HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-12-14, Page 8r A ImpENDING BATTLES0 rttztito;tiwBwFti:EJxotaee :Gen... BitUer Has- Started For the - • 'Front., BattleslExpected 4t. Thola, atter in Natal, aincl, Stytfoutoin in ••• Northern ,dape Opiony— Gloomy Aeports Vivin Ladysmith, •-floirder- , • pest Brea/ot PutNeimage Worn A . .40gpeteb from „Loudon, Friday. eaiseible. utoineut„ a cavalry brigade of earaae•Theannouncements that Gen,. . Beller had gone: te Freda anti that Gen. hfethitele lued eget:mewl eptive come about 4,00Q men, • A TOTAL Or 105,770, A despaten tram London ;aye :--eatr, Mated ' ot" his division intensify. the ti 13.°74,1 Wilhahae. Firianeuti aeore* eagernese with Which the pulate await 01'7 81(4. " War °°.°81 14.th° waraa newe . a the aliPartietly hilpending when 1PaellcfiteattritienacalifabliehereSetulltaht battles at Tugela -river, in Natal, and Africa, the total, Pa 8nYtianteha ia Northern, Cape ColonY, 110514 „pod tiara ooeeritingeitatiga woauctilalabni; 'Little iti alloWed to be. known of the ' . OANADIA.NS FOR THE FRONT, preparaticatis or strength of the two Tit despatch from. Oape Town, eerie. - British forces, 'Opt it is .assumed that ed ebie".7xitenaediVilcoutingenta which arrive inforcements from Cape Town fence der of Le lesdalgliQ4 0 tIlariesataelead" "Gen. Xethueu nap reoeived valuable re - I throu,gh the city beforeat;itingatrrairis the Modder riper fight, possiblY latitude fe?ts (the front. , Their appearance ex- ing the howitaer bettery, which ar. . rived at Cape Town on Tie°, 4. It bo erueor tanliVilfdrt 1 te 4,i, athe,ur B r" ai on t v. e a t Gli t '0 vr a - not ktiown whether Gen. Methuen has at the /dation! advanced, the latest advices from hint ing the Governor, h ° °I 1;'11P°11 8"- c eere ire tnneul- being dated Deo. 6, in which be saYe ta2"15%. that he had itgain aseumed command waTehe recePtion eaco d only. equalled br a td the creeps General Sir Redvera yBuaeart give: lir of hie diairsion. ' The troope in Netal arrival here from England. a° la were reported en Die. 1, to 'be within streets were decorated and .. canon' sleet of the enemy, These d _ense, enthusiastic. crow • ' The ds hned the troops were probebly only British out. Peineipal thoroughfarea. All he o fi posts, inasmuch- as telegrants from iire,soweveerrenoirndividually prestentedf t; who was laeaetily cbeer- Prete 4ndiciate, that the matte camp is still there. The eminent rumpurs also Tattle thifiankldaltlInn Tillie"' ne'lleY of the witlelrawal of part a the Boer .A. hiertY of 39 Can:eliaansA.rnetirained t re a:oven, as the men had not passed forces in Northern Netalemem to liave aome basis, but the stories of -dissene But ingent will 00:tinedica•i talePection. The Canadian act in commit with the e pub. , ak Watch and • seaforte High, ;dons ihnong the enemy. thong liehed on Gen. White's authority, ere -innuern• . - . ' THE WHITE FLAG TRICK. not offioially claimed to be true, and they are t . autlioribies have b- herefOre quite unsubstanti- , The militarY oished a letter groin a well-k.nowli ated. ft is more likely.thet whateirer .eersident of the. Transvaal to 'the eo - part of the invading tomes haa been mender at the , ' la' withdrawn hes beett alletted a new Da this lett r thr Atateinent is made that, prior teethe gendingeof the ulti- 'position. Perhaps the suggestioo that matum to Great eleitain, the Boer theee forces have been sent West .to liadera openly discussed the use of the assist iu opposing Gen. Methaen is not white flag whe,n cornered for the Intr. tar oui. Meanwhile Abe reports from Lady- amith are couched in gloonajer Ian- guage, and everything indicates that the. enemy is striving ta the utraest to make the British position untenable before'aeneral Buller can reaoh the town. Tao Standard's correspondent at • Ladysmith, ha aOeimetoli dated Became bar 2, supports the other' statements concerning the anxiety with which the movement of the relieving force is awaited, and adds 'that 'on November 29, General White considered the advis- ability of Making a ;aortic, but the idea was abandoned, the Boers, as is now• usual being infoinuidenforettand of the Britishelnheintione. " • • The et% Moddiar riiier coreespon- n a despateh, dated Deeember 4, confirms the reports that CoMmandant Delarey's sonevas killed in actien. The' despatch adds that a battery of home artillery and the Twelfth Lanceis were; arriving. Colonel Kekewich, the Brit- ish commander at Kimberley, has in- formed General Methuen by search- light thait the town has torty daYle provisions, 39 ilayieoforage, and plenty of water. • , BOERS SWAIM ON THE HILLS.• The Landon Daily Telegraph has' ree ceived a series of despatohes from Frere camp, bringing the Dew np 'to Wednesday, but all show evidences of the work ot the censor A significant paragraph in one, dated Monday, would seem to indicate that up to that time General Bullerat advance; for tbe. relief of Ladysmith had not begun. The Brinsh ;mem here is increasing in dimension"; daily We expect to see Gemmel Buller in -the course of a day or two. - Repoits, of Wednesday's date, brought by native ,messengers from Ladysmith, state that eightry electric searchlight messages are reiad by Gene erai ViThite's force. They also declare that there is dissension itx the Boer cemps, and that numbers of the enemy are wishtng to abandon the siege. The Boers' supplies am said to be reening shor t. . • A native runner, with Government despatches from Ladysmith arrived at Estcourt on Wednesday. He reported that all winewell. Tbe Boers have mounted Another 150 - pounder on Beater's farm, but the gun does no mere berm than the others. Fewer Boers than formerly are now stationed south of Ladysmith, preaum- ably not more than six tbousand. The enemy are now intent on defending the passage of the Tugela at Coleus°. A recent arrive!. front the Tugele river says that else -Boers are in force along the Drakensberg range at all points from Mont aux Sources to Van Rennin's pass, and that they are also stretched across from the Di•akens- berg range to Colenao et all strategi- cal pients,and turthet east. Apparently not many of the Free Staters have left for the western bor- deretheir intention being to reisist de- teeminedly• the paegage of the Tugela. RINDERPEST BlIZAKS OVA. t: A ilesPatoh trom Beer° Camp, says:, -.A patrol of Thorneyoroft'a Horse, under command of Capt. Mann, on Wednesday met two Eiciera with a , white flag same distance fe•om here. Nothieg can be learned. of the object of their vleit, or the contents of their neassagis, if they brotight one: One of the men looked like a well-to-do far- mer, and the other like a profesaional elerk, They were detained'outside the ramp, They expreseed surprise that the British patrol- was ao far out. Oneof the Boer amps above Colenso ttueved ton Wednesday. The Boers were seen moviiig their impedimenta in wagons. • ;/". Captain kirdwood, of the Eleventh 13ontbay Lanoere, had been appointed brigade -Major by Lord Dundonald. There one .case of horse sickness here, pvery effort will he made to prevent the spread of the disease. MFSSAGE FROM WRITE. A deepatch from the London. Daily Neva from Prete campi eaye:-elt is reported that a meMonger has brought a despatch from General White, at Ladysmith, acknowledging the te- eelpt of seamblight messages, and, re- ,portitig that there are diasensiorie and thottness of suppliers in the Beer eaMp. "General Duller completing all his arrangernente before making &further advance. - "Heavy firing ,at Ladysmitb was heard Tuesday afterboon. It is report- ed that the Boers hatte mounted a paeuelatie "gun ' on timbulwarta hill." MODDBB ItIVKIt MUD ge. Twelve of the British wounded in the fight at Madder riner have, died, Make leg the total easualtlies to date tor battleee• Dead. • 0- 89 leectitided. , . . eft bli Ming. a 41% v• • / 'AN ARTIST CAPTURED. I deetnlielt barn Pretoria says :-A. With long-range 12 -pounders and two along the ridge. tinder aver and rush. - ed the Boer reclaubte at 6.25 a.m., In the feta or a hail of bullets. The Boma beieted e white flag, Otid fired at the 'Britieli under la pxotection before our - rendering. Owing, paielbly, to the exhalation of thew arentunition, the British were unable to follow up the attair, and tweeiect a large Boer lag- er above 800 •yards ahead, eopecialle ati Doer reinforcemeate were eon ay- Proablage and the enemy wait keep - bait a heave' fire from the abetter ot the tbalt During the sortie an armoured train reconnoitred north aud eouth, while a considerable force of Britieh, with field gone and Maxine!), advanced to- ward lapyttontein, holding the Deere In cheek in that direction. Ten guns were engaged gimultane eously, and. vieWed beim the conning tower, an artillery duel seenaed pro, ceeding in every direction except tod wardei Kenilworth, the tnalliacle beingi terrible at 'o'clock. Having no force euffielent to held the position be had stormed, Major Seott-Turner began gradually retiring his men, Ute had. a horee abed under him, and a bullet through:the fleshy poet of his elieeth, der. Severel men had terrible woenda. The British captured 28 of the enemy. There appears to be some doubt as to wbether this was •ithe recommits. sance in which, ticoording. to the an- nouncement of the War Office, Major Soott-Turner was killed, or whs. ther that office met his fate, in RI sub- aequent sortie, ° BULLER ON BOE'lt LOSSES. The War Office has reonved tbe toltowing from Oatmeal ' "Pietermaritzburg, Tueeday.-It very ilifficelt to make eny statement in •regard to tbe eneinees toes. Yoe instance, at Belmont 81 ot their dead ivere aceointed foe. The i,nealy gave fifteen as the number of killed. There is every eimeon to believe that the enemy's loss in the fight at 'Ladysmith, Neve a): wits over 800 killed and wound- ed. Information from a trustworthy Boer source showe that et ifildyara's fight) Nov, 28, the enemy lost thiriy killed and 100 wounded. It is lammed, We to say how far these nembers are correct, but it ie eviaent the 'Mena does not admit a tenth of the losses THE BRIDGES AT COONS ouni OF LADYSMITH. tic THE RAil,WAY BRIDGE, Ole:45* ''‘':4.111:" "7:1"-i" 'F'44r"*:4:464**- 4..4"1.5.471.11041, AA. • *or.. 77A •••••••• THE ROAD BRIDGE. There are two bridges at• Colons°. Oae carries the rairwey line trom Durban to Ladysmith and the other is for foot and waggon traffic. A big, battle almOst certain to be fought here within the liext .few days. • . I , ^ . • „ • . • • I • suffered. Intercepted despatcbes to. tei . even the °Owlet despatchee contain de- Alethuen Eras An Engagement With jeubert, from it commander, show that Litz, eidedly Inaccurate informetIon in tins ,1 . reopeat." SCABED• OUT OP ms -urns.. ,,.. Referring to the acceptance of the . resignation of the United States Con - •14.004••• 4.„:1 • . fa'07:: ttt,bg: cotti" Mwillurad h4r:Wt ts.OF Ulla THE VERY LATEST How AU. THE WORLD OVER. Intereetint HOMO Abotit 430r Own COlentryifireat Britain, titer Welted Btateep AU Ports of the Olebee Condensed lad Aaeorted for Hay Reading. • CANADA, Paris is to have a new aoheol, A Canadian Olen has been formed, at Stratford, Hamilton barbers are agitating tor the license system. ' 4 Woodstock Board of Trade favors ecorporation as a city. mTarxtie,„bsagrgeaaghead.oflatolltrwaariec, ked Scots, Tito new Victoria jubilee bridge ita Montreet lute been opened for traffic, 0.flapz'o., 'William , A. Case, the oldest Pheasithau liamilton, died at the age Tbe reeeiPtie of the first month of eth4e0111000egra, pit line to Dawson reach, The Montreal Harboar Board. ims fare:loilivteieda. upon better grain elevator Manitoba grain will be exhibited at othteoPaaaar.is Expimition in a bin made auThteheLsotnrdiokne:treet railway eMPloYea my they have no intention of calling john litcGrory wee trilled by an etc& GuelPil sliiPPed 10 cars of dressed The Ontario Agricultural College at at a building. • ptroluc srhyooko attvMeexpnerea. 1 :while working A strong feeling has been aroused among the citizens againet elosing tbe Lona= Military eishool. F. D. Clarkson, of Seafortn and Mies Jean Mentgornery of Edmonton were wned at Regina While skating. Anna Kent, superintendent of ' the eeeded Mr. Homer aa Manager of OTe, iPegs. naR.v.Viii:legraph, Montreal, has sten afre, Mary Cavanagh, aged 75 years, was murdered in her house at London, On,t lier son „jot= Is under erred the Boers in His Rear. , the charge. despetch grown Lantlion, Mae:- complaints about' the •Boeis shelling the Town hall, vvedicli is used as a boapital, Commandant Sohalkleuraer 1V/00413 sodi together 12' heepetel attendants, the of the British Consuls who represented Methnee's force, and had destroyed correspondent. says, have been weunde the United. State;a iii Spain last Year, the railroad at Graspan,1 and also eat ed, ena one killed. 1 „t ena particularly to 'that ot tbe heroic the taker -Soh etacond despatch The Daile. News'. Ladysmith corres- Ramadan, whims instrumentality in - ' ouring the Surrender of Sentiattp 'Wes rrhin the same source, however, reliev- pondent, in a deepatch dated Nov. 30, inealculable, and whose death was due ,ed any fears; for it announced thee corroborates the reports of the Boers to his devotion to duty." combeinication had been reopened, tiring on the hospitals, : He adds • 'REFUSES INFORMATXON. Gete Methuen -having gent part or kis that the Towe hallebenot in line with Thi3 'eorrespoedent et . tee London force haide and after an.elfgageenent, anYineportant hamper defensive week. Daily Mail at Cape Town, says tbat d • • ' • b peso of decelving the earitish. sei at pretoree tee wasieneeton, ;Dole The Wee Office oo Friday evening. EOTTEST PIRE.ON RECORD, respondent et the Nen York Tribune gave out a despatch, from Gen Forge - According to the latest aacintrits ef saes onier pleueible explana- tiee-Watker, dated .Caria Tawn, that the battle 'of Modder ;aver, the Boer tion of lifettirtima's acetone is that he d e anxiet announced fire was the liotteet oil record, andwilt ie frightened out of lus into. Hts revelutionize existing theories, It .was effective to to 1,600 yards, but the casualties among the prone troops Were trifling'. It was Mend impolasible to bring the British anununition reserves to the firing line. Many 13oers wear- ing lied Odom badges were ItatuatlY employed in serving out, an*Muni- THOUGHT' IT' IMPREGNA.BLEe A •despatcb. freev•MOddet River, via Orange Rieer, sem-Refugees evbo have eeturxied' here explain that when Commandant Ceanje reaehed Kimber- ley he. Maintained that Madder river cellId be made' a Boer stronghold. :The Geri:inn officers With bim concurred this opinion. Tile Transvaal eon - Weeder eberenpon .foreeti the •Kirefirs to viorkin constructing 'trenches and strengthening. the" other defences; * After tbe reteeat or the Free State Boers, under Commandalit Duple:48in. from Belmont and their junction with the Modder 'river force, Commandant Cronje =primed. hiteself aft being con- fident in. the defences. He declared that if the Boers conld not resist the English Icor tbree weeks he would return home. MAJOR GIft0UARD AT MERE Feom Frere, under date of Wednes- day neon, the London"' Daily Tele-. graph% correspondeei sends* the fol- lowing: ' Major Girouard, Of Quebec, Canada, formerty director „of Egyptian rail- ways, who was in charge ot the lay-: big of the Soudanese railway, and ia Dow direotor of railieioya to Dalian% army. has arrived here, ' 4,"Progreas la being mitde with the temporary bridge. Our trooPs are welt. All living in tents. The cavalry, with guns, proceeded again 'one reconnois- sance toward Colons°, The Boer field guns and Krupps were fired when they were aix. miles from the town. i Their shells burst better, but were practical. harmless. • 'The Boma from Weenen have all croesel the Tugela river, Colima° and Weentati are bow clear of the enemy. We are in telegrapaic comnatmication with Eatcourt." • "The Boers are still at Grobleris Moot hill, and are expeoted to niake a determined stand against the ad- vane,e by Gen. Cheeses force. Heavy fir- ing was•heard on Tuesday in the direc- tion of Ladyemith. Tbis points to the fact that no effort lei being spared to level tbe town before the. arrival of the relief adenine'', CASUALTIES AT LADYSMIatt. • The Loodon Mairs correspon- danesencletbe 'following from Pieter- maritzburg . "The bows train Ladysmith is be- ginning to come in more freely. The latest despatcher. state thee from the beginning of the investment up tle Saturday, November 25th, there were 83 killed and wounded, includieg both military and civilians. The Boers shell the town from. all'aides, Their favourite time for opening ie znidnight. The day following the last enceunter Gait. Zoubert begged niedicinee from the British. We lost one,killed in the attack et .the 14tb, the Boers again loiiing,imaelly. On the 20th the bom- bardment, which had been iziore or less seVere, damaged ante buildings. .‘"A 'locomotive Wee hit by a pro- Jeatiles on the 24th and ran off the line. There Wee no damage clone. A Boer shell in the evening. killed three men of the Ltverpools and emended nine mere, acme dangerously, "On the 25th one of our 'navel guns bre-ache& the epaultatneet of the Boer big gun on Betwana hill, iiahloh thus has been thrice silenced." • • CENSUItES THE ADMIRAL, Bennett Burleigh, of the tendon Daily Telegraph, in a long letter, dated Percourt, Novembei 10th, gam- bits about General Whiteai inaction and the management of the eampaign menyeother respects,* ate paeticu- larly eraphaeiges coniplaint regard- ing the conduct of Admiral Bar- rie, commanding the South Afrioiud fleet, who, he says, "for smite *melt reason has been inVariablk rehlOtititt to afford fatelitlea for the defence ot tel,either -with guns oe num from his shipe, lie ordered tbe officers and Meet of the Tartar, who hadlanded with a teive wins, back te their ship, and It was only upon the dieing request the Governor, Sir Hutchins , and others, that he wag 'tutu to ree ;Mind the Mier. He iff Wanted for not Perinitting Captain SOott, Of the Ter- rible, to quickly poem eta hind a naval 12-poundet end ether guns latin lend tuataras "and oonvey them, with a naval brigade, un couatry for the defence of Ladyrinetth. It notorione that mile tit 'the last mement, on, 00. tober 30, while a &Melee fiction was Pending, did Captain Lettnbton arrive cendect in shale> contrast to that that the Boers. had got in behind Ged. Ebe. Boers; however, claim te e'en- the-Trani/veal Govariment.obstinately in which narteenBertPh were wean refuses to furnieh the American Con- ed, driven the enemy, numbering 1,- titled to restrict the Brinell: to one surat Pretoria with inforination con- 000, oft, and repair the eadroad. bospital at Intombi camp, despitetthe fact that the right ere all ariniea to the British Priewlere• ' is saPPeae4 that tile Boer force Was hairs several: liosnitals is lliiiVereallY "Trahi:gauthorities say that Gen. Bul- ler mint apply to Commandant epee the cetainande aiyhich retreated. on ackixowledged. Manual training will be introanced ea the Brockville scbools about) Feb- ruary fat, and a yotuag o o naan will be in charge. • It is Said to be the intention of the mining of Customs to uniform ex- amining officers on erains and at frontier °bets The' Montreal navigation foe 1899 shows a. decrease in the number of ships, there being 1301, as compered with 868 entered in 1898. Tim Hanailton City Council has adopted recommendations that a third water mein be laid and that the filtering basing be extended. ; Although nothing definite has been done in regard to calling p. session of Parliament, the date spoken of in official circles is February 8. A. reward of. $1,000 is offered by La Banque Nationale far -ehe arrest of the robbers who blew' up • their vault and safe at Montmagnye Que. • For tne fine five months of the ourreet year the caustoro.s revenue bas *pee River, Mac, repreanted by the Yea pm, own, :roonutid went an adiren0e Of 11) POr 111 the LeaclinW htafte, ItIver easouttIon, tbat 'they °°‘ ° Cattigh *16666' "' instead or 6 ant, in wages *ewe beginning on Van= Dec, 11. ali Toronto Do* 12' Ale bveit nor aleaut 28,000 halide wil1 benetat thte , 0-- 0 tun and brit* trade: sit the western :tie:nal revenue °facials, and about er The atamn etere David sa.„ tattle eerde tble morning; about 40 dean, in New York, was raided by earleade came in. Prices were. filen* UN revenue Otanrpo worth from gl had cleared In the neighborhood of nte'Plr"Promngendcaftetroxwitbrt7Qbtainn4P:161114°' to 430 each were seized. • Badeaa .30,000 on the mile of wailed Internal it WaS aola locally for the Christine* revenue stamp& Wasbiogton It was deeided that the pt re? ova; uprolo, ewe 1;th:zits:ad tfcir orw 04147 94:08;at: At 4 aonfereno of Republicans at eligibility of Itepresentative-eleee nob. Peir_rt..tuore or a not be permitted to take the ovrE4 tinapi bavlag done m fy to0Xetruaeo:0410000 buying. Loitde egad etutf geld rom erta of Ptah, who is accused: Cot prac- Sew -name. the Botta elaciuld be investigated, and, ttsing. polYgaMY, itoctiPY a seat in lietoher cattle aid well, the old pending the inveetigation, ho • .,‘,4 3 3-410, to 41-4o per pound, anit Inched 7IA.ftlaelAyanhtai.soberiluEtrprIBialuuRe:prorcali5n10:01,000talrireed, wk'htaatf r:1401.64 tle. Medient to good stuff gold freet aplartic4a4;11; OPrIlirrisP:raUllsd' 0'447 - in Chi-Nau-Fu, China, Arrests of suspected members ot the from 2 5-8 t 3e: pee viand. 0 to 3 1-2e per pottnii, and inferior YOUag Turkey SOcietV °mantle Oa an Snxikers w re steady itt trope 31-2 unpreoedented male, . • Anglo -german agreement has secret tt`i .& ietePouncl, with 811 Paid for 3t is reiterated in Berlin that the ti stwohl. i :hi:1feet teerlinwht taeuern. yirepfellernuoi 33 gmteu ab lax. al tsye ;41:60 orlgto autti taaoTh; eAscir tfaj3raltacveyasi. . rfe rxt aorinfreociddsceth1104:1 x tel kwet 0: rear ezinta° acs 04:40ktra reoer :::e. 45w, rat:111p t4t, enuawai on. 50: ire dt fo oae rat Peered at Tamatave, A. few easea ea`"ee• fortnight, bret °Ale one Eurepean was prise and geld wen, with -ten teapwcirttet occurred at intervals of a week or a Sheep and Lambi were tate attacked. The Austrian Government has asked ea4Saal': ' the Reichsrath ter an .extra credit Lambs ere worth from 314 to ea of 6,900,000 tiering, 2,000,000 of which ia Per pound, * destined for the army and 4,009,000 for Sheep sell At from 8 to 8 1 -to Per the navy. The request for this large . pound. sum for tbe navy excites comment. • Buoks are unchanged. " The Russian Government is peeper- 'W6 bad an Change t`e-dU7 41 the 11'41 ing eonatruotion of a, new railvvay market, -"Singers," iseating from 16° The groject is t r tl th .th to 200 lbs., are selling at 0417 14 per geot oftto.tpeic:oc:we; sot:It:swam not W nted. Follewing Is the range ot „current rg:iilnrOadtri:mis itah:enludtiltio3fo 17urcatPe"th Central Asia by the „shortest route. o ne oommercial centers of Russia with Russia to Turkestan. Tbrough this cwt.; thin hogs sell at' he ; and fat hoga a ess cos y an e great Sibeeian railway itself, wbereas Steppers, per d'art. . .000 $4 15 the natural resources ,of Turkestan Butcher, choice . 3 75 4 W11-2 territory are moaroelee inferior to those Butcher, Med, to gooh.. 300 350 ol Med?" Buteher, inferior.. . 250 275 . Stockers, per cwt.. , 225 3 00 meta. noBalsiCintr,s0FIciell7E4sTeo.10;;RokA:00Ww0At„ 1,0:-.Lshae,eim'pb.s,opeerrSheepoowwtt: 1,733bros. • 43:40025 Decide .per owt. . .* 2 25 250 : • d„ A despatch, from Oshawa says: -The Cows, each, . :2500 • 50 611 destruction bye fire of tiee McLaughlin Calves, eaoh. . nee. Cairiage cempanees works, together e • Hoge. • ee - with a great deal of the contente, Choicehogs, per eautt.,--:-.460 4 37 14 which took. place oa Thursday. inoen, Light hogeeenen. eel." , 0 oo .400 : , the burning of Ithe Robson t Ete,avyihngs, per ewt. . a75 400 Toronto, Dee. 12.-Weeat Weatern valuee • ing, marke the second disastrous fire • here during the past few months. By tplairytpayenmte, nbuwter, eal Otthrs7none winery mio:arteprtsicweesrewreartaheurnbchaettnegar dito:day,but . • he at Millers aria the only buyers.mRed and ,outt ofgreme .tere being :atilt above an export basis.. white. Ontarici is 'quoted to illers at. fire of 1889, when the Ontario Male 64 th 663, according to nearness to the. til f .a deepatph sent under date of to recognize the right, of tte United eiReNG ON THE HOSPITAL- en .1acobsdal after t ba .3 o . Dec. 3i, the corres,pondent says:-"Th.3 hart for Web informations and refuse States to intervene. • .emy has now ceased shelling ehe Towr hall, and has turned his flee o DOING.EPFECTIVE SHOOTING. The despatch frogeLadysmith says:- 15eInden nt Ladrarnith in a deePatsh =Pied by conv'alesoents 'butawnhicli London Morning Posta. oorres- the convent, withal was rec tly oca ' The hottest bombardment ot the elege datee Deo. 2, joins in the persistent now deserted," 8 • • took place last Thursday. The Boers got a new big gun in position on Lom- bard's kop, completcaly commanding the town, and shelled out camp that day and next, planting shells with great accuracy. in the camp of the Gordon Highlanders mad Manchester •reginients,. where there were many narrow escapes, Saterday the enemy resumed -the bombardment, doing some very effective shooting. Several 01 our guns have been shattered. by the big Boer gun. WOUND.ED ARRIVE HOME. .A despatct froln London says: -The first ,batc.h. of wounded soldiers frotri South Africk, numbering 133 men, ar. rived in the Thames on Tuesday on board the British tranaport Seznatrae wiecli left Table bay ebout November 15th. ' CAPE VOLUNTEERS. A despatek from Cape Town says: -General Sir Itedeers cowman -- der of 'the British 'forces in"SOuth,Af- rica who is now at Frete. Natal, is en- cauraging volunteering theoughout Cape Colony. Besides the South African wan a ay , and J3rabant's Dirge, 8E10111300 strong, be ie sick. That would be foolish, as k i such •.. DON'T TELL YOUR TROUBLES.: Mae synt entity fur Mea Who are, Away* "Feeling 'IN, Off Ta -Day." , "If," said a man of matureeyears, "1 was goiltg tie give a word. of advice to a 'young man, one of the things that I should say to him *vela he this: Don't be sick. That is, don't- be an ailing man, not feeling well, and all that sort of.. thinie i Keep year iittle ills to imirself. ' To tell hoeie bad we feel does note as a rule, uevaken sym- . pathy. As a matter of fact -and it"a t t on uch • righeem, too -we dote co t m to a men that wants or expects to bd coddled all.tbe time; we like better the chap made of sterner staff, who dm:ain't worry himself over his little Ma,. nor worry other people about them. is "This does not mean that a man ' t e 11 the Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Nit- it would be for a man to wor u town, and Worcester Volunteers and a man goingetround with a woe -be- to be turned. into an 41.0 musetun. . A. delspatch from Ottawa says :-The Lobe 67o barley, NO• 1 47 14o; 1-2o; and N'o General, the present GoVernineut House ; NO1ITH-WEST BUTTER OUTPUT, I eaPage. Grahamstown, Xing Williams- condition. But nobody likes to see • GOOD YRAR FOE LoIBERmtN. • • needle Yaps, Sullieleni Nen Van Hardly be Oat tined. • A. despatch from Ottawa says e -This, has been a balance year in the his, tory of r.ailway laborers and lumber - Men. Competent authorities estimate that icime-5,e00 men of the above class- es have been shipped atilt of the Otte,. wa, district during the peat autumn month. Wages have been_ 'generally'. high. In the luratet shanties log -make ers, cant -hook raele, ana teamsters bave been getttng as high es $26 par month, saw-yers, top rollers, and road-out- ters or •swampers, are being paid from $20 to 328 per month, Cooks are paid from 330 to 350 per month, according to the faze, of tbe camp and their pro- fessional ability. Foremen are worth front $50 to $60 per, month, andisferks and storekeepers are paid trora 31 to $1.50.Per day. Even at these bigh fig- utarienseamt, ffunent Merl San hardly be oh inereeped $1,481,77a, compared erith the corresponding periodelase year. . is stated that Dr. Petrick of Dun- dee, Scotland, will be offered the Prin.'. o pa ip • g , i peg, in auceession eo the late Principi leable Iron COmpanyes works were laid mill. Goose wheae unchanged at 700, . in hiins,' has each a dire ealetaitY oVere middle freights, end. 69o, north and' taken:Ostiewa. ite the fire of ThursdaY west. Manitoba iteady No, 1 hard, • morning. Now, ' four hundred men g.i.ter en3; and Toronto 'and west,. et who have beea OMPleyed there are 750; aml track, 'Midland or Owen Sound walking the streets. •The fire 'started 7.20. • shop, favoured by a strong westerlY bidovitle 62.70 Asked. Same, bi wood, Flour -Very quiet Straight roller, in the . drying kiln at 3.05 a.m., and wiad, until by 5 o'clock th,e .building for l000Yeris'ootairogosn, tm,ide.dslepefrreibgbhlt.sa, sek20.60d, rapidly worked its way into the wood- id en was a mass llanles andl a great P°r- and §2 90 bid for single car lots • • tion of the made-ule goods were re-' .Millieed--Scarce and steady. Bran is • moved to safety, together with tare The fire barned fiercely when tee quoted ae 410 Toronto; aini taxied al quoted at 312 W $12.50, and shorts at. cinentities of leaeher and other area," 314 to 314.50, west. • • veils in course of ocinstruction Corn -Dull. No, 2 American yellow,e into the niflanimable neatermI me 11:111. 40 1-2. Canadian corn dell at 39 11c, tea pat o ii. id a Pa. eh p. The laSe Coe t k T route • • • seen for. ten miles and the town was rae • ° '1,.) al 'King. . Dominion Goverriment statistichni to Peee-Eirm. fterings rather light. A Montreal man has requested tbe , illuminated as bright ail day. The build - the frog-leg xnarket; • ing is a total wrec4 but large quitn- (Ur ista sold at 57 1-30, north and Ina the progreas Barley -Quite and steadar. Car lots of furnish aim with lnforniation as to , g. . West, and. 58'1-2c east: ' titiee of• litheher r' saved owin to the best method Of 'breeding frogs for favourable d wili 8 • * f al w,;',11 8. Ur - ' No. 2„ middle freights, sold at 39see aed ' . . .. .0 e fire s veral'of the houses neat Twelye Grand Trunk ears, laden were' ignited, but no damagia done. NteitE 1, was quotedatt 41 to, 42o... • - - • , with gininelleft the tritok at Victoria. ' The loss to Messrs;McLaughlin. will ye - 'Quiet. *ed. at .00o, we.st; and junceieti nese Liedsay. aod were an in. the neighborhood of $140,000. 5ixa east' . smashed' to pieces, and the grain Teere was about 0130 000 in stock on .0i:es-Firm and in fair demand: Gaud . strewn over the. ground; hand, and a pereentavee ;,f tele wee local Wellness: doing, as well aa fair et. seved. The easuranoe amounts to be- port trade. White oats. 26c, north and Conductor Cabana, One of tba oldest . tneeen 370,000 and O20,000. • • . - -vvest; 20 1-2c, middle freights; and 27e, .and..best known condtuitors.on the O. P. It., was run over end killed/ tet ... '.1:ee, factory was edit were eieeyfi4 east. These pricea. were paid freel present owners have bui le large ad -1' and west. at 491s. ' • Ottawa eleCtors Will vote 'for the dittoes. ' • • Oatmeal-Rolled*oatra, in bag. to reduce the number of aldermen in coent of tile uncertainty in the market hhi- - ,, ing the term. to two years, half of were on hand, espeoially in. leatherii. ' DEontreal, Dee. 12.-e each. ward from. three to two, extend- very large qiitin,titifis of rave material ' waa little change in to•elay. the Windsor ettion, ai3lentreatr ta Years agoand vvaslinovri as t e Gibb empty eaa,.wheo Butkwbeate-Dult par lost was eing s nte . chair factory, Since that .titne the 'establisbment of a public library and- The flint was very butter, and cm ac- Toronto, 33.35; and to, Wood, 43 those eleeted to retire at the end ' ef Even the temporary euspension i of " 43-„, da,Pethe.‘""es,„.w.aee the year. . • • this raost important. Ind estry. eiiirroul! w."'"e " ik..... It 'is being suggested at Ottawa to seriously, intetrupt trade i town. At an aavance of exchange tbe present Government present nailing can be fie d as rii‘tte trrieej. coarse grain was, quoted, to -da - Fort William; N N l• )1 rounds around Rideau Hall for a per. company's. inteutions. stea y ; No. 1 h tir of Rookliffe Park, and ereet t re. a new home tor the Governor-, - • T At, : • • euo in on est remain dull d Manitoba -wheat at' 65 14, afloat. 2 hard, 21 14ct bel oats ,are etelrl at 30 t 300, in store.; Mani* the Cape Mounted Rifles are notit in gall° OXPreSalatt on hie countenance, air,' Alex. Fraser, the Millionaire statement of the output of the Northe rye, hincle4heat, mi enquiry, nome the field. ,A. large nuntber lot men are offering themselves as recruits. • BOER SUPPLIES SEIZED. • A special despatch from Cape Town announces that the British . gunboat Patridge hos captured the Bridget atemner Mashona, which left New York, November 3, via St. Vincent, la- vember 16, for Pielagoa Bay, laden with flour for the Transvaal. The cargo will be landed at Cape (hoian, and the ship Will be teiciased. OUR TROOPS ARE FIT. Friday's Cape Town eablegrants an- nounce that the Australians vrith who& the Canaditians late Cape Town arrived at Orange river on December 8, and Weiat into camp in the zuidst of a -dust storm. The men are very fit, and are delighted With the prospect of fighting, as tbey were plated on active service immediately on.their are rival, TiIAY BE DMAITED VOIt DAYS. The correspondent of the London Daily New, telegraphing from mod. der river, under date of Deo. 5,says:•-i and the words I'm 'way off to -day on . hie Lips, and if thia le his habit when- ever he ifin't feeling just right, why, he therebY Jest counts himself out of it. ' "There's a large stook of sympathy On handan the world, and it's always plentifully offered where it Is really needed, but tbers's mighty little of it expended on people suffering from ' sniffles. The fact is the world isn't drawn much towara men that are al- ways ailing; bet it just boilers for joy over men who are eit and able. "Morel : Don't make it a point to tell • people how miserable you're feeling to-dAy I" - e PAlICELS FOB ABROAD. soma. 1 • Innmetatit Iteestallon That Sender* On4erv.!. ' A despatch from Ottawa 6081-eV:ea PosteOffice Department WM sent out • diecular the attexition of postmastera to the fact that' Under the parcel poet regulations no wad.' can tr.• *▪ ?:14:Ar." i•-` • • t":„.....; 1,tpliii:tilf,li iti -,-.......,..itt.--___ lif;;I,11; t ,, .0 (#:?1,fifiliteste ‘iik4.:,,;tul•,, 7 ,./:,:t.b.i, , 1 4,„,,, . 7.1 ; - i. I i if t t I. 1 . ''.; -' '''; ' • di" :it a , It if ','• Ac.:44,' AO k lumberman of Ottawa has sold, it is t 11 d b th D inall 50o. • West creameries .con ro e y ei e - said, all hialimits up ihe Coulonge to ine title trece12.-Wheat-No. 1 bard; - Messrs. Gillies Broe. of Braeeide. The - Partment of Agriculture' gives better cash, 65 1-20: No, iNorthetn, lash 04; transfer involves nearly 200 agitate results this yeat than in 1898. In.1897 a -2o; December, 64,1-2c; May, 68 1.4ce 89 1-20; No. 2 Northern, 620; No, miles of the beat pitie beide in tbe there were 16 creameries in opera. Jule". It is reported, that De. Ireland, who total quantity of latater made in 1,89/ :soPr:.1-7;o5.811-2allo.rthern, December, 63 country. se . don, 19 in 1898, and 20 in 1899. The efeaneapolie, Dee, 1.2. --Wheat-In mysterietta disappearance . on the wharvea et Montreal about A year ago Iva° 478•9°3 __bounds last year 484 984 to 631-8c; May, 663-4c; Jelly, 6814o. -"'--•drefeelieteci, has been found in the:West- The gross value of the product in 1897 ec, . nas pounds, and this ess'ar &dem poinleds, On tr.a It:-Ilo. 1 Northern, 84 1-2c; No, i . ern -States, practising medicine ender 1 nem ;365 1-2o; No. 1 Northern, 62 1-2e. Buffalo, Dec. 12. -Spring wheat-. led to the aupposition that wag 485,2d4, laat Year 408,7401 and this Dull; No, 1.Northerni spot, 74 3-8o; No, u the name Of Dr. Gray. year *105,883. 2 Northeen, 717-8c, Winter wheat-, liam at Perlin, in APrii• ' of various nualities and colours. The . $6161.1 -t:7:11::. 2C:31;t:r8a511;117.Nfojt,e8adeYol:n,1:1°' ditor from the ott• of Chicago, ha . Mr. 3. Sampson, an abeeending one. farmets usea to aldose eit it to shop- 1-2e. Oata-iFirm; fair amnandi iito. ! • ,e, benefit of the children ,et the soldrees. ilwind' The Kaieer hail given Xtl5f1 1°1/ '''° cdroauttballearpyroafyits.tetrmndirititahteedeob-yePerpraetKievea 'teepees in trade at a value of Oe per the storekeeper thus reaPing a ei ,n,;ed, ego. etye-Dnie No, g, in :white 28$40; No, awhile, 28a; co, whiles VI -lei No. 2 mired, 261-20; No. been arreated near Limerick. ,--4 paining in South Africa, of whicb re- . store, 58 to 69o; Elout-Steady, . Chicago, Dec. 12.-Irlareeed--tikteied; bt the let Royal Deagoone; now earae sor, Robertsem eepert butter -makers -NortheWest and South-West, moth are plaaed in charge of the creameries. find December, $1.41; lay, SIM. Due . • / • held ; No, 2 red, ale; No. 1 • !The elueGerl 33vitiiiiTADISmv*.tor NoVirthha-Wt liettettitnbtretrtetchewaolsdimegteenitilvt Str°1181Y 2 yellow, old, 86 1-2c; bid; No. 8 yellov3ri glitter:it his Majesty ig Bortoraty 0014 with the result that a uniform Stan- hale to arrive, spot, lied Decerater, onel. " • dard of buitter of &hell' qualitY is Pro' go, SS; ' h L d Fine aial. NOW ye vid ct 11 through the North-West. An T e on on n S e ,e that statemente of an astonishing advance of 101c, per Pound ia madei fore the final etruggle4 It is to be he forivarded to Geed Britain or any PBcene tirae leassibly elates° bee THE PAA.11,DE KRA.AL. charaoter will be: made in the course cash every month -Le 'the 1,100 patrotte VANDS.LIDE IN BENGAL. boped that Mere hard: fighting will be country with whieh closea 'parole are The etoiteeeraal la o monument at of few days in reference to the case of the NorthuWest artanieries, some ot „„rj •••••••.. escbanged otiose d a ulet went:elated by Krugenadorre a small town 22 mile!, of atibez Spencer Balfour, formerly ,a whoa reeelyed Weenie* of $1.50when e from Johannesburg. /t beats the ine scriptiont " To the mentory of those yeare ago wad setitenced to a long partment st month, istelh Children Were Amami the Victim*. abandoned'for ecientifie methods. The Custonte declaration going- -th-a n-aM Member of Parliament, who a feW the itettlin up took plaaca with the de- r"''''en • • Zoete are ,reoraiiting large reinforce - Menai, nevertheless, their grit:am:Milne terley has coniaiderably relaxed." 011BSSAGE Pit04 BOLLER. General Buller sent a message to the War Office on Friday? dated, December etating that Csupt. Cuyser, of the Signal corps, had established hello - graphic tiontinuiticatioe with Lady- smith. This confirms the staternent that GenevaI Buller is at Fare, and of the sender, and the contents, value! wno died in the service of. the Iteletthe tend of IMPrisenineut for fraald and 310St of the nroduet Iiiiii.gcone to 33ri- A dipatoli from Vancouver, B. 0,, Ana weight of the parcel. e This re- ; lic." Thie has reference in the fireit forgery in conneetion with the failure tieh Columbia, but a good ttede is 'be- sayst--,... he ettaraship WarrInao, ftsna gelation appliee only to pateels foe- ' Piece to the Boers who tinder Anarles of the Liberator Permanent Building ing teethed up in loan for Canadian Austealia bringe details of a, great warded under parcel post regulations; • Pretorius defeated Dingaan, the Zulu apd rureatmeot Society, The Govern-. butter in O)10 and two -pound time. Tnis latidslide'in Darjeeling, &unmet Ben - it hait no amitcatinn to packages of ,, king, on the Umhtatoozi, river, De- ment win, probably be naked to review year% mallet was worthabout 20eehts. gal, A group of villages on the nio1M- dise, open to inapection, Circulating in the settlements of the whites, and with per pound at thsereameree nearly one tain side were deetroyed. Fifteen. ,, fourtbeelase matter, general merchade ' eemher 15, 1888, Dinneen had raided the whole position. C d or ddreesed to the 'United only 400 tnounted Boers lavatories went • -UNITED STA.TES. and a half cents Mots than last year's Ungliall thildren in the haulm ot Min - Ana a, a States. . The ob'ect of the department ttt cal:t- ante ahoWs that General White at hit attention to this matter is to pre - Ladysmith `ion reply to his massages, vent the clisappointtnent whiah **lees 1 A Abell case 'picked up near Chieeee when parcela, eapecially Christmas ley, *latish: was fired at our caValry parcels, are detained for want Of cone- •fiom Grad:wet Woof, indicatea that pliance with the formelity mentioned, t enemy% gun poetedi there is a 46- 7 leder The Matey ipatrolitinif a wide range COLTS IN A DRUG- STORE.: of tereitory to the West a ong the Little gm.). Tugela. The Free &Mere have a TOMO non* Amuck au the Street* of litager, holding 4,000. mai; on the elopes leaden. of the Illacirmountains, ten miles west ii. daspateh :fr,Yra London, saya... a Casino, (News la received by natiie rum -tare Shortly after five o'cloeit on Friday every day from, General White; There. afternoon a teani of colts pulling a port add tbat. all was well there, The heavily loaded C.P.11, lorry ran abler* bomanirdreent continuea, het is inef. en. matte" Airco, and &mead toren &dive,. • . A. party' of Beets croersed the, Tugela Dundee street, which waft, crowded fain Coleneo and advanCed toward with afteritooli shoppers. Some one Chieveley, queetioning the Jeanie* re- tried tor stop the runawaye, when they spading the British numbers and swerve/tared plunged arose the side moleemente., :They tetired before( our walk, dragging the waggon after theme Petrel/. . . . They erashed through the• plate -glass dowel of a drug atore, and leaving the %meow* correspondent renew 5.74tich gene at Ladientith..A. Week, a -ea waggon' outside, meant to a standstill Lynch, wbo itrit ed the Peer Mal 4.0) a fort hours, might, and there Is *Tivn ove i a.6, Am, yillupevite4,6 irk the ehele The battiest; had to be on Monday, wititi no doubt Id til mind would, have ite'r- ' "v"' ''''''' ''''ES, Ant'uten• ' :removed and the animal* beaked out of exonen ing g ieepepere, hae been ed thealtation that de.y, and delayed Blinks. Miss Simperly is quite an singly, The driver was shaken lin, to Patorla. effeetually put au end tee the attenapt , Mete. r don't understand. e bat no opt w!ti ea:aunty Infrared. , • inede a or softer, end will be brought the inveetment of Ladysmith, if not oculist, isn't thee A sgvjtmarn yxrisito. On the part of the.11061*." Bh" 41"ai$ 11"n° "61°' MAGNIPIOENT „ The London Daily News Or it is IfIGItTING AT telikt1311111•EY. 1661 6h61 The tatteen of Mani OWtla intended, as won ate the diet artay joinnontoh from London aireezeha STA Moil was e, preeent from her royal be Sitedsd. serious than had been imposed. yott, Billy. a kites bed, of the Mutat iota, and is division is embarked, tct prepere to :Isortib from rchnherley, .ort ervezher . FINA,NibleiL ANGEMIlla. w . thebilize. the aventh, itt case a inlaid 26 stOpearis to have been much more What oold glances Wingins give* 11116b663:1" /6 °lade hi the she" ttovettintot hilt 4601404 to dee. utainoels fon trucitbrrn2luoung ICJ trooreeteetritieht-iin. Weste; ,hes marls te015 ani 1 owe biro use -don/ pay hi' studded with diamonds, vt h3h itte riled that they form their ape A CAVA.LRY BRIGADE. fat& to South AMC*, at the mirth* der 04 Batt...Tare* M eitatti n the biol. A lit Mid 6 date of their thetriate. I to get satisfaction. They encountered a Zulu army of 12,000 men and lifter an, obstinate engagement totaLlY feated tbem, the Zulus leaVing BMW dead on the field, 'When pretating for the rising 1880 every Boer who passed into Kru- d d th t h v.* tad only rettace his' istepe homeward . a free mah. In commemoration ot his oath, ea.* ono took up a stone and threw it on a certain spot. By the time the commandeering wan ended, the pile of states had aesumed coastal propor- tions. It retattined until the obese of the war, when the Boers erected the tinniument, asimaiating it with tbe nietory 'over the British tit htitjuba, and as cOmmemorating the "'Maven- dem* of 1881." The annual holidey of the Republic, when the Etoere revtir the Paarde Kraal to make aPeeebes arid fire guns, is therefore often teemed hy them " lidajoba day," though it la always celebrated Oh " Dingatiree day," the 16th of 1)ecenther‘ INSULTING TIM QUEEN. eves Petite eelect Cepa* et La Contently and oilier Maas. A deapatoh from Paris, aye :-The police, in addition to another eelzure COpleol of LT Caricature eontaining Matter and illustrations ;grossly in - suiting to QUeell Victoria, on Mon- dey night esetleecl copies of a ribald ming entitled "The Dlambaricatiott of tb6 English," amitalning a drawing. ridiculing her Majesty. The sonehas been *zoomed \ zany ahalis lad 'product brought. sionary Finlay of Australia, were s•Zujohe,00Ir Vice -President Hobart left • —ate-- .. Mrs. Finley', the lifieses Soundry, and • -„,, buried alive, Mt. and Mte, Li denten. ed. Statee wait 4nseted toe ed5,000. HORRORS OP RE itLONDIti.E; out the children's bodies. Pour of ._ Mrs. Reed vtorked tour hours digging Viee.President Hobart of the Unit - Two persons were learned to death the. fifteen were' saved. . brae Mine and a number injured in . a fire in heath by Starvation or hree nee View deed eatiVe men, WOMen, Chit - Menton attest, New York, Prune Stich Meehan demi were killed. T - The Samoan tteaty WM eigned at • A despatob from Vim:moulted, says:- Witshingtott on behalf of Great Brit. Rite Germany aud the United Staters The steamer Danube, from Skaguay, * brings news of death by atarvatiod of The ttessian fly hat teed° it* ath 10. ai nerriefot Attacked Mid MANY Eiden pearance in the wheat -of Indiana, add AL C. pain of Beaton, and tWo Freache ` awl Wolintlea. . a failure worm than that of 185)0seeine men. test fall two Amerieanit Pained Tee State Tenet CoMpanY of New nert.hiP With the other three. About esTu"tiradattrettniagt11800L a,itt°ttrtcileekeda itithlatirAgraelertal: York has taken possession of Harper Chrietraita theY began to Make ground can garridoti of 200 at Vigatt, Province it,lt railitoorste' airble°, "b1/611/n° /16°66' Ilettler on Bonita& river. A blizzard came on. e_f_Se,gotioe, . _The Are,e ,lealli lees Was a Day and tbo two Frenchmen became Kama. aita•roanY Iftmlncleu. •After *Orr divine, and editor o the official or- were lost. They wandeted away off and through the mountains, lear- BATTCE WITH FILIPINOS. di. deepateh front Manila, says: - imminent. Lawler and Smithson formed a pot - Rev' IL IL 11°W°11, a n°tea Welail imparated front the othet tWo, and hard fighting the Eilininee *eta 'driven without proviaions and with oat ing 33 dileA. Cogarumciautsb,e0rAlsh church, is dead itt 010thing dttd biardrets, and a single Colerlialee it noW velar:1:411g the gar - Charles D, Hughes, a get-ricsh-quich tent. Atter the storm Lawler and rison. Pora,_are,elatertained, regard- Ai banker, is under arrest at Nevl York. seniteeon followed their footete,pos in Ina the va•ricda ainairbadres of Gen 111 i nada offiee Wall street. There the atioNt. They f0011c1 gleaatige* Young's tree** iti the fates ere temOlainta against hint. Weitten on trees telling 4 mit tale of Abra. Alonzo J. Whiteman, a former State privatien mid suffering, W111 serve a antencte of two years in On the grottnd, hit form waisted to Senator lit the lilitineenta 1,egislature, later their camp was found. There/ are et present no fewee titior MA/IDIAGMABLII ROYALTY. A ew days the Renee, Of POrreetiOn in Chicago a sore &Isidore West the Corpse of one /I Patropenn Ptinceesee belonging to for forgery. of the Ireenolunen, The kettle on the Dr. William IL Brooks, diteotor of enter Move contained e, frozen messof the reigning . Unmet who are ot Smith_ Observatory, has just bon awarded by the Parte Attallemrsoffset, the mon bad. attempted to 111116 for Prince* ere only 47 in number. around bit hollow rilue WAS a buckekin • er • food, Ditly's lad/ was found. &short f ah hi h rag bie age, while the oorrespen rev; ide tholige o SaOW 0944 W ellet "The Gretna Liende' e for his astronontioal discoveries. dietadoe Orel, an securely buokled 138.13 roa BOTH, belt ernatelning $1,000 in gold dut St bb Which, do you think is ot the u iiien1Mttneee of the Beaten Oity Oaten Waited on the Mayer end made d tn t moat importanee--britin or bons end a big prtstodit. against the proposal to "it"b '6 661.61! ° 6 6' • ' found rich diggings. Lawler Will "al" ete f J Mid 1104a0t. Nrauton. This iticlertaen kin" 11°V° i° feyt tin" th't hi* hnnle P61111'""1141' 6 "44411" area nmettment to Britieli seldlete New York. ire, If you are an haven #*°'- Woks. 0**1 ilihhttiegle, and it lie pro. yott at. a htitehtir UMW ett , k