HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-01-19, Page 7' „ ,• ••• 3.01tary 19.1 iOO •. Pala back of ,IrOix-r • eyes? Heavy pressure ip your head? .And are you Sametinle$ faint and dizzyl-ls your tongue coated? Bad taste An .YOUr mouth.? And does , your food distress you P Are .you nervous and in* .ritahle? Do you often have the. blues? . And are YeTtrtrOttbled ab�ut sleeping?. :roma. you.. 'Wiwi*. • all ,01YrOarlo But 'there 13 a 'cure. TkalthCcild- reliable .' They ,.act directly on 'Ihe. fiver.. They cure iconstiPatiOnibiliousnesi, - :Sick headache, tatISCE ,and dyspepsia. Titki ;laxative dose each, night. 'for 60 yeah( Veers they :have -teen the...Standard Pamily Pills. : eiloi/Se4iiii. Dnisestli' oo I lave tskaisAyer's Pale reso- le:di for six ..Mettunk. 'They have • earea me of a severe headache, and : X can len* Walk troln two to four miles withtint getting tired .or out .of,breetle 1:1000141hoh 296 been able' to is for any yams% • July. Pi tilei E.ViCeenti!idies...-- , • •••••••••••••••••• Writs NW 0•06,8•• alfirsilet aleurate:,.P.s.teTA lgortgrr*J11,11t411::. ,ply without 0011%).:14dress. - -- ; D.24.'0.4xsasi...14welIrNasss yo+••••••••••• • Al A Mir Cedar. The fineet English ..elm in New- York :aetty 'is on the won side of Madison imam. Probably the choicest tree in any St the New York city parks is the cedar of Lebanon in Prospect park. It stands •lon-t he meadow northeast of Lookout hill. 11P--•-•-1Plut.height, about 40 feet, is remarkable - for this country, and it would bear no roman cemparlson to some of the famous' ' Intel In Kew gardens, Louden. It is claimed that there is,•only 'one finer cedar 1, of Lebanon in the United States. tt is on rthe Huntington estate at West Chester 4„eind is about 60 feet high. These trees -.**(eIntost ettraetive in the early' Summer, Wthen•the old and new cones hang pend- ent together. This tree does not cone un - all It is 40 years old. -New York Tribune. • ," • Nide Distinctions. Nicer distinctions are treublesome. It is much easier t6 say that a thing is teek-Ittan to discriminate the particular bade ofbrowm blue or green to which it oily belongs. It is so much easier to . nake np your inind that yohr neighbor Is food for nothing than to enter into all the' .eiretnnetances that would oblige- you to todify that opinion. ..t.....2.r 4'.:1.:777.7, 711F-TFt re! Alio Irv" Geed International Law. tell yet,. ohl man. it's a ter- - - Ileible. thing when your wife quativis with ,•' .; her Mother snd the obi Indy lives with . ," • : You, ' Which side do you take? , •:: Ehtiers-Neither: I preserve an alarm- , aa fletitrallty.-Hayper's linear. ' . _ ,.„.. .....- s• 1,10. - -, • - -... 411. •aarraWare. . • ' - 'rhe oriental* of Bukhara indulge in e peculiar Pastime which is said to resent - Me '"football , on horseback. svith no „. .hidoe" A decapitated goat takes ttle • pieta of the ball, and 200 horsemen ii......., : *Matte 'for It. - - ..-1.-- - ••••,.- Waffir•mal •Imaira ' It is the mind that maketh *good ortal, . VW meketh wretcheetnesi or happiness, ' • 'Oeft or poor. 4,0• '• NI • 1, • 11130VE ALt - „OTHERS. • • • • TEE CLINTON NEW ERA. • TO IMRE * COLD Iti ONE DAY. ' A LESSON FOR WIVES. Takelataetive itromo quinine Tablete. Ali • demise; refund the moneyif it fano to oure. . 4 ,.. . Zetli 1 J. 'W. Orovtee eignature tel on (awn box. INHY titi$13ANDS ARE NOT ALWAYS Mr John Govenlock of Dosanquet AELE TO sAve mow; t Was fired at by a highwayman, the toul- let just posing his eye. I4 rinoknoisl AgroOment, the roe- Milburn's liheurnatio Pills are a epe011ie inre Experiment. That wes re.uted1( tor Rheumatism, Soietioa, .Neural- hettled In Smile* and Not Lon& Mt. Lur4lhegeriWt. Gaut' They eux° *ben ot er medicines fell, Price 200. er lOtesolved Ifl Tearse The Ontario Government decided to It was her private opinion that he Ives h,,,014, the East Middlesex election on Poke goad busleont mane and pessibly she Jan. 3/st, . with the notaainatiOn on the was right. . 2,4th. • ' "I een handle the family financee bet. . MOTHERS ENOW ter than you," be :was accustomed to now serious a thing 0i to have their little 'siti;iiikrehe 'said it scroften that he.final- frOM Wotros. Tow'a ly told her to trY Worm Sirup Una p1 oment roamdt y o take "I'll have my' personal Account at the and quickly ride the sdyetem of these den. bank put in your name 0: he said Hand geroes. perrasitee. Prie no. II Will proceed to stand front under. All ftheasstnitoba, Produced 00Mnlinalen bills, everything that pertaine to our liv- 00•'13 bUild1080 in WinnlPett Were lug expeasee, shell be etteeded to by Me burned. The loss is estimated at Mr d -000, covered, hy $01,000 tneurance,.. I Il- ti nt a h week for .slich pecticnni expenses flinches teThere le no uneaten:My about Pyny. All bronchial affections give way to it. 250 and ear tare; but, Yen shall have entire ec4erai. 4 °Urea "M. Migh "i°3113r. -charge of everything elite. of all druggesta. Manufactured by the Naturally she was' Jubilant, She hadn't • preprieiere ef perry Dere!. peta.gwer; • put in 'teh years telling Mu) how he eould ' •,. ,k save money withOet getting the idea that nara ',Weill, who was detained in she }mew something about it... It took Montreulfor several weeks on her way - little time to have his book written up from Chicago to 'England, is suing and the account transferred to her, but -Marshall Field dr Co., the 'nage depart.- tieally one evening he brought home a mental etore people of Chicago,* for fliee little thecithook and told her it was, flatnages• . . all arranged, Then he instructed her in A Sudden Chill often means sudden ill - the tuySteries of drawing checke, warned Pain - all s her !At to overdraw the account And re- nem Ward iKillee is that ineeded to off. 'Unequaled for cremes and tireCt entwelk•non the h'nelne4n nun.31Fe• :_dierrhcee. Avoid subetitatee, there Is but - ment of their jeint affeirK dostrabOutIC one Pain-ililler,Perry•Davis'. 25o. and 50o... week later she met hint at the office late An 'order of Council was passed by . one 4nel-fleet) and went, to dinner with him, .They had a good dinner, just such the OntarioGovernment, applyiug the manufacturing Meuse to spruce yut a dinner ea they had had -okorevious oc- f •• - • 0 r a well t Thiel means that after April.80tht al; pulp wood cul from Crown lands iouse be manufactured into pulp in Canada. ... . 4 STORM XS BREWING. . .. Yonr old rheumatism tells you go. Better get rid of it and *rest to the. neather re. ports. Scott's] Emulsion is thebest remedy' for chronic rheumatism. It often makes a onttil te Oure - , . The Calcutta correspondent. of The London Daily Mail states thet Russia is now taking advantage of England's present difficulties to push forward her outpoets on itate Pohlad frontier, and that When the.plans are more matured Rada wiltvitetly Anne*, Petefet. ' • VOLCANIC ERUPIIONS Are granphut,,Skin Eruptions rob Woof , the theater tickets too. . . also csa; Running and:Fever Sores., Ulcers,. i "Certalule." he replied. ‘ Boile,TelomeeCorna, Warts, ente.,Y14010a. - "Well, then„swe won't ,g0;" she sat& Burns, Scalds, Chappe:d Haede; Chilblains. ".Inst as you :Sty," he returned piees. Best pile mire on earth'. Drives out Pains antiy.. "You're the financial manager. ' , . and Aches. Only 25 ote. a box.. Cure per.' easions when they had taken dinner tom rown an s, as we as o lune. -aetber-down,otownt. and •-_-she enJOY04 it thoroughly until he -pushed the eheck for - it OTET to tier. • • • "What's that for?" she asked. "Pay it," he staid. " • • "Well, I guess I won't do any such thing." she returned Warmly. "You bay it vonrselL" , . beven't'anything bade with It," ha tesieled. "You're etteltisa,,;„ starfiel. in to ,ehliv me how to keep, ex- iwnS clown, and naterally you'll find it Ito trick at all if IP -ay your 'biller When •I wits Making you an allowance for Your, incidental perscinal expenses, I never ex. pected you to. pay for dinners you took with me, did I?" _ ' She paid. She felf that. she was being' cheated in some way, but she paid, and thee she suggested- sarcastically that she supposed he 'would expect her to bey for.• joy. Buck en's ditties Salve cures them; „ 'D roWS SOt an isbeclanteedSold byaBUonibe, ruggisThooehmeAiay t. en,oyable one, although he seemed to, be Thos. SouthWOrth, clerk of forestry n excel ent u or. e was o • e 1 •". • : be morose, and ;Mb had not entirely re- the Work of director of colonization, Covered her equanimity when he. reached added toihis duties, and has been in. home the following evening. ' structed to push settlement in North - "A for a dozen- shirts came today," ern Ontario.' The townships •selected she said shortly. "I don't see why they ' for colonization Are in the TembieTtM=" addressed it to .me." . • • - ing district, and have fine agricultural -• "I charged them to you," he explained. . • \ • "I'm not running any accounts these CATAEBH Or TruArollacze-Could oft4 hif days. you know. Did you pay itr prevented bad the patient with stomach "No, -didn't, and I Won't." •• and digestive organe,pednieesed. in teak - "Oh, you'd better," he urged. . nom, been stimulated by some such: ore, wou't," elle answered decid- wholesome power as contained An the edly. • aegetable pepsin out of which Dr. Von "You wouldn't Italie your peer husband Stan's Pineapple Tablets are *spared. sued by a haberdasher, would you?" lue; But the.ivorld is finding it out -medical asked. "Just think how it mind look." . soletsce is making mid. strides -tend the "Well, how. do you suppose I ano• going hufferers arenothaving their 'Packets to nave money if I have to keep paying it "bled" for a mire. 60 tablets 35 cent. out like this?" she demanded. "I could have saved money myself if I tWorn in on Thursday. T 'dine:item hadn't ked to buy for both of Us," he • at e Hugb John McDonald, Dr. llicred- ansviered. den,J. A. Dityidecni, R. P. Roblin, "Weil, . it isn't fair; that's all I can James Johnson. Odtario filreiiebee say." she exclaimed, but she paid the • Hugh John with the brains fortis bile although she did it under pretest. Cabinet'. Hugh John was born in Thine went along with comparative Kingston, McFadden in Peterboro smoothness for a few days after thisre Davidson in Qgford'CO., and J.Ohneon and then one morning one of the chil- in Mitchell. -dren asked for 98 cents to get a itChdel- book. • SIX'WEEK8 /N. PAIN'DUNGEON "Ilo to your mother," was the' reply of i I h 111 Sh Mended to ofthe Ontario Government has had Paine's Celery Compound is .the World's Greatest Medicine To -day. The new Manitoba tibinet was itirriti? who bed abdiceted its the head A Confirmed Invalid from Xenia' Rhenm- Glyee Him Itie Liberty. • `'• • Geo. England, of Chathatti, ; la cnrpeoter• end sint.builder by trade. Through exposure of all kinds of weather he contraeted,s, most Ante formed ihinme. Minn. His :mints swelled and stiffened; • and he was laid up in his bed for six weeks. After noctorchad failed to relieve, him be tried Routh Amerioan Rheumatic Cure,and' to MIO,hia own -words': "In 24 hours after I had commenced tilting the remedyethe pain all left me, the tweeting Stihsided and dsy I tun a cured man," Sold by Wittept .of the yuir '0.'4'4 • -•:" • . „ • ittient-South Atneritren RbenmstiOattre "But 1 haVen't any change," she pro-. tested. '1A cashier should Make it point al - Ways to have chauge," he 'odd, . "You surely can't expect me to buy the ail- dren'tt echeolbooks out of my pocket said he Was a mean thing, but she had --get the change. The following Sunday they all went to take dinner with relatiTe In another part of the city, and she had to pay.the street car fare on two es et ail br tile whole fatally. Then o11e4nifilat whath&1 fon ramellt . 0, the ram she bid lo pal for the carrier - hitneti:1 I titre hom , ment id she rer - ed rat er tter y that mooey jevet petted to melt away. Be admitted that he had heti somewhat that sante experience with It when he was handling the cash, After that she paid the bale tor two morning papers that he took, for cleaning and preseing snit- of clothes, for a new het1 for four neckties and ,for two pairs of rubbers that she thoughtlessly askedJIM chil - to get for the drop. • , In tint* she began to brood over these matters. It seemed to her as if he were always asking for,. money in trifling amounts to pay for things that she had never been bothered about before or else was bringing home bills. • And somehow in kerne ways he did not seem to be as at- tentive as he had been formerly. So it , hoppetted that one night be Wed her -on . _ the verge of team. Canada's Best People Say It • is It lifarvtlious Health - Giving Prescription. • • Iteeps People Strong WelLin Winter Time. • 111,...1•411 - "You used to bring me home flowers occasionally," she tinid, "and you never used to let „Me go out anywhere without them. and-and-1mi when we went t� the iteowns for dinner night before last I 1,•wae the Only woman there without a cot- • eage bouquet or a flower in her bale. You don't knew how badly,,I felt, but 1 wee tea proud to soy anytbing about it." "Why. my dear." he protested, 1 didn't know you wanted any dowers." "Volt know 1 niwttyll like flottera," the 'retorted. "nu basslonately fond of Olen/. • mid --mndIgteve never forgotten that be- , Vim" **Ant you didn't give me any money to get them with," he explained, "and t ,,,, „,,,...,,,,,,,,m,i,,,,,....._....A ,,,....,m.,,,,a, didn't feel like -charging them to you." 1,611-,;4"'; 111,=.2 •;;;tir'ir44174;ilifft.'12.1 Poi a Minute' there leas deeht as to foil. '"r'''''' ""171 whether It would be tears or dashing pyre. Then She went over to her little 1.011611143elerr emnii61"34 Ilt Precribta • ,leslc. pleked up her checkbook and thrt.w *ilirlt!,,I. b., 'the *ale" (fitiltal'"I Phs'a' *it ( n the floor at his feet. • "P a Le theekhook else et. 1 yr Ili 4, T It0 yottr id . Oar beet droltodsti tantiTatlianu i‘14„.., e • t4r1inird. "I don't Went to 'have any- Oetoptaind to their platens witnont thing to do with It t don't went to man- tel% heillation; they know it paa- et.,e anything"-' ii*.taviagyhtnain they have not -...oxeegt tne,"' it* nut in. bid data fribiti i*S US, and its Ints woo prove: lie poriarity. And the next night he brought her horn. 4 One large bonand of romooioNerr oletgymen aildentettinetiOne r k a of Plane* Ctilert Oompound with Et an' Alta= tato hitcleats, end 1•600112Bletta ft to a, ad purIftes and Wolf, tio the notwooa , copMitocitiii Ihmangeler whioh guaraustroo oott. • &at nem** igoosilishbyttppenba, and ef trt=of Older, dlatelion. gives merrtaisany atifirer gat gri Mie lit ONO AMUR 10$ MOW. • SIIIIIAROK'S IRON IllinVE Wu the malt of bit aphodta hash& tn. avail hihi• iriii and tremendous energy are not found whom Stomach, ION, 3144071 andBoirobt ors out of Otter. if you treat those ortaltioloc otta the mow they Wag, row Dr. King's NOW LSO Pills. They b. *slop ivory Norval brain and body. Only Site at IL B. Cloruiro'a drug store, Lhit'T kith/ TO•DIE Bright's Die:lams Prenounoed Poet Elope by Phydoisnit- SlAm oth erion Kidney Cure le the tile Sayer. A traveller for a well.k,nown western manufacturing firm was so bale and hearty thit the poesiloility of his contraOting kid.* aey trouble was farthest Mutt hie mind, but through content expoeure Brighre MOM, that most ineideme of ailments, laid held on him. • He deotoreci for months -physicians gave him but short time to live. A friend who had derived greet bon. fit from South American 'Kidney Cure re- commended it to him.' When he had taken Seven bottles ail gigue Of tbe disease bed left him, and Malty hts, once-euffering tu .in t well wl o. BOW hk..Witte di Oo. ' TAKING THE: REINS. The eh:melon '8 -year-old pacing filly Idttle Squaw be, owned by F. 0. Ceid. burg, a brakeman at Topeka. The original guideless wonder Happy, - Jack, 2;06% at that way of going, is now owned by David Weller. of Erie Pa. Ifintteapolie °horsemen prormea-to:bave-: an ice track on the Lake of the Islet) thie n er o e ,4 e ever before. A young mare by Reneselder Wilkes, owned at Bradford, Pa., has shown. a mile in 2;15 flat this fall. She will be seen on the grand circuit of 1900. Rosalind Wilkes, 2:141h, once s star of the grand circuit, campaigned by John E. Turner of Imbrer, Pa., went through the auctions a few weeks ago for pea., The North Penn eontingent etre plyased with the success of the gray pacer Ben Mitchell, as he has lost but on.. race this • year and now has a record of 2:161/4. • STRANGELY ILLUMINATED. Weird Effect Of Plhoenhoressoonter a Ship. Ira Verlag. nu: "I have often beard at the Wonderful IdtoePhoresicence of southeru seas," reo marked it teaVeler from the north, "and I balm seen some pretty tair samplee,of it in the Atlantic between New York and English porte,•`but I. did net know Mtn recently that it peerelikt to any extent in northern waters, • "Last August I was on board a rev:). nue cutter in the Bering Om about 03 degrees north latitude, bound north, when out) night about 10 o'elock 1 Inte• pened to go on dec4. and I was almost frightened be the sight of the sea. The "VW Was' bleiViagVsliarti -enlist-OW 004" the whitecaps, and the whole sea leek - ed as. if It w=e lighted from its depth:I. by a minims. are lights, throwing tneir white rays upward 'awl under the hying foam, The hollows of the waves were, dark, but every ::rest that. broke shower- ed and sparkled as if it were filled with g t. Prom:see o great r•ollis of broken white light fell away,- and We left a broad pathway of silvery foam as far back as t e eye cou tom . • "But about this hour Was • the most striking displayt Here. it was as if the ship were plowtng through the sea of white light, and an the -water was thrOwn back from ber prow It fell in gilt- ' tering piles of light "upon. the dark su'r-' face beyond and was driven faredown low,. lighting the .depths it' all the elec- tricity of the eeenn were shooting its sparkleb through the waves and turning, . itself into lienumerable incandeNcofts that. flashed a* second and theta shut out. foreveri I stood 'on the forecastle -deck looking down into the brilliant white tine moil of • the Waters mail I began to. feel , as it' we were •afiont. upon some sliver sea, and really uncanny feeling took -possession of me, The white ship was lighted by . the,,phoisphoreseeepe _of _the waters, so that tte high -UP as tile deck • thereaVas a pale, ,weird white that made • one. teel . if the 'Plying Dutchman' were abroad upon-the-tseas-anclehadopasse- ed by ma. The. masts -towered le ashy ,gray above the decks, and every rope and line stood. out distinctly in the light, but cast no shadoveLlt was all as -ghostly RS if. we haegone up against the real' thing, and it Waif a' positive relief to get haat into the wardeneat,:where there was .soniething more human. I •don't know bow long it lasted,. but when I went to bed at 11 e'clocit I could still see. the sil- vers_ahleing through the alt' port in my statereont."Washington Star. • Sandy Smith. who drol,e, Wiles II. to her regard of 1:1114, wilt open ,stable in California, probably. at f...e'".1n- geles, where he now is with•the le.atting string.- • • Chester figures out that descendants of George Wilkes woe $220,000 and de- scendants of Electioneer $149,450 at meetinge when purses averaged $1002 ey more the past deities). Tom Nolan, 2:16V4, who (Started in 19 races and wen 14 this year, is said to have worn - the game set Of shoes all through his campaign. They were put on in March and never taken off. While •slk stallions trotted this seation . In 2:08 or •better-enamely, Bingen,.2f08Val Cresceute 2 :07%; Peter. the Great 2:07Y0 2:071/2; Fred Kohip, por%, and. Tonurftititton.; 2:08 -no mare has shown anything like championallirspeed. TWE�EN$OR '1 • • Speaking of -diverce, wouldn't it be ,.good idea' to take Cupid to an own:477-'1 'New York Weald. . • An Indianerdrin hai.discovered gold on his .far4 and is preparing to resist a British invasion. -Baltimore AmOlatur. A West Side map swallowed a lighted' igate.4erhen held up_ _by_footpeds. No • -viondee-he-is-.fireci with indigeatiooes. Chicago Democrat,. • There is some hope for the'nobility of -11401014 Two members have gene. to Work.r-One as an soar and the other as a • newspaper mane -Baltimore' American. ' The proposed monument on Boston Common to the British soldiers who fell at Bithker kindly but unnecessary; :The Bunker Hill Mottunient owes its ex-:' istence to them.-4'lhiladelphid Ledger. The Cherokees are thrifty. They can sell out to 'rade Sam for a goodly that whitey them plenty Of land in Met: iccrainketill leave thepi;.enotigh t� live on through the most Deland part of the civ - Mein process, -New York Press': • ft will a pity If the Boers destroy the railway bridgektin South Africa for the purpose 'of delaying the advance of the British, but we can take comfort In the probability thativshed the war is over atericans get the contracts AO Tr bitild theme4ittsburg.Times. - • A Cleveland eoutt4ints ordered. a wife to pay $20 counsel fees and $4 Week alimony to her husband pending divorce ' ,Proceedings. Probably the man. sues on 'the.ground that his 'Wife is unable to keep him in the style he was aecustomato be. fore Coennercial- Triton*. ; ' • - insincere. • .- No, the trillionaire did not what to leaurf httePnia!tY tilrletitr he -0..rotestid.H 41.1t, Is a disgrace to die rich, and it will keep me very busy all the rest of my life get- ting rid of S'y Ntoneyi" But It ivii presently made very plain that r ntsincere in his pretesigml they submitted to him figures Showing HORSE FOOLED THE OFFICER.- .how many balls are lost by the overeat" tyro at golf, IS still replied that lie did He Made /lb Ms Mind That He Kist not care to learn to play Ws ...noble • Finish lite "Onree." gaiie,-,Detrolt Journal. On h recent evening during a driving • • of a esire to impoverished, for w ra netorm a telephone message was re ceirea at the Walnut Hill& police sta- tion stating that a runaway bonus attach- ed to a toting wagon had been stopped by some boys on May street. "Who understands herses?" asked the sergeant of the second.-rellof that had lust entered the station house. "1 do," anewored Officer Itortitmeyer, and he Wait detailed to go Weer and drive the horse to a livery stable, where it would be kept until turned over to its owner.. thitin arriving on May street lElorsimoyer found the horse, 4 wild eyed brute, held firmly by the bridli bits by two boys, -There %vat no seat In the Wagon find nothing but en old seam box upon whicb to alt. Clambering in,. Horstmeyer **Ye the boys orders to let go the bridle, and in a sewed the horse's hoofs began beating a violent tattoo on the bottom oe the wagon, eeoding the Kam box in thillit and Jairlag the offfeer'S 'reins With tech concussion. This latated for two or three tninutee, when stiddettly the home started and ran like a blue etre It down Ma street, the policethan elittetag desperately to the lipase. linnith May 'street NIA* abruptly in * damp or MI, and ,HorStmeyer knew this and prny- ed fervently. The 'and Of the street was reached at last, and the how, with a irikl leap, went over, the Wagon followed. and In a second the animal, the erre& et the Wagon, the refailmi f tho Joao box and tforstroeYer were mixed up In , indieeriminate mass at the bettor°. A half hour later a mud plastered In& -Weld limped up to the doer of the Ref. entli district station house, leading a horse. on which hung the repining Of a harness, and care:into horss blanket on one attn. "Who le that?" asked Sergeant Bart- ley as he peered out through the ralia "It's me-ilorstmeyer," answered thee Ater. 'Why'," 'odd the sergeant, HI thonalit you understood horns!" wi answered Horstmeyer. think It's a low (lemur Illeoutee• Children Cry for ''ohisdren cry for CASTOR • TINY TIM. How many et go have spent a dioi felons hour with Diabase “Tiny rim." HO pleased us because he was or ever helping, • or ready to help mine unfortunate. - Dr. Hope's TINY TABLETS are Ioing exactly the same thing. They Ire Wok* thousand* of unfortunate aervonar broken•down people to get strong. One little TINY TABLBT each meal and before retiring will tivh yott ERVESthew Mo. If you feel tired -IT'S N. ° TAKE Apgar INY ° AIRETS • roe IRED ' NERVES 1 "ItZette.s, ate.11Zol!". , There's a greeter demand made on the strength of the mother •when nursing than at any other time,.. She has just gonethrough • • • . the- shock and 1.41; w•-• strain of metal& ty, her vitality is at 10154teeetealnsdmttill , bbari h t '61.1iitOil-SaIShil)007401Blin.arattori •.- 1 • esieetterinessellef1. * As mime-are:It ay, Pinch your feet In wrong shaped Shoes; snake on nervous, irritable ; sPoll your temper ; loss ' your concentration. Yent can't expect to go OW even tenor of your • way in a oboe that cripples. . • "Slater Shoes" ere made to fit fect-s-to cover "every tender joint coMfortahlr-Inake you forget you have a painy foot. • • They fit the first time they're we'll, sad ever Tafter-,-hectineetbe stretelcand,ablink. hatrbeen kr ever taken out of them while oda days on tile latsts. 'r , Twelve shape*, all sixes, six widths, an onion, stylee and leathers. 11 Goodyear Welted, stamped on the Solve with name and price • $3,50 nucl SSA*. - W Sri otomenemesseet Jackson Bros., Sole Agents for Clinton. n, I. • a va;;J.i,,, • .*1., • • SIVIld 4:04 0:a •.• For torpid Liver, A Poor Digestion; " Flatulence, Constipation, Biliousness and 4. Sick Head-Aolle. - '.13r.A..3E4E.M • 04r They are Safe, Nild,..Quiek-actings ' Painless,. do not weaken, - And always 'give satisfaction. , :rhiy arc tbo moat reliable Household 'Medicine known, and can bb taken at any season by Adults Or Children. , 'All THE LEADING- :DRUGGISTS . SELL BRISTOL'S -• The .naturt1 re. . • ' • • - suit' is, that the "-' inviter' looks 04Otli'd for a , •'tonic," and gen- erally finds ber tonic in the font) of a stimu- lant, which not only gevee the mother -no real Strength but 18 an • • injuryto the child. . It is the congiirrent testimony of Women.; who have used Dr. Pierce nP ray° 'te. Ocriptiony that -it is the most perfect 'pre- ' partition_ for motherhood and all its func- tions which has ever been discovered. It prepares the way feehabroadvent, giving the organs of bitthangor and elasticity. It establishes such a condition of health that nervousness; anxiety and mornitirsickness• are unknown. With this condition comes stealthy flow of nourishment for the child, which enables the mother to gratify 'the fondest instinct of tuaternity. • ' ' "'two years ago I used two bottles of Doctor • Pierces Favorite Prescription, and in April a nice babywas horn, before the doctor came," writes BIM. Italie Anlilter, of 754.Pat Street, Atli - since, Ohlo. "1 was not very ick. Baby is now 14, months old and weighs 30 pounds. Now expect another abaft August, and X am 43114 'taking the 'Pavorite Preacription and reel very wen. Several neighbors are =in Dr. Pierced medicine through my telling them about It: one lady says, before commencing eDr. 'Pierce's Favorite Prescription X had to 'vomit everyday, but after I got the medicine,. from the •^arst spoonful that I took, X stopped vomiting." It hu done the smite thing for me. it is a God- send for women." . No .attelud' in any form, is contained In "Pavorite Prescription," neither opium nor other narcotics.. Thidcannot truth. fully be -said of any other medicine eve- ' cially designed for women and sold , through druggist*. - Sick. women are invitedto consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free of, all charge. • Every letter is treated as strictly private and sacredly confidential, and all replies) are enclosed in 'plain envelopes, bearing no printed matter whatever, Address Dr: R. V. Pierce, Iltiffelo, N. Y. CASTOR IA. • D.- L. MACPHERSON !NEWS/WOE. Fire, Life, A.exideres, Vlietel'ausee Amos.Media:* Dr:oa1.nnvet - • - S. 5: COOPER r—PROPRIETOR,.. -- General Builder and Contractor. This •factory ia the largest in the‘tfounty, and:htts the very latest improved ma. • , cifine0, oapabte'of 'doing work on the shortest notioe. We carry an extensive " :and reliable steels and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all olaes. ed meohanicel way and .eatisfaction guaranteed. We Sell all kinds of in- ets of buildings on ;Mort notice -and on the closest prices Ail work is supervis • • ' terior and exterior material. , Lumber tath, Shingles, 'Arne: !Sash, Deors, B - Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SalEtOOL DESK, man ,.... at Wa,terloo. Call and get ;prices and estimates before plaoing your orders , Christmas PERFUMES d TOILET goods - JACOB TAYLOR olintAns . Ont. ' gamma Districts Agent for. the Clonfetieratiott We 13111111rHilee co -' • for etautfordand Goderielh inclusive. All in orms.tiOn relating to insursaos Mealy given Illontly-t0 lean at resionoblo rotes. °flee Me. Palate. Leek okmairomoo.,.. • . JOHN IC YE0 HOLIIZEIVIME, Agent for the Mattetreirrnit Fins ABIStlititlatt 00. of Manehester, Ragland, *whole funds o_nd. seettrityare rated tit $14,400,000. Also the Kee BUMP )102,1741,, littrastA11010 00. All 61688140r hkrM risks and isolated. tolut prepertY taken itt lowest rates. thos-eisss Loan COmOsnisa else represented. money to he had from 41 Ver. cent up,ill000rding to neture. of afesurity„- Daily mail tO11011mfaville postod card will fat& him. • TOTAL ADSIMINERS ATM TEE BUT IttliKilitherefore the Temperance & General Lie Assurance or Tweeter* le the mow COMPANY foi-the Moo ItIgt. Over Mx million &niers insursnoe on the LW* of total stbetalners in Caw* Por nasal, eto. enquire of V. 0. Unita, ° (knead Agstet for Mired OtittniYi. Addreil-IT lettiton St, Or P.O. Box 170 OttitTelf . . . , . • , • • Dainty Gilts. for both Ladies andMen-for Young or eid • ' Ho. B. COMBE, Chendtiii DrItggla •-• Give Perfumes if you'd please the !lair sex.. The choicest kinds amber% All tho famone makes -tell the desirable _odors- and'inany kinds put up in apecially attrac- tive Christmas package& . • Our sesortment of Pine ' Hair Brushes, Military Brtuffiee, Mirrors, Whisks, in i 'ebony end handsoree woods; s the most, complete in the town. And the most inter. eating part to you is that prices are far be., low what you've been aclonstomekto ray for similar articlea elsewhere. • h You will want those Photos for Christmas. Has it occurred to you that that day Is so near. You had better come and sit ' for thewinow,Itt FOSTER'S. . • .• • wee. ' i AM A fintner located near Stony Brock; one of the most mala4 fitstricts this State, and was bothered with malar ria for years, at nits 110 I could/not work and was alWayq y constipled as welt. OFor year* thad aiglarht. so bad in Om spring, when engaged in plowing. thati could do nothing but shake. I must have taken about a barrel of quInkte'pills besides dozens of other remedies, but never obtained) any 'imminent benefit. Last fan, in peach time, I had a most serious attack of chills and then commtuced to take Ripans Tabules, upon a *10041 *4and the firtt box nr,de rne pit and have never been without them sincs * I take one Tubule each morning and night and sometimes when feet more than usually exhausted I take three in a dap The have kept my stomach sweet, my boweltregulicandl 11 OD lit 0 1* tssoiso, nu& Invested Funds, $6,832,283 luiwt not ha the least touch of nu: t nor spiAting heildache since 1 COMillenced using them. I know al o that 1 sleep better anti wake up inereleirediktd than formerly. 1 donV know how many complaints • Ripens Tabules will help, hut I do know thesI will cure any mein' the condition I was and 1 would not be wifhout them at any. pike. 1 Moody consider them the chetteest-piL,d Ittzdicint in the woad. as Ititay US also the most beneticaal a.al the most convenient to tabs. 1 act tvrenty-tereayestra of age and have worked hard AI my 114.1' the ammo at most farmers, both early and late and in all kinds of weather and 1 bay " er enjoyed such good heath as I have strtce hat ikll khan) have allvenunked my tnproved condition and Ire what are you doing to look so- healthy P tirb04 P kW* wik sot Va. r . nay tav...10421 11'-6"1* 14 V • vselisr. as4 :44441.47AriagitliVt'ellrOWW:43:=SISL' LISARA.1. irrEONG PROCIN0881V11 AR the Penelie forme et instorausse kneed. Polleise iptOtatitiOn al.wortl wide arm= MUM.. Money haat& PHItilee NOW ftweir ISOL AM't paid '.uoy PoldersW. lull information temehheday • CHAS. Be HALM ass% amps, Jane Who I • I I I 1 e ' \--eo