HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-12-14, Page 7rr;v4-ir Acta of Mme. Labori. ave. Madeine Latiori, wife of M. Lithori. tat) world -tongue cetunael to DrItyfue, in a radiaatly beautitul WOMan. The beauty le not of fOrM end feature alone. The radianCe Ot that reflected by one Ot Ile kindest, moat generate bearte A. Double Disobedience • Topes° not to oey it word; the whole t br a green orop plowed under. (KA*"Where are you ;Ding tO be, Antal" onatieeeete.-. ;...eieeelemegootelefa tareght us, thet the land needed he 'OW. There IS neti raaalk ehame 0 • huMile or ettgettible matter and that cateretly litelit'illednig Of of that anywhere but outeofedoorsi I Oh c Fa imegine. Wity,ztot Onne with( me 1 • • th oro We rea ize it now, and tf °therm heir t me. 4101001111041/1elleitelatea 34.341r4D we coact have greatly 1440e -tied our L A OK* A like experience we hope tbey will , Ilaut Kilmeny oboe* her bead. FA.LL PLOWING KILLS WHITE pot fail to tent b it. *dad Peatilteeed Mr. nebedy will /tad me, and. I eau be GRUBS. . QUARTER VII, Daryl,' Lora de Bruynea vo.00 said, "Ali righ ," healaid, rioting to go, "If These rules are good for the or- 2S, 39/ 40, 50460a la the world, She le tall, and Of grace- "As to the granddaughter - Nina olr be444 her'. you like that better, it ie all that I white grub, er grab worm le the otterdist:' let, read; 2nd, observe; itrd, ehe was not to be treMpled on or des- "I know a place," she Paid, "where AN ORCHARDIST'S RULES. . stiteltoteleitra II bye been looking tor atatt Mae quiet owe h. there." What ' I k wn a the CEYLON TEA Lead packages. ful figure. Her hair hae ettlight the Daryl. as he cola bar aow y0% was a alerY gentle voice, with want. If I come over again later In Youeg of the brown May beetle, or itomethin atron About it which are the de , I ,see ractisse• 4th izaprove, D 't I t ot burnished eheeteet, acid went to know anything about her an4 rested leitneny. LI eat down ?mar tar. e ( prat. a c or a r I Ott 1411 a. e, t h Jame bu which °care in such altund• a o d s) • Wthf di g • tecedents, I believe can tell you, She ruuked uP at bbnr and uaw awe in late May and, ;tine, and is not, eases and ineeete, and spray to des- \ end ehe lilted tier eyes elowly and the eutreaty in her eyes. ' He amiled her eV* th4?' cairn) hr"rn dePthu uf Lady Penryth Bad in a. tom contidene looked, at bira, She had been whiten; at her. ali la atom alaggeated• the Young Of the ntreoty aieurve . eeitpipllit tiv•ereeepweas rreeweildi hveut Puu ° n fill 41. ' " " ° Mr°, Ma" ' a ra r for a way of wane. aad for a =earn "Well, I wIll not comet Yon shall °opinion tumble bug. 'Thal° MAY Knots from the eurculio eau bPe hYellt: plexiou eliewe a lihrt ot crimson roeeiC•wideW whe was among the nunaber ef --, ot triumphing over Lady Penryth, She have a quiet time, end Omit not aye bettlea depoait their egge In June, nail' ead by spraying. Spray three tirnee dur- beneath tin oli.ve. Iler t eeth are aa the, eneste gathered at KT, Daryl s hawse aow that both were poosible. anybodt. Good-bye 1" face in pepo•ne is noble and gentio. tale but o 51 Marsh I know are Yo • s . it If, be me ossorning, wtt Boicleaux t„. ouse " w tly about the reote of grase. These ing the agason, float tvith sulphate hit tul even it yOung corn. Her 4 DM -yoqr chair closer, There Eird "What has that woman been say- Pot' t e apt time he kissed her hand, e :a • bet° • huds W a si is no u n everybody hearing the anti" Lord de Bra ite a ked, with. a beton% he lett and when hewaa one, egge hateh in aboat 4 14014t1i, ma the, 01,1,1 IA le oeinviheeetael, tut; y le re. , contained force of nr hilvro. Itibrienyt rus ed awaye te her own oo:it ,voung grubs by •the firet of Isiovember tnixtuin and Ports (creep, and third • Wttb flack thaught, it is arch, diseretion itself, end perfectly safe to "I saw her andahat re. aro e me and In overieh haat pat on her h 1 1 ve round ),,,r. Tee are ebout half an neat in, cing 4 h after bl aeoras fall changeful, fascinating.. A beautiful entrust anything to," . away together front thie place, and I and wrapped a cloak a "Oh I s all eve b h a word aome mureblef. Tell me what she bee minded her that on the morrow oho grown grub, excepting la the totter cd0ot°40:1,0111.:L'ktlter parufnitgrnis18-intYsta_PdroanYi; in a aerarn ef eloatiree W4;411 name; munnurea the widow, eagerly, rather • been aayia s• a you may o oose o e me, Iii- would belong to him, and would have . every.year, and early in oaring "Thin- " One Wonmn'e 'Life" :- surprised to find. her reeutation for „ "Oh, it is no matter 1" cried gilmeny, taken the irrevocable atop of mar- of me. In late autumn they go deep- . It Is a tiny, flannel -wrapped, incon- Vseratlea 1K, uniMPeaQhablf in, L„a17 She bad already forgotten Lady pen.. riage. She hurried out of the bowie er into the grelind. eeneetimee a 100t Ding 151 au excellent method, for pro. . , ft 14 rYth'a svorcls in the certainty that and away to the place she had spoken or even more, and make for them- : dbeing fine fruits. DO not plow an _ use same mixture face and tiger& that. appear centrally i t • It n r teat e o wh t h t t II Missad you, so r knew that ohe wee at touch of his live ore her hand had re- ing all the appearanee pf the fu again, Bordeaux tor tongue, green for aequent figure, ta the fiest. It has an „ k 7 . of course that theire wee more leeignificant none, tioarce worth the : itTalawdlir wears told iu the stalden ape name, and a feeble moixth and pink pearanweee body OVenotknegmrta&ddta alfriltg whir* no mention. Ilat William O'KeY, wh° hud 'waluiliffen2gliatt,rideeda'r ILesduyPPretrtyilY"t111314:1°*1118 elite and fuzzy hair hardly worth the . it father* interest in the insignificant e bundle, 'said the Noe were q,ulteworth Nes YthnatPlisel:itl x9gaitiV,.agth you mean V looking at. Their firat glance wee deep no poruples in assrolcititiuYglirtetettil hgaiVel and brown icut meditative. That weir r that accOunt. Every one la. aewafe ovweipadretirlar you are, and it woutci in Australia two-aud-thirty years ago, ne a person into your There is something ef a family re- company tvGliobxtIvnaga not at least highly semblance to the ineignificant bundle respectable." in Bfargaret (Mel, daughtbr of the thhIrs' Ida4.8h, utteuthag °°l" t° natieu fo;:rita,;(Tatora in the. last speech,. leaned " gentleman farmer " of Port Wil- Lady Penrytb Iiams, near Halifax, Nova Scotia, Mr. went on eagerlY, una and Mrs. O'Key were jiving on a ;e0,000 . "You, with your unexceptionable cir- cle of friends, inetY dot know that there farm and they hail built at 5,90° Ilsvtingcerettinaperon called Warrender, house. They wire the finest folk for I. oe %Sailed Merridale, many miles about. Margaret was so quite olooe toPuase--" " t know Mr. Warrender, mur- happy she sang all day, Perched in ininted Mrs, Marah, puzzled. "That the bough/a of the apple tree she seat io_e. orth eat trala thet set. the passere- "Let e advise you, then, to dropbis eeneething was before her,. more mom- of -a elelenehalY little dell at sOme oelves small earthen cells in whioh old orchard in fall, latices heavily enteue and fateful than. anY deed 'ttf diatance from the house. She believea they pass the winter, coining upward wooled, her life. Her eyes were fixed on Lerd that nobody knew anything ,about its the spring, feeding upon the gnus , ..00,0••••••• de Bruyne's, and the magnetic power orgasmic but herself, and that she roots throughout the entire summer, . BEST BAM'i LOCATION. in his held hers ea by. a kind of fate. would be secure teem intrusion. there, and at the end ot the second, autumn • cinatioo "Witat did ehe say Some- She sat down on a ;nosey swore, out they have reached about two-thirds of An ideal location for a barn is one thing that I want to forget-aomee ot sight, and prepared for Ore first ;their eitimate dimensiona. Their now on about the ea I 1 th me eve QS e thing that was a lie. She did not ti t t 1 t her t at'on • • d nd a i know thet I watt here," • Lord de Drum, laughed scornfully. "She knew that you were bee° well enough 1" he said, and stretched out his hand to take IiiimenY's• "Lad7 Penryth," he added, "hates, you. A girl like You never could tell or have any notioa of what a woman like her would say or do tO stab or ruin you. There is no lie which she would not invent, no cruelty which she would hesitate 'at. The only thing for you is to let me manage, her and every- thleg else. II want you for my wife, Agree to,marry me, and in's, few WO I will take you away from all this. Lady Penryth is afraid of me; she knows ma thoroughly, and,ehowever she may dare to injure Nina Daryl, she er to wondering whet Maneer of bird ea tanoel" cried Lady Penryth• will know better than to say a' worcl raising her voice, "I should not like against Lady de Bruyne. Before a woe hidden high yonder amens the to repeat to ypu, ignorant as everY fortnight le over you will be where I leaves and blossoms. While they were one knoWs you to be or the wickedness can protect you, Say that Yon will etill ' wondering the Moe of a young of the world, the stories, that anre do it,,, . . • d afloat about the life ivhieh that you g ,He knew better than to -speak of girl slowed %along the blossoms, o.n man' li e , • love. Slie wanted escape only, and the laughter of a young girl followed eweu, my brother, accidentally heard he offered her that. As Kilmeny saw them. , that there was some love -affair be- the glitter in his blue eyes add mark - Strange are the illUbtketies of hump tween this , Warrender and bis grand- ed the firm set of his square jew, she d f $ ' ' h - - • ,. t-- daughter, and he determine o co , tir e ecogniaed that, if he c oae to put him - intercourse. A grey day of.disconten . to put an end to it at once. He had Zen between her and the world, it purple day of discord, and life i -0 no fancy for his heiress to follow in would not dare to injure her. He could 'Before she could colleot her facial-. Hee the sound of stets approaching warned her that her Ballade • was to be broken. She drew baok lessly in order more effectually to con- ceal herself, and the next moment was amazed to behold "Lady Penryth mov- ing slowlY thrOugh the brushwood, evidently bent on gaining the house unperceived. She puused from tirne to time and listened, and Kilmeny, with a breatbless choking ex.peota- tiou of something impending, listened too. As the two women, the one hid- den and watching, and the other be- lieving herself alone, waited ddring one of these moments of tension, quick and resolute footsteps came breaking through the undergrowth, and the next moment Lord de Bruyne stood be- side Lady Penryth. .1 To be Continued: . / 0 %si ling, and not zoore Hain 100 feet pacomeeintalleLOWitterBuirntaaona ziathenin .c&lle, : odsialif:itoyfInIvhaisseisottafzi:ree;n7rgouviadweday tfhare spring, and feeding until the latter part oe gay, in tee latittudi ot cegtrestal prenases aroued. the barn are kept Ohio, -iyhen they abandon the free 'from litter, as they 'always roots, Intrrow dowe into' the grotind end again make an eat:thalami! with- : 1%13;1 di ebec.onnvue•rtii4ennethLr ?t0Iiient. pat°steu°Vzie- in whien they transform to the adult field. If ci port of the farm is rough beetle. aim young of the insect is, by nature, a graes feeder, and, therefore, (ntnetd sruoculrayb,ireirtoit ftourialney, icteushseo,odit biota kept in permanent pasture, end the series of Years. The'major portiog ef always more abundant in fields that have remained in gratis for e king 'tilt etied:emnuvaetn 'been ot otnos tithe' ra cifdi o, lad; their injury in dultivated fields se: '13arbiOnOt3thheUr the produce of tbe farm must be ours the first summer immediately fel- drawn here Itir storage. lowing a aeries of gratis crops, There is no practical way of reach.; ' KEEPING WINTER VEGETABLES- . ing these grubs underground, and as ' contra' by topical applicatione is not • ' ' lbeY never get to the serface,' tbeir s h tic recite as °errata paisnips Y beets, &deify, turnips, " winter radish ' bl 0 Heal wa of dealing and horse radish should be stored in . with these pests, and, while diet is boxes or tarrels, the spaces being fill- • not infallible, it seems to prove ef- ed In with dry soil, a thick layer also Dreaded. Diphtheria• consists in the fall plowing of grass realize la the majority of oases. This being placed -ever. the top. These hinds as a preparation for the grain vegetables do not remain long in good condition if exposed to the air, espec- . crop the following year. While early ITS AFTER EFFECTS FREQUENTLY fall plowing is knowa te be often ef- ialiY that of a Poorly ventilated cellar. TheY should be kept as near the freez- SHATTER STRONG NERVES. fectiver it is quite probable that late* f tie • stand mope cold -when packed eartb, ing•-point as possible, being able to fall or winter plowing is naueb. more aehattors did eot know, and perhaps der's life would have driven her to which Warren, . rible web of lies and misrepresentS. "Sr. ti• 3101114u12"111 annered r" Years eal• that after the -grubs have c nstructed ' and the temper p in ature is also ke t ore ne er quite the game again. T a her rnother's footatelis, take her awaY at .once from this hor- _ • , P • steed why she and husband "Par- had not intended to acknowledge the that she could not extricate herself. .' ated, and she and wis, -. ti Mrs. &Key helm ' i not mtite under- ea- girl at once, ha, when ha heerd what if she lima married him, Mr. DarYl. tion which tangled her feet now so - UN Doctor Told Ulm Recovery Wag . Life with Lord de Bruyne would he - n, earnier and "jack of all trades," is Irtthea the ground is broken, the ' 'imp•••••nbie-igazu strong and egainzy ,,. e tteir winter • quarters they are prob- iy too stupid to constr ct others. even by its use. Carrots, turnips, and changes in tomperature, and quickly parsnips .are especially saisceptible to garet were on theie way to Ettir 118-ewas likely to' take Place, he lad a° an tolerable as life anywhere else, and'•what mr Salter McDougall styled grubs within their winter atuartere - . show the effect of too much beat lzy in search of a new happmeas and It . choice. . be had promised to take her away at • • h d d t h 1 t new home. The slim eigure, wrapeed "However, here the worst part of once. That was all that seemed clear in a, steamer rug, looked lonely in the story comes in. This will shock a to her. 1 . i Is isolation on the deck. Margare-t person of your refined feeting, Iknow, "Weir?' beset& and his hold on ber himself when intervievved by the Nowa are either thrown up to the action of immediately_ after being pulled, after , recently. Mt. McDougall resides at continued freezing and thaviing, or, if the which no mribunt of cooking will make Alton, about ten miles from Truro, N. not thrown UP, are exposed to O'Key wan thinking that childhood .has been' made a new man by the use and thus killed by the winter weatber. them tender. . . . ' I Was at the pains to telt her is what hand tightened. eyou will consent 1 I S. and according to hie own statement raore direct effects' of rein and frost, passed too fleetly and that She Woulkestimation. Warrender was held, bill may tell your grandfather and every - else this evening that you will a Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. \Wien A consensus of .all the evidence ob- of love for him, I hear, my. brother marry meand leave them all in a Interviewed by the' News Man, Mr. tained up to date indicates that fall CHAMPION TRAMP.* . . .... gladly have called it back, but the le had no effect on ber,. She -he dying body -'•--,..y,oung lips were eet in a straight . we line? and there was a . world does not know to what extent infatua- fortnight's time ? just say the word McDougall saidz-a"/ am only too glad plowing is the most reliable and'pro, A Paris gymnasium _ instruCtor to give you any information you'rnay fitable method known at present for claims the record for long tramee, resolve in the candid brown cyan lion may' carry her. Only yesterday -that is all that I want." she met her lover, and could not hide He had risen, and .he steed close to want. Anything I can say will not be preventing the ravages of the white - ladinlir de Perlman, the great too good a recommendation for Dr. gIrub, . . • ' hnving walked 57'"° kihmneters' nr seism- pianist, had a favourite pupil her, agitation from etverybody's eyes. her, tall and strong aud resolute. In Vienna. In time he married ber. She had to run•and shun herselr upin his heart Wadi exultation, but he was WIlliants#Pink Pills. lip to the year ,, . --.1 - about 85,000 miles, on ordinary roads. - Among his tri s were Paris't -Rt ey teured America, together. The her' room the moment she came in tO wise enough not to show it,* Kemeny 1888,". continued Mr. MoDOugall, "I , ?T,ICICS ON THE FARM, Peters -burg, in 1138 days, P-aris-Geonev-a-. 'Males said the pianist's wife was al- try to recover her composure." was looking at him with deeperate had Always enjoyed good • bealth. ' , a *great a genius as he. "Shocking:" cried Mrs.. Marsh, who eyes. nerving heroelf for the great de- ducks are to be kept on the farm Venice and Paris -Berlin. He tried to walk tsaladrid,'but was stopped by At that time I had a severe attack It '....,xt superbly, with a finished was rather disappointed not to find cision. of diphtheria, the after effects' of it LS worth Whi I a to have the best. mall bp more satisfactory, .`aetill Years "I told mY brother Chat it -was only ail. You have known me toe short a Pain 'in my' left side, just bele% ;the °refits . e- marvel. eue brilliaucy. the story., Mae as intereating as she "Well?" he repeated, smiling at her, Which left me in a deplorable condi. They cost -but little. more, and the the Spanish authorities when he reached Barceloaa. arti ' 'smooth and had expected. • • "It is net such a great thing after tion. was troubled with a. constant a ha e de. Pach abet' family rese sequent pink Mind in Australia, and the yo ho hid and sang in the ap might what might be expebted from a Person time to be in love with me and .1 do heart, and at times, dizzinees would pekins seem to be the leading variety, 0 RELIANCE CIGAS lance of. her bringing up,' Lady, Penryth not ask anything of that kind from 08 1 we went on. "These 'bourgeois never . you. We shall be just the same as ng know how to comsat their feelings. long as we are here. All that you e And the worst of it is that Lord: de have to do ie to leave your hand in in Nova Scotie, who stare Broyne wap with her. You may have mine, and say, 'I promiee to marry you thoughtfully from the- Atlantic liner, nentarked-yesare so very unselfish as soon/ as everything can' be got and whp knelt 'beside her brOther14 about the attentiops that other Women reedy,' / After tbat make you mind body in the English hotel. • receive that he seemed inclined to easy, and leave atl to me, Who do you It was a terrible revelation to 'ma°, be taken with her, but of course he will sayl" cent, sanny-natured Madame de Posh- never think of marrying her no*. §he Thenaltilmeny spoke the fatal words. 'man. She had not drearaed that the may give up all thought or that." "I will marry yOu," she said. • Russian pianist, her -1.liter-husband, "Bat if she is in love with Mr.*War- "Bravo!" cried Lord de Bruyne, could he untrue. She took her two render she will not care about Lord de laughing. "Now. Miss Daryl, are you babies. in laer arms and cried little. Bruyne," Mrs. Marsh objected. the least bit different from what you Then she went to see Maitre Labori, "Warrender will- not marry •her. were before you spoke those dreadful the brilliant young leader of the Everybody knows that she is dying syllables I All the change is that you French criminal bar. She cried when about him, but he has sufficient cone: may feel safe and leave me to Mall -4 Alie told her story. mon sense to be aware that his piston- age. What do you ovanti to do now? Maitre Labori bimself bowed her out sions to Miss DarY1 are over after you return to the drawing room, of his office. lie would not entruat that what we have heard. And noW she or would you rather not You' are to greeable duty to bis clerk. • cannot get Lord de Bruyne either! do just what you like." • ''Oh, if I could but: get away le Nil- " Madame it shall he done," he *mid. never pretend to virtue, and: I dot not, itre Labori secured the divorce, mind telling you'plainly, Mrs. Marsh, saenY Cried. "if I need not see all those thereafter he married his fair that I think the girl got What, she de- People just now, or (Oyer see Lady Pen- ' served ; but you, I sail ours, are so -rYth again!" • • . t you Will pity ,PCome;" he said;.:Rmiling. "I know do.Every one 0. WRY out without the necessity of re- turning ta the drawing room. • You s womanly • char - ori loved her husband. sweet and kind th onne camerae. his sweet- her, or will say that log spirt lie was her knows Mrs. Mar -her f 11 men' " co : need not meet anybody that 5,ou don t to hear hitenot at I pity alls Daryl? want to. And it- will be no use err- ed -Wart ..•4rNirs. Mar replied, not finding these Pecting to see Lady Penryth in. the morning, for you won't see her. Now, le wait so constant sneers agreeable, "Mahe can- e *jealous ? not control her- feelings sufficiently to do you knovi your way.i Good night." They had reached• the foot of the uld conceal her attaohment for a man such of greet staircase Which Kilmeny had ot there as You describe Mr, Warrender. first ascended in Chris Warrender's ents. course nobody could expect Lord de ians re Laborite, s office. Was 71 t; The Misitreaaid he. a case well if she were ong his books' and his doe -laughingly humoured this whirs • Iiruyne to take any more notice of her company- She had then laug ngly °Ugh, et• cost her many a drive 01%. Where is Miss Daryl just now, Lad; declared that she liked its mystery, have . but she had little known what darke to many an afternoon at the con- Penrytht It etrikes me, that y an evening at the theatre. riot seen her for some time nese and misery that mystery involved. move. Chris, was lost, and she had promised prduki a the flower -covered 'I do not keep a watch on( her he loved him for his loving. •ments, Shall we go back to the draw- to marry the man beside her. . She thrilled to tears in court ing room?' This conservatory is rath- She fled up the stairs without wait - Speech --"our speech." er cool for me, being as old woman• A lug to repiy to his "Good night," and he went away smiling to himself like his nurse and constant coin- person like you, in the first bloom of er the dastardly attempt youth, does not notice it." one well pleased. It was not a smile ife until he wan eble to ap- Airs. Marsh, who had begun to be of cOuld have seen it, but then she was that Kilmeny would have liked if she court 'once more, She would an uncertain age, reddened and roes, not 130 separated from him Mr a mo- glad to escape from the spitefulness of eirt. If her conetant care had availed her -companion, She had found her othing, and Dreyfus' defender had revelatione rather dull, and, though led, she wauld hive died too.. A white she might make some capital out of ace in a coffin, close to Maitre La- Miss Daryl's infataation for air. War- orPs-one tbat belts a faint family render, and Lbrd de Bruyne's cones eisemblance to that Australian baby quent scorn for her, she could( not, on two and thirty years ago -would the whole., render the story highly in - ave been the last of that series of Westing. She 'quitted Lady Pen- aturea in "One Woman's Life," ryth soon as she conveniently could, ' and mingled with the other gUests. She only half believed the stories which GEN. SYMONS' DOGS... Laey Penryth had hinted at in con- • . nection with Mr Warrender and he veguely wondered if she had not been made a fool of bythat wicked ol& wo- man. She came to the conclusion to watt for further light before. apread- tag any whiopers derogatory to Mr: ttaryl's gyanddaughter, her own foot - ink in society being a rather precari- ous oft*, which any false step might destroy. The two ladies had held their conver- sation in the conservatory which open- ed off the drawing room. Their voices it A inuaing Incident in the tag* lait.tt „Anstalt:limn crirresPtindent real:101th ent Of the last Zulu catlIpaign, hal General Symons, theme captain in the and Battalion of the Twenty- fourth, took part. Four conipailles ef o 24th and idith combined were ad- vancing to an attack in skiritnishing or- der. Symens was followed without his knowing it by two favorite dogs of hie, highly bred pointers. Promptly, when the firing began, thole two dogs, tic hitherto been sneaking eare- rutty behind -knowing full well they were not allowed on parades or at hureh-got wildly excited by the fir. g, end bounded oft between the ene- e's position and the adtrancing rinishers. they showed by r actio the eieellent. training eeeived, and worked Mr all ey were worth. But atiast Reinter 'teeing nor scenting any game, nottvith. standoot the perpetital rattle of the Nine they evidently lOst all patiente ,,11 emphasized their diaguet at the proceedings by falling upon one ther and fighting fiercely, until theit filer's yokel recalled them to their ' sense. This homely lecident Anted the whole line in roard tettliter, and made everyone forget %gave were engaged in what, might been a attends undertaking, , as a Matter Of fact, it tun- a plank day after all. - ..400.11111e"'' MS VP "A,I/GHT. Man riespetter azette-ents published , 1800, 15 years after the- K613 of the ,eltoly• The delay was caused 'Woo there beitig tto printer* AMOR the tionviets, who repreesented very brofession• inelttding the legal. ....wederdintad•••••wr ti.fl POUND tv.f. milted ' a, echoer/1 shetpener ha Other ' daY what he thoilght f life. • , 'What did he teplyl litat it Wait One eotitinutit grind.; bitten Arthar illichenatt, who hats wo ded plandlilttaitter the taverner eistatete • gone. fie went straight to Mr. Daryl when he returned to the draw- ing room. , "I want to see you alone," he said in a low voice. Daryl glanced at him and rose. As he did se Lady Penryth grew pale eVen under her rouge. • She was re- markably good at a species of calcula- tion known as "putting two and two together," and she understood what had happened as well as if she had been present at the interview betWeen Lord de Drone and Kilmeny in the conservatory. Everybody heard next morning that Lady Penryth had retttrned home, re- called by urgent business, and ehe ap- peared on the scene no more, But the momentary wonder which that air. etunittance excited Was swallowed up In the surpriae which was created by another announcement -that of the engagement of Miss X/aryl to Lord de Bruyne. The news of her engagement was pulalished far and wide, and watt soon s o eir garments had known ill her old home and to Olivia- soaroely died away when Kiltrieny, le her i'Warr r t Mime 's Pa ecade Ott ny with passion and wounded feeling, rose e wart now in skilful and unscrupit- r •up from a couch'where she had been lous hands, and if any re,monstrance sitting concealed from view, but near or appeal from thoae who loved her enough to bevel heard the whole con- was sent it never reached her. She vereation. Latterly she had bedtime a hal promised her grandfather not to pocir sleeper, and the whole night after write to any one for a month, and she her meeting with Chris ishe had lain kept her word., • Lawyers ea e and wide awake thinking - thinking, until went, drawing up makriage ettlee she felt as if her brain must reel. She ments and making everything s cure. Mr. Daryl, satiefied that he had with- drawe his granddaughter completely frora ler old associates and Wendel, whon he hated With the hatred of a mean nature conecious that It is un- der obligations which can never be dis- charged, destroyed his old will and made a new one constituting Kilmeny his sole heirese. Dressmakeris and the paraphernalia Of a fashionable Wedding were perpetually in evidence, and lKilmeny was in a whirl from morning tilt night. She was never allowed a moment in which to think, .Lord de Bruyne was the only. one who ever saw that she was fatigued, and %slated on her leaving the wed - cling finery behind and going out with hita. They drOve together every day, but that was the only sign of their en- gagement besides the rink which she wore, He Offered fro carcases end, aske•I for none. He talked no lover's talk .to her. Their intereourtie was pleasant end friendly on his side, ab - tient and silent on hero She Often sat awning her engagernetit ring eould never go back to her Old hollatl., • round and round, not hearing a word where eiterythilig woula - he a froth of hie eritliterSat1011; but he made nO wound; she eoutil not remaireWhere ate remark abOut lier inattention. wae, With the continued ohanoe of It teemed to her indeed a* her MeetIng Cibtistopher. 31iimeny her whole life had been crowded into that head down again on the arm of the fortnight, and yet it flew, ,hy with chair, her mind filled with a wild incredible rapidity, She 0101,6 at lOnging tO wane by smite meatus or kW tO tha day befoze the wedding. had hidden herself this evening, when dinner was carer, in the *cool quietude ,among the flowers, and she sat there, her throbbing brow rotting on the arm of the chair, sleep( had etolen over her for a few merciful momenta, Lady Penryth's voice had awakened het, and elm had, kept quiet, in order that her retreat might not be discov- ered. There, as she listened, eVery cruel word had reached. her - evert' pillion syllabi°, in which her secret had been held up to ridicule. in the turnult of her anger and suffering she *OS unable to think notedly, or to remembe g except that elle o inernathing to show all the world that this hateful, shameful ao- cusatiori wee faleti,that she had done with Christopher Warrender, and bad by her own deed broken with him for ever, A.nythirig-anything to eseape from this halm and near neighborhood to hind Anything to drive ebildhoodei and girlhood's memorise from her mind, tortured beyond her istrength1 She cause me to throw up •my hands 'and and they are good for feathers, Winch fall on my back or side. My face, is something that is:seldom taken in - hands and feet would swell and turn' cold. In this condition I °consideration where ducks are kept. coUld not move heeds or feet and had Ducks will produce their proper quota our population iti affected with some Statistics prove that 97 per cent of , canal o. pAc TOR1 Montrotal . Catarrh. '.. to be moved like a child, RV aPpetite di fertile eggs•on solid food, although form of Catarrh, but since Catarrh - 'their natural food is vegetables. They ozone, the new medicated air treat- ment for Catarrh and kindred do not object to a little aninzal _food in the shape of fish, frogs, pollywogs, eases, has been introdnced,* tbis_ per - etc., found where flage Lind similar "ntage has decreased. Catarrhozone all bst left me and I got very little sleep. I was under the care of a doctor, bat got nothing more than occasional. tizraporbr y relief. Finally I got tio Ida that niy friends wrote for my father to come and see me for the last time. Thiaewas in January„.1895. That night the doctor told my friends he could do nothing for me, and he doubted if I would live through -the night. That night I took a severe fit of vomiting, and raised three pieces of matter, tough and leathery in appear- ance, and each about three ironies long. The vomiting almost choked me, and it required two people to hold me in bed, but I felt easier atter•it. I was in this delitorable condition when I was urged by a neighbor to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. It waa a hope- less case but- I 'decided to try ithem., When I told the doctor I was tak- ing the pills he saidlheyi would do rrie no good ; that I would neVer be able to work again, But he wee mistaken for the effect was marvellous. • By March I was able to go outi oft doors, and could walk quite a distance. I continued using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills until bad taken seventeen boxes, and th,ey have made a newt man cif me. My health is 'better than it has been for twenty years; and not- withaanWng the . doctor's predicticni, t am able to stand any amount of hard vikok. I attribute my new man. hood and regained health to Dr• Wil- liams' Pink Pills and gratefully re.. commend them to others in. poor health, THE USE OF Doos IN WAR. Remits of Experiments abtrie by ;Me Ger.. num Army last Summer. The use of dogs in, war dates back to the Greeks and Romans, but the modern idea of training them for spe- cial military servicie was born. in WO in Gerinany, and for the past ten or twelve years each battalion of German jagers has had eight or ten dogs as- signed to it for this training. frhe two or three dogs thus falling to each company are placed under the care of a rion,commiseimild , officer and two men, and each regiment has an officer detailed to superintend their instruc- tion. The dog is to be used for various • , IMPORTANT TO LADIES 1 To make Sure that when you with to color anY arttole, rig. Drew* SON, Ite..413.1%. Carpel. ththelniratiothattorsait,restileallyntnag, thittbuiyo et:6660044F thebelrforatradzioe:d.n twhettyrkwrItt dkinoerwo topea,IlkirhEwool)Teerrm. Hoix.edintria asing equally.* good results, withoua, the nroelleitY of it PreOarate34 bA to 2414k41 theM take the cip,a4/1011 15 aro known as the ONE DIP Diar.s. owl a trial psokso wi e.invInee you that they will do $ 1 we Walla for thew. wadi() *fort nisopmutnouff ?Vali sworn/11AI abgothistelmalloggo ttanbetral. kl,011$ uartntliitoorrirrylioustr tdarollugsrsince, appmarseklbcada dliaretotry:::0,ft ph oeregezrea, Kb pack**, 01,3 for 23 Cents, nor yea trwl them) If not. get paranoia suit int outmost. TORONTO HOME DYE CO,, Tortoni). QueenSV°11‘lotioli:al'aNctIll'eActelotS'of lace is said to he wortn aboUt 0400,000, The! :ofarliulliaecode4e,:tantad:mVtaolisieet aseliw:QooEums,ir2e5:14:°Epulg"etirthi 0 111 has a SPlendid Collection, But thet of , Leo XIII. surpassee them all, being I HOW'S rhIS, Woorer One littruircd Dollars Reward for any ease of ()Omit that cannot be cured by ilitiPs Catarrh Oar". b*. J, Olilt:M EX le Toled0, 0, %re, the lIndereittned. haVe known le. J. Money for the IsaG IS year?. ond boieve him perfectly henorabie in all business transom - ions. and timinciallY able to cam. ouG anY obit? dation msdo by their lirm Was"' tx Whoiesale Orucglats:ToledO. I 0.. W at.oi EC. K1NNAN hOlesate ”rilnagi6i'istiit'etr°rfiebd(1110re. lO cation internally, noir ing directly' upon the blood and 1141COnler PUY- ( Myer of the system, Price, 750. per bottio. tiOld by all drugs tits. Testinwniole freo.' Fathily PRI" are the beet. vegetation grows. The duck, unlike never fails te_ cure Catarrh, Bronchitis, , the hen, has no crop -the duct lead- Asthma and Hay Fever, and la war- ranted to cure the most ohronio cases ing from the throat to the gizzard of these diseases, even after all else is very small ,coinpared to the six% of the bir& This is tbe reason it does has. failed.. It cures by inhalation. No danger, no risk,•pleasant to use. For 'not thrive on hard food alone. There sale at all druggists or direct by mail, is no place for the hard food. to go thDroiluegkhs thahevesoaftfeonoinugshstawagye. of price st.0o. For trial outfit send 10o in stamps to N. 0. Poison & Co., Box drop- 518 Kingston, Ont. . • ping eggs in the water, and following a arream- into neighboring farms, un- IN THE BARNYARD. less they have suitable quarters and. ' attentien, they will give trouble io . Dolly Duck -What is Mr. Cockadood- this way Ducks have many qualities ler crowiag about now? to necommend thent on all farms. Gussie Goose -Ob. that's just an They mature early, end duckling is, a echo of his wife's lay. • • • . very good addition to any repast, ' They are gross feeders, hence their growth is rapid, and if tbe time it takes to get them ready for market is considered, they consume no 'More than other friwls. If ducks are prop- erly managed they get their full growth in four. months. • . TURNIP Wrs AHMANURE, Several yeare ago, having a consid- erable field, of turnips, we topped and triramed theni in the field, and as nights were cold we piled them up and covered them with the tops until ready to put them in the cellar or take them to market, says a writer. When this was done, the tops wiere thrown off the heaps and left there,as we did not care to feed them to milch cows. In the spring what remained unrotted, wore plowed under and the field plante& Wner- ever a heap bad been we could see in the crop the circle around it who're the tops had been thrown, as We picked up the roots, ft was plainly marked by much leirwr growth, more plainly than the spots eametimes seen where a manure heap has stood during the Spring, before it was spread out. We did not know enough then to read the leason it should bave A PARAIiili I; CASE. The Case df II. A. lAtade, the Criminal , Lawyer of' Chicago, Duplicated special &Wes, such as the service of by That ot an Ontario Lady. i•nformation and security or *muting, on marches and reconnoissances and wado's Sight WIN Reafoieril hY mold's -Kidney 1,1116-11ra• Oro. Bisnies• Was in patrols, sentinel duty with ihe'out- _ .... . . . ... ..... _ Nat Only setertsolgrnemmui,disssuKswiwean,yr- Part or a Box 11011b3, AS, mnsseingers on both theft , duties, as carriers of supplies and am- Nib Restorer' Roth *los mnnition On the battlefield, and to sad Heartier. hunt tip the WoUnded after, battle. Sinith'e Palls, Dee 4. -The ease oe It. To test the requite thus far obtained, 'Amine' lawyer of A. Wade, the great o I present excit zig con - a number of dogs belonging to vari- Chicago, is at oils redimente were assembled at Oslo sIderable attention in the United in Prussian Silesia last July for trial. States, Marty of the papers of that There were sixteen dogs in. all, six of country having dev,oted conaderable them undet 2- years old. They wete space to it. A lihnilar Catie ha* occur. tried on the following points: Conduct ,rea_c14, on, o.Lcur own side of the line, in as watch dog, return, from patrol tO teem. •ALIL 6 01. ....rs. George Barnes of this molter, going from master to patrol, following Master by acent alone, and fel: d. edA 'P'Tertaddeerigge etth et hies*Prreert Wt ihm% dhee lying down. The Bret point was test- ed by planing the dog with his 'neater rsits000nd, trmiaalyfootr MotordechrlionaggoOarteRregbaard- at an outpost giving only a limited. been retained in a nuniber of connizt- vitriv and then causing tWO *WA In Donal trials before and has been enemy's uniform., to approach under since, and is one of the best knoWn cover from a point about 400 yards hiwyera in America. Ere contracted distant, The second and third points Kidney MOW and. the uric acid, el - were teated by sending four doge at ways present in the system when the one time. from aft outpost, or patrol. kidneys are deranged, attacked hie to* four different sentinel.% then back eyes and Mr. 'Wade went blind. Ile 1)8 Alt Ceti , Ilarndpaotnrocel, mirneerke and started to take Doddat Kidney Pills aat !ottani ft: a tt ou ph te eponally ore* fOr Tiluitary servicertoid ono len, r boo eged part Of die bOK gradually the kidney trOable dit- to the outpost, or patrol, the latter , appeared and. his sight retUrned. having Meanwhile changed its Pam* Now read Mrs, Banos' letter and see ' how what was almost considered a The vatious points were given values, nalreole by the people nf Chicago has and one Of the dogs reoeive4 90 oue etf been duplicated in Canada. a possible 100. The dogs were tie die. Smith's Falk. ferent bteeds and °rooms, but the nodes medicine co, The average rate of travel of the dOga for over a year with Pantie Wettk- beet were Mlles and shepherd do•ges, Gentleinete-I have been troubled BE Meese/igen Wall *hunt a 1'2 Inilea nese and Urinal Treuble remitting an hour. from nines,. DiSettile. "I have commit. Much intermit la teken in this sub- ject in other armies beside* thit of seemed to make me mottle. At titnas I ed a doctor Who gare Me Medicine that Gerniany, and, when 01166 the best would be deat and shorteighted. .if was b:rim.6 fis..dotetralin6d..1 dotal nattr ha told of Dodd's Kidney Pille and / gofe and am omelette to soy both My le novi unaffeete title if It will be ing °there. , : I rental MDR, other, and to the* to ell the world Lord de Bruyne called in the afternoon a COnalderable nuttiber utilised in the .that ehe was trot trying to force her to taint her for a drive, but fOr the .1111)116u' 10V6 Old it Mali who wee untvorthY of first thaie the deeliried. ......., It. "Not tO-day, pletiee," she Odd, "1 The heitis ISM Of t giagled wIth the Vein of her heart want to be quiet tor it while." Ftlifiel at DR.ndtle la WAN a burning saver against Lady Ile .100ked at her curiously, but he caused by. the bite Psnryth, A wish to show her that did trot wells his request. 1 khekl, affording an liing's Royal 4 to have been 'belt* over the (sellout [nark. rad, and itrange ring and eyesigh_t Ton may publish' h means of taint* Veins, MO., NORGE BA • • 4 pharaok IAA el Perak otersaby,Que. "gw• 0411 mallosystutim • VNANSWERA BLE: investigattirMay I ask, sir, if youo' think it is righe to allow the saloons to run all night long? . Prominent.Poliee Official -Why not; sir I The deys are so shore the saloone. have simply got to have the nights to do business in or they.don't get a fair shake. ;You people give me a pain, WHY Tilbly WEAR THE FEZ. ,From an interpretation of a passage, in tbe Koran Moslems are forbidden to have shades to their eyes, hence the abeence of the peak both from the fez and the' turban. FoR OVER. FIFTY YEARS. auts..wiLNSI.OWS SoOTIIING 51110P has been used by mother, for their children teething, It soothes the child, wine*. the gums, allays pain, cores wind collo. andla the best remedy Wr diarrhoea Mo. a hot. tle, Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and a k for" Mrs, Winslow's Soothing %rim, YOU )1110W. THIS *IND. Whitt is foroed mertrimealt It's the kind a timid man gets .off when his wife gives a dinner. Agents -- MEN OR WOMEN Ali Mutts of moods make 3 .to drillers daily. Latest improved Cooker, glass Water tuage, oornpartments lutek• changeable, Decided advantages over Ime_eater °dirket. manufactured AVTOMATIO EiTEem 000RBR 00. WO College street, roma°, NVOODS. PHOTO.IENGRAV6lG , J.- L.J.014ES ENG.C2 • "Z.:840 ADELAIDE SIIV TORONTO: BALDNESS CURED. ROSE'S 41 Nair Grower positively and per. manently cures Baldness, flair Out, Dandruff', we., and readers the halr soft, glossy and beautiful, Testimonials from leading Toren. to gentlemen. Prim, $1.00 per bottle , ROSE & CO., RomalosHas Aro. Toroato, ^ Cereal Cloffeelrealth Drink: Pure,Wholesome, Neur1116- Ing, Ilio ib., or Ilbs.forS50, Rim* is squid to 40o coffee. sir ror Bale la all Grooers;or send 100 for tdb, package . Q. • Agents wanted in every looallW• • Michigan Land for Salk • 2 000 AORES 00011 FARMING LANOS-ARIMAC a., Tosco, Ogemaw and Crawford Counties. atio per. feat. On,d1ichigan Central, Detroit A Ilaokinao and Loon Lake Railroads, at prices ranging from 32 to 65 wain°. These Lamb' are Ciese to Enterprising New Towne churches, Schools, eta, and will be sold on oat . reasonable term. Alloy to . 'IL 11. PIERCE, Agent, West Bay Rick Or J.W. CURTIS, Whittemore, Mob. Manufacturers * Coming to Toronto WILL FIND V EAT' DESlit ABLE W c wog FIATS, Steam Heated, Steam Power, Elevator and: all •00ntrenien008. CALVERT'S , Carbone 01•Infentiants, 00a110, °Int latent, Tooth Powders, *Oa, have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellenoe. Their regular use prevent infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application: • Fp C. CALVERT & CO., Wenonerrea. . . ENGLAND. • To send toe our OF DISCOUNT. We complete SHEET MUSIC CATALOGUE and SFSCIAL RATE Teachers wouitatii- WhaleVRoyce TRUTH BCH DINO, 73 Adelaide St. West, rotiosr0. 180 ar vaa z to sOt dl - Windmills and Towers.' A„0 itseOral !Fel I intad frt. iron end Wood trumps, mes mummies. Mind fer Nsw Catalogue. OOLD HAPLEY &MUIR Oo BRANTFORD CAN.. ; Ideation this papa. !Meatiest ono east °altering thoRerid. MICAMPEIIITER •COVeriligl • " Steam and Hot and owe ervefeekteete.!totaiih anted a"' Yangs1114,..' • _ TOt0071. ONT. • • Pipes,;141Olten lers, in. • For eameaute awe W. • . • MICA BOILER COVERING 'CO., LImItMr-' ' Toronto, Montreal, and London, .Eng. D minion Line MAIL Portland. Me., to Liverpool, cant EaAtPatiSaltiti: • westbound. Large- and fast -Stearriers Van. canoe!, • Dominion, Cambroman. Mates of passage :-First Cabin.$50 upwards; Second eferin'hath835;ertnneinforargmes. tronlnapnpnlydt.230 t00% ageats, or DAVID TORRANCE & CO., General Agents, 17 fit. fisoraraeutSt. ldontreal. dy.b New impart*? lour finest • 'Sausage awns" --rngli '41 1 at • . weir ant POO .1.1 Irt.4 01.411fp:! • l••••• I: Oil, rod.a ritlit {irreg.. • • • . PAW., BLAcIr v.h.t.i, a co., D,ro.do; ...._.—. posses SENst KILLS 2200thes, Heil - V 'Ilitlia, Ruts and mite. Sold by ail Druggists, or del ClItoon W. Toronto. cabin oecLoomontra 0.10o,.. Cu4greenlitZ 14a olulfItrYe4.• IT: • Bro• • THE DEB 1001,1711 INOUBA, 70114--10011;:tetannsdar; at:arra:4s.: stamp for catalogue. 373 St. Paul Street, Montreal 0. Rolland, sole agent for the Dominion. Send Set. Catholic Prayer pm.. Pletures, Statuary, and there Ornament414 ucatiooal Works: Mail orders receive prompt attem iffn• BA+ Wink& 0:. MnOent/W.a/ntiv: Catarrh, of nose . mna reit IN ma 111$ throat. stomacit and bladder. 500 a til a box. Write for parelottledi, The Istdian Catarrh Cure Co.,1111 St. JsariiireA, Allontreal. LAvv KM% Milo A Halos • Barriatera,eto., remover) to Wealoz_131026., Mob - woad M. W.. Toronto. 11.0 . 'O'KEEFE'S .11TINF MALT Invigorate" and Strengthens. LLOYD WOOD, Toronto, GENERAL AGENT. • AN IMPORTANT DISTINCTION, lost my purse' this afternoon. Gracious, Jena, were you going shopping or coming back? , • , WE COVER Hot ale hot water and ate tm pipe& furnaces, boilers and tanks, to keep in heat and save fuel. Eureka MineratWool and Asbestos Co, Toronto. ; DRASTIC MEASURES. Hoag -Row dtd you finally get rid of those undestrabie neighbors? &sex -Well, first hung a scarlet fever sign on the door, and, When that didn't have any effect I began taking lessons on the trombone. CALLA - LILT CREAM • ensures youthhd complexion. Smits rents for irie bbttle, or pod dud for circular On skin *ad C011ipleXien Addrest Ulu/PRAM 489 Queen St. W,,Toronte. Her Mother -Don't you find Tack Wheeler rather rough, Priscillat Pris- cilla -Yes, Mamma, And yet he says he shaves every day. ...mooed • 'Ts cults A coin tv sem nAV Take lAxatire Brom Quinine Tablets. Ail dentate* refund the money If 111 fails 10 cure. Me. 14 W. (ROM's sigoature is on each box. • StlIC/DE OP CHILDREN - Among the - curiositie,s of Prussian, atatisties is the fact that in a decade 1 413 school .childeen, under 15 year& of age, committed -suicide, MONTNIAL 116111. 01/114770itt The 00 Balmoral," Fres But teatt Hotel carat:tiff, Etiropearr Plan, Merlins yawl trent $t/ A day up. Opp. 5,41!;/±_ation, Mont reed..Geo. carslabra Co., Prop's. —lit Men II e Menne. AVENUE NO -"Family &Re? mkt $140 JAMES' HOTEL.« it e G.T.R. Depot, two bleak* from O. P. Railway. FirlaseWrinerciat House. Modem's*. provementasim mate. SOME or VOA rospEcts. Daere-Whieky is usually Meantired by the pint. Golightly-Ves and the freebie it gate you in, by 'the peck. WANTED- Men to travel, salary or connaluimal expert. enca unnecessary. Writ" LUKE BROS. 00., Mookeal. WANTED -Salesmen "Arhorbm" pmtecti:triirt 'trees !roar all pests; Wm weak. altUORINE CO., MontreaL H A RR IS 21w11.3"11 111'4224.663°. LEAD, COPPER. BRASS. Wholesale 0111A Long Distance Telipham1790. . WILLIAM *To TORONTO. • • POULTRY% BUTTER EGGS APPLES and other PRODUCE, to ensure beg resulta ocunisil The Dawson Commission Coq_ Limited, osr.vetat-msriut a Colborne St., Toronto, 20E011 Cutting 80h0011 otters special advautages to all d *ow of acquiring a thorough knowledge of Ca** and Fitting Gentlemen's Garment'. Writo for penman. • %EV St• Toronto. Dyeing 1 * Cleaning 1 F.or the very bso tend ',outwork ts Ms "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING co? Look for *gent in your town, or fond direct. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec R 0.0 F 1 N.0 11110:gt481511trttt Red or Omen, . SLATE BLAOKBOARDS (wen suppnly Public, and Illgh Schoold,Toronto). Roofing Felt, Pitch, Cloal Tar, ato. ROOFING TILE (See New City Build, inga, Toronto, done by onr Ann). Metal Ceilings, Ono Waikato. Estimates furnisher/ for work complete or for inawrials 'hipped to any part of the country. Phone 1901 (1. if USIA& IONS, Ada laid' &Widmer $ts.,Toronto TUBULAR SKATES pi•Zw. Guaranteed Cast Steei. Ipes4 For The Strongest, Lightest arid Vastest Skate in the world. Made in all lengths, Price, ommrete with BOW, Sem Order from rue. e 170 lay EL, Termite. Mlohlgan Land for' Sala; 000 sense 0000 FAIMIHO LANDI-ARENAO ioeoo, Ogemaw and CrawfortiCounfies, TRW per. feat. On Mithigan Central, 'Detroit. 14 Mackinac sod Loon Lake Rallrosabi, at prices ranging from $2 to 35 per aore. These Lands are Close to Enterprising New Towne Churches, Schools, etc., and will he sold on ost reasonable terms. Apply to - R. PIERCEAsent, West Bay City, Etch. Or J.W. •TIfi, Whittemore. 1.1101). Mechanics Wanted, Owing tO cniatsing works. Emeinveter • ENtittle fattens, accustomed to close Work On marine auld automatic, moulders, handy trollertnert. Britntford it a live. bright WY of elakLer n thoUsand: • wateratorkr, electric railway, gas and 'electric lightlna. Rent& loW, living i,hettp. WATEROUS, Brantford, Canada. Wif TEM WINDING WATCH, . (Leety's or Morel, SOLID OOLD ittNO, en AirrOnAltr, ACCORDS. ONot VIOLIN or GUITAR, rot senior 9 boxes of Dr, Priglisma saparilla Blood Pills at _Per box. DON'T BEND MO EY, simply rend your name and ad. drew' and we will send you the imPililwiejm;:sleal ni."6111IIIVaiictin Idd,rostrIttulh °Captor Ornaltualmosuyeen. Sell them mit remit us the payment sole*. Three Pills oure impure bloOd, tig:it)it !tin d images, an d_el 1 Mornaolt Dn°111141811742141.1,814164 Street, Tenn% dint• not sold, Write * .1 THE litOST NUTRITIOUS. GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. BRItAgrAST—StIPI*R. v /Iteler.-•-•iategeallet, ' •• • ''Onietexaamitra Sofia Sterlitte Silvotr Solid Go14 gewtne Bracelet,Lackies'uoi. tends nod clang; ,Missessize% Setting% , , AD)1, a banilsome PrQMIIIM by gr. pacitaxes of our genuine ' English ink Powder at 10e. per pkg. Each Plcg. makes50c. Guaranteed • v orth of &mink silid your name and cOodTbilekeeper. addrois and we will forward yon the' Ink Powder and Carr luta° creataatte, prepaid. When sold send lts ur money and vre send Yo u the prom- -Wm yOn atler.t. W•rite for the outilt.to•da9. Mention oda paper, • imezarat. ic co., Toron?o, Ont. To .1gaiitita_ctilre.rs, . . • . . NORTNEY STEAM PUMP -6 x 4, 7 inch stroke, in good working okier, capac- ity about zee horse poiver. Price $75. ,-;•-••• FEED WATER HEATER -65 horse power• 11) good order. Price $25. ONE No. s STURTEVANT FAN -24 inch, in perfect order. Price $25. ONE NO. 4 BUFFALO FAN - 27 inches high, upright discharge, in excellent Order. l'rice $35, S. FRANI( WISC/N, • TRUTH, 73 Adelaide',VVest, Toronto. VA NA DA P 14,11131 A N EN'Ill Loan a:nd Savings CoMpany. • ISCO1tPORAIED113611. The Oldest and Largest Canadian Mort . gage Corperatios, Paid-up Capital, $2,600,000 Reserve Fund - 1,200,000 Held Ofilemlorante Si., Toronto. Munch Offloes-Winnipeg, Man., Vetosouver, B.0 . DEPOSITS RECEIVED, Interest snowed. DEBENTURES PiStiED for 1, 1, 1, 4 orb ram mith interest coupons attached, MONEY LENT* securityot real estate mortgage, Government and Municipal Bends, OW, . . For further particulars apply' to J. MERIZIRT MASON, Mans ing Director, Toronto. JAIL N. ANNETT, Manager. - JOHN d. MAIN, Supt. end pane The Canadian Heine Safety BOILER Os Esplanade, opo. Sherhourno St., High MASS WiltAr . Tube Steatn • Bolters, for All pressures, ' - Duties and Fuel. sem, POR DESCRIPTIne CATALoalm. Toronto Electric Light 0o., Limited. { ReereligeS :f.liiTi;reta.rifIrFtlii,{),i1;;„rark.c.. E ted. The Wilson Pablieldng CO., Limited. (Allot Toronto, where boilers may be seeh workfaa. Toronto • he Approach Indtgestion OF igume -NDIGESTION is very insidious. The appetite becomes poor, cairi. ciotts, or is altogether leiet. Pain, accompanied by nausea and flatu- lence follows the taking of rood ; nutrition being arrested, the blood becomes impoverished, and then appear various nervous affections, each as headachee dizeinete, sleeplessness, neuralgia, hysteria., end the collection of dietressing symptoms te which the mimeo! "BerVOUN debility" and "heatt trouble " has been applied, The liver is opeedily Waded, end then we beet% constipation, foul tongue, offensive breath, depreesion of spirit* end tallow shin. • 'rim sot is SI MPLIMTV WIMP I DKWard'srCte Pills Aums This. tin spot outimi,w, des lomoigg.40:14.1rarrItti, fta Det,, • '