HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-12-14, Page 6to. DEMME 14 • , • . • ^ ' • + imp•roomoolimm••••1 ihnfoot Emulsion I • of Pure Qod• 1 Liver • F. .. : It contains 50 per cent. 2 et • tg of pure Cod Liver Oil, the : • exact amount pf Hypo- : 2 phosphites of time and : a Soda, and is agreeably Oa, 0 • ,• 2 voted, Cod Liter Oil flour. : I ishes all w,asting tissue 2 • soothes all 'throat affect,:: . : tions; dry hacking coughs : 2 soon disappear when it is : • • used. As a remedy it can- La not fail to give the best : : results for only the purest : 2, and freshest oil is used in : • making it. •• • . • . • • Regular 50c 81;1 to for 35c at . . • 6 • • o JACKSON S a • • tv: PrescriptionPharrnacy. Phone 2. • •••••••.••••••••••••••••boo Crown Bakery SPECIALTIES Cream PUP-- feather weight 15 cents per dozen. Cream Oahe-- • • • • too some, appetizing, dainty, the very thing for 5 -o'clock tea, 25c each, nut filled 85c. Home-made Gingerinoff---. 10c per lb. Home-made Jam -Jams --- 2 lbs. for 259. - Mince Pies— our own make of mince • meat, 15c each, 2 for 25c. We keep a.cheice,select line of Candies, always tresh and the very best. • y bit orders toruream Cream Puffs and Mince . Pies in the ,mo ing. Leave your .orders now for Xmas Fruit ' KIRKBY - Next Clarendon Hotel, •41,0 fIt L. NW* Of tbeilebMand house London, bold ale hem when sood price. were obtained. Tem Kelly was laid off from work for couple of days by sieltneel. Nearly fifty Made of brick passed through here lest week on Weir way to 94r rival town, S. Joseph. • Council met on Monday; already we hear of eleetione. A number of our sports took in the shooting *Web at Blake on Thursday. Harry Weber took part in a *booting MOO at Olendebeye, killing nine birds out of ten, end obtained first money. FOR THE IMPROVE'. MENTS OF STOCK,. There Will be kept at lot 81, eon. e, ERUOtt, f" the 'Illerrreetir bmtkth 13)11 wl e pr ego of return te hog if neceesary. W,3. MORRIEN, Summerhill, Dec, 9th. 3m* TEA -MEETING. The annual tea -meeting under the auspices of the Methodat church, Aram. Will be held on the evening of Wedneeday. Deo, 20. Ad, dresses will be delivered by Rev. Masers. J. Wilson, Otiderich; 13. Clement, Clinton; Q. II. Long, Eippen; Finkbeiner, Zurich; E. C. Zen- nin s Ba geld* J.A.Macdonald Varna Music Will. e furnished by the quartette of the Ontario street Methodist choir, Clinton; . Mimes M Monist, M. and P. Andrews while recitationo will be given by V. Bit Diehl and M. Andrews. Tea will be Rerved in the Tem* Warm hall from 0 to 8 o'olook, when tho. pro- gram will be given. in the Methodist chureh. The •ohair to be taken by the pastor. Admis. akin 25 cents, ohildr. 15 cents. You are cor- dially invited to atte God Save the queen, J. W. ANDREWS 'MONT. Pastor, Vdrna, Pee, 8th, 1899, •- 'SERV T ANTED. . Good tie eta' Servant Wanted •by second week in t7anuary. $10 a month to competent girl. Apply at the Nelson's Bank, Clinten,to t' • MRS, EC. BREWER Clinton, Dee. 12th. TEACHER WANTED 1.•••••••••••••••• Female teacher holding second or third glass certificate for U. 8.8. No. J5, Wawanosh, for , W. J. JEFFERSON, See:-Tre ,Nov. 20th. 5t* Westfield PO. FARM FOR SALE IN STANLEY TOWNSHIP. ' For Rale, Lotil on the 2nd concession of Stan- ley containing 100 acres.of which • about 90 are cleared and the balance well timbered. This farm is well fenced and in a high state'of cunt- , 'oration, With all the fall plowing and 10 acres of good fall wheat in. There is a good frame house, kitchen, woodshed .and a good collar; bank -barn with stabling underneath, driving - holm, hen -house and other out -buildings in cenneotion. There is a good orchard and two good wells. It is 21 milts from Brucefield and II miles from school and will be sold reasonably. For further particulars apply to the proprietor. ROB'. BOYCE, Bruceneld 2.0. - Nov. 18112. • SPECIAL , NOTICE - IDEOEMBER SESSION OF Th. , goolgy Council of Unron met in goderiph on Tuesday of last week so - (girding to adjourntnent. The Warden occitipied the chair with the following member" prompt Bowman, Chambers, Connolly, gook, Esq., Holt, Kerr, Miler, McLean, MoInnie Maw - an, Patterson, Snell, Stuart, Rollins, . The minutes of last meeting were read and. adopted. The following communication' lure read. From A. X. Roaebrugb, Secretary of the Pile len* Aid itesoelatbm of Cana- da, askin the Qom:loll to petition the Local Lagislature to grant public money for_oertain hoepitellorposee. From oeunoil of Ytiztola county re- Goverument centre of railways, and from Mork of §tovmont, Dundee and glengarry seeking to have the Assess- ment Acts amended in respect to cer- tain oorporationa. All sent to the special committee. Otrouler rom Clerk of York county asking this council to send one or more delegates to attends, Good Reade con. vention to be held in Toronto. Sent to Road and Bridge Committee. Letter from A. Shaw, Solicitor for the County of Bruoe re -maintenance of George Letson in the Catholio Indus- trial School at Toronto. Sent to the Executive Committee. T1i eL BORON COUNTY CO therefor. instructed the inspector Manager to dispose of those two buy two others. Tide has been car out so farby milling the two, but b only etuneedal in getting one new up to this date. We have inspected and audited the accountup to date beginning el' No. 689 and ending with NO, 041 ai found them correct. After examining the Inlipeotor's: pert andeliolting all the inforniati regaining the "mount of produce ra ed on the farm, we believe the same pbrehrterdre inoth t.,aneeln3rienctitimaefinfaoft_rah.aetrltyli.ls ROBERT MILLER, crimple Clinton, Deo. 7th. TUE GA011411',6 REPORT. Herewith 1 submit to you a report the number of- prisoners at present c...a 'ined in the county geol. There ay males and 1 femele; viz : Robert !Dee, Tuckeratnith, vagranoy ; John Pa ker, Mitchell, vagrancy ; John nip Hamilton, regranoy ; Thee Doyle, Rio mond Hill, vagrancy ; Jas. Ford, Toro to, vagrancy j Thos. Jones, Toronto, etancy ; Wm. Scott, Toronto, vagrano Mary Wells'Godench, insanity ; Da Smith, Exeter, larceny Charles borne, Toronto, Vagrancy. dont% Gowns, Gaole A petition from certain residents of Berokr or veinal, ooloarrze. Daehwood, asking the council to pass a In reference to the pet by-law erecting Dashwood into a police , Sent to Executive oolninittee. tion from the united counties of Sto .mont,villagoDundae.and..Ctiengarry asking fo WEDNESDAY. t the oo,operation of Huron"county in re - A 12:1?., was read -from 11,11•Hin ask ference te asking the Local Legislature ing th outwit to correct mistake of for amernents to assesenients.re man- se; meeting in appointing ,.arbitrittorti ner a a sassing telephone andtelegraph commend, if practical, that action be ARRIAGES. ALEXANDER. - On Deo. 6th at the residence a the bride' i parents" by Rev. P. Mute 'inckerstnith to Miss Agnes Alex - grave, Mr, awes Finlayson of uo the . Mullett school case. Sent to lines, contractors plants eto,, we re- , 'ander of MoKillop. . BAKER-BRENNAN.-At St. Auguie Two applications for County students taken along the line outlined in leg- end the other hem Robert Dachinan. sign t e same. menziman, Mr. Henry Baker of Regarding a petition from above • Sent to Eiecutive committee.Walkerton , to 'Mise M. Brennan, Letter from Jae. Stewarkasking the mentioned counties as to removal of ' . t S IMAPP-11dORRIS -At th 'd Education committee. tine Roman Catholic church, on were read, one from HeorY Plunisteel tion and that the Warden and 0 erk Nov. 28th, by Rev. Father Mao - h POstmistress a t, Augustine. council to assist Thos. Finn to"' procure fees imposed by Regulation No. 53 of tie committee. „ we recommend no action no the burden Regulations of Education Department, of the rides parents, Colborne • rem eine an artificial leg. Sent to the Exeou- township, on Tuesday, Deo, gth, by for 'te n the co noil in the in- other ehouldere probably. • All cf which • ev. erector Messrs. Jackson end Wilson . of Sea- complained would of only be shifted to Rev. JamesA An d B. • th vvai d o terests of the Huron Poultry Asset:de, is respectfully presented. * Oen W, KERR Cha man Edwin B. Knapp of Ooleman,Iffich., to Jean, daughter Of Mr. Chas. , 1 • Morris,, Ivtoved by Mr. Holt and seconded by REPORT Or ROAD AND slims couurrres. .331,11iNETT-GIBSON.-At• the nisi Mr. Hays that the petition of Messrs. Your committee beg leave to re. donee --- , B..Little, V. S., Pilot pin refereoce to the petition from the Poultry Association for a grant of mon- ,by the Rev. James Far uharson iack n and W1 on on behalf of theort follows : • Mound,_Man., on the 29th of Nov. , • it • • 4 .y• • ..4,01,11•• kg• 0404. .• eVOC Irgrencorit ale 1 tl 1); w-e—hort...-11)8' 0108 -fa • ' STOP IT NONtr. 1.-- , • Or axle iSs.Blackwell's beet Lemon Peels r 000000 . • , , 4 I • 20c DON'T LET IT RUN UNTIL YOUR OONDI- TION OADEICEI YOU TO BE OSTRACTS ED AS IF YOU 'WERE A LEPER Before it is too late stop that suc- cession of colds that means nothing more or less than catarrh. Stop the suffering. Stop the disagreeable dis- charges that are se(humiliating to you and offensive to your friends. Don't let it run on mita your •condition ea*, ses you to be ostracised as if you were a leper. Don't neglect yourself until consumption makes its fatal appear- ance. You can be cured, Not merely relieved, but absolutely and .perfectlY cured. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der will restore you to complete, per- fect to health. It giyes relief at once. It cures in an incredibly short time. - Sold by Watts & Co. • Mr. John Wanamaker gave evidence before the Industrial Commission at as ington in favor of department stores. 13 ey be referred to the Executive col* Mr. Arthur Burnet, C. E., to Miss - Clerk of the County of York asking' this nuttee to report to this council. - min commend no action. the dth lust --'r' '-• • A letter was read from Mrs. Torrance oounoil to send delegates to the meet- J le, daughter of Capt. Gillum of BLISTERED BY DOCTORS • mg to be held in Toronto on the 12th • stating that Mr. Torrance is unwell and will not be in attendance this sesstonHhO '• , ISEA E WITHOUT HELP - and 13th days of Deoe b n STEACY---BONT RN -In Hay0 - • J, S. Henderson, . DR. AGNEW'S CURE FOR THE HEART a -council. • Report of House of Refuge committee, Regarding the bridge between town- at the residence of the bride's REL/Evue ripTEEN - .of late years in the manufa,cture of Stoves, Furnaces, etc., some ships ot Morris and EastWawanosh over • ' parente, Samuel Steaoy of Hensel' -- a • to , *CASH AND ONE PRICE. , : . , MoKINNON & CO. - BLYTH cervaos -Ale iironeee. seen, Geer etegietoweaKle••••eleAleto•tee'•*• • . . • . • 44..444 , H • • 44 4. • • AO • • DECEM • BE THE BEGINNING OF THE END. • How strange itwill seem to bein another century:. Think of the wonderful changes and impt.ovements the present century has wrought, in fact mosof ail the improvements for the of human beings have been'made during thelast hundred ears Think of the impeovementin travel and com t onc,oamfo:: . a thousand other little things that 41,- r comfort and lux. - dry. Think of the gi•eat improveinents that have been made was presented and taken :up in conr, the Maitland river mentioned in the re. . to Mies Joan, third daughter ef Mrs. (). Ward, Magog, Que. was Of the moo popular being the NVelcome Pearl and the • 'm The report passed both in committee end in council. sioner ask for tenders and have them T.AYLOR--CAMFBELL.-At the reo. disease. Physicians blistered her. and 'f . . k their Ch d • Th R t inittee, with r. Ps tter son. in the chair. port we recommend that the 0012311da- James Bontborn. ,• a great sefferee r years from 'heart Ha-opy Thought Range; which will be used by 11,000 • • Moved by Mr. Miller seconded by. • - ty here by the next meeting of Abe coma- . 'tork, Wingham, by the Rey. 14e liam Lowe on Deo. 5tb, Mr. A. 1 f. Sh • ead in the 's ave hereotrher_treatin nit):33vershi-Trt &eq. amoi eCoo Christmas se toase Heater, afflpesitnntehra't. theel.prai! ot men oathy be conveyed to .our• fnend, Mr. Curd of the Heart. She. procured a . have ever yet produced ; The Leader and Garnet 114It 48.1r Pure . Mr. McEwen theta resolution. of Sym- In asking for tenders for the abut- Taylor to kiss Nellie, daughter of wonderhirchres Made by r. A,gnew's • M R b C b 11 mente for bridges the Commissioner • Torrance, County Councillor, who. is un- asks for both rubble and fine concrete. Kles- * • th t nact3s are also amongst the 14"kest anci meat complete worlang- . t e o Th teen minutes a er - able to present at thi meeting on Chat the Commissioner be instructed DONALD-ESTES.-At the residence tatting this remedy she bad constant • Furnaces m f d at bri4es° during the winter by tender if " Oregon, by the Rev. J. R. INT. Bell, and severe pains about the t h Y r IN GODERICH TOWNSHIP • bis earliest convenience, also that his be• rs dose she relief. -Before anu acture . FARM FOR SALE account of severe illness anti that the to ro ure all neeessar limber to of the bride's parents, Baker City, spells of suffocation an -fluttering, ear , e aye a nice lina Of goocle Suitable for good useful Christmas. press • • • Clerk be instructed to forvrar d this ossible. All of which •i ref] eotfull Mr. liobt Donald of' the firm of. Wft8 i30 weak th t f • h Donald & e, merobants, Baker the floor caused her to faint. She setts arid oases, SpoOns,'Soissors, Lamps, Mrs. Potts' Sad Al' The undrifsigned offers for sale lot 55 and par o on e an collates on in God - rich township. They consist of 95 acres, 70 eats- beteg cleared and the' balance being good isaffverJorl bush. There are 10 acres in fall wheat. -Thbre ie a good young orchard just starting to bear. The lot is 'well watered and fenced and is 2fr miles from Summerhill. There is a good brick house, bank barn. driv-' ingfehed and out buildings. The place will he .old on easy terms. Apply to . ' '7AMES E. HAIR, Nov, 1801 7tv Summerhill P.D. name be retained on the pay sheet for P this meetin -Carried. p ythate ac o sweeping suc as Carpet Sweepers .Tra s • • • oubmitt d & B k ogt. Co p t 0 JAMES SNELL, Chairmant. City, eon of Robt. Donald, Esq, had taken six bottles, and to -day she ys, PenandPocketKnives; Carve e rep r o un y roper y o HOUSE FOR SALE. Woo= OF EDDOATION CORMITTER Kincardine, to Miss Mabel Estes. is as well as ever she was. -Sold by SEE OUR PERFECTION inittee was presented and adopted without nien ASH SIFTER • dment, except clause 2. A petition was presented CA1VIERON. -- At New Watts & Co. - Weritmineter, C• Rev, A.. E, 444•4•••••••••19 • 25 PER CENT', OF YOUR COAL BILL SAVED 13Y7fiSE. - Report of Special Committee was from 22 rate payers of the townehip of • . , • • ert-Duncan, *Edvrin ' McKenzie, read, . Mr. Miller Occupied the -chair in • Hullett requesting , that arbitrators be sixth son of Duncan Molreneie, Dr. WD. Holderoft of' Tweed was r • 1-1ARLAND' BF 30 • ' • h • f . injured b . a. from traut • • committee. The report passed both . appointed to adjudicate in t e orma. Esq.,formerly G.T.R.bagage master in, committee and council. tion Of a • new 8,3hool eection in, said • at Kincardine. to Miss Maggie Cam- near Woodstock and his recovery le mummy_ . • townehip.• We recommend that the . °ran; second daughter of , Mrs. • - own o . IRON AND HARDWARE STOVES AND TIN badly fallf • ' • • • prayer of. the petition, be granted and Jame L d Of N W t " t Letter front Gaoler Griffin re resi- that the following parties named be the 8 or ew es DUDE er, • NERVES ALL SMASHED. ° • • • • denoe at gaol was read and sent to b• • • der- vizi:- dames • The subscriber offers for sale his house and - lot on corner of Rattenburvand Raglan streets. W. G. DOHERTY, pluton, April 13th . • • We have decided to continue onibclose cut cash pricesuntil New Yeam. Customers can rely ' on getting Good Bargains. G. J. gTEW4.1t LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for Sale that desire sixteen (16) acres of land Routh of the Loridon. Road Bridge. It is a beautiful site forbuilding. -and win be sold in one piece 01- 111 lots. -My reason for selling is that it is too far from town to handle myself and it doesn't pay to hire help TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE • • 11111rIffIlfli?1,111fitrIttUrilinfilt • • PRESENTS FOR CHRISTMAS • The enbacrlber offers for sale a veryderdrable property on Isaac street consisting of four' lots upon Which there is a comfortable frame house with kitchen and woodshed attached. There is a good stable and a first -clam well of water on prattling. The orchard, emulating of grapes and apples, Is a good one. The property will be sol.. at a reasonable figure for cah or *cash and balance on Unto. Apply to the owner on the premises . MRS. JOHN JUNOR.- • HOUSE TO RENT Sinai and comfortable frame house on Wil- • - Ilam street to lease at small rental. Next house to Mr. Edward Carter's where the key niay - got. • • ROBERT MARSHALL Nov. 16th. enured P. 0. • , • Clinton May fah.. • . Shrewd Christmas buyers . ate no* choosing the pre- sents they intend to give, • . We have one of the Largest Jewefry Stocks • 4 „ • County Property committee. •Ritchie, Belmore, Thos. Gregory, Exe- Report of County Property commit-' ter, E. G. Cresswell, Eginondville, also bEATfts • tee, aecond clam, was again taken up His Honin• Judge Masson and. Inspector - INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. ARE THE • • ' W f design and finish for the NATTY * • " • ••••••••••••• . • .ARCH DESTROYERS, BUT SOUTH AN- PAILTNG HEALTH RUILDER. • Mrs. Ellen Butler, 37 Collahie street, Toronto, suffered from indigestion in a severe form for several years, was un- able to eat meat or vegetables, was threatened with nervous prostration ae a result of chronie dyspepsia. After many remedies had been tried and failed, she began Wittig the South Am- erican Nervine r . When she bad taken three bottles, to use her own words, "I can eat anything set before me. and enjoy it without any bad otter effeets. " think it a wonderful remedy for dye- pepeia and nervous -prostration."- Sold by Watts & Co. At Montreal email climbed to the top of the new Victoria bridge and jumped into the river. He is supposed to have been rt wealthy resident of St. Lambetrib, anied Ennis. EWAN Immures PROVES THE NEVER • e show a lipe o. goods unexcelled in and pasaed both in committee and Robb, • . • JONES. -In Seatorth, on Deo. 7th, Council. . • • Rosen Mulatto Chairman. John W. donee, aged 36 years and A second revert of County -Property 16 d committee was read and in commit+. - • tee was amended as follows: That the Gentlemen- I herewith submit PROCTOR .-In Morris , on Deo. 2n4, Engineer procure plans and !specific:at, you this my report of the businese I have Charles Proctor, aged 77 years and • • tions for a new dwelling bode at the transacted since the date Only last "re- - 2 months. .• . gaol, together with an estimate of the port at your June meeting. It contains FOWLER—In Morrie, on Deo3rd, oost.of same, andley the same before an account of the orders issued their Peter Fowler, aged 70 years and 2 the council et the January session. In number and amount. • muRlinyth.s.LIn wingbani on Deo 41h, The four bridges which we have ereot. council the report passed as amended. 0 Ann Jane, 'beloved wife of Edward Moved by Mr. Kerr seconded by Mr. ed this yeaN were all done in good e Murray, aged 72 years and 8 months _ ARNOCHAN.-In Tuakersmith, on Snell that by-laW,No. 5 of June 1891 tune and are quite satisfactoryw . making the fee 75 cents for' Entrance have done a great amount of repairing c fieot of 6Jane Landsborough, re• ththe late James c. , Carnoohan, pupils be repealanded that it new by- to the old bridges and aPPreaches, law be drafted to correspond with mo- They now are in a very good ' state of . tion and report of committee in dant*repair for thisid sr., aged 84 years. season of the year, b • ary 1895 stating the fee as $1.00 as di- 'will require to have some .protection CLARKSON.-In Regina, N. W. T., on rested by statute -Carried. made for the next freshete. -Deo. atfr. Charles Clarkson, Frank Dale Clarkson, 3rd ° Moved by Mr. Kerr ietionded by' Mr. All the iron and steel bridges have Son of. Sea - Bowman that as J R Baker naxd en been -painted with the best ofmateral, forth, aged 21 years and 8 raontbs ial, 3loc• IIELL.- In Stratford on Thurs. ON those on the county boundaries were ter auctioneer'e License oci Nov. • Ind, 1899, which license expired on NOV.. 30th, 1899, that he had allowed 36.00 on said license which expire NOV. 30th, 1900. • Moved by Mr. Holtneconded by Mr. Molnnis that this council do now the ad journ to meet on Tuesday 25th day of January, 1900.. After By-law No. 6 to impose fpainted as recommended. By the time Mits,bWresoow's Soo tam SItatrP has been If di b and also painted, each county paying one • Y., Eliza Bridge lumber has been very scarce . formerly foreman of the flax mill half of the coat. FURNITURE FOR THE Ota, 2nd • (laughter of Mr. Thomas McConnell, in the county thie summer end it will be Clinton, aged 16 years and g necessary to provide considerable quan- tity this coming winter foe.next sea- son. • For Ove We have not had the Court House months. . Fifty Years on pupils for entrance examinations we bad the bridges painted, the xenon :410 rtglitlil,fima elr children of mot rs for th and Byosw Nu 7 to erect Dashwuud in. was so late we thought it had better be broken of yeti: rest attlairsig • • •• •40.4•••••-•• • . . HOLIDAY CHRISTMAS Do net fail tolee w at we Furnit Li* -Sotnething titre or 1 •••, • ,4 • ', • • . • XMA PRESE English Spavin Ltnixnent removes all . ..., r I . SEASON 'W e willThe pleased 'to .shti- through our Well -Stocked Wareroon hard, soft or calloused lumps and bleru- ishes from horses, blood epavin, curbs, splints, ring bone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swoolen throktA coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of' one bottle. Warranted the most wonder- ful blemish cure ever known. Sold by Watts & (Jo. and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at to a police village had been read three laid over till next spring. 013C0 and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's time. and passed the council adjourre l have examined an old brid e situat- ng Syrup" for Children Teething. /t will re- . HOUSE. FOR SALE. • On Victoria street. Near Organ Factory 5300 will buy a roomy, comfortable house with goo.' lot -the property recently oconpied by - Frank Upshall. Apply to . W. BRYDONE, Barrrister March 71b. edsouthofwinghm aon the oundary ad. neve the poor little sufferer immediately. De. pond upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about - MIME! OP MANAGER or HOUSE or mime, line between the townshipti of Morris and East Wavranosh. It is one Of the and bowels e.t.a it It cures Diarrhcea* regulates the Stomach I beg to submit the following report Prairie bridges over the Maitland river. Gum- it iti a,re wet, n nnunandonenopliodvsonfntetnnnsontnlig Industrial Fartn during 1899 : Oats 450 carried away by the next large freshet. sant to the taste) and is thniresciiptil so?tilnar; of the crops grown and work done ow It Olin very unsafe state and may be gigrrant° Illioer [1117111181°Iw's ' bushels, barley 350, potatoes 520, man. of tho oldest and best female physicians and .golds 1040, field (lanais 75, turnips 275, I would recommend yOU tO have it re- jel.:tralgottilre. Illgted_Statert. Price twenty-five built by a steel bridge owconorete abut- Old by all druggists thro_ gu CHRISTMAS - FRUIr8 garden beets 35, -gardenan onions 33, pumps 10, beans 12, cab. carrots Ments, to be of one span of about ICO ontanewweorshln.0**ThEinornreyio ask for "M., rs. teetlong with a sixteefoot roadway, • We atilt you to try our Rai- sins, Currents and. Peels. Our stock is new and goo& just what Sten want for Christmas baking. Exeter Flour for - Christmas Pudding. There is no better Plour made than this and none 4 .. For. Fresh Canned Goods bage 1000 head,applea IC/ Woo Outh- bert raspberry '75 pails; hay 12 tone, gest that you have the plans and p If you will.have It ereoted I wouldsug Mr. William Moore of Dorchester fodder born acre. We planted 70 maple trees which grew nicely this sea- Jantiary meeting go that the contracte wa,ggon load of oats, • fications and tenders in time for your Township was killed by falling off a son. Transplanted 58 evergreens, all can then be let. but 3 are growing, built and coapleted With regard to the bridge ()entreats, I .• Eureka Harness 01119 the best preservative of new leather and the best renovator of old leather. It oils softens, black. ens and proteo4. Cite llf8 a. •, -... Hainess Oil on your neat harness, yaiir old bar - was, and vier arrlagetop, and they will not ordy look better bat wear longer. Soideverywherein CA121—a. , aka by 1312T1UAL Ofi uteit.a. sues trete half plate to eve pent& implement idled and fee house without am of the opinion that you had better "He btuha best who laughs last • any expense for -labor. Also managed IS undertake an to do all the work On farm without any but vr _ hired help durieg the year. We have as tm aait to see the results of freehets may laugh firet, last and all the tince, here may be others to erect next for it will make you well. plowed oVer the land twice this fall,and season. the soil is in good condition for another Joint Amor, Chairman "rep. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY other at preeentIf you tit e Hood's Sarsaparilla you in the county. An int. • mense variety of articles suitable for presents, so you will have no difficulty in finding something you mint in our store, A STRANGE EPITAPH The above is reepeotfully submit- REPORT OF RXEM/Tivill COMMITTEE. ted. your bOzflWitLee have cone- Take Laxative Brotno Quinine 'Pb. try ours D flame ?10,taet ered the communication of the lets. All druggists rebind the money Clinton Deo, 4th Prisoners' Aid liesociation qf Canada in. if it fails to cure. 2c. .D. W. Grove s JVV• HILL referece to a memorial asking. the signature is on- each box. . • E3ROADFOOT, BOX & Vairallture Dealers • and Tinder:taken-a Jo -W. Chidiey, Blanag Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our . Funeral Director, .I.W. Chidley King St., opposite Foundry. Cook's Cotton Boot Compouni nisuccesfun, tme. monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Sfe, effectual. Ladies ask your dru st for:Axles Giros Root Cris- eit Take no other. as all Mixtures, 11 118 an imitattots are dangeons. Pelee, No, 1.11111! 1** V. No, 1,10 degrees strnger, 88 per box. No. I ir mailed en receipt of price anti two Scent t &Mpg, The Cook Company Windsort Ont. 61PNos. I an ace a c responsible Dmggiste in Wade. 14 Clinton Scsen, Drnegist. REPORT or nom acne eau 0070,1ITTEM . Provincial Goyerlinient to make a grant • House of Refuge Committee met on of public money for the purpose of en, Oct. 3rd last. Preent-Miller Tor- .abling General Hospitals to meke pro. nn Snell and the Varden deo .the vision for the scientific treatment of This store never handled unreliable gooclb, nor asked • more than honest prices for them. Ladies' and Gens' Watohes at saso and upioards Clocks of all deshriptions Rings at ail prices and descriptions Broaches, Pins, Chains, , Pendants, $iloerware, Gold 8pectacle8, SikNo er velties, etc, Ootne and see our stock, NO obligation to buy, IMPERIAL EMULSION • Found on a gravestone En a village churchyard in Suseex. England, teade wee a cough as carried-- her off ; it was a coffin they car- ried her off in" Now had the *- tuft of our Ernidalort of Cod Liver 011 been known and the prepare.- Lion %used In this case, that, epitaph might never have been written, It le -wall known that Cod Liver 011 Is unequalled hi the treatment of altaftectione of the throat and lungs, and Oombee Emulsion i* preparation of Cod Liver Oil in 110palateable and agreeable form, Cate. Hy taken by the most delicate per - eons. It contains a larger percent- age of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil than most of the largely miser- tleed preparation.. Large hottlee %etc MAI)* lilt • Bsidistotobs. Successor to 4 • B. OOMEI • A;(1,01n00 Iespector and Clerk. pauper inebriates.We would recohe Shortly after the June . meeting mend that the Warden end Clerk then Messrs. Miller and Torrance met and the memorial on behalf of this council disposed of the team of houses that were in favor aguish grant being made. on the farm and replaced themwith an, In - reference to the communication other team willoh We consider far more of Mr. Shaw as •to the maintenance of • serviceable and better adapted for the one George Letson in. the Roman Oath - old men who have to do the work with olio Industrial School •at Toronto, We them and agood exchinge. Would reoommend as the Pace Magie4 In referring to the minute in the trate ofgocieriob has fixed the liability june meeting report, relating to the for maintenance on the County ofBruce, timber onfarm, niter a thorough in- that no tuition be taken. " speotion of the bush We find about 31 We have examined the tender* for acres of thither of any value, being in- weed end coal and find that thetender at terepersed with thick growth o un- of F. Barlow Holmes for coal being the derbrush, and being informed that lowest was accepted by the Clerk, end about•15 cords: of wood per year Is talc-. the tender of A.J. Goldthorpe for wood, en out for the use of the Howie, we being the lowest,was aceepted, thought it Advisable not to dispose of As to the applications of Mr. Plum - any timber, hut directed the Manager steel itnd Mr. Robert Deadman, dated when tokingtne wood required to clean respectively August. 25th, 18991 and i the lend up n a fekle ai ter ai he goes November 2911, 1999, asking • nomin- and seed down with grass seed. Mien as students et the Ontario Agri - A thorough inepeotion of the buitio cultural College, we recommend that Inge and farm was med., end we found no action be taken as thie council nom - everything clean and well kept in and inated B. Courteney Gilpin at the aroond the building., the new driving June session. filled and lee house have been all own. In reference to the petition of Mr. plated, giving ample room for imp's. James Stewart, on behtif of one Themes merits and other Materiel in cannon- Finn, we recommend that Ms 001111011 Lion with the house, being a firstettlast grant $25 for the purpose of satiating job arid not costing the county one dol. in the purohme titan aging:slid lair for wcrk, carpenter work bolos provided the WW1° required is grant - been all done by One 0/ the inmates, ed by the town of Goderich. Jphu_lattiAllister, along withlfr, French, We recommend that the (petitions of the Newer.* the ratepayers of Or village of Dash - We find the Rouse full to Its tabloid wood be granted, end that the said vil- °mutat', *hero being noir 88 Inflates lege he erected into etpoliol Allege, and All Rapid anct atomingi •oh the horses*. (.bat the boundaries ereof he as men - We foetid t 6 wag Only one OW 111 the lima eution, and that Promptly giving till She Other twat baring gone ,the nominations an first eleetion of dry And to ry peer condition, the re- pence trustees Of MA Villitge he held At sial *yes ly Of itOM. dims*, We Xtilse balI3 sltua ed in said Village • ackson Bros: Shoe Department. As Easy Matter; tt is an easy matter to make a selection of some useful presents in this department . Per, heps mother would /ace a pair of our Fine House Slippers, something warm and comfort able, price $110. Then again the young 1 lady of the. house would bedelighted to be re- membered in the way of a fine pair of "Bell" Shoes which are acknowledged to be the choic- est goods on the inarket. if the boys need fl pair of Shoes buy him a pair of our "Standard" Shots, price $150 or a fine pair of Slater Shoes, $2.50, Our .tock of Rubbers for this fteaeone bueinesa is full and complete. We carry all the reliable lines and you CAD depend on getting No, 1 goods here at the mime price* you pay for cheap pea. Doing business for earth and having US expense in thia department mean* a big saying to keen cash buyer& oo Boots awl Shoos ttotuted to. • "a 4; • Jackson'‘‘Bros• Fall and Winter Footwear 4; AT THE OLD REL1ALE 6TOTit- 24"tiall: IAN. TAYLOR & SONS KEEP YOUR FEET WARM AND Dx—yon tnake no mistake when you conie to ns. We are -Headquarters for all. kindsof BOOTS and Snos. OUB MOTTO -The best at low prices. Ours- is -a grand stock for finding just what you want, and few none will -beat oar Stock and Prices ONE Atm - To keep the best. Our low prices will pre- High prices chained comrtryi*Ili.ougyi itaoislai :Ill %la we have quick returricc ONE PRINCIPLE-. , Fair dealing. —• Own Pump, The Lowest quality cnsidered. _ Fullstock of Granby and Canadian. Rubbers and Overshoes,also a big stock of Overgaiters, Special value in Men's Long Boots, Late styles, high quality and low prices account for our store being being crowded with elle. tonners who knowwhen they got the- worth of their money. Examination will show" that our stock is *edgily strong in variety, thoroughly reliable in style and always ustworthy in quality. WM. TAYLOR & BONS. ^ NOE orrice WE BIASHN AND SELL roe C THE tit: l'ofte E4rts* %ors Phalastbdhet WINTER TERM .OPENS AR. 2. c144811114. 6a4. 024 rens nest -elate beitneee odneatleh , tilt and rerginmen ed by it The very beet soot in Conte for ehie mediaine isooversa. iltutrattgeed to• mire at or o fieTtla Weaknn, ell effoote of ibUsi Or exalter, sienna WWI. EXO0111,fe Ude et To woo, option or sentient* name on reale; Tno company, $ ititrdt 0— 0 066 00 44" igop , etie Vokia SUSIX. $6. One graft ViceaPhosehodine rola le Mom br Sydney Jammu Diligent. -44'140,16," 1/ / WM)* the altATPORD. ONTRIO, nareputation of onr crilletn is net INN therefore, 11 1* not neseeftry tor 815 to advertising spaeo. ;do roe of etrt ante NO, Will. PEW' for The Vrighwk14h.°Iroem&er 151twe*intim* tY')v!sitr News-iteocrd to glAZIIIViowir% "t* the end Of 1900 ,""'"we''''