HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-01-19, Page 971 •:•.t. • Tlag j#403# • tr , n Uwe,. itre veteanciat on the Council Board. on The dra,wingSofIlrilthstell4d"ifferent rink. ' • the Curling Club, took p ace on Tues -1 Aka, illvccIlaSitrr4"-Arilw3g Ua°54 wh° as" (kn7wort.NosturAtxxows.-The follow- , on .irtly igni gortorenxtt;utzvaiiktothe recont lauperions wove nominated to till the ....- the names ofte. A. e u , Monday t-Mesere, S. Plummer. H. B. N AT iiiRuisz la, l000. .•nterhill, (eon of P. Tebbutt, Ooderich tawnabiPl) 44114 11 J. ll'aire ilQw Of d', Bell. ' Mestere. lirickendon and Bell Zoo*L NOTICES. Varna, voth are to bp' complimented on their succese. -....„ r -AU owlet fruit nekro. Special . WNW, tirotter. i. AC0rPONT,-Tbe other day.. IL Pen- ourriants,10c; ft ib Cooknia rigor intiett-Uhis Baud Goonwinints011 IC n..eb.tker1.w_ha 4/ emPliWed In th° Yai'd Marlboro,foraterly_of Can. P ttY on on ay g ne , se pie red ts uneeiimitee nem. ne tee wean raotorY, met with a, ton etates thothe likes the West first- winners of. them play rinks nand 5 or: outpete for the trophr put up te; ever P Off Till h Next n ury flambe, T. 11.ocen3 Brickenden and rinks ore all very evenly matthen, and - ens have renewed their sub- . • • Renewals for day night, reeultiog as below,' , The A number of our subscrib- Itove since retired. 'let What You cirDo This to the Nem Ens W. IL Beesley, of ror. Nos. land and Noe, an , a - soription to the NKW ERA far Novree.-Renteneing hie subectiptiou tome extiting games may b- ) one or organ. Teruel verr 01100, RattenbutY West Iowa loptro. -There has not been frost klet to form any death of ice. consequently the butchers and ui wha' 147 JR stock -every semen' e net yet commenced to cut. " hetet n W. Wheatley harvested 250 corde. ans4 eXpecte to pun in , about the e emonnt this year. • 3340xEc Tug. -Mrs 1V(eLssty f -town, met with a bad accident on" undoy afteenoon, as she was return.. trig from Sunday seboel, elittlnote en the eldewalk, and breaking 'her -leg at 'the thinh. Ott previous occasion she . find the misfortune to break her arm by falling in precisely the same way, he latter accident is a serious one, from the feet that- she is up years. • and very hail, so -that he chanties of recovery are :slight, MxzT $ 1 the i tendon of Pa,leBrothers, thg t'a f their tto',W OltabrOIM -We understand .`x having dispose of mothloory, tu. tear down the huildir_ge ' 100g in Use in pOuneetiOrr-therev't tit. licitIda; who was for y' ;fie' • 'their head sawyer, has acceped .a einfilae 'maiden with, Doherty & Co„ • and will take ehorge of tbaeaw mill to • - be run in Connection with their 640- - liebosent,at soon as :it is ready : be is a good Man for the positiee, his training anike;cpetienoe amply qualifying birt1. .therefor. •. • , B.rts,'/IX, Mos Ordvalt.-It WLS with very kitten regret indeed tbet.our,, ,citicenaleatnedof •tbe, death IV/Mies -Jeettlie Oliver, ,fitoderich, last Friday evening. To Many of them', 'Iter-..litst ---intiMatton Of her 'inters was the . Ant.. ROOnerament in lain week's NE* "EtiA•,• . and few" bad any idea, that her 0000 was •is0 -eettotts.. She was a tesident Un- tonotO for a number of. years and her- ' bright -Cheerful disposition Inside 'for her =eel 'holing friends. An active Of Presbyterian Church,' h060f1001nce was always 'exerted in •.,prontotingenutch-worittand. her many elate Pdriionat frietaCherdnyttipitthile •- with the family in their 'bereiteement. ..Theftnieral•oo Monday Wa*. private, • but was attended by a „couple from toWn;;,, • • BR HORSE 11.41tir2CT.- bat horses are in midi better 'demand than they hambeen for a considerable time, is • aboWn by th0:fitles that ate daily being taiiAded, the prices Dominica Yon, Of Idullett.lhe other , day 'sold a team to T. McMann, for $425 etrefy• body will admit that a team has to be . pretty,.:good one to hrirtg__Is-Sricelike that and se they We're., George Hill,. Hallett,' sok' one to Me Archibald:- • Jnb.'SbehbroOk sold one to Mt jack eon, of,Mitcheil ; W. Robinson, Gode- , rich township sold one to I. McMann, all said to be at good prices; Fair Bros, broke their .will team .last :week by selling one of them R. McLean for a price Sala- to, be in the neighborhood of Thos MEMO, of town, has also .......__:trattkino.treveraFparcharies. peculiar accident, He was melt* a eantehook, when it dipped and the handle flew up, striking his 'nose, and (tatting it- open as clean an if ;spilt with a knife. A doctor had to sew it over, GlItta'r .ABBRItT/Salt0.-The wide. :11Wskirtinsblesit nietrof Wintery are all good advertisers but none are believers in the: etliCacyt.of Oridter's Ink more bari Jackson Bros., who, in announc- Sing their Seuel-annual Bargain days, which ere on J'anuery la -20 and 22, haYlecttenbtied Printed matter far and wide,.�V. 'Hance, in the intereat of the . tirm having spent, three days cov- ering the country within a radius of several miles. StaOtt)., dittaxtrt,..-At the meetingof tbegoblie'Sehreal 00044, ou Wednes- day B. J. Hoover was elected chairman, Onnningleant, Secretary ; ttnreepert of Principal Lough room - mended, the oinking of en artisan well. W. J. Cooper was reappointed cam - taker. The estimates to be submitted, OnliforSfilet). Inspector Robb, in his report %WS: -The present staff of teachers is doing goodandsatisfactory wen; r the entire management of the school is perfectly satisfactory, and the ratepayers have every 'reason to be eatistied with their board of trustees and staff of teachers. • . • A Biii..LiAta Vtarort.Y.-ThemBeii Brigade accepted- a. challenge of the :Knights of the White Cross to capture a snow. fort of theire. On the night of the 15th. the Itrigede, lea by their captain and officers, captured the fol and made the occupants Surrender. They scaled tbe walls nyclimbing over one another's bead.' ; It was supposed Lo be a snowball fight, but the Knights •of the White Cross. broke through the restraints of discipline, and commenc- ed to hammer :the boys witli,,'eticks, 'hut, notwithstanding iinfalelgaVtbeY captured their Bag and defeated them. BirelNEEBORANGE.-The well known arm of Seale & Hoover, of the Clinton Marble Works, -has been dissolved by mutual consent, and the business will be continued by Mr. J. B. Hoover, V• . For this season Air Seale will -still reki r tato :h19-ebuneetioll with the business as salesman and hopes to put up a lot of work before he tarns his attention ik to something else. During the firm's istence they have executed a large 11 ''•. rnber of or der% and. so well have ,, lis ' not Of this kind, should wine to ey been done that in all parts of the -40inity are to be found beautiful spec. atone of their work ; people who want ticlee such as emanatefrom an estah- • Clinton tor them. -Next fall Mr Seale . . expects to take the superintendency ' of -if couple of far me near Jandeboye, belongingi to a relation of his. Tirg Lintoxav BUILDING. -The new :• building is practically completed now, and makes an excellent `place for its _ "pUrpose, the interior finishing ot the r_ bgliding being natural woods, oiled, i ,,witich give it a good appearance. The. - library proper is just off the left of the first landing, the books all being care- fully arranged on bhetres. with the ▪ Librarian's desk close by. The reading •-` room is situated imniediately .to -the.. teat of the Library, and has commupi- Cation therewith by a couple of open- ' Ingo for the passage of books. The, • reading room 'is light,. airy and cord- Modious, and it is doubtful if another town in the Dominion has its equal. The tables, furniture and chairs, are in *ping with the eharaccer of the ending and make very nice furniSlr- Jogs ; they Were all supplied by the Broadfoot & Box Co., of Seaforth. It it intended te have a formal opening of the building, as soon as arrange- Mente can be made, but in the mean- time the public may use the library as soon as everything is in shape. ,..A. HOOD MAN LEAVING TowN.-Mr UOrace Foster has diriposed of his togra,plfing tuskless to Mr Burgees, late of Winnipeg. This announce - went Will take our readers byourprise, and will be the cause of very general and sincere regret.' For 10 years he bee been engaged= his present. bind - tees, and bite applied himeelf en close- ly thereto that he finds it necemeetry to engage in eorne other line which is not so caballing. He has made an c' =. enwioble home for hints& as an artist. - And no one regrets the necessity of changing his business more than him. 1.4. elf. Dnring his residence here he has P : - emodel* i ' rit been: ft mt. gen in every respect. '.---ritnitigthe Scott Act agitation he was Secretary of the Calitity *Association r . for ten 'yore he has been member ei the Collegiate Institute beard of T0118 - too, the dutleft of which he has per- formed with the greatest _et eetisfac- Mott. An official member of Rotten - Ivory street church, a -- yery acceptable loco preacher of the Rome, Sunerin. _..- tendent of the Sabbath school for sevikrea Years. endlater, et most success - tal Bible close teacher, he has used his • lialernts and powers all Inc good par. and hie record, whether nubile latr.ilAveste„ is without a stain. He has the rare faculty of being on good - emus witheverybody, and hie Circle socinaintatiese is therefore very wide one. •Hirnself wife have • et08.4tora noolallY, and , we hat the town Universally will regret exceedingly hie intended de- parture. He has taken an interest in the Shtte Co.,' of Brampton, •and leayee therefor as moon he can • wind up his Waite here, His removal . a decided loss to the town, and Whileeverybody will wish him• sue- ' ease, they dislike very much to seethitu go Way. His sticcesebr is spoken of at clever artiet, who'will eatikv re- tain the exeellenI business Mt trotter bee ettabliehed, • rate, iet fairly connortable, anti expecte Tuesday 1111K ••+•-•• to get on his own property ere long ; . Rink NO. X E. X. XeLean. Rink Na. 2 Mrs Beetle y has not been in the best feattitftn of bealtb, but is now better, J. A. B. J. Cabin' a. .10 4 - It.n. Combo) R. Agnew, Xing, of the Oity° Bakery, has been W. P. Spaulding, fide. N. Pair, ekip. Rink No. 4 laid up for a couple of weeke, by either niext•Ts.t. a a heavy cold or an attack of grip ; he 11ev.14B, onotb. " A. Purter, &mon a 'Bell is able taltetteld his work, but it still r(ritmer. .4,1; trite weak. W. Duncan has taken D.A. Perrekter, skip. 0.W.NOTagtoni,likiP out, an auctioneer's license for the Rink No.5 311..,„ ,..10._NoTailitort,,, Rink 1)To. 6 county. The annual meeting of the ,I(...re,*3)04007, Gorr Olub.will be held in the Hotel j,iravtt 044 wl',4.°11.4,3,.:444-rionnie, ut OlarandOn, on the 26 h. The Mayor, Dr. sear, 410p. and several members of the town W. Jackson, skip. Onntlell, had an informal intervieW John Hoover Bert. Hodgens And, Forrester, and ti'everiti others' ora ex. PEOPLES' Stan Cotinen.--1•The nexi entertal*ent Under the auspiees of the popular'Cburee will • be, given •on Sattarlittelan-21th by the Marion Short Co. ;This is not one, of the regu- lar course series, nut is au extra, and is a good campanY.;-. As the committee has gone -Je0Mederable expense in • securing them. they 10.0k to the ebb- leerebers and the public for ,a generous. support. As a matter of fact it will require-theattendance of 90 per cent. of theliebscribere to let the committee. out Without loss. ''. To subscribers the adnaitation, will be 20c., which seenrese refierYed seat, and to the ;general pub- lic the admission will be 25 and 85c. The plan opens to subscribers on the 2firdp and, to"the general public on the 24th. The entertainment will not start until 15 Minutes later than usual.. in order. to allow those in stores to attend. • , • Hunow Extrearrralex.-The Presby- tery of Huron met in Carmel Church_ Retreat,. on Tuesday,. 2(3t h inst.-Mr S. A. Corriere. cf-Grand Bend, was ap- pointed moderator for the ensuing half year. -The records of lessons for the past year were -examined and attested. -The remit from the general assembly recommending that tile sowers of SYnons should be extended and that they should be Made final courts of ap- • peal in eertain eases,was a pproved..--. It was agreed to bold a confererce on Ohm ch Life and Work at the next regular *meeting in March and that the recommendations ot Assembly's Com- • mittee on this subject shoind be dis- cussed in connection with this confer- ence.-Mesiirs lifusgrOve, Sewers and Henderson, were appointed to make • further attempts to re -arrange certain portions 6,of the field. -An Order of Service for use in file churches within the bounds was recommended. as fol- lows i -Doxology, Invocation, Praise, Reading, Prayer, Praise, Reading, Praise, intimation, Offering, Prayer, Sermon, Prayer, Praise, Benediction with Mr Orealey; of Seaforth, on Pei. pected to take oP curling, and, if eo, day evening, concerning the proposed, establishment of hie Creamery bete ; which may change some of the above another rink will be added to above, nothing dettnite was arrived at, . Aube. • Arthur Twitchell, of_town,,..sPen „t 13.ne, rent Auto of the Clinton curler* day with his son, at net:mail, Wno bas played le Seaforth last Thursday even. been very ill, as the result of an °Per,' ilig, but were defeated by the local ation for appenclicites ; he was glad to club. . find that -110,1s improving, and in a fair Clinton was to have played in Stmt. Way of recovery. Learoyd ttros., of ford on Monday last, against Water - Windsor, are opening out a braneb loo, for the District Cup Competition, attire in Mitchell I me of the members but mild weather prevented it. • of the firm is a son-in-litW of Joseph , . rich townshIP. Itutledhe, of the Huron Reptc-Gbaden A sou of Harry Carrie - Ion, Exeter, formedof Clinton, was HOCKEY. knocked' down. and trampled injuries, by a ' • :_. .— crairron wok; rfrom merman. ; his though painful, were not Serious ' Well, We didn't do a thing to that crack Sea - John Morrish. of town, who bas been latelt4Itiatt IffraweYanlegb't ; that reh'Ilit 1 • • . suffering from an attack rf grip, is of hbekey, though not.th", %Ile gable at that Clinton team are plaArignor, and on Fri- - beginning to feel more like him- ePelZYitegdizaint'WTohodeSettiorcike,teonwmerogndroayb, abvuet ,,tlett..c.;dy )1vIenillpv,itiff, otth:ez28R, onion/31,10g open the eyes ef. totes:me ,thedgstree. did not go, owing to:the soft weather. are very strong, hity-ig defeatednClintonaion Thos: East,, the +ovell-know brick arid 'I'l°44 K the seer° ef a t° 0. It tile maker, informs ue that the de- ;Re ifiArgiritTitirotTieVi arpo:ellien,./4 m*ind for tile is so good thet• he sold •Goderich here on, the 26th :they willbelenity out hie entire make last season ; he ex. -ittethbeasYedatitgilameteatehhittss,uomutmeoftrrtwhee feasidat, obneal Peet a te turn out a larger . quantity I' hem to a standstill here and will do . W than usual this year. D. A. Forrester. did not have the services'of our craokl,ptlay' ere Kit. Bamford, or we would. have beaten t1upi who is stall•feeding about one-htindreg head of cattle, has sold siXt7 a them in Goderioh, but tropic, will see him in the for present delivery to S. H. Smith. reiOugeatia gr Ito, pirldfAiisti.°Waseglth :,, Pair Bros and Ransford Proi. • each of the club, and we thank you one and all for sold. the same quality. A meeting is mit: liberal' supportaindlatrenage,...and as to he held to -night to cOnsidee ..what At tlVarierilethalisw. Slienron 1at steps may be taken to Put the Huron 24ght,.inGederieh, the receipts ambulated to Central on a bet ter and .9nore attests- ; INA, so Yen see we are not up to ,our good tive basie. Mrejohn •Banikenden *enter-, neighbors yet, and, besiget they had no band. ring down 100 en- taineg a number of friends on Tuesday .thtitriestslafgesfir seta hot time is Expect evening ; Mrs B. J. • Oibbings and Mrs ' '2;:eees. . Blitcka l entertained a number on Wit have purchased a 234 cup from a Senior& Wednesday, evening. Some of the jeweler. . loge now going „to the Doherty, .lorr Godericli plays 'a league game in Seaforth a tradit to the big lumber of British . yard are 00.3arge-that they would • he ittEjoY:vgaseniblessin. tkne 03,r9t4 fl, 01) -thimerwaednIso Pes183T,L,Ii tit- OtqUffibia• ., A. small parcel containing _ The eurlerS are thinking of building a large soIne,ladies. Work was recently found rink before next summer is over, so our geed iii the street, and may be obtained by: Pr Pie will likely see a swell rink and a win. But buy diary this week and be prepared with the meet • convenient known means ot keeping track of mittens which roust be Intended to in the future. They are good, on the farm, needful lath. °Moe, a convenience in the home, and p very handy oempaniOn in the pocket.. They Defy Forgetfulness and enable you to vowing for it is not a god. • 11900.. -To these we otend our best. thanks. There are, -howeiert some who 'have not yet sent in their renewals, and of these lye would ask an early•yomittance of the subscription • for the year. • . Don't let tinte fly before re.; Keep your word and save your memory . - Tbt allitoss and 'Moat Iliroctleall Pouo:liehhoeyd:3 ifet for re 19004074,1: TIttenfyetFIV. *Onto .141Orth 1)1414 ALMANAC', We ' contain* informatioh for the maiiees and is of value to . . 1017;,.: This year it is more complete than ever before. • slap have the old .Englisli Whiteker's Almaneck, A great favorite With time; Who linoWit. • • Orosperotte New Year 'is what we antiotpeti for Oureelves, pad what we heartily wish forall our friOnde The 'W. D. FAIR' CO, Clinton. "Often the theapesk.–Always the Best."' DEATII OP ISAAC MORLiY.-170y some time Isaac Morley has been em- ployed at the home of Mr W. Jackson, and on Thursday morning iffiest week. he got up, as Usual, did his chores. -and appeared to be in his general health, but when called for breakfast he- did not respond. When Mr Jackson went tip to his room, he found him -lying on the bed, dressed, but unconscious, and horTeittiling heavily. A doctor was call- ed., who, examination, found he was suffering from paralysis of one Ode, and in less -than- halfanbour he expired. Mr Morley WAS- the sort of a well-to-do English squire. but was dis- appointed in love, and came to this countty. He invested in some prop- erty at Woodstock, but this not turn- ing.out as well as expected, he came into Huron, making his homewith the late Henry Morley, who was his iniele, When he resided inttodetich township. He subsequently came to town, ,and foundetnployment in various capaci- ties; he had a little monef,but un wise speculation exhausted this. Amid all his vissicitudes he twice took to drink, and though he did not rise in the world, he maintained a fair measure of respectability. Ile bad a niece resid- ing at Weed/dock,- who came here, on learning ot his death, and took the re - rasing to that place for burial. DET 03? Ws. Gbonon SWALLOW. -For -some time the wife of Mr. Geo. Swallow, has been in delicate health. audit was knowerott least to her many personal acquaintances, that her re- covery was exceedingly doubtful, and yet her devotee on Sunday afternoon was a Surpriseto many. COOSUMp• tion was the cause of her death : Knowing the.ineyitabie nature of her ailment, ;elle had wisely antieipated it. She was the eldest daughter of Mr Henry Smith, of town, and leaving three boys to mourn the lotto of a mother's love and care. She - wait woman who hewing- once formed friendship, never allowed anything to break it, and her memory is'Veryltind- ly cherished by all who had the pleas. urst of her acquaintance. She was a consistent member of Willie Church, being one of its oldest members, and had been a member of the choir for over twenty years; she was also teach- er of the infant dam for over twenty- eight years, and only gave it up when compelled to do 60 by her failing health, and m her demise was triumphant in Christian faith, Her death conies as a portieuIarly sad blow to Mr. Swett, low, who had recently arranged to go farming, partly that the change would prolong her life, and that he has the sympathy of everybody, does not re- quire to be *toted. The funeral on ViTednefteclay, eondueted by her Pastor, Rev. A, Stewart, was yery largely tended, ell plates of business being toed. The pall -hearers were Melees Sohn Lindeity, John Houston, Jartiell Walk1ngshvsw 3. &Ott, 3. McOlaeh. erty and 11. McEtran. 40' tea4 ..tihi'oi:.FOOtweat At WM. TAYLOR & SON'S C.., ..„.....„:11711 1'17.s......Atis. -...•••://1 int i atitil Iii It # , 'W "... the owner. e.t MeClachertys store. The n V4,1fotelatrtintlrrtringravtrerbr crl London' Sons of England held their annual teams here this week, as they had no °pan- ',..1. supper. at Pike'sHotel; on weldnesday bights, butthey wcoine Wore the season eveningranamber from outside places Following It s fist play. ra Seaforth At doses tv.ertepresant • the chair was occupied (linton, Jan, 12th :- of - •° - - ' - , -by Mayor Jacirsonoincl,the usual toasts Dunn.- . .. . ... ...seal.-- . .. ... McRae 1 were drank and responded to. .John Brosdfoot...-- . ; ..Tioint..: ... ..... ..... ,. Snell, Taylor andlvife, (Son of the late W. sacksen.........:et;ver point....... .... ...Doherty Jackson-- ....c. forward • McCarthy . , • . Taylor) left for the west . yesterday. Cling . forward ....Matheson The officers of the Boy's Brigade enter- Reeyee- s rained the members to a supper, on "4146°11• .. ......... ...01arridge .. • .. , . ..Forreste,r ' R * Wednesday Walter IL Maniung made q 4 Referee -Bethune Seatortu -enlember, we will not lbe undersold, We are after your plittOnsfie, and a. collection for the National Pati iotic onn- to- zt--,---t Goderich, .3.anttat ry uth.*:_. the induceraent we afar ie good reliable goods, et very close prices for cash. ' -Fund among the. Organ Factory em- ifoRso .... on = . of West Flurtm Partnere' Institute is Dohervi,.......7: ..... .0::•-er point ... . . ..Thompeon - • lr: T.aylor .41g. Scat ploveert raising over 4150. A. n3esting Snell I. . . ... "***:;t1iii. - .."...Clunlbell Coad values are fire secret Of it all- -- Our method 'otdoing bueiness is to buy tbe • test, Sell tbe bookend recommend only re- liable ;mode. It is this method that has brought to our store a permanent and desir. ' able patronage. • policy to put off till to -morrow what .you can do to -clay. Now is the.tinte to eat - .scribe, The price is one dollar a year, in advance. • • *4,444 pnoilinVtertiocceonitrseidtevr °wohfe when thebbaying Bootumportant 00t6 IL Shoes • We mike them bar 'specialty, will pay yoti to give us a call and see the bar‘sins we are offering in all kinds -Of seasonable footwear, We are in tomb with the best Wholesale house. We buy, and sell for Cash. lifprogress in the Town Ram as. we yaryatenestoii.. . ... forward.. . McCarthy:. . .forward Pickard j Cash and One Price SflIver- Irtsuranee office moved to store. • Referee -w. I. Ross, Clinton. go to press, andan evening entertain:. ole merit was announced for last night.- Verr . . . . .• mirttitt!IttltitttltlttlttttlItttltItitititti,ttttIttlitlltItt!ttfttlttlItlItittltill11111111111111r1 4 E = eLINTON = Our emiarriandal Bargain Days .: ay Saturday and Monday N P January 19-20-22, 1900 44 • Doot iniss*this THREE DAYS' SALE. , It will . be the biggest event in the history of our business in thd way of giving out goo& at ri- dieulots Prices. A big portion of our stock is offered at HALF PRICE. • See last week's issu& of local papers, or big bills for further particulars. Men's and Boys' Suits and Pants „lien's and Boys' Overcoats . Men's and Boys' Boots andShoes Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps 11. On the above dates only, for Spot Cash It you aratrateltina where atany time score ' your tiekete from ' halfway steanitikla Agent, Clinton • • 4.4 Admitted Ste' tints %fur •• sT.RA.Trquo, ONT A school that offers advantages not found elsewhere Cansds, Lose staff 'of expert inetruotors; increased atteridancegup-to-date Tztaigs;traisting; scores of students placed • ling position"; students in attend- ance who Gerrie from visor* in which are lo- cated other btudness Gollegt313. They watt the best. It Parelinthe end.. Nowtermnow open Enter ea soon as possible. Write today for our handsomeprospeetus: . W J. Eiluktp.Principai. 3 3 3 3 a a a Our stook is bigger this year than ever, and so are our bargains. Modern methods of 'doing ',business teaches us that this is the "P7100 COMM) :to pursue. -a cleaning out of the balance of a season's stock. Be on hand Friday if you can, but any- of the three days for a bargain. NO goods on approval, none a exchanged, and a charge for alteration, if necessary, on ready-made suits. . DEPINVITAL .ClintonJACICSON BROS., . ARTi )",,•' • 2. • i , .,t a AfPra Affre, woes Vb,oiptodine • The Great .ffnaish, Remedy. Sold and recommended by on druggist* in Canada. Only reit- - able metediguaroineanteeddi• scotroereendr.e Sots forms o Benue Wei nese, all effects of abuse or mesa, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To - blew. Opium or Stimmants. Mailed on receipt sfe°tPtedgricerlare!"rainiglige-plueltal5gLiCfrelt afInCuT acilidrellealf5ga, nayVrofeddel'aThereheoicruirdOctsgose7soluldPilatatilliii Windsor,sto• _b_yOnt.syd LOGS wantLagsofAl particularly Elm, and al. pared to .pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICES. 'If you have any Logs Ito sell it jI1 pay youtto enquire out prices ket. foro.caking -them elsewhere. ° R. & J. Ransford. What 'You Are * Looking For.. The best value for your money, especially, in_ the - Grocery ; ean be obtained at the Hub • Grocery. Specialties— • Coffees. !teas it Spices. together with other Choice Groceries of similar value A. call solicited. P. Melville, a=tultouovr. 11# GROCER -, • Rumball's Watch and Jewelry Store We aim to plena tie Mt no boot asortod WWI* ate sew brought Into Winton, be Than In nth Moro. itt Wateiis, Siocki, Rin*, Starling Oliver imitieski Co4Nin, are hitti thelergest estrotintent atom. Whoi would be more appontelito for o Ohrlobninglie for your parson: then a and pair of ilpaitatiaak coa. milt our optima newsmen* it tots you nothing. Ayes exteathrod kt mt. staid* mennertree of Engraving done on *he premise, MI Repair *ark (ions promptly and thoroughly RiAMALLS Watch 111114 416ira1ry Store •