HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-01-05, Page 2THE CLINTON NEW ERA linton car 4ra FRIDAY JANUARI 5, 1900. LOCAL NOTICES. New Fruttn -A11 newest fruit we re, specie prices fi Ib.aenrrants, I1.5(•; 8 lb (Jookittg Figs tin. J. W.1j1,W!N Grocer. Pia uo't'unlag • Bend your orders for practical Piano cr Organ tuning and repairing to It. It. INaCall. Cunduvtor C.0. F Band, Clinton Pupils (%anted—.,1lea Maud Gooawin,teach er of innate, is',reparts! to take it limited num bar of pupils In nano or organ. Terme very reaeortablu. Residence. Rat lentnit\St. \A eel Sawa lotto. I)UNA'n ee.—,Mr J. G. Medd's many ft lends of town presented hint with e nicely tilled puree this week, as an i5t• ' pression of their syntpt*thy tlrwards hire in his atlliction, he being confined • to his bed buffering from tubercle of ' the vertibrae. Mr Medd feels grateful to his friends for this manner• -4n which they h.tve expressed their kindness.to h l ln. •13Ci1.01 o; (Wert eriesii. John Mc- jinight, who recen'ly bought a farm • ie Tucker bine h, has given S. S. Cooper a contract fur a new frame heir ; Mr ' Cooper al lo built t he huuoe un 1 he farm lett ly sold by Mr McKnight. We understand that a number of persons c'r,nlenrplate building new residettres, nr impiovmg old ones in town this year. N).'V '1 v. tit's I)4 v. 'fhe W Callao r wits so 101)1 ruy oft :pontis~ tie4 .ye).Y few per -ons carer) o go out nnless.thPS' hail special reasons for s(, ng. tiler) hiog evert was net indulge 10 as }Much 1101 ' gal, I hough everybody was glad to see the snow. Qu 4tae a. few found their way tt, I het ink dAi. Alba' afternoon, Iii those whn p P Omen c,trnfort tetuotnetl 1 i eery as 11111( h 11,1,0,11)1e. Pere rev i',tjii: \VI'\i its. At. the tit rat ford ('.ratter 't>w last -week. the fcleiwine llt>rrhnikes were prize wirt- n>•r... i'. i, 1Ctlli i and Wilson lit•d '•;eaferrh; A. Iltkt•i. lit h+ -els; George tiwellncv, S. Appleby and I ). 'A. r I)rree- ter, 1 !intim; Medd Fitt R. sn W. (7 f' `tier, ('nnsennr•t•; 1' W. ('am 1, ( trde- riCh. ,aver"1 ijoitopook rlu A Tim- ber "'f prtie,+ Ft, also )yen it set rut( Itriie for highelft f7rorfng, 9'O F. 11 A Y ili•IIIN10:11Vluring the past few weeks t%. (ti mo'4+, of K,jp pen. has shipped frthe different, taunt ,lin ,'tis FtPfRt xheirod, over 40 of hay. illi de t ed • for the (ltd 'entry. t))) Monday he cetved egrarl' from the Al,ri 1 h1 rtment, at Ottawa, ask lih to rider fur a flus thy of hue- he Bent. S nrth Afrete •i he wired en eller, > supply 200, more. ER IAN Bt'HINI*s ('tIANub:.—Mr Cleo. Sw I- Iow has disposed of his grocery bi- nes which h(•' has carried en so suc- cessfully for years to F'. 1). Melville, who took pobbebbion on Tuesday, Mr Melville is a young span and comes frons 1f usseldale, Where he was in the +aline business. TFI.EP61oNE Settvi('g. — Another n.etellic switch hoard has been added to the outfit of the telephone office here, which gives this oflies all the lat- est improvements euual to the cities. We underatand•thak the night set vice has been found to he of Kreat adeant- age, and is much appveeua ed by sub• NOTES.—Mise Twitchell, who has been teachiegat Laurier, has been re- engaged for another year. Miss Grace Overhury, of town, was bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss Grace Fulton, Port Statile~, on Dec. 27th. Last week the NEw ERA received from Rev. Y. F. Page, of Healdsburg, Cal., (a former Clintonian,) a box Jet' choice native • flowers, picked irrttis own garden; and sent,foroWard with'the re- mark. "you will no doubt appreciate them at a time when most Canadian flowers are under the snow." The MEW ERA carrier boys wish to thank their patrons for the generous and krnclly evidences of appreciation given tycnbers. ~a• them. Fair Beeps. require about two LIeT OF CONvtc TIONS,—The convtc cars of Manitoba wheat a week, in tions Blade by the Magistrates of the cotm0t'fieacevith the other grain, to Dpfs cAunte foe the c rter ending Dec. 12, ,keep their mill running. E. Dinsley Y ,� nurnbered25. GY t.bese ten were for one of the very oldest residents of the breach of the License Act ; eight for town, has been quite ill recently he assault and battery, and the others suffer a good deal from rheumatism ; r mall ctlencee. Seven Were by Sea- we are sorry to learn that one of his forth magistrates ; eight by -Brussels, eons in'bhteagn, Ed., has also been five by Unrrie, the other five being by seriously ill. Hugh Thomson, writing individual rnavistrates. Of the fines from Moosejaw, ender date of Dec. 25, epos, d, two were $'L1) ones five $lQ ; says :—"We are having a very mild our Sts ; four 82 : and all the rest 81 whiter 80 far here, hardly any snow ; fines. • horses and cattle feeolag out yet," James Mcelacherty thinke that if one ('rltt.rt u.—The tir'st"eurling game of citizen mentioned last week pot a very t he eeaad& was played on t he Rink on handsome Christ mae present, he got a Monday evening, between rink repre• very nice New Year's gift, conferring senting the President and Vice Press- the degree of P. A. nn hien. On Fri - dent, as follow : - day night the thermometer registered i) 3 below whets. The Skating Mink, which'bDened on Thursday, Was fairly well patronized, and will probably he a favorite resort during the winter months. The f uundry, which has beim shut down for a couple of weeks, owing. to a shortage of fuel, which had ItI gone astray, IViewed work ;hitt week. The north gravel road was aft badly ATTI(\'1)1v, V; hoot. Attention of blocked on Saturday, that some trav- paretts of truptl.l in. the primary de eller had to leave his Butter at (•herch• partrnr ut f file [ 11j1C ea fic>I is kind• ill's hli{, anal try II X* �bgrning it was fly cillo; r, to r 1a a ddance of htirie out of sight. l7 ,Boars of the child ler . t; possible, during the town 10 (0)'storehas j,rst sold a new .:urn)c 5)x80(1. Great loos to the upright Bell pI reit to Mrs John Stack - titter trade f good since the whole class am well as to the pupils con- house of Mast Wawanotib. Mr Wiiken cern»•d isinrorred and, if pessibleat all, eager Mi.s'Tavlor will be pleased to see every herr woe present Use a few days now ts to wove into lily }noise on Al - the c `4111 .1gain ds t.f very little value, anti snow I throe who )cannot come regularly are er of Advised to absent themselves until (sves•tl e t>rnl R. 4,Lte {tdjltg to the above frust parents will 'ittat'Lrf,oblige. I anti h9 • T .I n. -k -i,1) Jr 11 .1 t ((7) la. Fair, t)r .yha1- att. Is DI A4,oTaggart,' t nhhnn..ian J )'heweig8, R' Ja,•ksen .k., W 1i 1>,d„ r•>. 4 Porter J 1' Miller N N'at^ 0 F. Fehr. Agn.w. . \1 1' 'pauldn>r( akin skip pgs to Tuesday ; 911 per cwi ie price paid : he is 111s,, •.himerle t le p')int. Mr Jahn Lay; en re i11en, a widower a1l1 wldnw WVu'v Is Tuts TIlI•sl.Y,-- A corres •res ectively, were Inartied in tower pendent sends the following for null-1..{p•week ;'fit is a 8 CI ibte tnrl "11'lication : -On the two r t holidaye, I Rte datde tna5rtage A son of E)1 ('hrielrnas AO tr1[,• w,., hundtwis ' w bereon,h pneumonpleia ; Mr Robersonis ill in nf,people vtsitetit17Ir's, 'tfripag in by l railway. At the Elation there were no Toronto packing ;apples, and has been ' busses oconvey strangers or vi>litors (called home. Mrs VI,ileen, of f,ncknow to the hotels and other parte of the saint of Mrs Beate, of town, (11)11 NPw town, and this course ot action is pile. ' Years morning. every public h'iffIthy. The hotel- -a explaiq tbeat action in cot ()Mitral'•— Notes of a trip In Mich- rN11n��h1r8Pes to fhd Sta.. i tin by Hay- !tan and two Or three other article,, of so nt; that th eareno ocertni sresal men ICI e1/441, ire unavoidably omitted this coming in h 4ldarys. Do the hotels F.d. Moser, a1 Blyth, but 1st* of Morden, and bus Clinton exist may for the ) y man = The fact tarzx _ at the :err: Ea, offloe lilraa moot in The BM Twent A Pro "Ott