HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-01-05, Page 4rt Whither
passion of
to the sky
11 and our
11 rattling
rte stay In
tho island
nd farther
or the pee•
fit ghat the
ie down the
It and name
cried, "nor
flight that
the bland
the an
swain- Constipation and Siuk Headache.
A Kingston Lady's Experience with
Milburn's Heart and Nerve P1:ls
in Relieving this Distressing Con-
"I have suffered for some years with a
smothering sensation caused by heart
disease. Tho severity of the pains in my
heart caused me mud' euffuring. 1 wits
also very nervous and my whole system
was run down and debilitated.
" }Ieariug that Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Villa were a specifin for thew
troubles, I thought I would try them, and
got a box atMcLeud'a Drug Store. They
afforded the great relief, having toned up
my system and removed the distressing
symptoms from which I suffered. I can
heartily recommend these wonderful pills
to all sufferers from heart trouble.
(Signed) MRS, A. W. 1H14FF,
Kingston, Out.
'LAxA Lima I'll.i,s e.uru 1:iliuusnena,
arge of
et" For
that he
riding a
d killed
nd pro -
dy was
rted off
need at
,ted, and
to disin-
Latter the
and the
red with
Shoes Are Left In the Area, and
Guests Live Dollhouse Fashion.
II is a novel affair, evcu to its• traveled
f rtigner. The entrlu1„• i• usiiaily n I•t-
t'• teen, which is I rii tieally nn extee-i,n
, I i:ie 8110(.1 or 81/1 ualk itnd '101110'd by a
t..0 platform or 181,4,1 fluor. teem 1h1a
rruinrnme the proprietor nr..1 ,base
nL.ut him gie,'t the new gust wi•h pie
f• ;nal bows, their foreheads touching t!.e
11 . �1 'rep,•ntedly There 14 11, showy f
'o high desk, no lordly clerk, fie big
hooka or the gue•ta' autograph only 41
Itttle ble shout 11 Inches high, with on
inknt , suggesting tint here the nc-
connt re made up. lint the guest ul.iy
not y ascend. Nis sheen notal be left
lu tho en. That explains its ahoeshep
appea Ce.
Quit crvnotn promptly a4oiat in the
rorrec of hie understandings, hriug
in sa la or slippers if he 14 unsup-
gao to pled; , preceded by his traveling ef-
t being feels, a led to his apartment. Hr eb
I paid a0 Nerves at the stairs Are without rads
ed farm- and tbrl the fen -title aervnnte make their
that he atrl•p a cent numb as n child would, of
rile erten ten n< •g their hands no well se their
vesttgate feet 1 ra
rn ion "ten room that 1a,
had seep It req .le"ten ton ❑,aro, ea.!) three feet by
1. six f„•' to cover, or rather too form, the
a prao- 1 floor inn mat is made of 11•(41'4 st rn w,
way eve :a with nriinnty mrt1tmg aril fin -
about fished th a firm 1, i ler iteing'loft and
ark. 1 yu'I c ander the foot, it IN compere-
yeyard, ti"!, IaeleaN
grave. '11.'• ' inure' A dainty doll table 12
,a+tonal inehea ,tl, a Lttle Inequer tray with a
half or tiny '•,,p,1 and twn an811 rnp8 and snn-
n Illy feta, ' ' Rom- ,',ahlors find n will aeroll
i+e the . tin' .a NII The agile heating apparntna
14•,1 the Is a 1. , "f Ashes wi'h a nest of rnnls.
Beside •'.e route l,r R tr•nkettln Hot ween
,a fig '.a end 1'1e anow.rorrn raging o,4tselo
of nn there i- -at, a w14:1 of Raah tilled V 11
pin ho trnn•4.••••,t pnt•rr. then a nRrr,w hall
said It war, then a sliding Ranh tilled with
i rregu glees A ....Igor thrust on either of thee.
I icbing, 0111('8 At i sir 810111 mo;l'ri,enf in Oath's
rumors from w.•. ,.t 1„ • k.' What goods All
ghost the ..loo•. err gaper and moil( in R)Idea,
of hie 6.01 1411 ' • R 101-v rite ,tours
ea, had 1:•.e t: • 4.1!,. 1 t„u went 1)10
o little Prrven. • rip v' ;r hands arunit:v, and
ea Rere t1••'.. '. . • rt •u. —mew ite•e ❑Love, he
gies 1 t or A .1 n 11 1 1 1 it i.•' and RAra-
rnarhnn1 ''❑led h, re ,141141 7 AI ding toward
4latlnet you At ' . soared of ihn alnlnig door
the at 1 ni I r, tier •, hila apprinch-
din. knees et I-a't, AA it
t'•. ,.:''. i t,v
10 !hat n” , 1' lard
after the f.,-' n of
pose of v. .1-.fiey�tl,• Crlif '1.
1+�f;,1 u n r r• u 1•.g4.
_'A Rtandlnll ..r 4.18
MISS hath 1'u 101'111 , • ,is yt'nr'a golf
champion, is n gr:ue1,1;1e : to of tic• lilts
('Males A. Dann,
Mrs. Nlaria .\lieu of la :tri, U., w1,i 18
}cera of age, is the "I,I,•.t member of
the \Voinan•, belief t i -p+.
r1rs. Mary Batiks, the widow of Gem
ernl 11auks, has just cslehrntV,] her eight-
ieth birthday ut her home ill 1Culthum,
Miss Ora A. !tont or (Cincinnati spends
her spare time coilectrng buil . and read -
Ing molter to tend to the soldiers iu the
Mrs, Aune I';. It•uuiby, mother of Lieu-
tenant I1ruu,by of the Olympia, was one
of the spectator, at the festivttIe9 in At-
lanta iu honor of her Yin.
Miss Edith !toot. daughter of the sec-
retary of war, 11111kes the tenth young un-
married woman in the enbinet set at
Washington, an unprecedented number.
Lady Edwin Aruuld is n young .1apa-
nese It L10111 tiir Edwin hail educated after
the English fa,hiou and then married.
the fully nlrrre.,0ates}h(`r husband's liter-
ary talents, !11!
Three 1'a I, un w,, ten, dime. (}u•tave
Paruf, Mine. George Osthcimer and Nllnc.
Gustave Ito helot, have offered tt prize of
$211,000 to the inventor of the best device
for life suvieg ut sea.
May Nunez, who as Mrs. William I -o -
ring Spenser i, kunten u, the widow of
the late Putted States Senator Spencer,
from Alubunta, to going on the stage
again, this belle in vaudeville. Before
her marriage the was n member of .\u-
guatin Italy's rumpany.
}inronesa Nathnnicl dr Rothschild has
left numerous bequests to the fnua,'um4
of furls. Awning them are a collection
of tnustrlli tustrurnenta nttd autographs
to the Conservatoire and a collerttun of
wo; I., by early Italian painters to the
Louvre, together teat u picture by
Mrs. \'znngn, tth., is the neither of the
Duchess .,1 Nlato lie,ter, basing spent the
ammno,'r n, l•:nr•pe with l,,t datighteis,
another of whim Lady Li -ter Dave, 14
now •,i flu, eouutry Mrs \zunga
as 1,'• 1., en her ,item for teius, p8s4
the %411,1. i 111011th. ..0 het I/IAntntu,n 1(1
Mrs 1 .rete l'hapmnn ('nit •,f ihook•
lyn, who eels \ti.s ti1i-:1!i 1i ,\ntl
nv, retired u- f11e•nt of the .:I? 1.,11
A4osiution of th, \\'„nolo Snffrlige blu-
rretiea, is it popular ....liege nonlan and
has for it unmle r f y, urs h,o•n n.so-
rfated with 41144 Anthony In ndvnnrilg
the work of the organization
Ile Anita N('11 ,nh Merles, who Is at
the Heid of the Rennin urmc aur<,•, and
is an eie..e.tnnt to Surgeon Genera! Storm
burg. has the rink of a tir'r lir•ntennnt
11 101 14 AWN/ /1 h. Reny shoulder stint,. in
claval•, of her rank 11r M.4 lee has the
WW1. ' of bete the only w••111110 '411
ser 1 11.1c 1 St th s nrmr s,•rvi,'”.
Florin th1.ve he;t on a good variety of
Keep the chickens ..Iron nod the house
Kaffir corn stakes nn cx"„licit fora] for
So loos as n good anxiety of fond ran
be snppltert 111 re is little need of giving
condiments or <t irrini:nfs.
11etas ah•vld be kilted when 3 yearn old.
They IA% Iosa after this, and they rlaturel-
ly her. nie rllr.rn.ed with
11' 40ope ]f prnlleriv rnnnngal, lora ns
many • gge 08 the turkey rind con be rale
ed tr. .nr.irity 8t A1e1)1 nor half the Mat.
Lr . and her rhnff mnke nn Pint-
1—km 1 ••,i her floors ili throwing grain
among ,1 r' 1 fowls are kept hung scratch
11 Is 11.1 neeeasnry tv, thrnah oqt eon
flower seed, a„rghum. Li Mr cert) or
hrnnrn corn Let tho fowls pi - k the needs
from alto hen 10.
Pa,ks urn mesh more easily fed than
chi, keno Nothing aeemA to dlnagren with
them AP long RR it in sound *di ewPP•Q •
not get the
o ty
n• i
It ei
hu•:, ,
of •
tut be
If 1
her da
may h
closed e
the epi.,
(tenni?, 13
and prat
of being 1
n tigatiIIl4'
of 1111i,g
the efll-ary
1'yny Pectoral
Iv. 2;e- of a•
ht the prnpnr
IIF:'1 Al
Mro Miche
maker the et
which re'tled
fid for s month
hit grew worst
hopelena victim
no medicine co,
arl;,',gewle(d 11r
her great deh,_I
from first dna/.
after taking wit
and WAIL , naw
IA RR wilt RR AV
PP of 1111111 lienal
Deng Iltole.
tte gnaranteed