HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-02, Page 5APRIL 2ND, 1908 --THE BLYTH STANDARD—PAGE F1vE.
rr Lataska Voiles
We have solve of these set vie stble goods In good dark shades,
Ajust the thing for a summer dress. Sono of our leading shades are
8. nine with white dash, blue with white stripe and spot, brown with
white dash, brown with stripe, black with white check, black with
A white spot, etc.
These goods are good vtItut at regular price of l's per yard,
but during the next week only they will be yours at per yard, only ac,
White Waists
Weare showing en
a O l g a large assortment of beautiful waists, trhn-
meP with either lace or embroidery, short, medium or long sleeves.
No matter what you want we have II, Prices flow rata up.
,�►� For a good dress buy Priestley's Dress Goods.
Highest prices paid for Farm Produce.
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TRE last Horse Fair of the season
will be held In Blyth on Friday of
this week.
CLINTON Spring Fail' is today. A
number from here went down to see
the sights,
HND In any newsy items that
'you know and help make the paper
Tan, East Wit Wall osh Council
meets on 'Tuesday of next week at
Belgrave to receive the engineer's
report on the Grasby tied Hallaban
MARKET REPORT,—Wheat 92-92 ;
Barley 60-60 ; Oats 49-49 ; Peas
80-80 ; Bran 24-23 ; Shorts 24-24 ;
Butter 22-23 ; Eggs 23-24 ; flour
THERE was a bad hole on Main
street onthe opposite side from Dr,
Milne's drug store that was filled on
Monday to save any expense in case
of accident. The old saying is true
"a stitch in time saves nine."
Jas. McMurchie's Private
Bank robbed this morning by
professional safe-blowers, Full
account next week,
ARE you going west this spring
Free copies of "Settlers' Guide,"
"Western Canada," "Tourist Sleep-
er" and other booklets, Tickets and
full information as to rates, etc., at
C. P. It Town Office, J. a1leMur•
elite, Agent, Blyth.
S. L, 'TAwlIt, eyesight specialist of
Toronto, will bo at the Commercial
Hotel, Blyth, on Monday, April 13th.
If your eyes bother you in any
way, or the glasses you now wear
are not satisfactory, make it a point
to consult this reliable specialist.
Make appointments now at Hamil-
ton's drug store.
• MoNOAY of this week a little ex-
citement was raised in this town
on the main street about ten o'clock,
a steer which had been brought to
town to be sold to J. Ileffron, but.
cher, took it into its heed to go home
again, and started to do s0 at 0
lively rate. It was stopped on the
other side of the bridge.
Fon SALE.—Mr. Wm. Ross, about
two miles north of this village is of-
fering his property for sale. 'There
is an acre of ground with comfortable
Nouse and stable with a number of
first class fruit trees. This property
will be sold cheap as Mr, Ross wishes
•to go west this spring. Apply to
“Win. Campbell, real estate agent,
Blyth, or Box 913, Blvth,
h11sTAKE,—In last week's issue
we omitted the name of Blyth in
the new riding of North Huron, In
making corrections this was left out
by mistake, As nothing serious
was done we escaped with our lives.
Those who find mistakes should ,just
run a newspaper one week and then
they would he a whole lot wiser, as
to the amount of work there is in
getting out each Issue.
MAPLE syrup season is now here.
CLEAN off the snow on your share
of the sidewulk.
RICHARD DOWNS has removed his
hopsehold'effects back to Clinton.
BUGGIES and wagons are now he-
ing used by those who are driving
these days.
LAST Friday evening we had a
regular summer rain storm accom-
panied by thunder and lightning.
Tho rain cut clown tine snow banks
in great style.
NorICE has been received in town
that the C. P. R, will put on the
noon train again, commencing on
Monday, April 6th, to run on the
old schedule.
ON Friday of last week John
Smith, implement agent, moved
from the house formerly owned by
Charles Hamilton to the house of J.
F, Nivins on Westmoreland street,
ON Saturday afternoon as J, A.
McGill, of East Waw'anosh, started
for home from town, his horse
jumped a pitch -hole in front of F.
Metcalf's store and his cutter hit the
side of it, and before Mr. McGill was
aware of what happened he was out
of his cutter and the cutter drag-
ging on its side. The horse was
stopped and no damage was done.
There might have been a serious
runaway, but fur the fact that Mr.
McGill is an experienced horseman,
1 Redistribution Changes.
Another change teas made in
the first redistribution arrange-
ment of Huron, Tuckersmith be.
ing taken from the centre riding
and placed in the south.
ttir. Whitney moved that the
three ridings of Huron County be
respectively known as north,
centre and south, Mr, Bowman
said that there had been a dis-
crepancy of 1000 between the
population of the two ridings and
in future there would be 8000.
Replying to Mr, Whitney, Mr,
Clark (Northumberland)said that
Huron could be so divided as to
avoid the "sacrificed" appearance
of which the Premier had cum-
plained in other constituencies
and which characterized the
three ridings as proposed by the
redistribution bill. The Premier
replied that the Government's
chief labor so tar had been to re-
store the ridings to fair and just
dimensions, If Huron, for in-
stauce,hud not been so carved
and twisted by the Liberals,
neither Mr, Cameron nor Judge
Garrow could ever have found a
seat in the house.
The hill be discussed in the
committee of the whole today.
Mr. \Vhitnev incidentally an-
nounced that the House would
close next Thursday. ,
COUNCIL meeting next Monda3
CrrtzF:Ns are complaining of being
flooded out in their cellars 1111
ONLY 15 days 1111 a holiday. Good
Friday falls on the 17111 of this
Too often the wife's yearafog ca-
pacity is larger than the husband's
earning capacity,
Maar of our subscribers are keep-
ing hard times away front the Ecl1.
tor'a door by renewing for their
'1'110 entrance room in the public
school has been closed for a few
days, owing to the illness of .Miss
Tim Wroxeter Star is no more
for the present at least, the late
proprietor, \V. II. Carr, having de-
cided to leave that village,
A1111URN was visited by death in
three families last week. Ftunerais
were Held 'Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, an unusual occurrence
for that village,
Outs thanks are extended to our
friends In town who hardly miss a
week that they do not drop into our
office and leave some items of news,
\Ve hope it may always continue•
LAST Wednesday's '• e' 1 1
nesdays tedlg(,.P.
R. train did not get to myth till
after eleven o'clock, owing to the
freight train having an accident on
this line at Guelph.
AUCTION sales are being held
nearly every day in this vicinity.
THE STANDARD 15 the best paper to
advertise your date and also have
your bills printed at the office.
HERE is a sample of the spring
poetry from a Belleville paper :—
Tete days are at hand when the poor
men will sing,
We must pay for the bonnets that
bloom in the spring.
Tits base hall club will meet in
the Queen's hotel on Friday even-
ing of this week to re -organize for
the coating season, Those interest-
ed in the Inertly game are requested
to attend, meeting called at eight
LAST Wednesday night somebody
entered N, B. Gerry's stable and
stole all the oats that were In the
barn and let loose the colts, This
petty thieving is getting too bold,
and it is about time the council and
police put the pressure 00 and made
it hot for these light-fingered gentle-
Millinery Opening.
The millinery opening of Pople-
stone & Gardiner on l'riday and
B Saturday was an immense exhibl.
tion of woman's art.
Hiss Porter exceeded her former
millinery openings in quantity of
hilts, excellent taste in decoration
inti the blending of the beautifui
shadings for spring. 'The parlor ex-
hibited the prevailing colorings for
the season, decorated with ribbons,
fancy paper shades and a large bell
Of new (11loriego banging 11'0111111e
centre of the ceiling, also beautiful
Itottse plants, banked at the north
end ct the room, all adding to the
spring-like appearance.
The millinery exhibition eensist-
ed of4u "
trimmed hats and rt huge
num her of I'011d y. 10 wen1' hats, the
more noticeable and fashionable
styles being :
1st—A close fitting white satin
braid hat with the very new high
crown and up -rolling brim, white
pleated tulle rosettes encircle the
crown with loops of white ,10(1 gold
oriental banding and a large whiteplume completed the trimming of
this pretty stylish hat.
2nd—A Copenhagen blue in large
kinked sailor shape trimmed with It
combination of fancy tulle, velvet
and sill: in tones of the color of the
straw, 'Three large roses and
foliage giving the high effect at the
lel't side.
3rd—This hat of fancy tnscan
straw shows the fashionable upward
flare at the left side. Lilacs shading
trout brown to tuseltn and banked at
the front of the crown and the trim.
ming is complete with a fancy sail;
pompon and banking of tan and
blue ribbon.
4th—flat of Copenhagen straw
suggesting the French sailor in
shape, blue velvet and white tulle
folded about crown and banked with
flowers and foliage at left side,
5th—This hat of black fancy
braid illustrates one of the newest
English shapes. It is elaborately
trinnned with black pleated tulle,
large black wings mounted at the
lett side and oriental banding in
blue and gold.
The store department was trim-
med on the north side with white
India linens, Persian and Pearline
lawns, batiste, nainsook, mulls, mer•
eerized batiste, colored lawns, nous -
tins and delaines, with the south
side draped with black and colored
dress goods and fancy silks, In the
centre and sides lace curtains hung
from the ceiling or draped to the
ceiling or draped to the sides,
TRE undersigned is offering for
sale to wind up the late Hannah
Dick Estate, part of Park Lot No, 8,
situate on Queen street in the Vil•
rage of Blyth. The property con-
sists of a quarter of an acre of land,
on which there is a frame house
with a quantity of fruit trees. This
property must be sold. For full
particulars apply to Win. Campbell,
real estate agent, Blyth.
WEs'rLAKE,—The newest means of
earning a livelihood in Paris con-
sists in the imitation of dog barking.
The post is obtainable front the
Revenue Department, which ap-
points men to bark after nightfall
outside house doors. Whenever 1111
answering btu'k is heard within the
house the number is noted and the
following day an inspector c1115 to
see whether the dog hos been as-
sessed or the tax been paid.
Tr1E following from the Marmara
Herald, under the Delors heading,
is of local interest : '"1'he stilt of
the Mining nod Reduction Co. gave
a reception Inst Thursday evening
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J, Calder
and presented them with a beautiful
set of carvers in leather case. Mr.
Calder, who is the electrician at the
mines, has made himself deservedly
popular with all classes, We ex-
tend our heartiest congratulations
and best wishes for tt happy future
to him and his winsome bride."
family should have a curfew which
should positively "ring to•night,''
and every night if needed. These
curfews are inexpensive and can be
hone -made. Take a piece of'siding
two feet long and whittle one end
down to a handle, then take the
child that needs the curfew and
lend hint over a barrel, Now take
the piece of siding in the hand and
use 11 for a clapper, I'ut it on lint.
Divide the strokes even and see that
none amiss. Good for a boy or girl
up to the age of 16, and applications
arc warranted to 0010 the most pro-
nonneed case of street looting that
exists. The music the curfew
makes is finer than singing "Where
is my wandering boy to -night?"
An advertisement in THE STANDAtto
The Altar.
PEI're-TUNNE1 — At the manse,
\Vingham, on March 180, by
Rev. D. Perri°, 31r. Wan. J.
Potts to Miss Ida J. Turney,
both of Blyth.
BOLGER—BRUCE-On March 18th, at
the parsonage, Seaford], by
Rev, D. Rogers, ]lir. Joseph
Bulger, of Morris, to Miss Selena
Bruce, of Grey,
Rale Register.
undersigned will sell farm stock by
public auction, tit P } Lot 38, con,
5, East Wawanosh, at 1 o'clock.
John Williams, Prop„ Wm. A. Cur-
rie, ane.
Saturday, April 4th.—At hard.
ware stand, Blyth, at 1 o'clock p, m,
Horses, rigs, tinware, Minimise,
ete. Sale without reserve as pro-
prietor is leaving town. N. 13.
Gerry, proprietor. Thos. Cando:,
TUESDAY, APRIL 7'rtr.-The Under-
signed will sen by pubiie auction,
farm stock and implements, at Lot
22, Con, 13, Mullett, Sale without
reserve. Little Bros, & Bruce, props.
Thos. Gundry Auc.
Fred Snlahlacomhe is preparing to
ship 35 tons of Dutch sets to \Vinni•
Geek faros, 'waived their new boiler
List week from the R Bell Co., Sea-
l.yih. They expect to pot it ill in a
f+wdr s.
Didn't Agree with Me
Mr, Arthur Tennison, 88 London
Street, Toronto, writes enthusiastically
of the merits of Psychine for all
stomach troubles.
"Por seven years I have lead indiges-
tion au+ddyspepsia. 1 tried scores of
remedies. My room resembled a drug
store with nostrums which I had bought.
Eventually 1 used Psychine, and every
dose brought permanent relief."
All throat, lung and stomach troubles
quickly cured by Psyehlne. It is the
prescription of a great specialist. At
all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T.
A, Slocum, 1,imite&, Torantu.
�Q Friday and Saturday,
? On account of the disagreeable weather and .)
rough roads of last Friday and Saturday preventing
g a great number of the citizens of Blyth and vicinity. •
�� from attending our millinery display, we have de-
cided to leave our parlor open until the end of this �0?
0 week. 0
to{ Miss Porter has added many new hats to our 0
ri/t already large display and we invite, you to again b0,
�� visit her show rooms.
O kV
0 Wall Paper Display °'
�o p p Y 61
0 On Friday and Saturday, on above dates, we trill display a
�I1u'ge assortment of our wall Papers, Bo1•derinas and Ceilings. (01
AIWe wish to draw your attention to this big department with
its 183 designs to select from.,
o �0
o Showing.of Spring Jackets o
0, 0
We purpose placing our Spring Jackets before you on Friday Yin
�0� and Saturday, 3ml and 4th. litre expect these goods will he the
e hest vet shown by us. 'these Jackets rouge in price from 33 00 to •
Lace Curtains New and Prettu o
I Nearly 1300 pairs in prioes from 25e to 30.00 a, pair. ��i'I
' Every lady and gentleman cor-
dially invited on Friday and Satur- ' -
Yours respectfully, ��S.•
0a0,00/0O °OpC>�•.�010/00•
illinery Openings E
Continued °'
April 3rd and 4th, 1908
Try "LIPTON'S" packed only in tins, the flavor Is kept in.
"SALADA" in lead packages.
"JAPAN" tho best 250Tea on the market.
Loose Teas, black and green, mixed to salt the taste.
GIVE us Pkc�►LL —
Potatoes wanted. highest prices paid.
Storo -
Result Advertising
When the wise manufacturer or merchant
wishes to place his vvares before tie public he
generally wishes to advertise in the newspaper
which reaelles the homes in the community.
For the widely read paper, and that which
cove's Blyth and the townships of Hallett, I'iast
Wawanosh and Morris is undoubtedly
The Blyth Standard
The paper which goes direct to the well-to-do
hones, and therefore, reaches the class possess-
ing the greatest purchasing power. It will
effectively, carry your message to an intelligent
discriminating people, who can afford to buy
the best.
Its rates are low enough to enable every
judicious advertiser to make money out of a
prudent investment in its spate.
Advertising rates, sample copies and full
information obtainable at the office.
In job work we guarantee to fill the hill in
first class style, whether it be large or 51111111.