HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-01-19, Page 5SUPPLEMENT ' CLINTON NE* ERA -:•Friiday,J'anuary 19, 1900
Letter from South Africa, THE WAR ME»rii.'1NGoi HURONCp1TNrtX•
Mae of '�
the Ittrttn Boys at the
Front:, '
The following interesting letter, dated
Camp Belmont, South Africa, Deo. 11th._
is written by Alex. R. Wilson, cf the Can-
adian ,contingent, to bis brother, near"
Porter's Hill :—
"Well, I have got safe on land once
more. We landed in Cape Town ou the
29th of November. We had a long trip by
water ; the trip was tine, but I was tired
of it, and don't want another like it again.
It is no nee of me telling you of our teip by
water, as I told it all ie the last letter. We
have ha3 quite a time ainoe we landed
bere, camping in Cnpe Town.for one •dav ;
then we moyed to De Aar, which is 601
miles from the Cape, and camped there
four days; then to Orange River, 570 miles
from the Cape ; then to Belrnnnt, 590
miles from the ape ; wo then marched
three miles from Belmont, and camped for
one day, then back to Belmont, where we
are oamping now. We have moved five
times in ten days, they are keeping ne
moving around. I do not know whert we
will get into. a fight, hne we ere not far
from where they are fighting now, as we
are camping•3tn the battlefield of Belmont,
where the battle was fought on the 10th of
November ; I ghees you have beard about
it. There are lots of dead Beene within
five hundred yarde „f us, and rifles lyine
on the ground all around, hnt they won't
Iet us go nea- them. I don't know ' how__
long we will slay here. we cannot tell with
in a few boors of what we are going to do,
and sometimes not ten minutes befeee.
We do not know what is going on, you will
get more news than we will. We are ex-
pectinga little equebble here eveiv day ; -
vou will hear of ns getting mowed down
one of these days. There was a big _fight
going off in Molder River, or some plane
dear there, yesterday, and to -lay we have
nrt much news from there. It is a fright
to Pea the troops that are here now ; bht•re
are thousands all a'ong the line. they are
on guard along the railway, and every
bridge is guarded, to keep them from blow-
ing it up. and they have other outposts for
ten miles back. I was out one night to an
outpost, five or six of us go together end
carry one hondre:l rounds of cartridge
each ; I parried one htfndred and thirty
with me, you cannot tell what mjnnte you
will be shot down. ft is lint even see to
ride on the train. We I, ft Orange River
for Modder River, but when we got to Bel-
mont the track was torn np, so we have to
stay here. I wisl they would let ns go to
the front, and not keep us running aronnd
like this. We weredieiing t-enchep'to-day
to get ready to fieht if the Boers' nn
es. We sleep Leith our clothes on, and onr
rifles beside ue, to be ready to jump nut.
but we do not get much time to sleep, as
we ere up by 8 o'olock in the m erning• and
go and• get into the trench, a and atilt there
till 5.30, to watch the Beer., as they mwe
at night, so as to be ,early for the morning
So we will he waiting for them. We are
havire a very good lime ; we do have a
little drill some days. hat Lets of days we .
have no-thing•to do. Oer gryb is the worst
I do not know yvhat we would do if 'tevne
not for what we buy, as' we have to buy nearly eterything we eat. and it COPte ns a
lot totlive Dere, ae.evert thing is do dear.
I would not Ifde in •this.' country if ethey
'gave it tome, t is nothing het sand and
rooks. We ha a-frightfnl shad storm at
• Orange,aliver, you could. not see two fee*
ahead of yon, and then it started to rain.
and as we had no tents np our kits were In
a frightful mess. Thera, was a terrible
bander srorm here last night, the woret I
evi:r sats. I thought I would see a fine
country out here, but it is a fright, hot in
.the day -time and cold' at night : lots of
nights we ghieeer in-onr tents ; I was nenr-
ly frozen the night I was (Alt on watch.
We see plenty of oetriohes out here, but
they are tame ones."
County -.01. Huron wfll
despatch from t"apring1eld was published,' eet in the Connell Chamber in the town of
complete mystery has shrouded. the Move- Goderich on
meats of the British foro:'s.in Natal. irrgESDAYr, TBE 23rd INST.,
Affzira. are as before at'" the Natal.,
At s &Weep, pen.
River, 1 n , there scene little reason to W; LANE, Clerk,
doubt that the persistent stories. of General Dit'ed January sth, I000 -•2t ,
61, thueu'e remelt ate well founded. The t
Since last Friday, when General 13ulier'a The Council
of he Co
Globe's Loncon oorrespottdent- says the
War Office has decided on his recall, as
his brother officers have loot oonfdenoo in
tlafeking still hold, out;: and. there is..
nothing from either Kimberley or Lady • -
smftll.._,.. —
Lon inn, Tan.17,-.-The war office has
received the following dispatch from Lord
Roberte, deed Cape Town, Jan, 10, even-
ing: "On the 16th the Boers made a deter-
mined attack on French's advance post,
held by the New Zealanders, mounted
rifles, and a detaohment of the 1st York.
shires. The Boers were repulsed, having
20 kilted ; their wunnded estimated not less
than 50 The attack was preceded by e
long range fire from one gun. Otherwise
the eituatiun is unchanged. "
Lord Lansdowne, Secretary of State for
War; saint); ed ou"-Setthe offer of •
Lord ettrathoona, Canadian I3igh'eonamiw-
Kohnesvi llc Cheese,Factory
41. NRTJAL, ilii t;ETI[NG. •
The annual meeting of the stockholders and
patrons t f the klolmesville Cheese and Butter
Mannfaettuing Co., will be held i e Witsca's
Sall, lfolinesville on tiaturday; Feb. 10, at 2
o't}lock, p m., for the purpose of winding up
the past years business. election of officers fox
the currant year and the trensacbion.of any
general business.
W,13. l ORSTER; Pres.
W. S.'LA W RENt: N; Secy
liolmesville, Jan 0th, 3000. •
Will offer from now until
the first of - January, all
Felts and Trimmed -goods
at half price. We baye a
large stock of ,Haudl;er. -
eJiefs,from 5c, up." Also
a large stock of Bibs.
Gall and see°them before. -
MISS Ross.
Hides and Skins t .'t
NV anted ...
- ` We will pay the highest midiprice for
Eiti(ll t , CtLlf *Akins, t;ierse Hide '
stoner in London, to provide, dterlaet front - types r Skills 11,tut, TitUOttr`
tLe Canaditen contiegentes, a force of at„
teas; 400 mounted men f•oat •Mania ba, .. We will•give the farmers more for their
the Northwest 'Territories and. British hides and skins than they can get anywhere
Mumble, and to arm, equip and ' convey elee. Bring your h des,dtrect to the store.
beth to South Af,ica at hie own expense. • house. - -
-in will berxnert marksmen,. rough riders . - 271 '. DOAN SON
The -Montreal Star has been publish-
ing a series of articles on "How to se-
lect a wife." The rules given are•vety
scientific and into esting, but in actual
life they are not worth beans. When
a young man falls in love be does not
bother about rules. As a rule he shuts
'his eyes and grabs frantically in the
• •-'• -
In a circnlar to the ,trade the Can-
ada Paper Co., one of the largest Mati-
ufacturera in the Dominion,says E "Al-
thottgh we have doubled our capacity
during the past year, wears at present
taxed to the utmost to take care of our
share of the increased demand." This
`"'does not look as if a Liberal tariff h:.d
helped' to destroy Canadian industry.
and suo,uts. It is estirr ,ted that tae Offer
will involve an expenditure of £200;000.
The War Offioeregarde Lord Stta'hoontt's
Ntopoaai as an extraorainery proof of:.
outonial--patriotisrrr. -
Four hundred Canadians. and Qiirer.s•
Cook's Cotton Boot Compound
ie successfully used monthly, by over
10,o00Ladies. Safe, effeotual.Ladiesask
ot tem -
our dru eist for Codes Cotten Ro
Landers, with a battery of Royal t1"reee mound. Takenootgher.asa111tjixtureg,,pillsand i
Artillery, marched ten wiles into Grange.; .imitations are dangerous.. Price, No. 1, air, alld many. Otherlines for cold
Free grate territory. Boer patrols enconat-• boat..No..atl0.degrees atronger,e3per box No... _ or w et we.�t11G1'
ered on the march' threw- away their rifles for t, mailed .on rooeipt of lunyand two 8 cent . `
and ammunition end fled. General ?set stamps The nook corn nun Windsor Oat t t
rl �pNos.land'2soidaharecommended byaA' FLT77 ,StOCk OL
huet.'s'cavalry also made a raid into' the responsibleDruggists in Canada
same territory, burning down farm Houses Nos.1 and 2 sold in Clintou'by Sydney Jack- Robes,
belonging to Boer leaders. stn DeuRRiet. ,
Men's Heavy' Rubbers& Socks
Klondike Boots
! . Long Boots •
'crush's Felt Boots '
st 'Cardigan Rubbers
ar y estimated in `Natal
The Boer losses iii the Ladyenrith bat
ie '
e Iootel at 1, 400
killed and eound'd, -Commandant. 1)e
Vilirer and other Free State leaders are.
reported tf1 have been killed.
Lord Duff'er•inwill have the sympathy,
f tyres O:ii,diart in the ittes of his eld•
est son. tilt Bari ofAva, whti -has died.
..f tit -1 wounds received in battle. '1.4e•
you' hfol earl was w 1-kmnvn in Can..
esti, rind had much "1his noble father's
pi uwonal chartn. A. life of much promise
s cut off. . . - .•
Tna LLzEsr
A 1 tree pert of (ienoral Buller's force.
crowed the Tugela River on Monday and
Tuesday last. The crossingeras.nisde at
Potgieter's Drift, fifteen miles west of Col -
neo, sod Trichar• 's Drift, five miles west.
of Potgieter's. The Boers are entrenohed
five miles north of the drifts,and they have
We 'wish to inform all oiti• old enetomers
that we have sold our anw millto W. i)ohertr
-St Co., and therefore not in the iiratket- tp bin'.
logs.: We' take tide opportunity of thank g.
our numerous p•ttrons for their supp.,xt and
trust'the wi.1 give the same to our sueces-'
sere, W : Doherty Se Co.
J:'&N.:FAIR .' .-
With.referenee to the above VP Wish to say
thit't we are preparing to builds sawmill: it
wi 1 be run by electricity generated eby our
factory dynamo. Expect to have it running
by the first of March, in tits meantime we are •
buying saw loge and hope to have our.vaoant
five acre lot covered with saw logseat,Yleast
two .deep by that time. e,
kern shelled by .the British howitzers.-`
•J'isj n -Gen. gal French coutinues to harass
the enemyarouud Culeeberg.
- - -
Trunks and Valises
Single it Double Harness_
A ft e'e fell on George Mills of Spet.-
certitle, killing him.
Jr.lArchib''iId Walker dropped dead
at 'his residence near Duart
Mr. William aiddensof London, Ot-t'.
dropped dead while walking on the
street. .
British _Inlumhia's offer of a company
of mounted scouts .tor South Africa I
has been accepted.
The by-lawranting a loan of $50,- 1
000 to the McLaughlin Carriage Cont
pany wait carried at O.hawa. -
A despatch from the Riviera, an-
nounces the death -of Manila Garibaldi,
a son of the late Ganeral tlaribaldi
Manitoba, Liberals have protested e1*
seats on the recent Provincial elections,
while the Conservatives protest four.
The Laurentian, thefirst of the trans-
p?rts, wish the second contingent. will '
Bail from Halifax for South' Africa on
Saturday morning. -
Mr Frank Pedley, Superintendent of 1
Immigratson, estimates that nearly t
14,000 settlers from the United States',
have become residents of Canada, due-
ing the past season.
The Kingston 1vening,Tiwee (Con-
servative) says:— "W.hatever Premier
Ross may be able to dein the way of ,.
managing the Provincial . Liberals, he ; ,
is certainly able to do credit to Canada . Telephone No. 1.
when he makes a speech,abroad." E
Of thanking' .oi( many
customers for .their past
patronage and hope to mer-
it the continuance of the
same (and as many new
cuatoeners as can find it .
convenient to come) by
keeping good geode, and in -
being courteous and atten-
tive to all. - -
'a$. MCO1acherty,
Novelty i3akery
And Restaurant.
tPr tints
s.. We have one of the. largest Jewelry
ee Stocks in the county,an immense roar.
iety of artioles anitable fOrpresents,so
you will have no difficulty in - finding
something yon want in our store.
Ladies' (t -.Gents' Watches -
in Gold, Silver and Gold Filled; --,t
Clocks of all descriptions. a tisefdl i
and handsome present. 'Rings, a et
present which all ladies like to re- •+t
oeiVe,' Brooches, Pins, Chains, Pen -
dente, Silver Novelties, Silverware, -{
Gold Spectacles, and Optical Goode.
Come and see our stook t.
No obligation to bay.
A. 3. Grigg
Successor to Jos,• Biddieoombe -