HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-02, Page 6Nothing Soi
Sold, a•mnra. �m..4t'@a.d
'fill me; 1t the lunch counter. „i,. tu0m:ucr, el tate 1mterio .Agri -
'Phe girl whit the fhaifv hair had order- cultnrcl and Experimental Union are
ed ice cream. ,d:e. 1'I elate pudding and ple.aee1l to state that for 1909 they lire
Bunn, puffs, prepared 10 distribute into oo'ery
"Ivor rho linins s,1l,0, I"1a.." 00e1a1med township of Ontario material for ex-
' the girl with the picture hat. "]low can perinlents with fodder crops, roots,
yot Ret away with ;l1 that stuff:' grains, grasses, clovers and fertilizers.
"1'0) dieting," freezingly arnswert'd the About 2200 varieties of term crops
girl with the fluffy hair. have been tested in the Experimental
Department of the Ontario Agricnitur-
How One Helps the Other, al College, Guelph, for at least lip
71t- Pure ono amdritiun of the nreruge years in succession. These consist of
nt4aa>ttis to melee nonn1; varieties from nearly all parte of the
na:44 --Anil the ons am',iaiun of the 1)t- world, some of which have done ex•
ra ns woman is to spend it. ceedingly well in the carefully ; an•
.44 I ducted experiments at the College and
now being distributed free of charge
The Unpleasant Kind, for co-operative experiments through -
hiss 1111.1 -1 suppose you 'wrier out Ontario. The following is the list
d104tm of ir,irryintit of co-operative experiments in ngrl-
ho debt'' --Oh, ,lwedin es --,:after a late culture for 1908:
and particularly hndigoslihle supper. No. Experiments. Plots.
1 -Three varieties of oats ' . • • . 3
Poor Boyl 2a -Three varieties of six -rowed
1110 '•11'11" 1111)1)1' of Ila: env King of 2b -Two Varieties of two -rowed
Portugal is said to be Alanuel M41114 barley
Curios .\u1)11i)1 Luiz hignel -Two Varieties of !lidless har-
Coneaq ua Muer Francisco .1'Assra IE'n-
gel do, puke of Baja. And it nnlst not -Two varieties of spring wheat 2
bofoeeotten that he hits other 10,,lllbJes -Three varieties of buckwheat.. 3
in addition. -Washington Post, -Two varieties of field pea° .. 2
-Emer and .spelt ... ... ... .. 2
-Two varieties of soy, soja or
Japanese beans ,.. ... ., 2
-Three varieties of husking
cora 9
-Three varieties of nmalgels .. 3
-Two varieties of sugar beets for
feeding purposes .' . ... .. 2
-Three varieties of Swedish tur-
Cyruuo, did emu mail that ]otter la
handed you 1Jnds lamming just before 9
you starteet trout homer'
aid, Emile, you bol stamped it, 1 10
41 a nine?" 11
1311y, no, 1 cxpeeted yon to do 12
11111 1,"
''(fell, 1 )lide't:' 13
Uncle Allen. 14
It fella the suet that the p1pels pub- 10
11011 00 much news about crime," said I6
Ufnole Alien Sparks, 'blurt makes me 17
dome ray (11)111)10 /11)0111. the world noa. 18
itlg i ttey, ft's the fart that that the
kitedo f 0 to people ;cera o nal tuft the I l t
a read." 19
-Two varieties of fell turnips ... 2
-Two varieties of carrots ......2
-T}irge varieties of fodder or
silage corn .. ... 3
-Three varieties of millet ...... 3
-Three varieties of sorghum .. 3
-Groes peas and two varieties
of vetches ... .. . ... 3
-Rape, kale and field cabbage.. 3
20 -Three varieties of clover ...... 3
-Sainfoin, lucerne and burnet.. 3
-Four varieties of grasses ...... 4
-Three varieties of field beans 3
-Three varieties of sweat corn.. 3
-Fertilizers with Swedish tut -
The 'Wrong Fruit. 21
1011g04 her n (witch whet/ he oro- 23
g3osciti 24
Biot interr when they were trash 20
1144 found :G0 lids sorrow, alas! that he
Dad paired with a lemon instead. 27 -Sowing Mangels on the level
and in drills .. ... .,. . .. 2
2811 -Two varieties of early potatoes 2
28b -Two varieties of medium ripen-
ing potatoes . .. 2
28e --Two varieties of late potatoes2
29 -Three grain mixtures for grain
production ... .. ... ... .. 3
30 --Three 'mixtures of grasses and
Adjustment. clover, for hay .. ... 3
First Correspondent --Senator Lotsmuu The size of each plot in each of the
soya the vounty is suffering from too first twenty-seven experiments and in
'malt propellItr and he's n mal that Nos. 29 and 30 is to he two rode long
by one rod wide; and in No. 28, ono
rod square.
Each person in Ontario who wishes
to join in the work may choose any
one of .the experiments for 1908, and
apply for the same. The material will
be furnished in the order in which the
A Real One, applications are received until the
"Ary Uncle -Hiram," remat'ked little supply is exhausted, It 'night be well
Ronny, "says the only yeller peri( h0 fun for each applicant to make a second
any pectin of is the newsboy what choice, for fear the first could not be
alwayspukes hint lip at 6 o'eloek 10g'• ed entirely free of charge to each ap•
granted. All material will be furnish -
1c1', en' spires his therein' nap."
Unexpected Ostacle.
lhoporter-Is Airs, Cadhoy's suit for
divorce likely to be resistor,
Ira Lecsom (divorce lawyer) -I have
already encountered 1011011 more resist -
ince than I expected, 1)1 Mei, it's „ming
to be a11.I can do to pcisunde her to
bring suit,
Ain't Sayin' a Word,
Dad an' me went uuttite, see?
Au' dad climbed a great big tree.
Dad gave 0 yells -slipped an fell --
But what he said I doss❑ t tell.
always weighs his words.
8ceond Correspondent- Then there's
something wrong with his scales, Ilia
words don't weigh as much as lie thinks
they do,
Economic Waste.
By gad, sub!" exclaimed ('1)1. ilad,-
tlnender,-"nnless this prohibition move -
1110111 is eheeked. stilt, I shall ailvoc,ate,
tae ploating tip of every blanlcety blank
mint bed in my native state! Of \that;
3100, by gad, bull, i, the taint without the
Cost of Fatted Calves.
"1 want to tell ;nu sir, that :his
panic don't affeel.:Le towers„
"Don't, els'! \Cull, vol I•'ef /nigh, r
•40 the prodigal sons that's berm [Most)
b9 k on ns." -Judge.
The Vanity of Women,
Dismal Dao---lt'ond0r why 'tis dot
winnner is most alters better lonl,in don
110. Mien is?
Lazy L ke--1nt's n easy one. A wo-
men washes her face most, every' day
;jist fer do looks uv its"
What the Fan Was For.
to (at the ball) --1 wish you wouldn't
]litter ,your fan continuously.
lie -Why ; not, pray?
ie--lt i1rodueee aa. coolness between tis.
Remembered Him.
Felletire -(formerly ]heat)' Rufus)--
Wall w11i13 do you want?
'1 ntfu121`lutt You wni laud 'lough
murk., 3)1 fir, togive me a dollar ail' it
kiele, Et the two'„rO together, .sir, I'm
ad, 1111' 'mitt agate.
34o Lack of Diversion.
ete 'leaner Lee , Omde , - Didn't you
find it hard to int:rl.aiu 1 large ;1) emu-
aby 011 00)h short notate?
lire. Rudder -O, nn; they 1111 seemed
to find 'Amity 01 elitertainment in the
'peculiarities Of our 11e11' butler.
Seemed Most in Demand.
Caller -I 4,1ta yell keep chickens. \\'hat
-breed do you e on idol' the best?
rSnbtabaIitc las hard to tell. 1 nn-
lice,,though, that more of my Ahitt-
Wval4ottes are stolen than any other
kind." sands, Address, Lynn, Masa
plicant, and the produce will, of
course, become the property of the
person who conducts the experiment.
Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph,
March 7th, 1908.
After suffering eight years;,
thiswomanwas restored to health
by Lydia E. Plnldoani's Vegetable
Compound. stead her letter.
Mrs, A. D. Trudeau, Arnprior,
Ontario, writes to Mrs. Plan= :
"I suffered terribly from ulcera-
tion of the feminine organs for eight
years. I tried four doctors but got no
relief, and thought I would have to die.
"Ono day I saw an advertisement of
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com-
pound in the paper. I sent for some,
and before I had used five bottles I
was entirely cured. I hope every suf-
fering woman will take my advice and
use Lydia E. Pinkham's. Vegetable
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, macre
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
dlaplacements, inflammation, 011101 )-
tion, fibroid tumors, Irrcgnlarities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear-
ing -down feeling, flatulency, indigos-
tioll,dj2ziness or nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it?
Don't heeitacc to write to Mrs.
Pinkham if you need adVieenbollt
your sickness. She will treatvour
letter in confidence stud tuh'ise
you free, 13ecmar121e of her vast
experience she has helped thou.:
Not a Miracle
But Medical Science
Dr, T. 3, Slocum, Limited,
Toronto, n
t Ont.
(leullemenl- '
"Some time ago 1 began 10 lose flesh
aux] failed every day until 1 had to
quit work, illy physicians and all my
1ricnds said 1 had contracted co1suop-
tion, I foiled trout 1115 pounds Iowa
to 1111. 1 1)r, advised to go to the
Iloe.kies 01 to the coast. I went to both
places under heavy expense, I con-
tinued to fail, and was advised by the
doctors to come home as nothing more
could be done fur tete. hope seemed
to have left lie.
"I tried Psy chine and since vstarting
it's use 1 have gaited from 1.19 to 141
pounds. 1 have used $10 worth of
the medicine, 1 nil a well 111011 and 1
cannot say too much in praise of Pee --
chine. The strongest recommendation
would be weak in view of the fact that
L believe it has saved my life, It is
without doubt the best remedy for
run-down conditions and weak lungs,
"I sincerely hope and trust That you
will continue your good work of saving
nun down people and consumptives from
the grave, Wishing you and Psyehine
callieued 6ueees0, I remain, one of
Psychine's best friends."
Sault Ste. Alerie,Ont.
Almost every wail brings its letters
like the above. Psychhne will repeat
this record in every mase. 1t is the
greatest medicine known. At all drug-
gist), 500 and $1, or Dr, '1', A. Slocum,
Limited, '3010010,
"Mr, Addeunup, what system of book-
keeping have you found to 3m the most
satisfactory?" asked the tiresome caner.
"Keeping it bank book," answered the
busy man at the drank.
Customer pit dairy 11111011 cemite')-
You have i0 pay 0111 It good deal of
money for the ginger you use, do you
Proprietor -Ginger? Why, no; gin-
ger's cheap.
Alinurd's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen, --My daughter, 13 years
old, was thrown from as sleigh and in-
jured her elbow so badly it remained
stiff and very painful for three years.
Four bottles of AIINARD'S LINIMENT
completely cured her and she has not
been troubled for two years.
Tours truly,
St. Joseph, P. 0., 18th Aug„ 1900,
Not Disappointed.
Adam /iwfox-\\'dial's got you so
unroll interested in that tael'e paper?
Job Sturky-1'0) looking over this list
of a hundred men that owns all alio
money in the country. 1 thought tneb-
by my name would be there, but it ain't,
Weil, I didn't much expect to find it,
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Sentence Sermons.
Wandering thoughts seldom find safe
Every honest doubt ripens into lager
The heart of all reform is the reform
of the heart.
Souls are not lifted up by preaching
down to them.
A frowning brow often indimotes a
shrinking head.
Too many sow sand and then pray for
What you are when no one is looking
is what you are.
There can be no moral muscle without
mural struggle.
1f you would lead you Hurst be willing
to be lonesome at times,
'lime/ are 100 many ehurehes trying
to win the pour by courting the rich,
The value of your religion depends on
low much of yourself is invested in it,
No 'tan can win righteousness who
will 11111 take some risks on hie reputa-
1t dor'19 take long to discover all
kinds of good in anything that has gold
in it,
When a preacher tries to be tt star
he is sure to shut out somebody's sun-
The heat is best nourished when we
are Ministering to the needs of our
lie who expects to die like a dog sato-
ally goes to his expectancy long before
he dies.
The hope of this world does not lie in
the stall fed saints who are fattening on
If you would find gladness you must
play life's great game with eagerness
and fairness.
Some folks are starving because they
don't know the difference between
dietetics and a dimer,
Quick Change.
"Far two cents said the boy with the
dirty face, "I'd knock ye dower!"
"Here's de two cents, said the boy
with tagged trousers, tossing the coins
at his fret and squaring tiff belligerent-
ly. "Now come on an' try it, durn ye!"
"(l'ot's lie user rejoined the other boy
picking them 1'p nnd backing away.
Ain't no sense in 1001110' a feller down
w'en ye kin gin de num' out'n 'im widit
out dein' it. See?"
Resumes His Rounds,
Airs (oo holt I haven't seen you, I
tluiul .ane-., 11101, fall, Ile ,n0)1 again,
aro you?
Itnffon Wra.tz (with a deprecatory
cough) los, ma'am. tin one of de liar-
Weer:nee of spring.
Unknown Twenty-five Years Ago,
'they Aro Now in General Use.
{]Dors become quite prem-
ier to Amer' r a
tc I architecture. 1'w� li
1 r r I n
five years ego they were almost un-
known; to -disc they are haat with ev-
erywhere, in bathrooms, vestibules,
'ta;tways, kitchens and dining -rooms'
of private residences and in hotels,
railroad stations and public build-
ings of all sorts. In fact, tinny 00-
terpricing merchants in our large cit-
ies have adopted a mosaic pavement
for the sidewalk in front of their
et.wes as n method of attracting at
tention of the passer-by. Numerous
materials have been used for ceramic
work, but the only ones which are
he'd enough for pavements are marble
and ceramic tiling, says Cement Age.
Although marble and ceramic mosaics
have many technical and other in-
ferences with which every architect,
contractor, builder or other person
interested in building operations
should be familiar. Marble ie a nat-
ural stone, a carbonate of lime. The
marble tesserae, es the individual
pieces of the mosaic' ore called, have
to be cut and are limited in color to
th- shades in which marble naturally
occur). Ceramic moaafo is made of
plastic clay and is a silicate of alum-
nna, to which other materials in small
quantities have been added. The cer-
amic ieeeera0 are usually molded in
steel dies, although in art 0r cut cern,
mi,) they are cut from strips of baked
clay. Different varieties of clay as-
sume different colors when subjected
to the fire of the kiln, and by the ad-
dition of metallic oxides, the clay
tes'erae eon be provided in almost
any color, shade or tint.
-4 -0
Tea appreciation of the public is the
final test of merit. This is the reawm
"Salado" Tea Inc the enormous sale of
over eighteen million pack a to au -totally,
)f you do not 110e it, The "Saluda" Tea
'ro'alrlo, will send you a sample,
State whether vont 1151' Black, Af1xed or
Green and the price you usually pay per
Heat Tests of Clothing.
.Au interesting experiment, 1)1,100 in
June by a physician, proved conclusively
that for the sake of coolness only white
should be worn in hot weather. The
physician spread out in an intense sun-
shine a large piece of white cloth, an-
other of dark yellow, another of light
green, another of dark green, another of
blue and another of 'black. Then, with
the Help of six thermometers, he made
the following table of the various heats
which each color received from the sum
light White, 100 degrees; dark yellow,
140 degrees; light green, 155 degrees;
data: green, 168 degrees; blue, 108 de-
grees; black, 208 degrees. Thus the
physician proved that, in July or Au.
gust, the mat in white is a little less
than twice as cool as the man in blue,
and a little more than twice as 0001 as
the man in black.-I.our)ille Courier -
PAZO OINTMENT le guaranteed to cure any
Dene of Itching, 1311nd, Blooding sr Protrud-
ing ?Hes In 6 to 14 days or money refunded.
Bill's Signature.
Mrs, Velhon-Oh, dear] I hardly
know how to tell you, but the baby
somehow got hold of a fountain pen
and your First Folio ---
,Mr, Vellum -1 see; but don't let it
worry you. 11 really' enhances the value
of the hook, l'il dispose of it as an
autograph copy. --Puck.
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff,
Ants Have a Compass.
(The thousands of Band hill nests of
the magnetic alit of northern Australia,
lately inspected by the Governor Gen-
eral, measure two to three by ten to fif-
teen feet. They form a nature's com-
pass," the long axis pointing always
north and south,
mums, Poetess Scratches sad every form al
eoutagioue Itch on human or animals cured
Ia ea minutes by WOltosst's Saattary Lotben.
It never falls. sold by druggiete.
Shifting the Responsibility.
Teacher-Dirs. Clabber, your little
'Clarence frequenitly einites to school
with his face unwashed.
Ales. Clubbe•-\\'hy; good 330101ous,
Miss •Lipsiea 1, what do you keep a
school janitor fur!
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
Fletcher's Rules,
Horace Fletcher has printed in a
book his rules of life end eating, sum-
ming them up thus:
Don't eat when not hungry.
Don't ever get angry.
Don't drink in a hurry.
Don't tolerate worry.
Don't ever avast° good taste.
Don't pass it by in haste.
Don't gobble pure good. food.
Don't fait to feed as should.
Dont 11011e work of exercise.
Dont make light of good advice.
Don't never lull f take breath.
Don't thus court an early death.
Don't squander precious time.
Don't miss to do your hest.
Lo? nature do the rest.,
Milord's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
Spoke the Lankuage.
Lawson--lfov do you ]anon she is a
college girl?
Dawson -Because when she first saw
Niagara Falls she exclaimed: "tlroshl
Ain't they' too awfully bully for nay-
nything? Somervillo ,Journal.
Bolted fruits should bo kept in the
derk. A dry cupboard is the beet ploee
for them.
Magnst lt:e Rawuusse;r, of 202 11ar
gnettn street, Montreal, write for
many peas 1 lila t ouleal wept a eert-
s o
au. aft c I h: was 1 skin. t 0
This ns t
ii,sn I1)tl tan, it
at times toy /mile
fltl, 1 first rind 0111000 ]tmschcld
reteeiE 5, Int tteam,. hated altogether
useless, 1 then tool: medical 0)b.11)'.
Not one, bat several doctors in turn
wore consulted, but 1 was ratable to ;net
:any permanent relief. Some time back
1 noticed a report fnao a justice of the
Peace (Magistrate Perry, J. 1', for 13. C.)
ixrn cured of as ohinnic arch]
disen e by Znurliuk, and .i determined
to give this halm n t1ia.1. After a then,
011114115' fair test, 1 can say I am de -
lighter] with it. I have the best of rea-
sons for this conclusion; because while
everything else I tried-. sa,R•00, embro-
catione, washers, snaps and doctors' pre-
parations, failed absolutely to relieve
my pain and rid me of my trouble, bhroe
boxes of Zam-]lure worked a complete
cure, In mg' opinion this haler should
be even more widely known, than it is,
Rod 1 hope that my experience wf11
lead other sufferers who are in despair
to try this herbal header, Zeal -rink."
For healing eczema, running gores,
cute, bruises, burns, boils, eruptions,
wall) sores, pimples, eyeing eraptione,
itoh, chapped hands, and diseases of the
skin, 7am-Bok is without equal, All
druggists and stores sell it, 10c. box or
postpaid from Zaan-Bok Co., Toronto,
A Bad Bargain.
.A story is told of tine' famous Richard
Brinsley Sheridan, tihnt one clay when
coming hock from shooting, with an
empty beg, and seeing a number of ducks
in a pond, while near by a man was leas-
ing on a fence watching them, Sheridan
"IVIiat wilt you take for it shot at
the ducks?"
"Well," said the man, thoughtfully,
"1'11 take half a sovereign."
"Done," soli Sheridan, and lie, fired into
the noddle of the flock, killing a dozen
or more. "I'm afraid you made a bad
bargain," sold Sheridan, laughing.
"1 don't know, about that," the man
replied] "They're not illy duels." The
Christian :Adtr,ente.
Chewing Tobacco
The big black plug.
A Thieves' Union.
Should stealing come to be regarded as
a trade, as certain of the light-fingered
gentry would have us believe, we shall
probably have a "union" thrust upon
us, with the object of wearing better
"terms" as regards "sentences" and
greater safety in following such a dan-
gerous profession.
From October to May, Colds are the most
11050010 cause of Headache, LAXATIVE
B130630 QUININE removes cause. E. W.
Grove on box, 26c.
The Plague of the "White Nun,"
From present indications it appears
that the dreaded "white nun" butterfly,
which in previous years caused s11011 dn-
jury to pine forests in Bohemia, is likely
this year to reappear in even greater
numbers. The Ministry of Agriculture
has, therefore, appointed a commission
of experts to consider low best to stop
the ravages of this destruetive pest. Be-
ginning in the forests of Saxony and
Bohemia, the "white nun" has gradually
spread over 3Io'avia end Silesia, and
even down to louver Austria as well. As
the forest lands in Austria cover some
twenty-four million acres, more than
two-thirds of which are pine woods, the
necessity for stopping this work of de-
struction is very urgent.
From the Devil's Note -Book.
Depth cane near to her when sit, was
X011 117 and beautiful. "Oh, have mercy"
she cried, ".I awn not prepared to die -
there is too much before me,'
Death desisted, but returner] a few
years later, The woman held forth her
trembling hands i1) supplication:
"Spare line! Have miry! am not
prepared to die -there is too Winch be-
hind mel„
Moral: There is no ()lensing some peo-
ple. --Smart Set.
ISSUE NO. 14, 1908;
When y adidtc 1)i n]1 tucked d in
your warn) beds in winter, while the
winds howl outside, and the snow , r
the sleet drives against the window'
pare, do you not often wonder what the
little furred and feathered ones are
doing on such le'rible nights?
This is a problem that used to worry
mo considerably w11011 1 was a boy, and
it still does when I know that nate and
buds are scarce and the winter nn00m-
111enly cold,
But these little folks take caro of
themselves 00)011 better than One would
imagine says a writer in the Circle, Most
of the woodpeckers" are still with us
aid you will bear them on warns days
sounding their rat -a -tat, tat on a dead
limb or see them galloping over the froz-
en fields.
When the woodpecker intends to win-
ter here he begins making new quarters
early in the autumn, You may hear him
pounding away, for several nays if his
winter house is near your Own.
He builds his winter house much as he
does the spring nest, making a round
hole running back into the trunk of
the tree a few inches, and then running
it down a way. ]fere at the bottom he
lines it nicely, nand there he sleeps most
of the coil winter, only coarsing out for
food once or twice a day.
Shilj, s Use Shiloh's Cure
o1 Sfor the worst cold,
the sharpest cough
-try it on )guar-
antee of your
money back if it
doesn't actually
CURE quicker
than anything you
ever tried, Safe to
take, -nothing in
and Colds it to hurt even a
baby. 34 years of
Qi1ICKLY success commend
Shiloh"s Cure-
, 25c., 50c., $1- and.
Milk for School Children.
A very commendable feature has just
been introduced into several German
schools. Automats were placed in the
con'tyaids, which far a email coin de -
dyer hot or cold milk.
Pirst, one procures a cup which falls
out of an opening and which is made of
waterproof strong paper; then a pedal
is pressed down and the cup is filled
with pure milk at any desired tempera-
ture, fleeting 111 done inside entirely
aut'onuaticslly by liquid fuel.
The cleansing and rinsing of the tubes
and tanks through which the milk runs
is also effected automatically. The ene-
mies with .these patented automats has
been very great and they will be install-
ed in mealy more schools of the German
haupn)..- alulicipatl Journal,
moves all bard, soft and calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,.
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
ere. Save $50 by use of one bottle.
Warranted the most wonderful blemish
Cure ever known. Sold by druggists.
I heard a story lately of a Highlander
who had been persuaded to buy a ticket
for a raffle, Ile won the first prise, a
bicycle, but on being told of hie good
fortune, instead of hugging himself with
delight, he said: "Weal, that's Net ma
luck, buying two tickets whan yin wad
'a' done. It's just a sixpence wasted." -
Dundee People's Journal. , 4
Red, Itching, Skin
-chapped hands -blotches on the face
-scalp irritation -all are cured by
It heals as it cleans, A medicinal and
toilet soap combined. Soothing and
antiseptic. Elegantly perfumed. In-
valuable for babies, to keep the delicate
skin clear and smooth.
:se cake --at druggists or sent on receipt of
price. The Chemists Co, of Canada, r,1mited
Hamilton. al
It Followed.
The following question was asked a
class of small boy's who were studying
Scripture history:
"Where did John the Baptist live:
One 0110111 boy answered, promptly,
"In the desert.
"Quito right," was the reply. "Now,
what are people called who live in the
"Deserters, sir," was the 11.110wer.
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Silent as
the Sp _lira