HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-01-19, Page 4ouvrox• Through ticks% iesned:to all points In the ode*, Manitoba, the North ; Wed and Brill& Columbia, TnAr. ellen ie toxypaint will meta their 11***Itile by consulthvg Mom, 1 THE CLINTON NEW ERA • dd Lots oWinter Goo s;. HURON'S LEADING INDUSTRY 9whfit Tlib lath annual meettng of the IluxOn Pres- ' byterial ticelety„Of the w. St. S. was held in About your. eNvs a ers COST .4,141.3:) XauSS - . Carmel ebinvb,Reniiall, Jan. 16th, 1900. „ I Who day being tie and the wide geaa, game ' muuber of delegatea :rem the different auxin. have brought forward many desir- able things for winter wear that it would pay you to buy now while prices re on the down grade. We don't want to arry winter goods over so have marked ices (;) iow that it would be well to come at ono.e, to seeu,re some of the bargains, .......: . ,& hanee in Flannels ," - *loom, Fnncy•Flannel, in stripe o and cheeks, full 2'1 inches wide, • good Seryieenhhi eolors for men's One:Shirts, regular' .value -404 ttt- clear at 4 i *AP •• I. . h• 9 9 1.., o 1 0000 11.1..,,..,..g0A0....er WVV • nd only of Grey Flannel;best CamPhellford tnake. warranted all wool 24 and yery iille quality', good value al, 38o, to 'clear at ..., .,, ........ • C end nu& of Red and..Black 011ecked Faetery.Flannel,suitablelor•men's 1 op v 41tPtiting Ob!ktii, extra heavy guatity, special value aac, to dear at.. I eu. • . Orey,Flannet, in twill and plain, extra heavy quality, 25 inches wide: 'i ole, warranteed not to shrink in wash, special to clear at.'., ;: .. ......: I y Tweed Special ' • . ., .. 2pieces61111Y,. '100,14 70 yards, of eXtr4t heavy Tweed, just the thing for I ad boy's weltr, Stnall patterns, regular value 39e, to :deur at ,.......; ..... I u 12,40 Wrapperette for '6go. . .. B pieces only of Fancy Wrapperette, in large and small designs, extra , heavy qnality, if bought Ill regular way would be 12c, to clear at „ Ir* •t• Oe Virrapperette for 121/c . • - i . . .... pieee Only a.tooOy Wrapiibrettet Inbted colors Of red, blue altd White, • . very heavy.tinality, just thethIng for wrappers and dressing.jackets, I Ole tekUltIr YelVO .20e. to clear atve. . ... . . . . , . ,, , „ , , , ....... „ , 11 L • o IVIantle OlothfOr 98c. . • ec,..-orev,,ef*e-ten heavy rhier.(11411. in-lilerit and rietry-;5'21neheis wide, smtable for coats Or -capes, regular *1-159, to clear at .39 Dressing jackets for 59e. .- .„ • . tete flteesingJacketsonade of good quality wool Eiderdown,in green, • padvand cretim...tlicely trimmed With ribbon, regular 411.39 C quelityt ' to bleat at. • • if - $1.00 Eiderdown for 50e. erid only of 50 -inch wide -Eiderdown, in pink only, warrantee(' not to • • • sitrinkin wash, goad value atout- regulai price $1.00 per yard, to C clear' at • U U 5e and 18e Saxony Yarns at.10.c. . iaXOny Yarns, in colm of 'blue, red, grey' and brown"; very Sae' quality, it -,3ttet bunches left, regular 15c and 18c, to clear at per bunch. 411-STIS;1. Hoo for -2 e , p woo a .., mixtures nicely trim: C . wed and lined, regular prices were 40c, and $.1, to clear et.. u Children's Woolgfaiters at . ' less than half pricel1.2%c, • Children's Wool Gaiters, made of the finestquality yarns, in colors of I Ole red, navy and white, also black, to"blearat less than half price I Lz 61110YO.SPECIOLS will De luau form at EVotloct. FRIWIT-MOHNING $7;00 to $9,00 Jackets for • clj.cl•c; , only -Ladies' Jackets made of Inc Kersey Cloth and Frieze, well Made, some lined with mercerized sateen, others un- • et • • • • • • -B lined ngade in the very latest styles, regular value $7 to eg • t to, to carat • • • • • ••• .... a .. • • ••••• • • • • ut• • • .. • .. P38.1 . . wu •ariee and inissien• tanda, connected with. the Mervicititbgeatwhoerruedasainietline coahstiotti•ch.vireadtcdy the help Vtlantvitol hearinfilthle:Vrikqstricag"IsHead: nlfutliwEtea8P4eilte:* txprectiln oilleerd, and from, all auxinariegmarul maiselionit bends. These reporta Were, aS a Whole, telling filter bawer/f)ttre -though some seds report progreas. ges hive ittfor thuyenr were then electd reulting as Mrs Ooderich Vice,'Mrs (Dr) Graham, ton ; 24d Vice Mrs (Rev) &mere, Brucefield ; Secretary, tfri Irwin, Clinton ; Tremurer, Mrs E. Mott, eaforthi Secrete* Of Supplies, Wm E. MeTaggart, (Minton ; lJeailet kieore- tely, Mrs (Rev) Henderson, /amen. inraentrilliVe3r,1:1,tsg%wetisIne.daiitsosnil,li The Doherty Organ Factory an Inatitittfon Of 'wOrld•Wide renown, fr,,,,,,;. ,„„,....15-,2,,•14"i2.:- - -4 flifftWFAIT'21Ija--" -... - .7" , .. .t.„..Z. Seaforth, gave aneppropriate paper on "Chris- tian love, as shown to Clod, to _our fellow- 1 ,,‘,1 '", ' .,404,?. ..1/ , . rip!" '.----r 1. iri't - .4„ .vici t1.1, • gift of his Son ; having seen God'a love for us, Christians, and to the world," Tao highest ...,- manifestation of God's love toward es, is in the IA. , „ " Ito{ 4-4116A10131.1111 1 . ' let us turn our attention to our loge for She ; -''' f,..,1614 a show our love by obedience, in diligent study of the Bible, and in giving ; a bleaMng is Pro, i qiiiig stance to Him. Christ went about doing pod, tel' I trIll' • flounced. upon those who give of " their sub, tha let us follow His example, and do all the good ...a% elan to our fellow -Christians. The 'test, , ' .*-eialr':..xero'f .4„.c". oos 'subject, "Encouraging things found in the an- , Vent gave her anntull address, taking for her . . 4a, 9 4 S' - . , than $1 per member ; in some smaller pieces An elderly gentlema,n whose hoary capital o4;1$1;::',01.:00; number of men eM- 4.t.....„ -- Mail report of the General Society." One di. . . couraging feature is that few societies give less theyirve far more ; in reed River auxiliary the ving average was$ 0 per member .; in hair and ' grizzly beard betrayed the played -one man." .. Man toba and the Northwest the averege was fact that his ideas were ' relics of by- "1876--builta handshop and employed *gaud Se per member. 1,114s Snaffle, of Hensall, , -e days, Was heard lately to: tnake eight men. We Tented our power and sang appropriately, "pwe you gathered the.. riti sheep that were lost R ' Three ladles -led in s poignant remark.: -"Organs and machinery, and -did the case work in prayer for three different mission stations. . bloyeles are ruining the young boys of McCartney., Thompson & Scott's plan.: home on furlough, gave a very interesting no - aim Qauldat in miens* to Formosa, who is tkeday.” There may be some truth in in mil). All our organs were sold re- count of her work among the Mines% Mr e the reznark: these things may be in- tail, as they cost us more to manufac- Mule is the only lady missionary in Formoeal struments which waste the time of the ture than we could get for them from Wonten. are so little thought of, it is herd to young of our day, but of tille orrms the trade. At the close of the year we reach theih ; girl babies are very unwelcome, eindare ofteirtraded for a hOY. Foot -binding , we can say that so far are tney from found we ittd lost $2,000 on the year's commences between. 4 and. 5 years of age, and ' being detrimental to the inter.sts Of business,' causes intense suffering, The Chinese women are very artistic, and do beautiful embroidery Olintonians that they furnish Item : "As you mayimagine, we changed and drawn work, When converted they are more support than any othek maim- our syst,ern of doing business the next very severe. The collection vyas then taken, facture." . , year, W a now wholesaled ; Mir. and the inoney raised dnringthe,year was &Ai-, . . ages; and- -1--etained our retail cated in prayer by mks ma -rani, of Seardi.tht Tho-factthat-Clinton Possesses T -Tire-_ s as well. Our outplit inereaSed Probyterial delegates gave a sho,t account o on's largest and one of Canada's inoilt annual meetinf of general society, held in . and we thought we were making a progressive industries, was brought 'fivrgc/strceC4 las mtsT, Tdhlikte12,114Zactilineg tclel ,Nial i the on . 'in forcibly home to the minds of her citi- iittotsm, yvoneeyf,oubnudt, we eteif •alralagnafninigosoit: plea. g feature ,of the *hole meeting the zenS by the disastrous.flre of -February thi° s time $2,800t. ,,'Our capital . Was theme being, "The Lord is in the asse lit of . 1st, 1898. . Clintonians then keenly ap- were favored with a duett by the 'Misses HAI- of tne surrOunding agricultural dis•• mondville, gave a paper entitled "Simi 1 Hie opie.,, He said, "I am in the nillds thee. His promises are not clipped nor sheared; but are worth their full value. We . greks depends not bnly on the fertility lister, ef Hensell. Miss H. I. Graham, of El- trict, but also on the progressiveness of preciated the fact that a. town's pro- av:Pgerrea "Nothingdaunted, lotntiy:ionealnil 88;8:at:I:el:I; and with the ro- LiwAlgittl .t..\ N • Things,' ; small thrs have aroused nations. of the Industries- within her borders.. 'quire& a know edge of,. the regtiire- • These are the days when every:body, must read and study 'geography, no matter whether it is the working man or - the farmer, the merchant or the banker, we all want to know what news comes from the seat of war, and the attitude of: other nations toward it. The only way to get this informa— tion is to read the newspapers and trace the places out OD. 'km" - map, so that we get the relative positions fixed in our mind's eye, Oar Widnes* is to supply you with any Weekly Stir, 91 ; Montreal Whims* 76o Newepapee or Periodical you want. The Pernree ehin, 0tio • • • Daniell of mune are the best velum, 40 they pay meny thousand dollars a week for opeolel cables. -The Globe and Mail and Empireare the Model Dailies of .A.merioa and cost but 1114 a year, when paid in advence. The Seen. ,day issue of these papers is 'eery fine. The leaden Pree Presq, nforeing edition, costs $4 per year, and the EveningEdition, $2. The Toronto 'World Oa, The Toronto News, The London News and the London • Advertiser, eremite] $1 per yeer in adVaincei. Many farmers are taking these cheap dail- in preference to weeklies at the Fame price. - The Weekly Mail and Empire is very • math enlarged and sells for $1 per ear;y The Weekly Glolbe, $r The Montreal Coionopoliten, Self Culture, Every Month, Home Journal, Designer, Delineator and 600T.he folkiw.izig lifonthli Magazines tow ftworities at $171 year:-111uneey, McClure, Frank Leelle, wfao . Wide World, English ' Illustrator, Ablelee, Puritan, Ladies' Christian Gaurcliten, and Epworth Era ttli;• We are tamed agents for all periodloahr published and can have them sent direot to- sny address at the publishers primal We have 0 Nefhpeper Delivery Service around town but always Pref9r to havo. our customers teen at the store. Our Periodical business is growing rapid- ly end we are elwaya pleased to fetid -we -- new ottetoniere., . • • • p.ppier.! '0.00k...Sttkre _21..1..-P"te•of the WhOlesale trade, and be - This paper was wri en withe special idea of Particularly in such a young country helping' the weak and timid, the one talent as Canada a town Inuetling.to a•gtetit ing practical musicians we knew the help on the missionary cause • the many Little& give geg.mzthen they ta4e al else. If ire remembrance of those wood -cutting 'een to the trade etaY may become great things. Vierfalkimetimes• On„ 'Gnat " account we revere the and that for • "row decided to cease retailing and to time t9. the best ' or er to.c ean out the balance of our"seek Of Furs we - imp, the aMietion, suffermg, &donne, and cash or on short 9 terrible experiences necessaiy in some cases tla and food -growing 'pioneers who en - houses, for our banking facilities were, back development of talent, we would draw dured much to enable the Sue, at quit time, very meagre. . We had baek and feel thankful that God has • set us in ceeding ages to live comfortably. the lowly places; How much truth there is in But the day has come when that town the old Royal Canadian Bank, which QrOthe ct item t that "Bet , thihgq we can db, that we won'tdo, we ;are apt rounding district fo? its entire liveli- Ns mild do, that we can't do, .an5, the sinh does not need l'ete draw upon the sur- :lit:Twat: rflifsafttitycli:Lano4hwuttshedattnisailret women, to make use of their feeble powers, to dezreeireoh. 0.03....food producers, and requirementa of the profession; We . ' • ••••••-••• to do nothing, Walt" "Cli I _what a &wants. hoock•she ha's her manufacturing in••• "notthrough any feu t of onrs.". ,k record woidd the migtils have kept, had I done, was succeeded by the."Consolidated,. instead:of doubted, had I warred; instead - of thIstries to support her, and so just as Wept." This paper was replete with excellent we revere the . remembrance of those which was afterwards bought out by. thoughts, and was heard with_profit. Busineas hardy pioneers, so should we shower and discussion followed.. Mrs (Rev)• Colin.theuMeretoonstitwit)h -itinhe;sm 73yeehrave ton-• raeeting _place for the presbyteriel in al The a. condition of stagnation. - The found- ti'r li operatenles su `el Cnfe il iri business aa, , satisfaction. sT. if' Reets114:49trie: E°ad gate to the annnai• meeting of theletenerd so- , as well as a municipality will fall into iety, to be held in Ogawa, next :May. ppoinierit;Atia. rian°=3:. ofsonde Of our praise upon those founders1 industriesi without which a country t.:,4Lic..,..3ztiem. 1,:ctegsaeinnO:olorte; a ittlerthead at • the dose of the year, Ian, is Seaforth. Mrs giddier )geveanatiarYfew' ''''"'''''.1°-f dosing Words, and a parting textrBe o industries have enduredas many with business enough to ke.ep a tray!. if not more hardships than the pio- eller empl.oyed. coexage ; these are awfu1 times, famineinneers• of the Woods; . they have thera India,. fellbwed bY Plague ± war in Africa, ' selves sown seed .where it was diffieult eaneing desolete nomes ; eoldness in the "With the National Policy in view church. _This session closed with prayer, by and often itnpossibletereap;they haVe. In•18791 we 'Ignilt our second. u g three tidied; f r three missions, and furnished it with machinebry.11This Th ch chi° Au • endured financial and other-• afforded us ',facilities for turning out men, before time 'for. . opening_ the egvenineg fwiste, hut yet many have the good . . about 100 organs per ixtortth. The cost meeting. • On the platform were Revlit Grant, or une to now be able to say that they im, of production was greatly diminished, of st. Mary'a Rev Mr Henderson, and Rov Mr were. instrumental in turning th Sewers, of Brumfield. Rev J. 8. Henderson' mercial 'Wildness and • barrenneesa. -of too. As a,result'of the introduction of pastor of the church, gonducted devotional' ex• • the .tariff on. Uncle SaliVe cretins. Tito musiGal part of the program con. _ this country into a-• place of business -the N. Po, 0113tred of an anthem by the choir, 2 male guar- and commerce: Canada as. a Doininion. cant, Withthisthis decided advanta e raised from in to so per tettes,.1 mixed quartette, and a Aoki from firs • is now little more than thirty years of - Baldwi 'i rimefield, addressed the ladies on %Ili * age, and consequently many of these a_ndzinthanir trvorelatitas.vInneorureaffeacii st he presbytery, •• Statisticians tell us of the' Industries are just 'attaining their Ma- rapidly idly. that we gr. low. growth of the Christian church and . of ority. • What more fittin time,then 0P7 bolder. our ' eplore thie ; there are many strongholda of - We 1,c) write the history of those pioneers? the rapid increase of the heathen nations.rations expanded.. we took 'Our tray - d s t- to be taken • ;- much apathy in the of 0,' 'eller oif the road:arta sent hint to Eng-. for certainly they., are worthy c htireli • a mission is given to every man and land to open agencies there. But b.e place in history just as much as are *Enna:tie de their part, to hasten On the tina the pioneera/of English industry whose •found it uphill work. Said "If sometime, now much we have done for Christ. - when many shall know °Mist. It will matter, .. Lou blasted colonials want us to buy. Elm agethose who are not interested in the stories are described' in many an En&- . om you, you should buy, from us." lish history 1 The story ,of the grow ii earkindly_show them the need and 'needs of of England Is . it history of her trade However, 'he sold a few organs, which the cause. The church's first ory to Gioll,was. II as usual gave entire satisfaction, and en the doors" to heathen nations ' then and perhaps Canada can some day'r 4.51ioccasional orders.followed. ...T•ve Us men"; new it is, "Give ilk the mon: boast of the same statement in tegard . i "Our business had. -wonderfully in• es," to send thsimon with the gospel. God has to her history, At all events not apologize for putting one of these we need :answered the that tWO, and will answer the, • crease , W• uilt as d 'So d 13 the Lord had US other. The next cry willlie for "Wisdom" to prospered us. This time a larget'three- the ladies for -the eucceSsful year lust cloSed. stories into print, for it is full of object , tory' buildin was reared and ftirnish- 0 the money. The Presbyiery'congratulated Money raised in 1808 was S1670.84 ;,-ln .18011, caution ed on boldness, resolution and g pl. yvith machmery.. We now had fac- $1108.00. The eolleetion afternoon and evening • . • tidies for turtling out fro 200 to 800' year, bial•- •••‘••••b W.Dolierty.Of W.Doherty & Co., the organs per month. Key and stool - membership not as. large as tat willing to 1 -Oa. ellriirtZ.VO. ittgaabe. , world renowned organ manufacturers, making were added, an expenses in •••ted. Mr Grant as an oldaaar-horse: Mr Grant claimed the title, sa ng he was a, man of is...One-of theee.pioneers who,in his long. badnese. experience, has encountere were reduced in every department. For 'several years we. had the com- peace. -If We are not me, with the love ' of every dencievabletoMmercialobstacle.. It is not necessary to explain how dif- pany of Mr Sno.• Gibbinge as ti, partner m the businese. retiring in 1888. . &tilt a thing it was at the inception of - his businessto establish atrade in rens,' : • "We were now doing,fairly well, .hut in 1892-3 the crash came in the 'United teal instruments in a new conntryr States.. This country ,was ° affected where p.eople give so ::much attention - somewhat, . and we thought best to to the stern realities of life, and so "sail safely along near the shore," little to luxuries. To cater to the for-. avoiding. all danger, and adding year eign. markets was •attonded with still more difficulty. Not only were hie by, year to our capitok_...„ 'In 1880 we sent a large shipment of goods shut, out by high protective tar- "In to the Colonial and Indian iffs, but the foreign purchasers scoffed hi ikon held. in London, Eng. There Ex - at the idea of a high grade organ being . 0 our . organs were compared with built in a Canadian forest. Per hi - others and recognized as high-class stance the peo To Of En land claimed ;poem oortoosteollsterefeeooteortrast000tee oulaolveriormioioogggego Your money -Meek if You Want . . •low. emoting and doing. til.*Cantelon vr.es in Hamilton on bust- ' *me *hid week. . • A. J. Holloway was in Detroit on bind - nese this week. . Miss Edna Copp visited relatives -1n Thliceilcidthle week. , Miss Aegean of Rockwaod is visit- ing Misfits* in town. - -.MierAilete Molloy. of Milton, le visiting he sister, Mrs james Twitchell. Mire thissie.Oakes and Miss Winifred it1/4:• Yteited Goderith friende on Mositlist. 11.1._:".Thlorton, of Hems% was the triof Ere j. It Hoover, on Monday and esidal. Mt tend Broth, re resentative 'of the • OnietiO /dUttial r, in Exeter this " est of the,company. Peiiiervice, firm maker Of Letsdesboro, fe in town taking tip Ueda's NeW Taylor? system-. of gernient,outting. Kr and Mrs Tucker, of Weyburn, Atter. • veto hive been visiting friends at Mitchell; • wets thii week the grime of John Madan. Mr Meleolirt Campbell, Winnipeg, lb "kiting et the horde of Mrs P. Campbell,' i Mr Campbell forrnerlY lived in 011iaton whore he teemed to beta tinemith . ,t,e- • le Eir Devitee rhop; be has lived In Winn'. peg teapinniliar of yens. P•!-• Mottirs A. A. Cox and C. CanipbelI, • rtalusitorit -,of the Canadian Life Ingtitance ee., were in town On Wedneedey, looking late tome real Mats !netters in which the kielpany is intretted here. Mr. Vox is a fireilitst of thi•Prisithent, Sensor Cox. Sonnet Rowed. of London( who ha/ - hem laid up at Auburn for it month vett . white he wits ram patting from the effects iLoadon to resume hie Work. . elte palmier beggagentad et the etation. He bat intirly reoovered, and went on to ea operation he underwent, .pent IL ays w is ot er Ed, Dr. 13. IL Sleep. of Winnipeg, whose wife le in town, spent 0 couple -of days Ur* leek week. kit wee on his way to ettaira where he had Sense departmental • brimissistositeid to, Ha *aye the defeat ' : 'of lel teregtwity government, tile due ell - e,* notifidenoe,s.nd pi:4meg no whatever go far all DOilifillOil are romented. • • Irmo time to time we hoe Imola the ins Elleboateert,Of inen, who bee -borne rip ender en Moor kiri• hem kmg ego 'Won alllutert *gee math The sitete of bit ail. *a be *ante lie hwy. but es roe stetieg, seers bin kr Veil fat notwith. arai me of his reiselt ot his I h f him he would 1.0001. al his OSA IN, it has had it ohme. CLINTON kigm.k158 • ed dirt Coming and going. arvell5leottitr go as Thh surpts: en in faith and courage. Ruth ia an example self•denial. Ask the pathway of duty, then alk In It. Be :111)1(1 tiam 1•1, IfiligaTelioattslatT carW"araks! ans, content to sit and shimmer and do no- hing. India, with Its 250 minima of _Donnie. 012. and China, with its 850 m11110114. Think of :'se ;should we grudge to give the beat, we nyti?yetztrybetT LtGiAltshoadbattowsegvie,fidli good advice, and all who heard should be lea to do their duty ; space -fails to account that was said. The benediction closed a ry saccezsful and pleasant gathering. The legates were very hospitably entertained- by He,nsall 80 Ern D.avie was visiting in Elerforth last in week. • of 11,1(es Mara Boott.wae a visitor to Sea - forth last week. • ti Rohl. Baird of Clinton Is attending the h Central Business College, Stratford. ha Mr Anderson of Whitechuroh was the no gisGst of Mite Mary ftlitohell last week. 'Mies Bertha Wightmin; of Belgrave, an spent Solidity et Z. Be Lindeay's, Htu•on (vie th • . tt•IIRIVIN4 PresbYteriailleen that tie CatiagiallS hat no business fieede•This gave us a prestige not only in. Great Britan, . but on the' ehtital Chimes. bui'ding high chimneys and manufac- was - continent as. Weli. Our, celeprated turing plants, as our position Mies Nellie Weatherall end her friend of Auburn were the guests of Miss Mary Mitchell leutt Tuesday. * W. Taylor and W. McGregor of. Con- stance have•gone to Stratford to attend the Central Business College. Norman Hill, of St. Mary's, and Mee Bertha Daly, of Seaforth were guests tit the home of /no. Hill on Sunday. Mr Stonelioneeind wife, of Belgrare, were hurt week guests- of their brother-in- law, A. Challenger, of the bete lies. Peter ,Douglas, of Blake, one of the South Huron Menet Commissioners, end one of the best Informed 133812 of the riding, wee*. oellir it the NUN. Elk Offioe.this week. .„ - Will Beet left Monday morning for tholairee, 0., Ihere hi hes a good alt. nation ahead of him. He goee by rail to 'Undone/3r, and then along the meet by steamer, and wit\ ticketed through by W. Jackson. The Goderioli \Star saysi-Win. Mc- Carthy, Goiterieh \boy who knowt a thing or two about hockey, has gone to Clinton to work in the Doherty organ works. He. will he oentre 4 in the hookey jinni there, and will be mimed from Goderich. •••••. George Robinson, O. E., (sen-iniaw of II. (oats) spent a, couple of days here thiti -week. He had just returned feint the mist, where his -relatives reside, having bad it 'month* tette of abeeneet lied hie been ordered to report for duty et. Peter.' bora. „, :John :ones. of Victoria, On who hes been visiting his mother and other retest ivet of this vioinity, left for home on Mon- de". He goes via Fit. Thome', flak where miters releting to bit brother retnies estate mil &Mein him it little The Morden, ChrOnIdle, gfr Claim. Lent wentio Whatikew on rrmay. in meet it enter whoerrbred there from Clinton, Ont Ifre S. Olor left tome days ego for Bodgeeville, Ont., to be in attendance epon her hither, wh3 is eerier's. ly ill. In reeving to the speofel enniver. eery serener of the aay, Prof, Baird spoke of the IrtOgrefig of the Plitalbytethill 00tigte• ilen midst the patent perrior, Bev. Merit mbel m generally setiefaotorr, *spec. lolly with rtgerd to the Young P•Opleig Society stodge Bebbeth rehool,the Mottle. tie* allaudantly proving the sperreee'i as. eervion. 4 ••.-- salesman, ilfr Marry, retnamed in Lri- 13AiTier,- Rev Mr Murduck, and still has charge of our im.• preached in Rettenbury St. church wh° 'fiollretwheemrs,°afnwd°abalw6arysdrwabwulersd. be°f.".Ctearn" i mix)°, mense European &ado last Sunday morning, gave a garde in!. any erte fail to bestow praise and con- ' "The Lord. had continued to prosper teresting and profitable discourse. He gratulations on a firm that should von- "Tho and we continued to build Our Occupied his own pulpit in the even. tUreOti such an enterprise and meeteach 1. bluldings were now enlarged.e,Ci four ing, and takes his own Work heat Sun- and all .obetacles successfully, until it I now enjoys an enviable reputation at storlea• new dry kilns vvere built, ina- home and abroad P , proved machinery was set up, and vre day. Sat,v •iOtt Antrr-.At the Salvation i were generally 'keeping up with the Army baeracke, Thursday evening,, the To the people of liuron bounty it Is i ace. Mt how we were auddertly meeting brill be conducted by Rogan net necessary to explain the secret of : &ought to a halt by the fire of the 1st Hayes, who was in charge of the work the success of . the firm; it is and hag : of February; 1898, you know as well as here eight years ago ; ah her oldbeert due to the inteose 114te ice must% I do; suffice it to say that a severer friends are invited to the meeting.- the foresight, the resolution, and the • blow could hardly have been dealt us, Saturday and Sunday. _Adjutant practical business talent of the founder and although we then thought it was Otchardrof Stratford, will conduct thd of the industry. Re has known, how treat, we are only now realizing the meetings. and A good time is entreipe.t. to eater to the wants of the trade, and iiiii extent of our wee, ed.—There have been six eouyeremee has had the common sense to do so. "What about your conipetition; is It at -the barracks since tbe New Year,- -- A description of the sizeand plan of growing keener? ' was then asked. and the soldiers and offfeers are much the new i buildinte of this is Yen - "As regards competition" he answer - encouraged, intheaboyecut, houg gsosmagllit ed "we disrogard it both at hottle and does not do the plantjustice it is a mo- - abroad. For years we have led the up -to -gate in every particular; in fact, there is nothing like it in size or com- pleteness in the country. The site ton - slats of twenty and a -half acres of beau- tifully lying lentil through which a railroad sidLng will be ennetrUeted, af- fording ample shipping facilities. The factories are brick, and with A View of curcetances incident to it genie t)f la• securing the lowest possible insurance need for purpoeee illustration , that there was it meas. 'Aire of realism about .the sermon not Often realized.-- . Itsivirrntinv ST -Rev A. It se 11 u e p eae ere next Sun..% day, and Mr Howson will ire to Sea- fotth to conduct Missionary ter - vice; the collections Anil subscrip- tions will be on behalf the superannu- Minn fund. -On Sunday evening last •Iley Mr Howson preached on "A, gaine of lacrosse"; his text was "Striveth for the Ma t " d h of Seaforth will r h e or ati. aetory, ing e-proo art -rates ana for convenience, have been ot erosee tvert so ttly On Friday evening thao.Ladiee Ata Society of Rattenbury St. Church, en. tertainsd their husband*, their sweet. hearts. the meinnert of the chat, and their wives and husband*, in it very hoenitable and exceedintelY pleaiant manner. Tea was eerved in the lecture morn of the church, after which an in- formal ptortrem, chiefly of musk, wee rencierecl, the folloseing taking part Doherty Mate quertette ; quartette by Meeets Eliblev, htureh, and Meedrtmes Btovenigni end Onnnlegherne ; solos by Mimes Tenney, Harland, Scott, rs Moser*, Wirth And Taft* n.y; recitation idiot Nettie Combo ee t proficient church organist, elm acting as accompanist for the singer*. The evening wee ex. Chown an Metah d , nett, Mose* modal, enjoyale, and should be re- " t" . built only two stories high. They are equipped with metal roofs, fire walls, doors, etc. . The floor space is MOW feet, the capacity is AP omens per month; the sW.mcapacity is 225 hone PeWor, the kiln oapacity 90,000 feet of lumber, the electrielighting capacity is MO lamps, and the fire or force pump eapacity is MO gals. per minute. The machinery covering all the floors is, ,of course, of the latest designs, A num- ber of the =whines WeTO made ex- pressly for this business. This le where experience of twenty odd years shows itself to edvenfage, for now -a - days imprOved machinery is essential to ;meow. . Some time ago a representative of the Mate LIU called oat -Mr Doherty in his beautiful, suite of (Allem in the main building, to obtain from hint the story of hie struggles and of his tote. memo. We give lt in his own pithy and bueinees-like etyle: "In the year of 1615 commenoed the manufacture of organ., with to, trade, both in quality and price. 13e- ing the largest makers of organs in Ca- nada, we can consequently produce thein at lower cost titan car:Any other firm. • Among the reasons for our success in the foreign markets is the fact that we patiently study the requirements of each country and em- bWyr these requirements in our or. gang, We think we have the correct principle in dealing with foreigners to aelI goods of the highest excel- lence at moderate prices --goods, *0othat vary aecording to the taste of the nation. Most Of the difficaltiee We find. in entering the -foreign marketsovercome.are are thus overcome. As regards inhib- itive tariffs the Government grants us it drawback, so that we are able to com- pete with foreigners on more equal terms. Two dieadvantages we expert'. enee as -results of living in a eoiony are the absence of it consular service and the conitequent vague ideas of the 'With reeources of thie fair Dominion. The lateab suceetta of the Doherty or - gun tella itself. Ottawa Exhibition is the only large one that, gives any awards; this year the Doherty organ carried off the only award, being a. di- p;onia, if any one should wonder why r Doherty sells his organa, he will find satisfaction in that fmt. There is thil record of one of Can- eAree pioneetx in industry. The *tory of hie bueinees is a story of himmelf_i_of his difficulties and final triumph. The • d offer :— • • • • • ,$13_.00 Cap,rines: for,$1. 516.00 Catierineri for 522.00 .0alioerines for $17.0G $33.00Tur Cape for 528.00 Fur Capes for 51.600 All our Furs at similar. iyductions for cash, R. Coats et' Son • .. experietice has almost a, romantic tint The United States Oonirrese has de-. to it. -- •oided to expel Babette, the Mormon ' Such anindustry ought to be a souce bigamist. That is right. of national pride, bearing testimony,.. t, as it does, to that courage and deter- mination which is gaining as grineuitotula ersTahnedjudbgrtheae,awhroepaorret:dryfinng•rtehceinbteiehi: success for Canada m the cont , eorinnercial warfare as has been aoh.- ection trials, are showing their impar- hevadadri hperolisoerntsyininbltohoedeleoruicosenflaichitss. amity. mast week ' sevekitl Conserve - business career, ever swerved ft om his fined. Ths week several Liberals in'Cilia§ in South Ontario were hiavily . principle of producing only goods of thi e same ridieg were treated likewise. ing, the fire that swept away his ourage that was in any sense' falter - e highest excellence, or had he a Trhie .ithouid '• help to put a stop to sucla •his aspiration!, and no flag would would have destroyed his business and property on the first of ebuary, 1898, t ' ' , . Nos Wivertistintutc . have been flying on new buildings by the following 14th of May: But his Desirable Town Property For • was no transient business built Open tuds , b3n, Wbe sold on mar , Sale. - Prinoeistreet an uncertain foundation.. It had atter The d'ence of Clinthe many years of, toiling became an eslateill A. lifeAlister. 01t:" tablisheclindestry constructed upon a scotermrp,s.For particulate apply to JAMES.. guaran-teed cement composed of ex- Executor. cellence and integrity. , that its 'prospects could hardly be As for the future, the firm confesses OLinitusIllillt0e;n4GUNr. CLUB. Clret °ill! be o at thAtfaittliGe gan has acquired adeservedreputation, n brighter. l'%Tow\ that the Doherty Or- riotelwClarendon. All members *ars netlike. trade will expand in the new districts of to 'Mend . GEOARINCELBY, President. ' Canada and in XE. liLACIEALL Sectetar7- the markets of Europe „ -1 where art receives more admiration. than it has here as yet„ To manage `.• Choice Property for Sale. this expansion, Mr Doherty has asso oil ...it ha ev:34, ciavnbitri4.444titin. ciated with him, • besides his son, fcannIfy!f,w1,g1 ei.hre,3:07 ilootr,11341:4rtithier• nrxiot:: at:ea:zee (who is al'Yehip off the old block) his trey. soft %%tot, Cs., The house 'wee only manager, Mr W. N. Manning, who can for worklpg up the extensive business terms. itshattuhseinbookiwnes? also takcsoints of the credit to himself Petorvt, iyhiutuAirer ili)ioahlleorr- :rheCoo7trriseejtanGill7riligt:elf:76,14.1° the° 7 WM II year ago andnwulittbReltoseadsofnetilatatioonamblo fog other men to come acquainted with his trade, for sborthe will be able eladet of Lime itrett, in sub. drviiion°V. wfes! to retire and enjr the •well earned gains of manv har -fought battles, ii ti isiatice.WeniAlb;c774,7e:nurvctilOiLegined" bni Hit °liff•.C"da061143111, Is a comfortable snd well situated property ehtircit Chimes -and wid be mold on reasonable terms. Apply to JAMES SOM, Clinton, or PETER DOUG. t•-•." •-• LAS, Executer, aloe. tr . . ' Rev I. Kenner, yfot Mitchell, formerly of Clinton, luat his only sister at Ram- WANTIM-Butter. Me, also raw furs, No. - 1 . Wireghain. nilet:nh'eawfoef*Wd,"Gsrsiging70. linton, is con - ter. •we have so Woe, as ducting evangelistic services in the ewer to the numerous lettere from the met. Mr Sam. Grigg, of London, end ottlibhalientestfitilf thts Thanks te von good ',utter =kits. %It' Manr6r:zi,'0 innzidiell:::::owhineszorioaeto::iusde Mietlbarnbeeeldri edtelicodidealat tcohuhrociah. the hien- me taken in tooprorM101172 86111. price LOW convention of the Epworth hei :soma for good and bad al if_ ' Leagues of the London Conference, at G. R. , wieeheni. kitratford, on Feb. 1344. This is the- N:iii-06 ig herSbr elven that the oartilership-e Mime convention that was to have been held in Clinton. , horei lo groSr:ii:u tb isi;gg"b:wilrinu:rshhe uniPiier: ONTARIO ST. -The S. S. anniversary toittgrtitirrirtttaPe Mete trela °4 -,AT serrices of this church will be held an bu this oar disokrul by ralittal Genuine. Ali Lothat;2840tIIII,w when pRreelrachWijoirrirl:gaL and de ibi:e du or 150Zirati is ttOolailnii:ithide 1:16rita paillOreIlt:d: Othveentiorio‘i• auvlibliognindmeertienvgenwittillgbe. hnelde Fhtf;t4,arbeet:etZttoeseneittbse:fioof etieueseet artititereeinto, afore whom thee wet be settled,. services throughout are expected to be of more than mufti interest, and special rfil-Aon,:tan. nth. ism. IJAM.B.1100814Elt: preperetion is being made for them.— u"'" On Sunday next the pastor, Rev B. Clement, will preach,al usual; be had an unusually lame audience lad Sun. day evening, anthey were repaid by it good, stirring sermon. Bev H. Ole. ment's subjects et Ontario St. Method. dist Church next Sunday will be:— Morning, "Evaneecent Piety," Even. mg "The Glory of °twirled Kingdom." TRANke. —Mr maxi" pribtkoh, man. agar and matron of the House of Ret. fuge on behalf of the inmate*, desire Lo thank Madame Want_ through the column* of the Now Bra, for her kindeem fti corning down to the Home last Monday afternoon and giving an excellent concert cif vocal and 'attn. mentelporic, in her usual memet and pleasing style. The music was math enjoyed by the Inmates, and they are ?ay grateful.. °^•-••