HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-12-14, Page 44
TheConaervativee won a great vie.
toryi Manitoba. last, Thursdey, con.
vertlug a membership of six in the
laet Legislature lot° a majority of lex
Hal present arid this may be made
eigha' when the two electioes which
take place to -day are decided. This
waa a magnilleent triumph over lin,
mense odds, for Opposed to the Con-
eervatiyes WAS the c,ombined power or
ef the Dominion and Provincial Gov.
meets, and the 0, P. R. Among
iinn are tive ineinhera of the Green.
Government and their late Speak
n. Hugh jolin Macdonald will
in a, few claye be called upon to
a Government, but leis transition
the Provincial te the Dominion
brit e question of thee, ge is • iTa0
Man fee Oalway,". The )tet returns
show; 00mierVativeS, •M; Liberals, 15;
Independelits, 1,
Council met on Dec. 41h. The fol-
lowing accounts wet e paid for gravel :
Elliott, $23; .win. Colclough,
s„ $7.02; S. ItathWell, $10.20; D. Johnston,
$21.18; ,Wm. Murray, $9.96; James
Onnn011Yi $3;25; C. Beacom, $2.70; D.
J. Burns,, $7.60; Wm, Crooks, 02.10;
Jamese McDonald, $/0•00; Thomas
Battle; $7.42; E.Cempion, $26.58; Thos.,
Weatherel, services as engineer on
Wilson's drake, $4. Mullett township
balance of expenditure on Base •Line,
$3,12; J. Taman, tyle, 60 cents; Eimird
of Health, $10, Adjourned to meet on
Dec. 16th. -N. Sturdy, 'Cilerit.
Charles Wilkinson returned from
Yorkshire, England, on Friday last.
Messrs. Dodswerth and Wright • teem
the above named shire accompanied
him and will try. their fortune here.
They carne over on Vie Oceanic and
made the trip in 5 aaye, 20 hours and
40 minutes, which is very fast. Like
many others Mr. Wilkinson would not
now. care to go • o the Old Country
am. ,
church was r &opened
e •
abbath, the vices being con -
ted Rev. Mr. o • o
enurch,which hash re
conifo LAY
proved in the interloe, •
filled at each service.
'Shoemaker Hobbs left town suddenly
last week without letting Time credit-
ors know. "Honesty pays. •
Charles Vannorman is spending se
few &tele under the parental roof.
Thearections iv Manitoba are very
pliseeing to all who admire Hugh John
„Joel .good government. This is a
e Growing Time.
Mr. John Agnew of con. will have
an auction sale of his. farm stock and
implements on Thesdity, pet. gotb. As
Itte, Agnew is giving up farming there
will be no reserve. '12 Months': &edit
will be given or 6 per cent. discount.
West Wawanosh.
Joseph Feagan has moved into his
new house. '
aohneEireen. harbeen out 'the past
eek with his chopper. Be does fIne
work and it takes between 700 and 800
bushels to hold him a day.
Mr. Howson has started his saw mill
on the 7th con. He purchased a bush
from Wm. Wilson.
, A large number of the farmers in
this section sold their foyvl to tar.
George Powell of Blyth. ' . •
Richard Bruce is at present engaged
"with Wm. Finnigan of Saratoga.
Mr. ,and Mrs. Edward Ploughman
were visiting at James Bruce's.
George Rutledge and son spent a day
visiting in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Match were
e'visiting at le Medd's.
Mrs. 'Thomas King is visiting at the
me of herparents, air. Scrimgeour,
ohn.Molouth was visiting in Durs-
o a
e • s 4 of ()anti:in Sundayed
eaa en tal roof.
of Du on spent
nts' , e, 3. Milis.
dayed with COI-
inkatook piat-e-aa
edneeda,y morning
r and Dees. Brennan
edleck, late wish the
uch prover -ley in their
"ea ofenatribienve '
7th con. its inceying
Auburn: e„
rmershave their all in.
tis very seldom they pasture them
t till December.
, St. Joseph.
This embryo city is now enjoying its
second boom se hie& is greater than the
first. Supplies of building material
have been pouring in for weeks and
with a large staff of men at work • the
, big block wasrapidly pusbed up, and
but for the bfeak in the weather
would now e ready for the roof.
Money is plentiful now; may it con-
etinue eo for the people roundabout are
reaping the benefit, and if the "city".
become a city in reality they must
continue to profit by its nearriess to
them. A part of some ht
Frenchmen came bee° on Fricley night
last to look over the ground. It took
every livery ei in Hensall to bring
them a re and they enjoyed
• re imreensely. .
Friday was the fleet day on whichlwe
cold eve visible outward signs' of the
setting for that last year Of 'W of that
Auguist Way, the latireo 'Monty
Council, the flag being able to fleet
from the Court, Howie fiag pole and at
3.30 p in, it was floated away to rest
possibly until 1900.
The elevator closed last week so that
means that those engaged there Will
have to depart. If Mr. Wylie doee not
return to Kingston as he aid IRO yell.
be will try Chicago Or go to the Co'e
elevator at Lake Superior.
Henri Jordan, musical director,
intende giving an organ recital in
Knox church between Xmas and New
Year's and promises us a *surprise, at
least we call it a surprise. He is giv-
ing good satisfaction to Knox emigres
• The Sone of Scotland beide -most
enthusiastic meeting in the Oddfellow's
Hall on Friday evening teat. They
muted in procession headed by the
piper O'laintail and 'marched around
the square, winding up at the building
The Elevator Company intend put -
ling oak spites into their wharf which
they etiouid have done at first when..
they could have bee!, put in properly.
We only noticed three outside visit-
ors at the Oddfellow's Ball. Dr. Mc -
Gem of Woodstock, the Grand Master
and Messrs. gaumberland of Dungan-
non and ldcGoireal treveller. Mr. and
Mrs. alcQounac of Dungannon and
Miss Harrison of Dungannon also
attended but we looked upon them as
Goderich citizens.
• Mr, J. W. Smith's new coal oven•is a
great euccees. Air. Castle of Toronto
is the patentee -and builder," Mr. D.
Cantelon thinks of having one like it
'built in his bakery.
We are pleased to note the emirates,
cence of air. Sack Robinson of the
organ factory. He 'ha,s had a very
eerious attack. On Friday he was able
to take an airing on the sidewalk in
front of Craig's hotel. •
Mr. Simpson, organist of North
etreetMethodist church, gave a Supper
on Saturday night in honor of Henri
Jordan, director of Knox church their.
. 'Madame Wall of Clinton -intends to
receive pupils for vocal instruction
hear after the New Year. • •
. Mr. Wyatt, late cf .VVyatt's Fair, is
eepgeged this season at the lumber
woods, Garden River.
Mr. ° McColl, who spent the past
sumnier at the breakwater, is engaged
at the pulp mills, Sault Ste. Marie.
eAfter the Rosedale had. discharged
her care on Monday of last week
the captain intended to let her lie at
her moorings untiathe evening but the
storm growing fierce he received orders
to leer her up for the season. So
Goderich rejoiced and the captain
knew .that the St. Andrew and the
Government fishery cruiser lay safely
in oor pert. But neither of themlay
at the elevatordock which proved too
weak for he 'Resedale which pulled
the ' spite • out from the dock. The
Captain, atIer the owner wile reformed
of the lici edale breaking away from
her incidrings, received a telegram
telling nine if the Rosedale lay at any
other clock in our harbor itwould be at
his own risk so Captain Ewart thought
under the circumstances !twere weer
to steam out and now Owen Sound has
our prize for the winter... '
Mr. George Grahame returned; on
last trip of the Roseland, from Sault
'Ste. Marie where he spent a .pleasant
visit at the residence of his brotner-in- •
law, Judge Johnston. - : - • •
The Oddfellow'e Ball was well repre-
sented iv the Medical Fraternity, Drs..
'Whitely, Renter and Gallow, and
May bee,Dental Surgeon besides the
Grand Master*, Dr. McGurn of Wood -
'stock. If any other druggists were
there excepting F. Dunham we die
not notice them. '
The organ factory was -treeing ea•
make up for lost time last, weeleaaa
working overtime. - . ....ea
The knitting factorze tea given up
king over beesa It was telling
e.e. n the hatere. •
The osik cape takes well this season.
Last 8hson only 0, very few ladies
W it but nee* school reat Vibe V _
hers. e.note the
Wgirls and a
g'Liege critoson pi ids sesta to glee the
most fever,.
., , • e •
Tho Balt aear Oilaaellow's Hall on the
opening of that building on Thursday
evening was a pronounced *emcees in
tae way. of ' pleasurable enjoyment,
good music and receipts. It was rather
unfortunate though that the opening
had not taken place before advents a
very many people refrained from
going on that account. eat. George's
congregation being those days as strict
in that, observance as Catholics. How-
ever it could not " be helped for the
Oddfellows needed their building and
ae.the Xmas; time there are a great
many church entertainments on the
Tams. The ballroom was beautifully
decorated with the ensigns of the
Brotherhood and red, white and blue
favors hung from the ceilings. Hand-
somely fringed curtains hung upon the
green and plate. glees windows. The
music was supplied bv The Original
Harpers of Londonandthe program
was lengthened by one half through
their kindnees in responding to the
many encores. The Lancers numbered
7, showing thee the beautiful dance is
being reen•stated in favor. The
"Minuet" was not on the program but
we presume "The Military" 'took its
place for the. present season. There
were about couples. Supper was
served in the spacious supper room on
A Correction, the lower floor, the ballroom being
upstak. The ladies' and gentlemen's
(To the Bator of Tml hTsweatnehrto)
Dear Sir, -Allow me to correcb the
- emente in the following peeve
graph, which appeared in Goderich
, news of lest week :-"There war; not
- much bigotry shown by the Protest-
ants and Orangemen at that when
they made a bee and hauled the atone
to St. Peter's church, and we
think the contractor AVM it
e Catholic, Causey of Stratford, and
aleeialex. Martin furnished the pews, thro'
the agency of the Goderich organ fact-
ory, and Martin was a, Catholic,"
• (1) The Protestants did not make a
nee to haolatone to St. Peter's church.
hey kiedly gave a day's Work at the
v on off their Catholic friends.
pie charitable and Christine ectodnet
was appreciated by all the metabers of
'St. Peter's' church. "
(2) Those who assisted were not all
Orangemen as the above paragraph 1
Would indicate. From the eathe pare -
graph we are led to infer that Orange-
men ameba most bigoted Of Protest -
ante. This is not my exaerienee, Some
.e Of my beat friends are Orangemen,
• (8) lide. Causey is not a •Catholic.
He is a Methodist.
.(4),afr, Alex: Seeders was the eon.
teettor foe the pews. They vvere fure
„.thished by_the r4oderichotgan factory
Of *Inch Mr. Saunders as. Veneerer.
Mr, Math] had t ink th. del with the
contract, d e y or iactly.
Peo nbe were pitie ,for atone And
ba ng stone, $320.00.
room act each a handsome mirror
which was duly appreciated. The
tables were under the management of
of Mrs, and the Misses Collinson of the
Maitland House and really they were
set very artistically. Mrs. Cothison
also prepared the meats. The cakes,
pies, salads, trifle, jellies, eta, were
furnished by the ladies connected with
the Brotherhood and they were all
delicious. One thing tiotleeable was
the large number of well-dressed
gentlemen nearly MI wearing hie
boutoniere. Secretary Johnston and
Charles Nairn were indefatigable in
rendering their assistance to make the
ball a great social success, The leaks
were beautifully costumed, many being
In white silk... Quite a number wore
black grenadine and some very hand.
some black eilic dresses wereein evi-
dence, One black grenadine with a
white polka dot, worn over old gold,
ooked quite *stylish. A great number
Wore white French timeline many
teinsimea with pretty frills, wine with
deeollette corsages. Crimson satin
waists with cashmere ekirta were Very „
pretty but, only one lady wore any
noticeable eneblem in honor of the oc-
casion and that was the correspondent
of Tog Nirwaltrxxnen which einteern
was the loops (links) of rose colored
baby ribbon. The lady patronesses
Wore Mrs, (Sheriff) Raynekle, Aire,
(Captain) Dudiey Holmes, firs. (Major)
'Steck' and Messrs,W.Proildtoot, Prank
Lawrence, Charles Nairn, Geo. Price,
Holt MK (Dr.). Reginald Shan.
non, John Platt, J. Robinson, W. W.
IlleVicar, Allie McLean and 'Alex,
'Stiundets. The committee of manage. t
merit is as follows: Oattain Dudley
man Mr. Charles Sheppard, kr. T
W. Nairn, Mr. H. G. McKenzie And
Mr. G. X. Lieut, D. B. Grant b
Goderieli, Dec.0th,
Itt.otig444 Sfammes
* * ormairsposaiNT
Mr. Charles Itele, bricklayer, has The I. O. S. Invernese Camp March.
bawd the Curling rink for the winter ed in a body on. Sunday a. in, frorn the
season. On Moralay 4th the outlook Oildfellovvietuill toKnox church wherea
was so good for a fine ekating *season truly loyel and patriotic discourse was
that Mr. Reid incluetriouely flooded it given them by. the Rev. James Ander.
when on Wednesday the thaw pet in son, who lividly brought out Mena fine
and Charlie could have had e repeat, points, all showing the great love tbe
J. W, Swab, baker, is one of the sone of Scotland bear for the Land ..io'
banpiest Men In town as his new coal the Leal. Among many very flue re- •
oven bakes to a charm, On Thursday markt; he made upon that subject he
last he had orders for four brides' dwelt with great pride upon the names
cakes. of Scotlana a patriote, Wallace, Bruce,
\win. Woos the great teformer. Patrick
Mr. Frank Henderson, late of
nipege and eldest son of Mre, Ames Hamilton tbe first martyr, whim Scot,
land inscribed upon her scroll, and
Strang, East street, has one to Owen
Sound tn take a position in the new • Waiter Mill who was over 80 years of
chair factory. . age, P.M] salines hoped that 10U peeve,
Mrs. Captain'. Sheppard, East street, ots would arise out of las Rawl - Poet
receiyed a telegratir tem the Captaia ' and Writers BOros. laugh Millet, Sir
on Saturday from Cheboyean eiviug Waiter Scota Guthrie, chalseeve, Liv,
that thials his last trio. ele is going Weston, •The reverend gentleman felt
to Manitowac first and then will go to ginteproial of the Inverness Canap and
Cleveland and lay the Oialania on at inaprinted open their -minds the 'tweets.
say now even more than ever to be
Mr, John Hillier of Delleene left*bn true to Britton. After quite°. lengtby
Thursday last for leis Angelo', Cali. discourse, which was , deeply hefereete
fornia, where he intend e to spend the in g he said. that death bad vleited a wench Taffetas, soft finish, will
great many homes in the congregation
winter. Afr. George Harris of Dungan:. not. cuain the newest shades of
non accompanied hina Mr. Hillier ahis year, and he felt that. God was try. blee, red, hello, gresen and ceri,
spent several winters in Florida but ling their faith, in order to strengthen no grounds wiele white stripe,
this season be has ehanged his route. it, The those sting meet appropriate no two.alike, very reationable, 7 C
Messrs, Hillier and Geo, Harris will hymns "flow blest the man that Nees I UC
tit per yard
return by a different route which will the Lord," a'alielaud thon gevest unto
our• fethers,'"'n'ovaird be our watch -
make a round trip for the two pros- New Waist Silks; 21 inches wide,
word"end Fountain of goad; to own ' reel fine Taffetas, in 0)01 osi•Ve 1.
peach's •
thy love". At the offertory Organist designs, only one waist length
Hem:jai-artier) has opened his studio Jordan played e Andante" from Men- of: eacb, in narroiv and wide ,
of inusic, yocal and. instrernentel, at
dellsohn, and while the Inverness *Armee, the latest ahade for
the Oddfellows• flail. • - Camp marched out he played a march both street . and evening a. li
from Tarinhausor. The congregation wear, extra value qii 00
Professor Simpson Iles tali en a• room
in Emersores Minsk' Emporium for his
was very large. Chief 1VIcOreeth , wore .
- Studio of Music. .. his pladclie o' red and Captain Young, Elegant new Silks, in waist
Mr, John Proialfoot eepecte to lerive
fee Georgia after the New Year. . Marshal of Inverness °amp, Secretary • lengths only, the new Polka
McLean and others wore plaids ot ,Dot, alio striped designs in
We kern that • the Henderson green. shades of mauve,pink,hluti and
Bicycle Co,' hes changed. hands and We are sorry to note that DrCitegina , cardinal, the swellest line et
that the new purchasers; Messrs. Doty aldSbannon who is ill does not seem silks for this season's weer, 0 1 le
of Toronto, will put the business on a to make much headwae... His brother ' et ..-• • .... • • - • • • • • .. .... ! .. . 16117 /I"'
good and lasting foundation. We. Dr. Hamilton of Cornwall visited him.
lost $10;000 this last Year. No weeder seems noticeable, 24-inth black Satin, .very fine,rieli
brilliant finish, •pure French
learn also that the Henderson Co. has lately but no change for the better yet
with Whatehtis proved a fatal Accident. her on her last trip eight weeks • ago. Furs for gifts. .
our citizens wanted no more bonuses dye, extra weight, mikes a
Oonsideeable excitement prevailed
given without feeling .certain of a mere in town on Saturday after' • hearing la]
handeome waist, our successful issue issue to their loan than ma that no news of the St, Ancl rew had been • price $ 1. 1 r_
I 0 th $1 50
one yet m which they have taken on heard since Tuesdey, 5t1i, init., When . . . .
extensive interese. . she left attelt ate.' Marie for lroet a •
We learn tbat MaGeot•ge note, Who William where she intended to ley up,
so lately -wits bereft) of his wife, met Ma Kerr, 13rieannia .Road, lefe with .
• Silks.for Gifts
Waists len,gth$, and no tw
alike, We've oielted for pret
tiness, and th eprices are s
reasonable'as to satisfy ever
71.1F everybody was rich mad money not so
o I much of an object, Cilristmas trade would
Y run entirely to fancy novelties. We, could
fill our store if we were sure you'd want 110 -
at the Seaforth foundry. • • The St. Andrew niay have • put into •
On Saturday afternoon the Main- SOnne port for *shelter and all on .board • •
livery Mission Band will hold their are safe. • • • Give her a Caperine a Ruff,a
7 I
°heists:eau entertaiment torinece room• .11 18 quite a loss to due town to; lose,
• Christmas Tree, .
in the Xmas holidays for the. a, a, the "Rosedale" both to business men MU.
and inechenics. She bad. to gee a new ff or a pair of. Gatitlets--
Reagonable, • so accePta le'.
On Sunda* evening last His Lordship- wheel,, be re -painted, and diyers other
Bishop Baldwin of London gave his repair&
extremely popular lecture "The Sec- The dedicetion of the.. neW Odcifel. Whe ther your •purse bulges
ond Coming.of Christ" for which he low's Hallon Kingeton and Stanley Ste. • '
Ills e,nunciation is perfeet, and evenly by District Deputy Grand MasterJoan this stock to snit you and pnly
titre from Revelatiope 1-7. His Lord- et' McGurn ef Woodstock performed
ship loses Robe of his old time vigor. the dedication ceremonies assisted by ,
Proudfoot, and the Past Grand Mester. the Worthy sorts • of. Furs ere
• • chose his text on which to base bis lee. took piece on Thursday. Grand Mast- or not.you'll find something in
modulated. St. George s church was
crowded to the doors, so much so that
many were enable to pin adriette,nce.
Christ Jesus, the gifted speaker said;
is truly the Son of eria,n as well as of
Geld, even to show de his great hurrah.
ty, and to brave all the poverty, humi-
liation, and aersecution, which fell to
His lot while on earth before He was
crucilled. Not only in the Apostle's
Creed is He called' the Son of God, but
in the Nicene, and Athenaeum Creeds.
The choral singing was exceedingly
pleesing. Ae the effeetory Organise
Chuff played a seleettori from Mezart.
At the end of the beautiful
choral service Rev. Mark Turnbull
asked the congregation to sing altoge-
ther With choir the National Anthem.
all through At the slamming service
His Lordship preached a noteworthy
sermon from Psalm cirvill-22-e"The
stone which the builders refused, is be-
come the head %tone of the corner. '
Vire must mad oar congratulations to
Mr. and 1/i.e. George Green, on the re.
ceptim given them at their new borne
onefat. David's St. by the naernbers of
'Victoria St. church., including its
pastor, Rev. S. Z., Allin, on Manday,
4th.,• Dec: ' •
A most enjoyable oyster supper and
concert under the auspices of Court
Goderich No. 82, Canadian Order. of
Foresters, will be held in the Tempere
ance ball on Friday evening. Supper
served froin 7 to 8.15 o'clock. The con
cert will be no less attractive as very
many of our talented "musicians and
elocutionists will take part. Tickets
25 cents. Everyone is invited. Thomas
Burrows, recording secretary, and
James Tale, chief ranger.
For the benefit of our Collegiate In-
stitute students and others we would
draw to their attention tbe fact that
the polite and witty Crown Attorney
Ira Leviis is a gradurite of Yale Una
versity. Time makes no change on
his buoya,ncy or elasticity of spirits.
Mrs. William Glasgow of Roanoke,
Virginia, has spent the last ten days at
the residence of her mother and sister,
Mrs. and Miss alaciera. She •will re-
turn to her borne for Christmas,
• Word has been received ab Goderich
of the death at Chicago of Duncan
Shade Gooding of consumption at his
residence, Lakeview avenue, • on Nov-
ember 2,001, He was one of the Gram.
mar School pupils when John Haldane,
Esq., was teacher. He was a cousin
of Mrs. (Dea.Nicholson and was mar-
ried in Goderich to Mies Bessie Waddel,
daugbter of the late Cotten Waddel, LticecnoW.
and a sister of Mr. Andrew Waddel ...........—
who lately returned front Roseland Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Little of this
and who is well known to our citizens, village celebrated the 50th anniversary
Mr. Gooding was a son,of the late of their Marriage on Wednesday, the
William F. Gooding and wee a cousin 20th of November, The friends ex
of Mrs. (Dr.) Nicholson, West street, tend best wishes for the future happi•
whose father WO the late Joseph Kim- ness of this highly respected couple end
ball Gooding, who was, with hie sincerely hope tliey may be spared to
brother, the fine pioneer and buidnese celebrate their diamond wedding,
man of our town. The late Ditfican Mrs, James Smith of the 12th con.
Crown Attorney Lewis. to spend the winter with friends in Bay /7//:e/ / a
Shade Gooding wee a barrister and
While in Godench was connected with of lieestaVaiwatiosh left it few days ago
Mr. Jatnee C/larke hes the plans and 011 1, Mich.
specifications for bufiaing a handsome Than fell on eight days to the amount
house overlooking Lake Huron and the of 1,47 archers, the lightest in fourteen
Maitland. years, except November 1894 when 1.19
We were so pleased to. note in our inchers fell. The' other extreme for
Goderich correspondence in elate issue November was 7;23 imams in 1891. The .
of the Naws-Ititeoine that Captain A. warmest day was 50 6 on the 18th ;
Cm:Nebel' was improving very satiated- coldest 20 0 on the 22nd. The nverege
torily and we heard later that ha was day temperature was 45 58, being the ,
able to ateend church, but it was nob
for long, He took /suddenly III and warmest in fourteen yeare, the average 't , 'Alp ,,
tried temperature, 83.68, the warmest ir
deAth released him on b"riday last: - i" fourteen years. . /7 ,'' /• - ; Ilt
angered untold pain for hours before ;., E___, iiii''
Captain Campbell was the eldesb on . of i at
of the late Hugh Campbell, and airs. •
A GU:1 _to Give 1
Luta who resides on William street;,•
where her son breathed his last. Ile
1 Holiday Umbrellas
lef t Goderich several years ago arid ac. 11 18 difficult to demi; what to get
cepted the position of captain on the your friends for holiday gifts. Here hi
dredge Boston, )3ryman Bros., Boston a suggestion: The sort of gift that is al.
Harbor, ae which post he fell ill and "Good morning, Jannia a have •
consulted. Captain Campbell thought ,,appre. ciated, Depend
. •
although the best medical skill was brought you a nice present," said WayS
Gertrude, Mt she handed her friend a -
Wonders for him but alas, the united nee wpareivderiaareykalfioeicing Rita, who 11P°11ttxe goodness and service -
that his mother's care would work
ferbottle of clear, tich medicine. ableness of these trinbrellas.
skill of medical Men failed to save hie Wag slowly recovering from severe in.
life. Ile was an honorable young men nese, opened the bundle and held up it
very much respected in Boston for his N6 other sort can enter here.
day and wishecl I had a bottle." 1...adies" and Men's 'Umbrellas, -
his integrity, and much attached to "Hood's Sarsaparilla!" she exclaim -
his mother hera Hie funeral, which ed. "I have been reading elsont it to -
took place on Sunday lag, was attend- WWI eleolent handles, and your
ed with Masonic honors. Item De, 101)1'Noctuart Yoneart'isieDasytx.fe:tntt_onietuelvdestoahbleet.
the ceremonies at the home and IL , breezitaniperydatthieWl initials •engraved free of ollarge.
late and jainee Anderson perform0
Ball, in place of Worshipful Master- tlijeantiogokinhA
Bro. ,Geofire porter who soled hos, Sarsaparilla, ' and every one of theft '
-4 ;1101:Aites Make your choice from, these.:
attend. Tee floral tributes were beau.. knew it WAS We Retest medieine that Ladies, timbrello made of good
tiful, especially the lovely anchor of had given bad( her health, quality, SIM and Linen, assort-
ottea the tribute of Maitland Lodge to
their, brother Mason of Toledo Lodge, ed fancy wood rind bone hand.
hith lodge he joined two years Ago. Mr. W. E. Bennetb of the Postriffiee Zi-til,(1 special s warterpeted no,t to
tvreeth of rose and many beautiful into recent compleints of letter -carriers 1 (5 a 1.96
he other floral tributes Were a large Department is in VaneouVer to ingeire ..... „ _
oquete, the . gifts of loving friends. and inail-aorters regarding inaullicient ladies' alnibrelles with Paragon
ri Kenneth Campbell, brother of de- pay, frame, naturalWho tan la ,
eetteed, arrived from Bay City In time Sterling "liver mounted, 'cover
for the funeral. The relatives from a. of an extra quell( y, Gloria Silk
dietance who attended the funeral case for each Umbrella and 0. 7 x
Were Mr, and Mrs. Richard Somers not two Alike, at... ... ...... 4 or i V
and family of Myth, Mr. Muideek •'
Campbell and family ot Seaford', Mrs. Wor are hitt leavee.'" It is nob what Reeve ee.ineh, paragon frame
McKay and hoe brother, Mr, Malcom We a y, but what Hood's Sitteeptirilla Umbrella, pearl and tansy' bone
McKay, of Tuckerernith, and Idre, tinea inektolis tinaestora - T.,h,e man, handles covert made of hest .
rana'14 of Brucelleld. The pall bear. ,wo emui mires retested by tnis mere: Gloria. Warranted not to tot,
idged. Thom prove it to be the
are the fruits by which it shonici meaty raaea, iipeciai to 0 0 r
.. 4 V • t . II Ost,
ate Valli:riled remedy for il epee.
rheumatism, scrolttle, salt
vb and all other Ailments di
re or impovrished blood,
trp 1W4 ate non.irlitatin
. - ---.
Aearge number of Caldfellowe being here:
present. A feet, the dedication cere-
monies were performed letters, of re- e
gret Were readarom E, Farwell P. G. Ulnld's Fur Seaconsisting of M13.1i
Master. tleown Atterney Whitby, O. L. and (loiter, in whit.° and
• ,
$1 35
Lewis Deputy Geand Master Chatham gray French hare,seecial al
thing else, but the trend of holiday shopping
is entirely different. ..
More and more people are buying sensible
things for gifts,an,d whatever your want may
be we're. bound to have in ample variety. The
fact shows to good advantage insuch stooks
as :
• Dress Goods
• Our Holiday Displays are very attractive
and some of the lots were caPtured below
prevailing valuations, and so we turn them
over to you at a proportionate saving. If you
Would benefit by the bountiful stockq_pfgive-
able .articles, coine now. .Unbroken assort-
ments afford the chdloest Your
selections_will be held for Christmas week
d ivery if you wish.
'The following list of sensible gifts will be
for Gilts.
What could
you choose
for a Christ.
xn as Gift that
would be
- more appre
elated' than
'one' of our
Novelty AO.
.kets, the style
and fit and
• wearingqual-
ities we guar.
autee, and the prices are very
moderate for such worth);
Ooa ts.
ilhatiygi ehBeaverjs'to4erktn"Ct 14l'oincollar,t ha,c1111 wol!leafiiicinkemclanadlayeli
Otonitresebcparrgvzdn altil.aek !hit-
Ladies' Jacket, made of fine gee!.
ity, black Beaver' Cloth, new
coat sleeve, velvet collar, half
lined with fancy. theeked neer.
cerizecl sateen, nicelytritnaied,
fsproencitaoi fat'sotic...an. .d.v, nine,:
La,clies'Jack et, ni acle of very heavy •
' quality Frieze, in green only,
new velvet coat 0°110, rounded
front trimmed with velvet and
large black buttons with _peerl
feaeinuitry6; nilineerdcertihzredugshaTeetralgh gn
extra special at, . , .. .... .., tateste V
Ladies' Jacket, made of black '
Boucle Cloth, new sleeve and
. velvet coat collar, rounded cor- •
• ners, nicely lined with fancy
1 mercerized sateen, large cars.- .
ed buttons, very stylish, MO 0 C
price only qw.uu
Ladies' Jacket, made of extra,
Iheavy Frieze, in colors of blue
and brown mixed, high storin
collar, self end velvet trimmed,
lined throughout with gold and
black mercerized sateen, will
' give good satisfactory 07 7 g
weer, special at, WI • UV
Ladies' Jacket, made of One ger-
sey Cloth, in fawn only,. high
storm rull collar, new coat .
sleeveenicely trimmed with six
carved pearl buttons, lined '
throughput with red and white •
checked mercerized sateen,•07 C el
special value at gp• I .0 y
Ladies' fawn Kersey Olotb Jack-
cleaet r,r i. tiz, nneedewqs austaielee ui et yv, ev, ,ev ref yal vnseettyyci joseahae:c:ld- 0 0
. our special price .
buttons, lined through with
royal and white checked eirer-
• Ladies' Jackets made of extra
fine Kersey Cloth, in fawn only
ea ee t
lore3 large car
roanded front
arid ft truly loyal one from J, D. Swim- Oirildren's Orey Lamb Caps, in ,
son. . _ 0e, 6e, 61 and 7, made of ligat
beve to thank 8, drugs and d fi 1- '""e" •
ae g ()say erreiree„,,
gist, Central drug *tore, for his first
eomplirnehtary gift, of rose told violet lined with quilted sati ii, at prices *
sachet powders. •• thaewe canpa' 8
• dinelieatee. • • „ •
ready Tor you on Saturday inoriiiiig :
. .
Mr. Blackstone is gettioeZ, 'aphis first -. •
busy exnetvineethein on Monday even- misses" prrey Lamb Rniftvery fine
open curl, trembled with head
of boxes of ewes"' and was kept
inge . and tail, made of the finest 00 C n
natural skins, cheep at... tAtastlti
• Maritim has °Hereto build four tugs
tills season. Ile spent last winter at Misses' Persian Lamb Gauntlets
Owen Sound bond Mg a tug; and was in giea,well linedand made 00 nn
nearly frozen out. Win. Watson ship good large curl, /ewe
builder bad to return. .
At the Public Sehool Board the tare
chola in the seyeral schools with the ex-
ception of the junior werd teachers
were engaged fat 1900 et the same sal-
aries they recieved for 1809, and the Black Astraehan Muffs, made of
assistant teachers in the ward schools extra enality skins,close heavy
to receive $2a5 per annum, • • curl; rich glossy finish, tassels
Ladies' Persian Lamb ' Gauntlets -
in grey only, ruade of fine eseir
eeted skins, good eurl, spec- jr
ial at . . D it 0
Abont fonr ' o'clock Sunday
morning the people of Exeter were
aroused by the clanging of the fire bell.
The fire which. destroyed the electric
light power -house was one of the !mast
conflagrations Exeter has ever kn own, .
and from Which Exeter will be clerk.
nese for a considerable time. The
building was in flames before any .per-
son noticed it, ed that when the fire -
Merl arrived they could do nothing but
keep the fire from spreading. There WAS.
brisk wind blowing froth the south,
east, which blew the sparks in clouds
across the street on to other buildings,
which bed to be deluged wita water to
keep them from retelling fire. The
extreme heat destroyed the plate glass
front, of J. P. Ross' general store. The
building wits completely gutted, and
all the machinery destroyed, together
with some goods that a late owner of
the moulding departinen of the Exe-
ter foundry had etored in part of the
1111 -
known. The building and machinerr
heavy. The origin of the fire is un -
were insured, but the loss will be
$3 60 and $5.00
Misses'mttIG"rey- Persian Lamb Muff
fine loose glossy enrtnieely lin-
ea* w•ith satin, t gn.
match, pAce. , 4 • -aio.uu
Misses White Thibist Ruff and
Muffemide of the finest natural
skin, Ruff trimaied with head
and tail; price per set (t7 gn
...................... WI oirtr
Alaska Sable gaffs, good large
faze, with head and tail, fine e
glossy fur, wear guaranteed $6 00
.. . ......
Astrathan Caperines, . made of
tine glossy skins, 10 inehes deep
.at back, high /storm collar, 74
inch sweep, nicely trimmed
• with black satin ribbon will
give satisfactory wear $6 50
Astrachan Caperinam tide of the
finestskine, very gamey, close -
- curl, looks like Persian lainb,10
inches deep,. 72 inch sweep, •
high collarancely lined Witheare n n
fancy snk, our price 440.1J
Ladies' Astrachan Capes, 90-incla
sweep, 27 inches long, made of
fine glossy skins, blab storm
collar, well made, lined with
heavy Week Italia,n
.special.... . • 18:0 0
aeon n e Beaver Gaun tle t aelegan t
rich fur, well made and shaped,
lined throughout with satita0n n n
very "cheap *leper pair..,. tpaia) U
Ir -V7-77-/; ,
, /
, ? postroPA.
an.d. Spreads
Of' course! DoliDTKS.,
•,Are you seek-
ing a gift for a
There's warm-
th attached to
the remembrance
of a gift Blalnket.
Wool. Blanket, made of Very fine
yarn and guaranteed all pure
wool, sizes 60x72, fancy pink
border, fast color, edges all
• bound, our price per parr 09. Rg
. .. • .. • .. .... . 6,....440402‘,40
. • .
Blankets, made of Saxony yarn,
very fine quality, size 64x82, •
very soft, 'Lofty finish, with •
pink, blue and garnet border,
fast colors,. edges all nicely
bound, will not &Mink wash,
very special value at per 04 gri
pair ...... tper.tru
Our very best all wool Blanket,
made of extra fine yarn, free of
specks. size 60x86, with fancy
colored border, very soft lofty
make, our special price per 5 00
White Marseilles Spreads, e;tra,
large size with large patterns,
same on both aides, imecial for
alfts .2 00 2 85 3.50
. a
• Handkerchiefs
Icor Gifts
Splendid Handkerchief val-
ues here at all times. lust
now values and assortments
augmented by the addition of
Holiday Stocks.,
Ladies' fine Swiss Embroidered
Handkerchiefs in a large var.
iety of designe, in button hole,
embroidered, hem stitched and
lace edges, special 18 20 25e
each at......-.....
Ladies' Metre fine Swag Embroa
tiered Handercbiefs, with bem-
stitched, guipure and embroi-
dered edges, also a• fine line of
embeoidered 'linens, special fin
35c. eaclo3for.............•„„ 1.
Ladies' Extra, fine Swiss Erribroa
derail Handkerchief, beraittful
designs, nicely embroidered
IV•1,1r• 11••• ••••
edges, special at no,600 & 75c
Ladies" Japeneari pure silk hand-
kerchiefs hernetitched, very
fine quality silk, epecial at 9go
11•0, •V ..... V•re VIIPV V. .... A.10
.in Memoriam, .1:161Meer Mr. Dentrellit Jo nston tT. heir- *
(Manila Pram., &ed. d'aturdsy, "he, ocLy
She }lath boon true/4400d' '
A &ever triefiweet and her to bloom
tOld Woria of onte
TO the land telietiventr X0'06%1'14'
There She Shell Veen!' in glory,
In heevonlr Nate def -ane;
There she will see our Saviour.
Vtril den% kitoW What't'Will mean.
Teeing In that delettitil their,
Among the areal band:
%%Hee on angel venire floitt nigher,
To dwell at Ueda right bend.
We khOW that, WO Mall thigshef.
flotv'ih We erthhot tell;
oat. or, glIOW that ltWO
• And drat thing** weir.
Then than We 5 le otOrroW hero 0- • a
_Yet One WhO exto free f n
butwii 0 God'g will till Ile shell _
ea% 'a
Thee SIM be,
Sy.Vreek Nor,
epresented the Collegiate Institute
ca O. I. Cadets and Miss Pio Ball the
Public Schools. Dr. McGill/lot Vireo&
stock Wale highly delighted with the
bell both in its sotial phase and in the
rieatiing aPtiestance of All the taunt&
He is it very courteous getitlebotnine
and a great lover of the may dense.
Almost all the guests remained to the
tid of the program Whieh fleish d G
with the National Anthem at 8,45 g. . e
We Wish the Oddfellowe utibrok
(Wee* in their 'new hall. janitor a
Mr*. johnirton lent all passible mole
heti throughout the decor:Wan arra
Rtnerson's Musk Ilona in
beaatitIod With a ItitiV
re, all members! of Maithtnd Lodge, te
or& Oaptains Craigle and Inkster and "8
J'aUttli Leonard, James Me- gr
Motown Nicholson and Teo, '
Peigne. Mach • .athy is ea
n3 lam Tatt. mot rf de.
on newe read 1' Niwa. n
issiortf ra
oeti •
at Q6
tas Eandkercbiefs made of
tine quality Japanese Silk with
initiate, large hem, 600 & 750
specialvalue ae
Men'epure Irish Linen Handker.
cliiefe,nicelybern 610 n # 0 c„,_
studied at Lx. !AM -WOO'
Ohildretere white lawn and color*
ed border handkerchiefs go & 80
tit,.•"••• ...... ........ t
Lath& pu re Linen Handkerchiefs
neAtly hemstitched 191;204 25e
at.," ....... • •••
Vbat more ac-
ceptable to any
dainty house-
keeper, thin
fine Linen.
We've gathered
some extra values in
Tray Cloths
•' • Napkins
• Table Linen
and all of them mostraoderate-
ly priced.
Home -inn& Batteriburg centre
piecee, Trey cloth arid five
o'cleplc Tea covers in assorted
designs, our special prices', -
18c, 256, 35e, 42086 2.25
Hemstitched and Fringed Linen
Tray clothes, assorted l0a & 38e
sizes and designs,..... I U
Hemstitched:Tray clothes, size
17x26,very fide quality,Darnitek
with new floral patterns, value 40
Linen Centre pieces with fringed
edges, size 28x28, very neat de- 5c
• signs, special at ' U
Fringed tinen Tray cloth, size
• 24x32, made of extra fine -Linen
Damask, floral deeigne, open- enc
work centre, special at.... UU
5 o'clock Tea Coverts' in good ,
.quality,plain linen,hernstitched
and drawn work border epee,
lid at ......315c. 50c, 89c & 90e
Fringed Side -Board drapes.72x17
made of fine quality. damask in
newest designs, special value
at ono
Fribged Table Clothes, with col-
ored border in extra large sizes
with napkins to match, spec- 9 7g
ito for Ittelt4••• • .... SW ... • •••• fIJ
-inch bleached Table Linen, In
extra fine quality.very free of
etareh,will give excellent wear, •
veell worth 60c a yard, our
price.... . . .. : .... 1•••••••••••Ss 50c
Full bleachea Table Linen, in
very choice patterns with fine
satin finish, 66 inches wide,
' splendid Value at 78c
72 -inch Double Damask Table Lin-
en, in Very fine quail, with
plain centre and fancy ordere,
, the very newest Weave therm
napkins to breech, special per Good
yard• tal
Gloves for Gifts...
4. most appropriate present
for mother, or sister,, or some7.'
body else'S, sister. You'll make
no mistakw in selecting a pair
of them, there a..re. )30 better
:Gloves made,ivery pair fully
Fine French Kicl Gloyee,Perrinas,
m all the newest shades, fancy
silk embroidered backs, 2 dome 0 1
feeteners, all sizes ..... .. . . gip
Verrin's "Olga," in black eerily, 2
large dome fasteners, gusset.
lingers. fancy silk embroidered
barks in mauve, white and 0 1 0g
self . • ... . saf
.... 1.41/
, Perrin's "Olga" theme French kid
glove with self and colored em-
broidered backs, in colors of
tans, modes,new blue and green,
gusset fingers, every pair 01 n
guaranteed I .4U
Perrin's "Leonoie" Suede, 2 dome
fasteners, with gusset HIVE"
in black bely, embroidered 0 1 C n
in self and white.. .... . tal I 'MU
Perrin's famous gloves for misses
2 dome fasteners, assorted tan
shades, fancy embroidered 7C
Napeints, # size,fine quality linen,
very neat assorted patterns,
per cloten.. WV •VV V II • ..... Vq1/1128
# size Napkins, heavy quality,
Demerit finish, fine even
thread Polka Dot and, floral de-
sign/eat per dozen ....... . ,I1111.60
Table Napkins, # size, in neat as-
sorted patterns, satin Damask
finish, extra fine quality, atper
dozen.. *1.80 &1112.2111
Extra heavy double- Damask
Napkins,/ size,in all the newest
•patterns,very fine quality,speew'
per dezen & $3.150
Esti it heavy Towels, sizes 20x38,
in blue and red borders, fast
colors, alt linen, sold elsewhere
at 60c pair, our price per pair„ tiOc
Pull bleached DAIWA Towels
ettra quality, size 28x45, with
fringed edges, imeelal per pair, • itt Oc
Por personal need or,holiday
thought this stock is admirably
ready. Time was Dress
Goods were' pushed back to
give place to Toys now th6a0
is nothing more acceptable as a
Christmas gift than a Daess or
Skirt pattern.
52 -inch English Broadcloths, in
shades of brown, grey, purple,
navy and garnet, no two Alike,
enongit for 41 in eiteia5
• 0 & .76
45:1:11;atibfOrd Cord Dre'tis Goode
in shades of nevi and brown
only, wwileblx:uarkvetzte17..e.t.ylisell5.00
.00stumes, guaranteed to give
44 -inch Blank Blister Crepon
4 -yard skirt length*, no two
alike, large and small plateau,
hard Mush, will not hold dust,
will givegood wear, prices
from each
$11, 00 to $16 00
Plain home -spun Settings, in
• brown and green and brown
Iniaed volors, 54 inchae Wide,
warranted all wool,intt On t I IX
suit in each piece, per Yard wiel
54 -inti lieree-apan Soltings, in
eolors cf blue, gree, brown and
black ixtures, extra bowl,
sit ran lining required
price per yard,.