HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-12-14, Page 2;'
• •
Is palelebed in Tit I .7rOillabi'
Tina tinWeeneCerti If your liver is out of order, eatteittle
Power Printing Mouse Billouentas, Shik Meade
AliltERT nTREICT. ClalfrON,
Taloa 81,0MOItuvrtorr-$1.00 por year la
advance: 41.50 MAY be *barged R not to *add
No paper disonitinued until ell arrearages
are paid, velem at the %Moe of theeublisben
The dete whieh every soancription Is paid
- le 4011044 ou the 1491.
AinrattriStRe Harite. -Transient advertiee-
,ments, 10 colds Per rtouParielline for first
Meertion and Samna per line for each, eldne-
mientinsertion, Small eivertleemente• not
to exceed one inch,eutiha4 "LOA," ''StritYad."
"Stolen," eta. Ipeerted once for 40 °eine and
each eubsequentlosertton °cute,
Adrertiaelnentiwithout epecItto directions will
be illaleded until tonne end chargen accord'
nein' for change of advertisements on papa 4
and emelt be intim aloe on Saturday and
fer pones latul a on Monday te eneure change
' for following 'same.'
Ootrinaorliarites,-;The following table shows
our rates roe specified periods and apace; .
burn, or Constipetion, tete * dnee of
Hood s s
On retiring, end tomorrow your di.
gestive ergo= will be regulated and
"...you will be brialat, tultive and ready
for any kind el work. This .hae
been. BM 0•Xperienoe of others; It
will be youre. HOOD'S PILLS are
"old by all medicine dealer,. 2,5 ate.
Vinci Pudding, Ilard.13auce. Mak: arrange alternate layera 0 Pea The government in. New Zealand mansion of g •
:Wane:. 1,880 miles' Of rallrolie, and it
coats only ten Dente to ride thirtY a circuit of foil:: t:ilbeL7ronndalli4ts °warn vine:
on the' estate Woodstock exenda aver
iend.,brecelteutzlnsoultd, ttroe: ;5e,000ar .Goloh2leointr:
re aor:iaml e:it I; uTrioi ondunri ovpteresidi v caw: ial eteh:t ahl in key eoenha:anwtdebVaei 011
tle grotip of eighty trees brought
000. ' ie the riglat of tenante to lay all their
The folding fan wee invented in the grievances or disputes befat the lord
seventh century bY en dagenious jar,- of the maner-not entering the house
anese artist, who conceived the idea to do to, but stancling in a. courtyard
by observing a bat closing ita wings. directly outside of the study window
Rub the turkey well inatde and ITEMS OP INTEREST.
out with milt en4 pePper, then fill .401.441
with first spoonful of crumb", then o A Ow lrairograpkir Whieh 1110Vit
few Well drained. oyetere, utungahout 'worn. needing, The Brussels Bali Illovir Ifareer Alittssi si nesetereee SA
a pint for a turkey. Strain the eye --
le, f 1 • Chi f r any one die -
41,44.0. There le danger 44 Well alt, roraanee
W 11 in La 0
ter liquor and nee to baste the tar- „ omen
the beaks.'
hey. peek the rote in the riand covering 4 person plUndering “oar 01,""eneY0 Ireland, en - the dIltlett of 4 war correepeadent. elnreini, or imam and wrests
ATTRACTIVE CHRISTMAS DINNER. ehoP fine for t 6 gravy. A owl Of tO kill lira on the spot.
title else will require tbree hours in It costs a ship ot average alio about °stets of Lady Louisa Tighe, and here,
of River Nore„ lies Woodetock. the
He may be shot in the stres0 betties- PRACTICAL NOTES.
Ha literally takes hi* life ie hie hands. 11101# a• 13 So 4. 4. Innoton Teal.
=NM a moderate oven. , pa h e gh he n n y surrounded hy every luxury and loved
Celery Soup.. DelMonleo Patatoose-Cut cold boil- $4(000 to se t r u t i et -two
Giblet Sauce.
Roast Turkey.
Crenberry dellY•
yeter Dreising,
two ousbos aunowenoen-enaalfuclinoonb.0.74440opo
atuTgbiroonirrosoutzt Doevzoirmatrkurttheeere I:any:tots the daughter of tbe Duke a Riohmend,
age who cannot read and write. Lord Wellington's word when he left
Baked Sweet Potatoes. Vale Beano. epoonfuls of btltter the saute araount
131 lee of tile Suez Canal.
ed pot team I and honored by ell who know her, Urn'
SOallOPed Qfsisters.
n y who alineet a century ago buckled on
Mashed Potatefel• Boiled ()Mona sauce made of (Me and oue-half tables
Salted Almende, Oliver) Soloed Peaches l of eteur one nuartgr ne a teaspoonful Seven Yonnd Wien are conductors on Brueeele on tbe campeign winch amaz•
Cliticken 131e. of gait:nue-eighth of a teaersionfni the electric cane of Chillicothe, 01110. ed the world.
"Lettuce Salad. Pepper and one and one-laalf oups a and five at Vincennes, Ind.
f Denainated int taloa) baronial
Rabbon Woes, sauce and grated oheetie In a
JOHN T EMMERTON Pineapple Ice Cream, Cakee. buttered balring digit. Cover the top
SiMP1e Cueterd,Piit eight craokera
Read 011ice for Canada, Montreal. In 4 deep dish, pour enough warm
• Fruit Mite, Bonbons,. with hutetred cracker °rumba. Rake
TRE.1,,EADING BARDEll Coffee. in a raoderate AVM tWelVe or fifteen
Also Agent for
Minimum in ferns - • ellag.000 If a man uses the &intents of his
Investments In Camels, • • • 10, ,000 . pocket -book wbolly to replenish his water or milk over there to julit cov-
er them, and. when soaked, about ten
Established 1826, reliable and favorite,
ite p ofii atm* of toas, to build fine convenient minutes, sprinkle with
eugar, cover
Orme- initheb ou oppos. oat co. _ barns, leaving his unhandy patohed-uP with crown, garnish with preserved
• aPvearisialtirace. • - -6 • - helve for his wife ha furnish an ornaa • •
peaobes pears or quinces and. aerve.
Tr, o. a Mo. I Ma INSpRAN 5 ment with rag carpets of her own
column ..... 40 00 25 00 le 00 0 °° manefacture, broken furniture &died POINTERS Folt wAso, DAY.
• 1 column *To 00 $40 00 $25 90 SO LO
Colume . ...••••24 00 15 00 8 00 2 6° T NE.McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE together and, upholstered by her over, Wash fabrics ,that
fade should be soaked and rinsed 10
are inclined to
I Colonies.... •, 14 In 10 00 6 60 sd 00 INSURANCE COMPANY burdenee hands, can he eSpect her to
1 Inch 6 00 50 00 1 ra F , very saltasater, to set the color before
resoecial pontion from 20 io se per cent extra aold PI so a e own roper y
ltd1" P t keeP in touch with the inventions anu washing, .
111 e Mr 0.
th d
itnprovements of medern times) Oen , A very hot iron should never be used
only Insured,
W, J. MITCHELL, OFFIOERS: ehe be well versed in current Mere- for flannels or woolens. '
Editor and Proprietor. .1_. B, Melons Prebident, iciPpen P, 6..: noel. nue • or even have time for the pleas- Calicos, ginglianas and chintzes
• J. Shannon, Scoy-Treas., Seaforth P, o.; Tbos. ant greeting or frlendlY Ghat •that should be ironed on the wrong side.
Frazer, Vice•Prosident, Bruceile'd 0;_,• W. •
E. HoYes.Insoeetor of Losses, Soaforth P.O. . help him to fotget his labors and over- Clothealines, are made Mueli more
DIREOTORS: coma the anxieties of his daily toil'? durable by boiling for tor minutes be -
W. G. Broadt.ot, Seaforth ; Sohn G. Grieve, If he appropriatea the daily paper an fore, they' are ttsed. '
• " Winthrop ;George Dale, Seaforth ; Thomas E. tired
readS to himself alone while hie
Rayes.Seaforth ; hives Evatts, •Beechwood ; • Table linen ahould be ironed when
Jolla Watt. Rarook ; Thomas Frazer, Bruce- wife eleara aWaY and WaShea the el1P-
Inoorporoted by
ffehl ; John B. MoLean, Nippon : James. Con- er dishes, d 41 t'll th quite damp and ironed 'th v ry
an plum er nee 0 t hot end very heavy iron.
her overburdehed work -basket of its Embroideries should be ironed on a
0 PI Robt Smith. Harlook; Robert McMillan. Sea,
. Porters UM. • wee small hours in rYing •
• Aet ef Parliament, 1855. AGIEN'I'S;
wt a
Rim „ see we forth • James Ounimings, E mends -111e ; J. W. worn•out garments that reduire patoh thin, smooth serface, over thick flan -
a rwt - , 11.2,000,000
.1 1 Teo Rohnesville P, O.; an (dovelike* and - upon patch to render them wearable nel, and only OA the wrong gide.
READ OFFICE, • " MONTREAL. John° Mormon, auditors. • does it et:maims to make that cheerful Linen may be made beautifully white
Wit. Monson Maornattsort, President
Wotmourrum Tnonas, General Manager
Notes discounted. Colieotions made. Drafts
,..-- issued. sterling and American Exchanges
bouKlit eold. Interest allowed on deposits.
Intel:eat aliowed on gums of Stand up.
FARMEtts, •
Money advanced. to farmers' on their own
ootes with one or more endon,ers. No mort-
gage required as security.
H. 0. 13REWEll, Managar, Clinton
• •
„1/4 BANKER.
. ,
Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- ' f a littl refined borax
la Id urround a sia u
tact other businer WM be promptly ,.ott,„nded xtmosphere that s ou a by e se o
to on application o any of the above officers home and enliven the 1101111eholdt If in the, water instead of using a wash -
addressed to their respective post offices. he. refuses to go- to the social gather- ing
amusement, as idiotic, -while he and iron 'when taken from the line. . guay for a gentleman,' on being intro-•
114 Is TIMI, WIllt WItIch Aftlesii 4inivivaes his wife stay at homenind grow rue -
During bis last visit to East Africa, they acquire that culture d
tain the heat r•roperly afterward, it is comical to behold how he strives
Prof. Robert gocth procured some of hinnseer.thiftitdeedo,mweesrldrol.m contact with the
, to acoidentallY -salute her near the
The pangs of • poverty are exasper-
lugs of his neighbour*. in comPallY Silken fabrics; especially white silk
with -his wife and characterizes thoae handkerchiefs .should not be dampen-
A " lucky. penny " waa ono of the ,A.t a fixed bour every morning, Sun -
prized •poseeselons of a St. Louis man. days eXcepted, the late Colonel !Mese
Hp carried it until it wore a hole .in always made his appearance, being un -
his Poeket,'through which he Lest ten ,Iler unwritten bonds never to refuse
. the request of the widowed, or the 14-
0TIroadmgpsingalrenuwseelcionmesdyrianeuasenlieyiP.-1 ell:ler:Bast iadvehilbezdtheistedneaonistnes-6raaspltebdeg;
and imoure a supper, 'a bed, or both, now are by. those of Ledy Louisa, well
ahn:r aa .barar:kfast, on condition that .,..._re to, st so
they work at cleaning the streeta for
' a6".". chatelaine" can only* decide for
considerate and humane
'In the•new Telephone Company's Ex- their present good and future welfare.
Twice a year rady Loulaa has the
change of Indianapolis Is a large tank
right to fres.e two criminals, even at the
ftibinietdthweistahndsacnadn beItsifisted°13MaarnVY°A.Pagerdt WrearyYs geaxletwilelostettsis, . apnrotviisehsee h;issaalyt:
of the building to eftectually smother
aatftizlec.tion on the farm of Mr. Made, household i .
kab e • •
a ew years ago.
. .
. How she deals with dishenest pet -00110
A " resting spring " is a remar 1 le shown in • an instanee in her owq
of a hill, and flows freely through the • .
ila Ellsworth, Sle. It is nti the side
stook, Lady Louisa was entertaining
" As was the yearly custom at Wood -
takes a rest Mita 4.80 p.m. ,
day and night until 10 a.m., when it
members of the royal family, and had
a large Amuse party in their houor. Con-
verriation turned one evening upon
_some of the very curious and rare gems
which had come to Her Ladyship lrorn
the Duke of Richmond, especial refer-
ence being made to a black diaMonti,.
that go to pacnice or any place o ed, but ironed with a moderately warin It considered politeness in Perri -
. hip Their a rrowA, tY for lack -of Imolai friction, hew can
Irons should not he alloaved to • &toed to a lady to kiss • her, If • she
come red hot, as •they will never re. does not haPPen to have nice teeth
and iscip.
the Pois'orted anrows and the poison •
used therewith by the Vitekandia peo-
ple, a primitive race settled between
ating the Khedive Of Egyot. His sal-
Kerne and Kilimanjaro, Prof. Bring- -Almond Cake. -Cream half a oup of One Bedewed's-. Peataie of the Med or ary is only $500,000 a year, and he
add half a e p of milk, 2 cups of flour, • • e ough to meet his household expenses.
er,'the bead of the Institnte for Infee-
butter and a oup and a half of sugar; in omen • angrily complaina that this sum isnot
. ' D'i b ra Itin r- the hites onf 4 eggs and a teaspoon- 'Although the term "vulture"- has Hne thinks he will bave to dismiss Some
A oeuerei ne"hei„ Bus. * 4 intents with Waliarnba 'Kasen, whieb .itti and a half of baking -powder. Bake been used for all time aa a term of of his wives.
is extracted from planta and bite copse in the 'Pans used for jelly cake, Blake the vilest opprobrium, no one . who Conquering Bear; the famous In -
mess ratimete
0 an icing with tbe whites of 4 eggs and k th b' d 't
Notes Diseount,id: 'Drafts', Deuce to th 1 ' th ' • h
e oono U.81.011 at it is a eart e , s appearanne, and dian chief, has passed through a hun-
poieon, In coid-blooded table-mxemfuls of edger. Blanch noWs
doubt for a moment dred battles "unharmed ana had. en -
Interest Allowed on ' Deposits, animals it 1 pounds of almonds, and ohop.half.Of hablte could
rouses a. gradual iliminution of the them almost to a powder. Mix with that it. expresses a deptli of degra- gaged in daily scraps with his 6 wives
a little a the ming, spread it bete/eel without receiving any physical injury;
heart's Pulsations" nd. f' 11 h t dation whieh is barely conceivable.
, a Ina Y ear the layers, then cover the whole cake therefore his thought himself invul-
ALBERT STREET • failure, In ,warm-blooded animals with the remainder of the icing, at- And yet the vulture does a great nerable, But when be tried to step
- — symptorcis of poisoning appear within ranging halved almonds onthe top and deal of good in actino as the scaven- off a trolley car backward in a South
ger of the velnt, But for his (pick Dakota town, he soon found himself
LEGAL. 10 or 15 sninutes after absorption of sides.
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Sues. Prof. Brieger has found that cold. water, 1 of hickor.,y-nuts, one. eases o. ea oxen wou ar mo
•the poison, breathing becomes ditfi. Nat print caire.:Cream 2 cups of eye•,- carrion taste, and love of dead 9° the °toad' °4 hi° back fatally :1 n-
Olt, cries of pain are provoked, sugar and 1 of butter; add 6 welli •
Al.. Fields, a New. York coach -driver,
' 1 IT d d o s
. .
SCorr cramps ocear, end death speedily en- beaten. eggs, 4 oups of. flour, 1 o meat, the disease germs in the air -
f d d id f re A stroke of good luck has come `to
tbe active principal of the poiston is a. half pound ofs raisins -seeded, fine y pro i m an anger u . , .• .
Otrivain . is Inund Ws SalarY has• not been large and he
• • Money to Loan,:etc. crystalline body of which' so infinite, oholVed. and dredged with flour -1 Tbroughout.. South AfriCa
Orrion-EllioltAllock -• and his' wife and three children lac,.
,. .
teas oonful of soda ihasolved un hot
' sonal e q-nantity aS 0,00005 gmm Cauaes P . . the aasvogel. Oo anywhere you. I k
, . the eath o a guinee pig wing ing . , . . cupy two rooms in a Forsyth. street
d f • • • h- coj water 2 of cream, a tartar, and 1 • .
,- on the veldt, and sooner or later-- onearient. 13y the recent death of. a,
, ''" -BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. here that the investigatien of the butter . end 4 a sugar, add 3 wells will . find the remains of , his gliastly lied at •IPle°,°°°' With the announce -1 au immense granite •structure, its
w BRYDONE ' grams within 20 minetes. • ' grated nutmeg-
`-iat flour I eup-
‘•• It •is believed in sc:entifio circles Chocolate Cake -Cream 1 cupful of endin all prebability the fermer,-you relative be boa been e proper y
the only one of its kind in the world.
The Maestri expressing a desire to see
thie diamond, the steward was tient
for the oases-rtuely opened -in which
it and other unique jewels reposed. Via
Man &enabled end turned pale, . but
brought the eases, only to have it dis-
covered that the black niaraend; the
Duke of Richmond's watoh, nn. heirloOm
of inestimable: value, and sevetal Oth-
er rare and historic gems were Miss-
ing. Further search revealed that the
silver chests had also been tampered
with. • '
The •suspected man broke down and
confessed his guilt, bet, throwing him,
•self on Lady Louiett's well known clem-
ency, he was punished only by dismis-
sal aed an injunction to leave that part
of the ceuntry forever, •
The' drive from Innistagh to Wood -
stook is over a fine country, richly tim-
bered and prosperouss Miles of stone
terraces and several lodges are passed
before the grand gateway, surmount-
ed by a lion and griffin, is •reached.
Passing the fine lodge an avenue two
miles ill length; leads 'io the mansion,
Notary Pulillei'&03.,:
orrice -Beaver Bleck, : CLINTON
ment of his good luck came a check for ao ntl ' d ' • '
thus semeseswwheint sciewysergeivenege,caheadratchteergae.
Walrambo. poison, is of the highest beaten eggs, 4 cuPs meal. There are hundreds 01 thou- $1 500. This sum he turned over in
medical importance, as it will probab. ful of sweet milk, 1 teaspoo u o
• . .
ly p•rcrre valuable as a drug having a sodasi of &earn of tartar, two-thirds sands of oxen used in the transport cash to his wife and she immediately
specific, action on the heart. • It is hop. of a cake of chocolate dissolved in wa- aed trekking service. Many of theni used $24 of it to piPy three months' ad -
ed Oat the experiments will ultimate- ter,,a oup of boiling water. Put this die from ernaustion, want of' water, Nance rent of her little apartments.
t a the cake is ready for the er • cruelty. from their Boer .masters,, -
- ---- -- • . useful in the treatexient of heart dis- . oven, stir thoroughly through the Or they may eatof the• pottionous Will,
a, bulbous plant growing in marshy
ly ahow the .Waira.orba drug to be as
j 01114 R11)01IT • . . • • .
. ease as quinipe has proved in foveae ' ' places
mixture and hake.
' 1 C lc. Th ' di nt needed • •
are e w a gg d any. one or more of his oxen have - • •
and a half of sifted granulated sugar,
a tumbler a flour three times sifted, ox swells, his eyes close UP. he gives '/- • "reng 430" .
r eating tu p. The 'leek of .the One among -sine huseifolit AtIOS0t101.004 a
a teaspoonful of vanilla essence, a tea-
spoonful of cream of tartan, sifted. generally hopeless.. Sometimes, how-
. . . • rl ism Wok .1r .,,,,, oat ins &most , Tbe tuatiblers should nontain two gills ever,he ,may be igivae, and this 1".s..,11
MEDICAL . Aoldie sod Then Drowned. . And a quarter.- Beat tbe whites of
Ange - a e— e ingre e s
bl • A kurneyor, or teamster, soon keows
. •
.Fire Instirance, Rtal•Estatc, .. • . •
. • Omaron • _WEER SUICIDZ'
oreme-Roenit STREET
. short sharp coughs and his case Is misty one unfailing delight of a
mat city," add a stranger, " must be
the eggs to a stiff ro , an a a peculiar Iteneopahic sort "nrieitady, Its, shop windows. 1 should think, you
The latest freak suicide story comes
o. L',11.0.o„ Edinburgh, descended the Quid des Tuileries, and
seating himself beside a man win was
ght calls a front door of residence on Rotten
sugar lightly, then the flour anntly's iiin'bulb of the tulp plant le crush- would 'Dever get. tired f 1 k'
o oo ing
from Paris where a well-dressed man and last' the ' - •li 1.) ed into pulp mashed with hot water, th
bury street, opoosite Presbyterian church. fishing, lit' a cigar. Ho Men offered
'Mono s•Corratiro STRILLET CLINTON'
lartrOf tho
• sicians, Lefton •
y Tomball s.
• bis neighlw, and plunged into
er, alga, 4ane, silk hat, and
s Maw who was quick to
his a'stonishment, plung-
, "but the Brat struck out
away. The •other regained
n inegtist.
atelY, w Ile' treading water before his ten:t-•
• -0/he former shortly .retUrned, and,
porarst acquaintance, tossed him a
handful. of money. At the approach
of a number of persons, the strange
. man produced another handful of
• , coins, which he 'swallowed, and, div -
mop, church, trig under the water, did not reappear.
.1 ONTARIO STREET, opposite
111/4SItkrOFF ;
, pit, SHAW •
,. , , _ . Next to Molson's Bank
/51t. BRUCE
Specialties -Crown and Ilridgo Work and
preservation ef the natural teeth.
OFFICE -Coats' Blain, • Ozonfort.
at.42,10! PhotO Gallery,
r s
Ornole. kraut Srrtnwr RESIDENCE, ALBERT
• tirrutar, 6,trirox.
Sales conducted In a11 parte of the Countlee of
ifitron,and Perth. Ordera left at THE News.,
It ar. office, taintom or addressed to Bea-
th P.O. Win receive prompt attention. Sat-
' sfaotion guaranteed or no charges, Your pat-
ronage solicited.
Woodwork ironed and first -dace matenal and
work guaranteed. Farm Implements and ma-
rble°. rebuilt end reiseired.
Atinuer Stale% Notenr, (.11,otrom.
AnYane sendied a stairhead' noriptien may
d4 ,
Ogrill'arglitiatfra "e0Cvkillpf,;"'"' "
tiormorittkootilla Au bdok On rmmuw
ilgenta Mt trailime2rtfgatr.40
imelatertiot, w t a e, In II
Nati C lariat
411V411* . . rkii t
r000, Jo v , 0
6 'broaden%
r '
One great disadvantage of smoke-
less gunpowder, ,tending to offset ita
many advantages, is ita corroding ac-
tion on the interior of a gun. Profes-
sor Inaberts-Austin recently naade a
report on the imbed, showing that
fine weapons are iable thus to be
quickie ruined.
aid COI
Are you frequently hoarse?
Do you have. that annoying
tickling in your throat? -Would
you feel relieved if 'you could
raise something? Does your
cough annoy you at night, and •
do you raise more mtious in
the morning? •
Then you should always keep
on band a botile.of
It you have a weak
throat, you cannot be too
careful. You cannot begin
treatment too early. Each
cold makes you more liable
to andfhert and the last
one la always harder to
cure than the ems before it.
PO* Ike IMO Nit Mb.
*Ho lp at Hand.
if you, have any. complaint
ikliateter end desire the best
ntedleal advice you • cat pot -
;ably obtain, write, the doctor
fre4y.• You Will Meek%
13.001* re" •
kW's, Pita S. t. AVIA.
, zolteu,
vani a. 0 OM. •
of 'the °rho maY recoVer. The stranger was right ; they are
and forced boiling hot down the throat
ate' stop beating until eou are ready
widish shoul4 be one of those with a . The quickness of the eye of the, atm- a delight and people never do tire of
to put the mixture „Lao the tin,
vogel is simply astounding. An ox them, and the city dweller pauses to
tube in the middle, sometimes known falls out of the team, evidently ill, he look at the novel and varied and beetl-
es a "Turk's head." The pan should is outspanned from nis yoke -fellow, tiful displays with even greater
not be greased. Bake forty minutes and he goes down to the arrruit or -
in a Moderate oven, If still soft strard. The sky above end away te frankness than the visitor does., He
when tried with a straw let it bake
longer. "ViThen baked,eturn the tin clear and cloudless. '
the horizon on all sidea is absolutely Wants to see these things and he has
1 , Cut ' , no hesitation about stepping to look
upside down on saucer
with a very sharp
ceipt may be used or
adding 6 of the inks o
beaten, after beati , other, and another, until there • are be lookea at, to. itivite attention, and
the sugar togelber. twenty of•them. Gradually they get
White Cakes -One (awful a auger, larger, and larger, circling round in if theY interest blin. he stops and
• . • •
one and one-half cupfuls of flour, one ever -diminishing circles b al 1 the while looks. ,
half cupful of milk, one-third cupful they descend...The dead ox forms the I Putting out of question the die -
of butter, and two teaspoonfuls of bak- centre of the circumference of their '
ing powder. Add the wbites of three - flight. Within a few ininutes the . pilaysaoffaxticafest od fueminineii,aepphaer;
ar ly as t e rea e
same re- of the poor ox than you may obeerve at them ; not the slightest fear that
the eggs, we 1 a tiny anybody will think him gawky. These
su sbine-cake far, far away up in the sk7
blackspecks then another, and ane things are put into the windows' to
eggs beaten etiff lit the last. These grisly horde, swoop down • upon the
cakes are the small round kind we en- still warm beast, and commence iheir
loyed as clildren, and still notice as ghoulish task.
we pass the baker's .window. They An hour afterwards there ia no -
should have, some of them gay red thing in the spruit but a bundle of
icing, others pure white and still oth- bleached white bones, that might have
ers a festive blue. The colorings are
harmless, and the cakes very attrac-
tive. The ice cream is often appro-
priately served with the pudding, and
then both the jelly and the cakes
would be omitted, or the patriotically
tinted oaken could grace the festive
tapper table.
Let your linen, silver, glass and
china be as handsome as you can af-
ford, and irreproachably ,neat, how-
ever simple. Have the dining -room
'comfortably. heated; especially see
that the airthere is fresh. Festive
decorations will add to the happiness
within, A little holly with its gay
berries is very eheery. For a cen-
terpiece, II/30 a Christmas lily, a grace-
ful • fernery or thriftY house p.lant.
Running and ground pine are Inex-
pensive, Garnish the turkey, gated,
etc. Enjoy the bountiful feast. Fer-
get this one glad day thy burden -of elaPeed since that opening chapter of
care and try to make the anniversary history was unrolled, eo that during
mar all that we know it can. those 30 isenturies the almost hiconceiv-
able number ef 1,200,000,000 men, wo-
'men and children have been sactificed
to settle dieputes concerning some few
Bread Griddle Cakea-Ote 'inert milea of territory, to gratify the ambi-
.0 o goo s sue use, w
%racially attract the attention of wo-
men, it may be said that, taking one
time with another, many men linger
in front Of the sporting gobds win -
been there for months. • The sky is dow, where guns and fishing rode end
clear and speokless again, The aims that sort of thing are seen, to scan
vogel has scavenged the veldt.
the tOings there displayed and to
dream a vacation times and days
• when they shall exchange work and
the crowded, roaring streets of the
city for woods and fields and eldanh-
rest in Monti of All the War.4 Slave the Ins brooks.
• natiire, people of all ages, grown men
There are manY lovers of
Days of the Trojans.
*ginning •with the Trojan War, as welt as childree-wno stop in front
Which is usually regarded as tbe• first of the bird Mote windows to look at
the birds, and they stand and regard
chapter in European and Asiatics hie- them earnestly ; there is something
tory, it is mileulated that war hats about the birds that draws Mein; they
claimed 40,000,000 of men every century, love to look at them.
In Europe alone theloss in lives every .There are few windows that attract
more observers than those of
100 years since the date' of that War
has been between 18,000,000 and 20,000,- and your elbow neighbor may have
MO. Three thousand years have a better or a poorer coat than your
own, for the pictures draw all kinds
of men, rich and poet, and thee° free
small picture galleries present often
Pictures of interest, and the displays
are frequently changed.
It would cost e lot of money to bey.
the flowers of which ooe may enjoy
the sight for nothing, by sitnply look -
bag in at the windows of the flower
shops. lit may not get the odor of
them through the plate glass window,
but hs can stand within a foot of the
moat gorgeous blossoms, and feast his
eYea, at least, upon their beauty ; and
man)* People do just Ole; and it
wouldn't follow that they were not
able to buy them if they wanted to.
Perhaps the greater number Of those
who stop Could not buy tbe costlier
ones anyhow; but they all stop to
look because the flowers are beauti-
ful ;., and it may be observed that the
ernounens tbat are thus placed in the
window to attract attention for
dile free display are likely to be
choke spec:damns, to make the attrae-
tion the More atriking, which means
that the passerby who pauses to look
gets not only a free view of this
and Austrian forces suffered to the thing Of beauty, but the things that
extent of 63,000, while in the Civil War he la thus enabled to Bee free are the
in the United States the victime bunt- beat of their kind.
bered 656,000. The Franco-Inalssiati There are wndows for the young AS
War ceased the death of 290,000 and welt as for the old; dolls and thyri and
the Russo-Turkish War meant death that sort of thing; wondrous diaplays
to 180,000 men.
In Wen to Show the fearful earn- that ate fatiAillatitig to the youthnil
beholder. There are displaYs of fruit
milk, two. eups stale breed &iambs, half don of some monerch, or to siothe the
oup flour, tablespoonful melted but -
wounded vanity of rulers and states.
ter, three eggs, teaspoonful salt, twin,.
The present popelation of the globe
teaspoonfuls baking powder. Add the ,_. slitaated at 1.400,000,000; theratare,
butter to the boiling milk, turn. it (War -
if all,"people alive at this moinent were
conered; beat to a smooth batter, add stricken down ithnultrine,ously by smile
the gait, yolks of eggs well beaten, fell disease the awful result would be
then the flour and baking powder, but little mote terrible than the re.
lastly the whites of the eggs, beaten ault brought about -by the wart? ,34 the
etiff. These cakee are also made of ,,„,_turtes.
eour in which the crumbs are n''rn the war that raged betWeen 1706
soaked over night, and a teaspoonful. and 1815 no' fewer than 1,000,000 men
level, of soda used to correct the acid- were either killed outright or died
ity of the milk. In thia form stale from wounds and diabase. Iti.the, cam -
bread may.be utilized without a SUB. paign of 1828 the number wee 120,000.
ploitin of its. 'identity, and the result In the Crimean War the losses sus.
is more pans -table than the ualtal bread tained by the four countries which
puddings of the sconomical hoese- participated amounted to the terrible
*fiJirea'nberry Pia -Wadi the aran- figure of 600,000. In 1859 the Eretioh
berriee, chop Ithem or out in two with
nknife,• stir with them a sup of sugar
and a heaping tablespoonful of flour;
Put into the pie -tin previously lined
with crust, add half a cup of water and
cover with a top crust ifito which you
Wore rolled mine bits of butter.
— - age that mar be wrought in one bats and of food in many forms that must
Minee,Sfea,t, Morns Meat.---.0neouP tie two in ta Wars are gratify the epicure and delight the
fruit juice or cold water, half cup cited. Ina thneee]UtilereolintC4 or of all and as for various articles
each of molassee, brown sugar and. ei- in 1570, the combined lossearnolinttlhell i•extornyvteTeetgothaenwdeheftseer mfoaret thaensde
French and Getrattne were 44,000 men
der VI 6 ar tvvo-thirds cu.p inelted
trance suggesting a royalswelcomeen
Within, the grand hall and -stairway
form a sumptuous setting for any
scene, and in summer, when the gar-
deoa are ablaze with almost tropical
bloom, the lower. doors and windows
reveal a scene' which a Claude or Ver-
net might ha.ve been glad to, depict.
In these famous WoOdstook gardens are
terrace upon terrace„.and bank upon
bank of lavish color, while eacb stone
iza the marble terraces is from designs
of Daniel Sullivan -each different, and
eaoh representing some striking or
famous scene in different nations of
the earth, while far as the eye can
reach billows •of green and bloom ex
tend, with walks laid out in every fash-
ion, reaching' to what are known as
the "Silver, and " Gold" sand beaches
viewed by old Lady Louisa from her
libtany window, and -near Which is an
exquisite fountain. •
' Not far away is a tree of enormous
growth, 'which the &Meta, of' Forms
try takes•pride in, as it is the only one
extant in the European werld. It was
brought from Egypt, and In Oriental
Oire is known aa "The True Lovers'
Tree," from a, peculiarity in the foli-
age. On being touched the leave* curl
up softly, as though in gende response
to the hand caressing them.
Nearby is the shooting tower, a, build-
ing overlooking the wide preservee.
Though deer are killed by .the hun-
dred, only the right side of the animal
is ever cooked sand eaten at Wood-
stock. It is supposed this custom aross
from the fact that in generations gone
by a favorite animal was accidentally
wounded on the left side, and ifs own-
er declared that henceforth in the
length and breadth of• Woodstock no
deer should ever be shot or harmed un-
less the sportsman touched the right
On this portion of the grounde alone
two hundred men are employed, and
on what is callad the " Horne Farm',"
adjacent, three hundred men work
daily in ell implores while more than
onelmndred women and girls are hired
18 80 many have been In reeent Years' Verae lit Your word* hav
or he may be captured while making Stout Againet me. They hut mu
tracks for the neariett telegraph eta- ..a ,... 4. n a
,, vv. Alifaau81. uQu'ii gevernment,
tion. During tlie Zulu campaign, tue rites were religioue, but their op
London correspondent of the Newcas- WAS that of practical athelem. Ey
tie Chronicle reminds ue, one intrepid
aorreepondent rode BO mace with hie , - ,
class of the hwieh nailon shares
deopatches '!' through a country, In Malaohl a . deniutmation -
are men in South Africa. at the prement
moment whose explaite on il°°4 anu thee? The ti ' 1 d one of '
whice, dusky warriore abounded. There "seribee, mien; and. pommel* People.
,, What have we %token ao ranch 4000,4
field would fill many a portly volume-. ques on rem n Al
men lone have imen employed in every the queetion of Matt. 25, • Wer„,,,did----
•,, %..
war for the last dozen years or more, we f"
and who have faced, every oenceivable 14. It le vain to eerv 004, It is ' *
difficulty in the pursuit of their ardio, •
the trace of a wound received at Om- for Godeseervirse. What profit Is it
;Ms calling. Colonel Rhodes Mill beam Melees for us to give up anything
durrean. Mr.Pearse was one of the 1111f- that we bave kept bis ordinance, Thoy
ferere at Abu Klea, and Mr• Barleign .---
on& aOrdid conceptions .ot their rai-
Anowe what it means to be wreaked in
a Nile rapid, as well as to walk half gion, and wanted to ,bargain with their
naked for 200 Perilous Wiwi in Made, God. as it he only were another °wet
gasear. Thee there Whir. Knight with
A similar record of hairbreadth escaPee .„ ' • ' '
s an effort to cheat whenever we
tomer, •Shooking as the thought le, '
in various lands, though none quite iio 11. '
disagreeable an that swim througla the offer
surf at 011im Whion„ended in his de- 'be a fellow -being.
tO OW what Would. be diecounted
tle in wbieh a brother correspondent in other wears. The word "ordinance"
with 'Eitchener.bad to Thie • the Jewieh
tention as Oprisoner of Spain, • Mr, isTiosta d
describe a .bat -
Maxwell, who made hie first campaign ,
useless eacrifices already noted, and
an people had done in the
wa 0 killed at his fade. Sinailar expert- refers generically to the Prescription!,
coma are coral:eon to most rof the • . .
scribee.' Some of them have -fought va-
liantly in the• ranks -as did Mr. Win- mournfully.) On days . of fasting,
showing sorrow for ern. • - -
and restrictions of the law. Walked
the 2Ist Lancers, as did -Mr. Burieigh
stop Churchill in the famous charge of
15,Nw eolith 'rod•ha
on the side of Amerioen confederates, . e w a -0 P 11 PPYI
as did Mrsgnight on behalf of France Ood had just said that they 'who obey"
imitated • these impenitent arguers,
during the upheaval of IMO, as did NU. ed him would be hens'. but "We eee,"
()there can boast an experience that
Dunn in Sameson's momentous raid.
"that it is the men • who go their
stretches from China to. Ashanti, from
tgh0,1 lovtigie. :foxes icifiteteeecyee tmoetelizteriungs-, WG0a),; eiendt. thhisettnrfoetuldo,vidsi,swreilgoaarrdenaiguiptphyei7, -
It le creditable, under ouch oircum- -.
Their mindisare set on secular success
stancea, that they sheuld get their copy Only, •and po ;they say, they that work.- ..• .
home at all, and the feat becomes posn,
Lively Marvelleus *hen we remember ous mad successful; they that tempt •
wickedness are. set up,. made prosper -
how expeditiously end admirably. the
work is performed,
s bably; as a matter of fact, the Samara • •
God are even delivered. Directly con-
. troy. to what the prophet 'states. Pro- .
s• itans -and Edomites were in better •
. WIRELESS tELEGRALIPL,. proaperity than the dews, .and it •res . ,.
quired spiritual insight to understand
Ingenious hey* by Which It Is Relieved
tinny' Ship wrecks Can he ,Avoldeff•
•Wireless telegraPny is -to be used in
w o is anvisible. .. ' ' • L
oetwerd appearance;" the prophet and
MAfelleweM endured as seeing Him
that " whom the Lord Wyatt he 'thee- ..
teneth."' These Men "judged by the
fax, The harbor there is often.diffi- ' 16. Then they that feared the Lord -
a novel Zand practical manner at 'Halt.,
:oult of 'actess, e*peehallyditring atorms, 00-4103 often one to another..Dis . G. :_A.,•
Smith substitutea "Stich things, ' for
ana. oo. a .resuit•many vessels have been .. The ,„
. n and makes the Whole verse '
wrickel -while approaching 'it. Mr: n.
F. Hamilton has now invented an, tip- mower all •problenas a the "present. -` ,
. refer to a blessed future which shall' - -
parattor with the' (inject of facilitating The Lord keeps before him the name's .
a those who talk and act on has side• .
tbe apriroach to 'the harbor and of thus in this world, and " when the ' day of
tainirniaieg the ganger • a shipwrecks.
. This appainius -consists of what may ated fiOni the wicked and spared." It
his - action comes they- Shall- be imper-
il:1°1r srtianagmtenn fin•IP getswer auth9clodnTat: '
be ealled an electrical buoy on which •
• •
is a bell. connected with' the laod by ed in the • paranle . a the .wheat and .
means of. a•subrattriee cable.. in addi- the tares: Amid the universal neglect •
tion to the bell the buoy is ietended and scoffing there 'were found a faith-
funfew who still reverencedend'obey- •
to hold a Marconi transinitter . from. . , _ . _. _ ._ ..
ed God,. They held then'. little gather -
which signals raay be sent from
. land
ings for mutual encouragement, and. .
to a- distance of four•• or five tnilea frequently convereed together concern- - •
Now the inventor asserts that in this ing the inte ests of trua spiriteal r
receivers .suitable 'for wireless • tele.
manner all . • vessels provided with
graphy ean not only be readily warned
oast - -
Boon. Tim ord heark ned. Thai
words oug ' were h
bv each
but can Wad ---asoa-their "eXact int Can of 'God. Chrietians shout de -
tezier talk with eitch other. upon sdra. . ' ..
ban y, the Ina s
of• danger as theysennameh the c. .
situation if . they. . wlll telly -pay due
.-. itual themes. "Where tee or thee ..
heed to the signals transmitted. , , are ' gathered . 'together in my nine
Tbe inventor's *tendon apparently there ein IS" • LA.. book •of remenabratre
is tohave .a, buoy placed in each spot was written before him. God is figure&
where • there ja the most likelihood,' of as doing what, the old kings of) Pozen,
peril and •to •have 'signals, suit by the .
did, rept:tering' the n,ames of sucki
Mareoni system of wireless telegraphy •subjects es Ian. distinguished .them- .
whenever there •is any slanger of. a selves for loyalty to his cause, "EverY ..
storm.• ,The succe.ssful . manner in
-- godly attention and. duty. 'is kept in
which the Marconi system . W:orked
during the international • yacht raees remembrance by ,God • as punctually i •
bas satisfied Mr. Hamilton that it may and particularly as' if written tn _a: '•'
book," Wisely says Old Matthewilenry. •
be relied upon to do good dereiee in
•cenneatioe with his buoyin That thought.' nowt his- name. Hiss
name stands for his character -Think -a.
. . i , ing upon the character of Ond purifies ...
one's- life.
LAYING UP A COMPETENCE. 17. Jewele. titerallY, "peculiar tree- •:
sure," The-inarginal reading of the
Sonsetlatiogilint Practloolly .4.11)Dintt CNN of this "
' •'• ' Revised Version is the -preferable forma '
ese: "And they shall be mine,
. . ho by tite Eicei•c14e of Selepental. . saith the -Lord of hosts, in • the day
" There are some men of • genius," wherein I do make athipeculiar trims .
said Mr. Nippingly, " Who accumulete
great' -fortunes by grekt• strokes, but
by far the -greater number a fortunee
including those of moderate dimen7 as a man spareth his oWn son. -that
0 spare, as we see from the next clause,
It means much more. than-. -merely •
stone, and these from the great major- serveth him. We are God's greatly, be-
• le loved chi . .
ity of all are made by tne very simp
18, Then, shall ye return, and dia- '
procesa of living • within one's income cern. .The more. one studies -the pro-
and.investing the surplus, with more vidence of God the more) he sees that.
or•leas wisdom,. but. always where • it God is on the side. of• the righteous.
. . Between the rigliteous and the wiok-
' " The older 'grew the; more amazed
will be safe.
God Made no &eduction between hie '
ed. The complaint had been that
. .
I am that raore people don't lay 11P foes lied hie friends. ,
a competence for theinselves, as most 1. Behold, the day coro:eth, that
. . shall burn as an oven. ''Or furnace. A '
aeybody can do by beginning early in _. . .
figure of speed) winch -comes readily
life to live within their tie:some, and to those reformers who foresee.a day
sticking to that eciorse faithfully. Did of test and punishment. So John tbe
I do this inyself I No I Am I, howevet, Baptiat warns the Jews of the sifting
having learned the wisdom of this and the burning. All the proud, yea,
course, now making a beginning f I and all that do wickedly. Thosa who
am obliged to say ' No,' I am still antagonize God . openly, as well as .
spending all I get and laying by those who, without defying hini in
nothing., . . ' - words,' day him' practically by dia.
" There are •some lessons that we all obedience. Stubble. The stalkii and
easily acquire, but never turn to our leavee left after. reaping, Leave them ' .
own advantage.; 0110 of these is of neither root nor branch. Another
.the benefits that arise from the exer- phraae adopted by lehe the Baptist.
2. You .that fear mg name. Theme '.
mentioned in verse 16. The Sun of
righteousness arise with healing In
his wings. The wings of the sun are
his wings. The wings a the sina tad- "
its beamil. God, especially aa retire -
Seated in the Lord Jesus Christ, is
the gun of the moral mid epiritual
world, the enures of all light. Grow
up as calves of the stall. Gambol as
calves. Ye ahall overflow With hap-
pineaa. ., -
8, Ye shall tread down the wicked.
Godliness shall 'triumph over all the
eVil tome of the World, They shall
be ashes under the soles of your feet.
Their evil doings shall be held in uni-
versal contenipt. In the -day that I
shall do thin, The day of the'perfee-
tion of Christianity, '
4. Remember ye the taw of WOOL
That is obey it. Horeb. Sinai.
5. I 'will bend 'you Elijah the pro-
phet. Our Lord tepeatedly .interpret-
ed this promise as referring to Sohn
the Baptist. Elijah was the great
prophet of the earlier day, 1113 *Jan
was of the later. The - great •nnd,
dreadful day of the Lord, Tbe thins- - - •
when God •should COMO in judgment.
It Is prophesied more,in detail in Matt.
25. It began in our Lord's day, end
included the awful overthrow •of jar-
else of self-denial. We get from this,
simply to gather the fallen leaveaeud at once, the direct benefit of what we
weed garden beds, Lady Louisa being, save, and self-denial, nourishes, streng-
even in her extreme old age, ardently thinks and broadens the will, and en -
Interested in her own sex. These work- ables a man constantly to do and to
ers. in 'order to preserve a plata° ef- earn more and more,
fact, are costemed at Iler Ladyship's . There's aimply nothing , like aelf.
expense in a uniform of green and -denial.; it is the key to every one of
white, made in the most becoming peas• life's treasures; and °Very body has
ant style. The skirts, of shararobk one of those golden keys an his pos-
green, are pinned back over skirte of a session, eager to help him, and wait -
darker hue, and the bonnets are of ing only for him to bring it in use."
plaited straw of the quaint cottage . _
pattern tied under the chin. -
In alltof the six lodges at Woodstook,
the pertains employed have been chosen
With a direct view toward giving thank
Ift iroo.• Nat Laugh Itself, Hui Makes
especially appropriate occupations. Wo.,
People taught.
Mtn WhO are compelled by loss of for-
tune to become self-supporting are in- The laughing plant growa in Ara -
stalled, while the various buildings er- and derives its 'name from the ef-
acted on the groueds 'elan typify Lady feet produced by eating its seed. It is
Louisa's philanthropical mission in lfe.
of moderate size; has bright yellow
Red House, One of these dwellings, is
kept entirely for the use of privileged floWers, which grow in tufts, and
sightseere, -who, however, ar- leaves of a dark green color. Its fruit
range their dates some time In ad. is a d or Capsule, stuffed with a
vanoe and have their names duly regis- P°
unknown to any other ahow place I ly imbedded. two or three seedd reseal-
tered. They are received hi a fashion Velvet-like padding, in which lie snug -
have ever visited. A luncheon is aerv- bling small black beans.
The natives dry these beetle, and
way, and ahourd they desire it can
ter. .
take a skiff •and go out upon the wa. then reduce them to powder. When
administered in judicious doses the
Near by is Tiddington Cottage, where
the gamekeeper reeldes -well cared for
like all others in, Her Ladyship's am-
ide/. Beyond is the woodranger's, near
Which is a stream, which is carried five
milers to aupply Woodstock with wa-
Not far away is a curious spot, known
as "Lizzie'e Lawn." Here stand on a
rich sward four arbor vitaes of en-
oonrme uTsigalliz:, which tan be seen for
Miles around, towering high above the
branohes of the furetst itself. These
Were named for the bet instate of C01- ence Of t her powder.
It Is maid that an overdose of laugh- by jeans Ohriet."-•-MarcUs rlod.
ed. They are waited upon in every
powder produces effects very' much 6, (He shall turn the heart of the
like those arising from the inhalation fathers to the ohildree, end the heart
of nitroue oxide, or as it is called in of the children to their fathers. "The .,
common parlance "'laughing gass• new era must be prepared for bj a
houre he a•wakens, and has not the Not by getting rid, of the law, but
elighteat recollection of anything that by fulfilling it, is preparation made
he quietly falls asleep. After several and attain Its designed end and fruit.
given thoute, laughs, sings, dances, underattanding of the old, and that .
and acts in a ludicrous way. Hie mer. which WW1 the eSgetICO of the old Meat
ritaent 'este for about an hour, then not grudge to develop into new forma,
The person to whom the powder is - return to the aincere use and true I
he said or did while under the laity. for the grace and reality that Nene
Tterning down this leafy witlk or that, serious results, but a, small rtnantit7 1 ;
ng -plant powder is likely to 011.11A6
one CoMeS upori exquisite bowera, all does no berm. The powder is sveeet, , PRODUCTS OF THE SUDAN.
appropriately named -the tennox, the
Richmond, etc., -and all testifying to- and it le a cotnmon joke to put a lit. There is already. talk in england of
tie of it into the coffee Of Same Onset- developing the natural resources of
the fondness of Colonel Tighe for his rsting "mon, in order to have- a the Sudan through isoletitifio explor. •
lovely and high born wife. There it also 'ugh at hie expense. ation. Imo:mese fotests line the -beide •
killed, and in the two chlekattacks on ere to be Been on every hand. Among the Silver Spring, a bubbling .well of , of the Blitis,Nite along its upper reaehes,
butter, one 'beaten egg, half euproll. the stronghold of Plevna, Ito gallantly articles of luxury, come especially water4tratifying its nerfte, ley cold, pel., „ ., extending to the Abydsinian frontier,
ed cracker &ambit one cup chopped defended by the Turks under Ottolen those displayed in the windows of the Incent and siegolarly refreshttig! and' A.ND 140 INSURANCE. The ebony -tree is met with along that
and eeeded raisins, one tablespoonful Naha the A1101010 tea their shied
leweIrt eatablishmente, and partieu. from vrhteh 'mach morntny two pailfuls
0101068, allspice, nutmeg, dalt andblaelt
eaal 6f lost 36,000 men, independent of theft ter13, t e M10110110'. Whleh attract st- are carried three miles ot Her Lady- Tem. Harry told me recently that
who died from wounde after the bat- tention tivraya, e.nd more than ever shiVe use. Ta maintain Woodstock Miss Gotrox had kindled the fire of White Nire the india-rubber °tee
cintionon, oise teasOonful river and_also near the Sobat. On the
the raisins in the water a few min- •''''
pepper, citron, if yott like it.", Stew ty,
1 Sal hjitebs; anti t heard esterda avaluable source of rttbiser, about' a,
There tire large tartlets in the Bahr -el.
vinegar etc., and lastly a Witteglase- SUN oortn socis cormums us, fittoin:igyht tvtrohdeottr thigillsoirotilliiiiitettgo bat. cesti: 03,000 every ditty,
when Deere out to 'stroll, or bent oft that her father had fired the' root If Ghaz" Pr61"luee* Gehl Wit's "e6 61166d
in some of the mountains of the Sa-
utes, e.da the, tnolassea and sugar.then
pleatntre are time 00 MOP and 1001t• hint,
NI of grape juice, Use old, 11 edtimated that the earth re- AN AMENDED STATEMENT.
Turkey Mulled With Oystete.-Por 4610768 not more than one thousand -mil- Jacke-You are the only girl- THE PIOEPOCEET'S STRATEGY,
tt 10 -pound turiey take two pints of lionth part of the total radiation of the
bread-crurobs, half a cupful of butter, fn's retro.. 11 any toneiderable . , Adele to beer, itanarked the brewer, believe that.
StiekeeWatt till I am thro h Y on the so weed if atybody had last a iktow this trouble at Vinmatietnithas
if )14 Ladjoimith I
PREPERS MARES, Mabel.-Onate titre You knew' can't Afro. Greening. Thle afternoon a man STRICTLY AN /Arr.
amt. Search will be made for coal,
tat into bits", not mcltal, ous teaspoon. ri of t le heat was eoneentrated P• and you woo.% ea snakes.
the earth it would not only bee° e V • on Withal, hilt AbbedY had, I do wonder 07, irtuir -
fui. of powdered thyme or stinimer sex. ni h bled h
tt a ita ut become ithalidi
- reeinips not, replied the lasindate, the- "it )(11:1 lyb° "64* remota tit, -
but beer ts tun ot hope, and between. b./116 tar tb. 11.4" foetid one,
., am* thet ladr )) eums lenxibly
prefer. hut the Word
'017, POPPOr• eelt end Milt thcrough. innuaad, frogs end Mike* I prefer inakeu. 146, • igitA '