HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-01-19, Page 6,•
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mum at
Extraot Timson and Vanlila, per bottle 001 I9o,15o, 260, 85o,
Gold Medal Baking Powder, 10o size for 50
F'reest City Belting Powder,1*.gourd Sealers, rpeoia120o
Mod Red Salmon, 2 tins tor 25o
10 Bre Soap, 5o eize,tor 25o, Good Toilet Soap,per take le
Laundry Starch. in pound paokfges, worth 10c for 70 f
Good Corn Starch, in ptokegae,Oa
Chtlioe Mixed in bottlee,12jo ?.
Add'e Mi►tohes, per box 100 '
Good d Japan. Tea, 203 per pound or 8•pounau for 50o
Choice Japan Tea, oar own importation,. Worth `40o for 21,e ` f
Blue Ribbon Teat biaok and ranted, 25o, 40o, 500 and 60o
Salads Ceylon Tea, bleat and mixed% 250, 40o, and 500
Re•oleaned Currents, in 3 -Ib boxes, very epeoirl 250
Choice Selected Valencia Raisins, 8 pandit for 25o
Crosse & Blackwell's best Lemon Peel, per pound 20o
Women's Wearing Shoes, now worth $1.25 for $1
Men's heavy Shoes, extension solee, epeoial 81.50
bfen'e heavy Rubber; 2 buckles, high out,: oloeo fitting $1,50.
Men's heavy Soaks,. at 40o, 60o, 75a and $1.26
Men's Leggings, at $1.25,411,50 and $1.85 •
'Mice' fine Dongola Shoes et $1,25,4)1.50 and 81.75
Men's fine Dongola Shoes, at $1,60, $2 and $2,50
New Prints, fast colors, worth 10o for no
Men's heavy ribbedand fleeced Skirts and Drawere,250,400,600
Men's Top Shirts,madeof windproof 'moleskln,veryepeoia1500
Men's heavy Wool Socks, ribbed tope, worth 18a, 2 pair for 260
Men's fine Doeskin Coats, worth $20 for $16.95
Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, worth 625 for $21
LadiesAstrachan Jackets, worth 085 for $29.95
i Co. B1� ' h
� McKinnon,
It sowsik
t3TBOX • &
the steady increase in our trade is good proof of the foot that our goods 'are righ
our rices lower than those of other dealers in the trade.
Ae mannfaotnre furniture on a large -Wale end eau afford to sell cheap. If you bay
from ns, we save for yon the profit, whioh, in other oases, hen to be added • in for
the retail dealer.
Ms week we have passed into stook some at our new -designs. Space will not perm
ne to quote prices, but Dome and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer.
Remember -we are determined that our prices shall be the' lowest in the trade.
Xn this department our stook is complete, and we have. undoubtedly the. best inners
• Rem OBoda ''L3Nla.- (' rdnp's Opera
Rouse, the largest building in town,
was tilled to its utmost 043404 on
Monday at 1, o'clock, when ?t public
religious, service was held by the Citi•
gene in behalf of rile British cause in
South Alyrica, All. places of business
were closed for .011e hour by readeet 01
the Mayor; Rev,itural Dean ldedgins
preeided,and was assisted by the owl.
ministers of the town. The united
choirs of the several churchee„•furnieh-
ed appropriate music, and at the close.
a collection of $125 Was taken for the
Red t?roee fund.
MntIT RX*-- R. J, Macdonald has , r
been. provielonall appainteri2nd grin Day Of our business year a ..1Zed .setter one. Stocktaking Gooses on: `.0 bruar `
Lieutetiant of No. Vo anttter Cto, to
"Place I. A. Jackan, p. ro_ te.d. ,,
. 1St) -and.we• . want -to .turn -every -dollars 'w4rth -of, ods ssialo x
nta" sh b-et'oxe tha;iF
date• .
Every department in attr big store has been carefully ,�;one'through and this
WHITTINGICAM-At Ed eley', N. W.',t'. on „ a . '" •
Deo 81, the weft of pea, wh ttingham, former- list, r a for Thursday's sel in , is ; S that will a•��. appeal to ec'onon
is ok Cloderieh township, o! a edakghter. Bargain p gp �.'�d �g �t list � fi
i iZ'TQbT--Tx ,Elx eo on Dat, 28. the. wife of ;
i�arGon Fitton, of a sop. cal people and 'that they who take advantage of it will save money • is beyond quest
DICKENS -In Usborne, on Deo. 20, the wife in•.
of Rionard DlokenS, ca a dau8hter• ton. if you can the best time to shop is the . morning. ' We . will have plenty e
WILDFONG-On Lake Road near Exeter, oa
Deo, 8d, :the wife of Joseph Wifdfonr, of a son, %
srntkLL-In Zetland, on Jan. 0, the wife of help .and, be ready for business sharp at e ight n .clock.
rgalan y
Note this date, Thursday, January 25th. We are going to make this last Bar.
January 19 ,I:,OO
R. efl ell• of a Son.
BA$Ii:F,RVJI:LE--Ih Exeter. on Deo. 9, the
wife of 8. Baskerville, of a son. .
• HOGAIRT$-In Stephen, on Jan. 0, the wife
of 8. T. Hogarth, of a son.
ROWOL1FFE-On'Jan, 9, the wife of David.,
liowoliit, Exeter, of a daughter.
8013Y51 -In East 1Wawanosh, on Jan. 5, the:
wife of'Wm, Sobve, of a son,
of the bride's parents, by the Rev Waddell.
Whitefield Switzer; of Blanshard, to Mita
hlienie Sawypr,,of Woudbam; .
KNOX COOPER -At the residents of the
bride'eparents, on Jan. 10, Geo Knox, ot.Exe•
ter to Mts., Eliza, daughter of Jonathan Cooper,
outfit in the county. Our prices are as low es the lowest.
BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. fir. Manager
P. ft.—Night and Sunday calls attended to by .palling et J. W. Ohialey'a, (Futuna
Director) residence.
WWI* *-10PPPPlult*riJPPP14444421/444-Wit
A Christmas Perfume
•s.,tt There in one thing that a lady never tires of --A GOOD PERFUME --that it
is meat be good goes without saying. We can interest the intending buyer, for we
�" a very large selection of the finest Perfumes '
urjois & Co., De arson, Dee-
s&GalletBo 1 �
Rogers ,
a ea
makes adin Seely,
,thumps, Seely, Taylor and others, poth in bulk and fanoy Christmas packages.
It is a pleasure to show them. Come and inspect. • /
We oleo show en excellent assortment of PERFUME ATOMIZERS, HAIR,
HAT, NAIL and SHAVING BRUSHES, in ebony and other kinds, and . a
good selection of all TOILET -ARTICLES. '
J. E. R0 VBY Dispensing Chemist, Clinton
` �,L•.LJ..�.i TWO .,d►..----�-
of hiiddelph.
O[ILLE1bt DOPP .:t St. Andrews ohitroh
manse, Berlin,John P: Outten, Lindsay, to Miss.
Minnie. daugter of Jelin Bopp , formerly of •
b'eafortl„ • -:
GIMBY CEMMILL•-At the home of .1 Gem-
mill, Loadesboro Spttlement7 Man-fo erly bt
Turabery township,: on Deo.' 20, b . Rev. Mr -
McQuaid a Geo, f3. - Gimbb y, of Cartwright,
Mau., to M'issMaria Oezntaw. •
SOHULTZ-.YOUNfBL17T In Auburn, :on
A Big Snap IA Few Idem
For Big'Men
We have a lot of 44 inch Un-
dei'shirts whioh are .all first-
class goods, but larger *an
most people require. We will
clear them out at prices as
The time is now hero when we• have to
• is lusto o hapreparing We have a linelof Frriieezze O er
coat+ double breasted, with large storm collar
which would be exceptionally heavy even if
they were neado,in the usual way, but those are
mane doubly warm by lining theoadown to the
waist with the heavy frieze that the outside Is
me de of. We are not always talking ae if our
goodewere the cheapest in the world, but we
do say that this le the best ooatin the trade for
rho money and those who have .seen it say it
$1.50 Ones,per suit,for $1.10
2.00 ea • .e " 1.40
t v 12• only, merle;faney.flannel shirts, collar attach-
I�lillr` ed, well made, dark oolore, will give g""gbod.
IItfkl — . sizes, 15, 16 and 17, regular $1;25,, bargain'
ear; day fry
3 Only Boys' Navy Flannel Shirts, • 7 undershirts for big min„ double
good quality, laoedmfront, regular i • breasted, soft finish, regular 65o, `4t
$1 for BargainlMy jbst.lialt,price_,o0Ca•
for. Bargain Lay. . _:.., . 4•
tf Only fanny knitted Top Shirts, • A few odd suite beat quality fleece
fencyetripea, dark colors, heavy lined underwear, regular 8125, for
weight, aegalar.50a;to clear Bar-.. . Bargain Day. •..,....:,, .SC..
gain Day • ... , OM; ' .Men's linen collars, 4 ply,. torn over
20 Men's Cloth Caps, all peaked, odd corner, just . a lava :dozen to sell,
Ones of lilies that sold at.25o,- 85o, • sizes 14 .to 17, epeolal for Bargain
500, to clear Bargain Day .at your Day, 10o or 3 for ... , . , ., , .,, .. • `25C
• choice tor.... ,., .. 8 pairs good linen Muffs; .perfect
MOW- extra fine:quality l5C
Seelette !;toes but slightly soiled, rep' 0„,
Caps, good shapes, peaked, pull 250, f°1., Bargain 1?ay .�G�
down.baok, a speolal bargain,. reg•
alar 81.25 Bar ain Dayfi , en's cafskin mitts, nr3nside, will
, 8 M m t a,• 1
Men's knitted; woollen gloves, dark " give enalese wear,•reRnlar 75°,1°°'
colors, regular 25o..... ..... Bargain Dsy..,.••..,...,:,,,,,,. 4aC
Bargains in
Men's Goods
These lines we. want to.. clear out bargain
day. . The prices are low enough to...do
quickly, and they all stand for worthy gttali-
ties. •
Jan. 17, by Rev. Mr Genemere John Sohulfix to
Miss Barbara Ynn blut,all of Auburn,
Mc1V EIt—HQ"S'ELL-At the residence of. the'
bride, on Jan. 17, by Bev. Jae. A, Anderson, B.
:',,.Daniel McIVor to Mrs Mary 0 Howell, both
of Goderioh• _.- • t •
SWALLOW-InOlinton, on Jan. 14, Elizabeth
wife of Geo. Swallow, aged 50 years, tS months.
QUINN-At Willow Range, Manitoba, on Dec.
28, Jeffry Quinn aged 29 years, month and 5.
days. Deceased was a sou - of Geo. Quinn, of
East.Wawanosh. •
SLEET/1-1u Seaforth, on Jan. 6 Clam, Maud
Sieeth, aged 17 yeears, 2 months and f17 days,
MORT.ltV-1n Olinton,on:Jan X2, Isaac Mor.
ley;. age4 79 years '•
BALSDON-At Langgdon. North Dakota. on
Jan 6, Mrs Geo. Baledon (formerly Mrs Thos.
Colborne, of Roderick township) aged 59 years. -
GFARRO W-LtIlleKtilop, on ran.12, Rebecca, -
relict of the fate "Edward Rarro'w, aged e4 years
and mother o! Hon, J. T. Gamow, Godoricb.
OLIVER-In Godeiioh, - on Jan. 12, Jude, -
daughter of Mrs. A. Oliver.
CAMPBELL--AtWestde'd on an. 10, Em-
meline L. Nichols, :wife of '3rarn Campbell,
aged 76 Seats, ;months. :
Corrected every Thursday afternoon.
Thursday, Jan. 18,1900.
Fall Wheat ... » 0.62 e, :4 68
Spring wheat. 0 64 a 0 65,.
Oats .. .. ��...•., .,s 0 25 a 0 25
Rye. ........ ' 0 4G a 0 45
Barley 0 0 85
•.• 0 56- a 0 56.
Flour per owt 1.75. a .200
Butter, loose 16-17,p'k'd 0 17 e , 0 18
Eggs per dos
0 15 •a 0 16'
Hay, d . , 7 50 a. 8 00
Sheepskins ........ .. 050. a. 075
No.1 Green trim. bidets 0 7i. e 0 8f, . .
= Potatoes, new 406* •, .. 0 25 a 0 25
Chiokene, per pair ...030 a 0 40
Duoks,per pair......... 0"25 • e 0 40 . .
Orem, per lb.. , .... 0 05 a 0 06
Turkeye, perlb ' .�0 08 a 0 09.
Pork, live ........ ...490' a 4 00
Pork,, dressed,... 600 a 5.25
Dried apples perlb.... 0.05 ' a 0 05
Bran, per ton •......i8 00 d 18'00'
Shorts, per ton. • ......16 00 a 16 CO
• •
- Sale Register.
Solve s�pec ails in Readysto.wea Gam
meats,_ marked, at money -saving' prices for_
Thilrsday ,
lagdiea' Dro&aing 8aognee, wool eiderdown,sateen lined
wool embroidery trimmed, red, pink, blas and
fanny patterns, .regular 82, to dear Bargain Day„i+ g
Ladies' tailor made coeitumee, jaoket and skirt, bine, •
grey ladiee''blotb, skirt lined, regular 87 50, Bar -5 AA
gain Day .:.,.•......,.,..,,,, * •'$ • ....;.: r
2 Qnly Ladiee` Tweed Costumes, tailor.niade, band .,
• sOrniegarments, regular 610, Bargain Day....::..1):41
�� .Mantles.. Bargain Day r.=
Half Price exactly • '`
There will be'no bigger,' bargain sold . on
Thursday than ,one of:'our Mantles will'. be arra
a price -like that, • Wlataresleft we want sold
that's: whyyou canbuy';`•
$5 Mantles for $ -,50 $7_ Mantle,! Boli - 3,50•'
• 0 8 M nils to
io :�.o a �
Mntles r _...
6 a
Although sizes.and .linee. are brokeu,•there is still a good assort,
merit to-se�leet-Froin. They'llgo'quickly. If you 'want one,
come ;early.
II Special p Odd Mantle Cloths ..
In Socks.
A few pairs Men's All:
w o nl . Cashmere . Socks, all
traveller's samples, frmo
one of the best makers in
England. The • lot : will
goon our counters Bar-
gaii Day at Bargain
Prieps to clear.
L7nd rshirts•'
About :20 Odd Unde:-:
dershirts, wool and union,
lines . that the drawers
have sold out, .only:: one
or two of a kind, all at.
clearing. prices for Bar -
gam Day.
curtains and teovers
- Some money -saving bargains from the Curtain Depart-
ment,Has that we want cleared out before we.take` stock
One end plain colored .sateen, 'will- 1 end fanny • 'Alkaline for cushion; '
make Splendid lining for quips or and oomfortere,orean grcund,dark
comforters, regular 15o, far Bar. ' floral pattern, regular 17o, Bargain 9c
gain Day.... :• 8C Day . �. •
8 ends fancy colored canton plush
2 chenille table clbtbe, 6:4 size, good for ourteine, regular 18o and 22o, .
quality, heavy *knotted fringe, opt?, 95 to clear Bargain Day at 1,vU
mai for Bargain Day e 1 only cardinal felt table cover, goed . •
size silk embrotdery,regalar $1.50 1 onlyhie linen •tabu sloth, extra
and1011 i
artdrapery,re nla 5e 0 ar a n
fa American r
ands not p
2ar Btr ng, g Day
Bargain Da C
Ono quality, regular price'was 7 selling at 3 fat.......
drapes, these Sia regular 10o and • regular 200x. for Bargafnd 1e,y.....13c $5.25; to clear Saxgain Day...,.. 1 86 inch pure linen aheoked apron
15o goods, but are damaged in "iC 25 sample ends of certain muslin, 1t'iae dainaek"tray oro be, neat yeti• geode, color foal, will give airport
place' with water, Bargain Dayepooial for. Bargain Dap,......., 5C terne, medium size, regular 30n, endless wear, regular 180, 13argaitr_ ty .
Bargain ]lav 12C Day. ..t,,....:. .....iv;1C
Fancy Tweed Mantling, 54 nobes wide, regular $1.25 . : ,.. ».. • •• • . , ,:
1 End Golf Cloaking,brown mottled pattern, fenny piatd.lining,:,regoliir82,o(.,,, I
1'End Fawn Golf Cloaking, plaid lining, very floe goods,; regui'ar.-$2,•60":'...:•
Staple Department •»,'
Some bargains from the .St p:l�e Department that will
- want th se out, the
we enter stock, thats why we mark them at these prices
36 inch marten ekirting,gcad weight 75. yards twill wrapperetle, assorted
regular 40o. A .short• end Only to1•015
C • patterns, ffast• colors, regular 16o,
sell Bargain Day at • • • +
r iliargeiu a .. . ... .
'Fancy . French , enderdown '+.lintrl.
86 inch r"ed and black skirting, win. ; ,,.Atte, pink ,and grey stripes, makes
SI y5 $ r Day
1, d d g a �gaee regu'ar
t hr r t7 o ax a u an some reasrn s c ,
45 yards dark pleid.wra p b• 30o Berstein Day
so n e y ae , Heavy English flennefettee assorted
children's wear,, special for Bar- checks, fast colors, 3,2p 'Ards to �0
6tli sell r3arge3ln Day at, ...
gain Day , Two patterns Eeglish apron ging- . .
100 yards heavy tweed wxapperette, ham; 35. inches : wide, absolutely
t f
hs e
short n r e
de d'm ad a
En fish goo R f et colors me tit 1 i,
goods'that were 17o, Bargain Day.1.r C brake, Bargain Dray , ...,... toe
'Table Napkins .
A lot. of odd half dozens of fine Table Napkins,ndt morO'
than half a dozen. of any one pattern, "all to be cleared • out - at
Bargain Day prices -
r welg c •. e:
p everts; a . ,, «.,,
I t 1 feat colors eattable for y '
27odd doylies and small oentrepiecee
need for cushions comforters and ' ` • `
48 lath line art muslin jest aoioce
Fur Department
• � •` �� • ' Dress heads Bargains
We will offer some bargains that will
Eon= and three sores of land, on the gran• bring fur buyer's here 1n liargain Da With
el rote. near Oliinten, also houebold fern tare . +
of Ed. lI. Snell, an the premises, On;3atrtrdty,
'Jan. 20, D. DLekenson. SAO.
Boarders Wanted.
'Wanted a e u le of boarders -or they eau
Obtain meals outroom. Centrallooation •
Apply ttNew Era office. + .•
� �' '1(If s) , belotsof furM weather, to
You'll-be money.
' , in pocket buying at these prices •
8 Pairs Men's Astrachan Gauntlet', strong leather palter,
gloyeg or mitts. well made, splendid for driving,
reggtlitr $1.50, Bargain Day... t1.11
There's just one reason forsuch prices as
these. That is that we want them out of the
way before we enter stock. Prices like these
should empty many dress goods shelves
2C Yards 48 inch fanny Plaids, al I• pare wool, dark - aolorg.
saitelble for waist', regular 76; Bargain
3 Waist Enda only, Ar a silk and wool plaid, aa very band-
gome pattern, regular 51,26, Bargain Dag ........:„ 70C
LediOs' i3ealnttd llanntietr, excellent: 2 grey lamb .muff*, nips even curl, • Fancy twee, ski:tinge. 8 etldg Only,
goods to wear, soft leather pails,
-regular $1,25 quality, clearing
good shape And well made, regular the moat isquot , goods •we have
wonidnotibedearat>E10. The riee'ise8.w file �q
the last. seor /Meet black andthbinel beavthem out Bargain Day at........ 900• ...54 �' for Blargafp DA�i • «y Y f, „. .00 ball this season, replier $5, Bar
don lobreasted or fly front,� t velvet
t t8 A beak linet ES A
rt 2 Genuine Alaska Sable Buffs,
Don• 't tryto save 27 inplaea long,have gold All
tag dquara on:: clear Bargain Dt
and guilt iininge a r s E E
nice drawl coat m,adenut of.curly oloth•at$9. BUY `THE' RES
A. better curl; with'corded edges, ;Velvet Dollar ,�
and bait farmer]; satin lining, po .12.
i$ npijitdie, ;.
A. ..T. SIiDR El H with or withoilt bib, from 500
S A. i. iuuLowAi
worst 8t,. a for•
maohitla d'.re regrllar nricse iBOe !peeler for Bat-
'are e. �
Daixy Saparatora E � •
but they eon.. be late'ttt silt, bushy sable°Salle, reg. �� ant
diltided Into two ° 1G, ep.ci&I forBtnrgaln.�Day r. •
.1AstrachanCap.rinetrneweststyle,'able$aite•batghtgtcrFyfar and
which low (tont is even ctrl, reg ntAr $} 1t fol` ;',far•
lion regardless of Imitation Baltic ser eeperine; edged
At if
head, tt s at $2.00.
• -„claws and tails, think, heavy
gain day....«. .....r...:....,....
far,. g lot of muffs to clear at Chili pricer aft theft Dress T`+3htaeits•'
eea'ons.65 wick tit. i18c.
. g Y•... 0rr00
ao oppo'rata ant'irahafl twos. 7g. yara.54 inch dress .and shirting
sum, noon. and nutria►, near 38 tweeds, mattlriel that will make nit
aux $4, to clear- BAr ain fila
first cost and at $O' to g yet... `
waste. ten . �+inree 1 Ohio Sable Oaperine, stylish shape
a. he,
to eider BargainDaj+........ •,. 'i�iC Oxford d re 'bawler, flne soft wools, regular
- that otx •ilio peer - t i k alnbe fur ,lig lined tail*
You know what;, S ck-taking 'means -.-many'
d . thatwood rather. sell. at a; ::sli ht
lines of goals *e!�
loss than enter on the stock sheets and carry oyer.
» You' are of course aware that :rices. are ad+
-*twang all along tri line, scarcely a line of goods
e that weffcar replace for the same price.
in ott► �
o ve out therice in manylines in order
to effect a clearance, end you will do well to supply ._..
your wants now.
So many:lines are erected that , we cannot.
hereenumerate them, but you ate sure to find some.
thinqqq������������ among them; that it will be to' your advantage
✓...' . 9'
Skhewaf► Robes will be advanced ti
ba'l�"ly$2 . each next seer;. �'e $�1 • �rbavte a ew.
You can save money by buying now.
The Cash Beale
(Blaok soiiel, fine finish, 36 ifnoher
i' wide, regular 600, Bargain Day..
46 inch Priestley, black dram goods,
all pore Wool, 'mall figure, regular
900, Bargain Day...... .. «.
-Blaok dress goods, til wool, hard
finish, will wear well. regular .750, fi0ee
for Bargain Day....,.,....+.f.. '.
Prete Wool Shuwfs alt SO.
Cretan and fancy 'colored wool
well and give almost ondlese Wear, 48c
b. her of gain •D y . ...N - -...........'..r... • * 50Ineh aortmm�d troth, x or grey $140 ohoi' Bargain Day 8
1 black goat raff,6 iaite,regulae $126 regular, 00c and 31, Bergatn Day.•
different kinds .of 1 ieoariet" i eeI Oa rine, good fur
the Frit considers , -gain•Day` ., •. +•.,. ...... .1, .58
.nualittr* all around Witll'tigbt on*/ iter, a •
TheSharpi.s tap• vary stylietr atinent, nlednurn
.01tor,steads at the head of the tires chute .
load ..are really the exponent et that class, prietea,'regntar 6, +Bargain Daly .
Throughont this Heparator the Snert maters "i Black Ae4,-. 1. er ruff, head, claws �a
sal,: he
moat careful manYltaeknrer and+rho » d lair 3 /lupin DA 2.18
' 'Made• niaohinery it above that of any .of er
manufacturer• in their line. They have been
lonfer in the buainees b aevorat years than
1y claim to tare a share thorough knowledge
of the ratnuirements of the best 1reparator.
the manufaotoriea ate, by odds the Itrgeet
And Sheat rteparator Werke not only in Amer -
They in the world,
They hare in their empiolt IYte most .xperI.
entad and eX ert s.parator inventers and
dashitters an. are thu. enabitrd Arrays to
keep in the lead. 1 Man's rrl0ourkitt coat, *laic, heavy fair,
IT IS AMSOL S' Iril ' SAVE. teller, the last one ws bare left, it f
ban rein�at flnirh is *rared.
The re,itntatien of 1 ~harples for we
the roldeatcompetitotS inAnnerieaand inst.
arra tail, r ga $ r g T
1 Amerioeu oppcstenm.•rnff, 2 beater,
6 title, a particularly trios garment
for A girl, reguler 68,50, for Bar•
gain `Dalt il... •
2 black oat lent% thick heavy. fur, ,
regalia', $5, Bargain Bay.+.
8 child's matt, white wool, rgalar
75o, Pepin Day.•,.....►..,.►
S ladies' fur lined cape, good quality
Meek ladies' cloth, bleak oppoistint
collar end down front, fur • lined
throughout, special for Bargtin isf.
1 Extra good far -lined asp*, good
quality blank ladies' cloth, heavy • ,
btaoir Thibet caller, .,Tliibet down
front, fur lined throughout, ;reg. *n nra
1125 garment, Bargain Day at Joh yg
1 Bleak Astrachan Cepa, bright, ---
glosry fur. good akin, fall sweep,
reg. 320, special on Bargafn Day 10.
1 Ladies'Aetraohan Jacket 86 Indus
long, medium. our], Italian lining,
In extra good oat, rgalar $35,
for-Bat/pin Day ,.. .,,,,,,,7.
Lodi..' •Astrachan Jaokei, bright,
;potty fur, good skin,Ibaiian lining
a coat that will give excellent ter.
Mice, regular $3260, for Bargain.
No gearingnor high Speed spindles are et.
weed, in *bleb the hand' or clothing Mar
Nicolas- entangled. The gaming in other
separators la a *etre* of dagger and many
seriona aooidents hays happened with them,
An infant Gould plat around or on the Shar�pt-
les bllathe nrachioeis in fnlltlnotion, with-
• pat dang.r oraeeidenntor =Jury.
Thee* separators are !Arnirbed wIth the
latest patented two part progessive sesta` Or
bowls nnegnail.d in effeotionerr.
The points in 1Nhioh it is claimed the
IilaaxpleI i. superior to Kai' other errata Sep•
orator in the world are Tk.reul *eee .f
Ire rattans lmiaa ifotty .r tioraetraetal.ay
woad l+ai*b4Ltlry.
e art Willing to plane these machines
With Written absolutely on their manta.
'The nicohin.a must prove in aetnxl nae that
they hate the superior points optimal for
them over competingMaclainee, The $epar-
ator. will be leaked any bresponsible deur-
man with fro obligation to i ay.
An agent for elle Machine may out talk
Another who' has a batter machine but a
en erior Machine Will demonstrate its super•
orI f . o a ittttr stead . write ur and we will
send]' bort a deeeri tiye Catalogs4 of the
m hineandaeiroalarcontatnin testimon•
lettere from your nai hb.re end *there,
We ship these mncehinea to any plaoe in
Commie and rand a book with fullinstruotiofa
for retain np nil Operating.
You will net need the aarsioe of an expert
to start a Sharples nie gator,
'' . L. •CtlDlil"il"r .
,Lanes .r , Onat.
a big bargain, rpaoiti for Bar gaits as ' exit' ,>g good
oo ' Slidwic
*Ors lid aa►t•,n`na ��,
• r. •. , _.. ,» , . ,: . eh, red and areacm nilk'pot', as z, for skiriror ohildren'i dkerees, reg. .
Ca and garnet only, will snake etylieh ,
and serviceable costumes, regular 4se 1ireela 000a* Remount.►
75o. Bargain 000. , . • ..... • • • . ,
Fanoy brocade dress goods for wfirtr
and ivrapppOrs, combinations of
red and biaok, btnett*ndibladk •and
green' and black, special for Bar•
gain Day .....,i,......•'atm
Navy estemine Serge, all pure *col.
bard to get anythisrg to wear bettors
special far' Bargain Day'
• • We have sheat 5O remnants • of bl k
eflgtllr `
Mid colored dress 'good* 1 r
one to four yArds, will be marked a' soli
low prices for Bargain Day.
B3t'ttlds. And Claps at 3e.
800 yards of dretie trimming., abbrt
ende and odd lines, braids and
ginip.,,tpeoial for Thursday,,..,,.
200 Yards Crean Twill Skirt Lining, the regblar 10o quality, Bargafa Da riff. oe
Dress Goods ' ' Dress Goads
silo al atafi
Elegant lines of plain and ,
a '• '
U >wg c, Bargain bay at 25c
. fate �y dress goods for dress Thu 'seg 's stilet t s p ee or
.toes buyers on'Thursday. - y selling.
ods nevi' worsted sago, hard fin- S6 inch oheolc Weed, Net the thiniil
�ildliVt ilii t ala a
ti1/1rM ' ' •1tap thing ng t or' ran, w7sa
a ; Olaf Mei plain anti, fano dregs
rough cloth suiting* in brawn,
ti yr >#a r goods, manic moot tares, of
g t g :t some only ee dress or two leis have
nav int' hendaorme goods, ' 1
wire 60o; iogither With a lot of sold at 400,. trod 6Ot, rkllto
\ � otb.r linttt s ialtgr t3eteataa for cleat Bargain Day at out pili.. •
We would like to 'seri the last of our Overcoats on Bee gli v t Unit. ail r t ottr prfae3"1 �...
gain Day. Ther prices, should clear them all out
'love' Frier* Overcoats, made from
bravy, ali•wool frf.A.,(tweed lining,.
high storm Dollar, strong and ear•
ioeable coati, sines 23 to 81, r.gu.
lar $4.50 end $5, Bargain I1ay....2.90
12.OnlyIfoy.'Tweed O'rerooatr,madp
front strong tweeds that will give
„, good we er,regnlar pekoe were$8.60
to $5, for %rgtla Defy . • . • •••...�.
I Only Boys' Grey Friesel Keefer,
vire 25, for Bargain Day....:......*.5i
4 Boy.' Grey Priest Ulster', extra
good gnellt , Astrachan Dollars,
Miller $6.76, ldargaln Bay' •...., .
aBoya' h.afy', dark iw..d tlbters,
anon �o/oate, for rough wear, regn.
1st/.60,tot.... •.,.11,11•.,• .....
a Pawn • Melton Overcostr,relvet Dol•
1arr,ittlitti lining,nobby gertnentr AA
regular $7.60. for Bargain Day .,5i;
I Illaok Bearer Oy.rooat, elate 6
velvet oollar. black Italian_ lining
a stylish ann serrioaabls oat, to. um
alar $8.50, Bargain Day........17n
10 Men's heavy Hexa Insists, made
front all -wool Fries., high storfrn stin
collar, twead lining, Sargain Dityuartr
Hosiery:fa r Bargain Dar
These oddities ties ofHosiery to be cleared outDa n
4 Pairs Boys' hltvy ribbed Wool bON . I4 peke fins
.�wool hook stirs
and 80o
Bargain 1a ne 7i.., elar .NG: 2 c setas :"! ri U 1104., ditty
ilia. Uj, molar 60o,B.rgada Day.. Beauty'; eiistu 5 Id and 6, r Briar
4 Pairs ane weal hos., seeml.si flet,
.oft Walt,
Mize re nisi
8 Pairs lain. ilii.bovi,al$a 8, real. 4Oo !i leo Laetiait ileeoeli
good ,
r C
.refight, hart frill
. n It , �i
s ft6a
bo 'booking, y 8
Flann.11atte n
Latdlea, natural
ityr Tory lett,
gain Dar
8 Pairs h.avy wool hosts„ wide rib, it