HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-02, Page 4PA(E FoUR•--TI11\; BLYTH STANDARD --APRIL 2ND, t908, JAS.McMUROH1E'tl)L *kWh gitinbito. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER, BANKER. THURSDAY, APR, 0. loos A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS----------__�— __—_-- TR IN,SACTED), I3LYT11, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advmcesmade to farmers ou theta' own notes. No addltiunol security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates \Ve offer every necommodation cuu• sistent with safe and conservative banking principles. QNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loon on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing, to sell will do well to place their property 00 out list; tor sale. Itents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE, We represent the lending Fire and Life Assurance emu patties, and Iroopect• fully soileft your acoount. OFFICE HOU1tS: 10 A.M. 10 It 0.0, Business eArds, A. B, MACDONALD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc, Suc- cesses to G. P. Blau'. Office over Stan - dud Bank, Brussels, Solioltor fur Metro- politan Manic. YIt)UDioo'1', HAYS & Rf,Allt, Bau'istc•rs, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Eto, 011loes—Those formerly ocenpfled W. Makers, Cameron and Holt, Coderirh, \\ , Proudfoot, K.C. ; R. C. Hays, G. 1'. Blair. (). E. LONG, L.D.S„ D,D,S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dantal Surgeons, An honor graduate of 'I'orento University, Office over James Cett's store, Pretoria block, Dinh. .At Auburn every Monday 1) a.m. to 5p.m. W. J. )IILNE, A1.0.0.M. Physiolau and Surgeon, M,D.C,IIt., Uot vel'stly, of Trinity College; 11.1),, queen's University; Fellow of 'Trinity Medici'College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Cor ouer for the County of Huron. thrice, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Iflyth, Blyth Livery AND Sale Stables D DG 99 99 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. 99 90 00 First-class horses and Itlgs for hire at reasonable rates, Best of aeaomtnodatiotl to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs, Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH, VI. S. !3CQTP BRUSSELS, ONT, J. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for St the ulilco of Ink STANDARD, .lilyth, ' People We Know 4? c,r , Airs. N. 11, Gerry and children re- turned front Brussels on Monday. Mrs, V. 51. R'illia of Scar,,it , visited her brother, Air, N. 11 Gerry this week, r Aliss'1'hursa Gerry, of Brussels, is visiting at the home of her brother, Ali, N. 11, Gerry. Albs E. Ross, of Sea forth, was al visitor at the home of Mr. James Sites for a few days. Mrs, Alex, Porterfield, of Ala rot ek, was a visitor tumor the parental roof for a few days last week. Miss 1Vledel'holt,of 551!001100, was visaing her friend Miss Miller, who is the guest of her sister, Airs. C. If. Reese, We are )'lensed to hear that Mrs. J. U, 550(00 is improving as well as 000 be expected with her brokep auras. Air. Jos, Carter is away at Mon- treal placing two of his boiler cleaners in the Chemical Works of that city. Last Friday Mr. and Afrs, W. A, Carter celebrated their silver anni- versary. Tut: S'r,xD,tuo joins with their many friendsin extending congratulations and hoping the)' may live to see their golden wed- ding. Air. N. 0. Gerry y n.rrived home from Fort lVilliltm o:: Monday night and has decided to move to that place when his business is sold out here. lie thinks the town is going to be the place during the coating years, Ati0s Meryl stayed with her uncle's at Fort William till the family moves up. C1100CHH NOTES, Last Sabbath evening Rey, W. H, Hartley, took as his topic "Christ before Pilate," * a. The Bishop of Huron will hold confirmation service in Trinity church, lielgravc, on April 14th, 0 , * Next Sunday morning Rev W. If. Hartley will take for his subject ',Missions' 11 11(1 511 the evening, "Christ before llerect" Rev. W, .J. Booth 11, A.. of Guiles Ox final County, will le the preacher in the Auburn and Smith's 11111 churches on Sunday. *:e At the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper held in the Jackson Metho- dist church on the 221d alt,. twenty persons were receiver) into full con- nections with the church, —0— St, Andrew's Church services on Sabbath next, conducted by the Pastor, "The series on "The Shadow of the Cross" will be con• tinned in the morning', the subject being "The signs ace0anp:ming the death of Christ," The Presbyterians Synod of Hamil- ton and London met in Lorndon this week, Rev. Jolie Johnson, of Paisley, waschnsen Moderator. The Term retiring Moderator Rev, W. AI, SpringTerm opens Ahn'tin, of Exeter, preaching a thoughtful and eloquent sermon, *a,* A reception service will he held i 111 the Methodist church, lily th, next Sunday Morning. All having letters April 1st C Ira f ord,%Ont, A Prized Cough Cure Tho'oughnres is the key -note of 1111+ "I have not been without a bottle of Ipetitutiou. Oar school stands for what, Coltefoote Expectorant in the house for lo highest, lied bosh hr nuslness edneutdon, over nine years. At that time 1 pr0cur- We Its00 three departments— --Coon or ed at for a grad cold I had. It worked OKI, S`iorthaud and 1'olegraphie. Our such wonders than that it has been a fi gduat,oalw,tloou0oeed, It interested household remedy eve' since, and 100ge't owl' free catalogue, will have no other for coughs and colds ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAK, PrineipuJs, --it is so pleasant to take, and all of _ _ my children look for it as 00011 as they got a cold at all, Nearly all of them .11100 been subject to croup, and that's when 1 find Coltsfoote Expectorant nse- ' ful. You are welcome to use this testi- �� %" monist as you wiai." MRS. LEMS NI011., ,,.',...e...,,,, ' Free Sample of Caltsfoote Expectorantti 1 upwards will he sent to any person sending their name and address and naming this paper. It las established a wonderful record as a successful cure for coughs, 00111s, sore throat, croup, whooping cough, brunchin0 1111(1 all irritated con- ditions of the throat and chest. It is the,.pre0cription of a great specialist in medicine. At all good druggists, 211e. Dr, T. A. Slocum, Limited Tofhrito, Bend for Free Sample Tads'. • Lice Drive Setting Hens From Nest And ehlclis Pre left to tile 111 the bale 1. 1 'MO Is All every (Inv oceurret''e that nteil never happen it Empire Poultry Duster is sprinkled In heats her re putting In the eggs, Ext, initiates Iles instantly. "11 •t - ter than anything wc'va tried" say many of the loraest. poultry Mtn:lets, 1etrge pact. age230, For sale at Dr. W. J, Milne's White City Drug Store fnae.nahership are requested to pre- sent then) a' -d those wishing to unite with the (Morelli ore asked to be present. 10 v, '5', S. Bugle, AI. A., 11. 1)., rector of St. Paul's Wing'hnin, has been unanimously elected rector of Chatham. and has been appoieteil to that position by the Bishop of Huron. He is an honor graduate of Termite University, and a gold medalist of 11c(i11. A large at'endance was present tit the Epworth Lengao on 'l'aesda)' evening. Aliso Sarah Bentley gave an excellent paper on '"The wise use of money." A good ccllcction was received in aid of the Forward Movement for Missions. The Lea gue is undertaking to raise one hundred dollars for missions this gear. They will do it. A call has been issued for 1'1111y nitemperance workers front all the municipalities of Huron county to meet in Clinton Thursday, April 16th, Ben: H. Spence, Secretary of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance twill he present, and im- portant 11105tot's are to be dealt with. Every chureh, W. C. T. U. and Tena peeiuiee societies are asked to send reprehentallves '!'here will be single fare on the railroad. 'Auburn. 1)001T1 01" • Allis. JANE CIA ItIC — One of the. Inst of the pioneers of Auburn, Alrs; Jane Cleric, relict of the late Samuel Clark, paused peacefully away on Tuesday (unp- lug u1' last week at the ripe gage of 82 years and h months, hit's, Clark was burn in Yorkshire, England, and was married thole in 1817. with her husband anti lour children she carne to Canada in 1857 and set. tled ua Auburn which was then as small hamlet itt the forest, Here Clark carried on his trade, wagon -making, until withle as few l'ean's of his death eight years ago. Lt all 11 children were hot•u, three 01 them having died, The ,follow- ing are left to mourn the loss of an affectionate another, viz, :—Ales, A. Kerr, Thessalou, Alg'outu ; Mrs. N. Patterson, Michigan ; Mgrs, '1', Turn- bull, Grail Mend ; John, North Dakota; Temple, Dungannon ; Oh - ver, Mrs. 11. Stewart and Airs. 11, A, Roberton, of Auburn. 'Flirty -one grand children awl 21 great grand children also sitrvi\'e the deceased. During the last six yea's deceased lived with her daughter, Alts. Rob erten, and was known and beloved by all iti the community, She was 0 lady of noble character and was of a gentle, kind and sympathetic tut• ture, 'The funeral .on Thursday afternoon 10)10 'largely attended• Service was conducted in St. Alark's 01100011 where the, ' deceased had been a regular.worshipper I'o,, years. The church' Was filled to the door* with l'Cieuds who sympathise with the bereaved. Ilitel•nlOIlt tonic ace in Ball's cemetery, The fol - k ing nettd as pall-bc.u'ers pl lo La tvsur, Joseph Lawson and J. C. Clark, of Auburn, John Clerk and Simnel Gormley, of 'Toronto, nc. phetvs or deceased, and Gorden Turnbull, gra Eidson, Grund Betel. rewell mother, farewell mother, Peaceful be thy silent fest ; Daher sweetly, God knows best, When to call thee house to rest, Spring Show a Success. Despite the rain Auld the bud roads the second annual Spring Show of lilyth Agl. Society was held on '1'uesd11 ' of this week and was a decided) success ns far as entries went, there being 65 against 41 hast year, A number of horses and cattle were 111101!e to go here on account of the Fonds and the wet weather also kept many spectators away. In the Clydesde to elites the com- pet,il.inn was seem and good horses were shown, Robert Alexander, of Forest, was the judge (i' horses and 05ttle, while 'I'. 11. Allison, of Ottawa( Inspector of seeds l'ot' Western Ontario, was judge of the seeds, grain ere., and The Popular Secretary of the two Fairs 'Mr. Frank Metcalf, 15101, who is untiring in his efforts tJ make 1)0111 fairs a decided success, later in the afternoon addressed those who assembled in the Hall, 011 different phases of weeds and seeds. He also answered questions that were asked 11111) by those interested in grain growing. Following are the prize winner's and their pnstoftice _address who reside away from Blyth ; HORSES. Clydesdale stallion, .1. F. Akita/18h Leadbury ; Wells & Murphy, Lon• deshoro, Shire, McConnell & Bell, Perche'oa, F. Duels, Godcrich, Carriage. James 51cGi11 ; IValittee Allen, Londes')oro, Roadster, J. Miller, Carlow ; Jno, Snaith, Goderich, Sweepstakes, .J. 10. AfeTntosh, Heavy draught teatn, J. F. Mc- Intosh, (1. F. Dale, Constance, Road horse, James Helfrun, CATTLE Shorthorn bull, aged, ,John Barr Shorthorn bull, under 2 years, Barr; A. \V, Sloan. Polled Angus brill, aged, William Collinson ; Adam Elliott, Polled Angus, under 2 ,year, A. W. McEwing. Ilarlock ; 11. G. Ale. Gowan, (MAIN, SEEDS, ETC. Spring wheat, John 11. Ellis. Oats, white, A. AV, Sloan ; Dingwall, Oats, black, Wm, Logan ; A. W. Barley, 2 rowed, Harrison Lyon ; John Barr. • Barley, 6 rowed, 3, Dingwall ; A. Mcfwing, Field pens, !'red. Rath ; A, W. Sloan, Timothy seed, Fred Rath. Potatoes, any early variety, E. iinggitt ; ,John Barr. Potatoes, general crop, A, W. Ale - Ewing ; ]s', lla-;gitt, Canadian Pictorial EAS'TEit NUMBER. The Apriul issue of the ever- populnr '00andittn Pleoriul' huts Well stir with pride the heart of a true Canadian. The 'Noted Cana - dial of the Month' 18 the Lieut. - Governor of Manitoba, Sir 1)arlicl Aleililiul, end 0 picture of Ladv AleAlillau is given in the Woman's section. Wince' scenes of varied beauty, 'inducting ice fortatation 011 Lake lluron, the Muskrat's winter hoarse, exquisite views, just taken 151 of Niagara, in winter garb, well represent the season in which Cana. Slt duns delight, while scenes of bud- ding Spring are not wanting. A C011 plc of line pieta res show Ontario's two great IIyclrulte 0ift Locks at ICu•klield gad Teterboro, either o1' withal) 110.9 twice the capacity of the heap reading look at our tiubbing largest work of the kind 011yr+her'e sat. clic le the w orld.. Another picture 65 CENT'S gets THE STANDARD till the end nt' the year for ttll new sub- scribers in Canada. if you want c 1 More New Goods Just received a shipment of the celebrated Barrington HATS FOR MEN Gentlemen, -- Come along with the ladies on opening days and have a look at the new styles in Hats for men. Millinery and Dress Goods Opening Friday and Saturday of this week. Don't miss it. J. A. ANDERSON is 01 ,5)lexatider Graham Bell of tele- This is Hest Time phone Pante, who grew up in Canada L. and ininBra his fir'd. working- tele- phone in Brantford. A remnrkahlr, 1 Spring U oiew, taken 000e11 hundred feet underground, shows a couple of brawny miner's in all Ontario gold twine near Kenora. and the new electric engines en the G. '1', 14, for the St. Clair tunnel will be ot'special interest, besides these, and many other Canadian pictures, there are pictures front across the water, such as a huge English Telegraph Ex- change, the Thames Frozen over, a winsome group of a schoolmistress at 85, and her pupils, etc,, all of there el' interest to Cttttadians, Weddings of the Month, Fashions, Toiict Hints, Care of the baby, Wit Taken, now the blood Is renewed disease germs are destroyed, good summer health Is assured, That peculiar weakness so couunon in the spring, is demoralizing to body and Mind alike, Stupid, absent-minded and dull, you feel the need of a stimulating tonic, '1'o impart quickness and great vital- ity to the entire systetn nothing acts lilts Fdrrozone. In a short time it, nukes you feel fit and lino, 00001110 n feeling of youth and strength thttt'a surprfsfng, Ferrozoue revivesand braces the sick - )d Humor, News in brief, serve tv, ly, because it nurishos end builds up the organs that, are week, Asa a ring complete a delightful number. The tonic, appetizer and blood strengthener it is unequaled, • A well known, resident of Utopia, Ont., Mr, H, II. Pestle, writes: "Prom long experience I am convinced that everyone requires medicine in the spring AA a rule the blood is thin and impure and the whole system is congested with poisons that should be carried off. I use Ferrozoue because it clears tap the system, gives you an appetite and lnek, s you feel well. One winter I had serious pnlpitatiot of the heart, nervous head - Relies, and an extreme tired feeling, Sleep was not restf111 and by spring I was le 11011 shape. I took Rix poxes of Ferroznno and was made the picture of health." Ferrozone makes permanent cures, Absolutely safe because it is purely vegetable end contains no alcohol. Concentrated cure in tablet form,— that's Ferrozoue, con. per box or six boxes for $2.50 at all dealers, 'Canadian Pictorial' is a pleasure to look at, it pleasure to touch. No home should be without it. To Canada or Great Britian a club of three new subscribers at half -rate, Ten cents a copy, one dollar a year, to all parte of tile world, The 'Pictorial' Publishing Coin. puny, 142 St. Peter street, Montreal. Tho Tomb. Wild-JR.—In Morris, on March 26th, Robert Willis, aged 64 years, Asgrrrtt. — In Auburn, on Maroh 31st, Martha, beloved wife of George Asquith aged 71 yea's, --subscribe for THE STANDARD, Ams,FINE FURNITURE_® Oar stook Is complete with the very latest styles and newest ensigns of Eaten - sten Tables, Sideboards, Kitchen Cabinets, Chair., Bedroom Sete, Mattresses, Wire Springs, Etc, CARPETS, RUGS and LINOLEUMS In this department we show a Targe stock of up-te-date porde, AR our goods are all Imported direct from the nulla we are in a position to sell at the vett' lowest price., quality considered. Repairing and Picture Framing promptly attended to, J. H. CHELLEW, BLYTH Are You in Business For Business? If you had an opportunity of addressing t,000 people in a hell with the privilege of delivering an address on your business and the wares you sell, you would be apt to make that address as il,terest• ing as possible, so that your hearers would lister and you profit by it. It is just the same With an advertisement in Two STANDARD. You have the privilege of talking every melt to hundreds of people and if you are selling honest goods and toll the people about them in a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping a benefit. We stand ready and willing at all times to assist our patrons in preparing their advertisements—yes, give them assistance that would cost from $3 to $20 tt a city advertising expert were consult- ed—and do it free of charge. But bear le mind that no man can get 051 00 good an advertisement for your business as you can. You know all rho little details, the goods you bought at a bargain, and all that. Just drop in and have a talk about it. The Standard, BlytrYh, Ont.