HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-12-07, Page 8Put -00
1, I
Mro, P. B. News allotted Seaforth,
felende on Friday and. Saturday laet,
Mrs. Geo. Henley and Mise .A.lice Burn-
ett are vleiting at Mr. David Olark'si
Goderielt townehip.
Mr. P. B. Orevre Wito in Lowden • on
Friday litet, the amend time in a
th3r _ fortnight, adding to his etock of
Ohliettnas novelties.
Mr. Ota,vell, who was aseisting the
4'* -:-Purse chow of S. Joseph's church at the
Fatty Home Devotion services; Wet)
a forest of atir. Williarn brim.
If you have not got the purse come
to Ofi and we can eupply you, prices
ranging frorn 5c tolI4s.00, A 213c
Wallet for the men and a 30e Purse
or the ladies are the beet values we
have eyer seen.
One of the ways to keep money in
your puree is on the savings you make
wheu. buying your Holiday Goods.
, We will Ireve o very elegant steels
for you to select from and it is not too
early for yea to Mina, about yarn* pre -
emits, eepectally so if you herre a doll
to dress for Seine of tbe little ones.
Our Doll stock is an untatutily com•
pleb) and well -assorted one, all aims
and kitals; Some of our Dressed Dolls
ore marvels of elegfroce and beauty.
If you are interested we invite your
inspection assuring you a a large and
select variety at prices which we think
•will show you an advantage.
Often the %west, Always 010 Rest,
The •Ti';• D. Fair C I
• laIe'ists Parker's .13.ya Werke.
New Advertisements.
,Itarla Christmas Buyers-Newcombels..,, 4
Shoe Department-JacksonBros, „ ... ; ..
Christmas Ftirniturel3roadioet, 'sex & Co,.,
Bargains for This Week -McKinnon st O�; „s
Fat Stook Show -Grand Trunk...-. . . . .5
Wee Library BY -Law -Town . ;
A Strange Epitaiih-H.11 Combo
Chriehnas-Groceries -0. Olson .... . „. , -5
• Presents for Christmas -A. J, Grigg.
'We Will Save guy Article -P 8. Crews
The Next Three Weeks -W. Copper& Co •1
Holiday Season Goods-A..t•
Oldest Established House Jackson, Sr:.
What to.Give for kmaa-Hodgens Bros. , „11;
The Approach of Xmas- Jackson Bros ; 8
Cutter .forSIdo -Edward Kemp ... . ...,8
.}louse for Sale -Miss Helms ' 8
Professional Card -Dr. Ptillips 8
About. 6' o
• WHERE Teta ARS , eop• ..
AND. WHAT • 0 •
• Miss Ida Heywood is visiting Blyth
__friends. • -
Mr. Robert Gardner was in ,Wingharn
yesterday, • -
Miss Eva Acheson of Godericli is the
guest of Mrs. P. B. Creive,•
Miss O'Connor of East Wawanosh was
s yisiting in town On Tuesday.
Mrs. Bobinson of Lucenow is the guest
of her mother, Mrs. IVIcAllister.
Mr. Peter McEvven of Goclerich was in
town the latter part of last week.
Mrs. EL W. Cocik and Mrs. J3en. Cole
spent partof last week in Seaforth.
Fred Keegan and Peary. Ferguson of
Baylield were in Clinton on Monday.
Mrs. Gegen leaves in a few days tio vis
it her daughtea Mrs. Lemon of Det-
Rev. Mr. Stewart was in Brocefield on
• Tani:day attending a meeting cif the
Huron Presbytery.. .
Miss E. Sterling -Case of Aimee" and
Miss Jery or Petrolia are goests.of
Mrs. W. H. Newcombe.
Miss Pop Worthington returned' on
Monday from an extended yhrit to her
uncle, R. Jackson of fiertforth. -
Mr. James Welker, son, and daughter,
Mrs. Lyons of Dundalk, were guests
at Mr. Herry•Walker's this week.,
Miss Jennie Carpocha,n.of Egmondyitte
bas arrived and will spend the. win-
ter with her annt; Mrs. 11. A,ndrews.
Mr. 'and Mrs.Case and Master Fred vis
lied Goderich friends over Sunday.
Mr. Case was in' Brussels Friaity and
'. Delgaty �f Brumfield wile in
tow Monday and as he is quite a
chicken !Icier he called, upon some.
of our expelefts in town. - •
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holloway re-
turned homer Thursday from a fort-
night's visit saith their daughter,
Mrs. Roe of Exeter.
Grand • Corincillor 11. 1. Allen and
Grand Organizer ()metal' will pay
their official visit to Clinton Council
No. 115, 0. O. 0. F.. Thursday even-
ing. . •
Mr. J. Stewart who was relieving
operator at the G. T. It station has
been transferr•ed to 'Woodstock and
genial "Jack" Maguire is in his old
piece again.
Rev. 0. L. Mills of Blvth will con-
duct the sevices in 81. Paul's church
on next Sunday morning and even-
ing. Mr. ,Parke *ill take the work
at Blyth, his first pealsh.
Mr. George Sherman' who is au a visit
to his grand-rnother, Mrs. Holmes
PrincessSt. is not enjoying 'good
• health at present. We hope the
change will be beneficial to him.
Judge Doyle was in the Bub Monday
waiting for train connection while
on Isis way to and nano the notals
where he went to hold court, but as
there were no cases the proceedings
were brief.
Three tuners from Chicago have lately
joined t•he organ factory staff .2'
Charles Neustrom "Dr.". Run and
George .A.rketts ''They were until
lately employed in Kimble's piano
and organ factory, one of the largest
of the kind in the States.
Mrs, Ed. Robinson and Mrs, Charles
Lewis leave on Saturday for Moores.,
ville where they will spend 11 week
so. IVItioresville la Mrs. Lewis' home,
but she bits been in (Hinton for a
fortnight takingo course of treat-
ment, with one of our local doctors.
Mr, and M. Alex. Clark of' Goderigh
were guess at Mr. Robt, Welsh's on
Monday.' M. Clark only a few days
ago returned from Manitoba where
he spent three months •and was so
pleased with the.prospects there that
he may go back In thespring. He
, spent most of his: time around WW-
1 ris which he says a growl nganace and.
sthe litnd going up In va ue. Nettlerd
fine(' Dakota are buying farms in the
district, among them several who
foroseely lived in Goderich township:
Mr. Jarnes Elliott, not long since of
the Oth concession of Goclerich town-
ship, owns a half section alongside
' the corporation of Morris and last
harvest had five thousand bushel's of
wheat and this was his first Mops At
this rate Mr. Clark thinks it will not
be Iona before Me. Elliott Could not
only buy back his old place but, sev-
eral afore as well. . • •
Mi'. Hodgens and Mr. , 11.. }Insignia
attended the funeral ot the late T.
D. Rodgena.M. P. Ps, Lenclonwhiete
took place on Sunday last and was
one of the lafgest ever seen in that
Cit..'. Al the deceased's residence
two thousand people or more tasseni-
bled•to pay their last tributeto the
honored dead. The large house was
of course utterly inadequate to .con-
tain' So great a gathering. London's
. prominent' citizens were largely- re-
presented, Mid there were •numerous
. others from outside • points; while
very.mananf the ,leading yeomanry
of the surrounding country, .and par- -
ticulatly at East *Middlesex, which
lce•. represented in the .Pro.vmcial
Legisleture, also gathered at his tate
residenee, :the fioral tributes form.
• ed a magnificent collection, several
beautiful aleces coming from a dis-
tance. The casket was completely'
hidden from view iseneath the
wealth Of flowers contrianted by sor-
••rovving friends. The -deceased was an
uncle of the Hodgens Bros. of Clin-
ton and a sketch of his useful and
bray life and sudden death Will be
found on page five of this issue. '
Sleight) were to be seeston•otir etreete
on Tuesday for the first tune thio
Mre. Merry and William Kelly of
Illullett have retuned from their trin
Ito the Southern Stateethey are all
;aglow with praise of the timber of that
Mies Ida. Heywood of Olinton spent
a fewdays hat week, visiting at Mr.
Wm, McEvoy's.
airs 11, Skelton of the marble works,
Wingisarre was in town lest Thureclay.'
Metiers, Youngbint and Block of
Auburn were in town last week.
Mr. Ike Brown closed his evaporator
last Thursday, having finiebeil a very
busy season.
Mt, John Moffat, who has been in
Bonsafl looking after, his evaporator,
is hack in town again.
air. McDonald,, contractor for the
13ank of Hamilton, was in temp on
Tuesday. • •
The Blyth woollen mill is run-
ning full blast and is having one of
the most successful seasons of its
Miss Petersop, Auburn, and
Dave IVIcG1111, time, are to assist Miss
Cooke at the concert to he given under
the auspices of St Andrew's S. S. on
the 15th inst,
The town council held its regular
meeting in the Inclusttial ball on Tues.
day evening. , •
The remains of the late. Mr,. Hersh
Fraser were interred. in the Union
cemetery on Sunday afternoon, A
• large number of Sympathising friends
attended the funeral. Mr. Frasei bad
been pia fora long time andpassed
away en Friday morning.
Watson and Emigh shipped a car-
load of sheep and pigs on Mencla,y. •
Se.vera.1 people front town attended
the funeral of airs Proctor of Belgrave.
Mr, Geo. Sanders has movedlinto the.
heuse lately. occupied by Mr. D. Mc.
._ Mr. 3, Ritchie of Winghein was a
Blyth visitor nnSundays
Mr, E. Bond, who has the skating
rink this year, has enlarged and im-
proved it.
The Blyth branch of th,e Upper
Canada Bible Society met in Trinity
,Cluirch Monday, night.
We are going to have a new shoe-
maker in town.
Mr. A. Taylor is fixing his store on
Queen street for a dwelling house.
J. 3."McLitughlin hag purchesed a
piece near Winthrop and purposee
amaing thither on the 1.5th inst. Hie
new hotoe is provided with all modern
con v en ieeces, •
School averages for November was
• Weather would teach us- this wits
L. 0. L. Nes928 held its annual eled-
tion of officers on Mcinday night, when
the following able staff was chosen
Master, R. J. Draper; Deputy Maeter,
Jas. Miller; Chaplain, O. Lowery;
Financel Secretary, Jos.*Rapson ; Rec-
Cording Secretary, WT. E. Miller; Treas-
urer, D. Bare; Ditectoe of Oerenionies,
0, Beacom; Committiemen, H.
Watkin, J. McBrien, S.
Kyle and W. Lowery. The • newly
elected officersgave imitable addresses
after their installment.
Misses Ernie Wallace and Blanche
McIlyeen visited at H. Wood -
yard's recently. ' •4. .
• mi
H. Willia
s, n company with Beet
Hovey of Clinton, have gone to Bel-,
. grave for a visit. •
• Mrs. Whitman spent last week asthe.
guest of Mr. Root. Miller, Sr.
MaWin.Johnston of Portet.'sHill was
visiting at Mra Campbell's. ' •
Tbe Mame Ball of the BaseLine were
guests at the home of, G. Hill lest
Mr. William' Perdue is setting bis
saw mill to work on the fifty -acre lot
on the 41is concession which he bought
from Mr, Thos. Naftel. Ile intends
getting out wood and luusher and will
do custom week as well. Among
thnee for whoni he will saw are Messrs.
John Coe and John Torrance, both
of whom will build barns next season.
Mr. Perdue Speaks very highly of Mr.
Naftel and says there is not a more
honest nsan in the 'township. Their
deal foe the farm was verbal and
though Mr. Naftel was offered $200
more than Mr, Perdue is to pay him
he promptly refused to consider it for
Mr. Thornas IL Cook has been busy
getting his house plastered -mid also a
chimney built. As Mr. Robtaktarshall
Mrs. (Dr.) Steep of Winnipeg ond Miss has the contract a good job' svill be
Lillie Andrews, who has been spend- done. ' •
ingseveral months in that city, leave Miss Blair has been re-engaged to
for the East in a fey days. • teach in S. 8. No. 9 with a good in.
Miss Taylor of the Public School staff crease of salary. Miss Blair took this
• and bliss Middleton of Goderich school last April when things were un -
township visited friends in Parkhill favorable, and she deserves the great-
est of credit for the success that she
the latter part of last week.
has attained.
Mrs.C.Tanney and family arrived from Mr. Peter Cook spent a few days in
Woodstock last Saturday and have Toronto last week looking after his ap-
taken up their residence rei Mr. pies that are in cold -storage. He re.
Fear's house on Ontario street, Ports them in fair condition consider -
Mrs. Patterson, who has been visiting ing the seasoh.
her parents, Mr. • and Mee D. Mac- Municipal matters are very quiet fis
&maid for some weeks, returned to far as' we can learn. There are ras-
her home in Detroit on Friday, ports that there may be a keen contest
for the reeveship, but we forbear men.
Honing names for the present. -
The regular meeting of L. 0. Li., No -
189, will take islttee Monday, lith of
December. All the Members are
quested to be present, as the election of
T. H. Cooks -It Scott, KsItobletion, officers and other important business
Frenslin and John Cook returned is to be taken up.
Saturday from Toronto where they A children'sservice will beheld in St,
were repacking apples in cold storage James' church, Hoirnesville, -On Sunday
for the Apple Zing. • morning rest. Tvvo ot the youn
Mr. P. W. Brock, formerly of the Mol- boys will act as Wardens and s, specie
sons Bank here, but who has been offertory in aid of the Sunday School
Inc es couple of months on the staff Fund will be asked for,
of the Toronto office, has received . Dr. and Mrs. Whitely and the Misses
promotion and is now teller.
. w rutely of Goderich and Rev. Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. William Everett were in Mrs, Smith of Clinton were the guests
Wirigham last week attending the I of County Councillor and Mrs. Cone
funeral of Mrs. Everett's brother, ssolly on Monday evening last.
the late John Netterfield. Mrs, The valise of farm land is -now fairly
Everett remarriedfor a few days. firm but is not yet equal to what it
McNaughton itnd her daughter, was at the time of the Crimean War.
Miss Charlotte, left last Friday fork In support a statement we will quote
a few weeks visit to the house of the sale of four acres off the front
• Mr. McFarlane near Kincardine: of what is now the favin 01
Mrs McFarlane is it sister of Mrs. hic- John,Pariter of the lfith concession
Naughton. which sold at that time for $800 or at
the rate of $200 per acre. that weis
Mrs, Jameis Hearn returned on Tburss forty years arso,rnark you, but it would
day -hist, from a live weeks' visit in
not command any such price nom:
Ingersoll and Londoti. In the latter '
niece she was the guest of Mrs. T, D. dal's'
Ilodgens whose husbandPetersis still boring away at
died so sud-
denly on Friday. Mr. George Middietonai and though a
Mrs, (Rev) Hamilton of.Goderich,
who addressed the Mission Band of
• Willis ehurch on Tuesday evening,
Was a guest at the Manse while ni
depth of over 200 feet has been reached
Mr. Sohn Cooper, Who came home to water has not,' yet been struck, Al
attend his mother's funerel, retumed 150 feet they had ,to bore through an
to Chicago on Monday. He is mak- eigheloot storm and for the time being
ing progress in wit
the700 WindyCity it s thought they had reached rock.
where he fills a $1per , annum
eituatien, His sister, Mrs. Snider of
Sarnia, also leftfor her home at the ,
Satne time.
has returned Mr. Pie litossott from
to, E. C. McKenzie rot' Ratier,bary Mailitoba and speeka highly of the
-returned home on ThirreditY from
Tuckersmith where she had been at.
ctIMilnr!IINV* illi
tending a erri Johnstoo of Ifentiell
weddingatt the . home f
mrs megell(n, when her &lighter reehint Sunday and Monday. aroundllay-
Aunie wag married to Mr. W. Var. of WhitechurcMeseta). "Ohne. J
atoohnston and Henry
ll h, n the 2 8 Ili
N'ovtlayter visited .Goderich on Friday.
Mrs; M. .T. Church of the Goshen
Mrs, Amid Oariteloir, Sr:. hat been tone enshea mends on .the annete on
visiting for few day With her sone Friday and sitturdny, •
'in town, William, David and Peter, Mr: Geo. Howard has engaged with
but rettirris th14 s've°k 10 th6 h°tne. Mr. Ghat, Johnston for the winter..
stead on the Oth concetsion of Gode• Mr. W. iiiggies met with what
rich township where she lives With might have been it Amason; accident" on
her youngest. Sent Adatri, Mrs. Can I Tuesday of lest week. While engaged
teten is eight.four years of age, but drivinte it young colt it took fright at it
bright, cheerful and active tor one pita di strew and ran away vtia,011 h
of her years. twowire fences, completely dersiolie
Mr. all. Lewis of litoleohe 'Bank hat Ing the vehicle and nutting ittelf
been transferred to the Toronto (Alice seriously. Mr. Higgins escaped With
• and loaves for that city Thursday. few bruises.
He has been in the tank here for a Mr. Sas. Iolinston purchased it very
year and tight months andduring fine horse front B. A; IligginiblVarint
that time hal made many friends,recently.
who will he pleased te hefty of future, Mr. Chas, Parker, outs 'veteran
prOMOtiOrin, On Tuesday evening thresiterilitittill working away, Charlie
several of his ASSOelatea entertained ssys he generally team the wheel tte
him at the Waverly Bootle Where Tong tut any of the reefs So he does.
'Mrs, Pike hed prepared it feast of
good things for them. 11,1r. Joy of rot. Huron nows-read Trig Nast;
Alytner Succeeds Mr. Lewis, Exacta/.
Mr. C. Reid and Sistee visited J. Me:e
Linsglilin on Mondaa., • •..
'Miss Ettas:IticBrien is yisiting Mrs.'
Wallaceof .0lietou.
El nevale.
Mrs, Zilliax and Miss Zilliax of Lis- •
towel 'spent Sunday with MraMaguire.
Mrs. Lowery of Wroxeter is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. (Istev.) Rogers. '
Mr. Joseph Burgess is improving
sl essays .... •
Miss Jessie Galloway. of Howick
.the guest of Miss Maggie Green way:
We•are sorry to -record the death of
,Mr; Peter Fowler of the Bluevale Road
which occurred on Sunday, Dec. 3rd,
just eleven weeks 'after the death of
Mts. Fowler. Much sympathy is felt
for the bereaved ones. • I
• '
The Methodists will Mid a ra.open-
lug of thele church on the 10th Inst.,
and on the 12th at 7.80 p, to. the Rev.
R. Hobbs will give it lecture on "the
Triengulite Men." Ike Preshyteriana
are giving up their services on the oc.
melon. The best of feeling prevails
at present among the different church-
es here. Part of the material is on the
ground for next year's improveniente
on the Methodist church.
Another of the pioneers of Morris
passea away on Saturday last in the
peewit) of Charles Proctor, Sr., at the
ripe age of 17 years. Deceased wire it
wit iVe Of 'Yorkshire, England, and on
coming to Canada Battled for a few
years in Halton county, afterwards
coming to Morris, settling on lot 7,
con. 6, where he resided ever Once.
He had it family of six eons of whom,
the two eldest, John and James, pre-
deceased him and the rest, George,
Chiu -lea, Richard end A.braharn, are all
settled in Morris anti consfertable,
Richard being on the homestead. De.
ceased wits IL Conservative and an Epis-
copalian. A few_syears ago he was ap-
pointed a. J. P. He ale° held a lumber
of other Positions. He was for
many ,years President of the Bast Wit.
warmth Agricultural Society and also
held municipal offices in the early
days The funeral on Monday wee
largely attended. Peace to his asbes.
At George Saunby's sale last week
good prices wet e realized. Mr. Salm-
by inteods going West next sprinif.
- Hoge ere looking up it little, klc being
the price this week.
- Colborne Township., .
'quite a number. spent Sabbath even-
ing stt the bathe of Mr. Andrew 1411 -
Ilan, practising for the tea -meeting at
Zion on Xmas night.
Mr. WM. McCabe moved to bis new
home ontuesday on the amitland cen,
teesion, ,
Mr. la ichael. Pframnier 'purchased a
ear load of Manitoba wheat for his
mOl the past week.
' Mr. Wm. Monah has bought it .saw.,
mill -about two miles and it half from
Dungannon. Mr. Monish sii•ys he has
as mituy loge m will keep him run,
ning till spring, .
Mr. Stephen •Butts has started a
singing tichool inthe Tensperante hall
at ide,omiller. Mr. Betts has .a good
attendance as he is alliat-class teacher.
Mr,. • and •Mrs.' Edward Millian ere
visiting friends at Brussels al present,
The cheese factory closed on Thurs-
day lest and Mr. Thompson, our pop-
ular maker. will leave for Woodstock
this week where he intends to reMain
for the winter months,
a,ro pleased -to. know • that . Miss
Bertha Allin, who has been ill foraome
time, is renoveringS s
• .
The funeval sermon of the late Mr.
Joseph Dobie was preached in Knox
church .1test Sunday by Rev. R
Henderson. •
Miss Pearl Henderson is visiting- at
Rev. R. Henderson's.
Mrs. T, King of Ingersoll is visiting
her mother. •
Mr. and Mrs. Robb. Much celebrate
their, Golden wedding this .week.
Mr 5, Rowed tit London ia at Mr.
Caldwell's- where he underwent an
operation last week. Ile- is now fin.
proving as rapidly as .could be ex.
pected and we expect to see him
around again very shortly.
▪ At. Helens.*
• — • . , s.
Mr. James Gaunt,' who. baa been .111
for some time, passed away hist Satur-
alay 'morning to the Great Beyond.
Mr. Thomas joynt had the miNfor-•
tune to lose three head of cattle hy the
top of it straw stack falling an them,'
This means about onehnntired dollars
loss for Toms • ...... - ••
• Mr. John MeCroktie -of this place .hae
gone to Ripley to start in, the -drug
business, We wish John every success.
The Young People's Seciata of, Cal-
vin chorch met' as • usual. Mr; Will
McOrostleawesided. the Itev. S. M. -
Whaley, B. As„ taught the catechism,
question 57, and Mr. Clark taught the
lesson "The Christian Progreso," 2nd
Peter '1:1-14. ' • • .
sit looks now as though' our fine
weather has come to it close and it is.
setting. in for winter in earnest.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woods spent
Sundityanst with the latter's • parents
in 1Vteghein.
Additional liotairs. areetsog or be Huron
Ye trinary Atoonlatiou.
The Huron Veterinary Medical As-
sociation held their Teenier ,quarterly
meeting In the town halls ',facial), on
Monday last. Dr. Shillingla,w, V.
Provident of the Association, presided.
There was it good attendance of mem.
here of the profession present. After
the reading and adoption of the ns Mites
of the previous session and the transac-
ting of other husinees of the Associa-
tion, the foilowing‘ members contrihus
ted essays antl papere which were *well
received and caused considerable die- ;
Cueeion. Dr. Gibbs, V„ S., of Sertforth
gave a paper an .Tribercirlosis Bovine.
President Shillinglaw read an excellent
paper on Fracture of the Cotyloid Cav-
ity and rupture of the Pubic! Femoral
Ligament In it colt The next may The question. of all questions tb.e
was read by the old veteran of the vet -
logy and Rational treatment of Pur- .
711..1.Tererrse,(,)(tif tilftratil'sotiro?init:rtt:'- problem of all ,problems at this sear of
pure, Memorrliagica, 'Pr. Bell, V. S.,
The invitationo are out for the weds
' ding of lats A. A. Schrenk and Mise R.
R. Cook, daughtee of Mr. Fred Oook of
town. The ceremony will take piece
on December aOth.
Mr. Moses Matins Of Hullett was
'married yeeterday to Mises Maud
Iluntetk of town. Tbe happy couple
will bye in Hullett. Oongratulatione
and good wishes.
Witliad) Ournislings, eort of Mos
Patrick Cumnfings of Seaforth, 10 at
the Conimetcial Hotel gaining an • ins
sight into the husinees,which will be a
service as his father las ptiacliasecl the
°carat Hotel, •Wingham, and takes
possession the first of the year.. Mr.
Cummings was until hat spring an
East Witsvanosh farmer, •
Mr. A. A. Scheer* has not yet rns
covered from the effects of the geoid mit
he met with last week and requtree the
aSsiStanee of it pair of crutches to
eneble hire to move about,
Mr. J. IL Thompson of lamas* re-
presentative of Frost ai ;wood, was In
town yesterday, ,
Wednesday's War SunninnrY•
• A belated despatch from Cape Tosvn
says the principal streets were lined
with enthusiastic emwds wben the
Otteadian contingent left. for the front.
Sir Alfred Milner was at the stet ion to
•hid the boys gooasbye, and the officere
of the'coetiegent were each presented
to the Governor, the nationel a,ntheto
wits sung just before the trein started.
The centingent was 89 over strength,
and the 39 were left at Cape Town, it
is said, because they had. not passed
medical Inspection. The • Oanadians
will era 'in concert with the Black
Watch and the Seafortli Highlanders.
In connection with the many amuse -
thins .against 'the Boer indifference to
the laws of war, a letter published in
Oitpe to.wn asserts that before the
Transvaal ultimatum Was Beet the Boer
leaders discussed the policy of using
the white flag, when driven into it
corner, in order to deceive the British
commanders„ and, this. policy was
generally approved. -
A sensational rumor which seeeesto
.haye originated in Dublin mimes to
• America to the s effect that Field Mar-
shall Loi,a ,Robetts will he sent to
Soiith Africa to. supplant Gen. Sir
'Betimes Buller as commender-in-chief
of the Imperial fprces there. Unless
the 'Story is bonfirined there is little
foundation ler the belief that there
will be any interference withGeneral
Bialler's plans which are still a"seoret
The Morning Post complains that
there areplenty ofcayalryinen available
at hoiee, but:that 'parsimony . prevents
their being. .sent to • South Afriea,
where they are urgently needed.
Salable tine-:StanleY. .
. •
The Suotvdon Bros, had a, shingling
bee during the fine weather last week.,
One 'hundred and two head' 'of 'cattle
were dehorneci on the Line 'one day
last week. Our dehorners are exports
and fiaishea the jail its two hours.
News -is rather scareli hereaboets nt
present but well haven, big budget for
THE NEWS -RECORD next week. •
'School' Report S. S. No 2, llnilett.
.."The following is the standing of the
mains in School See, No. 2,-Hullett, for
the month of December. The names.
are given in nyder of inerit.'se
4th Class -Ida J. Onenish,R. Church-.
East, Eva, Miller,' Rosa Etat,
Clara Biggin, Samuel East. '-
Bed Class Sr -George littylesa„ 0. East,
Neii,",lennie Glew, Ethel envier, Wits
• .
3rd Glass, Jr; ---1). Chnrehill, F. Mc-
. fred Biggin, Lyall Brown. -
and Class, Sr. -Frank Tyndall', E.
Farquhar, John Miller, Glen Cormah.
A.Vanegiriond. •
2nd Class Jr. -Addie Glew, Myrtle
. •Tiplady. J. McNeil, Jennie Brown.
e lst, Class -Chester Farquhar', W.
Farquhar, Howard Farquhar Thomas
Churchill. •
• Average attendance for Nov. was 30.
• ... ....______________- .
Thirteen cattlemen on- the sterner
Anotryn thin, frau Glitseow, are under
arrest at St. John. They stole whiss
. tkheeyvaVeeaLttempted to take charge of
The Great North-Western telegraph
Company has received advice that the
IAden Zirezibitr, ceble hits been eepair-
ed, thitarestoring the roate via Aden
to the south and east ceast of Africa. •
I 1 11
!!!!!!!!!!!! WIMIT MIMI! plimir wpm? ittiltlir WWII? MIMI!
• MI...
O P^
O r.
'ait to Give
the year.: ..1)re pr... to -day some b.elpful
of Stella, gaveat paper on the lefluence
of Heredity in disease. Dr, Eckert, V. .
S„ Sebringville contributed a paper
on Alastrieatorey Paralysis in dotnesti, hints for holiday shoppers that perhaps
cated arsenals, Dr. Hutcheson, V, S.,
Strotigylus Tetracanthus in horses and W1
Mitchell, read an ex cellent pantie oir assist in solving the problem,
colts, The meeting then adjourned to
meet at, the call of the President,
MeGEZ-BLAIR-At the. Ontario
Street parsormge,Olinton,on•Dec oth
by theRev. 13, °lenient, Mr. Peter
McGee to Mies Annie Blair, both of
Bayfield, and in it can be found many an article
that.will not only gladden the heart but
be of practical service to the recipient.
This store* is full of sen'sible and aihiro-
priate ELolictay Gifts. It bas put n its
holiday dress and you are welcome to come
any time, either to look or to buy.
A dry goods stock is a good stock
to select Holiday Gifts from. It is -pre.
eminently a stock made up Of the useful,
House tor Sale.
btaroill and (i)t.e-ti-ierno streett Eight
Wile:Off') 1,(v1t(er. 1.411% gin lig ;Us% ha.rt
• (Miss) ht, Li, HOLMES.
. . . .
' .
Late of Toronto and Hot Springs.Ark..will be
at the Waverly Hotel (Sand Pike's,) Clinton.
cn Saturday from 1 p; m. until Monday, whore
ho can ha consulted en all chronic. and spot:dal
diseases. ,
Cutter for Sale:
• . • .
ter, Rumball's ma o,only run one season,
for sale, Apply to
emitter, Dee. 5th•
Clinton Market -Revert.
Mesars.Waliace and Fitzini monston-
thine to . shin hogs 'extensively, the
former tis Toronto aniS the latter to
Oollingvvood. On. Wednesday Mrs
Wallis sent 'riff a douhle•decker. The
price this week has aclianced to four
cents with a Slightly more active de -
Mr. Wallis shipped a eel -load of
laibbs to Buffalo on Sat r ay. Mr.
Reid bas lieen shipping at intervals' to
the tame merkets Pealing largely it
'hath kinds of live stock there is rio
cingtlitefeeret°fcifththeeeie‘gdreisasleiT.o" .wingdrider-
There is . a brisk demand for cattle
and dealers- are preparing for the
Christmai trede. Mr. O. Reid has
a fine lot which he will place poen' the
tornnto market in' a couple of weeks.
Ma S. R. Smith d.- ,shipPeto Torkonte
yesterday three citr loads of 'prime
• .
(Corrected every Wednesday afternoon)
"Whea6. . 004 to 06
Goose *heat. 0 04 toll 130
Barley 0 35 to o 38
'Oats- .. . . 0 25 to 0 27
• Peas .. . 0 50 to 0 55
Rye . 0 39 to 0 35
Potatoes per bushel - 0 00 to 0 25
Butter loose in croek , 0 15 tO 0 10
Butter it tub.. - „ 14 to o 15
Eggs per doz.... .... I 0 34 to 0 15
Hay.. • .... . . 60 to 0 00
Dried apples per lb . 0 Oa to 0 05
Evaporator Apples per cwt 0 40 in 0 40
Woo ....... , 0 12 to 0 13 .
Dainty. •llandkerchiefs
The daintiest Handkerchiefs for Christ.
Inas that we could find, the prettiest we haue •
ever been able to find—handsome enabroider-
ed edies, embroidered initial,lace edge, plain
hemstitch -plain lawn or pure linen, just as you
wlsh. Nothing better or more appropriate
for a little holiday token. No better assort-
"thent anywhere within .yOur reach than is to be found here.
Fancy. Handkerchiefs for children;
pieture patterns and fancy colored e.
* borders 2,. 3 and • OC
• Fine quality linen finished T.flisen
Handkerchiefs, 1 inch hein
or 0 for• ZOC,
:turelipen Haritikerobiefs,hemstitob.
ed, one,quarter and one inch heins *
impoiled direct freni, Melfast by •
oureel vas,' at each price ‘,..itra.„ good -
yalue better than we have iiseir
able to'give before.... 7i., 10e,
.15e, 20e•and -745C
Fancy lawn handkerchiefs, Itt-Oe and
(mbroiderededees and lace inser. .
tions,' it beaptiftiLdssortment
patterns at 5, 10,15,--"). tid x)e..
. .
Embroidered initial handkei3hief8,
quality, one ineh hem, hem
. stitched, special value at a :for.. 'AOC
Very drib embroidered 'initial, lath --
stitched handkerchiefs, 'imported
by ouritelves, special value at 2 fol.. XESC
Extra good •quitiities ip fancy einbrci1.;
• dared Handkerchiefe, dainta anal.•
delicate designs on the finest Of
• lawn or purrs linen, choice goo
thatare rell worth seeing. - 1..
.31le,f45.,-n4-50.e and
-Gentlemen's pure linen hemstitched
add erehiefe, 1 inch and 1 inch „„„
hems.. ..15e, 20e and '40C
P,1 lane, alikeeh3
eenrishltc1745een, oe
• Holiday L nen
Live Hags per cwt. . ... , 4 00 to 4 00
Pork per' cwt.: .. ; . „ 600 to .0 00
Flour pee, cwt a 75 to 2 00.
Barn per toe 12. Oa to 12 00
Shorts per ten 10 06 to 16 oo
Approach of Christmas
"At Christinas Play and Make Good Cheer
For Christtnas Comes but Once a Year."
IF there is ever a thne when one wants tile right kind of goods it certainly is at Christmas time and to this end we
have been Making preparations for seine time past. We will show a range of exelusive goods not seen outside the
cities and in our selection you can get many a handpoute and useful present. • '
We are paying a great deal ofattention to the Boys. We are, manufacturing a great line of
Serge Suits which we think will,be thoroughly appreciated by. good buyers. We are arrang:ug so
'that the whole suit can be bought of the same material. If the Vest is not. required you nod only
buy the Coat and Trousers, or if yeti only want an, Odd Coat you can have it. Id Medium Sizes the
Coat costs $2.00, the Vest 60c and the Trousers 60c, or the Whole Snit for $3.20. Tho
goods are bought in large quantities direct from the maker; We cut, make and finish them our-
• selves and we know they are they are the cheapest goods in Canada. This is a strong statement
we are prepared to Wick it.up, It stands to reason that buying from manufacturers direct you
*..°'""14' can save money. It will pay and pay well to drive'miles to see these goods if you havA any boys to
i8 prat very large amount but will purchase one of our celebrated
• 4-" Frieze OvercoEtts, made from an all wool cloth, 50 inches long, 7 -inch
storm collar, throat tab, cut, made and trimmed iti a manner totally different
from ordinary ready-mades It will pay anybody to see these goods before
• purchasingand outside buyers can afford, to drive a good distance to aave the
difference n price.
Gloves ,and Mitts Our stock is thelargest in this section.
iWe lytve.a
great many new ideas in the make of Gloves just in
from Chicago and it will pay you to see them. °al -spacial cash prices are worth noting. Mole-
skin Gloves and Mitts, lined or unlined, 250 a pair, sold everywhere for 35o; Men's. Kid
Gloves 500, sol0 regularly for IT 5c; Men's Heavy kountain Mule Mitts 500,
worth 75c.
With us yott see a great selection and our prices are equalled by very few people.
Our Christmas Neckwear ,‘,T
' 11 comprise a beau- e
Lifitil range of Puffq1;
and Flowing Ends. Goods that are exclusivs and goods that will not be seen else-
where. No nIcer Christmas Offering can be made to a gentlemen than a fine tie, '
or 1Viuftler and if you want to see the correct goods, come to us.
Pillow sbana in applique work or
Vandy tray eloths,assorted sizee,Plain
hemstitehed, with torehon lace in- hemetitohed linens or fano dam-
sertion, a good range of patterns, .• ,.,,,k ask patterns, choice goodri
each., ....50e, 73e, $1 and 1•011 • 25 35 50 75 a 11 00
•Fine Damask Towels, plain whites Fine ciamasktable nepkins, small,
• and cokired borders, plain or knot- . " . medium ard large sizes, pare linen
drfrtienagee, some *wi5theofan5eye,dr13.0w
nsat and tasty patteres •
$1, 1.50, up to.0:1.IU
What -would make a More acceptable ,
gift for ,ahousokeeper than a dainty piece of
table napery. Gm stock of fancy linens for
the holiday trade is choice indeed. It is full
of articles that make useful, akeePtalgo.--a:.‘ad
tasty holiday gifts. It a treat toseelinens ilegi
such as WO show now, even though +you do lir
not want to buy. We are Always ready to
show them. •
-as Fancy sideboard Eicarfe, plain linen
-,e. F. or applique work - 05e or.1.00 Fme. d
Faie 1'v',..- owl ',entre pieces, oval, ameeic table olothtschoicegooaa .
make most acceptable gifts, a large
round 116 k T. at u shape, hemstitch..‘,.„, assortment toseleot from, each.. - n „„
ed or friogea 10, 15, 20 and' Xi/C ' 1.50, to O.UU
We oan give you the cloths with napkinto match in Many different desiene
and qualities. A complete set rnakea a very. appropriate holiday gift
Vor the Home
• What makes a better
=3 Christmas gift than something
• for the home / We make 0
• ialty of supplying bailie needs.,
7.4.1..• Perhaps you will find a hint of
• 'something to give in the following
Datnask Curtains, in a fine assort-
- ment of colorings and patterns at
*". PeriPair&roo .... ..4.5005.00 0.00:
=4' Vanes- tapeetry table Cesarean glees
=X from the emalleet to the largest ,
°holm colons and new patterns
each .. ..... .0046644441 up to thug;
4.0▪ M
New Shirts for Christmas Wear
A few special lines will be in next weak, comprising some ROW ideas in color•
lugs and pa,tterns. Many A young mun would be pleased ta,receivo one or two as
Christmab remembrance.
Look out for -future announcemeirks.
'Departmental Store
&MAI iUUL 4U4 41UU 4UU 4441 4UU 4UUAA& WIWI &kir
Always use-
ful, always
no lady ever
has too many
of them, there
are few artic-
les more suit-
able for a
Christmas gift to a lady than
a pair of Kid Gloves. If you
are in doubt as io What to give
you'll make no mistake select -
Ing gloves. All the popular
shades in our three special
lines at $1, $1,25 and $1.50
Ak):04 r yl•r2.18
A Oared Sweeper maker' an ideal
Christmas gift, Nothing more
useful or more acceptable to a
housekeeper who has riot one than
a genuine Basel Carpet Sweeper,
Highly finished in handsome, natsss
ural woods and built to last for 0
years.... • ....,........3 and thoo
A good
Umbrella al-
ways makes
a suitable hol-
iday gift. We (II;
are showing 't
SOMS with
;very tasty- 11
handles for the holiday trade.
The bandies are new designs
in pearl, sterling and gold
monntings, top of fine gloria
silk that will not cut. Prices
are $2.25, $8.00, $3.50, $4.50
and $5.00.
Money -saving ehanees froni the Milliltet,
When I)ecenaber rolls amnia is is
Millinery. If you Iniove Millinery to buy;
tnnity. '
imeatiiird Off irmilantoi mutts
/1 is time to let them go, thet'e Our reason for it, Coentereing
elm trate your -chased any Trimmed Hat in oar. showroom at one•third 1
reedier price It is easy to figure tip Stoat* zealots,. It nesinst '6 $3 hat for
hat Mr $3, other prices in proportion
w is your opp
W 4
11111111 saga