HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-01-19, Page 1( tewir 1W. Publiatter-1 ,•1111111••••••••••••• ••• • here ixeriplets. iteeh et leatelies, Cloak.. ;twelve, leilverwsre, Cutlery China . mid ell'hinde of 1,/ newithe Ebony end Ung Sitter, Out &eel, tilde Combs, Parsee. Fiona, • htee YOU will flue everything bere that i* to be friend in Arst-clme jewelry *Sore. rave au article* bought here free of Omega and se we expect a. lot.of this kind or work to do, we areuld ask yea to select your soirees and let no know the en- ilfeVillg YOU would like on them is soon is potable, is it will sevens* lot of trouble, and we • will be Ode to do c nicer job for you. REMEMBER • ..yeilifl4aeooh rtifolesstenight hie .engm nenlitliii.ydairbe in ? . ..B..(JILEW _re 9 ExportWatehRepatorer And .Optielan Townshipqouttells, VnifiT W.IwANOsit. • COuncil Met on Jen. 8th, according to statute, e newly -elected members' took their seats at e CouneilBoard. Thet:old officers Were cm- -pointed except anditora, John Webster and jas. Johnston being appointed. Minutes Of ' last :ineeting vete andapproved. Treasurer's state, ment showed+ balance on hand of $47.07, fileh- J. M. Roberts was appointed arbitrator •re -the formation a a new school section, 'Meeting U. 41 it, No. & Mawr& Ward and Thompson were to procure a tal3lefor the treasurer. The fol, lowing checks Were aimed :-Colborne town- , :ship, balance on S. B., $16.21 1 Wm. Milligan *travel, $8.60,; see. Gibson, financial statement; St. Helena Public Library, $20 ; Dungan- ., non Public, 'ataxy, $1O; Manehester Pubhc Library, $10 ; reed: ration births, marriages and deaths $10 • Municipal Workl EltIpplies • '- '•••6 6 ••4 • !". , 1 Ind MEM.. ‘. 111 e oho') New Era.. (OoderinkTOWItelliee hrOvEse--Mr arid MreOheallectiregor Wye returned from is *round Belgrave. Jas. and Mks Dolly Par, sons are visiting blends at St, Manta Russel Currie has engaged for a few days.with. jaw 'Perfume, O. Lwow and D. elcOlebnan hove traded home. Fred Lawrence was making a "eweet butlebt of daisies" last -Friday night ie a ploughed field. ' PRREIRMA,TION.-On Thursday even- ing the friends of Mr and Mrs John - McCartney met at their home and pre. ' seated them with a couple of easy 'choke, as an expression of their esteem and good will,. prior. to their removal; Miss McCartney was also the recipient of a beautiful cake basket; they were accompanied by suitable addressee. Dnatu.-We are exceedingly Bony to announce the death of Mee George 13alsdon, which occurred at Langdon, North Dakota, on Jan. 6, of typhoid fever. She will be better known to our readers as Mrs Thos. Colborne, formerly of this township. She was married lefit August to her surviving husband, and was fifty:nine Team of age. She leaves three daughters and four sons to mourn her lose. Her daughters are Mrs Hill, Benmiller ; Mrs Tummy, 'Westfield a and Mrs Jackeon, Wawanosh, A.comniere.-Oti Saturday last Nei - sell Yee Met with a very painful ac- cident. He was hauling logs out of the bush wh'en the sleigh. upset, throw- ang-hint off and planing_ mehy-the leg between a tree and the log. Veep fortunately the horses stood perfectly still, othervviee it would have ground his leg to pieces. His father heard his cell for help and came to his relief. -- 1?it Monday of lest week. Fred Tebbutt, jr son of F. Tebbutt, went to work in -101mete blacksmith shop, Wingbam, and received fe severe kick from nhorse the setnemorning. He was working at a homes when another near- byegot uneasy, causing the one he was Work - mg, ats to kick. The young man was pretty badly shaken up, but not ser- iously hurt. His 'brother Harry Beetle Saturday with him, and found that he ie able to go to work again. St. Joseph's. Deux MAIL. -.It JO now the pride of. the city to possess re daily .nrail, run- ning from Zurich to here. This is a long -felt want and was duly appreciat- ed when given. • . • - • Campbell has gi en con - •26,85 ; Municirllaw, $6. °mune adjourned, or weighing o his ne tractsf th "tomato:ore mare 114th, at NI o'clock. -W. S.. charted busk landin hain tends to .haul M. 0. °Ronne clerk • the greater part as logs to let. Joseph's asicinuse , mill, while the test will be cut up as comae met on January:8th, members all cord -wood. The general store here is present, and took the neeeesary declaration of under the SUPER vision of A. Denomme Aualifleation and of office, The following. 8°. on account of the absence of the Misses •eounts wera Paid °miens"' 44°' DI 'f t 1 th are ex- • R. Jury. •gravel, 40c. • D. McKenzie,- gravel, e age, from on rea I they 4104 ; john Jamieson; drain on L. $8.25 • pected back in a few days along with Joa.Smeltser, gravel, $8.84 ; cerrioki MrConture,who.le &plumber by trade. reprices =Board of Health, $2. On motion o -Meesrs. Barkley and Hunter, the salaries of the 8,11VVeYofe are at work now and e•-•,., tent ent officers were fixed; aa follows' tire town site into streets and city lots. • atatresimer,sse ,• assessor, $70 ; - The few soft days of the past week Parsers' ea, °tee' $1i9,_.; R. °ov"ettachby? a. nd the do.a.nfalearf snow since have e, seconded by Wm. Hunter that improved me reacts. Y be attoineta babe/mar fered by John u.,40123, ear. • _ aided by Thos. Stoftelfra, • leaven be appointed treasurer for this year, ; MO, Carried Moved. by John ISiclotYre, ego.. NOTIES.-Wood is being extensivel3r ,ortde4 by John, Barkley, theta A. Carrick DO handled at the station for shipment. •ilector for 1.000. Carried, Moved by were. We will soon have. to go barefooted- menter,se°312deta' 'Tan Barkl€71 that John AS OUt cobbler has left us. 9ur dress - Lan arra A. yson be, and are hereby awpo ted auditors for IMO. Carried. Move(maker has also made her fortune and biaJot t the Reeve and Councillor Hunter be hh McIntyre, seconded by Thos. Btothers. retired. Belgrave is the place to do bueines; we want the above-na,med nolnted a committee to examine ,the tresurer a a, and that the amount of security. on este dustries supplied. Building material bole be melees than sixteeit thousand dollars. is being delivered at the Methodist Clertied. AO_ourned, to meet on the 6th day of ehm ch. A. McClelland is recovering T'abrnary.--,W, BTOTIOInal, Clerk. . from his severe illness. n PATRICITIC OONORRT.- We had a Council met on Jan. 8th, as per statute. COuncillora made the necessary declaration gratifying success in connection with eire. property qualification. The following by-- this concert. The halt was Packed; the ltwa were Passed. fin. DA, the salaries et the "1' receipts were $65.50,a snug stun to be tors, also a by-law appointineabe various path- nisatera, fence -viewers and pound -keepers. - forwarded to purchase . comforts for *woods by Jas. Johnston, seconded by J. O. the boys goingto the front The ro- le/rale that the folloWing accounts be paid gram was excellent The feature of Galt, pestoelco box, $1 ; A. MoD. Allen,_2 • the evening was an address by Mr An. sec. ; Hospital for Sick Children, $5 •; ngs. repairing culvert, ; Noble Lovett, eereon, of Johneesburg, who gave an etatutelebor refunded, $4 ; J. weston,_geoar, Interesting and instructive description anrIfeneing hill, 221 ; Jr.Bell, cedar, and repair- ing culver „t 211 ; Weiton, repairing mum% of i the Transvaal.' The singing and 21.50 ta Biford, shovelling gravel, $1 ; o. dr !ling of Belgrave's "Awkward F,Iiiett, gravel, piece municipal World $5 ; Squad" was, pleasing and showed plaira 1 . .ly that we have things ready for the ; Omuta Coll, gravel, $10.90 ; T OrOil•n. gnnelf 318 ; tateidaY, gravel, 22.88. • J, tray. Addresses were delivered by ateteralltellon ;• -co eetor, postage and Rev.; Oaten and Hall. Messrs Ohne ststionereeee OreoeurertP.?at.48.g. and „etatio°4•; of Wibgham, and McGill, of Blyth, learell.m.nergaralfrat, envier,„Vteet aided with solos. The comedy by the petitiOn ThOs. Mair, atei4 others, be accept- Blyth Oen Wigwag took the -house by se, And this -council grant their request, OS ro- storm. The singing of ."God Seve the vas VA:1M foonrigeith sct=oisioetiot be - a_ Queen" brought the concert to a clese. r1). Son 'assess% and J, R. Holmes and George gecondMonday Yobruary.-Nrxelr , • - _ izo. Mamba 110T80. -An effort is being made th form aTurf Association. The seats p Oartipbell and D Cantelon. Oman- eillors are - being attacked on the wound offillegality. (Rev Z. S.Allin is AtedIetson Wee appointed collector, Them'', • - au ten; Adjourned, to meet Oh coliducting special set vices in Victoria Se, Church. J. AL -Prouatoot left last week for Americus, State .of Georgia, Where we understand he has a good. position in the insurance business with ' ,bis brother in law, W. L, Shelton.-. Mies Tenie Gundry left on Saturday -for Chicago, to enter a hospital as nurse, We have - the nicest Sum m erh ill. Tiffir, jr., of Nile, paid a visit to T. Lindsity on Wednesday- of bat week. _Geo. Hill,. aon of 3. Hilt, went on a trip to Battle Creek on Wed- nesday of last week, Mrs Mugford, of (Jolborne, accompanied .by Mee Rum - ball, of Clinton, paid a visit to J.John- ston on Thursday of last week. Mas- ters Will &acorn and Louie Johnston have been on the sick list; we hope goon to hear of their recovery, me and Mrs .1. H. Lowery errant Saturday atjos. ?roam's, Cut Line; Goderich towhship. Mrs !Litter, who has been Sidling at the home of 'her father, a. 3. Nesbitte16th con" returned to her home near Thornburg on Tueeday. Ortratort.--eRev. RA Smith is giving a series of lectures on Sunday evening Commencing at 6,80; they are preparat- ory to confirmation to be held by the Bishop of Huron hext month; the lec- tures are Very edifying and instructive. The ladies of the congregation here met ite the home of Mrs Geo. Hill on .1,11e Thuirsday, to organize a Women's Autillary for carrying on home and Fauck -China; foreign missionary Work. .in town. - • Wist h Wawanbak • • If you are iteeding anything in ths,t line come in and dee our Flys O'czooz TEA SE -r�, Biertav Svre, Smut'BOWLS BMW) and Stmse, FLAMM PCPS and liazoittus, dm. Ws lutit d PI 1 ..ilicoteh mottoes; in fact we have nearly' evetything in the VANCE' CHINA line, N6W Raisin* tatirrante. Shelled .200020, Peale* Pigs. Oates, and everything that Is wanted 80.2,113,10Nre _,S1 BrAZILitnAlkilernet, XtirsTitA. FINE KUM CANDY. 11,4:41111,SOOPER.A CO. Tks Citalt Groner -Are Grate'r SALII Strai81,..-Mr Edwin Gaunt, of West, Wawanosh, 0110 of the best known and most breed- erextenette of Leiceider sheep in thie pert of the province, has decided to go out of the business and the whole flock couplets Ing of 24 head of the choiceet getter of the bred in America, will be offered for late by public auction at the farm, lot 17, con, 12, on Wednesday, Jan. 2e. .This is the largest and beet sale of Lei- cester sheep e'er held hare atm intend* ingyurchaeers should attend the eine, Babe Litres FAUX SOtn.-Xos, Oolclough, of the Base Line, Godetich township, has isold fortlate lote Ireirge•h4:htirettrosT git ing it into a fettle anagerden farm. He Intends to plant out about 10 acres in the opting with smell &tilts, and Will give his attention to this clue of pro- duce. Or-alsrthN, ONTARIO, ZA.NITARY iRog.. he News Of the Neigh.borhood Swppliet by NOW UM.* widisanfalto and rellabla correePondents• • *********1144":44"444444401yEltkult#444444444"Tankerstaftil #44444144.1 . . juetice Armour made an order card. evening last, as one of out most proms (hwh°g.'"--lev CP1171111" of 61Ytho Gorts TO jeaLs-Cle Saturday Chief RATHER 1:7101.1tAsANT.-- On Sunday 6" witting Mae. R. Tanner, formerlY Wing young men we returning from Preached a good sermon in th fa place private banker here, to the jail or obeeese he, home became enteeenege. on Sunda,' afternoon, rasa Sunday ; Ltunbton county, for refusing to ttn- able, and. in melte of all Ids efforts to. eeellsleg Naftel Ideaet'Pre* ewer questions on an exaniiiiation ;tette control left bolted and landed him In A "nem, Hue Peeler at E.L..Lof 0.E" his financial position and the disposal fartnerelyard, ,.. Hold On to Vele steed the eubject being "the'prodigal sore" of certain property, There are some with both hamlet, Wee. - Sundity-evening' next 11,t 7.00 R. B. Rog - people here who would like to know Orson will take charge of * missionary He's ALL Itteura-There ts a welt, mestinn. 4ho• tank ham, defined rumor' abroad. thee a certain I voun San NATL.-we MentiOned last WelittEilder wh° lbw been in week the !iodine, illness of the eldest ioeity, • Manitoba. but Who is now here on a son of E. Dexter; this Week WA make *Wit, will require two tickets instead 'mention of his death. .Tlitts it will be of one when he goes hackle* Match. seen that, the' Young and hopeful are fle'it a popular and indestritnur young farmer, and the paetner he in tende te takebs " " the aged' 1311.6 41zeb take back with him ig as nue A ;awe , are the uncertainties. of life. fle was aged twelve years, and was a bright, as the coontry can produce, . -THREATENED LAW Staz-We are dY v his sclicminAtell „ aacti seomborya,dhose.o xedqo yoympa hy felt informed that W. M. • Dan; .threittens fonr hie parent e in hthiff ierttaireloe action against R. B. McLean; for al- leged defamation of. character. The retitle Constance .0emetery on SOO, afflictierti The mainline were to r'reasrpteinegteadrerebenitdhen2r`efintenhtenntodivhrillir;.. 41aNY'Otich"tf;,-.-- 6.. .4. aix;ieso' and !Millis; and the trouble arises °Vet etatententa have .moverl .into the,hotrae for Merly said to have been made at .a recent occupied by the late.W. Caldwell trimmed with ivory satin and laca_to. P meeting. t ortunate that Mies_131; Bowes, Blyth, is the Forest gether with orange blossoms. She „nien77.Who--have Ilithertn--beerr--goed ,hiles-Ilarriet Dale atpresent.- -Mien .was supported by her sister, Mies Etta e: friends and neighbors, should fall Out L. Snell is away front home at present, who was dressed in pale heliothrope. over.personal'matters, and We think visiting friends.. James Taylor, liar - The Rs -comer best man was Mr Nelson, that they should try tb heal the brea,ch riston, was calling on friends here. instead Of wideninglt. Levi ist an tee. We heartily endorse tb.e cemarke made. brother of the bride. A large number pensive bleary, and no matter how it. by you, Mr E„ ditor, in reference to Iler of Costly and ePterentriete presents shoWed the esteem re whiph, both are results, is unsatisfactory, " These two A. Lawson. in last week's Nrew BRA; hofeludeirniotheattyceinMunitY, It ;I the whils 1,0 vi 0 men should come togethei and forget men can Nerrns. -Mr Bennett reterned to his ville, le visiting at AsElcoat'e. Mr and place, received the fallowing partici- -44t .8 way few PISS Anthony the dtiffserentaceerre-m;±Ngo dribe- leek -F0A4-whenThe----takerthe lines. J W, community that both live I numerous friends of this . . Depew, of the Nordheimer Piano Clo., long to "the other, fellow'' who Jet ntronge-but was in the village on 'Saturday last,' awl". a "4T wedded life. - no matter. which is in the wrong- Peter Peter King, �f I3-luevale, was the guest Tama. , „ dr.yopotitsm.-4tioo Aloe svoroomiormos. ofDILAFTiasiLermbrat ww.r.ekB, o• 00-i, of this home at Walton On Thursday last, af- ' Mrs Newton ()rich," of Clinton, spent hire from her brother, 3 A. Seen Of ter spending a month with his daugh- Sundayhere. Miss Annie Clarnechan; Yoricton, N W. T., referring to the ter here. , Jas.Roberton still continues Egenondville, is visiting friends here. death of hie wife and taken from 4 to be very poorly, as also does Mee G. Dr. and Mrs Steep and family. , Yorktoit ;paper; ,says; -"We _en - Dale. Dame rumor has it that theta .peg, Visited .at S. John's week.•-, mounce with regret the: death�fMee will be a wedding, in our midst before Zeiss Gould, of London, ie Visiting at _ Snell, will:idled on Xmas.- day, at 7 long; ibis the best thing F. ca,teno. CI., F. W. Crieh'e. Mr Mullin A. Turner clock in the morning Death was Calton 'spent Sunday at his ,home in and. Miss Edith Robson, of,Olinton,; - caused by. heart failure. The deceased' Clinton. Was. Dale delivered re vela- spent Sunday with telatives here. Mr lody attended tbe terrain exhibit' On Monday last: ele fouresott-•eorn. Sunday with feign ahem. r end .and took cold vbiCh develo ed into neNfelallefelee4-44-Yeletoe-Sualfeeerhefeeleiree The lease :advertissini moolieise la 'Cols macaws'. what be did veltb certain property, but it le• not probable the information would do any more than. satisfy ettr- Mxuaunn, -Quite a pleasing event took piece about three weeks ago, in which many people of this village are interested, as this was the bride's form- er place of residence. It was the event of the Marriage of Miss Magee, a form- er teedher of Taylor's Cornets, but now of Edmonton, N. W. T., to Mr M. W. Reynolds., a prominent jeweller of that place.. The ceremony was per- formed on Dec. 27, at 8:p.m:, and sup- per Was eerved at 4 o'clock, the Pres- byterian minister . officiating, The bride was dressed in white cashmere, ableion horse to Mr, Howl of Mitchell, and 31Ve R. Douglas, of Glen etleut at the rink in Yorkton on Dec. 15th, e s aro s on"Prayer" or. arnochan, of Egmondvilley vie- inflammation Mis of the lune% ro Snell on. Sunday teat Mr and Mrs Thos. ited at S.john'e last Week. *balladry was one of the pioneer ladies of York Yellows, of Exeter, returned home lase 'spent Sunday at her home in Seaforth. Ooleply.,,havitig 400143 with her husband Week: after spending a few days with - Miss Ella Johns spent StInday with in •the .early eighties, and treerea a nr need a Seriesof et n "P w 0 friends- here. Mr and firs R. °arena friends near Egmondville, fdrie W. 0. worthy helpmate to her usband - weekswith•relatives ,here. Mies osa - Platt, Of London, has -been *felting at neigh ors she was au affab e compan. of Dondeaborre spent one day _last Landeboro le on the sick ist. Mies throughout, those trying dais. To her : Botta spent last We A pleasentsfocial eV011- ion- enjoying their confidence and rm. an Tuesaer mieska.Awlitichah: Fnrag:k Creit:les. here. Miss Sarah Bennett, of °lint on _ was spent at kir Crich's on Tues- l- ima. The interment toOk place at the returned home on Suedadeaftee spend. day; only a few friends were present: .centery, Where a large gathering of ing a Week with relatives .and friends Owing to the removal Of some of the sympathetic friends eseembled. The in this vicinity.. • A few of the young:: officers of the Epworth- League, Wee last rites wire performed by people around here spent 4 very enjoy- found, necessary to elect new onee; the Wallace, Steed and Sutherland.' able evening at the home of E. ;ones election was held last Thureday miens . . " I al t Mi Rhoda Landsboro *redressed ' nelelleevine a couple o days Last week With her site; the Loges last Stinday, -neeilinge E Fonnarerefts.-- The annual install- : ter, Mrs Crich, of Tnekersmitli. N.- Carter will take the topie :text Sunday 'went of .offieerelanCiourt-Selworel.No. Car ter arid his sister inentSfindaYjaer A -Veiling; meeting at 7 o'clock, to Which 87, took piece at their hall last Friday. with leleirdeetWonetanCe, Miss Hernia, _ allare cordially._ invited. Feb.,. 11-12 night, Brb. Biggers, of Goderich, act - Carter returnee home froMber-visitto Laire the dates • of -the Epworth League ing as Grand Wortby Chief. The of - Brussels last -week. Mr Chtiens, .of annivereary at Turner'se Rev Richard licers.for 1000•are ; W. Sturdy; Cypress River, Man., and MICI,ohnston, - Hobbit, of .Win,gham, will reach on V.0 R J Watkins; Chap., DI. Burner Clinton, called, at J'ohn Chesney's last! Sunday, •and lecture Mon ay night; Rec. Sec. . Ed. Lavis; ,Fin. Sec., Feed Wedneedli Mrs John DkIde, 'Sea-, afford; ireare 0: W. Vieilliams; S. VV.. called at Thos. Livingstone's this week. - .forth. and rs Thos.,Dodds, ingham, . • Rumball; F. McCartney; S. Westfield. • Bo Trewartlfee B,, S. Sturdy. Keep open the dates Feb. 11 and 12; Sesic,-,Mrs 1. H. McClinton is very CeitutoeL-The League had a very these are the dates 'of the Epworth lowast present with congestiot. of the t • fi League anniversary -at Turners; Rey. lungs, and but slight hopes are enter- n eves. time t eir Open Paella- , R. obbs of Wing ant, will preach on teinedrfor her recovery. Mt J.Sowler, Sunday, 'and lecture Monday. night, who has been very ill witiLpleurlsy, • is improving. Miss Annie Wightcaan Uilhlptt. is ien the sick list at present. • 800/AL.-A large number of young h F Nerrns,-Pdre R. Ramer?. returned rnent on en ay evening5Nexton- d M day. will be a patriotic program, which will be good. The ann al meeting of f the S. S. teachers and o cers was held on Wednesday night= st of theform- er staff_ Were re-appoin ed, including , Supt., A. J. Courtiee; assistant Shpt.. people resent a pleasant. time ,at. the 'months' visit with friends inMichigan. ed Leonard; Sec., R. Forster; Treas.,. home of John Rtchtnond, tripping the Miss Clara Jewel, Benmillea is„,epend- W. Trewartha; librarian. E. Pickard; lighLfrintastic to an .early hour. ing • a week with her cousin, Mrs J. _ they decided to procure a new library GOOD WORK. -One day last week • Sowler; Mrs Jas. Tunney received for the school. Alex. Darlin and gang, while pressing last week the sad intelligence of the NOTE8.-We understand that John hay on the farm of Geo. Boeves, press- - death of her mother, Mrs Colbourne, McCartney, of the 7th con., is comieg ed 120 bales, weighing from 160 to 170 who died in Dakote, a week or two ago, to the village to nee ' he havingrented pounds each, in five hours ; this is fast Misses Carrie and Nettie Tyndall, of W March's house, to take possession work, and hard to beat. Carlow, visited Mrs 11. Stackhonee on; A ell lsta we welcome him to the me- ' IllenOVING.-The friends" of -lames Sunday. Miss Phoebe Densmore is ' trepolis. Quite a number front here • . Snell, County Commissioner, will be visiting her sister, Iles M. Whitmore, attended the funerrd of the late Mrs G. glad.to learn that his eldest daughter, of Egmondville who has qeen quite ill for severed day" DEATH 071A PIONRER.--There petite - and confined to her room,is improving, fully passed away on the 10th inst., at and expects to be out again shortly. - the residence of her son-in-law, J. H. Hoover, an old and respected member ' &atm. -Was Maggie Sullivan, of thecommunityin the person of Ent - Toronto, is visiting' at the home of of meline Niebels, wife of .Hiram Camp - Malcolm McDonald, Quite a number bell. The deceit -gad was born in TOM.. of the young meta in this vicinity have Ditesta or Mae Gantiow.- One by one the old settlers are paeriing over to the relent majority, until POW in this vicinity not merry remain with ue. One of them in the person of the bee Mrs Gamow passed away On Flida_le the nth init., at the ripe age cf laf4 -Yearii, Mrs Gatrow. whose meiden name was Robeson, ,Kay, was born in the north of Ireland of Scottish an- ceatry, on Feb. 2nd, 1818, but in early infancy removed with her parents to Glasgow, Scotland, where she resided , Until her marriage in April,. 1042, to Sthteerillarvta,.Eroatrlaan°0," who pa:ft:et:Lel her. From Glasgow the newilamar- ried couple C4100 to Arnerica 'intend. leg CO settle in New Jeteey, and by chance were diverted' first to the city of Buffalo, then. but it small place, then acrose the Niagara river to the then Important Village of Chippewa, where they reinained ayear, removina to the towns:trip of North Dumfries in Waterloo county, where they remain- ed until their last removal in February 1854, to the homestead in the township of Maillop, adjoining the north:west town boundary of Seaforth, where she died, At that time Wile no Sear forth; gtAVel roe& hi this colutty, no"railways; most of the fieldswow so ceiderly and wall cultivated were then either virgiteforeste or, as theireturdy stumps proved, but recently reclaim. ed. Althourh not of the earliest inn - tiers Mr and Mrs Garrow-had to endure -thinnenfcrefts‘nnegPInwnasetwel'Plarrigiteadtiannnds until buildings to replace the old log affairs erected. Roe old despised log' huta what *tem and heave hearts did you shelter? Verity, instead of scorn, the rifting generation, 11 11 peeves whet it owes to these old -houses and their heroic -inhabitantes-would-haye made of them if not shrines, at least semi - awned places. 00 the evening of her late husband's funeral in August, 1894, Mrs Gamow fell and broke her thigh bone, whipti never united properly, leaving her a helpless cripple. Confin- ed to the house for the balance of her life.he bore this disaster as she berre all elseof trouble and affliction - with surpassing fortitude, it -being said • of her that never once during her illness did she .utter a complaint or peevish word. Thus has passed ;sway in the ripeness of years a faithful and loving wifa'a tender -and deeply affectionate ,mother,. a firm and sincere friendjerev. ing behind. to those who knew bee lov- ing and tender memories which will not soon fade. The surviveing children are Hon. Jas. T., of Goderich; John. ot Victoria, B. C.; Edward, of Webwood. Ont.; and Robert and Janet who reside on the borne/steed, - the war se min good shape, and ave wandai 'N. Y., Feb; 10th. 1823, and and vowing their intention of going to of age, and with them settled in the drill with the 83rd Bettallion next township of Whitby. In 1814 she was united in merrier to her now sorrow - carrying on ridepractice continuously, came to Canada when about two years summer, and in the meantime are ready for Fenians, Boom, or anything - ing husband, an lived inthe aforesaid township until 1870, when they with else that may appear. their Mindy removed to the 12th eon. CHtflt011 MERTING,-The annual 000' gregational neeetiug of Burner chord' et Hullett, where they lived for six was held on the afternoon of Wearies- years, afterwards coming _to this town - day. the 10th hist" with the pastor in asheiePect.80efEast t wthaewraonmottsittin; byeeraerathoof The statistical repore far the past, year her thed ,chair and Mr Alex Reid secretary. , at 20 years of age day,eJan. Ot • w en Mr W.A. M. Rut - 1 h h she joined the • Methodisb churcb, of I ge and Mies Susie E. Porde, only showed an addition of nine to member - new ma.: payments for purpeees bei until the clogs of life. She leaves ried at the residence of the bride's mother. The ceremony was performed Swallow in Clinton on Wednesday. - Mee W. Learoyd, of Windsorottended the wedding of her brother, W. Rut- ledge, and, is visiting her parents on the Huron Road. '0 Etravelle and wife were called to St. Joseph's on Wednes- day, owing to the dangerous Hines. of thetormer's mother. D. B. Ualbeek, of Woodstock, paid, &Acheson's a brief visit the other eveninseDan is interest- ed in Amaral B. 0. `mines, which, - if they continue to pan out as they have been doing, willreturn him a consider- able income; we wish him success. - Mr and Mrs Alex. fladour were called on Wednesday to St,- Joseph's, the letter's mother being serioasly ill. - WEDDING. wedding of, much local interest took place on Wednes- Which she remeined a consistent meme daughter of Mrs H. Porde, were mate ship, The total number alt on the roll is dewing: the year were $lim of which to mourn her departure a sorrowing amount $265 were given for miseions husband,three sons and five daughters, at 6.80 pa in., by Rev. G, W. Andrews, and other church schemes and 141 . besides numerous grandchildren an a former Pastor of this piste, in the great :griincichildren. The ieee ace presence of over forty Invited tomtit. for benevolent and religious object% The bride entered the arlor on the The Sabbath School reified $27 fey mis- ..Wesi...illiala...a *TU.& .1N.a..Watearkea°as i•tcrhet..trm°‘ arm of her youngest brother, Fred, and (done and 410 for the Century Fund. - -face-hf.e--Therfeargn-clgra"cve'em";"Dngc". under A betutiful evergreen arch the The auxiliary of the W. F.M.S. in con- Hutchison, of Staffa, Mrs Sohn Hiles. nuptial knot was tied. The bride wore nection with this cbarge has had the of Kincardine, Mrs D. Rogeraon, of a beitittiful gown of blue, with ivory most successful year, in itir history. Jarrieritowe, Ne r., mce Henry menisci satin trimmings, and was attended hp The ladies have given over $70 and Liniment the Northwest. Carr, of Kirkton. The. funeral on Fri- Ffcrde' who carried beautiftd,houquete Clete, and. Le e. have eerie $85 Worth of clothing to the a! East Wawanosh, ithd Ail W. R. her twrd little neleee* . 'ley Afternoon Was latgell attended. .LA: ar earn* Hone and hyacinths. Aften Nils. field church on: Bandar, .i._ the ceremony add the usual congratu- Nowirs.,Rov, it. ireniogum was in InedKirlat "I.'" "145aid iti W"'"' Intimi they retired. to the diningro ma, his accustomed place on Sunday Slate SeartlitY. afternoon, • Which was beautttully decorated,wherg ing; if the congreration keeps *norm,. ftim,,,,,...... sr st...0....„. 1,.... a delightful wedding dinnet WAS le Hugh Ryan still continues -very low. ,ec-ee-Ter it' .-nel;" evrarmerd ereuar Le" emirs pleasantly spent iit games and social ing Nile will soon need* new church, ed. Afterwards Inc evening, was Mies M. Kellington is at igresent the a rattle convenient end easy way of dee R ledg Ill be at 'home After Jan. 17. atatuiement. • The bride WaAt the recite, lane of 026ny beautiful present& Mrs crushing, cutting and pumping. It, le not of Mies A, Grumrnet Mr and int th k. ut eW AT Itoids,-.T.Tiffiniermite"At Home months -old Child of Mr and Sendersoll. and Idles Annie Knox Visited at is to the members of Nile League on Fri* which took place • on Sate fith, from towel last, week. So*. Wheatley has day evening; quite a large crowd gatba pneumonia. A flambee of frierfds tented his his farm to his neighbor, ered And. the evening was pleasantly showed their etraoathy by 6,ttending, Mr Patterson., and purposes moving given by Mentheire V 00. rledgRer 1103t VHETORIF1/4,..44. 0003Pbtlif Winiti* Me, 1.11184014410ryliret'lastrivra'aVrilwItnaspirolvtinredg,,-bt ments. A. suitable Diagram wiut also 130field cemetery: proniptu speeches being the Chief Dagen/ speeding few _ days vitosg his Murray, of Egmondville, had & bes feature of the evening. Before leavin Id d II D Bid 184 Sp10.0f, Of 9040rieho611.10darld INATtr.„,,„we are *city to have to, iilarlochr at 0, ter rvin announne the death of the seven.' NoTirso--Mr and Mrs Geo. Riroxiir". spent he Vali011e games and Amuse- the funeral, w ich took place to the into his pro rty in the e soon. friends_. an re at vett r Taeiday.drawing wood trona, R. Perris it hearty votelsf than iti• Wait tendered gf Se. Faure, Minnesota, is title Week bush, Miss Lillie Forman, Llitowee Mr Tiffin and fatnily for their kind, 'visiting among his friends and AO* le Visit's friends here.. The timber. Lent Syne MI &reed to their re- amith, Rex. Mr Carriers and wife, of Knox's. woods. Am. Hellos pur* for the sociable' 6Velling among his acquaintance, here. Orasibrook on Monday. hospitalityu and .efter Ringing efA.uld quitintancee in Stanley and Tucker. men are Ley titian timber out of W. spec lye homes fee ing much happier Grand Ben , is vending a day or so chased is fine horse front a party near "Londitabogo. Anima. Cduabd MOOTING.— Knox chnrcb, Londesboro, held its annual meeting on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 1,1, with the Rev. J.A. Hamilton in the chair and Mr Adams toting 50 Secretary.. The total payments for all puriscises during the pain veer were $e* $et •of which- was raked for mis- sloes and. other ethernet. and $31 for benevolent and religious .perooses. Nam. - The old friends in this neighborhood of .T.G.Medd, of Clinton,. took up a contribution fot him -recent- ly and raised about $50. Mrs John Tamblyn. sr., who has been sick for some weeks, is improving. Mr and Mrs lesLawrence,efr and Mrs J. Tamb- lyn, and Mr and Mrs Jae. Risley at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs H. Campbell, at Westfield, . last Friday. Mr John lifles, of Kincardine, foraner- ly of Leodesboro, presented his dangle. ter, Miss Mabel. with a beautiful Bell piano. Miss Kate Little, of the 12th con., has purchased a fine new piano from Mr W. Morrow; this makes three eales r rrow.s nce e m e of December. Messrs Jas. McLity and Thos. Sampson have fro tar recovered as to•be able to go around, but tire not able to resume work. Jas. Webster hair tudd another of his thorohred Shorthorns fore. good price. J. (Joie and wife, of Wawanash, called on a few friends nere this week. Rev. Mr Hamilton is under the weather at present, but it is hoped that he will be all right in a few days. Court Pride of the West had an oyster supper for the members last Friday night. The Sons of England lodge lama a supper the week before, and the Orange lodge had one a, short, time before thae so now it will be the turn of the Grange and then the Mime Circle. The For- esters kindly purchased a matress. and also gave at nide colleetion to J. Brown, of whore mention was made last week of his meeting with an ac- cident. John Muldoon, of Manitoba purchased. a number of horses near hoe° title week; he was assisted 4by W. T. Brunsdon. Mee Taylor, of Clinton, is visiting her daughter,Mrs W.White- ley, at Judaea. Jas. Rose and Sohn McGregor were at Stratford this week attending a meeting of the Didrying Asfrociation, j. S. Anderson, of Tor- onto, was a caller in the village this Week •Misses &Scott and Watt at- tended the meeting of the W. F. M. S. in HensalI Tueeday and Wedneedity. J. McConnell left for Ottawa on Mon- day morning to attend the Normal. A Dm Stroonese-The annual festival , of Lodge Barnstaple, No, 224, Sone of Enetlatut, was held in thele hall here s on Wednesday evening, Jan. 10th. and Was the most succeeefid in the history of the lodge. After the blyalees and other delft:Oita Were disposed of, and some time spent -in the tumal toad, song and sentimemt,cuetoraary on such oectudons,games of differeistkindiewere Indulged in, and everybody so thor- oughly enjoyed themselves, -that only the lateniese of the hour compelled - them to rittuento their various home*. I held at Bethel appointrn t, conducted Narns.-Iteviyal eerylits ate being` by the pastor, Ref:tali Herm. The singing school at conducted by Mr Butt, is being he (1 on Saturday evening itt preeent, motets& of Wednes- day, on account of the special services. • Mr Peterson„.whohee been drillingfor water ab N. Kernegban's, has succeed. ea in getting the eanie, at the depth of 178,feee ; they struck eoek at 1 feets Antitbtailled over 50 fest of.. water. Mr . Orrenge„ther peon ree of the 0. Q. Is in this locality, and hes succeed- ed. In Ind listing 17, Which has greatly strengthened the Court, end they now hatve a membership of 108 at Benmiller Lodge; could the organiser have stay- ed another week, we would have doubled that number. woo* r Vomow•••••1101001.11iiretiOrA4Apikik si ose year itieseepee. t tom vra,, ern ao 40,k1. Ours that Cola With Doekal EalesM of Wild :Cherry, 06o per bottle. Cure that Chronic Oold se00;dsh. jupiverorfee9tn.Erovvidseiensoli, • the regular' 00 for 35c. and gitarttiKsie It too, , SYDNEY JACKSON'S • Rhon;$1 Pres.erbPrsul7/111.t.001. •44**+s-s444444,4+.4444++.1P-e, . .ceived. a telegreur from his daughter* • 'FATAL ACOIDVOliaTr,n-a*X0A: jOirobe tee week, stating that her, 'only 40,1_1 a Mb 10y ys 00f airan einflot:tr,hoofoldOtomPaeopt bib: laot3ba,,641: • an accident, is mother was Washing. ' and while she was hanging out the clothes the child went to the stove and his clothing caught 00 AM ,. IVA- scream bromeht his mother to him, but he -Was eo badly -3 -burned that he died in two hours. 141114rntreVe.mle% .!fIrn41163:3e.TonlVient eburch waited ou the Rev. edr ;antilop at the Rectory,Beydeld, ane presented' sapnedn't alter ins ol cuirceboant, the games,even !gsingingas Illec_, t ev gentleman with a big load. of oats. The ladies of the convegation went epared with well-filled baskets, undinusic, until the wee sena' bowie when all.repaired to their homes well pleased with the evening's amusement. Notaa-Mrs Clark of the Itayfield, road, is very low, and no hope is given for his recovery. Misaltaroster is vis- iting friends in Hensall. Mr Mullett! atid -sister, of Grand Bend, are visiting friends in this village. The entertain- ' ment given by the social club 'Wee - Resod success; the,young gentlemen ,of this club are to be congratulated for the manner in which they entertained their guests. On Sunday evening Jan. 28th, a reception (service will be 'held in the Methodist church for any per - eons who wish to become members. -0 On Tuesday evening last the young people had an oyster suppler; over 60 sat down to the ta.blein the Town Halle after supper a good program waa rendered;the boys report a grand time. We regret the serious illness of Wm. (Mark, of the Babylon line; .at time of writing ,he is a littte bet ter, but not care of danger. --- • Aniengn - Wiennrrrei.-On Wednesday Morn.- ing at 10 o'clock attire residence of Rey Mr Gensmere, John Schultz was un- ited in marriage t,0 Mies Barbara Yung- blut, both of Auburn; We vvish-thene long life and happiness. On Friday of last week Mr Nutter, of Tavistock, was united In marriage to Mier Yanglent, of Tavistock, at the residence of Ge6, L .in ; the left for their home In rig t on onday trio log; we extend ' congratulations to th couple. NOTES. -Miss Gre.,ce mitleGoderich. is the guest of Miss. Rose Yungblut. Miss Susan japes wa visiting int burn tor a few • dears this week. Prof. Taub is in the village this week. Geo. Yungtaub shipped 4 car load of mettle and !orbs on Wednesday to Toronto. T. Clark, of Dungannon, spent Siinday in Auburn. ' Alex. Robinson and wife were in Seaforth last week. O. -Wen -4-e. zel was in 'ended& on Saturday. The Epworth League members. of the - Methodist church were out enjoying a A ' sleigh ride one evening last week, and spending the evening :with Miss Well. , wood, of Fordyce. . Chas. Asquith,' who has been on the reek list, is able to be up and around again., Jacob Clark is on the cick list; we hope to sOcer see him Remind again. Miss Crawford,. of St. Helens, is the guest of Miss Adeline Heltirig. Geo. Bradford spent Sunday in Goderich. M. Holtzhauer was in Winghara lase week with a large load of barrels, to be used by the loading merchants for butter- packing. Miss Cunimings, of Wingham. WAS the' guest of Mrs R. M. Cumming on . I Sun- day last. Miss Ida Taman and Mist ' Gieley, accompanied, by 5 friend from Blyth, passed through the village on Monday on their way to Goderich. S. Rowed left last week for his home in London. Alex. Robinson spentWed-, nesdisy in the circular town. C. Hoare Was in Auburn Wednesday. Edward. Helwig and Welter Moore are in the bush getting out a supply, of ye epood for next summer. Herb Knox Ags084111e***18. menced his apprenticeshirwith 3011011. Nicholson as a harnete mattufactuene. ,G, F. Yuneblut was in Clinton on Wednesday. David Fell arrived in Auburn on Wednesday morning. 13rtteeffeld - , NOTES.-Mra Rev Semen and Mrs Geo. Hart were delegates from the Vfr. , P. M. S. of the Preebyterian chunk here to the Presbyterial meeting helmit . in Ffeneall lest Tuesday; Rev Wr Simi ers also attended, Rev Mr An yvl oxeter, preached in the Pt um church on Sabbath teat, Met ; Sewers taking his work, it being Ati131* vul 4 versary eervices there. Rev Mr Meth- i soon is settled in Southern Manitoba, not California, animated laist week. ile Manna Hensel!, visited at the hotne Of J. Gibeon on Sunday. DattiaBairdost St. Null is *visiting at the home id Alex. Thompson. Miss Math, whit , has been visiting in Goderich, hes re- turned home, Mr. Renaud hag declined the Coen servative nomination for Berthilsic fither----- ibis thought Ma Arehambeulte Lib- eral, will he elected by acclamation. gett 44utdistiotitts (kld lote.-NeWoombea... iren%tiMrrBIZIalla °tan""6""'"' Dinedution--.13e411e & Hoover VirdtotttlyqoPhigi74PB41451irileirr._ tk.t. . Town property for ade-trag Limit ** Meek -Wing Ournistlia. Bill of rare.- BIg itr-2111/1434on & 6rrith CO.... Wan -Et X ing xsausry. Nimbi nareten dity*-4 What *rayon le • 4°4 PO'