The Clinton New Era, 1900-01-26, Page 5ri • r Q • • 11 Rumball's Aiatob..and jewelry Store YPe aim. NI -lithe Mt Theban t,ssorted ehri sstmas stock ever broaggbt into Clinton, will be found in We store, In "Watches, Clocks, Rings, Sterling Silver Novelties. eelliuloktl Goods, trig Abr eh1 t. assortment ii v the arses asaortmeu town. What would be more appropriate for a ahrietmae gift for your parents than i - good pair of Spectacles. Con- .' ink our .Oinked Department, it costa yeti nothing. Eyes, examined in a eo•t entitle manner, free•of charge. Engraving done on the premises. all Repair work done promptly and'thoronghly RUMBALL'S - W ateh and .Tewelry,Store What 'On :.Are_. Looking i Fortr • The best value for your money, especiallyin the Grocer line ;, which can obtained tanned at the . Hub Grocery. Specialties-- Coffees, pecialties--Coffees, Teas a Spices. together with other choice Groceries of similar value A call solicited. P. 1Vi# lvi le TOeo a swallow ... GROCER lune LOG'S ' e WantLogsofall kinds, arty Elm, and are pre - tired to pay the HIGHEST CASs PRICES.. If yen have any Logs to sell it will pay you to enquire out prices 'be- foro taking them elsewhere. R. & J. Ransford. • • We Take This • r • nn 111 O Vt pP�� Y • Of thanking. odr many customers for their past patronage and hope to mer- it the continuance of the same (and as many new ouetWnera as can find it convenient to Dome) _ by keeping good goods, and in being courteous end atten- tive to all, • Jas. McClacherty, . Novelty, Bakery And 1$estaurant. Telephone No. We liave Reduction 1*1 ur Prices- iY. 4, THE CLINTON NEW ER, i, West Huron Farmers' In- - fclean:tr 1 �"�\ ttirte� 1 during winter bane plenty of r_. be provided, warim and i fluor, cetneut preened;. breeding .bows should '. exercise; let them run • do not wean 'young e old. Peed plenty of ow and roots an winter uyar Held their lecturer pigs until urer tneetiugs In Clio' tai the i3 wee wee •, ton and liuugaunotr 10-st 7,'huraday pasture to sun, and raldayiJae.18 and 19. The Uitate to grout s, and when about six meeting was one of the haat the lu-moiit he ad ut them iii and feed suture bee held this year; over 160 heavy till fit for the market. The weiepreaent during ;Le afternoon practice of feeding. too long when the showing; by !.heir questions and alien pt -ice low, or of feeding tooshort is . tion their !merest in the tapice wider when he price is higi?, to bad, and distcubatun,. Atter .Pres, Jas. busies either will - make inferior pork. Mar - opening remarks Mr H. Glendenning, , ket your pigs when they are ready, of; Manilla, apuke on '•!reeds ai,d Feeu-•' trig." lie said that We pointed to. the andnBogart-ot b poke or fteon 'Veruent•" he out thebalance of our stock of ..e Tars wespoke. , In order t(f cleanu manttfaccttcer as , bathe prosperous r. had with him charts and diagr&ma, offer 313.00 Caperines for 1510.00 . � Ca�Jerr,e � • es for 513.00 16:00; 522.00 Cato erines for $ 17,00 • . 0 2.8.00 u.�& O f 33,40 Fur p sr � . . 18;40 Fur G� for es :1 5'00 �• � All our Furs at similar reductions for cash. R .Goats °: Son , Holmesville Cheese Factory Letter From_ South Africa. ANNUAL MEETING'. i ' BElr MONT, South Africa, • I . Dec. 11th, 1899. annual al meeting of the stockholders and F To the Editor of the New Era: yyatrons•of the Holmesville Cheese and Butter Manufacturing Co., will be held la Wilson's DEAR Site—We're all sitting under Vela 1 at 2 canvasbattlefield on tura b. o on the art field of ills Ss d F , Hall, Holritesvy,Belmont, o'*look.•p. m.., for the purpose olwinding .up. ,the place where-Col..-2a1coner,-•and--18 the past years business election of officers for others, fell. on the 10th of November. the current year and the transaction of any general business. • .. I. now take. the pleasure of .writing w,• 13. FORSTERPres you adescription of the'country, as W.S. LAWRErlr}E, Seoi,near as I can, of course. War news is Hofineaville, Tan sth, 1000. . yery scarce here, as they do not tell us what: is happening at the front, al- —� '` though I believe we are. within a few Bide s and Skins.- -miles of Modder River, where. a great battle was fought, and won, . by . the ► British. Thereis an en a ementthere Waned ,� g Y today. I never experienced such a We will pay the highest cash price for time as we have had in all my life. HidesOalf 131i;ins, Horse aiI:Hides, We are all in good spirits, and anxious Sheep, Skins and Tow to go to the front.. Wewere camped on "a desert of fine sand, almost as fine We win the fermere.moro._for. their as pepper, last.Sunday ; in • the' after - hides and ekins"than hey can gel anywhere noon it blew a hurricane, such as was- . Bring your hides;direot to. the : store never seen in several years previope, houseelse. (so•anold,residentsaid); it came in a F. DOAN&. SONreenter whirl, and nearly. smothered • .12P, as it blew right through and under the canvas. You can imagine the sight CLINTON' SAW MILLS vie were in, after it, as we could do .nothing but take all that was con>ting. We wish to inform all our old. customers` We were all as black as costa. The that we have sold our sawmill to W. Doherty ;water here is just, middling good.. We & Co., and therefore not in the market to buy , received aurlitat mail at De Aar, . and logs. We take this opportunity' of thanki 4, read -it with beartfelt thanks. Then oar aumerons patrons for their .anppert an we struck •cam and rode in open box trust the wi-1 give the same to our suooea- p•, sora, W. Doherty6c •Co. •cars, such as are used in. "England, to . J. & N. FAIR. Orange •River, 860 miles from Oape Town.Here campedd ,_...01�..-anoth�er karoo.�� Our trip from CapeTowu to DeAat was very• interesting, riding through the hill., mountains and vat. leys, which you see all . over here. Ostriches are very plentiful, and are quite tame, we can pluck the feathers from them quite easily.. Every one of the natives love the soldiers, -as we are their, only protection from the. cruel, Boers.' Orange River is.the largest of the British camps we have seen yet. There were camped there, the Royal Horse -.Artillery, Shropshire, Royal Medical Corps, Gordon: Highlanders, and the• Northumberland and Essex. 'zegiments. Gere you can see real mil- itary life and stir, and it is the "Com! missary Depattment," where the sup plies are, canned meat and biscuits stacked high in the air. After leaving Orange River we, entrained for Bel- mont, where we are camped in garri- son. The Boers are near us. We have 7 Boer prisoners bere, which we took last night ; four of them are spies. They will be sent to De Aar, where they have 56 more, then on to Oape Town. The railroad here has all been torn. up. It such a scene of desola- tion sincethe battle I spike of. N, one can realize what this country is' like, only -those who are in , it, Bel- mont, is a little smaller than Holmes- ville. The Boers are, a very stubborn lot of people,and mean to fight to the last ; they habe a good country to fight in, as there tyre so many hills and rocks for coyer, The British are con- fident of winning, and I believe they will, on account of seeing the positions that the Boers have been driven from. Nos- l and 2 sold in Clinton by Sydney Jack have not had any sickness, for which son Druggist. I am truly thankful. We have, -of course, the hardships of a soldiers life, hut what hitlte noble heart could we show than go through them for Our Country and Queen. So far . as our rations go, we are living well. We get good bread and meat, and jhm iy served to rte right along. The weather is our greatest torture, es the days are so hot, and the nights cold. We are always up at 8 a. m. every morning to go through the tactics of war. We have the Y. M. 0. A. along with us all the time, who posts our mail for us. We will nbt get t a ny mote mail until l we arrive at o ie�tltce ls inol�80n, 1 have cometdo my part hrintak- ing away the misery of the poor Uit• lenders in this fot saken country, al- thourrh it is hard to .,be away from home, and ail things are not just as wewould like them. But we are hop. in, for the beet out here in Africa, I � will now closet e i; 9 my, letter from th sunny fields of South Africa. There is no place like Canada. I'm prouder of it than ever. Goal bless the grand,old Maple Leal. Yours, &c. PRlva.TF A. n wens With reference to the above we wish to say that we are; preparing to .build a saw mill. It will bn sun by oleotrioity generated by our have it running • factory dynamo. Expect .to h by the first of March in the meantime we are buying saw loge and hope to have our vacant five acre lot covered with saw logs at least two deep by that time. W. DOHERTY & CO. • W. JACKSON, " AGiEE T CANADIAN 'PACIFIC �Y. CLINTON • Through tickets issued to all pointe. in the state, Manitoba, the North West and British Columbia, Trav- ellers to anyipoint will oomelet their interests by consulting above. A few lines of winter. goods Ulf yet. ' Now, is the time 'to buy \ -Robes and Blankets. . . Single and .double Harness compared to the farmer. lite would showing the construction of silos, tib' prover by comparison that the fault 1 pens and stables. In the walls be put. lay wick the l=acer.. The manufacturer any stone that cave no neater than At the e a i G present, day solei his mpleuieuts I two inches of either side. According at fully * reduclater oa what he etld. to experience it mwas proven, that cern- for 20 years ego, while the Yarer's ent walls would .stand fire; he consid- produce sold for about reductiou. ered if one .bad !,o draw stone off `tn- N, 't Gh a Y c e a Ow r, the nu t er k wu e a r .m .es u othera 1 Ym man's farm 'itwa dt n ar u paybun to let the low prices, cannot the fainters build.cement, do the same, the secret was to. reduce "Feeding cattle for export" wag. cost of production. In the case of taken up by D..A.• Forrester.: Though of feeding he said that there was yet•y I Mr Forrester said he did not know much user e s expenditure. Ha show. about feeding cattle, still ed by ,charts the relative yalue•uf the . he had fed from, 75 to 125 a year for 14 different graine and feeds etutfa and yyoarsand had kept his eyes open. We explaiae how by nut knowing, the • have. to meet all competition on the cuustii,ueuteof certain feeds we might • same market, where the beef issold on be feeding at a less, An ox is simply ; merit. To compete euccessfutly we a machine and 'here is no protit itt , must. feed. to advanteee; feed from in. ai feeding a anti inance ration bet to fancy' up. We grow too rnughly, put to get the beat results we must feed aon the meat too . tact and make not balanced ration, a food that would I beef, but tallow—the cheapest part of supply just what'the ux required for the carcass. So bold oar own we must hproduce thebigh priced cuts. He said e had used'-Searly all the rations known; his present system depended. Chiefly on the sills, with some clover hay. He does not thrash his oats, but Its purpose. The chart was an eye opener, as many 'raw they_liad been feeding at aloes, some of our old -theme tee we exploded,the'chai t is.indeepens• ible to the feeds that would *ea for profit. Thesecretary is having themputs them through the 'cutting box; printed and will send a copy to every theatres his peasand barley; and trades member"of the Institute. his wheat for corn or shorts, and by. so • Mr A. Elliot, of Galt, took up the doing Was able to feed 100 cattle off 200 '.subject of "Clover and Olover hay." I acres. He preferred 'feeding loose in He said about 00% of the atmosphere pens, as it was only half the trouble. was nitiogen and there was no cheap• 1 Considers 11.2c a paying difference er method of abstracting at from the between--buying-and Belling price,. air and storing it in the soil than by H. Glendenning discussed "Weed s• c10der.Clover should be sown with the Farm." Weeds aredistributed vf411,911111vielle, Jetuuary I (Murton & Co. BILL 0F - FARE THj$. $WEEE every grain -crop, even if it has to be plodgheddoyen in the fall, '• ie gave his met.h..d of. cutting and curing, Hay could'be takenin when quite Camp with its, own moisture but, never .when damy. from .outside causes never take it iu too dry. He, found no benefit in salting... Weil cured clover ,hay was excelleut for horses, generally, sewed. Sibs' red; and 2 of alaick per acre, A ton '; Ofclover hay leaves more value in manure than what,yo u. would pay for the seed: • - good exterminator of a did. " J,�. A. McD. A11an,of G•oderich, spoke on not believe in tt;e sumrrrerYallow, as it R /� /'� (��t ]•�^� fruit suers! au v" a BRO'�" DFLJ'*' •,.d: t 130 CO. anaakr.. g iy d inters some very was too expensive. good suggestions., W e should not for- At the evening session.. "The Spray - get, that the orchard was a oro and in ofFruit Trees" was taken u by P g p Cook's Cotton Soot Compo�noc . 0�7adies. Saffe efectuuaal, Ladies ask your druggist for C&sk's Gtass Root C. . �� Tke no other,atiall Mixtures, �11s and imitations are dangerous. Pries No. .41 pet box• Ns. a, itrdegreea stronger,', per box. No. 1 or 1. mailed en receipt of price and two teen$ stems, The Cook Company Windsor Ont. responsible Druggists in Cageda.m�d� �y air Mist Ross Trunks and • Valises Routs, Shoes and Rubbers We also have Red Cedar and Pine Shingles on hand. �' . ► call .soliciteat Will offer from now until the first of January, all Felts and Trimmed goods at ha price. rice ha yea Handker- chiefs e large stock ofr- chiefs from, up.. Also a large stock of Bibs. Call and see them before buying. MISS ROSS. ii' Pit'% TO /floe have not seen the Catatosue of the Canada Rosiness. College em rnaM, ONTARIO. by purchasing seeds, by.water, winds. animals, machines, railways,: &o., and in order to combat them successfully we must know something ab flit their habits of growth. The bulk of . the weeds are bitter. consequentlyno stook will rat them. , Weeds are divided into Cash and One Price flL‘TZ Extract Lemon and Vanilla, per bottle Lle,10o,15e, 25o, 85o.. Gold Medal Baking Powder. 10a size for 5o Forest City Baking Powder, 11 pouf; d sealers, special 20o Good Red Salmon, 2 tine for 250 10'Bers Soap, 5c eize,for 25o, Good Toilet_Soap.per ogee 1.e L anndry Staten, fn pound packages, wash 10i4 fur 70 Good Corn Starch, in packages, 5e Choke Mixed Pickles, in bottles, l2io kiddy's Matches, per box 100 • Good Japan Tee, 20e per pound or 8 pounds: for 500 Choice Japan Tea, our own importation, worth 80e for 260 Elite Ribbon Tea, black and mixed, 25a, 40o, 50e And 600 Salado, Coylcn Tea; blank and mixed, 25o, 40o. and 500 Re.oleaned Currents, in. kelt, boxes, very epeeist 25o Choice Selected Valencia Eaisins, 8 pounds far 25o Crosse Blackwell.* t on Peal pound 20o d,hes Lemon ,per Women's WearingShoes, now worth'$125 for $1 Men's heavy Shoee, extension soles, epeoial $1.50 Men's heavy. Rubbers, 2 buckles, high out, close fitting $1.50 • Men'e heavy Books, at 40o, 60e,. 700 and $1.20 - Meu's Leggings, at $1;25, 51.50. and $1 86 , - . Ladies' fine Dongola' Shoes at $1.25, 01.50 and 51.70 • Men's fine Dongola tahoes, at .$1,50, $2 and 52,50 " New Prints, fast colors, worth loo for 7 o !!Ten's heavy ribbedand fleeced Shsrte and Drawers,�l5o;400,50a Men's Top Shirts,msdeof windproof moleskin,veryspaciel 500 • Men's heavy Wool Soaks, ribbed tops, worth 18a, 2 pair for 25a Ladies'' Aatrrae h Doeskin Jackets wortthth $025 for r $21$5. ' Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, worth 585 for $29 95 �Mc innOn & CO.•,. Blyth % % %4% .,.,.., ...r'f,r1'RNITt. B .OADF J0'T BOX & CO : . The steaiy increase in our trade is good proof of the fact that our. goods ;are xigh our prices tbtver than those of other dealers in the trade. yirlemanvfacture furniture on a large scale and eau afford to sell cheap. If you: buy from us. we save'for you the profit, which, in other oases, has to be added in foe the retail dealer.• This week we have`passed into stook some of our pew -designs Space will not perp' ns_tn quote .priegg,:but _oome:attd see for yourself' what snaps we have to Offer. Remember—we are determined that our prises shall be the lowest in the trade. three classes—annuals, .biennials and • perennials. He then described the UNDERTAKING. method theoeradicating Cand stle. wit weeds, In tbia,de artment our stook is-'oom lete, and we have undoubted) the best faller" 'such asCanada thistle. wild cera, P P y ragweed; bird weed,etc.; clover was a outfit in the county, Cur prices are as' low as the lowestl i1 should be mauured ltkeany other crop. Mr Glendenning. ,fie said we sprayed .. forr two objects, fungi and insects;• these two deprived the farmer of more than all other -pe ts--pat--T.=.g, mer. Fungi is a class of a. very low order of insects, and attaches to almost every-. thine we grow. Insects are eit•hei a detriment or A' benefit, a help to deter- mine which, will be to remember 'that as a rule thickk win e insects is are in- furiousand thin winged insects are beneficial;. shell -backed are -beneficial," with few .exceptions, the. potato bug being among. the exceptions. He gave formulas of spraysuserl to exterminate 'and also the time for ,spraying;. get none but the bssbspraypinup. madet of either copper or brass, and spray, if you would have the beat results, "Poultry" was the subj.ct of an ad- dress by D. A,. Forrester: He said If we cuuiinue as we ate going we will soon be where'the mother country is— not abut to raise her ovi n fruit. Or- chards should be well drained and cultivated, hugs were good cultivators. The Baldwin . apple, especially, this year is showing the lack of manure, Trains, young orchard so as it would bear 'reit every year, by not letting it bear too heavany -one" year. He said the whole system of the `.apple business should be ehatged, apples were .too geed to be packed in barrels they should' be paths packages rostrata as oranges are and with just we much. care.. • Art -the evening session thee hall was filled about 500 being present, - The. Doherty quartette was present and, as usual, gave some excellent selec- tions, A. McD.Allensp okevery briefly there were two distinct varieties, large on Floriculture3tnd Horticulture... He -and small, table - and egg. Ae a rule said le was aline in which we had not there: is no general purpeese here. , made enough practical •adyanoement. What Great Britain wants is a large No spot on the farm would return as bird, white skin -and yellow legs, eight mtich.for amount invested as the -gar- to nine months old, and weighing from den and orchard.. Thebe Institutes eight to nine •pounds.- In egg•prcduc- brought out some good suggestions Ir is a thewasstruction.article;to con- stonilymanhood. Sundayby take. was hen vv 0 '. J'S` that would not lay 15 dozen eggs per Big snap A Feer' Ideas: Tri For i M®Ya The time id now here when we have ha g think aboutproparingfor the cold whiter which .,•., • is just to hand. We have a lino of Frieze Over year, selling at an average of 10e per We have a lot of 44 inch Un- dershirts which are all first- • class goods, but larger tl;an moat people require. We will clear them out at prices ``ae follows : $1,50 Ones,per suit,for $i.15 Air Elliott spoke on "The Changed 2 00 t•" " ' .1 .40 Condition os Agriculture." He snide,— ' X/00k at how we market our produce; A. J. MORRIS® 0LINT014 MARKETS Corrected every'Thtirsday.afternnen �r hnredey, Jan, 25,100p0,, . . L alt Wheat. . ........ 0 62 . a. 0 VA,. Spring wheat 0 64 �s ° d0'65 '•k. Oats ., .. ..... 41040.6 y N / 26 0 25 Bye. 0 40 a 0'45 Barley 0 85 A 0 85 P,ae 056 A O 66 ....... . Flour per cwt. ... , 1 75 a 2 00 llatter,loo•e 16.17,p'k'd 0 17 a. 0 18 Eggs per doz..i.... •0 15 a 0 16 Bay, .. , 7 50 a 800 Sheepskins 060 a 0 is volt are not familiar with the advantages of. No.1 Green trim. hides 0 7} a 0 8 j feted by Canada's greatest sohook of short. POtaioe•, new . 0„25 a 0 25 band and Satirise' training. Write for it if dWno term divisionsChiokbns, per pair it flit Yr 0 40 iatt+reete, s are . Pupils can, therefore, begin at any time. rhe present an excellent time to enter. ars a fern of the polls who h seemly ssenred _positions bred ens The following _ Montreal ernttle Market: Market, in r� at the mo d e were Ld s numbers, buy owingto the poor class of caal hebut cattle they were slow in he choice not willing to show any activity in purchase. Prices were about the same as last market day, showing no increase because the quantityof stook does not warrant any advaneo. The best cattle available were sold a from de to Me per lb, and in a few special eases 5o per lb was paid for an odd prime head. The fairly good eattle sold stile to fed per lb; the poor a ares and odd bulla were slaughtered atprices; running front l3 ac to ??/ac. Sheep sold well, andtrad a pretty fair- demand at pricers limited at Oe per lb: As for Iambs they werree in want by exporters, who paid from a to d smaller stock were rune off at 35 ut the peleaner lb er Wingham. Wanted.—Choice roll butter 22e, atso raw furs. No.1 prime fox $4.50. And Mat a few word, es to the pedlar. vs the general mer- chant. Your merchant handles for yon but- ter, eggs, dried: app'es, dried pork, beans, tal- low, feathers, etc., ate., the year round. In the springout saliiesthe regular pedlar and tea pedlar, he know, you not during the rest or he year, he would not soil his hands with Your butter, tallow, pork, etc. Noir 1 ap • at to you farmers as a fair and impartial wry does Mr. Pedlar merit any''considerat on. Did *oft ever see a tea pedlar who ever offered to sell you sugar enough to last out thf tea, ranch less takes your trade for his trade. G. It. KING, Wingham. Idilttill�:altit. -consumption germ. Pare ale is one of ' LOS P• the principal dieintectante. Robt. Mimeo, M. P„ spoke of the unnecessary hostility that seelned to exist beti:teen certain claws in the country and towns ; with should not bei the arae, their interest* were identttal. Cream When Buying a C Separator, buy the Best Don't try to save a few dollars on • first coat • and ten' nines Waste that on the poor work of a poor machine. Tere are a number of different kinds of Dairy Separators but they can bo divided into two classes. Those in which quality is the Bret considers• tion and those in which low oast is the first considera- tion regardless of gnallty. coati, double breasted, with large storm collar whicwould be exceptional:y heavy oven if they woremade in the usual way, but those are made double warm byliuing them down to the waist with the heavyfriezo that Lila outside is made of. We are not always "biking as it our goods were the oheapostin the world, but we do say that thie is the best coat in the trade for - the money, and those wbo have scan it ca it would not. be dear at ;10. ''Phe price is sib wilie they last. .A line of black and blue beavers, double breasted or fly front, with velvet collar and quilt linings at V. A better lino at. 510 A. nice dressy coat made onto! curly cloth at 5e. A better curl,. with eordo•i edger', velvet collar and. beat farmers satin ening, aa 112. Oyeralies With or without bib, from Weyer -pair up. A. J. IIOLLOWAI stork Taking Sale You . know what Stock- iiig means --lean r lines of The Sharples Sep- goods that we would rather sell d fit 1 MI, t e - handsomest Snish is omyylpyod . The reputation of P. Id. Sharples for moil oyer. made � achinery is above that of any other -fi 1, manntsotttror in Choir lino. They have been Yol1 are of course aware r than a sellers' yea re business b save a longer tri the y . ,,. in ju:t- deaf competitors �r ofht 'l theth 1 CeB 1 71 e a V damn - ly claim to have a more th•,rongth knowledge � C �, �' l of the regnlrementa of the beyt,yeparator. alon the line can scarcely a line The manufactories are by odds the largest f 1_ and finest'Separotor Works not only in Amer- o f goods in Stock that w e fes brit in the tretld. , h iyr th i emit the most bxperi- replace for the same p keep in the lead. have (;lit the price In, Fox terriot dog about four' months old. Finder willber•warded.. Ge D. MerAG(FART �---- HELP WANTED the wanted to help to do housework.-' Aptly to MRS. JOHN JAOKSON, Battenbnry "Street. de at the hes of the re chase ate r stands az aS1h that -lase. at 1 t 089 than of o t o e texponent� IIter.::an and aro res la the Throughout t ie Separator rho finest mater - h moat oarotat mennfsoturor and tLo the-. 1 tQ slit ,,, sheets and. Carr louse andbexcited r mare, or inventors and rice• - • • designers an are thw enabled always to We lt'r zs AnsnLTT'ri x 13 1N E. many in order.to effect a No gamin s nor high Speed spindles are ax- clearance, and. you will do well hood. in which the hands or clothing mal stippl3r,Ou:wants now .• become entangled. The searing 1n other to separators is a source of der ger and many salmi aooidents have happened with them. �t . An infant could plar around or on the Sharp- Do many lines ° are • affected les While the machine is In full motion with• that we cannot here enunaar:; ent danger or abeidentor injur ., Those Sepwrwtors are furnis ed with the t latest patented ttwo part prog•seive :Lars, or ate hem, but you are sure bowls unequalled in•effeetioness. u something among The points in which it is claimed the �e� wtrt wth worldShatplleare et herr 'riic Sian- oratora'; ttisilt it 'will be to your iMd �Weyart nd wililal 50 place these- machines '".e uto R • *with dairymen absolutely on their *mite. �t a t1,,s The machines must rove in somal usstbet Sacskatehewsoi Robe 1�tiNe*ANNON MEETING. PURSE POUND: • in the afternoon Mr Elliott, "The Gaff, con Rog d yr v�le atMttt=�'Itrt+�etha: �o7lknit aan Ira':'q, Waif called neon to ttpeetk Oh r The Bar 1l !flack !,rine, containinrt a email sum of an ho to sed histo.” In his incus was inane bet sen Linton site 801 opening remarks he said that farmers raer r f same try eallbut 101his oboe and paying or i�yCokN,per p+►ir... r .... 0 25 h 040 had 1aO ee:reta as tnanttfacturers had; this edit Jratt 26th.. -1 they have the rope or hints olKimrd for b • Gems, per lb 0 05 a 0 06 we cannot materially increase the pt ice ^ - • them over co mpetint Mee Ines. iTha ie • . e advanced probably ably $2 At"' wilt bet cel 1r po 'tri 11 • Tinkerl,erib...,►... Ott *er'prOdUCe hitt Wit can increase the B ndi,dEar ►toRenitorf`ordaltr nwith116 e!.1%*edtlontoresponsible er. ns edeity.next season. have ley, formerly of vein m, as fiommeroiat rainy An agent for on 'Ort to bee. m e h teacher West Hide Bas two Oolltr�e,Okidare d pi �� heeds Eerrr, as 13ionogragher wi the Mut - ppl lb.... 1 tI fi iw b ted !►i trim bt 160 sores r trim rruperio retial �tdOu - aph r With ham�.o r'r�dor� �fnti trri ma ay oat talk Pork, dtreweerd • • •' S 00 it 6 25 notion. The . g that's wanted today t•Itbseriber offers either to rent or for sate, soother who bas a better ,machine, brit few• Yeti Ban save mo r isttlei r• ill d oast stet 1'u e t'r w aril d o'n the lit ort ehfns p i ie r snA b . a iniir tuft t • WWI, tin as earns a . M II And s orento. JanisS Redford, k• ,k�e,rr , Parham r4-wriilttate (10.. Varna, Olit ZnstInteent, Grandal oldrs,,'torairom ten tk Mort, boat• ohioaso. Our pupils are in deman Yke.sts 1x14*. u• lilttl„aShs ksitt matt. Pork e 4 90 a 4 00 rarity and decrease the cost of pro., D apples 0 05 i to the one wan r `u l !troy rr " 0 05 d e»tire different 1� 1halftit 1 $ran, per** ........11100 a 18 00 catr0 O 'We' laaulit knbwr what the r°t'r`iji�t��riE� ii r`1lsared, with ftt•nlwt'4 Ity cu are inttNtW writs ns and wrY rwiiT � .. - Y Shorbs. pr loa........16 00 a 16 C0 • market wants, and cater to it. There baildiaM, bank barx , with windmill, setts yon..M dercri tiro estalo(Ntt' of the ' are only three breed* of hogs in Can. impletsasnt hotrso text), th stone foundation, machine and a afro% sr eon iron iwtiirrott- IffJG CUSTOM 017/4*CLUE. imitable far bacon` thea' etotre g Wilde 1,*20 with hen toyuw a,ove. ial letters from yournelihbors ane% ethers. .4d item. Aeries, tbreo•swrels of Pawl *nth- • step these m_ soft nee t,� any pi an# in -rd a rnrniatf through the vier,•, The nada tad Nni s baorc whir ft4ltinstraotioi» 'tai •eti f are aT woortb 'Y•orJt ehir•` Berkshire, ,r.. the tllinton tinrr and their mem. Ile t on ht a• a hunt Is a rens ft every resre ti and sett! rip and rp ,Vag. Jan. rMh at who edits tridres is t,rr biyr et will not nss�r fys worries •• s L. O4r. .•�441 cl 1e held on firiday yri /p so a� , to start x not•ri of an expert N ywetGar•udar+. AN ti«i le re marketed r!►t from 71 !! to tt �` t°1. .Iw it +� ITONE 1T 1 etiKt tr SdopYtTimi i i rss b addrsesiu ogn• 'teller 1 �noti�t• issa�ntlls triadtr Cheapest' pork then pias r triers • r atB menthe (food ondtabk winter a, *initis Mk, _/ lase re eetw. :. Tin OR