HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-01-19, Page 2: • ,===•=. (-) . JAI:Mary 192900 THE _GUNTON NEW ERA • 'Clinton Post Otilee, SAVO(' to the People. 4'4 Tx4114TABLIC IGi ....Malltreal and Ottawa... 7 00 2 85. - I atetetitnnes.14 W Titled AC 7 00._ 255 ziAm§,• _ cLosup " \ . -sare.m. ' 8So Lonaon aild °Marina 00 05 4 si VI/Ingham and Eincardipe 9 66 6 30 r a western SM. W.110, 1 co. 4 ea 15 4 IX' Varis,Beitalodieasorn v tie f. us n , 1 OS forontottpointeineteurtb 7 00 %; .4Strattoremal Seaferth.. 7 00, 2 35 • lit wi Pointe E. of Stratford 7 00 '-,' 136 :• no; OS ....Mitchell and thiblie..•••7 00 ' 04 1246 - -9 00 '• te.otnQvsrAnCrltn4 65 ,.,.uttrgeieog..r oo 4 ..mndesioo & lielooxvS.. 9 66. Tp2airliAernisseap.:,t,et. 715 r• ocit bird ilaVe aodersgs tiribl;re..61Cy°iIn tit s poircoq. _Money Order and Saville Bank eillec.oPen Kama, tett p.m. r; • Vetter for registration meet be posted half an hear torero (mettle the malls. • -. 7'n s' Pride/. arrivingt : 2,25 and ow- •274,GE'IWAIL .2103121/214HILL - RAO), ' e '' • ' 4 ONCE A DAY ONLY le TpaU despatehed . from tbia otileato Lontlesbora one Helen)", also to Mitchell and Dublin, Matte •closing. at • abireetated„ 'Mane for Britih Ieles4nd European coon tries intepded to be forwarded by New York, Oust have written on the top left hone corner ofenvelone Nittr4'oruti , t. ,* • 142 ;St** '...1-1- , • • • ' 1...' r ' I., , •,. . . . ., . .' FRIDAT..'• 414.t'ARY' la; 1990 . , . • WV* • AIL Good piroarinn. ' 4 , * :1' The iilolni'euggesta the louortog as • . pros'ram for the' ap,proaChiog session of Parliktreettt (I) Preirision for full •peatuient by peileasajtane, contingents Of Canadian • L'treppe.serittoBUtdMfaiere a,i3d Soule, . mere eof tbo , . • „, measure of our respensibility for the • defence Of the senhire. • 4 (2) The establishment of a 'Federal Ratleray tieninurisloo., with vowel, to • beer add grievances 'between , ifitipperir and, therailwaya: to regulate -` and to preveerdiserinunatiohs • between individual shippers and deal - '• Communities. • (a) Such dealing with the Senate as , re-estabileh ' government by the peopikin Canada, and if Parliament • . . shall so determine, or the Imperial' au- thorities tie ,require,,e; plebiscite on the -propokedemendMent to the Oatistita• (4) Provision for the reassumPtionhy the Oreurn; for,a more satisfactory . allotment, of Wreathed railterty lands 13 the ivest.and the initiation of meas- nres to make the lands gratited.! to the reilwayeanhject to taxation the very : evillest moment possible, under the . terms of the original grants by Par, 1,i1Ondoit. • .• -01-ftecrginization of the High Cont- . ,inissioneee office in London, the yeah, . lishment of a commercial agency at the British capital, and a greater rep-, 0-7"'"*"..,.•••-•,---s•resentation of Canadians who under- ' ' scand the needs! and resources Of Can- ada among the officials Inoue Govern- ment offices' in London. (6)- AFederal law for the relietof in- - solvent' debtors and the distribution of , bankrupt estates., z, (7) Provisions in ure railway sub-.. eddies thatall irioneg so granted shall be returned to the public treasury, and that nil money or land grants • shall be Made eicept for strictly colonization -roads. . . . • : .(8) The eetabliehment of a civil ser- • vice commission and the creation of a • thoroughly non 'partisan civil service. *(9) Repeal of the gerrymander meas. of 1882, and a redistrIbotion of the crinstituencies by . Superior Court • Iudges. There is not a suggestion in the above that should not be acted upon, ' '` ' ' and we believe that, with the excel). tion of the 3rd o' and . 9th, t he House would unanimously support it all. Of course these two are more political in their nature than the others, and would provoke opposition, but they _ are in the right direetion. We heheire , . ,. that a plebiscite to abolish the Senate ' . woule be carried by a substantial raajorit _ Figures that Talk. . • —.— The Canadian revenue returns for -tii past half year are now Complete, , and they show it gain of 02,373,174. as .. compared with the figures for -the cop.: responding half of the previous year. „ The clistoms receipts increased from 112,857,851 to $14,145,112, the excise from 84,910,537 to $5,003,020, and the 'c• revenue from public works and rail. Wert increcteed. from 82,388,-934 to $2,- LAteti•---0,16.ig37„,,, Who only material decrease was in the post office receipts, which • ' were 01,405,000 for the Past half year. , ' at; against$1,621.085 for the correspond- 1- ins period in 1898. This is explained by the reduction of the letter rate to , f Awe cents, as the volume of post -office business has increased With the gene- ral cap:in-don of trade 8.11(1 growth of r ,. opulation The-caniteme receiptir for e• ecember 1,eat• were 32,310,027, against j.„...,$ OM for the corresponding month' 4,414 11100 -i,•' -'at e previous year. These satiefric- Itai accountings +show that the effecte - , of unnatural reetriction are now hap. - plicf VW, and that the commerce and , in uetly of the Dominion are fully err. tablished on a new and More enduring, betehr, ' ' ow. • • tgOliiIdottea.- ' r•,- • - e: . Urldently the bushel*" community bee faith In the tottedness of the Lthe. 1 'ref finotnelei administration. The fol. lowing etatement by Mr Courtney, depaty It/infilterarillifilites", ilk the pub, ll c account*, hide book, 'lust prablielteti, • Is eloquetitt-,- , 41 may he permitted to allude to the '''.-' tote Issuea of the chartered banks of • The Dominion, Thegreatest antonnt ottotes of the chartered hanke In ch. • ottletion during the Month of Oetober teethed the stun of 1150,4641221, going . over the fifty:million mark for the first time. The admitted:10000f notor out. ending on the flist Oetober wee $40,. 296. At the endo t the JAM. MOrith In the yeer 1806 the charteretl banks had notes outstanding to the Amount ' df pi. «m,. It -1,111, therefore, be aim Niel in tall clase 01 cireultlnn hes bsen sib Increase of over 43 met lri four pore, and this not- ing the number of branchee ett the banks and the ton- rrember of cheques in of basissos train/ma The grove earnings et the Canadian Pacific Railway for Jut year agtgre, gated nearly 29 minions of dollars. lf,the Orovv'e Nest Railway had been built under the termu of cenatinetiOn proposed II the Conservative Govern. Punt -abet is, *root) a Mile in cash And a Siovernment guarantee of $20,000 Is mile -the earnings of the Canadian Pacific would have totalled nearly ty. millions. Under the contract madeby Mr Blair for the construction ofthe Oro_w's Net roma it is estimated that not less than. $8.50,000 that would otherwitie have gone into the treetituy of the railway Were seved thrOugh retitle- 1 dons in rater!, to the imple 'or Canada,. Then. besides his great saving in redoced freight charge, we have Con- trol 'of the rate through the Mountrline. Over the Crow's Nest extension. and power to regulate tolls 'on till traffic, eastward or westward bound, origina. ting on the Crew's; Nest road or des, tined for points on this road and ite connections, none of which rights would have been reserved to the Coon - try ender the bargain with the Cana- dian Pecific made by the Conservative Government. -Globe. ' running r ghts 'ter' competing llnei The talle-Of a third contingent for. South :Africa is • •purely speeulative. There is no official 'ineleretanding that such will be :called for. The men wdl. be forthcoming if required. ,•' • _Rohiartaiattow attape-Town.:When. Ire has time to take in the situation we shall probably hear of some moVement. Let us hope- he will not, ace-ording to ptecedent, record a great reverse be- fore learningdue caution, '•• • : • • • - • • • • • ' • ; •, • • , . • ....• Sradiitreet's . trays that travellers in the Northwest expect sales theft this year to be largely, in excess Of those of previotts yeare. It has felt,the efieets of the, growing tune,, arid increased, Population with good earnings will have increased wants to be,supplied. The_Boukhebors have not been long in the iSiOrtlInreste.rand-Oei ha:Ye:helm •the7objeet Of • Many bitter attitclik but' their actions speak there eloquently. for thorn than- cctrld, any Written'4: -fence. The 7,890,persons' are °Workirtf's 2,835 tiomerdeade, are gradually getting' into a self-snppOrting condition, and, have already ref3ald the Government about 80 per cent of the valet) of the seed, inaplemeetsi etc., • sidVanced te, them.. • Some hnixtigranis Who have. met with less opposition have not done so well. • . • • . • is The Buffalo papers report very ftilly Hon, Geo. W. Ross' address before the Liberal Club of that vity.-The0our-- • ier describes the occasion as "the. mord successful p,pd, .enjOyalble meeting ia the -history of the club." It introducer! its report in these words: -'"ate Hon, Geo. W. Bose, Premier of the Province of Ontario, last night delivered an ad- d .e.se before the members of the Liber - at Club at their dinner, in the Ellicott, Club rooms, and it was one of the most eloquent •efforts to which tits city or Tepreilentative 'inert have • been treated for -a long dine." Mr Roos, it. says, is not cif great stature, not cortimanding in presence, but a giant intellectually. The speakerof the ev- ening arose to his feet in a perfect tu- mult of applause. He bowed his the,nks many times before quiet was restored, and .then began to ?peak." The paper adds: -"The applause which was showered. upon the speaker when he took his seat upon the conclusion of his rerharks• must have been grafi- tying to him, Ide was compelled to bow his thanks matry times." Our Ottawa Letter.. Ott/iv/aortal, 12 :-Sir Charles TupPer is still touring in the West, and as far ae one can judge from the somewhat fragmentary repdrts of hist movementa which have reached here, he is not having half a bad titne. Nearly every point stopped at has come down hand. soniely with a banquet, or if the rail - read time schedule would not permit of that, the hospitality of the locality found relief in it free lunch to all Centers: The distinguished guest is evidently doing all in, his -power to nuke return for these kind attentions, by entertaihing the people with a seriee of rernarkeble statements, both as regards himself and hie opponents. In preperinsan attractive bill of fare for those whom he believed to to poli- tically in sympathy with him, he ate pears to ha ye cared ad litde for the !detain -the West as he ever hes in the east, and We are well accustomed to that peculiarity:of hie in- Ottawa, in feet it lea fancily characteristic. WV TO COVE/Rd, Take one inntatite ea' & maniple' of 'many. Outfits the recent local cam - 'patient hiMenItobe, Sir Charles deliber. atelychereed the Minister- sif the. In- terior, and his late law partner, Mr Philp, wfth growl and deliberate crook. ednette in:connection With the Yukon liquor traffic, and dated the gentlemen whom he maligned to take legal prof eiredingh 4111110 hind., The challenge was ProtoOtly **opted, and the leader of the Oppoeition inetentl, ran tO cover, repudiatin all that he had said, sheltering him's) behind the techni.. cality of parliamentary privilege'and protetetIng that he had never dreamed that there was anything reprehensible lathe conduct of the lkIhtillter of „the Interior or Mr Philp, The PolloY of deliberate: &lee *tato merit and personal slander wee so suc, cessfully manipulated to the defeet of Mr Mackenzie twenty year* ago, that the Opp/Rion evidently looks for like it accepts now, and If the eupperter* 01 the Government ere so easily fooled, they will only have themselves to thank for any disastrous consequencee that may follow. Forewarned how. NOT ORATESUL FOR SMALL MERMEN. years old, ant; from which he has seld $700 worth of stock, and halt still eight So ranch hae been sold, particularly In the seceder -it • ennetittiebeleri.-: abbot :$091 hlititrul4 left. "French domination" in the Wain, of J. Manning, of litillett, has bought , state, and. of the -peppered Undue; pro!. from A.-, Wettlaufen Myth. the necete . poncho:40060f 'Materiat'a'dvatitageeen, sery brie* for a new house, 8. 'tauten- joyed through favor of the Adminss- Weyer has also purchased from Mr tration by the Frerichilariatlian °ern, ,Wettlftufer the bricklor Ic--new bailee his le-eSxitterraoont fromeoMpatelotthat the erected•bY him On the fart0 he recent fo- a speech by M. lY parc'hamerl in Bast Wawanoah, Chauvin, the Opposition member' for G. U. Mitchell, Ethel, bad a narrow •Terreherine• ate iteileilt TOP len,1 Meet- ; esteepe from being but ned out on Sat- Ing at St. IthahOe,,, will he.. read "1W1411 ;t order womb* lastt' While lighting a Coneidei able interait r. -."What ad, fire the aelphur from the match flew -,YedateSee have we had ? he Asko. Ne -off and setilretnthe windriwourtains. :cr1711=eXsalTocehaw.° tet.Tnech_ hehlefiall;•,11„Ft; 414e9rebl!trgle".4141147urtail'birj47:411141176t-rile°d'Yed fatirlOr P. • le • rho Aenatiel; Wat- .ssteek„ die inister a Freneh-Venadian named had 'the Manch gronn Setiatee 1 it *13,.W•,114-;.Y"/Ile4Itles" whichAt menaolt, he bag .aeer. replaced by occurred at 'titer 1101inef'at kleneall on an Boetehleap., Ate Yeo. Is it;in the Sabbath Viet, after a eeeere and painful Oattinet Mr. 0. A. iiettitiaPtit a ioyat' illness of over a year. The deLeased ee a n -y o :cinty%nent.kaort4 11:h9leattar. 1.44r' r§1;ePbc:r°.;* wative of thecountf A•lltrilh. 'Irelanliit and, together .with ber hus- land. is if; or roirt,triatioy..4 coot* band, who still survive s her, emigrated zoom.* p, Not, one 00.0t.mot.e, 611.0 !nen tolthes:country. about, 25 years ago, and Elpreet ler . repetriation , the teigeetnitititittat rt:.jelloseF:nfoti/tN ;lel; French Pined fans n , t he Ueited States het Donkhoheilierid,Galleians Who, chi' iX•e When Oe7 reRST.440 gentian, not fight' have . been,. brought here. On Saturday .evening IAA Miss ,Clara 'While Canadians:are tient to tie 'killed Maud, second daughter of W. Sleeth, in the Trareierilli..: Is It fOi, the Veen& Reatirth, passed -away at the early age ' lanvuege ?.:';'•Otily the inetubers di the • of 17 years .end .2 'menthe. For the Opposition apeak Frenth Ottawa. two menthe she has been ailing, but it lett for ue hicreathe of 'Federal subsidy was not.uatiitwoisweeke before her de - for qiehec i Sir ;IVilitici Laurier has mise that she was confined to her bed. • declared that be nevee tinik cognizance . At first .it was thoneht that sbe had Of t he resteutione of the 'interprovin typhoid fever, but in a, few days' it, wee ial eonferenceat Quebec -favoring an evident that brainier* had set in and erease. /sit -tot -our sliere of public, from that time until deathcame, her .worke•? Sir Richard Cartwright has sutterinige were intense. • .• • -; • tdtbeicilardtehdothoattoitrifitaldrinntlt.eitns eittiettot: oonuer, , !Wawa of indiciary ' We are. refused • the treeeearv Pager at' Montreal, an • OW G. J.,Stewart,Slinten. the-alloWaii6e niOner.4,. tor the the'-,-MoVin - Et 47— g *boat eueal inks* is measured .011 Rog VERLeHTINGTo . with nyt onage ;4 it it for e share ' ART Gon.' ; d , rek/..;;Kr We have none, aen- ,God, our King, thie:seryice. ending, tirelV into the hands .1 Of the patilis& - , We again Our voices raise; Thnie areithe:,ndvrntagea French in- ficiente boo amotred from • the mo . .HumblY grateful deeply earnest,. . hearited reeve:den. :of u Ftencli-Cartitw- • AVe unite Whag Thy prom • dien'tir the bead .otaffel rs • at Ottawa."' •the words of prophet olden ' _ Chauvin Caprice have -heard of the autrageens manner in Which, the ssooci, our King, we worship Thee; Minion has,beenbandeq iiVer .• to the 'Thou hest neeo from•everlasting, . • :And forever-ihott,thalt • High, 'Mid Heaven's resplendent -• [glory Ring these notes: divinely sWeet• . Saintly choir, etigelin Chores'. • ' ' • Makethreharrnony cornrilete, • And our 'voice join the 'anthem". • ed; Wir,ettorship Thee; • Thou hast beeri-from everlasting • ' • •And forever Theu Shalt be.", -• Oh, strhatpeaceful,joyous•raPthre • Thellis'; Our beard Dit tittle we sing .the Meet Mysterious Being, • GOA of Earth and 'ffeavenlY Hing.. Sere* aloud :the glorious carol, • isGod,.our King, we:Worship Thee; • Thou hest been irem everlasting, And forever Thou shalt be." ciriebecer to despoil at.hts leleureLL-Sir Charles Tupper should Agit; 'his. sup- porters .tie,tter. • •, • atone aninliiaNT THAN 'EVER. , iWhile the great western wheat lands of Canada are rejoicing 11 the fact that last eettarinle Crops were a record, there itt every indication that, like its im- ,Nirdiate,Prederteilgor,it ban, Only hyed the record 'Until next haryeat. Already apirecipeverriennh_safotdr.-ittitiedit emeanevc,Valtieurvenies 'pridieted that the crop area th °ire but the 7west nett Beare* will he a sub. lotahtiatinereatte on preeitnis reeords. :Vjaures estitnating the fie:re:we in Finilitoliot have Isere* prepared -by Mr Jannis ,Ovhfirrie. General Superintend - ' one of the Western' Division of the Canadian' Pacific, whe•Pteeeri the total area of plowing at 887,070 acres, an in- crease of 23360 *acireti, or 'forty per cent. over that Of Inet year, The total area now ready for the miring crops is 1,402,088 *cropan increase over last spring of 480,630 ;wren, or 'nearly fifty per cent.; and Mr Osherne has been in - 'formed. on E0001 authority. that still more flaming will • be done in the apring, thtermaterially-inereasing---the pereentage, • ROOM FOR ALL.. • The -Preehlertti of the Canadian PrfiEiF Association, Who accorn pan led the members •nn their transcontinental trip last fait thus( expresses an opinion as an impartial observer of the situ- ation in the were-. '"Other lands are overflowing with their human prodnet, Arid it is a Mere matter of time when the wave of settlement, shalt sweep over this great weet. The test of wirt- dont among Canadian statesmen is the acceleration of that flettlernen by . a sturdy, intelligent race, in irhose hands free institirtirons and the power that will Pillow great_ a i numbers Willbe safe. About the wisdom the m- portation of Dnukhohore and cialielans there is much difference Of opinion in the west, as well as in the effSt, and the matter resillvesi itself after all to one of individual opinion. I saw or learned nothing to alter my Previoue. ,ly expressed view that • Canada need have no forebodings' on account . of these newcomere, so long as they are settled in rural &immunities, and do not gather to form indigestible and troublesome foreign population's jn great cities like the nondescript por- tions of some large American eitier." _4Jrisp COHlity Elippings Iota+ Belton, Wingham, has sold his pimp factory and business to 0. J. Reading. It, A. Graham has sold his 100 -acre farm in the township of Morrie to Mr • Wyatt, of Ilullett, • Miss Chamberlains -Vito has bee• n the efficient assistati in Blyth postoffiee for the past two years, has resigned, 3. Ashton and Miss Mary Hobbes, of Turnberry, have been united in the bonds of MattitnOny and have taken • up their regiclence in a house owned by • las. Elliott, of the 4th coo, • UobertGreen, tirussels, had the wils. fortune- to !dee a tine driver on Sunday. n had got kio'ked, nettle time before • and While be was dressing the • wound the a,nlintri fell over, breaking tholes. • The ablinal had to ht3 killed. . • • M.Latitont haul paralleled fremRobt. • Mason h1s'33•acre farm situated On the. Blutitale road, ttear Winghany. He •takes- possession this month, and WA understand be Ititeede erecting new buildings thereon In the Residents of Emit 'Wftwanoth wiIl regret, the decease of Mns, M. I, Fer. game, rd Manitoba widhW of the late Thee. Ferguson, of. East Wawahosh. She died the residettety of her son, •Viftri.Johir, sit miles north of Doughte Man,* at the age 01 72, • A very pretty wedding took nIttee on. the Hippenread,Tdekersinithson Wed- nesday. 10th inst., when lilies Victoria . youngest daughter of hZ Leather. land. wee united itt marriage to &dm dfcGevie, eldeet eon of R. lit °Gavin. The marriage ceremony Wart perform, ed byaor. 44 L. Russell, of beaforth. On 'Wednesday a pleasitet event oo gutted et the residence of F. Morrison, McKillop,, When his daughter, Mist Maud, WAS married to itcht,,Jelly, Of Shelhourne, The bride was ateleted hr., Mies Kew, of ClitItOnt and the groom by Mr Madill, Of 8helhourne, While Rev. Me Tiffin flea, the neptlel knot. ever, should be forearmed, and the d Liberal witty will no doubt be fully 8 prepared for this style of warfare, for to Grant Us. Lord,•Thy gracious pardon; Bless Illy floclettesembled here; Keep es, Into sin, from falling, ' . There agitin to join in singing "God, Our King, we worship Thee; • Thou hest been from everlasting, • And foreVer Thou shalt be." , See The Train Come In. • . Oh! there's fun enough in tolumbiaville,- If you only know the way . . To find it, you canasid in time . The whole enduring day; There's lots of things a -happening • To make a fellow grin, But the most fun' it at the Depot When the train cornea in. Of couree there's Borne excitement • When the morning nail gets here, ''"And election day's a plenie, But Shit's only once a year; " Bat you bet the population Would regard it its * sin If they weren't at the DepOl When the the train conies in. fise best way is to get there " Before she whistles at the mill, Besattee then you get to gee her - Como a sailing down tlie hill; And she palls up at the crossing Sort of puffing,"Kow've you bin," Oh they re all down at the Repot • the train comet in. • You see, there WAS a finite/man Met it girl from (301umbiarille, Awl he married her, and lives there In that house on the lull.; Yes they're doing well, I tell you, Twits So and So's &Righter Min ; Since thee all the giels are bound to See the train consein. .; Comported by 3, Percy Cole whoa he was visiting in Colambiaville. Mich. Alr EVIL S. Consul.' • Hon' -atterct Young, formerly United If. You Know The • VaNe Of a good Cream. Separator, to.then only oneotion of whit* one you should buy. The, Sharpies Safety is easily °Related, sinarde conotruc. tion, a perfect Obtainer, and without . doubt the roost durable Separator ol), the 'market. It' e a mon, y maker for every fernier, it you intend , buying, youmey have a macjaine on trial and. if it lealre to do all that wo pitiful send us word and wo will remove, ik Isn't theta fine propolatiOn If uttereeted write for catalogue We ship to any Part of Oanada. You e'on't want an exited to start the Sharpies Safetr. W. ornstrtic, • toudessero. oat. Phestor4viitfac Boat' for Service. Subscrlbor keeps for service at lot 2a, cor(„ 18, h there -bred Chester -Whit b Gil worth Duke, bred by W, E. Wright, of Olen- worth,lrom -Imported stook, and baying Imes - pe g , en a prize Whitler at Loudon and Tironte Foirs. Tertriall at time of set. v lee, with rivilege of retunling if ,neheinad.• J.& W. (ME • ; • • t im . . .• . 1 ' ' • SHORTHOUN .13(71.LS. or Sole 11 ARM • Properties for Sale or to Let STORE FOR Imt-4* OWIftENIV awnwift* At presentocenpied by A.J. Grigg, a'swelsr A.PelY to MRS BIBDIelSCOMBE, Olietou 1 *A..43i717ci,ItikT•• In Goderieh Toyinship• within two miles' of intim ; iminedioto pesseesiou. Aniq 10 PORN X11001/7. ,f A, ••;,'• "ProlessionalandOtherespd 'JAMIE* sooTT Barrister; Solleitor. OLDITON. Ortlea-Elliott Moak Mime tbareet. MIMIC XO' ZOO. W. DPW BABRISTER, SOLI uovreg xinsw. . sonAny. A Geed comfortable heuseonVictorlaSt.soutb, with etWory• acbemtnorlatioui hard and eons ' W040,14010, do, Rent moderate. Apply to . • S. COOPER, Sainten • itiousu Fon° SALE Qii4erankr Potinestraremetthartetot tilTehrt-ngeuraP.ot, tere scree of land ; good, orchard hard water, eto, aleo stable. Apply to • Nov. 9th -45 SAG. TOWNESENP Brtck House and for Sale cheap, Situated on the ee. iner Of Berth tea Spencer streets; a of ediaore of land; good bear. inoorchard; house cadainieg firooms. APPAY Aus21-2t . •N. BS. Albert Si, ' 1101713 'WANTED wireartutmiinstater yonedater13 n°,gitilbragietra,liA°111e0 'Vacant town lot one eighth or ono quarter aore Cash paid In -full if desired. Send particulars in writing to NEW ERA. Office. , 1101CrSH FOR SALE, IA1Cee:r,tef9terti,teb4.eirt°,:owyonetoUtehlieginh,r 7700°1 ea;•Ibblx:dhliten°df soli water and quarter of agre,14,1eptel,,,,tr Jun• e 22-tf • JOHN RTDO LT, Clinton. 11OUSID for SALE or to ItENT., For wile two egistered Sherthorn Bulb; -from tile sitrawherry strain One will be• • . year old on Dee, 25th and won hrst prize at Blythahow. The other will be a two-year-old . on April and Both are red in color and first- class animals W. SLL • , • , Lot re, 6th Oon. Hulle4t, Dec. 14-4t Minton P.0- . China Poland Boar for Service • subscriber has last purohased the firet-elass China Boer, Xing Fieher, farrowed Sept. 1897. It's eire wattEzra 903, bred by A, W. Young, Tapperville, Ont., and its b pedigree the very best 'in this, eteek. This boar •will be kept for servilies, on lot 27, out line Goderieh township. Ternis gegen. with privlrege-ofzei turning if neceesary, , ... C. W. PROQTOR,. • " . • • I' -- Give I Unit' ., .- ' resolution, and a elour.te in lintiness ' aorl-whe shall pltu'ie limiti to.hia career - Cetalogue free. •. et• TF.m.v.mq. . „ , • • , • ..ertiociirti • *0' . rjt.ntitatefril ' n barn• ear Station at. Clititen, every Monday to1.,iliebfanceitif the season ' ' . ' 2greatest siresff95 nae his breedingthe or dead, also 12 of the ' •- e; greatest producing dame liviug, He has-lst, rcfrt-rittetionlistrigeti=atti:gibrtd, extreme speed; Teasef,rro Jude°, 115°1. Forextended pedigreo see large catalogAddress • .A CHARLES Jnne ' maghtLAgnSotiftvill'ea„rIgit. ,.. • NOTICE To OBEDITOEtki. • • . l%totioe 1 hereby:. given pursuant toff.; S 0. 1897, Chapter 129, seetion 38,. that. all persans` having claims a ainst the Estate of Elizabeth Webster, late of the township of Hallett, in the County of Enron, widow, dimeasted, who died on or about tholard day of Ootober...i,D , • 1899, are required to send by Post prepaid or, to e iver to W. M. &lett, Auburn P. O.. Ont., or to Dr, McCallum, Londeeboro, Ont.. 'execu- tors of the Wile of the said deceased on or be, fore the.16t.h.day of February, AJ., 7900, their names, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their elaimudd the natitro of the security, if any, held' by them, duly verilled,and that after the said day the said executors vvid proceed to distribute the mts of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regards only to the • ataimerof which they shall then have notice:- .TAMES.SCOTT, Solleitor for the said Executors- . Dated this 8th day of January, 1000 - • • NOTICE TO CREDITORS. la the matter' of Estate of William Taylor, *matte'. Notice It hereby given, pursuant to R. S. 0 chapter 129, that all persons havinstalaima against the Estate) of William Taylor, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Enron who died on or about the 801h day of December, 1899, are reqtfested to send or deliver to Wm. Taylor de Son, Clinton, Ontario, for the Execu- tors of the property of the said deceased, on or before the sth day of February, 1000, narticrt• lays of their °taints and of the seottrity if any held by them dub Vitrified. And notice is also given that after the seld last mentioned date, the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the eased of the mid de. ceased, having regard only to the elated • of which theyshall then hive notice. JOSEPH rrAlrLOR, Toronto lEtteerated IaliAEL TAYLOR. Brampton • Ditedat OlintoniZanuary 4.1000. Sts,tesConstil at Windeor, TT. S., says that • he always jreeps Dr. Fowler'e Barad of eaten anything that disagres wit hail eh filEW he T•ERM Wild Strawberry in thehouse to nee when .NOrth Wellington Onnerervatives offered the nomination for Commons to Mr. Lionel H. Clark. • II/S LIFE WAS SAVED. t. • • Mr J. E.•Lilly, a. prominent Mitim 11 0 Hannibal. .lately . had wondesrfu deliverance from a frightful death. In •.telling of It be says ; weir ,taken with • Typhotd revert shit xiin into Pneumonia. : 'wigs became. beamed. I ,vnie mo weak I oatildult, .8,0 sit ng in bed. -Nosh.; lug balsa / expected to soon die' of Conermipticat.*Itelli heard of Dr, King's New Dimooyery._ One bottle gave.' great rlief. 1 nontinued to use it, and new am well and Orono. / can't say too much in its treble," This , marvellous- medicine Is She surest and quickest curs in the world for all Throat and lams Trouble. Reim. lir mins 64 gents end $1.1)0.Trial bottles fro at II, 14. Combeir Drug there ; every bottle guerenteed, • • • AUCTION SALE Of Shorthorn 41atttle, Sitropahlre, PONDS and lbeleeeter Sheep and fterkshire Pio • , liesere.Salkeld ride, v1111014* patio sale Of pure bred eettle, shed and pigs at their term 1 dile elonth of (10.1erleh Mt THURSDAY 1st FEBRUARY WO rdilitthrteing At I teelook p. tre., at which wil bee geld without reeerve: / pure bred Mort horn butte from, 7 months Robt, Ohdrters, of the Mill toed, 4,1(qtr8g,gssglIggitgaitiot 4‘P1g; uckersmith, has recently Inside eever- - brsa shrepehire Cowbell& Pate bred fatioester; I good ardeit from his tine herd of 8 Pure bred Berkshire sows 4 end Menthe old; . horthorte. He sedd it yearling heifer 2 Pur. bmd /*Atli it "nib" °f trad° "41'1° nd 4 ?Ira It e0 in. Torms-lighlt Menthe li. paters, of Hay, for $100. * bull tram on luitniehini approved notaera aft. A , • evim mob $ old, to, j', faff, of *oast anowsa.terii rem. For ostedoiettos end J I RA.7, for $06, end a firs weeks old calf i be .1. attars hoe one cow which so Una D. Grameick. of Stanley, for ;Z. Mr miiitityg:tt, . '4 P II as the Globe pert nent o rves t e dose seem to be the? act thlt Sir Char* ffrows Oh Prom. JANUARY 2nd In enoh bepartment of the CentrailinsinessColiege .14.1,0g Ocrrard Ste., Termite. The largest and strongeet schcolln Canada, Our Calendar tells Yott why. • virtue for it. IV, a; sax*. Prineirm. 4t44144-044,#+.44-.44+44.0.444+ .• imperial , EAT MARKET. 1: • The Underarreted wish te inform the peo, pie of Clinton ankvicicity they •nae• opened the !wee tormertrottinoted by Fair co. Nadia illotk, Ontario St., where:they witi keep in stricken 'Cade of Proldh, Cooked, (lured and • ClannEdMeatos 'who ie many tandem a dretqdan niatt • PUBLIgi STO, Qateo7Bealrer Block, • upsieire, OprolitigAr CHARLES. SE./ Barrister. Solicitor.. Notery and converse/3e e • • oalr(COPPOS144 Colborne Hotel •„wisterias • „ M. 00 amok!: trormerly 04 comgo Holt sAgRISTICEt•' ann.. SOLICITOR, 01110*--tlarntiton St opporite Colborne 13444.7, amnion. ONT BRoist' GARROW Besnwrigits, SOLICITORS, .ETC. oincer•Oerner Manstliton St. &meth° agenda- • • Goderiih, one. • • 3.T Clannoty. Q. C. C114e. G.tallOW,I, LB. atiFint • Ortiou-r. - oorvAT.i...1001 .0030rissioNER,. . -- Relate add .iiieittrance' Agent. 1%foney to •• Iendbn Mertgage and Note security,. On Viotorie 8t., near Oman reotory. *BOO NvM buy,aroceny, comfortable house with good lot -the property recently occupied by., Frank . * IDR. AGNEW - • trosho,--Applvationeelo---* • . • tolgroo *no* • • Office-HIIIION STREET, CLINTON . „ • . • Barris drc i;.1tOtt, • , • , • House and Lot. for Sale: , The house and Lot Joseph street, at pre sent occupiedby Janice McCiaitterty. is Offered for Silo. The house IS modern in every reeve° and suitabb for ordinary family, having seven rooms. .L• t, oue-quarter aore. .All convenience Nov. 9th - JOHN McCLAOHERIT -House audLot for Sale. . • The large hint odibtodiettis” house pbastintly situated, on Huron Street, occupied by tho nu deesignedis offered for dale on very reasonable terms. °Teri, acenniodation,witb Stable orchard, &es. , • • • • ' W. BOWERS, Sent' 21. 1899`."•,- ' Clinton Park Lot for Sale. ' ETNTISZ. CLINTON' Crown and Bridge Work, AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY OF • , Ir.Aor mon= ...•__. t . • OfeeeRoure...41,to 5, l• , 1 . . , . Dile T. C. IIIELTTOE, •• •, .KatogON DItiaTuil, • 1 . Coate Meek, Albert Street, Clinton , Spiel.%) attention given to 'preser- . , ' -station of Natural teeth Also Crown and Bridge Work A fine park lotOt font agreii, 1;4th good new six roomed bond,' good -cellar, cistern, stable, woodhouse, and et iving shed. Young orchard. Situated just across the bridge at Auburn, Will be sOld on reasonable tbrms:.• as prOMietor le %eying th Manitoba. GEORGE 'WHITNEY , . • • u urn . • w. THOiVIPSON P44critu.3; Surgeon. Rte. ., ,• • Office and Residence-- • . . ,; • Battenlbury ree . STORE, POB SA.I.B. • • DR. WM. GRAHAM t • '43entiati of t.he Collageof,Vhisiolans y London, Englend;" • • Offiiin and Reeidenarer - . • rEastiffea Successor to l)r. ' TAR. WM. Citiltfr,L. 0,1'. and r.4.• 0. 8, • A.., Edinburgh, Office -Ontario Bred Clinton • Eight calls•s,t front door of reeldence on Batten . • bury Eit., oproeitePresbyterian church.. ' ' • • , ' „ r . SHAW: Hi" p_...eroratv, SURGEON •, .a.raaconcheur,, eto., end and residence On. • ts.rinSt., oppoeite English church, formerly oo otipled by Dr. Appleton; Clinton, Ont, • • •The prembee'vecupled by R. Cluff, aria consisting of a Ars. class 'brick store, oisAlber Street, Clinton, is offered for ebb, on oes terms. • . • Also Cottage on Albert Street,' With tiro lots, stable, and all convionces.- Particular on Appication to-liers--W,-,R0bortaom- Clinton or mre 0, W-McGregor,COnetanoe. . '• • • • HOUSE ;FOB SALE*, • • • • The undersigned offers for sale a frame head on Wellington street of eight roomo,centaining four bedrooms, dining room, parlor, sitting Mont and kitehen. Good hard water: five minutes k from the Post Office. The house has only been built for a _year. Forparticulans eter., apply- to • MRS. MOGRIDGE, • Feb 16-.-tt . • Wellington St. Clinton. BUSINESS 4PROPERTY FOR SALE • That desirable Brink Business Stand on Al bort St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Reheon, is offered for sale, including rear lot and stable. The location h one of the best in.Clinton.-..Tbe property b free from Inounibrance and tine in- disputable. Price reasonable and. terms to Butt purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY. don Road or address Clinton P. 0 . For Sale or to Rent:- • • The choicebriok house on the corner of Pal- , ton and Joseph streets, belonging to tlie estate of the late Richard Heywoctd, is Offered either for sale or to rent. • It cOntailan Mem ter bra. nary Innlikr, is Practically a new house, with all conveniences, and thivotenthe •of an acre of land. If the property is not sold °Treated, .part 01 11 will be routed. Apply tip W. COATS .8xeoutor Olinton. Farms •for bale or to • Heat. Lot No. 8, 50 con. of Stanley? containing 100 °Aral, With she ut 60 ares cleared; bank barn, train° house, we:1 watered, smail orchard, first-class land, -Also-Lot No. '7, 6th con. of Stanley, containing 100 acres, but her buildings; Well Watered. Will be rented or Sold together or in separate lots Partieulara con be obtain- ed from NEIL SMITH, Bradfield, or J.SMITH, Hippen, or on lot No, 6, con, 6, Stanley. 026-4t Parm for Sale or to Rent. a-A...Ay • 200 Acre farm for &ale or to rent, being Leto 29 and 80, 8th conceealon of Hullett tOwnship; 125 acres under cultivation, .the rest bush aud pasture land; watered by a well suppliedriver; school hone° No. 6 situated °tithe farm; good large bank barne, stables, sheda ana other obhilaiirddlligalnie°1:11° le6ont°VernYiehrittethose.: v°T:81eD°rDingvird;e1S, y. App 701 the tartn• AtoLuivr- or hy eater to Londesbore P. 0., Ont. 10, - G00.15 rAltrit SALE., A. desirable; farm for sale being let Ilth coneetedon, of the, tovenehip Of Goderich, one nine eoutbof liolmeevilli, known it. th Cole Una, 80 mires, fill plesitehing of 40 sore ail we'l done, 10 antes of fell Wheat, 15 sorer reettarditt°gIti'figt.tseel4lanceels°,1)allitt- hure°6°orn°11"otasitoifdebdtrim°° lei a bee ttti var. or maple trees, log houee, 'TforY 4c11 VrittliBr stone tta y. bank hereto. offneroeirad,effiovir istoa,ler.00tt. on 112:01:frEoL13:00psosilt 113..tursIenoo. goo' 13 story frame hkrutie. contain ng 'woodshed and IMAM* kitotten and 7 rooms, vitt parlor, dining room, kitchen', 1 bedrealin dOWnstairs and throe, hp.steirg; herd and soft Water, acre corner Iet, with evergreen, nee and other hedges. Gooseherriee, ritemberriee, eurrintet, apple and gieltstrgieltyvTiella:iliftetciesirtl VAIL trtilitt. It vault. Apply On the preinisee or at theOrga Api 4,,,t).*fetrflier., • nomotTr. A Bargain 'In Land. "fere% Chane. f e- Per aids cheap and on eesy termit--pett of Lot 4, Dayilsid Confession, Goderiolt township; 55 MVO. Apor to • . SCOTT, Rept 7.8m —AAAAAAAAA • Choke rarin for 8stle sinhorriber oftsrs tor sale hie two PO uteri same, on the Telephone toed Godsrich Town - hip, 1e0 torte in an. LOt 30ilit eleered bnt iketfoi Allunderpsituts het, hilt 10 Nave ith CoMfortable frame hour., and.`all conwini. store, together with Poultry Canned Toilette, 13 w noel, barn itesse, and iffiedi bearing orotund of Wires: Windt:Mil, Lot* has bank Isitro Ilexes. hedon otoaswork food atabie.wattattteaca, and S WM 11114. = a t II p‘ovr in k or Beef, Plirs Feet, Nonce Meat itnd allartielee 4 like natneetwhieh will be daiivorati rte. so lin7 Pert of the tOwn.lkordereeoliened. 0 iheeZteetelpiatuatie fer:14 eeleteg se Ottal SOMME litasseaw a T. R. F. CA.8.111 it 00a t Tupper' ‚grows more rtc ION as he to It • EY, A nft. STANBURT,,GlitarmATE OF THE Medical Department of -Victoria Univer- silty, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and Dispensarieg, Now York, Coroner . of the • county of Huron, Hayfield, Ont. .. . • „ . • • • • .•. .............. • , r . . .. . . , . • Wi J.. R. FOWLER ,.•"-- 4 , . , vtokt • and . Salyer Medalist, , first-class 'honer .• •- • graduate of the -00tertaVaterinary ,•• . • College. • ' .. . • 1 - -• riteara Dreaded Or 417, ANIMALS ' • . Night and dew 'calls ansWered at 00103 -De - WorthingtoWs Old stand,enp. COMMerclal Hote ' T S. BLACHALL VETERINARY SURGEON ter ellonotexyGraduate of theOlitaXioVeterina • College, Treat,' alidieeasee of -domesticated an male on tbe meet modern and scientific princi ;des Ofitoe." immediately eolith of the NewEre, Office, Ilealdenee - Albert St., Clinton. Cal night Order, atteridedto promptly • flrA LIOLI/bE, -,r21.51.11E1 SCOTT, 'Mt. ILL tesurer of MarriagerLiceeses, Library Room and lididenee, MUT Street. Clinton. • A. • =Eames 0AMPSELL LOIMEID30110 resuan OP itAgmAGE wok:nets, • /16 Witheikes required o F. W . erfit(319rMeitY3Eri ?Ir tti•CIP still' • 11, 01141 ngineer, 'London, onto-Offide at 060 stews, )terocaly Store. Clinten. , e • ,.; ,,, . : °VINTON. mAitxti..A watts& . ,........... i - . , -COOPER'S OLO STAND, Ai •Next to 00rognorolol noted. ir This. ettatiishatent i In. Dill Operation' and it. i?,,, Order nuedin the most setadeottor W171 verde II ,tery - and granite work * apechlty. rricee 1 -• .nottible as those of ally establiehbent,, ... . ... ., .. SEALE li )100VER.,`,011riten .,.. .„ - ..._ GANT'S .L.,,•13ecik letsinemtle better than et , Ver6Mietittlets have bitter and taster telling 0, ..0. AVOW °Mille= wow° weehlY. A tow leaded Mei "QUeen Vidalia, "Life of Mt ' Glidstone.""MyMotheeiltible stories," "Pre. ereedveSpealow." "Klondike Gold Fields,""Vin• , mini." "Gino's. •of the Uat, en."."Breatfast .Dinner end Nap " 4' Meade, EnoycloPae dia.' Bookeen e.,41ittfital free tO canvassers, The BRAD ,GAREtlasore Co.. Limited. • tsetse. 44 --- Several parsons or Xlistrid Offlee Managing In this obeiltitia represent nib in their own and ettn•ounding oountlei, WLlhing bo pay yearly laTithle Weekly. Desirable employment `with tuoinntint eiMertuttitiel. References Mr- tffistnired." EtlelOse tion.addremed stamped in. Veloya, 4-.P41*., ClOtten Building, Chi catro. Dec. 1. 16 if ' ifeEILLOP MIJTErAL Fiat - • INSURANCE CO. 140.0PE1111 tointans vJ. 13 MoT.ast,Presidgia, Ira?. 4;1 *.; , Rh ittuitlgr"Trirt isTeuftwAS. 124i Rays, IntiPeetor 0 IA** SenfOrt,k • • W. 0, Broedfobt, Ileaterth; Met Winthrop P. 0.; George MIL 904 X. Fasut_Ssitceueli_kvatel. 4 Watt, Hat r. O.; timed Itiltotall Si *Leen, KIP fr; tobtm.00110 J0111; 6411Thit Arir Mit nMOC