HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-01-19, Page 3will prevent any Beropean netten
from taking part, no matter how
much they may wish to do so"'
V. S. Colima*liner F. Dickson, has
• . reported to the State Department here
that a company has been formed at
Gtwipe Baffin, Quebec, to carr on the
oil boring business there. The consul
does not expect much from the vein•
tura, as he says':hat 3 !gene have been
bunk in the last ten years; and that in
- only one has oil been found, and in
that one it has been exhausted. Ho
conclude ;--�'"I have conversed with.
several oil experts during the past five
nd the inforan aaae'that th
:Babies and children need.
proper food,' rarely ever meds-•
cine. Ifthey do not thrive
on their food something Is
wrong. They need a little
help to get their digestive
machinery Working properly.
CQ L1 V.E i� O 1 L
_ ..--.this1
will generally correct
difficulty. ,
1f you. will put from' one-
fourth. to half a teaspoonful
in baby's bottle three or four
"times a day you will soon see
a marked improvement. For
larger chitdlen,--from-half'' to
a teaspoonful, according tb
a g e dissolved in.•'their milk
if you so desire, will very
soon show its great' nourish-'.
In g • imwer. If the mother's
milk does not nourish the
baby, .she, needs the emui
sign. 'it will show an effect
at once both'. upon mother
and child:
sec. ere $1.00, all druggists.
,SCOTTd$OWiE, :hembb, Toronto.
Washington Lett
(From oar regular corresponlieat.).
Popular feeling in regard to the Boer.
war is rapidly veering around in . this
country. Despite mi.leidingstate-
ments to the contrary, continually
published in. Canada and Gceat Brit
ain, public sentiment here heretofore
hes always been on the aide of the
, Boers, both because they constituted a
tied republic, and because- of the
urtit.nate'srze of the .combat—'
te. But this feeling has been some- '
What like that of a man who sees his
brother engaged in alight.' of which he
does not approver 'He would not be
sorry if the brother trot pretty well
punched, to teach him not •to, be so
- hasty the next time, blithe would also
/eel much, disposed to take •dfi his coat
and go in, if there seemed to be any
danger of the brother getting the
Worst of• -it. During •oar . war with
•Spain,•Canada seemed to feel about
the: same way, It considered that we
_were altogether too cocky and wanted i
us punished, but not defeated.. • t
Ae long as England is 'merely fight-
ing the Boers. she will "meet with' lots t
O opposition in this. country, but as
loon as any European tpoweg attempts -
to chip in, the world• will be astonished
.by the depth of pro -English sentiment.
that will -develop in this country. j
]Blood is a good dell thicker than n
water, and ' most Americans realize
'that the .preservation .of their Own ' a
race ascendency depends on' the ulti- 'g
.mate, victory of England. p
The clots relationship between this'
. •couatl•y and England .was shown at ,
the recent New Year's •reception at the t
White -Piquet.. when.the.entiro Britlsh i
embassy was present. The Right t
lonorable.Lord Paunceft,te, of Pres- 1
ton,d31. 0. B., G. M G., .dean cif the ft
diplomatic corps, was accompanied by ft
• Lady", Pauncefote and their.' four
.•daughters:; Mr Gerald .A. Lowther,
/hot secretary • ; Captain Charles �L. h
�Ottfe�t,.R._N., and .Dlrs.Ottlley ; Lieut.-
'Odlonel A. II. Lee,. R. A.,. military' at- v
tache, and Mrs Lee, his American i
bride v frC. N. E. Ellot;C. B.,, second.
secretary; •Mr.W. G. Hast Muller, sec- fe
•ond-seoretary Mr' Robert Bromley
and' Mr Arthur E. b' tamphreya
Owen, honorary attaches. 8
• Thegood feeling 'between the two fl
' countr ss was ;also emphaeezed by the a
•pleaqui~e-'tbat was expreseed'•'tat the
fact that ,Nri)l1libt, of the embassy, had t
recently ►been made salt • knie'ht' •tr? the Sr
ysare, a y
sand' and gravel here are not milted to
oil, and that the dip ofthe rock is- al-
together wrong. This, they ' say,
shouki be about 60 feet to the mile;
and it is about 1,000 feet to the mile in
most places where wells have beenput
down in this vicinity.".
Representative Shackleford, of Mis-
souri, has Introduced into Congress' a
bill placing on the free list all wood
pulp suitable for or adapted to the
manufacture of piinting.paper, and all
in r suitable o ted'
ri a ef rot a
to >rit'd
printing, P
to the printing of newspapers, period -
b kpulpis e t
icals, or books. Wood x len-
sively manufactured in Canada.
Information as to the riches of t'Jape
Nome, in Alaska, continues to come
in. The latest arrival from that par
of the world is K. M. Jackson, wh
says tjiat the spot is just as itch in,gpl
as it has been represented, and by nex
summer there will be 25,000 people'a
work there. Be thinks that the re
sources of the tocalit j have ecarcel
been scratched over, and that the'
are untold millions yet to be take
from Mother Earth.
Couldn'tsleep at night
• With the torture,.
• iso , Demmer tttende '1'rtiM Retort no.
eept From the Antpistl'a Ueelo.
A good giraffe skin.;is worth from $10 an old conductor, "the queerest thing I
to $20 la South.Afrlca and much more in know in that line happened when I was
Eczema; or 'Salt Rheum- as it is
often called,, 'is one of • the most
agonizing of skin diseases, nothing ; .
but torture during the day and two-
fold, tortUre
wo-fold,torture at night.
But there's a remedy permanently
cures the worst kind of tczema,
relieves the itching; burning and'.
Smarting ted soon leaves the skin
smog .,•h and healthy.
It is\,put'dock Blood Bitters.
Mrs, Welch, Greenbank, Ont,,
tried' it: and here' is what she says;
• "BBB d
. cure me of Eczema th
zema re
t agoand 1 have had no return of it since.
o I wias'ao bad that I could not sleep atnight ' ,
d wit h it, •
Being told dcfBB. T '
t g' B. treed it, and two
t bottles made aperfect and permanent cure."
tee yea
The Beat Work e. South Africa.
From the Guelph 'Daily Herald, Deo.20:
The war in South Africa has calmed
several publlebers to adyertiee forthcoM-
ing histories of that country. We haute
several of the •prospeotns• books before: tae..
One is from the pen of a newspaper corres.
Fondant who was in South Afrtoa a short
time ego, but is not there at all now. 'Asn•
otter is a•_ashaeh of Livingetone's, and
Stanley's travels, with. a few engravings
and pages added. Apparently newspaper
reports and•paete•and scisaore are relied
on to make up nearly all Ouch'• forthcoming
bookh.on south Africa. " Bvt are glad
to know that. South Africa, with the added
interest of the war.' ie going' to be tho'sub
jest of one first. eines' book by the bee
known authors of the present day, and
that the sane is not.. being run throng
with lightning speed, but has been in pre
paration for several years. John Clarke
Ridpath, L. L. D., author of "Oyoloraedi
of Universal History," "Life- and Time
of G.ladatone," "History of the . World,'
eto., is undoubtedly the, beet America
historian living,' and .the -final of an
historian of any land. Heid assisted 'b
Edward. S. Ellie, M. A., author of tb
Standard History of the United States,
work that has made Mr' Ellie a world wide
reputation. A considerable part had' al-
ready been written when hostilities com-
menced; and a . great number of photo.
graphs and-drawings,obtained whileoffioial
sources were easy of assess. •
As: war' became a certainty, arrange.
ments were made. for direst oorreapon-•
deuce as to the progress .of events.. The
work will excel elf others as a . record' of
the war, and be incomparable in other
renpeots..Its¢ill be: profusely and bawl -
timely illustrated.: There will be about
150 fullpages, half tore engravings, ezeont-
ed in a style superior to that of, the largess
American magazines, and certainty in
striking and beautiful contrast to the illus.
tratione in the other prospectuses that me
have seen, -These will comprise scene
in South Africa, and sketches of the gree
battles—many of whish have' been sen
from South Africa - direot to the pub
lishere—life-like portraits of Lord Rob-
erts, Lord lBitohener, Colonel Otter,. Gen
eral Joubert. Paul 'Kroger, and otbe
prominent commanders of ':the Brit
eh and Boer forces. • Of *penial in
erect will be the motion devoted to the
Canadian contingent, whish 'will' be from
he pen of Mr J. A,,' Cooper, maneighlg
editor of the Canadian Magazine, and one
of tbe ablest writers in the 'Dominion
`There wine twenty fnll,page _illustrations
of the first 'Canadian contingent, and equal
optica .w-illlbe done the'. second oontfngent
ow interim of organization. A oompari
aon of the pprospectus of this" book by' the
ide ofseaeral otherai'before us, 'shows et. a
lance its' great .inperiorlty ' in lis
rinting, •engraving and binding, and ye
the pry �idmo higher than The others. The
work' helloing' by twcl
he largest and wealthiest publishing Ines
n the 'United Stetter, and a . Canadian edi
ion is being issued by• The World Pair
iehiun`06reppeany, of Guelph.Canada
rm that �f blishes only th best bootee, •+t
rm that • has deported millions of books to
foreign 000ntriee, thist •nae dent 500 mea to
Australia, and that has had a branch
onse'ia•Seuth Atriaa for the ' last nine.
teen yearn, whioh.gives It an immense ed-
anlage oxer any 'rival pnbiither in; sever •
ng photogwlpbs and material, an article
from ire representative being a special
stare, .
The maps contained in the work are the
beet we have yet seen of South' afrida,
nrely alai -tune awaits the' publishing
rm and a deli harvest for the agentd en
noh a'bookend at snob a time. .The call
for' agents by ° The Viorid Prtbliihing
ompany, et Guelpph. Ont.', for this groat
ork, will be doand in another column. '
Sarah Cohen,• an aged Jewess of New
York, makes a comfortable living match-
ing buttons for society women. • •
The Duchess' of..Devonshire, the Mar-
chlonese of Londonderry and the Count-.
ees'of Qadogan 'seldom• miss a great race
meson$. • , •
The eldest daughter of. Charles Kings-
ley,, Mies' Bose Kingsley, has been; made
an tlicer'de l' instruction•pablique by the
• French. governnient. •
Mre, Aubrey Richardson has written'a
book entitled -"Famous Ladies 01":the.
hinglleh Court'" that is, creating some in .
• terest in:London society: She, does not'.
•spare some of 'the ladies.
Mme. Melba flays 'that the•trueet con
pllment she ever, received was from A lit.
Ale 'boy in the west, who blushingly res .
marked, "Yon, can bins nicer than my
pop cap whistle` on bis fingers,",..
h• : MLs Alice Serber,'has been admitted •.
- to the bar, ot 'the. federal courtIn New
York. She. is the' first' woman granted
• • that privilege and' was the first Russian"
s Roman -to practice law in. America, -
' • Xl'or the third time Mrs. Sarah Storey
n has been elected -supreme Chief of the or
y ,der of Companions of the. Forest at the
y recent convention at Providence. She was
e the first woman to be appointed supreme •
a 'state deputy. - .• •
Danes Garrlock,'. • superintendent of the
English''arme nursing• service, aecompa-.
.nieby seven sisters,' who: were'also
trained' mimes, . were the . firet regular
surest to trrive at-•the'it-oat of war in.
South Africa
The late Mrs,. Mary Braaot of Pitts-
burg, widow of •Feliz. Brunet,' bequeathed
the bulk of her -estate, valued at $110,-
' 000, •to religious and charitable 'organiza-
tions, the •religio`ps..beneficiariee :being,
•'mainly% Protestant Episcopal
Mrs: Ellen M. `Henrotin; the president
of the National Federation of Women's
clubs, speaks .fluently French, 'Spanish.
Italian and ••German.. Of. all of these
tenguee she Is said to -be such. a mistress
s: • as not to•epealt-them:with-any Brice of•
t foreign a cent.
t Mune. 4.iBerla de Reyna-Barrlos vpld-
• ow of President •Barrios et Guatemala, •
R about to go on the stage• se. an actress.
- She must nowearn' her own living, as.
✓ the 410,000,000 estate left by her bus-
- bead •was seized by creditors when the' .
- president was assassinated in a revolu-
tionary riot, . ' `
A. recent, arrival at San Francisco was
Miss Pauline Drollet, who is looked upon
Ani the natives .in Papelti, of the south
• lea islands, no their. queen. As a direct
descendant lot a torn -ter- king of the is-
land' • she -would 'now be queen in fact
atad It not been for an edict of the French
• overnmipt'in her childhood.
r •
:Shooting and theatrical stare' are gnfte
of lancertain.4-$ounastown Vindicator.
• ,Perhaps Ihe'tars are doing their shoot-
- rag in- South Africa.—Pittsburg Chtoat-
•ole-Telegraph:.. --..
- This is such a• fast age that even the
ei score ire charged with being. slew-.
'Sioux illey Journal. •
The astronomers who promised the
tj�lIe a shooting star show have quail-
elt dor w.atller'-Prophets;;;ngeltrelou--:
eller. -�•.•
fltudente of science would de well tit.
satlteerve. carefully whether more leontds
seen Ipprohibition or license states.—
• Are
Record. •
Well, even if You did miss the sansei
spectacular display of leonid* in 1899,
tlso pate ehOw wilt bo along.again is
fit. Louis Republic.
Indent trots the fa* •eheettng stars
that struck the earth'e atmosphere, none
-fight Infer that the bombardment, was .
cendneted by Spaniards.• -Buffalo Ex- t
prsa. ,
A ,c,:1.EVER RUSE.
rite Sequel toa not Feather °vap s,
$eatper'a Ticket.
'aTalking 'bout scalpers' tickets," maid.
Europe. On their hunting trips 10 or t5 working for the sriseourt raclfac. back Isi
years ago it was a, common matter for the eighties. My run waft between Kan -
one hunter to kill 40 or 00 of these grace- t sari City and St. Louis, and one morning
int animals In one day. The reason for ae I wits pulling out an my east bound
this is that the giraffe le the Meat lana..; trip a fellow sero me en old three-day
cent of animals and easily bunted. They excursion ticket that had expired at least
are absolutely defenseless, and there le six mouths before. I told hintit 'wile no
hardly a case on record where a wounded good, and after considerable growling be
giraffe turned upon titer .hunter.' It 10 handed me • some small silver. 'That will
carry me to --•--•,' he said, naming a little
way Station, 'and between tunes I'll
think it over.' 'Very well,' 1 replied,
`but I dive you notice ow
won't parry you a toot farther
rightnunlessthat you
put up the money;
He made :n4' answer and began eare-
folly stwtying his ticket, When we got to
the station; 1 was byhis aide. '.Well.
'sir,' 'I' Stud, 'what do you intend to do?'
'1 intend 'to ride on this ticket,' he snarl-
ed. "I've read it over, and it's perfectly
good.'' 'I'm not going to argue any more.
about that,' sad I. 'Youpay your fare
quick or get off:' Not
unless you're the
best matt, :skid he, looking ugly. Well,,
I threw hien off, hut • it was .a tough job.
He fought like a' wildcat and came near
licking both me and, the brakeman, The
station where this happened was In the
heart• of a wild moonshine district, and
the crowd that collected all sympathized
with the passenger. •As we pulled out
e stonedthe rain. I expected
th y tto hear
from the fellow almost at once, but - 1
didn't, and the affair soon passed out ot
nay mind.
"Six months later I • happened to 'be in
the general 'office's when, to .my great
true, they have great powers., of speed,
and they can dodge rapidly from' tree to
tree In the woods, but they offer eucb a
fair mark • that these tactics hardly, ever
cava theta.
Not until it. is unusually frightened
does the giraffe snake Its best speed, and•
then it la often: too lute, for the bunter
'is upon it. There is .really no.element
of danger connected'with thls sport,
and that melted it loos exciting and at-
tractive to a true sportsman. Under cer-
tain circumstances it le'possible`to be in-
jured with the powerful'lege of tbe . gi-
r >f which arecapable kicking .
a ea
wie ot
blow that woulkill a lion, . The latter
beast, for this reason, takes good care to
attaick the.. giraffe -at. unexpected mo-
ments. • '
., It takes'airgood horse to run down.a, gi
rage, and• if the least advantage , Ie per-
mittedthe it creature trace
wild c e ire, is ipSt.
Its peculiar gait is very:ungraceful and
deceptive, but it covers the ground with
remarkable facility, • In the .opea 'veldt
the hunters have always'the: best of the
race, but the giraffe, when ,surprised,
makes instantly for the forest, where
tough vine* and intermingling branches
make 'travel difficult for the hunter. The , surprise, I saw him coming out of the.
' bushesband thorns tear and Macerate the manager's pravate room. 'Who • is that
skin '01 the horses, but the tough skirt of . man?' . I asked a' clerk. .Ile laughed.'
the, giraffe is burely, scratched.- The
'Why. ,don't you know him'' he said,
creature will •tear a bath through the ,Rete ' and---ire-named it -duteetive-.
toughest and thickest • jungle and „never who had lately. worked up tbe evidence
a�irffer in the least. in a big train robbery case in the very
Th1s skint, orhide,'of the animal is its neighborhood of the station where our
chief article of ,value. No wonder that. row had occurred: -� • -
the bullets ottep: fail to • penetrate.. this "Then l anderstood. You see, he want-
skin, for :it . is from ;three-euarters to an ° ed some good 'excuse for going into the
Inch thick and as touch as it is thick. settlement.'and. there was po. better role
This skin _when cured: and -tanned -makes- =
Min that; of a.`: poor man.just .ejected
excellent 'leather fee' certain' purposes. from a train by a .brutal conductor. He
The Beers mak ride whips • son- II r e ngandlied his scalpers ticket to show, Ire. hada_ _ ._
. dale out of the skins' they;, do not end ;to ;fust put up a genuine fight, and he claim
Europe. The hones- of the giraffe have .ed to be dead broke. All that appealed
-:ailso a' commercial value: The leg bones to the natives fend they took.. him in at
are rsolid-instead':.oft hollow:.'end in 'E,n see. The result was that he staid there
rope they are In great demand for man --0- motitb•had-picked up ail the evidence'
be wanted. It •,vas' sh1'ewd•-•aeheme.
bat I still think he made that scrap nu-„
necessarily' realistic." New Orleans •``"^--'
Times -Democrat. ' �•"� -. .. ` ,
Our F.
� x un . `
ufacturing buttons add -other bone arti-
cles. The tendons. of the giraffe. are e0
etronat that they will.sustain an enor-
mous dead weight, which. gives to them
pecuniary value. Scientific American.• .
.• —
General Debility and, a"'run down" sate
calls fora:general tonin to the systern.,Bach
is', he•0 &L. Emulsion. •Bailds.you up
incre-ars your weight,. gives health. Made
by Davis it Lawrence Co., 'Ltd.
' q'>tie Fool Fox.
"When the pursuit of wealth tempts
you, my son,' said the sage, "remember
'the fableof the fox that hungered- for'.
some wonderf ulij Sae grapes growing hi
a -garden the only entrance to which was
through .a hole in the wall. It was so;
small that he had to fast three deka• be•. q
- fore he could crawl through it.. After` he
too large. to. crawl -back through the hole,
had got inside and filled himself °he was H1
and was .compelle ,,tit fast another three .
days before` he could make his escape.
from tbe garden. So he went out as poor
as he -went in." '
""Yes,'.' said .the ambitious young titan,
"but u�hY didn't the fool fox take a lot of •
grapes to the hole 'and _push "theme .out.'
through "'iti''-'Then he could have carried
away enough to keep him fat for a
month."—Chicago !Tribune. 1
$25,000.00 GIVEN LWAY.
In the past year Dr. R. V. Pierce huts
given away copies of his great work, The
People's Common•Setase Medical Advieer,
ei an expense to him 01025,00%00 exclusive
of postage. This • standard book on need -
loins and hygiene, contains 1008 pages and
more than 700 illustratione.. 11 treats of
the greatest and gravest problems of %u -
man life in simple English, from a coin -
mon sense point of view, 15 tinware Owe
question.of sex which linger unspoken nke
on the lipsof youth and maiden. ft 1a
essentially a family book, and 'ltd advice
in a moment of sadden illness or rooident
may be the. means of saving a valuable
life. This great work is sent rb:di rely
free on receipt of stamps to defray the
coat of mailing and customs. Send $I
one•cent stamps for the book inppsper
binding,or S0 stamps for ctoth'oovers.
.l►ddrris Dr. R. V. Piieroe, Butala,•)l. Y.
January 19, 1
nuuJ ilmlNlnmumllmuulllmw1111Nmnu irn,,,m•• IIIn 1innl*,u,
s1rlilating'tf te'Tood atklRcruta-
.the.aiumdchscatiso�re std"
Prol11ots Digestion,Clieerful-
nd t.0 stains neither
aces d ci
Opiutn,Morpliilne nor• Mineral.
Fames aFPXat71-SAMI/lZf'I2TZER
•ot ft•&res,-
-Ada Se«e •
t onal sit
.rnsSeard -
A perfect Remedy fort onslpa
,tion, Sour Stoiiaclt,Diarrhoea,
Worths ,Cagvulsions,Feverish
lases and LOSS OF sumTac Simute Signature of
o, -
Atia • r?i 'i1-1rs.50.1d .
Mr. Ohne.. Hayward was elected
Mayor of Victoria, B. U., with two to
one majority. -•
Immense Increase It the sate of the D,
A' L. Menthol Plaster evidences thefaotthat -
it is useful for all rheumatic paine,lumbego
rind lame back, pain• in the sides;; . eto.
Davie & Lawrence Co.artd.,manufaoiurers.
odbr ol4lhab,figb}ilrigstiigfdl V. Michael
andSt. George., r:: Eliaxi; manage.
extent of bbe Samoan dtille 1":74 *hen
be represented En land as 'cotsimte-
eioner, to those islands'. last winter,'
was Such as to win for'' him the warm,
est official ,commendation of the
VVItcd 'States . govertatnent, and, to n
make 11i .. popular throughout the
country.", v
A. mitt Citnadiattatiint up• its
Was itg, tgciltl tune to cline. a
latex arriyal( le Ildr Edward, Meirmeefe.
of Mon'treel,. who wag somewhat
amused ' when stoked what Canada
• thotieght of the alleged: Fenian irtekeion a
Lrdieas wbo suffer from Constipation,
Slok Headeohe, ailiousneei Or Dyipepsfa
find'Ltxa-Lives Pi111r a ' perfect remedy.
They are small to size, do not gripe,elok-
e or weaken. Pelee 25o.
The Government of Nova &otie has
oted $5,000 to the'Patriotic_ Fund for
the wive; and children of the two Can-
of that country. *'It is all newspaper
tiijlk,' ha .tbtitY, "and Canadians- are Bl
Int no'eleeb an ac'crnrnt of `i't.: ' We
I<te irozis v+ sat: source. It
.The scarcity. :of eoft•coal for l000sns -
tive:purposes :la giving much''concern
to the grand Trunk and Canadian P, a-
odiicrailways. The G. T.R.'Co.•se
been obliged to ship from Montreal to'
Toronto coal :required for the western
division, which, under ordinary 'cir-
cumstances, would come direct' from
Pennsylvania. •
When your dootor writes a prescription
for ynu,ir should be very carefully prepared
so that the resalte desired by your medical
advieer may follow,
Agginttl4o 'nukes pegs. in clover look
1 . a theta puzzle. --Cleveland Plain
What a magnificent district messenger 1
her aAguinaldo would have madel--Louie-
sille Post. ' '
t ti%Y n etre. + note••••Erhilio Aghtnaido
le In 1kti inon*tasns for his- health.—Du-
lntp Taire and T"rib'ir� e. • it e - i
e �i
The preparation of phyeioiane' prescrtp-
lone is our forte.
Toilet • Geode in Endless Variety.
Perfumes, Atomfeera,
Soap', Brushes, .
Combs and. Whisks.
Planes Celery Conpound, the world's
sediaq medicine, alwas% in stook ; the
kind that onres, H, B. Combe, Druggist,
Clinton, Ont.
"I had 1t large ,A,bedee; under my arm
a well as *ores in 'various parte of my
body. Being advised to use fnrdook
nod Bitters,1 did so with the result that
tree absoeiir and sorer alt went away and
ave never bothered'' Me "into. Mre Philip
W rn. Smith, G. T. ii,.*gent at Cooke-
team -for the part 14 years. dropped
dead bn Thursday evening of apoplexy.
He wait a:meriaber of the Meaanlc and
masters' orders, and was insured in
and *re well•satisfled with the knbwrl.
editaif thinythei Arty *NAOS id +blip,• are
iter `Oa aA bl
• «iatttlieiiseva cof :the, Irteenecaratt
g r•db t hes qd ndi ldaale,
the F0Veeters fgt $$,001).
gong t o tY ti , u a ood raw feta+.
"ear etZstr inl that theilrtat of gore .fe
u a� . W' lint• d i v
who• have deluded themselves into;
'taisit� tlstetr,tbeyr,haa'a • a ,gri.vaatie
against Engiaticl nit doubt realize that
thie would be.* fide %litre i'add 'to the
,compllc*tiolxit.tiftreat Britain by the D
invasion of the Dominion, "end hens e •
due ineeniivat a use raid. But they
LrK,ttaar int*rfeetkne 'visitor to the •
Capital durillg the -past week, waiaMe
''who talkeeal.entertaiaingly c the.Doer
lob 'Vitt Roane, Ont:'
Will take it out la Walk.
P. Labry, ]ilswttt hinter, Bot nth,
haler. '"The end of tb war will tin •
blotch.. and other skin ernptionsi is allay:
alo�uyl>teedly sett England auybra�m,�e Of the
be . " The Boers heti a fait �t
t+aittage men, munitions 8►Yid
happier, and Beatty Fads 'Under the
Shadow of Tormenting Skin Troubles*,
Bttt'Dr. Agtl it►'ar Olatmenii is a Quick
anaa safe stealer.
The revealing torment of an itebin
akin,, whish is the natural 001110,344410* and
oatoome of pooh akin diseases • as tetter,
telt rheum, ring worim, ees emit. rdoere
svav from the Cape tate 7atnbe "
o lit; theontoet, anthey 'have Wan
few battler. But Britain's *ea poWsr
fishable her tea wen In the end. . w
a h the navy rasa? not fire a *byte n
en -during the war, v'letorp wilt
ad in an iadaatwith one application of
Dr. A 'e Olntesnt, • end in *very few
days the MON stattabbrn Wert give trey to
ito *eagle healla power and leave the akin
bole, perfect, agar and soft as a baby's.
Xi wt our. pilaus in Win thaw to five
tit. ;Agnew'. Liver Pills are the °bee -
est made. 20 dents for forty doles. Sold
by Waiter aft Co.
gar the oil because it; Will wake
ibleand munitilon butransport t becait»i�
lie A naldo-I' ,tunnln the: bases
f t Weald seem that the advisability of I
Ohne, Lambert, of Melford, Micht.,
ne of the itmnmrtecl Slit Hundred, hers
received r .
scent a silver medal for meritorious
net from the British travern
•having & food ehoax *top ought to occur a
tb"OtIL.- Memphle ,Appeal. ' e
For• Sine—A brand new. portable caul.
Lel.'Co be moved anywhere at any time
at *omen t's,ilotlof. non re of Agri»
Aside, Lusotar.-Syracato herald.
" tt a�lpeRts that It was not Agulnaldo
who Sas "hemmed in,' but only Mrs.
itusldo'r owns -an embarrassinger-
ror, but ,A� :unnatural.'" -New ork
World. •
should be permitted to rote ono
sense enough to stint a gate. --
sprightly journal the Congression« e
will *non rooms publication.••
No num
allay Ne
al lierord
Baltimore American. •
More voting'maehlnes and fewer politl-
cal •machines• are what this 'country
needb.—tndlanapolls ilea's: • -
A. i$5,000' office ought not to I* deserlb-
ed as a "plant." It'a a whole orchard for
the eert of men who.Meek it. -Naw York
World. -
It seems to ban become a settled belief
la parts of this. country that, the way to
whoop op a 'campaign is • to take the
ervice in 1854 Soon after the Oriel.
(,n•war he was awarded a •medal,
which he had the _miefortune to lobe
Plasters will relieve
. pain 'quicker than any
SOready for an enter.' •
wino, itamtut
Beware of imitations ,
Acme Drum
For 'Seating and
Ventilating purposes.
This excellent Drum is eon-,
struoted of the very best mates.
lid, tho most soientifio prin-
ciples, and by virtue of its spe-
cial features Is the CREA.TEST.
It takes the void air fromithe
floor baste and circulates it
economizes in the =Atter of
fuel to such an extent
one half less fuel is required.
Does rizot smoke. Das no ashes. le easy to
manage. Thosewho have oue in use With/3Y
would net bewithont it. This Drum is now
used in *omit of tits beat howler in Clinton. . ,
'eptla4M W. WEBB. Clinton,
Sole Menufacturer foie Baron
March se-tf Clinton, Ont.
Pomona who desire to secure ens of the Clin-
ton Panning Mills awl do so at reasonable
terms byles.ving their order with tbe under-
signed.. Also thaw who want to have Panning
Mill &teens 'repaired can have the work at-
tended to prom_ptly. Orders sent by mail, or
left at Davie& store, *still be prompt-
ly filled . THOS COTTLE. MUM
WANTED -Honest Man or woman to travel
for large house ; salary a65 mOnthly and ex-
AGEE 330 Caxton bldg., Chicago, Deo 29-16
Several persons for District Ofilee Manager&
in this county to represent mein their own and
mu:minding mantled. Willing hi pay Yearli
Iwo. payable -weekly. Tiesitiene entmoyment
with unusual opportunities, References "W. -
changed. Enclose self-addressed statnped Emporium, Londesboro
sorne time age, ,upon application Re andrienoo nedeesery. Permanent poet -
of the • original, which he BOO juat re- iste with feat sellimmialtiee, includin4
FREIC. Sean= tart =view. Write
Fii C iMIL,E
(ttstorli► is. rut TIP 113;'6110.14116113;'6110.14116e113;'6110.14116. -e bottles only,
is not Sold in talk. Dos'S show *uptake tft•
yen anything elm on the.. plea or premise
is just as good and will, answer el,
pose," -•.16' 8oe"that, you get 0-441470*
The ho
Janr tar
DfiringDecernbet haVe been larger than we expeeted: ' Our, stock bag:.
been replenished wttlinew goods. If you need anything.in our line wee
will make ir worth your while coming to see mt.
Of. llaVir 131 y
err37. ...Christmas
Finest selected Helaine, Ourrente, Vaetiizas cleaned, nes, Dates,prangrav
and Lemons, Candi,- d Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel, Pure Esse
Extraots and Spices, Candies and Nuts of all kinds
Crockery Just received per import order two crates senti-poroelain er
direct from the manufacturers, J. 65 KeekIn whoa° name
each 'piece is, a guarantee that it is she best make in England.
Dinner Toilet and Tea Sets The latest patterns._ beentifully decere
. Yon will find, our Fancy ChineWare
• Christmee goods varied and well selected. Call and get quotations.
' is a pleasure to show our goods, even if you don't buy '
Clinton, December 7th, 1899.
er Flour
All kinds of Small Field Seeds as Timothy, Red
Alsike Clovers. Headquarters for Turnip, ktongold, 0
Seeds. Fresh Groceries and -Canned Goods.
Our specialty is Tees. Try. our 16o Tea. Other:varieties equally:erCohears.
Highestemarket price paid la cash for eggs.
Happy NOW Year and also a
prosperous one. -
1wish to eVery one.
'elope. S. A.Park, 320 Caxton Building chi' Beim be 27 1899
the Government d lien Liberal tenni; Pay weekly. Stock
110 HIGHT TO. UGLINESS. Nurserymen. nrowteeNurseries P.O.. Ont.
Aug St -if
The Womati'veho is loVely in faele, forth
end Wolper sdll always have friends, but
.one Who would be attractive meet keep ROMINTS
her health. lf Philo Weak, sickly end all ealiebestelife kite Melee, hot seetho
,run dent, she will bentrieXte Sind irriliable. write', Lorre 7.1•01a3 slbard.iiiugen Vietctrie.
If she hp constipation or kidneY trafettifikarciN 001/fraitir, turns*
her impure Need crime :pimples,
blotch*" skin ern/Moot end- a wretched •
mai eine In Os world ark regultte itentierh.
it gives 'Wong nerve', bright eyestsmooth Per ',May of South Aides," by :elm Mork
velvety Ain, deb ordination, ri win sidgba*DIAlitid Ellirt '/**
a lowdown invalid. Only SO *emit at IT. Leaden t reho 14es vaunted it 141 wirk
B. Contbels Drag Store. • ftom moos trevelling n death A es or
et we to* tht on/ ?Mtge bliblitsbert
The will of late Mr. Zahn If, Park tlf nineteen yearn, giving** an hamense advent. •
'Hamilton disposea of an estate valued &atm Preemies retotewmPlis axd initerlid. •
at $96, 000. on aushersuie, reds and yam -tint ,
'Children Ory for tainisagallWAiry2
sere are we tais that we will mail big or
our pros t um*
fres. IL PO liking Piny,
CASrs gaptu-wr
TOrt IA is riThirailr riPars tot=
Thanks to all my customer'. of the Vet
year: Your patronage eglialted for the
year to oonie. Every year we try to do
better than the last. Those -battle pate
tenfold tie would find it to theiratage
• to try IN this year.
itespecifnily your.
We are agents for the Oanadian
rive Co., of Brookville, and Laury
of Chatham, both well known roakoti at
elms Cutters and Sleighs. We kesris
ou hand and those who iiiktemplate
ing one would do well 'Viso us.