HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-12-14, Page 1' NTON ... ....--- 21st Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, T111ThiSDAY0 DECEMBER 1401899 *** f +Os •w.F.,•114 The News -Record Seeks Comparison and -is Content to Abide by the Resulfi. The Subscripticm to the' End of 1900 is Only One Dollar. Whole Number 1095 to -1 RediihrsaieRfAe5a WE WILL Any article you care to sett* now for.Xeoes, and it there to Anything we tra.ve not illreally in stock we will get it for you. If you call now and select your Preeente it gives ns more time to show you the goods and You get 'ea larger stock to choose from novv than you • will later on, for we hears nearly all our Xmas goods in, and as we always have an up- to-date stock you run no elek in buying here. We offer you no old, shop-worn goods, and ' , oberge you only a moderate .• price for everything. eteNX4 You will find here a Complete Stock Of Watehes,Olocke, Jew- elry,StIverware.OutlerysOhina, Spectacles; and all kinds of small novelties in Ebony and Sterling Silver, Out Steel, Side --Combs, Purses, Fans, etc. REMEMBER, all articles bought ..here engreved free of charge. When will yetis be in? • C EWS. 'Jeweler, Expert 1Vatch Re- indeer and Optician*• Cr9biliKKPOOR0644900Gilpente,"0.0,t MO'S Hien 1 Cul (#1, Bliward ()eatersoil of Mr. Robert '04rter of Stapleton, met with san . accident on Monday ethiels will handl- cap blikfor life. .ffe 'Maki entployed •shoat) a heading inaehtne, removing the stavesas tiler were cut into shale, and hishand was caught by the sew which out off three of the fingers of his right) hand, leaving hies with only the forefinger and thumb, Ass0 of Amos Dollerff. A telegtans was received from Mules, Texas, op Saturday announcing the death of James Doherty who went, south last spring. He was then sOffering fern's the disease Which prove ed his utidoing, but it was hoped that the change of etiolate tnight efrecb cure. It was not to be, however, and he has passed away'at the age of thitty-foor years, leaving a Widow and one child, The reinitins Were hlterreil at Dallas. • FOR THE NEXT TaY 'DAYS • • Will behitsy times fee every- body, lots ot preparations to make and the days skipping by so fast that a tvee is gone before we know It. This store is rea e to #11 all your shopping nee s 'Viee'll do everything in 'pep er to make this year's buying t e roost Retie (e factory you've eve one, Come se vthee you can -look around -and ji remember -that every corner has its own special attractions, c, The Toy Floor ci , is the •olheskeheeefullest place v.,04720,445toet5 you cou d imagme.--full of inter- est to everyone, • s, It's always a pleasure to choose ce the children's gifts -they are sure, to be pleased and go into ecstacy over the rnerest trifle. Whether you have little or • much to spend yon eon be satis- ( fled from our immense stock. 0, .Books, Annuals, Xinas Papere, Calendars, Xmas .Cards and g Booklets, .h ancy Chinaware, Oa. n luloid Goods, Plush Goods, Out el (elasesAlbums, etc.. etc. . • '4' 8. P OSIkfian18 4aolocTeree FispirS. IS:hgnfir no:, a la. llovose a papau ort. /1118086:04 1:81:11(08: and X RitOble while .0hrl ()well, 0, brakemen on '. The _Ohre:twee season is approach. . • LONDESBORO, AUBORN. wne b a her times we . bend got canght and parts of the three first -fingers of the left hand were telt,, the Lye. 1,1 ite'Bros" oltra4Ts 117111sPclialnYglec:trs ill: . viands, to the ' the home paper, 41'413°1°g ink of far -away what Would, be more appro welcome than a year's subscription o Mrs. It Brown returned on ViddaY L. Platzersi 'louse'. ,ana,this bretegtitrbese geinidt season, Frutilull'raly.114, sa:::1111: visiting it .::::: °inn' TI:lant:Bald. eOvii.oeotien: from a vii:it among foeods in .,. from ZUtlett and are avv"voliv.wilnegh ittittUerar' 4 :Myth visitor on Thuroday last. ing under the parental reef lett week. Mr. and Mrs, Schenk have retarned nentit m..s. .Kennedy sf, Auburn. was Mrs. R.. jenes of ,Goderich was vielt. ot wieghem were ie, tewa lest wea, esounonfth.-0.snpettawlwasjidereeivetobodolr dressed.. wea No roany.yearis of married life, • Prot Taube, • eye- opeeialists - was .113 town a few days lase week, • the wounds and the brakeman Went Im9°Ra'' IftrewshillnvewissIt frtittilteesS0174 •Xleateril.ealtd Mrs, Wm. Mason . of Glen.Mr. john Clark and family • have moved 'nto A b thi k We The 'many; friends • of Mr. Fred. 'sortie to London by the &et train. . a letter from home. Try a year's sub- (IV, •nsidet, • ate glad to have them back . again in - . . rapid recovery from his sever: ilinese, neighborhood end each tirne seem like aellan Passed through town on SA"' . . The will be pleased to bear of hie • WOO Vote en Milos, who are too far away to return for the Mr. Adana Wettlaufer has 01604 his scription for your boy or girl or both. • Mr. T. 'Riddell and Wife of Aannirts . ,A.t. a joint meeting of the Boards • of . were in Lonclesboro on Sunday. .. hartiess-making with mr. a. Nichol- lkir,j.Wright has started to learn the - brick eiln for the.'season. the elethoclist, churches en Tuesday - Miss Goodwin of Olie ton Main town night it was decided to take a vOte. family reunion this Ohrietmealind see . Mrs. Thos. Adams Met' with an son. accident one day lest week and haslast ,week for thepurpose okorganizing the second' Wedneaday in January. The Annual business meeting -of the eMrs, tlasoti of Wawatioth townshils , Mr. Tete* Clark. of Dungannon , w guestMrs W. V Ole Ur. It. FergusonFerifso is yisiting at his , ' es the oftal ' on the cvestion of union •on how they will appreelete it, ; e. - since been under the doctor's care. ' bottle in Dungannon at present, la class in instrumental 'music. She A iereseereee Sunder WOW. ' . The site is. what is known as the 4‘Bnynt Ontario. street Methodise Sunday itt visiting her datighter ite the Manelon . was the guest.of Mimi 31, Nicholsen -last Miss 13ell, daughter of Mr. William, Black" and the amount of money he School was held last Friday night, t Rouse' • the„hospital in X:cmden where elle has , Bele,. liverynows has - retuned. from raised is $4000. , The Beards are in • when reports were presented whicla. . • ' Rev 3.A, Hornilion Mal Mrs .33403. • U L P f Z . i h Igoing to . . , . ., s ts , e rang o or e s . . poseession of plans from 'three archi- indiceted continued prosperity le that _ . Sunday', • • been de ' uu rgoing a course of treat- ilton spent Monday iglinton, s • stop the Winter with Ill&Schenk, They tects, one of whom _estimates the cost - The Porestere 'held their regiear , Minty Lstaggiasoo, • ' • . . • . MO Whitely • students at Trinit and has had d .. . 'The. Pawnee Medicine Co.. Amok • . ment. s . • . , - • nf a church of the dimensions asked been added during the twelve months ' - ' ° • ht last nseetieg and elected Officers on Friday Mise Brown,,who has been lllte. . - s. , . a Infenceto cut wood together, Mar . What has -happened between X, B. , . school. Forty-five new inenitiers have for at $18,600,' hut the other. &via are. • • nig. , .. and, the average attendance has been • ' ' • : • . • • his ollocierich girl? We notice that ' shall'emilliner returned to her home • and ' ' • • " he has not visited there lately, loWer. . . • . . wiles/ 0..111.s Lorne. ' 21,e :The receipts havebeen $1 Messrs jos, Walker and L, M. In Ripley. Mrs. Marshall says she , - * • 'Mr, j-,” IL' Reddell, so'n of George and, the expenditure $e9.52; telsiels 7 . ' - . Tbreuto Medical 'Colleges, respectively, ' . Miss.Anote Wenzel left last. Monday n , s a goo seasou. . . . town hiet, ThersdaY and are holding . Rnddell Of Iiiilletls Won the conetitu- s 111e;• Wm. Robb has handed us a leave a handsome surplus - even wh n: . their concerts in the Temperance Halle ency of Lorne in the Manitoba oleo- et'pamphlet ' t • '13 ecimene sonie current debts have; been paid. Ree. : Mr. Hatenten, LondesbereesS are xp c e °the r..„.6.k. :ter 't e for tiespeler Where else , has secured a - tions of 'Thuesday last. Hei victoty .1 , ''' of oeVenteen of the languages of India . The pest of papets, des for the school' ... holidays. . • . • • ' 4 ' situation in a Woollen mills . ' ' The front- doe 4 ' Of the Mans' . ' • R ' ' ' b • t conducted the Sacrament serviTi •WaS a signal one as the riding had been. . in which the'Cliristien Literature So, • • has a;veraged $1,25 ton Mr, E. owed of the Hu was agues . , . 4.nclrer's churebon Su edaet.„ ., - eiet for India • with headquarters in . Per Sundae. The .. anntversar y ,exercises will be held hi a House are now protected againsb • the in our village Sunday. . Mr. .5. Bowed few.week& . Mr. Rob Morison has secured the ' Mr. W. Mien has• 'returned home • . exchanged puleite with the Rev. •Mr, Rev. Q, Ts. gills of Trinity ,ehurch London, England, Publisnes. This gales of winter by subseantial porches. is improving nicely. •• • • ' ' Society was fornsedin 1858 during the. great . Indien mutiny f 0 , and , a work o. . lacer., of Shelf141 Lodge. • agency at Blyth : for . the Frost eud from the Weet. , He says he likes. it Parke, Rector of Si, Paufe. of Olititone g reet magnitude and far reaching in • On Tbersday night last • Sheffield .Wood ,,Ce, and petered upon his new splendid .and : into:aide going back . On Sunday . fluepee has ever since been cerried on. Lodge No. 83, Sons of England, elect.; duties, last week.. Mr, Morrison is e again in a fewmoarths. .- - ; '. ' Mrs MeDerreett of Tettenharos One of, Mr. Rohles.daughters 18 married ed the following offIcees for 1900;-Vir; young man of energy and push and We Mrs. Efunkin is very sick with in- Mother of Mr. ' McDermott, Metcalfe . to a .niiiisionary who is la.boring in President, John Sceutoe; W. Past wish hitn• every sifeeese in his , new flaroreation of the. lenge at jewelleisMoved to town hise week and present, 1 is living iii the house lately occupied India,80that he takes a deep • interest President; John • A, •Moore, .W. Vice- calling: '. . , .• .. s. . .". ' • ' Tin .. e hope teseon hearf h 1 t ' in the Work there. ; . . • President Frank Powell; W.Searetery, o her .copm is e . . . .. . Poeters are Oukfor t by Ur, T. Den:Obey. - - " ,F. W. Waebte W. ' Treasgrer, W. el, The regular of the Orange ' recovery Mei Alice nankin of Blyth League Litersry Meeting„ , , ...,_ . , . t Webb; AV.. Chaplain. 11, Joyner; 1st Lodge will be bold in tlae P,oreaters' has come home to sweet. On her Moth . . e Chlefof Ponce Dead.' . ' 1, .; - . ' • ....' , •.• Commitieeman. 'N. Robs,on; • 2nd Corp- Hall' on Thursday next . A tullatten4-• .ei. . • • ' ' to he held by . Telt* .. on Dec: Monday night's Meeting of the Otis . tariestre,et Leagite. was a* very lister- Alr.'Windrecl, who hatsbeen Chief of .. 2061r.• MISS Mesoclats-deenfatle, Raid of Mitteetnate Isaac Prout; Inner: Guard, 'ance Of meMbers is requested as bed- Mr. :George Askivitla le improving:1, . . . . . couple of Months., His wife • survives, : Morgan; Guides, S. Briekenden, S ' Our streets being on Seturday "Coat- list, : • . : ' ' . . • Chas. Metelellessd Of 13-elgrayse • are to th,aed Mr. - esbieg one and Much enjoyed. by ehe Mice at Sarpiefoenbont fifteen years, • large ninither of Leaguers and friends died on ToesdaY after an illness 'of a. the lodge, ' . , . -e",'' ,' : . s Mies Flossy 'Beadle is on the sick ' •.LueknoW, ille:D.MeGill.;.,P13'.' Thomas Judd Outer Guard, W. •T. ness . of importance Will come • before : little... ' : ' 7 '' • ' l'.. .` ' '' • W. Watts; The Boer War, its . Causes youpgest ,being, a little girl at honse• Dr. Shaw:. Auditors, N. Robson, la. ea o'er with snow" eleignsriclieg , was Vise B. sarmetrongie, home at pies- • • ' -. ' •assiet With the program present. The following was the 'pro. grain rendered : Violin Solo, MI'S.' F.. together with e family of four, the - Pike, F.Joyner,JohieWoon;Physieten, and Effecte, Dr. Thompseu; Sob, Miss The funeral tillres place on Thurs ay Joyner, T. Jackson; Trustees, S.• Pike, iticlinged le by rainy of our youtig 'ent Pursing a sere theoat. ' . was in Ripley lest reek assisting Miss Mr. Dayid "Meg -ill, baritone singer, Jury; Geographical Aspect of Smith. and illr, j: C. Miller: of thellotel. 011ie-, Cooke in her drametiocenceres , It Joyper. ' :' • • people on the . hill. in. ' 'front of: • the . Me. 3. WrightStpidayed at his honie . Africa,: ete,.- Mr:Sohn Howson; Violin. endon, whole a brother-in-law, will .. . . • Mr. al. Mains has had an unusually • " Mr: and Mrs • Alex,. Robertson ab, corepaniee by Miss 4.Taq aug 9. -.:.. • Mr. .Aurlis Babb of Teestvater, tie- . , Metbodist Church. e. ' • in Suminerhill, . • . A • ' Ikl " Solo, ,Itirce F,. W. , Watts; ineteutnental attend. Ntes• 'Miller was present at the , c rs' 941 - 17"Per. ' The annual meetingOf Court Pros• • • • • • ' ' • - ' • . • ' ' ' .- busy fall one bas just finished pp his tended 0.,weddieg at .Bayfleld one day spent Sunday. in town, ,, Sturies ..eetiorts ' buet, illadateWall and Mies Juiy;Selo, bedside* When' -Air, Winched. passed " • • perky:Nee 7888 was held on Monday rcontractss The: •Presneete for • next lest week. Alex.buts quite.a shine, with ..business firStelass. , 1 • .Miss Jniy... .• away, having gone 'down to Sarnia 00 -. ' • .• p g . . , year are good. Among the contracts,- • his.pacers. • . ' , . - , • gi. Geo. Graham of eioderielt was in ... • . evenieg. Some io reeeive• measures ' ' • ' ' ' • • ' ' , • .. • -Mondays . . .. s , . • . . _. . 'Were. outlined .fer the inconiing year which be:hae already taken' are i Thirn• Rev: j, b":Parke-of the Rub -preach-. ' tern on Sundase . His *Ishii hreeene4i, .. gerrymandered, although heretofere Liberal, to make it solid for Greenway. Mr. Ruddell made a gallant fight against odds and his old friends in • Huron are mightily pleased over the result and extend congratulations, He is a worthy son of a staunch Tory sire and will be a capable lieutenant of the Hon. Hugh John Macdonald. are only . more 'days to do your Ictlitts. shopping. Buy youtpresentsnow and lay them . . . • aside until needed. People who Shop early are'theones who get the best seleetion. Our stock was never inote complete.than it is at present. People tell us that we have the nicest•line of OW lasses' • ' Fancy China,.in tewp: If you a are needing anythi .g in that. for Christmas make a very suitahle present.. We 'live them 4. 80103 of t6)., 'in styles from $3 to $10.• • Eyes escientifically by a • 6 O'Clieek Tea Sets • t4iititil • • law and satisfaa- F ^ten guaraneeed or meatier Berry.Seto • Bread and Butter Plates 'Salad Bdivls CuPs and Sneers irtve have nice. line -,of Odd Pieces With Scotch Mottos. In fact we have 'nearly everything in the Fancy China line. Dry New Raisins, Curra,nts, Peels Shelled Almonds and Wabants Figs and • Dates Everything that is wanted for your Xmas Cake. -- • • ORANGES • i§e,. 20e, 25c, 30qand 3.5C per dozen. • New Almonds, Brazil -Nuts, Walnuts • Mara Fine Mixed Candy • Wishing you all '..A1Vlerry CliriStmas OGLE coopER ca. ' THE 9A•sg GROCERY. Phone 23. I funded. - § • • Cooper &cc). Clinton. eeeeee inn Feet By keeping the,. teet dry and warm you guard against Colds and sickness at this season of the year, • Being well shod is a preventative, even the doe - tory say. • Otir , stock was manufactured by the best makers, there is none better and the.prices are eight. Call and examine them. • . R. J. (MUFF'. • THE Ttr0 A.MS. THE- bletle Locals. .Mr., Ernest and Miss Lillie Jackson entertained their fi'lends on Thursday evening last —About thirty of' the • Endeavorers of..Willis church visited ithe Egmondville. Society list Friday 'night and spent a very pleasant even- Fordynch Record Came to hand last week enlarged from a. forty. .to a forty-eight column paper and otherwise improved... Editor MbOtes is giving the people of Fordwich a paper they should generously suppoit.-L-s The Winghatn Journal. has ,been re suseitated by Mr. A. E. Simmons the former proprietor.—Two families. have moved into town lately, vis„ Mr. Hayes from Seaforth, who has issnted the hone(' on Station street next Me. R. McLeod's, and Mr, McConnell from Blyth Who bits •rented the Brownlee place • on Victoria street.—If you want your' advertisement well read, place it in TAB News -Recoup; The People's Paper—The shop windows are rave in gala attire, bright with Christmas goods. -----Much interest was taken by our Weal. Politicians in the Manitoba elections • on Thursday last and when the news fleshed over the wire than Ron. Hugh john Macdonald be expected some opposition. • We had carried. the province the Tories' believe that this imposition arises large - were quite jubilant,Me. Robert ly from an inecirreet view of the facts, Welsh is spoken of as a candidate for and slab perhaps in a degree out of the general dissatisfaction which greeted the town council He would make .a capable and painstaking mernbenee- the appropriation of theStavety money Rev. Mr. HOwson's sermons at the re- to the use to which it has been put. We never favored the appropriation, but • :Meiling of the Methodist church at Belgrave last Sunday were muele ap. now that it is made we think that the preciated, learn from dome of those People should make the hest of it, Olin- • • • There was a good attendance of the Chief Ranger, James • MeOlicheety:. been for •Tlioniao :Leeman, Meleillop, English church last Sundaynight. • :quite feequerit lately.. . We. wonder ceeien Pr:enact , • .. and the. following .. !officers elected:, for peter Cole, Leoderich township, ed.:I:Very inetruetive sermon in the - what, the attractiou is? . . • business trip en Tuesdity.. •Mr.*C.,'Il. Bennett, IoCal agent of the members of Clinton Connell, 0.0:0.F., Past Chief Ranger, john , Derry; Sub barn .fpi ..Alez. bane& • Stanley,: and ' Rev. j. Kennedy will preach' tO the at last Thursdey night's Meeting at Chief Ranger. A. W.'Kensp;Secretery, ,barn mese) for John 'este, wart of the children Sunday merning, ' Dec. 24th, Bank et Ilamittons paid Beiseeele A . ("hid' F. W. Watts, Assistant.. Secretary! Bayiield concession, Gederich„ tern- while on Dec 25, there will be a sacred which Were also present Grand Ship.. 'A, number of qther deals are on : concert held. * A good peogremme • is • Mr. AL' rloody left last reek for Fred ' Peckitt; Teeksurer, Ches. ;Over- Connsellor.Allen and Grand Organizer re worthy; Junior Woodward, Charles ti. . The Orange Lodge meeta on. Thurs- 'oil behalf ot the SuedaV Selioels ' •.N.fal ' • • 7' '• where be will.' SAY all ' •Canipbell, who . had . been making ai. bury, Senior Woodward,. Frank Clats the ways,. s . e - ' : • . ..• • being prepared, ' The proceeds will be ..Mississippi teitrof the Councils in the•deitriet; lpr Beadle, F. K6mP; 130..evening of. next week • when •de.: Golden• W dd' It • ' —t theie addeesses they dilated upon the Fia!e; Berner . Mr. W. H. Finnemore has . rented . e mg.- ts no .given j. MeOlacherey„ F. : Peckitk James elected for next year. After the busi- ' ' ' ' "ci i 'Mr. M. Flosely's hoilse for the winter. s Mr. R Babb. Of Teeswater visited .benelits to be derived from Member- . junto •ii r Bea le,Geo. Robertoisgrustees; -gram Will be 'conferred and °Meets tar:many' couples to round out a heAf Ship hethe Order and quoted etatistics . century or married life an o cele- - Dunforth Auditors, :J. MeOlacherty,, mess has been transaCted the evening an ate their golden .wedding amid a With friends here on Sundey. to show that women had . an average Mr. W. Helabs moved from Belgrave of five years tenger temire of fife than a Hale, John: beery; Physician; Jar. wilt be wound up With an oyster happy' company of relatives and to town last Steels. men and thus were baleiskee cense- genii- • . • ;.• , : • : • - supper ' ' . , ' ' • ,friends But Mr. and 'Mrs Robert . Mr, J. keine reterzied hour Settle- quentlY the Society was 'j 'fled . on "The Clintin" °virago!" .‘ : , Mr.' 11. Main's men are now busy Mute's have passed the spin and the day 'after epending a few weeks with ' sound business peinciples in a ..ietieg In his endeavor to ascerta in upon putting a 32-eciot addition to the Meth- other eyeeing about forty guests gate ' frierids in Ripley, . • , the gentle sex to membership diets2'elebet.fleonnehethoe Attorney4enerat's 'odist chutclis shed which was an x go ered in their hospitable home t� ex - pen Friends were organized 12 years bepa,rtment based itirires4on. of 'Ise sfeet before and when finished will be tend good wishes and partake of the The regulat montlalY Meeting, of the ago and now have a surplus of $200,000. case in what hoe been spoken .o as fib 'X 1 2 feet., or the largest idled sin goad cheer provided Among . - if , . .1 those 'Royal Black Preceptory will he • held on Wednesday the 2,9,t„._ li. inoits when The Clinton Couneil ha6 a triensher- "The Clinton Outrage," . air. Carline • Huron; it noterir it`4 ir•osions... xt is present •wete : Mr. and Mrs, R, tauten .. wrote the County Attorney. 1Uel- au closed in and resembles a big Alas of (Sortie, Mr. and Mrs. j. Bennett and degrees will be conferred%..teo cers ship of seventy-three, with new matei • ial on the WAY. The present Chief lowing is a copy of the eorrespondenee: ing rink more than' anything else. -.tangy of Blyth, Mr. and MI.8. 'Zing elected for the ensuing t resent Preceptor is M. M. Ma Counsellor is Mr. G. JeStewart. . . mit. IRA.Linvxs C:_linton, Dec. 5th, 1899. Hevin.g 'a trussed rciof there are no of (Mitten cod Revseer. and Mrs.:Hen- P BAVPI LID. pro° or Rabile L Wary? ,* . • Dear Sir.- Having been . shown. a posts m the centre, so that people with derson. A large number 0 valuab4 ' .A. eitlien writes, to TELE NEWS,RE. etatement in Toronto News of Dec. let rigs may drive in end turn about with- presents wee • ;eget tbe• out any trouble. Mr. Mains is mak-' couPfe whom we al ''''''' ble ' - ‘ . --t• Master Walwite aroused some discussion and as might in the habit of doing for that matter. r The evaporator, it i •• h inflanuneese day has CORD • as follovvs :-The question of where you are charged with saying :- sifter , thoroughly investigating the making the Public Library free • has ing a good job of the addition, as he is ••yseare of happiness to inion that Mrs. Carlini) dreamed the for buildings, their new church bein r. pain re. A., wncer, anti, fain• ilY 'doze for _thme seas_out_bis week. confined to he eacie yleu are confidently of the op- The Methodists are now well axed lence could be found and nothing stol- Misses Lizzie Falcon sig , coofuttliteypeatest 1 f•g S d d t M J 0 te ' ' Ferguson are in Seats; lee from the house. Could I trouble p aces o worship in un aye a r. . ex ne. . Mr. Wm. Plunkett's horse ran away. • - • - 4 ' clOWil• Main street., W clarkein b's-store whole affair, also that no marks of V10 one to give your authority for these t3thnTeehe topic at the Christian Endeavor on.FridaY, coining meeting son Sunday evening wits taken We regret tcsnote that Mr. H. Drab- ), statements and oblige. Yours Truly, by Mrs. Walker. It the Epworthinto the river throwing the little boy man is 'lying' very ill near Belgraye was introducedy rs. os. arapson. °Miltto the ewlla terra.° went down the bank Met' Thos. Stinson has returned with typhoid fever', Goderich, Dec. llth, 1899. . • 01rAntEs CAtilienc• League on Monday evening the topic MR. CHARLES CIARLINE : Mr, T. Sill of Summerhill called at from a thtee weeks' visit ' with friends b Di Th S The snow on Friday night last being Auburn friends last week: Mi'. eaha let sues a stakes visited • Rev. hir. Gilchrist of Toronto very in Toronto, . ably filled the pulpit its St. Andrewee bear Sir.-ln answer to your letter attendance at both'ineetings s IL Owing to the inclement weather the Auburn Friday night. / . of the5th I may say that the state. wa sma church morning and evening; last Sun- day. On Montlay,niorninggr.Gilehrists , left for home. • • • • •.• • •, • • Miss Annie Elliott is visiting friends 1 CHRISTMASHOLIDAY ' SEA,01V who attended. ---How stands your sub- tonhas now undoubtedly agood Ithrary it fain arrears we would like to t' t T Neve -Rem n ? If re. the library which is now offered, to the officer I sent down informed me there building and there is no question but ment you speak of is incorrect. The eeive a remittance. --Miss Acheson town le 'as well selected as any in the were marks on Mrs Oatline and the of GoderieNwho is the guest of Mrs.P. province arid as large as any id a town "Mayor's last letter Informed me he was B, Crewe. sang "Glory to God in the of the size of Clinton. .Why should following tip every fresh clew. Fligheet," With Much acceptance in Wit- not these two good things be brought If yen can suggesb an course or lis church last Sunday evening, ---Miss together. The terms of the gift of the give me any fresh evidence that will Wilson addressed the Unwed's League Stavely Fund . will not adunt of its tend to clear the matter tioI shall have of Rattenbury street church on Mon. being used by a:Public Libraty Board same inveetigated at once Yours day evening.—The 0. E. of Willis T.he present Library officials have been Truly, • church was led by Mr. James Scott on so inetructed and indeed anyone can Ina. LEWIS soctese.. , ,. Monday evening,---Duting the wind understand that this le the case. The DAa 13 - storrn eeTuesday the smoke stack at $10,000 betouga to the peopleof Clinton The 131h annual Meeting ef the Dom . the eleVator was blown down. and and must not be used for the benefib of 'don Draught Stud BookSociety was • 'smashed to stnithereens.- --One of the about 100 persons who are members of held at the Rattenbury House on plate glass windows in Mr, John Sow the present Library corporation. That Wednesday evithe, good attendance of - ton's butcher shop was also shoved in would. be palpably absurd The quete members The reports of the Secre and destroyed. Mr. Alex. Stunted is tioe,ef financetar and Treasurer show a perceptibleseetns to be the point of able to be about thio week after an en- objection, But whttb is the objection increase in the work of the Society during the yeses and the tunds in bank forced idleness of three weeks caused here? If estimates placed before the by an injury received while loading Council are nearly correct the ereach the comfortable sum of POO withzerie no 1' steel rails foe the (a, T. R. at Goderichwilt not be required to pay a•nything ine t --Mass Gibbings has been. qutte more than they have been paying in w , Come and inspect our lines of Genes Furnishings, We have everything required to make a man or boy happy and comfortable at thisiseason of the year. GOOD aooDs ARE.aooD BARGAINS. In quality we have the' best stOck that long experience prompted us to buy. In prices we have marked everything to a reasonable figure. In style we lead, always keeping the latest. We belieVe that "Good Goods are Good Bargains" and how accordingly we put in our Christmas Stock on this prin- ciple and have a much larger and better assorted stock then over before. Try us for Ties, Scarfs, Umbrellas, fifuspenders,Silk Handkerciiefs, Silk, mut Wool- • lined Gloves, Gauntlets, Mitts, Hats, Caps, etc, We have a new line special for the holiday trade of Scarfs and. Ties put pp in separate boxes. These make a very nice present and are just the thing to send to friends Alt a distance. Buy early and get the chotee. • We have the best 131.00 per suit Underwear in the trade. This is the last Xmas in the Century and we hope to make it a "Bargain Landmark" to our many patrons in thepurehase of their Winter Clothing, etc. Respecfuliy yours, J, MOPRJSHO The Oldest Esta)blishea. Clothing I-Iquse . Is that founded • front. in that soft condition favorable to the • manufacture of snowballs, the optior- • tonity was seized by a number of our citizens, young and cild, for indulging • surprise body passing along the Street was members and adherenis of Blake has been very Reis able to situp. Party. -A number of the in Brucefield. Mr. Thos. Elliott, who in the pastime of snowballing. Every - might be met with in South Africa. Presbyterian. church arrived 'et the Preparations are being made to pro - greeted by a fesilade quite as heavy as Many thus assailed sought refuge in Manse. last Friday night to present vide an open air skating rink for the night. Among the latter was our Revadr. MeDontild with a well-filled amusement of the young people during purse' together with their fast the winter evenings . ning slides of heavy felt and long- well wishes as he is :Mon to take We understand the older heeds are ' popular tensorial artist, who, in 1'U hi coat, went dying down, tits his departure for the Island of St. about to provide themselves with a Joseph near the Soo where he has ,eeading room this winter. streee 'betty. pursued by a fleet, accepted a new field of labor. . It is a pity that Bayfield has not got footed member Of the band. Mose On Monday bight last. a goodly a publie library. We think thi ' was overhauled whep he had gone two number of the Presbyterians here* of the thIngs that cannot blocks and forced to join the ranks of assembled et Mr. McDonald's to spend dollars andse„cente ' the snowballert Another Who fled art enjoyable evening and present hitn we wonicf, i Ike to see st �O.* 20 ‘,6 t svith a wellsfilled purse. The reembets tablieb :me VARNA. when they attacked, our genial black- Our Streets are now' in total darkness . was last seen running towards Myth • and has not been seen since, 13ut took baskets with them and a real sociable tune . was spent together. except on sea. nights as Lune. sees fit After partaking of the luxuries thud to pity the poor way -faring publie, lrowett,Bros, having stopped the lighte pending a decision of the emincil to take more lights which it is hardly.. likely to do. The feeling novelle that, it would be better for the torn to pre. vide the machinery Mid supply their own lights, . . Xmas Tree preparations are all ty i'age these days. The Presbyterian day School intend holding t Friday' nighktlie 22nd Met n hall. A spendid Viogrein dialogues and other entertrii being prepared and a good. titne too for, The English church Sunday Sehool is also prepariug for the Same • purpose at a later date. •.. TheQueen's Hotel flag vole, which had listed considerably, laid hedome • dangerous and ttr, remotion, town • eohstable, gathered a riuMber or men the other day mid took it down. A. meethig will be held in the Pres. byter,iiin church this Wednesday even. trig to consider the advisability of put. *Dig a. new telling in the church and aeanite the saying that ib takes nine , building AN:. ,. badlyneeded make &few days hest week. and We hops . see t ilities. A large amount of rout- smith the band nearly taught a, tartar. sinesei was transacted, ansong provided and bestowing upon Mr. and George was struck by a ball and unme- ill tor a few days, but is improving— the past and those whohave joule e ich it watt decided to ask the Sup- diately turned on Ws , assailants. Ile Mrs, McDonald their well-wiehes they a th Mr, J.idiller has sold a windmill to Mr. LibrarY win be relieved from the 7T • have f s eskers at kicked at one of thern who happened bad adieu and separated each to his or her own respective abode. . erintendent of Farmers' Instituted to • b ti me have placed on the lis o p• Thos. Archer of Hulktt. who will havir ment of fees. The tax o jec on eel; Institute meetings some one to discuss to be our town constable, and who Mr. Howson of Clinton will occupy the water piped through his berm.— to be a bugaboo and not a. rea i yi. and advocate the questinn of draught was standing ageing a. brick wall, But . our constable being an agile youths the pulpit fleet Sunday While Rev. Mr. Mr. H:Wiltsie was quite ill thie week The principle of the Free LiI&178 horse breeding-, also to urge the Minis- Sowers will take the following Eiab. but is now recruiting. This is his sec- UniverssAly recognized AO goo on.e when the kick tended was not there, ter of Agriculture to secure' for ;regiot- so that the wall received the blow in. bath's service. ond attack in six weeks.—Mie Tomei -Every church in town, we beleve,110. Ladle's' Missionary Depe.rtment.- Lered horses the eatne tratiere4atioo Taylor has already gotten Into harness dorsesdt in the practical svity ofhavtr otead of him. Whidh suffered most, ... mier 02 its own, free to the use °I -all .° other regleterecl stock. A. large . the wall or the foot, wehave not heard. The members of the Laties' Mission- ary Department of . the Methodist in church work as well as in business rates' and privileges as are 'accorded in Beaniptort where he has been rip. children attending its Sundity eirori amount et correspondence was again Having overcome everything in sight, church held their monthly meeting pointed to the charge of the ladke It would be a eingular body to Itc v - discussed, asking the registratien of the valiant hand, Hite Alexander the animills bred itr the V. fit, and In the Greek who, when in a similar post- last Thursday' and trabsacted their Bible driee in the Methodist Sunday lized people Who would object 0 have , School. --ear, John Brieleenden tecel. such a gift if it were offered to t em Canadian N. W. ft yeas deciaed again tion sighed foe more worlds to con- usual routine of but:Mess. Improves Hulled, nor of Marlette, Mich., sta- formerly of Clintori if our citizehs by their votes say they do not worst a library. e registered With the Society can only he sage induced Mine host of the Mansion Howie ter leave hie shelter and iseue ments still continite, as it new plat- form and fence on smith side of the Methodiet church have been built . . thab foreign bred ttniteals from stock iltier'. theY by 11"alls °I a' talse meg" yea & telegram ee Tuesday from hie and %will say little for the town of . of T, 3A.CICSON, Sr., which was eeighbor, Mr. Wm. Shier, registered CS progeny without amnia. A. goodly number were present ab in 1864 and still continues to e e librarian that frequeut. forth. Ire was at once greeted by a, this °most• her mid in the case of animals in other the League lest Monday night, • The ' eh, titsg that the latter's daughter,Mosegie, are told by th , had tiled on Menday and that the ion- ly such a circa/listen perfect etorm of snowballe and return- Prealdentf Mr E. Wankel), introdued. Our` Xmas Sale of • ois9 Suits • Cominences this week when we place on sale •500 Suits, We ask you to call and see these goods, They are of firtgb. quality and • at tempting prices. .• Next week we will speak of our sre as) Overcoats' and Men's Sults. era would take place on Wednesday, A boy conies in withteaash k. Ile Is provinces the pedigrees must be attest.• book .. e . ed hr sworn declarations, The election ed to wreak his vengeance on tho un- .the topic. e Mr. Brickenden Mena been In very informed that his subscript 011 18 . eh of officers resulted in the okistaff being fortunate yooth who had informed goo gone to the funeral. --The sithjecto to renew it. Hie almost invariable re- d. health of late or he would have pired and is asked if he does not w s attgoaninthetAtrtuhoetemdawnaltghemofflenc:,1? mit:idol:to: him that be was wanted. The leeders of the gang. wile may be detested by nesday night was feller well attended. The general prayer. service on Wed Miss Minnie. Andrews is clerking at - upon which Rev. Mt. Howtion, of the ply is "1 haven'etgot the inoneyjuetnoW tory. me following delegates were D. P., (which, by the way, do sn 6 1 Mr. Gunn's, Boatel*. Rattenbury etreet. thutch will speak or I Would." This is a sample ef our boys stand for a ceetain kind of fool) and P. appointed t --To Canadian Hone Mr& Samuel blaglesen ftom Dakota, neXt, Sunday are II a, re.,"Begistered;" in general. They would, read all year 'It, also invaded the tailor shop, but Breederef Amok -ton Messrs James Meter of Mr. Ben Higgine, visited Ben • at/ p, m., "Negative Pictures of Ilea- •roue& but they have not the money. • 00 Itendereon and Alex. limes; to Were tailorii to make a man, the proprietor On aceourst of the very etrong wind the church, Attrantitl - ven, or the Advante.ges of Drina "--- They can buy a "Wide -Awake or a tern pair , .rt unthino,.„,4 _.t ,p4i We learn that Mise Mountcastie, the "itiondyke Kit," tor a nickle to Industrial Pair, John MC-. - - - -* ' Was able to successfully withstand the artiet, has applied foe the upper room thangewith it dozen boys in succession Milian and D.. M;intoellis ' The follow. „,,,,,, on Tueoday hot the Principat received able air po ble, , her beautiful collection of racteres,etc. library of their own. But what, vile t t 8drawn attack and drove the hrfader6 eft* 'He ord te dismiss the echool se the The news of Hugh Sohn.Maed c In the event of tompliance on the vett stoff they thus read 1 As members of WI tee le nof; in the safest condition ' splendid victory in Maiiitopa to place and they do en and tio heve a nubile moral to the above tale Is that which in the Staveiy Hall, wherein ing wererecommended to the several I tram the table, ts The seer F (48 Or the committee we are itiformed the the Library they would have free ea aod no rie s to be run as i . what &a and shaky. k 1 1 the a hoot is celved here. With delight by ths stele Fairs as cornea en judges on draught and the 11,086,9 what be fun for vin be Santee neneerelon, a E. Mason, Alex, warts of the' Ootiservetive pitety Who till rankling in their minde e, viv. remit will be free' to the public.e•-•-•The CeSS to books coating $1.60 and upwards, We extend our congeatulations to gett 00' oorne horses : D. Mdritoshaohn'IlfcDiermid, death for us. Inneg' r"' Meareg"' S. j3i` ll'ackall' Da • Me fl. Ituddell, who WAS elected meta- ' tea annual tewmeet. haVe it , , bury street Itpworth League met at literature. Should they tiotbe +moue. her for, Ranieri in he Manitoba 1 of the Methodiee church will be ia recolleetion et the time whale they tee was appointed to Pekoe a number itileld on Wednesday, Dee. 20th. Tea went to Varna of enthusiasm mra only to find that he bad, tad. Glee Club in tonnection with Batten- ell by the best writere, in a word good M. Cole and Thee, Green. A. commit. to back Grairtileity ageini* all of the best animals regleteredyrith the will be nerved in the Tempirranee hall ready the home of Mr. A. T. Oooper on Wed. aged f There coal be ne thee Library ',electioris on Thursday leek Mr. Bud- irons 0 to g after vviiku a Knea prOgrarn oilmen', • • hiamelf body anti boners to the Grit neriday' evening for the purpose of unless Will ny.Law proses, , We hitee dill was a former reeldent of this neigh, .,,,,,.:21, Jackson, Sr. practising MUSIC for Xintia Sunday, that. on the beet of authority-- Society which are to be photogra eii borhood being * ton of Mr, Geerle c°1314thig cf adareseak (Mnga' vealta* - A.grietiltural Colleges, This con Ituadell and wentto Manitoba about, , Mons, etc. will be giveb in the church. party. ikis, very. suptoptiallsitoo,tbUt Mr. Oaf. Tenney is conductere•--Re. Statutee of this province, If youwa ei, f°1* Publlilotlort sod Presootat to '' Nat:mon/A eireoose Member Sts Paufe Sunday Sehoel Bn &Pre° Library you mutt vote for t 0 tire buishiese arid the mating ati d g, A ood time le expected arid all are : hegot hie -licking from the oon of OM 0 AND ilAnE ME rtntill tfitle . afi4011.144 Ilk, e CLINTON, ,. tortehment oit Thursday esenitg next By,tAwe-Orx7nett, ' act 7: arn' les"se fett670eReeorittIffbi°11011% i tile by . eprtintalely inVitsd, 00M4 may to eaold roottrtahruire tiketa Greeoway so bin* iV lotorlows tolloWing, • '1Oic• •! • 116;, .„