work you sleep lera
• Edward J. tisherof Beantford, a
delegate attending the Masons Con-
vention at Rochester. cotornitted suici-
de by 3 am ping in t o Genesee Falls.
We'rfre continually renewing ond sres rt-
ing our -stook of -
Pedal:awe Atomizers, Tooth Warthog and
Powders, Brushes, Combs, Hand Mirrors,.
Manicure end Toilet Artiolee generally ; all
up,to:clate goods at lowest. possible pricers.
etie need to soy much about our continu-
ed snoods in our dispensing department.
We are accuratein our workwbieb Altvays
insures ectfrity to our,ps.trons and the pub-
lic. . • "
Oar sales of Paine's Celery Conipoand
are increasing steadily. It is tte• pepular.
medicine -, we strongly r2commend it.
Onebest efforts are always put forth to
make our establishment the "popular drug
'store." a. E. Hovey, Druggist; Clinton,
Ont. „
THAT. PAitt-ItittItt WILI. NOT RE.-
LIT::: 11' IS NI 10,111D OF MN Ott
(lira, ilk:*
The Biolutami
• elitoorporated he Ant of T
ere REST Z112011> • 111,410404,
Ulm» °nuns WON?
Wm. Mouton liscrionerat.
P. woursprot Tereete. tfien. Id
NOM dlioonnted, Celhootteast mace*
booed. Sterling and ADLOritillii siebsell
bought and *old. Interest Allowed ele dx
polite. Seereee Bow- iabeteat rilowed
SUMO et el and up. Money adventoso. to
termer. on their own not, with oart er
more endorsers. No mortgage rirceured "
if, 04 /IRK% 1131. 74036.1r, 011OtO0
general:6'7=x RustniA,"
Ncyrse Diocou$Tan
Duda gate& Interest allowed on
FAKRAN 4 .-frispALL
ONT. s
Advances mada.16 ferment on their .0X2e
notes at low rates ofinterest.,
A genera Banking Business trs.nsaottd
"entereet allowed on deposits.
• Sala Notes henglat,
J P TISDALL Manager.
so .veAnst.•..
- "TQUCffES iPP• ,
Woak and.Itapttro.Bio.04,
DREI tzl k toT NsA
Anyono 8Teilrptdrloilnigba°abliiTp3diPetiehnoiTEVccrivalaPmetmilunenrinatei
none etrlotly confidential. „LifIndboOk on Potenta.
1030,1reo. Oldest agency for secating_patents.
•w •
• • ,
handseinely illustrated weekly, i,areest Ler, "Lai. LEC,Kiiitik i Art#i), 4,irr"Ob to
elation of any scientlilo iournal, Terms, ta a •
mar r four royalist -it Sold byall newsdealer& -•‘ •3. M. leleLEOD.
itillNk & CQ,2q."3.4"10- Newlork!
Iiirttne Office. vxm P S wesinegton.13,o.
/ .
our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending
ketch and description of any invention win .
promptly receive our opinion free concerning
'the patentabilityof same., "Dow to Obtain a
Patent" sent upon request.- Patents •sgcured •- fA,
through us adt ertised for sale at our expense.
- Patents halgell out gar:inch ,ua ,reekire speCial.ligsVar4
Notice, without charge, ;n1s,r1E PATENT Rneoript'
an illustrated and widely circulated Journal,
consulted by rtianufacturers and Tuvestord. •
- Send for sample copy FREE. Address,
o tte, comle:tt'rerttablo troasury OflUo Avorkt's pop*
Ise mot beoutiful songs Mee. Ht Wets. Peettelith
gun* sul'Idilgte4- tAttowenotecyHT4
ceroN, 111.
156 121,34V.F.1 SONGS
.nettly. canted and bound in ono volkuno.
grand collection or Musical Gettig, sOotimontohipatit-
ThIsk boot contains one hundred warn
tenbgeits best humolyns 0:3ttialt
Dutch dialettaiVin pollen& vins,,„
Si lull as humorous, composition*
every kind and character: Bent, goo&
Pohl. With our illuatrated cataletiosp(
nooka.and, novelties tor onlyten Osulako,
Johnston &111iPar1inao
Ilionseato . • Toronto.Csuie,
N D IAN WOM A t45 Ble4.1i)
FLOUR and rzst)
/lour. 'Phis is, we believe, the most pope- SOME IlEACTIFUL GOODS
.and oar greatest seller the White. Swan
ler brand' on the Market. • If you try it • - •
once you, will be so pleased with it that you
will prefer it to. the other brander. We are
now Boiling the White 111.75 per
cwt. Several of our onetoraers hive asked
for Rye Flour, of Which:we now have a
stock on band.
min catocrEitrE:S
are 'aIviays froth and well assorledeind
the pricereyon ;OR findure most reasoneble
C1 .
1:14 taitar and. Eggs waned.
• lOrlfittglir)92701;11112.Pi=102DII:6141
pensereveia increase ; position pernmeent ;
inel ileaelfluidreseed stamped envelope. MAN.
AGES 33(1 Oaxto a bldg., Chicago,. Deo 29-10
11Tho best life of iIer Midway X hem Men.
*kites Lord Lorne about "Queen Vietorial1
Agents basket:vs dollars daily.
• Toronto,
'At ,
We buy 'direet from the rnanutioturers in Staffordshire, England, tied Thu* buy
at firet eon. We secure goode.ot Onset quelity, and therefore know that in prices 04
value our goods aro ensurpateed. Bayers must save money on these goeds. temple -ea •
.with articles not ao fararably purehased. ...
. ' Exquisite Dinner, Tea awl Toilet Sets
DINNER AND TEA SETS, 07 Pieces, from VS up, ,
•. ' OIL $1T$, sins, coin plete, so a,nd Upward*.
You can examind these goode without being compelled to buy, but you will want
to bey offer youlexamine.
Wa kikCe tho isegi One Tea in town; we have tea at -other pipes, but no matte,
NEVI!..01!Yilif AT .k.9161E11: fl.l. ,'0, i% -
w• hikt pealed Vets voa 'refit, we can give you es.trit value. Agent ler Rem LaPseApplefo*
Monsoon and Erne Ilibbon. packet Teas. • ,
J.. -* liiiltrIN, • - - - . - - Cliinton...
Re WM,/
eKlondike field Pieldret al argeolattp, Valle
*Ma book, MAW& like a whirlwind. BoantIOU
peospeetustreents. Books, on time,
Toronto. -
..alapiwit •
rttrIVHDAY Nit
To TVEILI/ ONE trifocal" find Itt the newel Pauly Iracea-nwit
Armand return to,,,ins give an extol:lite 1 Out y At* almulativi
Opt] Of Roby Beek tirk ImeCk, sad amid 120km Veh Tos.
periebebte permit.* town tot its 11 3., ran,. Inert Noti. retton money
and We roe you !Free obolto rt heovIly 04toil rioh; tiottedot wttk,
Look and Kt.". or Solid Grad BONI roleher Illftiater ftieto Shogr
Writ pnuis sod Ars fond prise WIthOtIO firiltar Or filo*. Writ* trwtty Wet tido nottainr, at pig then* Olt
Nagai au all 00 Into. 0 irAto foolclort it4 rIalICATO fataftlIneff Oao 014 ta144(.1 IfOodt reestnahl.k.
:masa Ws most NATLONAL NIUMPLIT cp., 4io50 West Larne* nu. lisetreat, Nitheti
77WEr r !
Honalt Mall Pr WZindail to. travel for largo:, .
home ; setaretee monthly and expert -es, with '- ,
inerease i go hien permanent' melee(' self-
addrexcedstannyd envelope MANAGER, SW .
Caxton bldtChiedgo., Dec. 20-1.6 . aiitiliary
Suboloriber its weltered to_ promptly Ali all or- naps
dersfor wood or coal, wawa will be sold at -
lowest ottes. Moe on Isaac Streatir LAVIS
Per "Story of South Atrime," lis joint Clerk'
Itidpath, Tr. t.ID Oldwera 3. Knee X. A., e.
A. Coor. Minutes/ miter of the "Canadian .
Magas to., Toronto. and .T. R. Aiken. of -
Londen.Ont.. who has returned this weak:
from 12 years" travelling in on h Africa, for
mt. Ws are the only Centdien Publishers
who have bads brand,. In Song, Africa for
nineteen rearkolvInr as an iteMstiseadsant.
itga, in featuring photographs and Material.
Oar AlithorshIP, latterpreis and engrevings.:
are asperior, and Oenedieu Contingents beef
tar illuetrated than is Any rival work. 8o
mire are we of this. that we will mail free for
ingazival prospectus, Girt:Oats Annelle%
▪ compote= Oar petite/totes to Anton*
free. Applr World obi in% COMPany,
For Twenty-seven Years
During .the month of January we will give s. me unusuat
bargains in the following. lines
Wood. Cooking Stoves
, Wood Heating Stoves
00ai Mating Stoves
Second Hand Stoves Both Coal
• and Wood
Me proof Safes
We want room for other , good.
•Come along ana get a bargain.
6.1r eat
Not Wailer blest-Mng aMrhos